Let’s Read and Find out Science 美国自然科学系列 科一 科二
Let’s Read And Find Out Science是哈珀柯林斯推出的介绍科学的作品,对非英语系国家的小朋友来说,它同时也是一部非常优秀的英语启蒙载体。曾荣获美国科学促进会奖(the winner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science)和斯巴鲁优秀科学系列科学书籍和电影奖(Subaru Science Books & Films Prize for Outstanding Science Series)。
Let’s Read And Find Out Science介绍的知识非常广泛,像Germs Make Me Sick介绍了细菌,The Skeleton Inside You让孩子了解人体骨骼的构造,How Do Apples Grow展示了果实是怎么从种子成长起来的,What Happens to Our Trash介绍了日常生活与环境,How Deep Is the Ocean介绍了奇妙的海底世界,Switch On, Switch Off介绍了电的来龙去脉,Why Do Leaves Change Color介绍了树叶变色背后的科学原理。
——/5小学/21科学/【多课吧DOC8.com-2489】Let’s Read and Find out Science 美国自然科学系列 科一 科二 儿童科普英文绘本 全彩PDF MP3音频 百度云网盘下载-10GB/
├──Let’s Read and Find out Science 1 MP3音频(略)
├──Let’s Read and Find out Science 2 MP3音频(略)
├──Let’s Read and Find out Science PDF 1
| ├──1-01How_Many_Teeth.pdf 46.41M
| ├──1-02 Can you Tell_by_Touching.pdf 69.48M
| ├──1-03 I m Growing!.pdf 35.85M
| ├──1-04_Look_at_Your_Eyes-1.pdf 7.64M
| ├──1-05 My_Feet-1.pdf 54.17M
| ├──1-07 My Hands by Aliki.pdf 63.04M
| ├──1-08 On_the_Move-1.pdf 77.95M
| ├──1-09_Sleep_Is_for_Everyone.pdf 38.65M
| ├──1-10_Animals_in_Winter-1.pdf 11.26M
| ├──1-11_Baby_Whales_Drink_Milk-1.pdf 12.40M
| ├──1-12_Big_Tracks,Little_Tracks-1第1辑第3本.pdf 10.10M
| ├──1-13_Bugs_Are_Insects_1.pdf 7.71M
| ├──1-14_Dinosaurs_Big_and_Small_1.pdf 12.52M
| ├──1-15_Ducks_Don__t_Get_Wet_1.pdf 10.19M
| ├──1-16_Fireflies_in_the_Night-1.pdf 11.38M
| ├──1-17From_caterpillar_to_butterfly第1辑第5本.pdf 55.98M
| ├──1-18_From_Seed_to_Pumpkin-1.pdf 10.07M
| ├──1-19From_Tadpole_to_FROG_(A).pdf 44.39M
| ├──1-20_How_Animal_Babies_Stay_Safe-1.pdf 7.70M
| ├──1-21_How_a_Seed_Grows-1.pdf 9.33M
| ├──1-22_A_Nest_Full_of_Eggs-1.pdf 9.22M
| ├──1-23_Our_Puppies_Are_Growing-1.pdf 9.11M
| ├──1-24_Starfish-1.pdf 13.60M
| ├──1-25_A_Tree_Is_a_Plant-1.pdf 12.22M
| ├──1-26_What_Lives_in_a_Shell-1第1辑第2本.pdf 8.84M
| ├──1-27_What__s_Alive-1第1辑第4本.pdf 8.06M
| ├──1-28_What__s_It_Like_to_Be_a_Fish-1.pdf 11.00M
| ├──1-29_Where_Are_the_Night_Animals-1.pdf 10.93M
| ├──1-30_Where_Do_Chicks_Come_From-1.pdf 6.62M
| ├──1-31_Air_Is_All_Around_You-1.pdf 43.73M
| ├──1-32The_Big_Dipper-1.pdf 37.68M
| ├──1-33_Clouds-1.pdf 47.62M
| ├──1-34_Is_There_Life_in_Outer_Space-1.pdf 39.50M
| ├──1-35_Pop!-1.pdf 13.74M
| ├──1-36_Snow_Is_Falling-1.pdf 10.23M
| ├──1-37_Sounds_All_Around-1第1辑第6本.pdf 8.35M
| ├──1-38_What_Makes_a_Shadow-1.pdf 9.97M
| ├──1-39_A_Cavity_Is_a_Hole_in_Your_Tooth-1.pdf 12.05M
| ├──1-40_Everybody,_Move_Your_Feet!-1.pdf 13.30M
| └──1-41_Why_Can__t_I_Have_Cake_for_Dinner-1.pdf 11.82M
├──Let’s Read and Find out Science PDF 2
| ├──2-01_A_Drop_of_Blood.pdf 29.01M
| ├──2-02_Germs_Make_Me_Sick.pdf 33.09M
| ├──2-03_Hear_Your_Heart.pdf 28.58M
| ├──2-04_The_Skeleton_Inside_you.pdf 39.51M
| ├──2-05_What_Happens_to_a_Hamburger-1.pdf 9.58M
| ├──2-06_Why_I_Sneeze,_Shiver,_Hiccup,_and_Yawn.pdf 35.75M
| ├──2-07_Your_Skin_and_Mine-1.pdf 6.94M
| ├──2-08_Almost_Gone-1.pdf 8.91M
| ├──2-09_Ant_Cities-1.pdf 35.24M
| ├──2-10_Be_a_Friend_to_Trees-1.pdf 9.52M
| ├──2-11 Chirping Crickets-1.pdf 8.11M
| ├──2-12 Corn Is Maize-1.pdf 6.08M
| ├──2-13 Dolphin Talk-1.pdf 8.70M
| ├──2-14 Honey in a Hive-1.pdf 8.13M
| ├──2-15 How Do Apples Grow-2.pdf 6.98M
| ├──2-16 How Do Birds Find Their Way-1.pdf 9.71M
| ├──2-17 Life in a Coral Reef-1.pdf 2.78M
| ├──2-18 Look Out for Turtles!-1.pdf 21.43M
| ├──2-19 Milk from Cow to Carton-1.pdf 15.20M
| ├──2-20 An Octopus Is Amazing-1.pdf 14.33M
| ├──2-21 Penguin Chick-1.pdf 11.02M
| ├──2-22 Snakes Are Huntes-1.pdf 3.85M
| ├──2-23 Spinning Spiders-1.pdf 6.27M
| ├──2-24_Sponges_Are_Skeletons-1.pdf 15.49M
| ├──2-25 What Color is Camouflage-1.pdf 4.68M
| ├──2-26 Who Eats What-1.pdf 4.43M
| ├──2-27 Who Lives in an Alligator Hole-1.pdf 4.29M
| ├──2-28 Why Do Leaves Change Color-1.pdf 3.69M
| ├──2-29 Why Frogs Are Wet-1.pdf 3.45M
| ├──2-30 Wiggling Worms at Work-1.pdf 11.97M
| ├──2-31 Zipping,Zapping,Zooming Batsl-1.pdf 9.84M
| ├──2-32 Did Dinosaurs Have Feathers-1.pdf 14.88M
| ├──2-33 Digging Up Dinosaurs-1.pdf 10.29M
| ├──2-34 Dinosaur Babies-1.pdf 4.88M
| ├──2-35 Dinosaur Bones-1.pdf 9.54M
| ├──2-36 Dinosaur Tracks-1.pdf 10.24M
| ├──2-37 Dinosaurs Are Different-1.pdf 7.96M
| ├──2-38 Fossils Tell of Long Ago-1.pdf 11.58M
| ├──2-39 My Visit to the Dinosaurs-1.pdf 9.46M
| ├──2-40 What Happened to the Dinosaurs-1.pdf 12.84M
| ├──2-41 Floating in Space.pdf 15.07M
| ├──2-42 The International Space Station-1.pdf 17.61M
| ├──2-43 Mission to Mars-1.pdf 19.06M
| ├──2-44 The Moon Seems to Change-1.pdf 6.69M
| ├──2-45 The Planets in Our Solar System-1.pdf 13.05M
| ├──2-46 The Sky Is Full of Stars-1.pdf 10.19M
| ├──2-47 The Sun Our Nearest Star-1.pdf 10.31M
| ├──2-48 What Makes Day and Night-1.pdf 15.23M
| ├──2-49 What the Moon Is Like-1.pdf 22.86M
| ├──2-50 Down_Comes_the_RAIN.pdf 45.58M
| ├──2-51 Feel_the_wind.pdf 35.80M
| ├──2-52_Flash,Crash,Rumble,and_Roll-1.pdf 94.31M
| ├──2-53_Sunshine_Makes_the_Seasons-1.pdf 60.14M
| ├──2-54_Tornado_Alert-1.pdf 32.16M
| ├──2-55_What_Will_the_Weather_Be-1.pdf 23.01M
| ├──2-56 Archaeologists Dig for Clues by Kate Duke.pdf 23.82M
| ├──2-57.Earthquakes.pdf 33.42M
| ├──2-58 Follow the Water from Brook to Ocean.pdf 24.59M
| ├──2-59 How Mountains Are Made.pdf 24.21M
| ├──2-60_Let__s_Go_Rock_Collecting-1.pdf 22.69M
| ├──2-61 Oil Spill!.pdf 24.33M
| ├──2-62 Volcano.pdf 10.87M
| ├──2-63_What__s_So_Bad_About_Gasoline-1.pdf 25.48M
| ├──2-64 Why_Are_the_Ice_Caps_Melting-1.pdf 25.18M
| ├──2-65_You__re_Aboard_Spaceship_Earth-1.pdf 25.77M
| ├──2-66_Day_Light,_Night_Light-1.pdf 25.15M
| ├──2-67_Energy_Makes_Things_Happen-1.pdf 22.45M
| ├──2-68_Forces_Make_Things_Move-1.pdf 36.68M
| ├──2-69_Gravity_Is_a_Mystery-1.pdf 11.85M
| ├──2-70_How_People_Learned_to_Fly-1.pdf 68.75M
| ├──2-71_Switch_On,Switch_Off-1.pdf 18.03M
| ├──2-72_What_Is_the_World_Made_Of-1.pdf 19.15M
| ├──2-73 what_makes_a_megnet.pdf 18.02M
| ├──2-74_Where_Does_the_Garbage_Go-1.pdf 19.68M
| ├──2-75_Where_Did_Dinosaurs_Come_From-1.pdf 99.13M
| ├──2-76_Where_Do_Polar_Bears_Live-1.pdf 21.31M
| ├──2-77 Terrible_Tyrannosaurs(1).pdf 10.33M
| └──2-78 What Happens to Our Trash-1.pdf 111.30M
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