Newbery Medal 纽伯瑞儿童文学奖 获奖作品超全合集1922-2024
纽伯瑞儿童文学奖(Newbery Medal),又称纽伯瑞奖,是一项专为表彰美国儿童文学杰出贡献而设立的奖项。设立100多年来,纽伯瑞儿童文学奖已成为一项全球范围内最具有深厚历史底蕴和广泛影响力的儿童文学奖项,它以其独特的评选标准和严格的评选过程,不断发掘和表彰儿童文学领域的杰出作品和作者,为儿童文学的发展注入了新的活力和动力。以下是对该奖项的详细介绍:
- 设立时间:1922年
- 设立机构:由美国图书馆学会(American Library Association - ALA)的分支机构——美国图书馆儿童服务学会(Association for Library Service to Children - ALSC)创设。
- 设立目的:为了表彰和纪念英国著名儿童文学作家和出版家约翰·纽伯瑞(John Newbery)在儿童文学领域的开创性贡献。纽伯瑞出生于1713年,是自学成才的儿童文学作家和出版家,他编写了世界上第一本专门的、价格低廉的儿童书《美丽小书》,并开办了世界上第一家专门的儿童读物印刷厂和儿童书店,对儿童文学的发展产生了深远影响,被誉为“儿童文学之父”。
- 奖项类型:每年颁发金奖(Newbery Medal Award)一部、银奖(Newbery Honor Books)一部或数部。
- 评选标准:主要考量书籍的文学价值、对儿童的吸引力、以及对儿童文学领域的贡献。获奖作品必须是上一年度在美国出版的,且作者需为美国公民或永久居民。
- 评选过程:由ALSC的评审委员会负责评选,委员会成员包括教育工作者、图书馆员、书评人、出版商和儿童文学专家。
- 主题与内容:
- 作品主题广泛,涵盖生命、友谊、亲情、梦想、青春、冒险、奇幻等多个方面。
- 常常以儿童视角讲述成长故事,内容健康积极,蕴含正能量。
- 强调对人性本质的关怀和积极价值观的引导,如勇气、坚持、爱、宽容等。
- 文学价值:
- 获奖作品文学性强,文字表述极富有美感,是体会英语语言之美的绝佳读物。
- 叙事手法丰富多样,有助于提升孩子的英语阅读与写作能力。
- 语言难度与适应性:
- 语言难度适中,适合有一定英文基础的国内小学中高年级到中学生阅读。
- 作品题材广泛,适合不同年龄段和阅读水平的儿童阅读。
- 社会认可度高:作为美国最权威、知名度最高的儿童图书奖项之一,纽伯瑞奖在世界范围内也得到广泛认可。
- 教育价值显著:获奖作品被视为英语儿童文学领域的经典之作,被列为美国小学生和初中生的必读书籍,对培养孩子的阅读兴趣、阅读能力和文学素养具有重要作用。
- 推动儿童文学发展:纽伯瑞奖通过表彰优秀作品和杰出作者,不断推动儿童文学的创新与发展,为儿童文学的繁荣做出了重要贡献。
金奖:《人类的故事》(The Story of Mankind),作者:亨德里克·威廉·房龙(Hendrik Willem van Loon)。这是一部经典的儿童历史读物,以通俗易懂的方式讲述了人类历史的发展。
银奖:包括《The Great Quest》、《Cedric the Forester》、《弗雷迪历险记/老烟草店的故事》等多部作品,这些作品在儿童文学领域也都有着重要的影响。
- 金奖:《杜立德医生航海记》(The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle),作者:休·洛夫廷(Hugh Lofting)。这部作品以一位能与动物交谈的医生为主角,展开了一系列奇妙的航海冒险。
- 金奖:《黑暗护卫舰》(The Dark Frigate),作者:查尔斯·波德曼·霍斯(Charles Hawes)。该书讲述了一艘护卫舰上的冒险故事,充满了惊险与刺激。
- 金奖如《海蒂-木偶百年历险记》(Hitty, Her First Hundred Years)等,继续探索儿童成长、冒险与友情的主题。
- 这一时期的获奖作品涵盖了广泛的题材,包括历史、科幻、冒险、成长等,如《夏洛的网》(Charlotte's Web)、《桥下一家人》(The Bridge to Terabithia)等经典作品均在此期间获奖。
- 2022年金奖:《The Last Cuentista》(《最后的讲述者》),作者:Donna Barba Higuera。这是一部末世科幻小说,讲述了一个女孩成为讲故事人的故事。
- 2023年金奖:《Freewater》(《自由水》),作者:阿米娜·卢克曼-道森。小说以美国南部黑奴社区历史为背景,讲述了两个孩子的冒险与成长。
- 金奖:《眼睛和不可能》(The Eyes and the Impossible),作者:Dave Eggers,插图:Shawn Harris。该书通过一只狗的视角,讲述了一个关于观察、变化与冒险的故事。
- 荣誉图书包括《鹰鼓》(Eagle Drums)、《精灵狗和猫头鹰头》(Elf Dog and Owl)、《墨西哥男孩》(Mexikid)、《西蒙这样说》(Simon Sort of Says)、《对Samir的多次刺杀,梦想贩卖家》(The Many Assassinations of Samir, the Seller of Dreams)等五部作品,这些作品在各自的领域内也都有着出色的表现。
The Newbery Medal, established in 1922 by Frederick G. Melcher, is a prestigious award that recognizes the year's most outstanding contribution to American children's literature. Presented annually by the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association, the medal showcases books that demonstrate excellence in writing, appeal to children, and possess significant literary merit.
These award-winning works often focus on themes of growth, adventure, friendship, family, and the human experience, narrated from a child's perspective. They explore complex emotions, foster empathy, and encourage critical thinking, making them invaluable additions to any young reader's library.
The Newbery Medal-winning books are chosen by a committee of experts who evaluate submissions based on the quality of the writing, the suitability of the content for children, and the book's overall literary merit. The selected works are recognized as benchmarks of excellence in the field of children's literature and are widely regarded as must-reads for children of various ages and reading levels.
With a rich history spanning over a century, the Newbery Medal has honored numerous authors and their works, including timeless classics such as "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White and "The Giver" by Lois Lowry. The award continues to be a guiding light for publishers, librarians, educators, and families seeking the best in children's literature.
The books that receive the Newbery Medal not only enrich the lives of young readers but also promote literacy, inspire creativity, and foster a love of reading that lasts a lifetime.
——/2024更新/【多课吧】Newbery Medal Award+Honor Books 纽伯瑞儿童文学奖 金奖银奖获奖作品超全合集1922-2024 全彩PDF 百度云网盘下载/
| ├──honorBook
| | ├──1922-1979
| | | ├──1922_The Golden Fleece and the heroes who lived before Achilles by Colum, Padraic Pogány, Willy ( 4.67M
| | | ├──1922_The Old Tobacco Shop by Bowen William ( 648.34kb
| | | ├──1930_The Jumping-Off Place by McNeely Marian Hurd ( 17.84M
| | | ├──1931_Spice and the Devils Cave by Hewes Agnes Danforth ( 3.43M
| | | ├──1932_Calico Bush by Field Rachel ( 1.94M
| | | ├──1934_The Winged Girl of Knossos by Berry Erick ( 1.44M
| | | ├──1937_Winterbound by Bianco Margery Williams ( 1.06M
| | | ├──1938_Bright Island by Robinson Mabel L ( 5.53M
| | | ├──1938_On The Banks Of Plum Creek by Wilder Laura Ingalls ( 210.61kb
| | | ├──1939_Mr. Poppers Penguins by Atwater Richard, Florence ( 2.03M
| | | ├──1940_By The Shores Of Silver Lake by Wilder Laura Ingalls ( 205.85kb
| | | ├──1941_The Long Winter by Wilder Laura Ingalls ( 5.53M
| | | ├──1942_Indian Captive- The Story of Mary Jemison by Lenski Lois ( 4.97M
| | | ├──1942_Little Town On The Prairie by Wilder Laura Ingalls ( 222.87kb
| | | ├──1943_The Middle Moffat by Estes Eleanor ( 4.44M
| | | ├──1944_Fog Magic by Sauer Julia L ( 137.00kb
| | | ├──1944_Mountain Born by Yates Elizabeth ( 2.06M
| | | ├──1944_Rufus M by Estes Eleanor ( 4.40M
| | | ├──1944_These Happy Golden Years by Wilder Laura Ingalls ( 3.61M
| | | ├──1945_The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes ( 127.75kb
| | | ├──1947_The Avion My Uncle Flew by Fisher Cyrus ( 2.07M
| | | ├──1947_The Heavenly Tenants by Maxwell William ( 5.44M
| | | ├──1948_Misty of Chincoteague by Henry Marguerite ( 2.62M
| | | ├──1949_My Fathers Dragon by Gannett Ruth Stiles, Stiles Ruth ( 1.85M
| | | ├──1950_The Blue Cat of Castle Town (Dover) by Coblentz Catherine Cate ( 10.84M
| | | ├──1950_Tree of Freedom by Caudill Rebecca ( 298.61kb
| | | ├──1951_Abraham Lincoln Friend of the People by Judson Clara Ingram ( 8.72M
| | | ├──1952_The Defender by Kalashnikoff Nicholas ( 3.09M
| | | ├──1953_Charlottes Web by White B E ( 108.49kb
| | | ├──1953_Moccasin Trail by Millholland Ray ( 253.95kb
| | | ├──1953_The Bears on Hemlock Mountain by Dalgliesh Alice ( 1.44M
| | | ├──1955_Banner in the Sky by Ullman James Ramsey ( 165.82kb
| | | ├──1955_The Courage of Sarah Noble by Dalgliesh Alice ( 8.00M
| | | ├──1957_Old Yeller by Gipson Fred ( 148.54kb
| | | ├──1960_My Side of the Mountain by Craighead George Jean ( 201.73kb
| | | ├──1961_The Cricket in Times Square by Selden George ( 5.48M
| | | ├──1962_The Golden Goblet by McGraw Eloise Jarvis ( 214.40kb
| | | ├──1963_Thistle and Thyme Tales and Legends from Scotland by Leodhas Sorche Nic ( 378.61kb
| | | ├──1964_Rascal by North Sterling ( 2.45M
| | | ├──1965_Across Five Aprils by Hunt Irene ( 267.85kb
| | | ├──1966_The Animal Family by Randall Jarrell, Maurice Sendak ( 149.65kb
| | | ├──1966_The Black Cauldron by Lloyd Alexander ( 195.02kb
| | | ├──1967_The Jazz Man by Weik Mary Hays ( 449.41kb
| | | ├──1967_The Kings Fifth by ODell Scott ( 685.40kb
| | | ├──1968_Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley, and Me, Elizabeth by Konigsburg E L ( 146.79kb
| | | ├──1968_The Black Pearl by ODell Scott ( 2.40M
| | | ├──1968_The Egypt Game by Snyder Zilpha Keatley ( 7.67M
| | | ├──1969_When Shlemiel Went to Warsaw and Other Stories by Singer Isaac Bashevis ( 2.30M
| | | ├──1971_Enchantress from the Stars by Engdahl Sylvia ( 1.18M
| | | ├──1971_Kneeknock Rise by Babbitt Natalie ( 652.04kb
| | | ├──1971_Sing Down the Moon by ODell Scott ( 194.88kb
| | | ├──1972_The Headless Cupid by Snyder Zilpha Keatley ( 8.12M
| | | ├──1972_The Planet of Junior Brown by Hamilton Virginia ( 1.54M
| | | ├──1972_The Tombs of Atuan by le Guin Ursula K ( 270.17kb
| | | ├──1973_The Upstairs Room by Reiss Johanna ( 180.15kb
| | | ├──1973_The Witches of Worm by Snyder Zilpha Keatley ( 10.03M
| | | ├──1974_The Dark Is Rising by Cooper Susan ( 1.13M
| | | ├──1975_Figgs Phantoms by Raskin Ellen ( 4.16M
| | | ├──1975_My Brother Sam Is Dead by Collier James Lincoln, Collier Christopher ( 1.95M
| | | ├──1975_Philip Hall Likes Me I Reckon, Maybe by Greene Bette ( 1.59M
| | | ├──1975_The Perilous Gard by Pope Elizabeth Marie ( 228.18kb
| | | ├──1977_A String in the Harp by Bond Nancy ( 980.74kb
| | | ├──1977_Abels Island by Steig William ( 4.39M
| | | ├──1978_Ramona and Her Father by Cleary Beverly ( 919.90kb
| | | └──1979_The Great Gilly Hopkins by Paterson Katherine ( 383.97kb
| | └──1980-2020
| | | ├──1980_The Road From Home by Kherdian David ( 347.94kb
| | | ├──1981_A Ring of Endless Light by LEngle Madeleine ( 289.67kb
| | | ├──1982_Ramona Quimby, Age 8 by Cleary Beverly ( 910.27kb
| | | ├──1982_Upon the Head of the Goat A Childhood in Hungary 1939-1944 by Siegal Aranka ( 368.82kb
| | | ├──1983_Graven Images by Fleischman Paul ( 3.15M
| | | ├──1983_Homesick My Own Story by Fritz Jean ( 977.56kb
| | | ├──1983_Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush by Hamilton Virginia ( 1.56M
| | | ├──1983_The Blue Sword by McKinley Robin ( 302.04kb
| | | ├──1984_The Sign of the Beaver by Speare Elizabeth George ( 165.93kb
| | | ├──1984_The Wish Giver Three Tales of Coven Tree by Brittain Bill ( 1.44M
| | | ├──1985_Like Jake and Me by Jukes Mavis ( 3.70M
| | | ├──1985_One-Eyed Cat by Fox Paula ( 578.28kb
| | | ├──1985_The Moves Make the Man by Brooks Bruce ( 407.18kb
| | | ├──1986_Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun by Rhoda Blumberg ( 3.98M
| | | ├──1986_Dogsong by Paulsen Gary ( 2.94M
| | | ├──1987_A Fine White Dust by Rylant Cynthia ( 189.78kb
| | | ├──1987_On My Honor by Dane Bauer Marion ( 139.11kb
| | | ├──1988_Hatchet by Paulsen Gary, Willis Drew ( 139.03kb
| | | ├──1989_Scorpions Novel by Walter Dean Myers ( 381.50kb
| | | ├──1990_Afternoon of the Elves by Lisle Janet Taylor ( 172.59kb
| | | ├──1990_Shabanu- Daughter of the Wind by Staples Suzanne Fisher ( 790.72kb
| | | ├──1990_The Winter Room by Paulsen Gary ( 4.87M
| | | ├──1991_The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi ( 275.50kb
| | | ├──1992_Nothing But the Truth by Avi ( 3.56M
| | | ├──1993_The Dark-Thirty- Southern Tales of the Supernatural by McKissack Patricia C ( 4.13M
| | | ├──1995_Catherine, Called Birdy by Cushman Karen ( 178.84kb
| | | ├──1995_The Ear, the Eye and the Arm by Farmer Nancy ( 304.40kb
| | | ├──1996_The Watsons Go to Birmingham by Curtis Paul Christopher ( 208.73kb
| | | ├──1996_Yolondas Genius by Fenner Carol ( 1.45M
| | | ├──1997_A Girl Named Disaster by Farmer Nancy ( 737.64kb
| | | ├──1997_Belle Praters Boy by White Ruth ( 141.36kb
| | | ├──1997_The Moorchild by McGraw Eloise ( 236.48kb
| | | ├──1997_The Thief by Turner Megan Whalen ( 482.30kb
| | | ├──1998_Ella Enchanted by Levine Gail Carson ( 199.26kb
| | | ├──1998_Lilys Crossing by Giff Patricia Reilly ( 180.18kb
| | | ├──1998_Wringer by Spinelli Jerry ( 1.38M
| | | ├──1999_A Long Way from Chicago by Peck Richard ( 130.06kb
| | | ├──2000_26 Fairmount Avenue by dePaola Tomie ( 3.51M
| | | ├──2000_Our Only May Amelia by Holm Jennifer L ( 11.94M
| | | ├──2001_Because of Winn-Dixie by DiCamillo Kate ( 407.92kb
| | | ├──2001_Hope Was Here by Bauer Joan ( 314.52kb
| | | ├──2001_Joey Pigza Loses Control by Gantos Jack ( 171.05kb
| | | ├──2001_The Wanderer by Creech Sharon ( 1.18M
| | | ├──2002_Carver A Life in Poems by Nelson Marilyn ( 5.13M
| | | ├──2003_A Corner of the Universe by Martin Ann M ( 557.55kb
| | | ├──2003_Hoot by Carl Hiaasen ( 335.93kb
| | | ├──2003_Pictures of Hollis Woods by Giff Patricia Reilly ( 281.47kb
| | | ├──2003_Surviving the Applewhites by Tolan Stephanie S ( 368.54kb
| | | ├──2003_The House of the Scorpion by Farmer Nancy ( 1.52M
| | | ├──2004_An American Plague The True and Terrifying Story of the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793 by Murphy Jim ( 36.39M
| | | ├──2004_Olives Ocean by Henkes Kevin ( 1.24M
| | | ├──2005_Al Capone Does My Shirts by Choldenko Gennifer ( 668.32kb
| | | ├──2005_Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy by Schmidt Gary D ( 203.49kb
| | | ├──2006_Princess Academy by Hale Shannon ( 402.15kb
| | | ├──2006_Whittington by Armstrong Alan W ( 4.89M
| | | ├──2007_Hattie Big Sky by Larson Kirby ( 1.13M
| | | ├──2007_Penny From Heaven by Holm Jennifer L ( 936.71kb
| | | ├──2007_Rules by Lord Cynthia ( 473.46kb
| | | ├──2008_Elijah of Buxton by Curtis Christopher Paul ( 1.34M
| | | ├──2008_Feathers by Jacqueline Woodson ( 133.02kb
| | | ├──2008_The Wednesday Wars by Schmidt Gary D ( 300.13kb
| | | ├──2009_After Tupac D Foster by Woodson Jacqueline ( 159.72kb
| | | ├──2009_Savvy by Law Ingrid ( 210.25kb
| | | ├──2009_The Surrender Tree Poems of Cubas Struggle for Freedom by Engle Margarita ( 205.73kb
| | | ├──2009_The Underneath by Appelt Kathi ( 1.60M
| | | ├──2010_Claudette Colvin Twice Towards Justice by Hoose Phillip ( 3.01M
| | | ├──2010_The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Kelly Jacqueline ( 352.75kb
| | | ├──2010_The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P Figg by Philbrick Rodman ( 528.77kb
| | | ├──2010_Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin ( 8.08M
| | | ├──2011_Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night by Sidman Joyce ( 20.51M
| | | ├──2011_Heart of a Samurai by Preus Margi ( 861.84kb
| | | ├──2011_One Crazy Summer by Williams-Garcia Rita ( 206.84kb
| | | ├──2011_Turtle in Paradise by Holm Jennifer L ( 747.31kb
| | | ├──2012_Breaking Stalins Nose by Yelchin Eugene ( 2.12M
| | | ├──2012_Inside Out and Back Again by Lai Thanhha ( 225.92kb
| | | ├──2013_Bomb. The Race to Build—and Steal—the Worlds Most Dangerous Weapon by Steve Sheinkin ( 3.68M
| | | ├──2013_Splendors and Glooms by Schlitz Laura Amy ( 1.91M
| | | ├──2013_Three Times Lucky by Turnage Sheila ( 460.30kb
| | | ├──2014_Doll Bones by Black Holly ( 11.55M
| | | ├──2014_One Came Home by Timberlake Amy ( 2.80M
| | | ├──2014_Paperboy by Vawter Vince ( 2.15M
| | | ├──2014_The Year of Billy Miller by Henkes Kevin ( 763.98kb
| | | ├──2015_Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson ( 4.03M
| | | ├──2016_The War that Saved My Life by Bradley Kimberly Brubaker ( 1.88M
| | | ├──2017_The Inquisitors Tale or, The Three Magical Children and Their Holy Dog by Gidwitz Adam ( 32.53M
| | | ├──2017_Wolf Hollow by Wolk Lauren ( 646.72kb
| | | ├──2018_Long Way Down by Reynolds Jason ( 13.52M
| | | ├──2018_Piecing Me Together by Watson Renée ( 372.61kb
| | | ├──2019_The Book of Boy by Murdock Catherine Gilbert ( 6.81M
| | | ├──2019_The Night Diary by Hiranandani Veera ( 2.26M
| | | ├──2020_Genesis Begins Again by Williams Alicia D ( 2.16M
| | | ├──2020_Other Words for Home by Jasmine Warga ( 1.02M
| | | └──2020_Scary Stories for Young Foxes by Christian McKay Heidicker ( 3.98M
| └──medalBook
| | └──epub
| | | ├──1922[Hendrik-Willem-Van-Loon]-The-Story-of-the-Mandkin( 436.16kb
| | | ├──1923[Lofting-Hugh]-The-Voyages-of-Doctor-Dolittle( 272.84kb
| | | ├──1924[Hawes-Charles]-The-Dark-Frigate( 206.01kb
| | | ├──1927[James-Will]-Smoky-The-Cowhorse( 1.98M
| | | ├──1928[Mukerji-Dhan-Gopal]-Gay-Neck,-the-Story-of-a-Pige( 138.32kb
| | | ├──1929[Kelly-Eric-P]-The-Trumpeter-of-Krakow( 2.95M
| | | ├──1930[Field-Rachel]-Hitty,-Her-First-Hundred-Years( 219.93kb
| | | ├──1931[Coatsworth-Elizabeth]-The-Cat-Who-Went-to-Heaven( 4.07M
| | | ├──1932[Armer-Laura-Adams]-Waterless-Mountain( 6.94M
| | | ├──1933[Lewis-Elizabeth-Foreman]-Young-Fu-of-the-Upper-Ya( 5.36M
| | | ├──1934[Meigs-Cornelia]-Invincible-Louisa( 177.66kb
| | | ├──1936[Brink-Carol-Ryrie]-Caddie-Woodlawn( 3.71M
| | | ├──1937[Sawyer-Ruth]-Roller-Skates( 261.00kb
| | | ├──1938[Seredy-Kate]-The-White-Stag( 66.01kb
| | | ├──1939[Enright-Elizabeth]-Thimble-Summer( 2.42M
| | | ├──1941[Sperry-Armstrong]-Call-It-Courage( 979.24kb
| | | ├──1942[Edmonds-Walter-D]-The-Matchlock-Gun( 44.93kb
| | | ├──1944[Forbes-Esther]-Johnny-Tremain( 3.56M
| | | ├──1945[Lawson-Robert]-Rabbit-Hill( 81.81kb
| | | ├──1946[Lenski-Lois]-Strawberry-Girl( 174.28kb
| | | ├──1948[Bois-William-Pene-Du]-The-Twenty-One-Balloons( 8.43M
| | | ├──1949[Henry-Marguerite]-King-of-the-Wind( 2.53M
| | | ├──1950[de-Angeli-Marguerite]-The-Door-in-the-Wall( 5.34M
| | | ├──1951[Yates-Elizabeth]-Amos-Fortune,-Free-Man( 109.14kb
| | | ├──1952[Estes-Eleanor]-Ginger-Pye( 2.78M
| | | ├──1953[Clark-Ann-Nolan]-Secret-of-the-Andes( 233.76kb
| | | ├──1955[De-Jong-Meindert]-The-Wheel-on-the-School( 318.92kb
| | | ├──1957[Sorensen-Virginia]-Miracles-on-Maple-Hill( 2.08M
| | | ├──1958[Keith-Harold]-Rifles-for-Watie( 1.06M
| | | ├──1959[Speare-Elizabeth-George]-The-Witch-of-Blackbird-P( 219.47kb
| | | ├──1961[O'Dell-Scott]-Island-Of-The-Blue-Dolphins( 134.91kb
| | | ├──1962[Speare-Elizabeth-George]-The-Bronze-Bow( 244.21kb
| | | ├──1963[L'Engle-Madeleine]-A-wrinkle-in-time( 238.12kb
| | | ├──1964[Cheney-Neville-Emily]-It's-Like-This,-Cat( 807.17kb
| | | ├──1965[Wojciechowska-Maia]-Shadow-of-a-Bull( 5.08M
| | | ├──1967[Hunt-Irene]-Up-a-Road-Slowly( 172.68kb
| | | ├──1968[Konigsburg-E-L]-From-the-Mixed-Up-Files-of-Mrs-Ba( 1.25M
| | | ├──1969[Alexander-Lloyd]-The-High-King( 236.96kb
| | | ├──1970[Armstrong-William-H]-Sounder( 2.16M
| | | ├──1971[Byars-Betsy]-The-Summer-of-the-Swans( 211.77kb
| | | ├──1972[O'Brien-Robert]-Mrs.-Frisby-and-the-Rats-of-NIMH( 839.25kb
| | | ├──1973[George-Jean-Craighead]-Julie-of-the-Wolves( 6.65M
| | | ├──1974[Fox-Paula]-The-Slave-Dancer( 619.72kb
| | | ├──1975[Virginia-Hamilton]-M.C.-Higgins,-the-Great( 1.58M
| | | ├──1976[Cooper-Susan,-Heslop-Michael]-The-Grey-King( 136.43kb
| | | ├──1977[Taylor-Mildred-D]-Roll-of-Thunder,-Hear-My-Cry( 471.19kb
| | | ├──1978[Paterson-Katherine]-Bridge-to-Terabithia( 140.35kb
| | | ├──1979[Raskin-Ellen]-The-Westing-Game( 297.39kb
| | | ├──1980[Blos-Joan-W]-A-Gathering-of-Days_-A-New-England-G( 387.91kb
| | | ├──1981[Paterson-Katherine]-Jacob-Have-I-Loved( 199.33kb
| | | ├──1983[Voigt-Cynthia]-Dicey's-Song( 246.52kb
| | | ├──1984[Cleary-Beverly]-Dear-Mr-Henshaw( 1.20M
| | | ├──1985[McKinley-Robin]-The-Hero-and-the-Crown( 406.89kb
| | | ├──1986[MacLachlan-Patricia]-Sarah,-Plain-and-Tall( 1.10M
| | | ├──1987[Fleischman-Sid]-The-Whipping-Boy( 1.39M
| | | ├──1988[Freedman-Russell]-Lincoln_-A-Photobiography( 5.82M
| | | ├──1989[Fleischman-Paul]-Joyful-Noise_-Poems-for-Two-Voic( 3.01M
| | | ├──1990[Lowry-Lois]-Number-the-Stars( 183.38kb
| | | ├──1991[Spinelli-Jerry]-Maniac-Magee( 284.11kb
| | | ├──1992[Naylor-Phyllis-Reynolds]-Shiloh( 104.85kb
| | | ├──1993[Rylant-Cynthia]-Missing-May( 1.15M
| | | ├──1994[Lois-Lowry]-The-Giver( 130.22kb
| | | ├──1995[Sharon-Creech]-Walk-Two-Moons( 212.15kb
| | | ├──1996[Cushman-Karen]-The-Midwife's-Apprentice( 226.16kb
| | | ├──1997[Konigsburg-E-L]-The-View-from-Saturday( 1.77M
| | | ├──1998[Hesse-Karen]-Out-of-the-Dust( 493.51kb
| | | ├──1999[Sachar-Louis]-Holes( 2.74M
| | | ├──2000[Curtis-Christopher-Paul]-Bud,-Not-Buddy( 370.78kb
| | | ├──2001[Peck-Richard]-A-Year-Down-Yonder( 165.27kb
| | | ├──2002[Park-Sue-Linda]-A-Single-Shard( 162.90kb
| | | ├──2003[Avi]-Crispin--The-Cross-of-Lead( 723.13kb
| | | ├──2004[Kate-DiCamillo]-The-Tale-of-Despereaux_-Being-the( 5.02M
| | | ├──2005[Kadohata-Cynthia]-Kira-Kira( 308.69kb
| | | ├──2006[Perkins-Lynne-Rae]-Criss-Cross( 1.34M
| | | ├──2007[Patron-Susan]-The-Higher-Power-of-Lucky( 387.63kb
| | | ├──2009[Neil-Gaiman]-The-Graveyard-Book( 209.36kb
| | | ├──2010[Rebecca-Stead]-When-You-Reach-Me( 199.49kb
| | | ├──2011[Vanderpool-Clare]-Moon-Over-Manifest( 1.95M
| | | ├──2012[Gantos-Jack-Dead-End-in-Norvelt( 265.27kb
| | | ├──2013[Applegate-Katherine-Applegate]-The-One-and-Only-I( 3.90M
| | | ├──2014[DiCamillo-Kate]-Flora-and-Ulysses_-The-Illuminate( 77.40M
| | | ├──2015[Alexander-Kwame]-The-Crossover( 1.44M
| | | ├──2017[Barnhill-Kelly]-The-Girl-Who-Drank-the-Moon( 1.93M
| | | ├──2018[Kelly-Erin-Entrada]-Hello,-Universe( 911.54kb
| | | └──2019[Medina-Meg]-Merci-Su_rez-Changes-Gears( 1.63M
| ├──当你困住一只老虎When You Trap a Tiger电子书及音频
| | ├──2021 When You Trap a Tiger - Tae Keller.epub 4.29M
| | ├──2021 When You Trap a Tiger - Tae Keller.jpg 428.07kb
| | ├──2021 When You Trap a Tiger - Tae 4.57M
| | ├──When You Trap a Tiger - 001 - When You Trap a Tiger.mp3 165.83kb(其他略)
| | ├──When You Trap a Tiger - Tae Keller - MP3.txt 1.70kb
| | └──When You Trap a Tiger.jpg 66.85kb
| ├──黑暗中的心愿
| | ├──2021 A Wish in the Dark - Christina Soontornvat.epub 6.62M
| | ├──2021 A Wish in the Dark - Christina Soontornvat.jpg 401.61kb
| | └──2021 A Wish in the Dark - Christina 1.63M
| ├──我们的太空梦We Dream of Space电子书及音频
| | ├──2021 We Dream of Space - Erin Entrada Kelly.jpg 421.98kb
| | ├──2021 We Dream of Space - Erin Entrada 4.77M
| | ├──We Dream of Space - Erin Entrada Kelly - MP3.txt 2.52kb
| | ├──We Dream of Space-Cover.jpg 349.57kb
| | ├──We Dream of Space-Part01.mp3 32.60M
| | ├──We Dream of Space-Part02.mp3 33.22M
| | ├──We Dream of Space-Part03.mp3 35.52M
| | ├──We Dream of Space-Part04.mp3 32.20M
| | └──We Dream of Space-Part05.mp3 30.83M
| ├──一个都不能少:不可思议的洞穴营救行动All Thirteen 电子书及音频
| | ├──2021 All Thirteen - Christina Soontornvat.epub 58.39M
| | ├──2021 All Thirteen - Christina Soontornvat.jpg 494.55kb
| | ├──2021 All Thirteen - Christina 45.45M
| | ├──All Thirteen - Christina Soontornvat.epub 58.39M
| | ├──All Thirteen - Christina Soontornvat.jpg 494.55kb
| | ├──All Thirteen - Christina 45.45M
| | └──All Thirteen - Christina Soontornvat.txt 2.62kb
| └──战斗的语言电子书
| | ├──2021 Fighting Words - Kimberly Brubaker Bradley.epub 743.48kb
| | ├──2021 Fighting Words - Kimberly Brubaker Bradley.jpg 190.47kb
| | └──2021 Fighting Words - Kimberly Brubaker 594.50kb
| ├──A Snake Falls to Earth by Darcie Little Badger.pdf 7.34M
| ├──Red, White, and Whole by Rajani LaRocca.pdf 3.05M
| ├──The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera.pdf 4.02M
| └──Too Bright to See by Kyle Lukoff.pdf 2.78M
| ├──Freewater - Amina Luqman-Dawson
| | ├──Freewater - Amina Luqman-Dawson
| | | ├──(NEW)Freewater - Amina Luqman-Dawson.pdf 14.53M
| | | ├──Freewater - Amina Luqman-Dawson.epub 2.89M
| | | ├──Freewater - Amina Luqman-Dawson.jpg 1.77M
| | | ├──Freewater - Amina 3.14M
| | | └──Freewater - Amina Luqman-Dawson.txt 1.86kb
| | ├──Freewater - Amina Luqman-Dawson - M4B
| | | ├──Freewater - Amina Luqman-Dawson.jpg 82.86kb
| | | └──Freewater - Amina Luqman-Dawson.m4b 529.06M
| | └──Freewater - Amina Luqman-Dawson - M4B.txt 1.54kb
| ├──Iveliz Explains It All - Andrea Beatriz Arango
| | ├──Iveliz Explains It All - Andrea Beatriz Arango - MP3
| | | ├──Iveliz Explains It All - Cover.jpeg 112.16kb
| | | ├──Iveliz Explains It All - Part 01.mp3 36.09M
| | | ├──Iveliz Explains It All - Part 02.mp3 36.00M
| | | ├──Iveliz Explains It All - Part 03.mp3 17.93M
| | | ├──Iveliz Explains It All - Part 04.mp3 832.03kb
| | | ├──Iveliz Explains It All - Part 05.mp3 813.66kb
| | | └──Iveliz Explains It All - Part 06.mp3 1.92M
| | ├──(NEW)Iveliz Explains It All - Andrea Beatriz Arango.pdf 32.41M
| | ├──Iveliz Explains It All - Andrea Beatriz Arango.epub 17.58M
| | ├──Iveliz Explains It All - Andrea Beatriz Arango.jpg 505.47kb
| | ├──Iveliz Explains It All - Andrea Beatriz 12.05M
| | └──Iveliz Explains It All - Andrea Beatriz Arango.txt 2.63kb
| ├──Maizy Chen's Last Chance - Lisa Yee
| | ├──Maizy Chen's Last Chance - Lisa Yee
| | | ├──(NEW)Maizy Chen's Last Chance - Lisa Yee.pdf 21.11M
| | | ├──Maizy Chen's Last Chance - Lisa Yee.epub 5.83M
| | | ├──Maizy Chen's Last Chance - Lisa Yee.jpg 557.23kb
| | | └──Maizy Chen's Last Chance - Lisa 7.72M
| | ├──Maizy Chen's Last Chance - Lisa Yee - M4B
| | | ├──Maizy Chen's Last Chance.jpg 47.48kb
| | | └──Maizy Chen's Last Chance.m4b 256.14M
| | └──Maizy Chen's Last Chance - Lisa Yee - M4B.txt 1.68kb
| └──The Last Mapmaker - Christina Soontornvat
| | ├──The Last Mapmaker - Christina Soontornvat
| | | ├──(NEW)The Last Mapmaker - Christina Soontornvat.pdf 12.89M
| | | ├──The Last Mapmaker - Christina Soontornvat.epub 10.97M
| | | ├──The Last Mapmaker - Christina Soontornvat.jpg 641.00kb
| | | ├──The Last Mapmaker - Christina 3.42M
| | | └──The Last Mapmaker - Christina Soontornvat.txt 2.12kb
| | ├──The Last Mapmaker - Christina Soontornvat - MP3
| | └──The Last Mapmaker - Christina Soontornvat - MP3.txt 1.91kb
| ├──金奖 The Eyes and the Impossible - Dave Eggers 带音频
| | ├──The Eyes and the Impossible - Dave Eggers
| | | ├──The Eyes and the Impossible - Dave Eggers.epub 11.42M
| | | ├──The Eyes and the Impossible - Dave Eggers.jpg 697.44kb
| | | ├──The Eyes and the Impossible - Dave 5.54M
| | | └──The Eyes and the Impossible - Dave Eggers.pdf 6.03M
| | └──The Eyes and the Impossible - Dave Eggers - MP3
| | | ├──The Eyes and the Impossible - Dave Eggers.jpg 68.99kb
| | | └──The Eyes and the Impossible - Dave Eggers.mp3 145.84M
| ├──银奖 Eagle Drums - Nasugraq Rainey Hopso 无音频
| | ├──Eagle Drums - Nasugraq Rainey Hopson.epub 82.39M
| | ├──Eagle Drums - Nasugraq Rainey Hopson.jpg 700.64kb
| | ├──Eagle Drums - Nasugraq Rainey 21.12M
| | └──Eagle Drums - Nasugraq Rainey Hopson.pdf 21.68M
| ├──银奖 Elf Dog and Owl Head - M. T. Anderson 带音频
| | ├──Elf Dog and Owl Head - M. T. Anderson
| | | ├──Elf Dog and Owl Head - M. T. Anderson.epub 231.49M
| | | ├──Elf Dog and Owl Head - M. T. Anderson.jpg 1.42M
| | | ├──Elf Dog and Owl Head - M. T. 36.40M
| | | └──Elf Dog and Owl Head - M. T. Anderson.pdf 36.88M
| | └──Elf Dog and Owl Head - M. T. Anderson - MP3
| | | ├──Elf Dog and Owl Head - M. T. Anderson.jpg 85.26kb
| | | └──Elf Dog and Owl Head - M. T. Anderson.mp3 114.87M
| ├──银奖 Mexikid - Pedro Martin 无音频
| | ├──Mexikid - Pedro Martín.cbr 129.38M
| | ├──Mexikid - Pedro Martín.jpg 1.07M
| | └──Mexikid - Pedro Martín.pdf 139.46M
| ├──银奖 Simon Sort of Says - Erin Bow 带音频
| | ├──Simon Sort of Says - Erin Bow
| | | ├──Simon Sort of Says - Erin Bow.epub 1.94M
| | | ├──Simon Sort of Says - Erin Bow.jpg 610.65kb
| | | ├──Simon Sort of Says - Erin 2.06M
| | | └──Simon Sort of Says - Erin Bow.pdf 3.38M
| | └──Simon Sort of Says - Erin Bow - MP3
| | | ├──Simon Sort of Says.jpg 47.28kb
| | | └──Simon Sort of Says.mp3 210.71M
| └──银奖 The Many Assassinations of Samir, the Seller of Dreams - Daniel Nayeri 带音频
| | ├──01 - Intro - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 135.91kb
| | ├──02 - Dedication - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 159.92kb
| | ├──03 - Epigraph - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 374.57kb
| | ├──04 - Chapter 1 - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 8.86M
| | ├──05 - Chapter 2 - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 3.58M
| | ├──06 - Chapter 3 - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 10.73M
| | ├──07 - Chapter 4 - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 9.58M
| | ├──08 - Chapter 5 - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 5.68M
| | ├──09 - Chapter 6 - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 9.57M
| | ├──10 - Chapter 7 - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 7.49M
| | ├──11 - Chapter 8 - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 4.95M
| | ├──12 - Chapter 9 - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 9.99M
| | ├──13 - Chapter 10 - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 2.57M
| | ├──14 - Chapter 11 - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 16.14M
| | ├──15 - Chapter 12 - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 938.16kb
| | ├──16 - Chapter 13 - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 2.73M
| | ├──17 - Chapter 14 - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 1.08M
| | ├──18 - Chapter 15 - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 1.74M
| | ├──19 - Chapter 16 - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 3.11M
| | ├──20 - Authors Note - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 3.83M
| | ├──21 - End Credits - Daniel Nayeri.mp3 254.03kb
| | ├──The Many Assassinations of Sami - Daniel Nayeri.pdf 44.14M
| | ├──The Many Assassinations of Samir, the Seller of Dreams - Cover.jpg 42.61kb
| | ├──The Many Assassinations of Samir, the Seller of Dreams - Daniel Nayeri.epub 45.77M
| | ├──The Many Assassinations of Samir, the Seller of Dreams - Daniel Nayeri.jpg 582.05kb
| | └──The Many Assassinations of Samir, the Seller of Dreams - Daniel 43.58M
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