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An Excursion through Elementary Mathematics 英文原版数学奥数精品教材《初等数学漫游》全三卷1800页附答案解析 百度云网盘下载


An Excursion through Elementary Mathematics

高清文字版,非扫描版。An Excursion through Elementary Mathematics《初等数学漫游》从实数开始,讲到微积分,度量和有限域,就差线性代数了,最后是代数基本定理,题目难度范围也极广从肉眼可知到IMO,最可贵的是所有题目还都有答案。毫不夸张的说,中国所有中学数学教材与他不在一个数量级上,这样一个有深度且全面的教材篇幅自然也是十分夸张1800多页,分为三卷Real Numbers and Functions,Euclidean Geometry,Discrete Mathematics and Polynomial。


This book provides a comprehensive, in-depth overview of elementary mathematics as explored in Mathematical Olympiads around the world. It expands on topics usually encountered in high school and could even be used as preparation for a first-semester undergraduate course. This first volume covers Real Numbers, Functions, Real Analysis, Systems of Equations, Limits and Derivatives, and much more.

As part of a collection, the book differs from other publications in this field by not being a mere selection of questions or a set of tips and tricks that applies to specific problems. It starts from the most basic theoretical principles, without being either too general or too axiomatic. Examples and problems are discussed only if they are helpful as applications of the theory. Propositions are proved in detail and subsequently applied to Olympic problems or to other problems at the Olympic level.

The book also explores some of the hardest problems presented at National and International Mathematics Olympiads, as well as many essential theorems related to the content. An extensive Appendix offering hints on or full solutions for all difficult problems rounds out the book.


This book provides a comprehensive, in-depth overview of elementary mathematics as explored in Mathematical Olympiads around the world. It expands on topics usually encountered in high school and could even be used as preparation for a first-semester undergraduate course. This second volume covers Plane Geometry, Trigonometry, Space Geometry, Vectors in the Plane, Solids and much more.As part of a collection, the book differs from other publications in this field by not being a mere selection of questions or a set of tips and tricks that applies to specific problems. It starts from the most basic theoretical principles, without being either too general or too axiomatic. Examples and problems are discussed only if they are helpful as applications of the theory. Propositions are proved in detail and subsequently applied to Olympic problems or to other problems at the Olympic level.The book also explores some of the hardest problems presented at National and International Mathematics Olympiads, as well as many essential theorems related to the content. An extensive Appendix offering hints on or full solutions for all difficult problems rounds out the book.


This book provides a comprehensive, in-depth overview of elementary mathematics as explored in Mathematical Olympiads around the world. It expands on topics usually encountered in high school and could even be used as preparation for a first-semester undergraduate course. This third and last volume covers Counting, Generating Functions, Graph Theory, Number Theory, Complex Numbers, Polynomials, and much more.As part of a collection, the book differs from other publications in this field by not being a mere selection of questions or a set of tips and tricks that applies to specific problems. It starts from the most basic theoretical principles, without being either too general or too axiomatic. Examples and problems are discussed only if they are helpful as applications of the theory. Propositions are proved in detail and subsequently applied to Olympic problems or to other problems at the Olympic level.The book also explores some of the hardest problems presented at National and International Mathematics Olympiads, as well as many essential theorems related to the content. An extensive Appendix offering hints on or full solutions for all difficult problems rounds out the book.


——/2024更新/【多课吧DOC8.com-2714】An Excursion through Elementary Mathematics 英文原版数学奥数精品教材《初等数学漫游》全三卷1800页附答案解析 百度云网盘下载/

├──An Excursion through Elementary Mathematics, Volume I Real Numbers and Functions.pdf 8.70M
├──An Excursion through Elementary Mathematics, Volume II Euclidean Geometry.pdf 20.16M
└──An Excursion through Elementary Mathematics, Volume III Discrete Mathematics and Polynomial Algebra.pdf 5.96M

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