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Mathematics in Context 情境中的数学 美国小学综合性应用数学教材全34本 全彩PDF 百度云网盘下载


Mathematics in Context 情境中的数学


Mathematics in Context(情境中的数学)是一套针对中年级学生设计的综合性数学课程。它包含34个单元,每个单元都系统地讲解了一个或多个数学知识点,涵盖了小学数学的所有关键领域,如整数、分数、比例、小数、测量、几何、角度、坐标、统计、加减乘除、图形方程、代数运算等。这些单元不仅注重数学知识的传授,还强调数学在现实生活中的应用,旨在培养学生的数学思维和问题解决能力。


  • 情境化教学

Mathematics in Context最大的特色在于其情境化教学。每个单元都基于孩子感兴趣的实际情境来设计,让学生在解决实际问题的过程中学习数学,而不是仅仅在课堂上背诵法则和公式。这种教学方式能够提升学生的参与感和目的性,帮助他们真正理解数学在真实生活中的应用。

  • 综合性课程


  • 适应性发展

Mathematics in Context的课程设计充分考虑了学生的个体差异和发展需求。通过提供不同难度和层次的学习材料,以及灵活多样的教学方法,使每个学生都能在自己的能力范围内得到发展。


以“测量”单元为例,Mathematics in Context可能会设计一系列与测量相关的实际情境活动。例如,让学生测量教室的长度和宽度,计算教室的面积;或者让学生测量自己的身高、体重等身体数据,并了解这些数据与健康的关系。通过这些活动,学生不仅能够掌握测量的基本知识和技能,还能将所学知识应用于实际生活中,解决实际问题。


Mathematics in Context is a comprehensive curriculum for middle-grade students that emphasizes the application of mathematical concepts in real-life situations. Comprising 34 units, each unit systematically covers one or more mathematical knowledge points, spanning the entire spectrum of elementary school mathematics, including integers, fractions, ratios, decimals, measurement, geometry, angles, coordinates, statistics, basic arithmetic operations, graph equations, and algebraic manipulations.

The key feature of Mathematics in Context lies in its contextualized approach to teaching, where mathematical concepts are presented through engaging real-world scenarios that students find interesting. This not only enhances students' engagement and motivation but also fosters a deeper understanding of how mathematics is applied in everyday life. By embedding mathematical concepts within familiar contexts, students are able to make connections between abstract mathematical ideas and their tangible experiences, thereby strengthening their problem-solving skills and mathematical thinking.

Furthermore, the curriculum is designed to be adaptive and inclusive, catering to the diverse needs and abilities of students. By providing a range of learning materials and instructional strategies, Mathematics in Context ensures that every student has the opportunity to grow and develop at their own pace.


——/2024更新/【多课吧DOC8.com-4331】Mathematics in Context 情境中的数学 美国小学综合性应用数学教材全34本 全彩PDF 百度云网盘下载/

├──Math Success - Addition and Subtraction.pdf 4.67M
├──Math Success - Fractions and Decimals.pdf 4.79M
├──Math Success - Geometry.pdf 2.95M
├──Math Success - Multiplication and Division.pdf 3.71M
├──Math Success - Percents and Ratios.pdf 3.57M
├──Mathematics in Context - Algebra Rules.pdf 2.25M
├──Mathematics in Context - Building Formulas.pdf 4.56M
├──Mathematics in Context - Comparing Quantities.pdf 3.76M
├──Mathematics in Context - Dealing with Data.pdf 5.99M
├──Mathematics in Context - Expressions and Formulas.pdf 3.26M
├──Mathematics in Context - Facts and Factors.pdf 2.87M
├──Mathematics in Context - Figuring All the Angles.pdf 9.59M
├──Mathematics in Context - Fraction Times.pdf 2.30M
├──Mathematics in Context - Graphing Equations.pdf 2.31M
├──Mathematics in Context - Great Predictions.pdf 2.85M
├──Mathematics in Context - Insights Into Data.pdf 4.08M
├──Mathematics in Context - It_s All the Same.pdf 3.19M
├──Mathematics in Context - Looking at an Angle.pdf 4.30M
├──Mathematics in Context - Made to Measure.pdf 2.75M
├──Mathematics in Context - Models You Can Count on.pdf 3.39M
├──Mathematics in Context - More or Less.pdf 2.54M
├──Mathematics in Context - Operations, Algebra.pdf 3.43M
├──Mathematics in Context - Packages and Polygons.pdf 3.30M
├──Mathematics in Context - Patterns and Figures.pdf 2.44M
├──Mathematics in Context - Picturing Numbers.pdf 3.70M
├──Mathematics in Context - Ratios and Rates.pdf 4.57M
├──Mathematics in Context - Reallotment, Geometry and Measurement.pdf 2.95M
├──Mathematics in Context - Revisiting Numbers.pdf 4.56M
├──Mathematics in Context - Second Chance.pdf 3.11M
├──Mathematics in Context - Take a Chance.pdf 3.21M
├──Mathematics in Context - Triangles and Beyond.pdf 3.16M
├──Mathematics in Context - Ups and Downs.pdf 3.10M
├──Middle Grades Mathematics Textbooks.doc 41.00kb
├──Secrets of Mental Math.pdf 1.76M
└──The Book of Numbers.pdf 5.38M

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