AoPS 美国最重要的中学数学竞赛原版书 The Art of Problem Solving Introduction to Algebra
AoPS的创办者是90年代毕业于普林斯顿大学的Richard Rusczyk,他在做了几年华尔街证卷交易员后辞职,开始创办Art of Problem Solving网站,在网站上为中学生提供数学资源,来帮助他们提高数学解题能力。之后他又联合其他作者写出了AoPS系列教材,这套教材几乎可被奉为北美中学生数学竞赛必读经典。
1. AoPS系列教材
2. 免费视频资源
AoPS官网上的免费视频资源大部分是配合上面那套教材来的,还有一部分视频是针对数学竞赛MathCounts、AMC 10、 AMC 12和AIME。没细数过,官网上一共至少几百个视频吧,每个视频平均不到10分钟,几乎都是创办者Richard Rusczyk主讲。免费视频网站入口:https://artofproblemsolving.com/videos
3. 收费课程(在线课程和线下实体学校)
从2003年,AoPS开办在线收费课程,为初中和高中生提供完整系统的数学课程、竞赛指导课程、编程课程和其他专业课程。这些课程的内容都是拔高性质的,以帮助学生为数学和科学竞赛做好准备。 一般来说,在线课程是每周一次,一次进行一个多小时,不是放视频观看的形式,而是通过文本和图片师生互动式学习,随时提问展开讨论,课后还会有家庭作业。 上课时,老师和助手会主持并控制学生发言的节奏,他们的在线课程做得比较成熟了,下图是在线课程截图:
4. 社区论坛
5. 历年竞赛真题
Using the Standards - Algebra (G1-G5)
Using the Standards Algebra G1-G5 推理证明数学术语,带答案,每本130页。每个活动至少包含五个NCTM过程标准中的一个,即问题解决、推理和证明、沟通、连接和表述。词汇卡强化了数学术语,每页上的相关图表和图标有助于轻松确定正在使用哪些内容和流程标准。
Everything You Need to Ace Pre-Algebra and Algebra I in One Big Fat Notebook (Big Fat Notebooks)
- 出版社 : Workman Publishing Company
- 出版日期 : 2021年10月5日
- 语言 : 英语
- 文件大小 : 50.1MB
- 纸书页数 : 627页
国外原版代数课本Algebra Made Easy G1-G5
Hardcover: 888 pages
Publisher: Pearson; 7 edition (February 6, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0321968301
ISBN-13: 978-0321968302
Product Dimensions: 8.6 x 1.4 x 10.9 inches
Algebra I All-in-One For Dummies 2022 ... (5 Books)
1: Algebra I All-in-One For Dummies 2022
2: Algebra I. 1001 Practice Problems for Dummies 2022
3: Statistics. 1001 Practice Problems for Dummies 2022
4: All the Math You'll Ever Need: A Self-Teaching Guide 2022
5: Geometry. 1001 Practice Problems for Dummies 2022
1001 Basic Math and Pre-Algebra Practice Problems For Dummies
Prealgebra Fourth Edition Thomson Brooks Cole
Offering a uniquely modern, balanced approach, Tussy/Gustafson/Koenig's PREALGEBRA, Fourth Edition, integrates the best of traditional drill and practice with the best elements of the reform movement. To many developmental math students, algebra is like a foreign language. They have difficulty translating the words, their meanings, and how they apply to problem solving. Emphasizing the "language of algebra," the text's fully integrated learning process is designed to expand students' reasoning abilities and teach them how to read, write, and think mathematically. It blends instructional approaches that include vocabulary, practice, and well-defined pedagogy with an emphasis on reasoning, modeling, communication, and technology skills
Pre-Algebra DeMYSTiFieD mcgraw hill出版的预代数自学教材
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, integers, fractions, decimals, and algebraic expressions
Techniques for solving equations and problems
Measures of length, weight, capacity, and time
Methods for plotting points and graphing lines
——/2024更新/【多课吧DOC8.com-2589】美国原版代数教材合集含奥数 Algebra Made Easy_AOPS Introduction to Algebra_Glencoe Pre-Algebra 百度云网盘下载/
├──Algebra Make Easy G1-5
| ├──algebra problems grade1.pdf 2.02M
| ├──algebra problems grade2 .pdf 1.88M
| ├──algebra problems grade3 .pdf 1.59M
| ├──algebra problems grade4 .pdf 1.65M
| └──algebra problems grade5 .pdf 1.67M
├──AoPS Introduction to Counting and Probability
| ├──03-Iintroduction Counting & Probability 答案.pdf 24.16M
| ├──aops-post-test-introduction-to-counting-amp-probability-pdf-free.pdf 74.35kb
| └──Introduction to Counting & Probability (The Art of Problem Solving)_David Patrick_zhelper-search.pdf 100.73M
├──Using the Standards - Algebra
| ├──Using the Standards - Algebra Grade 1 (Carson-Dellosa Publishing [Publishing etc.) .pdf 5.78M
| ├──Using the Standards - Algebra Grade 2 (Carson-Dellosa Publishing [Publishing etc.) .pdf 5.12M
| ├──Using the Standards - Algebra Grade 3 (Carson-Dellosa Publishing [Publishing etc.).pdf 2.62M
| ├──Using the Standards - Algebra Grade 4 (Carson-Dellosa Publishing [Publishing etc.) .pdf 2.18M
| └──Using the Standards - Algebra Grade 5 (Carson-Dellosa Publishing [Publishing etc. ).pdf 2.52M
├──1001 Basic Math and Pre-Algebra Practice Problems For Dummies.pdf 7.88M
├──Glencoe.-.Pre-Algebra.-.Student.Edition.(McGraw-Hill.2008).pdf 62.38M
├──McGraw-Hill - Pre-Algebra Demystified.pdf 3.86M
├──Prealgebra by K. Elayn Martin-Gay.pdf 192.17M
├──Prealgebra, Fourth Edition (Tussy2011).pdf 25.92M
└──The_Art_of_Problem_Solving_-_Introduction.pdf 42.09M
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