Oxford Classic Tales 牛津经典童话故事
Oxford Classic Tales是牛津大学出版的儿童英语分级读物。曾获 Language Learner Literature Awards,即“语言学习者文学奖”。本系列以大家熟知的经典童话故事为蓝本,在保留原故事情节及结构的基础之上,特别根据儿童英语学习的特点及语言难度进行了改编,让孩子更好地学习英语,享受阅读的乐趣。
Level 1: 540 words
Level 2: 700 words
Level 3: 1,130 words
Level 4: 1,550 words
Level 5: 2,675 words
牛津小书虫分支《Oxford Classic Tales》新经典童话系列分级读物按难易程度分为五个级别,各级别的核心词从1-5递增量依次为100,150,200,300,400。整套读物配图华丽多彩,结构清晰明了,分为故事,习题,词汇三个板块,配合音频在实际应用中真正实现了听,读,练一体的研读体验。
Level 1 — 100 Headwords
Level 2 — 150 Headwords
Level 3 — 200 Headwords
Level 4 — 300 Headwords
Level 5 — 400 Headwords
1. The Enormous Turnip
2. Rumpelstiltskin
3. The Magpie and the Milk
4. The Little Red Hen
5. The Shoemaker and the Elves
6. Lownu Mends the Sky
7. Three Billy-Goats
8. The Lazy Grass Hopper
9. The Princess and the Pea
10. Peach Boy
11. The Magic Cooking Pot
12. Mansour and the Donkey
1. Amrita and the Treese
2. King Arthur and the Sword
3. Thumbelina
4. The Fisherman and his Wife
5. Rainforest Boy
6. The Gingerbread Man
7. The Ugly Duckling
8. Big Baby Finn
9. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
10. Jack and the Beanstalk
11. The Two Brothers and the Swallows
1. Mulan
2. Bambi and the Prince of the Forest
3. Goldilocks and the Three Bears
4. The Little Mermaid
5. Rapunze
6. Little Red Riding Hood
7. Aladdin
8. The Heron and the Hummingbird
1. Adventures of a Spanish Knight
2. Cinderella
3. The Twelve Dancing Princesses
4. The Goose Girl
5. Sleeping Beauty
1. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2. The Magic Brocade
3. Pinocchio
4. Beauty and the Beast
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├──Level 1 - Lownu Mends the Sky
| ├──Audio
| ├──CD-Rom
| ├──Lownu Mends the Sky. Activity Book and Play.pdf 5.48M
| └──Lownu Mends the Sky.pdf 16.17M
├──Level 1 - Mansour and the Donkey
| ├──Audio
| ├──Mansour and the Donkey. Activity Book and Play.pdf 19.64M
| └──Mansour and the Donkey.pdf 15.46M
├──Level 1 - Peach Boy
| ├──Audio
| └──Peach Boy.pdf 15.51M
├──Level 1 - Rumpelstiltskin
| ├──Audio (1st edition)
| ├──Audio (2nd edition)
| ├──Rumpelstiltskin. Activity Book and Play.pdf 6.17M
| └──Rumpelstiltskin.pdf 8.56M
├──Level 1 - The Enormous Turnip
| ├──Audio
| ├──The Enormous Turnip (1st edition).pdf 4.01M
| └──The Enormous Turnip.pdf 21.86M
├──Level 1 - The Lazy Grasshopper
| ├──Audio
| └──The Lazy Grasshopper.pdf 8.65M
├──Level 1 - The Little Red Hen
| ├──Audio
| └──The Little Red Hen.pdf 7.25M
├──Level 1 - The Magic Cooking Pot
| ├──Audio (1st edition)
| ├──Audio (2nd edition)
| ├──The Magic Cooking Pot (1st edition).pdf 19.18M
| ├──The Magic Cooking Pot. Acitivity Book and Play.pdf 5.07M
| └──The Magic Cooking Pot.pdf 15.92M
├──Level 1 - The Magpie and the Milk
| ├──Audio
| └──The Magpie and the Milk.pdf 20.14M
├──Level 1 - The Princess and the Pea
| ├──Audio
| ├──The Princess and the Pea (1st edition).pdf 12.32M
| └──The Princess and the Pea.pdf 8.77M
├──Level 1 - The Shoemaker and the Elves
| ├──Audio
| ├──The Shoemaker and the Elves (1st edition).pdf 6.35M
| ├──The Shoemaker and the Elves. Activity Book.pdf 7.07M
| └──The Shoemaker and the Elves.pdf 14.82M
├──Level 1 - Three Billy-Goats
| ├──Audio (1st edition)
| ├──Audio (2nd edition)
| └──Three Billy-Goats.pdf 19.83M
├──Level 2 - Amrita and the Trees
| ├──Audio
| ├──Amrita and the Trees (1st edition).pdf 1.57M
| └──Amrita and the Trees.pdf 18.09M
├──Level 2 - Big Baby Finn
| ├──Audio
| └──Big Baby Finn.pdf 11.36M
├──Level 2 - Jack and the Beanstalk
| ├──Audio
| ├──Jack and the Beanstalk. Activitiy Book and Play.pdf 2.53M
| └──Jack and the Beanstalk.pdf 9.96M
├──Level 2 - King Arthur and the Sword
| ├──Audio
| └──King Arthur and the Sword.pdf 11.06M
├──Level 2 - Rainforest Boy
| ├──Audio
| └──Rainforest Boy.pdf 15.93M
├──Level 2 - The Fisherman and His Wife
| ├──Audio
| ├──The Fisherman and His Wife (1st edition).pdf 4.78M
| ├──The Fisherman and his Wife. Activity Book.pdf 5.73M
| └──The Fisherman and His Wife.pdf 17.38M
├──Level 2 - The Gingerbread Man
| ├──Audio
| ├──The Gingerbread Man (1st edition).pdf 3.31M
| ├──The Gingerbread Man. Activity Book and Play.pdf 2.02M
| └──The Gingerbread Man.pdf 18.46M
├──Level 2 - The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
| ├──Audio
| ├──The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (1st edition).pdf 4.41M
| └──The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse.pdf 29.27M
├──Level 2 - The Ugly Duckling
| ├──Audio
| ├──The Ugly Duckling (1st edition).pdf 6.40M
| ├──The Ugly Duckling. Activity Book.pdf 6.80M
| └──The Ugly Duckling.pdf 23.15M
├──Level 2 - Thumbelina
| ├──Audio
| ├──Thumbelina. Activity Book and Play.pdf 6.74M
| └──Thumbelina.pdf 10.77M
├──Level 3 - Aladdin
| ├──Audio
| ├──Aladdin. Activity Book and Play.pdf 2.70M
| └──Aladdin.pdf 9.15M
├──Level 3 - Bambi and the Prince of the Forest
| ├──Audio
| └──Bambi and the Prince of the Forest.pdf 17.41M
├──Level 3 - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
| ├──Audio
| └──Goldilocks and the Three Bears.pdf 8.52M
├──Level 3 - Little Red Riding Hood
| ├──Audio (1st edition)
| ├──Audio (2nd edition)
| ├──CD-Rom
| ├──Little Red Riding Hood (1st edition).pdf 4.98M
| ├──Little Red Riding Hood. Activity Book.pdf 2.87M
| └──Little Red Riding Hood.pdf 14.78M
├──Level 3 - Rapunzel
| ├──Audio
| └──Rapunzel.pdf 14.62M
├──Level 3 - The Heron and the Hummingbird
| ├──Audio
| └──The Heron and the Hummingbird.pdf 17.98M
├──Level 3 - The Little Mermaid
| ├──Audio
| └──The Little Mermaid.pdf 16.06M
├──Level 4 - Cinderella
| ├──Audio
| └──Cinderella.pdf 16.10M
├──Level 4 - Don Quixote Adventures of a Spanish Knight
| ├──Audio
| └──Don Quixote Adventures of a Spanish Knight.pdf 11.29M
├──Level 4 - Sleeping Beauty
| ├──Audio
| ├──CD-Rom
| ├──Sleeping Beauty. Activity Book and Play.pdf 15.83M
| └──Sleeping Beauty.pdf 10.11M
├──Level 4 - The Goose Girl
| ├──Audio
| └──The Goose Girl.pdf 20.39M
├──Level 4 - The Twelve Dancing Princesses
| ├──Audio
| ├──The Twelve Dancing Princesses. Activity Book and Play.pdf 3.08M
| └──The Twelve Dancing Princesses.pdf 18.32M
├──Level 5 - Beauty and the Beast
| ├──Audio
| └──Beauty and The Beast.pdf 17.77M
├──Level 5 - Pinocchio
| ├──Audio
| └──Pinocchio.pdf 15.07M
├──Level 5 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
| ├──Audio
| └──Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.pdf 23.81M
├──Level 5 - The Magic Brocade
| ├──Audio
| └──The Magic Brocade.pdf 26.81M
└──Teacher's Site
| ├──Activity Book Answer Keys
| ├──Photocopiable Templates
| ├──Readers Exercise Answer Keys
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