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DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母E开始 E. B. Sledge to Evie Wyld) 百度云网盘下载


DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母E开始 E. B. Sledge to Evie Wyld)


1. 历史与军事历史(History and Military History)

  • E. B. Sledge: 《With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa》 这本书是E. B. Sledge的自传体作品,详细记录了他在第二次世界大战期间太平洋战场上的经历。书中描述了他在贝里琉岛和冲绳岛的战斗,展现了战争中的恐怖、战友间的情谊以及平凡与非凡的瞬间。

2. 奇幻文学(Fantasy Literature)

  • E. E. Knight: 《Dragon Rule》 这是E. E. Knight的《Age of Fire》系列的第五部作品。故事围绕着三只龙兄妹展开,他们是濒临灭绝的龙族最后的希望。书中的龙族与人类世界的关系紧张,龙族内部也存在着分歧和冲突。

3. 现代文学(Modern Literature)

  • E. L. Doctorow:
    • 《Homer & Langley》 这部小说讲述了霍默和兰利两兄弟的故事,他们隐居在纽约第五大道的豪宅中,收集报纸,试图创造一份没有日期的报纸,其报道将如同预言一般。书中通过两兄弟的生活展现了20世纪的重大事件。
    • 《Ragtime》 《Ragtime》是一部历史小说,通过一个虚构的家庭与真实的历史人物和事件的交织,描绘了20世纪初美国的社会风貌。

4. 儿童文学(Children's Literature)

  • E. D. Baker: 《The Frog Princess》 这本书是E.D. Baker的作品,基于格林兄弟的《青蛙王子》改编。故事以一个不同寻常的公主Emma为主线,她的笑声与众不同,故事展现了她与王子Eadric的冒险。

5. 浪漫小说(Romance)

  • Evelyn Cosgrave: 《Desperately Seeking...》 这部小说讲述了三个不同姐妹在夏天的秘密和爱情故事。每个姐妹都有自己的秘密,故事探讨了家庭、爱情和个人成长的主题。

6. 讽刺文学(Satirical Literature)

  • Evelyn Waugh: 《The Complete Short Stories of Evelyn Waugh》 这部作品是伊夫林·沃的短篇小说全集,以其独特的讽刺风格和对英国上层社会的深刻洞察而著称。

7. 技术手册(Technical Handbook)

  • Evi Nemeth: 《UNIX System Administration Handbook》 这本书是系统管理员的经典参考书籍,由Evi Nemeth和其他作者共同编写。Evi是一位成就卓著的数学家和密码学家,她在科罗拉多大学博尔德分校担任计算机科学教授。这本书详细涵盖了UNIX和Linux系统管理的各个方面,是该领域的权威指南。

8. 社会评论与批判(Social Critique)

  • Evgeny Morozov: 《The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom》 这本书批判了技术决定论的观点,探讨了技术解决方案主义的局限性。作者莫罗佐夫质疑了技术进步是否总是带来社会进步,并对硅谷的产品和权威人士进行了深刻的反思。

9. 经典文学(Classic Literature)

  • Erich Maria Remarque: 《All Quiet on the Western Front》 这部小说是雷马克的代表作,通过一个德国士兵的视角讲述了第一次世界大战的残酷现实,是对战争的深刻反思和批判。

10. 心理学与自我帮助(Psychology and Self-Help)

  • Eckhart Tolle:
    • 《A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose》 这本书是埃克哈特·托勒的畅销书,探讨了人类意识的觉醒和生命的目的,提供了一种超越痛苦和寻找内在和平的途径。
    • 《The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment》 这本书强调了活在当下的重要性,通过深刻的洞察和实践练习,帮助读者摆脱焦虑和恐惧,找到真正的自由和幸福。



——/【12000+ Mobi eBooks Collection】/E/

├──E. B. Sledge
| └──With the Old Breed_ At Peleliu and Okinawa (8752)
├──E. D. Baker
| └──The Frog Princess (7603)
├──E. E. Knight
| └──Dragon Rule (11768)
├──E. L. Doctorow
| ├──Billy Bathgate (7895)
| ├──Homer & Langley_ A Novel (6301)
| ├──Ragtime (8492)
| └──Sweet Land Stories (8414)
├──E. Lynn Harris
| └──Any Way the Wind Blows (21493)
├──E. M. Forster
| └──A Room With a View (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1015)
├──E. Marie Aldrich-creasy
| └──Where 45 Ends (6295)
├──E.R. Eddson
| └──A Fish Dinner in Memison (2402)
├──Eamon Javers
| └──Broker, Trader, Lawyer, Spy (17117)
├──Earl E. Gobel
| └──Hearts of Grey (2636)
├──Earl Emerson
| ├──Into the Inferno (8678)
| ├──Primal Threat (8677)
| └──Vertical Burn (8676)
├──Earl W. Emerson
| └──The Smoke Room_ A Novel of Suspense (2403)
├──Earle Castledine
| └──JQuery_ Novice to Ninja (10380)
├──Earlene Fowler
| ├──Goose in the Pond (8758)
| └──Seven Sisters (9696)
├──Eckhart Tolle
| ├──A New Earth_ Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (271)
| └──The Power of Now_ A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment (272)
├──Ed Darack
| └──Victory Point (17798)
├──Ed Gentry
| └──Neversfall (15167)
├──Ed Greenwood
| ├──A Dragon's Ascension (15136)
| ├──All Shadows Fled (15199)
| ├──Cloak of Shadows (15198)
| ├──Cormyr_ A Novel (15215)
| ├──Crown of Fire (15211)
| ├──Death of the Dragon (15217)
| ├──Elminster in Hell (15127)
| ├──Elminster in Myth Drannor (15121)
| ├──Elminster Must Die_ The Sage of Shadowdale (11040)
| ├──Elminster's Daughter (15128)
| ├──Elminster_ The Making of a Mage (15113)
| ├──Hand of Fire (15212)
| ├──Shadows of Doom (15197)
| ├──Spellfire (15210)
| ├──Stormlight (15246)
| ├──The City of Splendors_ A Waterdeep Novel (15189)
| ├──The Dragon's Doom (15139)
| ├──The Kingless Land (15134)
| ├──The Mercenaries (15241)
| ├──The Temptation of Elminster (15122)
| └──The Vacant Throne (15135)
├──Ed Sikov
| └──Mr. Strangelove_ A Biography of Peter Sellers (11979)
├──Ed Viesturs
| └──K2_ Life and Death on the World's Most Dangerous Mountain (16396)
├──Edeet Ravel
| ├──A Wall of Light (12702)
| └──Your Sad Eyes and Unforgettable Mouth (2915)
├──Edem Awumey
| └──Dirty Feet (19259)
├──Edgar Allan Poe
| ├──Essential Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe (Barnes & Noble Classics) (367)
| ├──The Complete Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe (16315)
| ├──The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe (18725)
| └──The Portable Edgar Allan Poe (14466)
├──Edgar Rice Burroughs
| └──Tarzan of the Apes (Barnes & Noble Classics) (128)
├──Edgar Wallace
| ├──Bones in London (12527)
| ├──Bones of the River (12528)
| └──Sanders & Bones-The African Adventures_ 4-Lieutenant Bones & Bones in London (12526)
├──Edie Jarolim
| └──Am I Boring My Dog__ And 99 Other Things Every Dog Wishes You Knew (2018)
├──Edith Nesbit
| └──The Enchanted Castle and Five Children and It (Barnes & Noble Classics) (3175)
├──Edith Somerville
| └──The Real Charlotte (12239)
├──Edith Wharton
| ├──Ethan Frome & Selected Stories (Barnes & Noble Classics) (241)
| ├──The Age of Innocence (Barnes & Noble Classics) (242)
| └──The House of Mirth (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15819)
├──Editors Of Cook's Illustrated Magazine
| └──Saveur Cooks Authentic American (18559)
├──Edmond Rostand
| └──Cyrano De Bergerac (Barnes & Noble Classics) (436)
├──Edmund de Waal
| └──The Hare With Amber Eyes (14002)
├──Edmund Morris
| ├──Colonel Roosevelt (8396)
| ├──The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt (8394)
| └──Theodore Rex (8395)
├──Edmund White
| ├──City Boy_ My Life in New York During the 1960s and 1970s (23174)
| └──Marcel Proust_ A Life (14456)
├──Edogawa Rampo
| └──Japanese Tales of Mystery & Imagination (15835)
├──Eduardo Porter
| └──The Price of Everything (17352)
├──Edvard Radzinsky
| ├──Alexander II_ The Last Great Tsar (23306)
| └──The Last Tsar_ Life and Death of Nicholas II (21541)
├──Edward Bolme
| └──The Alabaster Staff (15131)
├──Edward Carey
| └──Alva and Irva (21542)
├──Edward De Bono
| ├──Lateral Thinking (3170)
| └──Think!_ Before It's Too Late (3037)
├──Edward Dolnick
| └──The Forger's Spell (13964)
├──Edward Gibbon
| └──The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (18610)
├──Edward Kohn
| └──Hot Time in the Old Town (14282)
├──Edward Lee
| ├──Lucifer's Lottery (8320)
| └──Slither (12187)
├──Edward M. Kennedy
| └──True Compass_ A Memoir (2918)
├──Edward O. Wilson
| └──Anthill_ A Novel (6297)
├──Edward P. Jones
| └──The Known World (14425)
├──Edward Rutherfurd
| ├──London (9969)
| ├──New York_ The Novel (14517)
| ├──Princes of Ireland (15832)
| ├──Rebels of Ireland (2215)
| ├──Russka (9968)
| ├──Sarum (12450)
| └──The Forest (12451)
├──Edward S. Herman
| └──Manufacturing Consent_ The Political Economy of the Mass Media (14494)
├──Edward Seidensticker
| └──Tokyo From Edo to Showa 1867-1989_ The Emergence of the World's Greatest City (23206)
├──Edward Tabor Linenthal
| └──History Wars_ The Enola Gay and Other Battles for the American Past (18810)
├──Edwidge Danticat
| ├──Breath, Eyes, Memory (11552)
| ├──Brother, I'm Dying (11984)
| ├──Create Dangerously (18128)
| ├──Haiti Noir (10237)
| ├──Krik_ Krak! (11955)
| ├──The Dew Breaker (14725)
| └──The Farming of Bones_ A Novel (11954)
├──Edwin A. Abbott
| └──Flatland (1815)
├──Edwin G. Burrows
| └──Gotham_ A History of New York City to 1898 (14918)
├──Eiji Yoshikawa
| └──Musashi (18459)
├──Eileen Behan
| └──The Baby Food Bible_ A Complete Guide to Feeding Your Child, From Infancy On (16906)
├──Eileen Clymer Schwab
| └──Promise Bridge (6298)
├──Eileen Cook
| └──The Education of Hailey Kendrick (8625)
├──Eileen Wilks
| └──Love- From His Point of View! (6309)
├──Ekaterina Sedia
| └──Heart of Iron (23789)
├──Eknath Easwaran
| └──The Dhammapada (1059)
├──Elaine Beale
| └──Another Life Altogether_ A Novel (2465)
├──Elaine Cunningham
| ├──Daughter of the Drow (15237)
| ├──Elfshadow (15220)
| ├──Elfsong (15223)
| ├──Silver Shadows (15224)
| ├──Star Wars_ The New Jedi Order 11_ Dark Journey (10757)
| ├──Tangled Webs (15247)
| ├──The Dream Spheres (15225)
| ├──The Floodgate (15230)
| ├──The Magehound (15221)
| ├──The Wizardwar (15231)
| ├──Thornhold (15075)
| └──Windwalker (15248)
├──Elaine Dundy
| └──The Dud Avocado (18542)
├──Elana Amsterdam
| └──The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook (12500)
├──Eleanor Brown
| └──The Weird Sisters (18020)
├──Eleanor Henderson
| └──Ten Thousand Saints (18014)
├──Eleanor Moran
| └──Mr Almost Right (6310)
├──Eleanor Updale
| └──Johnny Swanson (19015)
├──Elena Mauli Shapiro
| └──13, Rue Therese (11911)
├──Eli Pariser
| └──The Filter Bubble (18377)
├──Elie Wiesel
| ├──All Rivers Run to the Sea_ Memoirs (13788)
| └──The Sonderberg Case (5903)
├──Elif Shafak
| └──Black Milk (13720)
├──Elin Hilderbrand
| └──A Summer Affair_ A Novel (6312)
├──Elisabeth Hyde
| └──In the Heart of the Canyon (6334)
├──Elisabeth Naughton
| ├──Marked (6313)
| ├──Stolen Fury (6314)
| └──Stolen Heat (6315)
├──Elisabeth Tova Bailey
| └──The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating (7457)
├──Elise Blackwell
| └──An Unfinished Score (6098)
├──Elise Hyatt
| └──French Polished Murder (2524)
├──Elita Faith Daniels
| └──Tree of Life (6108)
├──Eliyahu M. Goldratt
| ├──Critical Chain (18774)
| └──It's Not Luck (18776)
├──Elizabeth Adler
| ├──Fortune Is a Woman (21440)
| ├──In a Heartbeat (19567)
| ├──Indiscretions (21449)
| └──The Property of a Lady (21445)
├──Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
| ├──Cleopatra 7.2 (2919)
| └──Harem of Aman Akbar (2749)
├──Elizabeth Bear
| └──Grail (23722)
├──Elizabeth Bear; Sarah Monette
| └──Boojum (9974)
├──Elizabeth Berg
| ├──Durable Goods_ A Novel (11495)
| ├──Home Safe_ A Novel (6304)
| ├──The Art of Mending_ A Novel (7846)
| ├──The Pull of the Moon_ A Novel (2707)
| ├──We Are All Welcome Here (6305)
| └──What We Keep (11678)
├──Elizabeth Bevarly
| └──Indecent Suggestion (2420)
├──Elizabeth Bright
| └──Murder and Salutations (2709)
├──Elizabeth Chadwick
| └──To Defy a King (6925)
├──Elizabeth David
| ├──A Book of Mediterranean Food (6132)
| └──French Provincial Cooking (22721)
├──Elizabeth Edwards
| ├──Resilience_ Reflections on the Burdens and Gifts of Facing Life's Adversities (6303)
| └──Saving Graces (23592)
├──Elizabeth Gaskell
| ├──The Life of Charlotte Bronte (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1935)
| └──Wives and Daughters (Barnes & Noble Classics) (810)
├──Elizabeth George
| ├──Believing the Lie (23335)
| └──I, Richard (12676)
├──Elizabeth George Speare
| ├──The Bronze Bow (23494)
| └──The Witch of Blackbird Pond (13921)
├──Elizabeth Ghaffari
| └──Women Leaders at Work_ Untold Tales of Women Achieving Their Ambitions (23075)
├──Elizabeth Gilbert
| ├──Committed_ A Skeptic Makes Peace With Marriage (812)
| └──Stern Men (814)
├──Elizabeth Hand
| ├──Star Wars_ Boba Fett 03_ Maze of Deception (10758)
| ├──Star Wars_ Boba Fett 04_ Hunted (10770)
| ├──Star Wars_ Boba Fett 05_ A New Threat (10771)
| └──Star Wars_ Boba Fett 06_ Pursuit (10772)
├──Elizabeth Holcombe
| └──Heaven and the Heather (6306)
├──Elizabeth Hoyt
| └──Wicked Intentions (2415)
├──Elizabeth J. Duncan
| ├──A Brush With Death_ A Penny Brannigan Mystery (6308)
| └──The Cold Light of Mourning (6307)
├──Elizabeth Kelly
| └──Apologize, Apologize! (6321)
├──Elizabeth Letts
| └──The Eighty-Dollar Champion (23192)
├──Elizabeth Mansfield
| └──The Magnificent Masquerade (6322)
├──Elizabeth McCracken
| └──An Exact Replica of a Figment of My Imagination_ A Memoir (8642)
├──Elizabeth Moon
| └──Kings of the North (11510)
├──Elizabeth Murphy
| └──An Imperfect Librarian (22877)
├──Elizabeth Noble
| ├──Alphabet Weekends (11496)
| └──Things I Want My Daughters to Know_ A Novel (13925)
├──Elizabeth Peters
| ├──A River in the Sky (2113)
| ├──Borrower of the Night (2115)
| ├──Children of the Storm (2121)
| ├──Crocodile on the Sandbank (494)
| ├──Guardian of the Horizon (16184)
| ├──He Shall Thunder in the Sky (16186)
| ├──Lion in the Valley (495)
| ├──Lord of the Silent (16185)
| ├──Night Train to Memphis (16249)
| ├──Seeing a Large Cat (496)
| ├──Silhouette in Scarlet (19265)
| ├──Street of the Five Moons (2116)
| ├──The Ape Who Guards the Balance (497)
| ├──The Curse of the Pharaohs (498)
| ├──The Deeds of the Disturber (499)
| ├──The Falcon at the Portal (500)
| ├──The Golden One (16187)
| ├──The Hippopotamus Pool (501)
| ├──The Last Camel Died at Noon (502)
| ├──The Mummy Case (503)
| ├──The Murders of Richard III (16189)
| ├──The Serpent on the Crown (16190)
| ├──The Seventh Sinner (16183)
| ├──The Snake, the Crocodile, and the Dog (504)
| ├──Tomb of the Golden Bird (16188)
| └──Trojan Gold (17668)
├──Elizabeth Royte
| └──Bottlemania (13754)
├──Elizabeth Scott
| └──Between Here and Forever (18107)
├──Elizabeth Strout
| └──Olive Kitteridge (8583)
├──Elizabeth Stuckey-French
| └──The Revenge of the Radioactive Lady (14000)
├──Elizabeth Vaughan
| └──Destiny's Star (6324)
├──Elizabeth Warren
| └──The Two-Income Trap (14636)
├──Elle Jasper
| └──Afterlight (9730)
├──Ellen Airgood
| └──South of Superior (21558)
├──Ellen Brown
| └──The Complete Idiot's Guide to Juicing (16337)
├──Ellen Datlow
| ├──Tails of Wonder and Imagination (6325)
| └──Teeth_ Vampire Tales (12188)
├──Ellen DeGeneres
| └──Seriously_.I'm Kidding (16795)
├──Ellen Fitzpatrick
| └──Letters to Jackie_ Condolences From a Grieving Nation (6316)
├──Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
| └──This Child Will Be Great (7986)
├──Ellen Kushner
| └──Thomas the Rhymer (6317)
├──Ellen Potter
| └──Slob (23599)
├──Ellie Campbell
| └──When Good Friends Go Bad (2416)
├──Elliott Kalb
| └──The 30 Greatest Sports Conspiracy Theories of All-Time (17882)
├──Elliott Sober
| └──Did Darwin Write the Origin Backwards_ Philosophical Essays on Darwin's Theory (16282)
├──Ellis Peters
| ├──A Morbid Taste for Bones (505)
| ├──A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs (7608)
| ├──A Rare Benedictine (506)
| ├──An Excellent Mystery (507)
| ├──Black Is the Colour of My True Love's Heart (7612)
| ├──City of Gold and Shadows (7614)
| ├──Dead Mans Ransom (509)
| ├──Death and the Joyful Woman (7616)
| ├──Death to the Landlords! (7617)
| ├──Fallen Into the Pit (7619)
| ├──Flight of a Witch (7623)
| ├──Monk's-Hood (517)
| ├──Mourning Raga (7624)
| ├──One Corpse Too Many (518)
| ├──Rainbow's End (7627)
| ├──St. Peter's Fair (519)
| ├──The Confession of Brother Haluin (520)
| ├──The Devil's Novice (521)
| ├──The Grass Widow's Tale (7630)
| ├──The Hermit of Eyton Forest (523)
| ├──The Holy Thief (527)
| ├──The House of Green Turf (7632)
| ├──The Knocker on Death's Door (7636)
| ├──The Leper of Saint Giles (532)
| ├──The Pilgrim of Hate (537)
| ├──The Piper on the Mountain (7641)
| ├──The Potters Field (256)
| ├──The Raven in the Foregate (538)
| ├──The Rose Rent (541)
| ├──The Sanctuary Sparrow (546)
| ├──The Summer of the Danes (550)
| └──The Virgin in the Ice (551)
├──Ellyn Bache
| └──The Art of Saying Goodbye (14588)
├──Elmore Leonard
| ├──Djibouti_ A Novel (7644)
| ├──Raylan_ A Novel (23301)
| └──The Complete Western Stories of Elmore Leonard (14485)
├──Eloisa James
| └──The Duke Is Mine (19269)
├──Emeril Lagasse
| ├──Farm to Fork (2751)
| └──Sizzling Skillets and Other One-Pot Wonders (18758)
├──Emerson Spartz
| └──Mugglenet.com's Harry Potter Should Have Died (17403)
├──Emile Zola
| ├──Germinal (13839)
| ├──Nana (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15750)
| ├──The Beast Within (15907)
| ├──The Belly of Paris (14068)
| ├──The Debacle (17437)
| ├──The Kill (13881)
| └──Therese Raquin (13924)
├──Emilie Richards
| ├──Fortunate Harbor (7647)
| ├──Happiness Key (7652)
| └──Iron Lace (7655)
├──Emily Arsenault
| └──The Broken Teaglass (6318)
├──Emily Carr
| └──Klee Wyck (11866)
├──Emily Dickinson
| └──The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1044)
├──Emily Doskow
| └──Nolo's Essential Guide to Divorce (9669)
├──Emily Giffin
| ├──Heart of the Matter (11944)
| ├──Something Blue (12415)
| └──Something Borrowed (12276)
├──Emily Gray Tedrowe
| └──Commuters_ A Novel (6319)
├──Emily Jane Bronte
| └──Wuthering Heights (Barnes & Noble Classics) (79)
├──Emily Larson
| └──2011 Baby Names Almanac (16344)
├──Emily Winslow
| └──The Whole World_ A Novel (6328)
├──Emma Donoghue
| ├──Room_ A Novel (12739)
| ├──Slammerkin (9967)
| └──The Sealed Letter (6329)
├──Emma Goldman
| └──Living My Life (18544)
├──Emma Thompson
| └──Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang (19007)
├──Emmet Fox
| └──The Sermon on the Mount_ The Key to Success in Life (12006)
├──Emmett Dulaney
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