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Oxford Mathematics 英国牛津IB小学数学课程 PYP数学练习册
牛津出版国际课程IB小学数学Oxford Mathematics Primary Years Programme 1-6,适合小学一年级到六年级,一套共6本。读国际学校或者英文部的小朋友,可以通过英文思维来学习数学。使用构建、传递、应用的PYP方法处理实际问题。
这是IB国际文凭的PYP阶段(Primary Years Programme)数学教材。与MYP和DP不同,有多种科目教材,PYP目前仅有牛津大学出版社的数学科目系列。
Oxford Mathematics Primary Years Programme Student Book 1-6
- Format: Paperback
- Dimensions: 211 x 297 x 7mm | 460g
- Publication date: 03 Oct 2018
- Publication City/Country: Oxford, United Kingdom
- Language: English
Build mathematical knowledge and skills and explore the PYP transdisciplinary themes via this colourful, inquiry-based Student Book.
* Fully support the PYP approach with comprehensive coverage of the PYP Mathematics Scope and Sequence;
* Progressively build understanding via guided, independent and extended learning activities;
* Cover the five strands of Number, Pattern and Function, Measurement, Shape and Space, and Data Handling using the PYP methodology of constructing, transferring and applying meaning;
* Encourage learners to explore and apply knowledge using real-world problems.
——/5小学/19数学奥数/【多课吧DOC8.com-2205】Oxford Mathematics 英国牛津IB小学数学课程 PYP数学练习册 百度云网盘下载-108MB/
├──Mathematics PYP 1 – Annie Facchinetti – Oxford 2019.pdf 21.15M
├──Mathematics PYP 2 – Annie Facchinetti – Oxford 2019.pdf 26.28M
├──Mathematics PYP 3 – Annie Facchinetti – Oxford 2019.pdf 14.08M
├──Mathematics PYP 4 – Annie Facchinetti – Oxford 2019.pdf 13.07M
├──Mathematics PYP 5 – Brian Murray – Oxford 2019.pdf 16.04M
└──Mathematics PYP 6 – Brian Murray – Oxford 2019.pdf 16.72M
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