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本站资源2:Science A-Z SAZ RAZ科学版 最棒的英语科普分级读物 全套高清PDF MP3音频 MP4视频 练习册 教案 百度网盘-5.86GB


在所有的分级读物中,RAZ是目前市面上最为流行的英文分级阅读读物,它的全称是“Reading A-Z”。RAZ在美国有1万多所公立学校正在配合教学使用,布置在孩子每天的作业中,中国大部分的国际学校也都是RAZ的忠实用户。
RAZ每个级别是循序渐进的,有比较科学的坡度和循环设置,连续阅读能把基础打的更牢。本次带来的是RAZ AA级PDF有声文件,只要下载到手机、iPad和电脑,就能用鼠标和手指随读随点,超级方便!
RAZ按照难度,一共分为aa,A-Z共27个级别。aa是最简单的,每页内容都是两三个简单的单词。例如“I can jump”、”I can hop”等简单重复的句式等,让孩子在不断重复中学会某个句式和单词。从A-Z之间的每一个级别内包含30-40本读物,每一个级别内的难度平行。然后越来越难,Z级的难度已经相当高了。下面就是Z这个级别的难度,已经相当于大学生的阅读材料了。







RAZ 的内容是非常丰富的,你可以找到像《三只小猪》、《小红帽》这样的经典故事,也能收获有关历史、科学、自然、地理的知识,在高级别的RAZ书里还能看到各种传记。

使用RAZ,孩子不仅仅能提升英语阅读能力,同时对各方面知识的积累,开拓视野也是有很大的帮助的。从aa级别开始,慢慢学会阅读,learn to read;随着级别的不断升高,孩子们会转变为从阅读中学习,read to learn。







比如aa级的《Jump over》,前面几页讲了各种小动物们跃过篱笆、跃过石头、跃过木头等,最后一页是一个小女孩正在跳水坑。

《Jump Over》内页



再比如aa级的《Water》这本书,从Water、The ocean、The lake、The river、The rain、The snow、The ice、Water,短短14个单词加配图,就给孩子潜移默化地灌输了水的不同形态的知识点。







而对于相同的主题,高级别的书会引导孩子进行更深入的思考。以B级的《Where is water?》为例,和aa级的《Water》进行比较,我来给大家做个分析。

《Where is Water》内页部分截图

在《Where is Water》这本书里,同样是“水”这个主题,但是已经使用简单的句子来进行表达。我们对比可以发现,Water is in the ocean、Water is in the river、Water is in the lake和Water is in the sky分别对应的aa级别《Water》这本书里的The ocean、The river、The lake和The rain。

B级的书里多了Water is under the ground,有关“地下水”的概念。同时多了Water is all around us这样总括性的话,最后Where do you see water?的提问引导孩子进行更发散的思考。








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| ├──raz_lz19_energysources_wksh.pdf 183.02kb
| └──zanerbloser_style_alphabet_letter_flashcards.pdf 18.79kb
├──0.RAZ 高频词汇
| ├──A Park.mp3 261.80kb
| ├──A Park.pdf 2.12M
| ├──Can You See.mp3 577.27kb
| ├──Can You See.pdf 2.34M
| ├──Do You Play.mp3 779.53kb
| ├──Do You Play.pdf 1.95M
| ├──Each Will Get.mp3 844.92kb
| ├──Each Will Get.pdf 2.29M
| ├──Go In.mp3 515.16kb
| ├──Go In.pdf 1.79M
| ├──He Said No.mp3 395.86kb
| ├──He Said No.pdf 2.55M
| ├──He Will Not Jump.mp3 1.23M
| ├──He Will Not Jump.pdf 2.25M
| ├──Here Are Three.mp3 950.62kb
| ├──Here Are Three.pdf 1.93M
| ├──How Many Do You See.mp3 1.02M
| ├──How Many Do You See.pdf 1.92M
| ├──I Can See.mp3 381.56kb
| ├──I Can See.pdf 1.68M
| ├──I Had to Look.mp3 940.31kb
| ├──I Had to Look.pdf 2.06M
| ├──I Like.mp3 371.25kb
| ├──I Like.pdf 2.17M
| ├──I Was With.mp3 768.52kb
| ├──I Was With.pdf 1.93M
| ├──Jump On.mp3 867.89kb
| ├──Jump On.pdf 1.81M
| ├──Look At Me.mp3 607.27kb
| ├──Look At Me.pdf 2.00M
| ├──One, Not Two.mp3 1.21M
| ├──One, Not Two.pdf 1.79M
| ├──Setting the Table.mp3 232.97kb
| ├──Setting the Table.pdf 1.69M
| ├──She Will Be.mp3 934.22kb
| ├──She Will Be.pdf 2.00M
| ├──Some Have.mp3 1019.06kb
| ├──Some Have.pdf 2.41M
| ├──There Were Three.mp3 785.39kb
| ├──There Were Three.pdf 2.34M
| ├──These or Those.mp3 1.20M
| ├──These or Those.pdf 2.36M
| ├──They Are On.mp3 359.30kb
| ├──They Are On.pdf 2.05M
| ├──They Look.mp3 345.47kb
| ├──They Look.pdf 2.10M
| ├──This Is Big.mp3 833.20kb
| ├──This Is Big.pdf 1.81M
| ├──Too Little, Too Big.mp3 823.83kb
| ├──Too Little, Too Big.pdf 1.78M
| ├──We Are.mp3 320.86kb
| ├──We Are.pdf 2.27M
| ├──We Go Up.mp3 377.58kb
| ├──We Go Up.pdf 2.05M
| ├──We Go.mp3 776.48kb
| ├──We Go.pdf 2.67M
| ├──We Look.mp3 331.17kb
| ├──We Look.pdf 2.17M
| ├──What Is It.mp3 278.44kb
| ├──What Is It.pdf 1.63M
| ├──What Is Out There.mp3 699.14kb
| ├──What Is Out There.pdf 2.16M
| ├──Where Is It.mp3 726.56kb
| ├──Where Is It.pdf 2.27M
| ├──Where Will She Go.mp3 1.77M
| ├──Where Will She Go.pdf 1.91M
| ├──Who Has It.mp3 859.22kb
| ├──Who Has It.pdf 2.31M
| ├──Who Will Help Me.mp3 1.28M
| ├──Who Will Help Me.pdf 2.30M
| ├──Will It Come.mp3 600.47kb
| └──Will It Come.pdf 1.91M
├──0.RAZ 解码读物 Decodable Books
| └──Decodable Books
├──0.SoundSymbol Books
| ├──3-Letter S-Blends.mp3 491.92kb
| ├──3-Letter S-Blends.pdf 911.99kb
| ├──Consonant Letter B.mp3 444.77kb
| ├──Consonant Letter B.pdf 689.57kb
| ├──Consonant Letter C.mp3 434.07kb
| ├──Consonant Letter C.pdf 748.11kb
| ├──Consonant Letter D.mp3 430.75kb
| ├──Consonant Letter D.pdf 822.53kb
| ├──Consonant Letter F.mp3 459.30kb
| ├──Consonant Letter F.pdf 874.02kb
| ├──Consonant Letter G.mp3 458.02kb
| ├──Consonant Letter G.pdf 910.20kb
| ├──Consonant Letter H.mp3 439.16kb
| ├──Consonant Letter H.pdf 848.20kb
| ├──Consonant Letter J.mp3 450.38kb
| ├──Consonant Letter J.pdf 765.76kb
| ├──Consonant Letter K.mp3 432.79kb
| ├──Consonant Letter K.pdf 698.58kb
| ├──Consonant Letter L.mp3 454.71kb
| ├──Consonant Letter L.pdf 774.67kb
| ├──Consonant Letter M.mp3 442.73kb
| ├──Consonant Letter M.pdf 710.68kb
| ├──Consonant Letter N.mp3 446.55kb
| ├──Consonant Letter N.pdf 822.90kb
| ├──Consonant Letter P.mp3 433.05kb
| ├──Consonant Letter P.pdf 773.64kb
| ├──Consonant Letter Q.mp3 445.03kb
| ├──Consonant Letter Q.pdf 907.17kb
| ├──Consonant Letter R.mp3 462.61kb
| ├──Consonant Letter R.pdf 878.48kb
| ├──Consonant Letter S.mp3 435.59kb
| ├──Consonant Letter S.pdf 676.90kb
| ├──Consonant Letter T.mp3 419.03kb
| ├──Consonant Letter T.pdf 696.73kb
| ├──Consonant Letter V.mp3 478.67kb
| ├──Consonant Letter V.pdf 809.76kb
| ├──Consonant Letter W.mp3 423.36kb
| ├──Consonant Letter W.pdf 834.28kb
| ├──Consonant Letter X.mp3 434.32kb
| ├──Consonant Letter X.pdf 619.05kb
| ├──Consonant Letter Y.mp3 420.05kb
| ├──Consonant Letter Y.pdf 710.06kb
| ├──Consonant Letter Z.mp3 426.67kb
| ├──Consonant Letter Z.pdf 759.87kb
| ├──Digraph CH.mp3 416.22kb
| ├──Digraph CH.pdf 898.25kb
| ├──Digraph CK.mp3 315.80kb
| ├──Digraph CK.pdf 904.90kb
| ├──Digraph NG.mp3 344.35kb
| ├──Digraph NG.pdf 766.95kb
| ├──Digraph SH.mp3 430.75kb
| ├──Digraph SH.pdf 851.72kb
| ├──Digraph TH.mp3 502.12kb
| ├──Digraph TH.pdf 728.07kb
| ├──Digraph WH.mp3 428.20kb
| ├──Digraph WH.pdf 984.67kb
| ├──Diphthongs oi, oy.mp3 368.56kb
| ├──Diphthongs oi, oy.pdf 820.77kb
| ├──Diphthongs ow, ou.mp3 380.54kb
| ├──Diphthongs ow, ou.pdf 855.70kb
| ├──L-Family Blends.mp3 763.37kb
| ├──L-Family Blends.pdf 995.82kb
| ├──Long A Digraph.mp3 345.11kb
| ├──Long A Digraph.pdf 908.81kb
| ├──Long A.mp3 375.95kb
| ├──Long A.pdf 722.01kb
| ├──Long E Digraph.mp3 362.70kb
| ├──Long E Digraph.pdf 1009.87kb
| ├──Long I.mp3 341.80kb
| ├──Long I.pdf 693.93kb
| ├──Long O Digraph.mp3 352.25kb
| ├──Long O Digraph.pdf 884.40kb
| ├──Long O.mp3 392.77kb
| ├──Long O.pdf 764.13kb
| ├──Long U.mp3 364.23kb
| ├──Long U.pdf 837.40kb
| ├──MP Blend.mp3 341.80kb
| ├──MP Blend.pdf 768.29kb
| ├──N-Family Blends.mp3 404.75kb
| ├──N-Family Blends.pdf 669.91kb
| ├──Open Vowels.mp3 421.32kb
| ├──Open Vowels.pdf 719.03kb
| ├──R-Controlled A (Car).mp3 362.44kb
| ├──R-Controlled A (Car).pdf 655.84kb
| ├──R-Controlled A (Care).mp3 417.24kb
| ├──R-Controlled A (Care).pdf 725.96kb
| ├──R-Controlled E, I, U.mp3 405.77kb
| ├──R-Controlled E, I, U.pdf 849.96kb
| ├──R-Controlled O.mp3 475.61kb
| ├──R-Controlled O.pdf 1.02M
| ├──R-Family Blends.mp3 737.89kb
| ├──R-Family Blends.pdf 1006.76kb
| ├──S-Family Blends.mp3 747.83kb
| ├──S-Family Blends.pdf 1.01M
| ├──Short A.mp3 451.40kb
| ├──Short A.pdf 779.81kb
| ├──Short E Digraph.mp3 455.48kb
| ├──Short E Digraph.pdf 927.48kb
| ├──Short E.mp3 334.41kb
| ├──Short E.pdf 800.60kb
| ├──Short I.mp3 475.10kb
| ├──Short I.pdf 854.19kb
| ├──Short O.mp3 436.87kb
| ├──Short O.pdf 765.98kb
| ├──Short U.mp3 441.97kb
| ├──Short U.pdf 708.58kb
| ├──Silent Consonants.mp3 570.94kb
| ├──Silent Consonants.pdf 1017.97kb
| ├──Soft C.mp3 418.77kb
| ├──Soft C.pdf 772.60kb
| ├──Soft G.mp3 439.67kb
| ├──Soft G.pdf 833.74kb
| ├──ST Blend.mp3 432.54kb
| ├──ST Blend.pdf 666.76kb
| ├──Variant o (as in ball).mp3 348.93kb
| ├──Variant o (as in ball).pdf 811.41kb
| ├──Variant o (as in saw).mp3 352.50kb
| ├──Variant o (as in saw).pdf 773.24kb
| ├──Variant oo (as in hoop).mp3 366.27kb
| └──Variant oo (as in hoop).pdf 721.12kb
| ├──From A to Z.mp3 868.39kb
| ├──From A to Z.pdf 2.25M
| ├──Letter A.mp3 308.92kb
| ├──Letter A.pdf 732.35kb
| ├──Letter B.mp3 305.35kb
| ├──Letter B.pdf 843.44kb
| ├──Letter C.mp3 316.56kb
| ├──Letter C.pdf 1.05M
| ├──Letter D.mp3 317.84kb
| ├──Letter D.pdf 1016.58kb
| ├──Letter E.mp3 287.25kb
| ├──Letter E.pdf 862.18kb
| ├──Letter F.mp3 295.15kb
| ├──Letter F.pdf 807.55kb
| ├──Letter G.mp3 283.68kb
| ├──Letter G.pdf 1.00M
| ├──Letter H.mp3 271.71kb
| ├──Letter H.pdf 889.37kb
| ├──Letter I.mp3 289.55kb
| ├──Letter I.pdf 898.95kb
| ├──Letter J.mp3 278.84kb
| ├──Letter J.pdf 767.79kb
| ├──Letter K.mp3 277.31kb
| ├──Letter K.pdf 999.80kb
| ├──Letter L.mp3 290.57kb
| ├──Letter L.pdf 907.69kb
| ├──Letter M.mp3 302.55kb
| ├──Letter M.pdf 790.61kb
| ├──Letter N.mp3 267.12kb
| ├──Letter N.pdf 943.09kb
| ├──Letter O.mp3 281.14kb
| ├──Letter O.pdf 886.58kb
| ├──Letter P.mp3 262.27kb
| ├──Letter P.pdf 986.37kb
| ├──Letter Q.mp3 308.15kb
| ├──Letter Q.pdf 1.07M
| ├──Letter R.mp3 287.51kb
| ├──Letter R.pdf 1.28M
| ├──Letter S.mp3 302.55kb
| ├──Letter S.pdf 877.65kb
| ├──Letter T.mp3 262.27kb
| ├──Letter T.pdf 847.51kb
| ├──Letter U.mp3 303.06kb
| ├──Letter U.pdf 792.48kb
| ├──Letter V.mp3 323.70kb
| ├──Letter V.pdf 939.43kb
| ├──Letter W.mp3 350.97kb
| ├──Letter W.pdf 1.36M
| ├──Letter X.mp3 313.76kb
| ├──Letter X.pdf 824.07kb
| ├──Letter Y.mp3 331.09kb
| ├──Letter Y.pdf 739.50kb
| ├──Letter Z.mp3 326.76kb
| └──Letter Z.pdf 830.70kb
├──1.RAZ (同一目录)
| ├──A.PDF
| ├──AA.PDF
| ├──B.PDF
| ├──C.PDF
| ├──D.PDF
| ├──E.PDF
| ├──F.PDF
| ├──G.PDF
| ├──H.PDF
| ├──I.PDF
| ├──J.PDF
| ├──K.PDF
| ├──L.PDF
| ├──M.PDF
| ├──N.PDF
| ├──O.PDF
| ├──P.PDF
| ├──Q.PDF
| ├──R.PDF
| ├──S.PDF
| ├──T.PDF
| ├──U.PDF
| ├──V.PDF
| ├──W.PDF
| ├──X.PDF
| ├──Y.PDF
| ├──Z.PDF
| ├──Z1
| └──Z2
├──2.RAZ (分目录含练习+教案)
| ├──A 95+2+4-2019-02
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| ├──B 95+2+4-2019-02
| ├──C 96+2+4-2019-03
| ├──D 88+2+4-2019-03
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| ├──M
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| ├──Q 84+4
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| ├──U 83+4
| ├──V 77+4
| ├──W 74+4
| ├──X 114+4
| ├──Y 100+4
| ├──Z 82+4
| ├──Z1 89
| ├──Z2 93
| ├──单面打印图书装订示意图.pdf 979.38kb
| ├──分级书的书目–2019-3-1.xlsx 107.87kb
| ├──双面打印图书装订示意图.pdf 1.19M
| └──与阅读水平相关表.pdf 475.04kb
| ├──AA音频
| ├──A音频
| ├──b音频
| ├──c音频
| ├──D音频82
| ├──E音频84
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| ├──G音频84
| ├──H音频77
| ├──i
| ├──j
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| ├──o
| ├──p
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| ├──u
| ├──v
| ├──w
| ├──x
| ├──y
| ├──z
| ├──z1
| └──z2
├──4.RAZ 朗读(Read Aloud)
| ├──01 bears and beans.wma 2.12M
| ├──01_bearsandbeans_c.pdf 2.25M
| ├──01_bearsandbeans_c_ds.pdf 1.17M
| ├──01_bearsandbeans_lp.pdf 459.70kb
| ├──02 crazy cat.wma 1.34M
| ├──02_crazycat_c.pdf 1.14M
| ├──02_crazycat_c_ds.pdf 1.14M
| ├──02_crazycat_lp.pdf 522.23kb
| ├──03 cheese power.wma 3.38M
| ├──03_cheesepower_c.pdf 4.29M
| ├──03_cheesepower_c_ds.pdf 1.67M
| ├──03_cheesepower_lp.pdf 628.91kb
| ├──04 the digging dog.wma 1.30M
| ├──04_digdog_c.pdf 4.27M
| ├──04_digdog_c_ds.pdf 1.23M
| ├──04_digdog_lp.pdf 523.01kb
| ├──05 fox and frog.wma 1.52M
| ├──05_foxandfrog_c.pdf 2.17M
| ├──05_foxandfrog_c_ds.pdf 1.31M
| ├──05_foxandfrog_lp.pdf 518.19kb
| ├──06 grandpa’s goat.wma 2.48M
| ├──06_grandpagoat_c.pdf 5.14M
| ├──06_grandpagoat_c_ds.pdf 1.38M
| ├──06_grandpagoat_lp.pdf 594.05kb
| ├──07 happy cat and the hats.wma 1.15M
| ├──07 whosehat_c_ds.pdf 1.23M
| ├──07_whosehat_c.pdf 4.38M
| ├──07_whosehat_lp.pdf 540.11kb
| ├──08 jelly and jam.wma 1.58M
| ├──08_jellyandjam_c.pdf 5.59M
| ├──08_jellyandjam_c_ds.pdf 1.39M
| ├──08_jellyandjam_lp.pdf 539.69kb
| ├──09 katie and kenny’s junk art.wma 3.32M
| ├──09_katieandkenny_c.pdf 4.83M
| ├──09_katieandkenny_c_ds.pdf 1.42M
| ├──09_katieandkenny_lp.pdf 543.43kb
| ├──10 lord and lady lipton.wma 3.28M
| ├──10_lordladylipton_c.pdf 1.91M
| ├──10_lordladylipton_c_ds.pdf 1.99M
| ├──10_lordladylipton_lp.pdf 610.42kb
| ├──11 melvyn the magician.wma 3.75M
| ├──11 melvynmagician_c.pdf 2.94M
| ├──11_melvynmagician_c_ds.pdf 1.70M
| ├──11_melvynmagician_lp.pdf 535.65kb
| ├──12 nuts in my mest.wma 3.10M
| ├──12_nutnest_c.pdf 2.08M
| ├──12_nutnest_c_ds.pdf 1.69M
| ├──12_nutnest_lp.pdf 540.58kb
| ├──13 pets are pests.wma 2.10M
| ├──13_petpests_c.pdf 7.61M
| ├──13_petpests_c_ds.pdf 1.85M
| ├──13_petpests_lp.pdf 568.19kb
| ├──14 the queen’s queasy tummy.wma 3.70M
| ├──14_queensqueasy_c.pdf 3.74M
| ├──14_queensqueasy_c_ds.pdf 1.51M
| ├──14_queensqueasy_lp.pdf 611.44kb
| ├──15 the race.wma 3.16M
| ├──15_therace_c.pdf 4.13M
| ├──15_therace_c_ds.pdf 1.56M
| ├──15_therace_lp.pdf 473.22kb
| ├──16 a super special soup.wma 2.06M
| ├──16_supersoup_c.pdf 8.98M
| ├──16_supersoup_c_ds.pdf 1.69M
| ├──16_supersoup_lp.pdf 610.66kb
| ├──17 sharon’s shoes.wma 3.47M
| ├──17_sharonsshoes_c.pdf 6.73M
| ├──17_sharonsshoes_c_ds.pdf 1.53M
| ├──17_sharonsshoes_lp.pdf 571.29kb
| ├──18 toby the tiger.wma 3.70M
| ├──18_tobytiger_c.pdf 11.04M
| ├──18_tobytiger_c_ds.pdf 2.25M
| ├──18_tobytiger_lp.pdf 486.04kb
| ├──19 the think-fast thief.wma 4.83M
| ├──19_thinkfestthief_c.pdf 4.68M
| ├──19_thinkfestthief_c_ds.pdf 1.44M
| ├──19_thinkfestthief_lp.pdf 599.09kb
| ├──20 vince and vickie’s adventure.wma 5.54M
| ├──20_vinceandvickie_c.pdf 2.06M
| ├──20_vinceandvickie_c_ds.pdf 2.14M
| ├──20_vinceandvickie_lp.pdf 481.40kb
| ├──21 the walrus and the whale.wma 2.93M
| ├──21_walrusandwhale_c.pdf 1.36M
| ├──21_walrusandwhale_c_ds.pdf 1.43M
| ├──21_walrusandwhale_lp.pdf 554.76kb
| ├──22 where is whiskers.wma 3.36M
| ├──22_wherewhiskers_c.pdf 1.73M
| ├──22_wherewhiskers_c_ds.pdf 1.74M
| ├──22_wherewhiskers_lp.pdf 485.87kb
| ├──23 yuri’s yams.wma 4.30M
| ├──23_yurisyams_c.pdf 8.66M
| ├──23_yurisyams_c_ds.pdf 2.26M
| ├──23_yurisyams_lp.pdf 434.92kb
| ├──24 two crazy zebras.wma 2.65M
| ├──24_twocrazyzebras_c.pdf 5.61M
| ├──24_twocrazyzebras_c_ds.pdf 2.09M
| ├──24_twocrazyzebras_lp.pdf 607.91kb
| ├──25 horribel lori.wma 3.15M
| ├──25_horriblelori_c.pdf 5.42M
| ├──25_horriblelori_c_ds.pdf 1.50M
| ├──25_horriblelori_lp.pdf 547.56kb
| ├──26 ms irwin’s field trips.wma 3.27M
| ├──26_raircont_mrirwin_c.pdf 7.49M
| ├──26_raircont_mrirwin_c_ds.pdf 1.66M
| ├──26_raircont_mrirwin_lp.pdf 575.25kb
| ├──27 albert the angry alligator.wma 3.10M
| ├──27_albertalligator_c.pdf 1.77M
| ├──27_albertalligator_c_ds.pdf 1.85M
| ├──27_albertalligator_lp.pdf 197.50kb
| ├──28 aprils big day.wma 3.86M
| ├──28_aprilbday_c.pdf 1.88M
| ├──28_aprilbday_c_ds.pdf 1.88M
| ├──28_aprilbday_lp.pdf 431.00kb
| ├──29 little eddie one trunk.wma 4.50M
| ├──29_eddieonetrunk_c.pdf 1.53M
| ├──29_eddieonetrunk_c_ds.pdf 1.54M
| ├──29_eddieonetrunk_lp.pdf 475.12kb
| ├──30 we need a vacation.wma 3.47M
| ├──30_needvacation_c.pdf 5.71M
| ├──30_needvacation_c_ds.pdf 2.00M
| ├──30_needvacation_lp.pdf 484.94kb
| ├──31 isabel’s invitation.wma 5.16M
| ├──31_isabelsinvite_c.pdf 4.11M
| ├──31_isabelsinvite_c_ds.pdf 1.56M
| ├──31_isabelsinvite_lp.pdf 472.23kb
| ├──32 iris invites trouble.wma 3.73M
| ├──32_irisinvites_c.pdf 5.30M
| ├──32_irisinvites_c_ds.pdf 1.65M
| ├──32_irisinvites_lp.pdf 480.03kb
| ├──33 tom and the egg.wma 2.99M
| ├──33_tomandegg_c.pdf 1.55M
| ├──33_tomandegg_c_ds.pdf 1.63M
| ├──33_tomandegg_lp.pdf 563.36kb
| ├──34 chico sees a ghost.wma 3.32M
| ├──34_chicoseesghost_c.pdf 1.60M
| ├──34_chicoseesghost_c_ds.pdf 1.61M
| ├──34_chicoseesghost_lp.pdf 472.83kb
| ├──35 the ugly umberlla.wma 1.86M
| ├──35_uglyumbrella_c.pdf 3.56M
| ├──35_uglyumbrella_c_ds.pdf 1.54M
| ├──35_uglyumbrella_lp.pdf 481.48kb
| ├──36 the big blue cube.wma 3.28M
| ├──36_bigbluecube_c.pdf 5.32M
| ├──36_bigbluecube_c_ds.pdf 1.42M
| └──36_bigbluecube_lp.pdf 540.98kb
| ├──1.Earth, Moon, and Sun
| ├──10.HabitatsEnvironment
| ├──10.Water
| ├──11.Food Chains
| ├──12.Adaptations
| ├──13.Food and Nutrition
| ├──14.Inside Living Things
| ├──2.Weather
| ├──3.Earth’s Surface
| ├──3.Plants
| ├──4.Senses
| ├──4.The Solar System
| ├──5.Clouds, Wind, and Storms
| ├──5.Vertebrates
| ├──6.Invertebrates
| ├──6.Minerals, Rocks, and Soil
| ├──7.Outside the Solar System
| ├──7.Plant Life
| ├──8.Atmosphere and Climate
| ├──8.The Human Body
| ├──9.Changing Landforms
| ├──9.Life Cycles
| ├──Animals
| └──LivingNon-Living
| ├──RAZ分级(AA-Z级别)
| ├──RAZ字母书
| └──RAZ自然拼读规则
| ├──1. Nursery Rhymes
| ├──2. Poetry Books
| ├──3. Song Books
| ├──A
| ├──AA
| ├──B
| ├──C
| ├──D
| ├──E
| ├──F
| ├──G
| ├──H
| ├──I
| ├──J
| ├──K
| ├──L
| ├──M
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| ├──O
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| ├──X
| ├──Y
| ├──Z
| └──raz flash contents.doc 59.00kb
| ├──2
| ├──3
| ├──4
| ├──5
| ├──6
| ├──grade 2
| ├──grade 3
| ├──grade 4
| ├──grade 5
| └──grede6
├──raz 电脑离线版
| ├──raz
| ├──第二步-替换文件
| ├──第一步-安装程序
| └──离线数据
| ├──c级41集
| ├──d级81集
| ├──e级71集
| ├──f级81集
| └──g级78集
├──Shared Reading Books
| ├──1
| ├──2
| └──3
├──单词与俗语Vocabulary & Idiom Books
| ├──Air Travel.mp3 1.56M
| ├──Air Travel.pdf 2.35M
| ├──Animal Idioms.mp3 1.67M
| ├──Animal Idioms.pdf 3.10M
| ├──Animal Parts.mp3 1.46M
| ├──Animal Parts.pdf 1.69M
| ├──At Home.mp3 1.65M
| ├──At Home.pdf 2.30M
| ├──At School.mp3 1.87M
| ├──At School.pdf 2.02M
| ├──At the Grocery Store.mp3 1.25M
| ├──At the Grocery Store.pdf 3.32M
| ├──Basketball.mp3 1.36M
| ├──Basketball.pdf 2.45M
| ├──Breakfast Things.mp3 2.17M
| ├──Breakfast Things.pdf 1.74M
| ├──Food Idioms.mp3 1.63M
| ├──Food Idioms.pdf 2.31M
| ├──Heart Idioms.mp3 1.43M
| ├──Heart Idioms.pdf 2.90M
| ├──Idioms for How You Feel.mp3 1.11M
| ├──Idioms for How You Feel.pdf 3.20M
| ├──My Clothes.mp3 1.16M
| ├──My Clothes.pdf 1.25M
| ├──My Room.mp3 1.19M
| ├──My Room.pdf 2.37M
| ├──Plant Parts.mp3 1.84M
| ├──Plant Parts.pdf 1.61M
| ├──School Things.mp3 1.98M
| ├──School Things.pdf 1.65M
| ├──Shapes and Idioms.mp3 1.16M
| ├──Shapes and Idioms.pdf 2.90M
| ├──Sports Things.mp3 1.95M
| ├──Sports Things.pdf 1.50M
| ├──The Body.mp3 1.37M
| ├──The Body.pdf 1.27M
| ├──The Food I Eat.mp3 1.61M
| ├──The Food I Eat.pdf 1.89M
| ├──Things in My House.mp3 1.56M
| └──Things in My House.pdf 1.65M
├──诗歌Poetry Books
| ├──A Nation Arises.mp3 4.31M
| ├──A Nation Arises.pdf 7.00M
| ├──Bird Children Book 2.mp3 1.49M
| ├──Bird Children Book 2.pdf 3.06M
| ├──Bird Children.mp3 1.38M
| ├──Bird Children.pdf 3.13M
| ├──Bug Me!.mp3 1.83M
| ├──Bug Me!.pdf 3.13M
| ├──Christmas in Animal Land.mp3 1.15M
| ├──Christmas in Animal Land.pdf 3.05M
| ├──Circle of Smiles.mp3 1.03M
| ├──Circle of Smiles.pdf 2.56M
| ├──Expressing Myself.mp3 4.00M
| ├──Expressing Myself.pdf 4.92M
| ├──Flower Children Book 2.mp3 1.81M
| ├──Flower Children Book 2.pdf 2.61M
| ├──Flower Children.mp3 1.75M
| ├──Flower Children.pdf 2.70M
| ├──How Long.mp3 2.82M
| ├──How Long.pdf 2.76M
| ├──I Am I.mp3 1.79M
| ├──I Am I.pdf 2.77M
| ├──I Had a Great Day.mp3 703.99kb
| ├──I Had a Great Day.pdf 2.85M
| ├──I’m All Right.mp3 3.43M
| ├──I’m All Right.pdf 3.79M
| ├──I’m Never Alone (Rap).mp3 617.33kb
| ├──I’m Never Alone (Rap).pdf 2.29M
| ├──I’m Never Alone.mp3 1.70M
| ├──I’m Never Alone.pdf 2.07M
| ├──Just the Wind.mp3 808.49kb
| ├──Just the Wind.pdf 4.54M
| ├──Looking for Numbers.mp3 3.81M
| ├──Looking for Numbers.pdf 3.75M
| ├──Lotsa Pasta.mp3 490.65kb
| ├──Lotsa Pasta.pdf 2.34M
| ├──Lulo Que Lulo.mp3 743.62kb
| ├──Lulo Que Lulo.pdf 1.78M
| ├──Making Changes Poems About Great African Americans.mp3 4.15M
| ├──Making Changes Poems About Great African Americans.pdf 3.64M
| ├──Making Spaghetti.mp3 882.66kb
| ├──Making Spaghetti.pdf 2.55M
| ├──Miss Susie A Handclap Game.mp3 1.32M
| ├──Miss Susie A Handclap Game.pdf 4.16M
| ├──Monsters on My Block.mp3 2.45M
| ├──Monsters on My Block.pdf 3.67M
| ├──Mother Earth’s Children Book 2.mp3 1.88M
| ├──Mother Earth’s Children Book 2.pdf 2.96M
| ├──Mother Earth’s Children.mp3 1.87M
| ├──Mother Earth’s Children.pdf 2.88M
| ├──My Places.mp3 3.80M
| ├──My Places.pdf 5.00M
| ├──My Stars.mp3 1.48M
| ├──My Stars.pdf 1.85M
| ├──Nature Poems.mp3 2.33M
| ├──Nature Poems.pdf 2.54M
| ├──Ocean Poems.mp3 7.55M
| ├──Ocean Poems.pdf 6.91M
| ├──Oh Navajo Girl.mp3 1.46M
| ├──Oh Navajo Girl.pdf 2.44M
| ├──Peter Pumpkin Picker.mp3 846.72kb
| ├──Peter Pumpkin Picker.pdf 2.63M
| ├──Planets of My Solar System.mp3 4.07M
| ├──Planets of My Solar System.pdf 4.08M
| ├──Poetry Anthology.mp3 2.81M
| ├──Poetry Anthology.pdf 3.42M
| ├──Reading Mysteries.mp3 875.27kb
| ├──Reading Mysteries.pdf 2.56M
| ├──Sammy Has the Flu.mp3 1.02M
| ├──Sammy Has the Flu.pdf 2.75M
| ├──Snow.mp3 614.78kb
| ├──Snow.pdf 3.83M
| ├──So Much to Learn.mp3 4.70M
| ├──So Much to Learn.pdf 3.73M
| ├──Summer’s a Bummer.mp3 748.85kb
| ├──Summer’s a Bummer.pdf 3.12M
| ├──Susan.mp3 2.49M
| ├──Susan.pdf 2.50M
| ├──The Boy in the Box.mp3 750.76kb
| ├──The Boy in the Box.pdf 2.34M
| ├──The Great Snifferoo.mp3 1.40M
| ├──The Great Snifferoo.pdf 2.78M
| ├──The Meaning of Numbers.mp3 342.05kb
| ├──The Meaning of Numbers.pdf 3.80M
| ├──The Perfect Snowball.mp3 436.61kb
| ├──The Perfect Snowball.pdf 2.79M
| ├──The Rabbit.mp3 819.96kb
| ├──The Rabbit.pdf 1.95M
| ├──Trading for Lunch Money.mp3 1.72M
| ├──Trading for Lunch Money.pdf 4.13M
| ├──Tread Softly.mp3 9.37M
| ├──Tread Softly.pdf 5.80M
| ├──Trick or Treat! A Halloween Rhyme.mp3 774.59kb
| ├──Trick or Treat! A Halloween Rhyme.pdf 2.75M
| ├──Why Do I Care.mp3 6.28M
| ├──Why Do I Care.pdf 4.09M
| ├──Wildflower Children Book 2.mp3 1.78M
| ├──Wildflower Children Book 2.pdf 2.84M
| ├──Wildflower Children.mp3 1.92M
| ├──Wildflower Children.pdf 2.76M
| ├──Winter Holidays.mp3 4.34M
| ├──Winter Holidays.pdf 5.09M
| ├──Winter Is Fun.mp3 2.09M
| └──Winter Is Fun.pdf 2.19M
├──童谣Nursery Rhymes
| ├──Baa Baa Black Sheep.mp3 286.23kb
| ├──Baa Baa Black Sheep.pdf 1.92M
| ├──Doctor Foster.mp3 201.61kb
| ├──Doctor Foster.pdf 2.29M
| ├──Hey, Diddle Diddle.mp3 243.41kb
| ├──Hey, Diddle Diddle.pdf 1.84M
| ├──Humpty Dumpty.mp3 233.47kb
| ├──Humpty Dumpty.pdf 2.04M
| ├──I Had a Little Hen.mp3 415.46kb
| ├──I Had a Little Hen.pdf 2.25M
| ├──Jack and Jill.mp3 358.11kb
| ├──Jack and Jill.pdf 2.49M
| ├──Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat.mp3 262.02kb
| ├──Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat.pdf 2.32M
| ├──Ladybug, Ladybug.mp3 254.37kb
| ├──Ladybug, Ladybug.pdf 1.99M
| ├──Little Boy Blue.mp3 369.83kb
| ├──Little Boy Blue.pdf 2.05M
| ├──Little Jack Horner.mp3 220.47kb
| ├──Little Jack Horner.pdf 1.67M
| ├──Little Miss Muffet.mp3 214.87kb
| ├──Little Miss Muffet.pdf 2.15M
| ├──Mary Had a Little Lamb.mp3 350.97kb
| ├──Mary Had a Little Lamb.pdf 2.19M
| ├──The Itsy Bitsy Spider.mp3 293.12kb
| ├──The Itsy Bitsy Spider.pdf 1.56M
| ├──The Lion and the Unicorn.mp3 310.45kb
| ├──The Lion and the Unicorn.pdf 2.23M
| ├──There Was a Crooked Man.mp3 291.84kb
| ├──There Was a Crooked Man.pdf 2.37M
| ├──This Little Piggy.mp3 315.54kb
| ├──This Little Piggy.pdf 2.22M
| ├──To Market.mp3 362.95kb
| ├──To Market.pdf 2.25M
| ├──Two Blackbirds.mp3 227.61kb
| ├──Two Blackbirds.pdf 1.96M
| ├──Wee Willie Winkie.mp3 255.65kb
| └──Wee Willie Winkie.pdf 2.29M
├──图画书Graphic Books
| ├──A Gold Rush Adventure.pdf 6.31M
| ├──Amelia Earhart Across the Atlantic.pdf 3.76M
| ├──Blackbeard’s Doom.pdf 6.80M
| ├──Cesar Chavez and the Delano Grape Strike.pdf 6.42M
| ├──Elizabeth and Mary Queen Versus Queen.pdf 6.32M
| ├──Ella at the Apollo.pdf 3.33M
| ├──Felix Faces His Fears.pdf 5.30M
| ├──Frederick Douglass Escape to Freedom.pdf 5.95M
| ├──Harriet’s Escape.pdf 4.86M
| ├──Hercules and the Hound of Hades.pdf 4.80M
| ├──Hillary, Norgay, and Mount Everest.pdf 4.45M
| ├──Jane and the Chimpanzees.pdf 4.27M
| ├──Julius Caesar and the Battle of Alesia.pdf 6.97M
| ├──Just Another Day on Mars.pdf 6.14M
| ├──Leif Ericson’s Voyage.pdf 4.60M
| ├──Margaret Brown Heroine of the Titanic.pdf 6.23M
| ├──Pocahontas Saves John Smith.pdf 6.17M
| ├──Ramses at the Battle of Kadesh.pdf 6.75M
| ├──Rescue on the Ice.pdf 4.25M
| ├──Sacagawea The Long Road Home.pdf 7.31M
| ├──Stubby the Hero.pdf 5.57M
| ├──Surviving the Snow Winter.pdf 5.27M
| ├──The Boston Tea Party.pdf 6.37M
| ├──The Great Salt March of Gandhi.pdf 3.63M
| ├──The Jackson Sit-In.pdf 6.47M
| ├──The Montgolfiers’ Flying Animals.pdf 6.14M
| ├──The Mystery Element.pdf 5.26M
| ├──The Woman Who Dared.pdf 6.29M
| ├──The Wrath of Genghis Khan.pdf 5.79M
| └──Tuskegee Airmen The Best-Kept Secret.pdf 5.90M
├──写作Writing A-Z
| ├──lesson
| ├──skills
| └──tools
├──AdobeAcrobat9.3.2Pro_lite.rar 179.95M
└──RAZ使用说明.doc 1.98M




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