IGCSE 是International General Certificate of Secondary Education,是目前国外14岁至16岁全世界考试最多人数的体系之一,是CIE(Cambridge International examination), 剑桥全球测试的一部分。其证书,只要是说英文的国家地区均会得到承认, 该考试相当于我们理解的“SSAT”,唯一不同的是:若同学想申请英国名校剑桥,牛津大学等相近英系大学,此考试成绩是申请的重要参考之一。 因中英教育体系的不同,高中的GPA成绩换算,英国无标准,不能准确了解学员的智力和学术能力,所以该考试成绩很有必要。
IGCSE是国际普通中等教育证书,学制两年,对应的阶段相当于国内的初三和高一,当然也有的同学会在一年内学完,学完相当于国内的高二,如果是国内的高二学生想读剑桥国际高中的课程,可以直接学A LEVEL课程,不用再学IGCSE。
随着各国国际学校及留英国际学生的增多,英国剑桥大学特为国际生出版IGCSE课程,涵盖了70门学科,VICI特别为孩子提供: 数学,物理,化学,生物,经济,商科,艺术与设计等热门学科的培训,完美对接A-level课程。
▶ 经济:《剑桥IGCSE和O Level经济学》
1.Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Economics
▶ 西班牙语:《剑桥IGCSE及西班牙语国际证书》
2.Cambridge IGCSE and International Certificate Spanish Foreign Language
▶ 英语:母语&第二语言
3.Cambridge IGCSE English First Language(第3版)
4.IGCSE English as a Second Language
5.Cambridge IGCSE English Second Language
▶ 法语:《剑桥IGCSE证书和国际证书法语外语》
6.Cambridge IGCSE and International Certificate French Foreign Language
▶ 现代世界史:《剑桥IGCSE世界现代史》
7.Cambridge IGCSE Modern World History
▶ 商务研究:《剑桥IGCSE商业研究教科书+学习指南》
8.Cambridge IGCSE Business Studies(第4版)
9.IGCSE Study Guide for Business Studies
▶ 地理:《剑桥IGCSE地理》
10.Cambridge IGCSE Geography(第2版)
▶ 数学:《剑桥IGCSE数学核心和延伸》
11.Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended (第3版)
▶ 生物:《剑桥IGCSE生物学》
12.Cambridge IGCSE Biology(第3版)
▶ 计算机科学:《剑桥IGCSE计算机科学》
13.Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science
▶ 物理:《剑桥IGCSE物理》
14.Cambridge IGCSE Physics(第3版)
▶ 化学:《剑桥IGCSE化学》+《剑桥IGCSE完整化学》+工作手册+学习指南
15.Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry
16.Complete Chemistry for Cambridge IGCSE
17.Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Workbook (第3版)
18.IGCSE Study Guide for Chemistry
▶ 信息及通讯技术:《剑桥IGCSE信息及通讯技术》
19.IGCSE Information and Communication Technology (ICT)(第2版)
20.IGCSE Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
本次搜集整理了25本高清PDF教材,包括英语(as first language)英语(as second language) 法语,西班牙语,物理,化学,生物,计算机,IT,商科,经济,地理,世界现代史等学科:
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Business Studies 5th Edition
英国Hodder Education出版社,是CIE认证的三大出版社之一(剑桥,Hodder和Collins),所出版的关于IGCSE和A-Level教材都紧扣CIE考纲编写。
This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to support the full syllabus for examination from 2020.
Discover business theory beyond the classroom by exploring real-world international businesses through case studies; rely on a tried-and-tested Student's Book to ensure full coverage of the latest Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Business Studies syllabuses (0450/0986/7115).
- Encourage understanding with engaging case studies and clear and lively text gradually building content knowledge.
- Develop application and evaluation skills with hundreds of engaging activities and examination-style questions throughout.
- Deepen understanding through systematic syllabus coverage and a spiral structure revisiting material in a structured way.
- Navigate the syllabuses confidently with subject outlines clearly defined at the start of each chapter and syllabus-matching section headings.
- Check understanding with revision checklists enabling reflection, and suggested further practice.
- Reinforce learning with selected answers and additional multiple-choice questions as well as a glossary of key terms online.
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