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DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母N开始 从N. D. Wilson到Nury Vittachi) 百度云网盘下载


DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母N开始 从N. D. Wilson到Nury Vittachi)


奇幻文学 (Fantasy Literature)

  • Neil Gaiman 的作品如《American Gods》、《Coraline》和《The Graveyard Book》是现代奇幻文学的代表作,以其丰富的想象力和深刻的主题而受到读者喜爱。
  • N. K. Jemisin 的《The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms》是一个充满神话和魔法的奇幻系列的第一部,讲述了一个充满神灵和古老力量的世界中的故事。Jemisin的作品以其独特的世界观和深刻的社会评论而受到读者和评论家的赞誉,她也是首位连续三年获得雨果奖最佳长篇小说奖的黑人女作家。
  • Naomi Novik 的《His Majesty's Dragon》是一系列以拿破仑战争时期为背景的奇幻小说,讲述了人类与龙并肩作战的冒险故事。

社会和政治评论 (Societal and Political Commentary)

  • Naomi Klein 的《No Logo》是对现代消费文化和品牌力量的批判性分析,探讨了全球化和资本主义如何影响社会和个人。
  • Nadine Gordimer 的作品,如《The Conservationist》,以其对南非种族隔离政策的深刻洞察和批判而闻名。她的作品探讨了种族、文化和社会的复杂关系,揭示了隔离政策给个人和社会带来的深远影响。
  • Naomi Wolf 的《The Beauty Myth》是对现代社会中美容标准和女性形象的批判性分析,探讨了这些标准如何影响女性的心理和社会地位。

历史小说 (Historical Fiction)

  • Naguib Mahfouz 的《Cairo Modern》是一部描绘现代开罗社会变迁的小说,通过个人故事反映了历史和文化的冲突。Mahfouz是1988年诺贝尔文学奖得主,被誉为“阿拉伯文学之父”,他的作品深刻地描绘了埃及社会的历史和现实。
  • Natalie Taylor 的《Signs of Life: A Memoir》是一个充满温情和挑战的故事,讲述了作者在面对生活逆境时的坚韧和希望。

自传和回忆录 (Autobiography and Memoir)

  • Nakazawa Keiji 的《Hiroshima: The Autobiography of Barefoot Gen》是一部描绘广岛原子弹爆炸后生活的自传体漫画,通过作者的亲身经历展现了战争的残酷和人性的坚韧。

科幻小说 (Science Fiction)

  • Nalini Singh 的作品如《Archangel's Blade》和《Kiss of Snow》是科幻浪漫小说,结合了未来科技和浪漫情感。
  • Nathan Lowell 的《Quarter Share》和《Half Share》是太空歌剧系列的一部分,讲述了一个年轻女性在星际贸易和探险中的冒险故事。

文化和烹饪 (Culture and Cooking)

  • Nancie McDermott 的《Quick & Easy Chinese》和《Southern Pies》提供了简单的中式烹饪和美国南方派的食谱,反映了不同文化的美食传统。

儿童文学 (Children's Literature)

  • Nancy Atherton 的《Aunt Dimity and the Family Tree》是一部面向儿童的文学作品,讲述了一个关于家庭和冒险的温馨故事。
  • N. D. Wilson 的《100 Cupboards》是一部儿童文学作品,讲述了一个小男孩在发现家中的100个神秘橱柜后,进入了一个充满魔法和冒险的世界。这本书是三部曲的第一部,以其丰富的想象力和精彩的故事情节受到孩子们的喜爱。
  • Nancy Yi Fan 的《Swordbird》是一个面向儿童的奇幻冒险故事,讲述了一只名叫Kyra的鸟的勇敢旅程。

健康和生活方式 (Health and Lifestyle)

  • Nancy Baggett 的《Kneadlessly Simple》是一本关于无需揉面的面包制作书籍,提供了简单快捷的烘焙方法。

教育和自我提升 (Education and Self-Improvement)

  • Nathaniel Fick 的《One Bullet Away》是一本关于军事领导力和个人成长的书籍,作者分享了自己在阿富汗战争中的经历和教训。

经典文学 (Classic Literature)

  • Nathaniel Hawthorne 的《The Scarlet Letter》是一部经典的美国文学作品,探讨了罪恶、爱情和社会规范的主题。

现代文学 (Modern Literature)

  • Neal Stephenson 的作品如《Anathem》、《Cryptonomicon》和《Snow Crash》是现代文学中的经典,以其复杂的情节和深刻的科技思考而著称。
  • Norris Church Mailer 的作品,如《A Ticket to the Circus》,以其对现代生活的敏锐观察和深刻洞察而受到读者的喜爱。

幽默和讽刺 (Humor and Satire)

  • Nick Hornby 的作品如《Fever Pitch》和《About a Boy》以其幽默和讽刺的风格探讨了现代男性的情感和生活挑战。

历史和探险 (History and Adventure)

  • Nathaniel Philbrick 的作品如《In the Heart of the Sea》和《Mayflower》是对历史事件的深入探索,结合了冒险故事和历史分析。

历史研究 (Historical Research)

  • Norman Stone 的作品,如《The Atlantic and Its Enemies》,以其对两次世界大战的深入研究和独到见解而受到赞誉。Stone是一位才华横溢的历史学家,他的作品以严谨的治学态度和对历史的深刻理解而著称。

心理与自我提升 (Psychology & Self-Improvement)

  • Nathaniel Branden 的作品,如《The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem》,专注于个人成长和自我认同的构建,提供了提升自尊和个人效能的策略。

经济学与商业策略 (Economics & Business Strategy)

  • Nassim Nicholas Taleb 的作品,如《The Black Swan》和《Fooled by Randomness》,探讨了不确定性、概率和极端事件对金融市场和社会的影响。

犯罪小说 (Crime Fiction)

  • Nancy Madore 的作品,如《Enchanted Again》和《Enchanted: Erotic Bedtime Stories for Women》,是一系列充满悬疑和情欲的短篇小说集。



——/【12000+ Mobi eBooks Collection】/N/

├──N. D. Wilson
| └──100 Cupboards (19018)
├──N. K. Jemisin
| └──The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (7355)
├──Nadine Gordimer
| └──The Conservationist (22726)
├──Naguib Mahfouz
| └──Cairo Modern (13785)
├──Najib Mahfuz
| ├──Akhenaten_ Dweller in Truth (20597)
| └──Three Novels of Ancient Egypt (23755)
├──Nakazawa Keiji
| └──Hiroshima_ The Autobiography of Barefoot Gen (17818)
├──Nalini Singh
| ├──Archangel's Blade (18032)
| └──Kiss of Snow (14228)
├──Nam Le
| └──Boat (17507)
├──Nancie McDermott
| ├──Quick & Easy Chinese_ 70 Everyday Recipes (1974)
| └──Southern Pies (14945)
├──Nancy Atherton
| └──Aunt Dimity and the Family Tree (15499)
├──Nancy Baggett
| └──Kneadlessly Simple_ Fabulous, Fuss-Free, No-Knead Breads (1975)
├──Nancy Bell
| └──Biggie and the Devil Diet (5917)
├──Nancy E. Krulik
| ├──Any Way You Slice It (20495)
| ├──Anyone but Me (18978)
| ├──Get Lost! (18983)
| ├──I Hate Rules! (18979)
| └──Out to Lunch (18982)
├──Nancy Krulik
| ├──Doggone It! (18985)
| ├──Drat! You Copycat! (18984)
| ├──Girls Don't Have Cooties (18981)
| └──Oh, Baby! (18980)
├──Nancy Madore
| ├──Enchanted Again (2033)
| └──Enchanted_ Erotic Bedtime Stories for Women (2034)
├──Nancy N. Rue
| ├──Sophie's Secret (3207)
| └──Sophie's World (3206)
├──Nancy Ortberg
| └──Unleashing the Power of Rubber Bands_ Lessons in Non-Linear Leadership (6790)
├──Nancy Richardson
| ├──Star Wars_ Junior Jedi Knights 1_ The Golden Globe (10831)
| ├──Star Wars_ Junior Jedi Knights 2_ Lyric's World (10832)
| └──Star Wars_ Junior Jedi Knights 3_ Promises (10833)
├──Nancy S. Hughes
| └──The 1500-Calorie-A-Day Cookbook (1960)
├──Nancy Yi Fan
| ├──Sword Quest (18991)
| └──Swordbird (18992)
├──Nani Power
| └──Ginger and Ganesh_ Adventures in Indian Cooking, Culture, and Love (12472)
├──Naomi Klein
| └──No Logo (8640)
├──Naomi Novik
| └──His Majesty's Dragon (3091)
├──Naomi Rich
| └──Alis (1809)
├──Naomi Wolf
| └──The Beauty Myth_ How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women (14059)
├──Narumi Ogawa
| └──Mr. Funky's Super Crochet Wonderful (23816)
├──Nassim Nicholas Taleb
| ├──Fooled by Randomness (17822)
| ├──The Bed of Procrustes_ Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms (10374)
| └──The Black Swan_ The Impact of the Highly Improbable (5844)
├──Natale Stenzel
| └──Pandora's Box (6109)
├──Natalia Smirnova
| └──Moscow Noir (14928)
├──Natalie Dallaire
| └──Doctor Who_ Parallel 59 (9362)
├──Natalie Goldberg
| └──Writing Down the Bones (13939)
├──Natalie Taylor
| └──Signs of Life_ A Memoir (14060)
├──Natasha Solomons
| └──Mr. Rosenblum's List_ Or Friendly Guidance for the Aspiring Englishman (6791)
├──Nathan Archer
| └──Ragnarok (14132)
├──Nathan Englander
| └──The Ministry of Special Cases (6792)
├──Nathan Jendrick
| └──Gym-Free and Ripped (23310)
├──Nathan Lowell
| ├──Half Share (10391)
| └──Quarter Share_ A Trader's Tale From the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper (2951)
├──Nathan Whitaker
| └──The Mentor Leader_ Secrets to Building People and Teams That Win Consistently (7875)
├──Nathaniel Fick
| └──One Bullet Away (16296)
├──Nathaniel Hawthorne
| └──The Scarlet Letter (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15810)
├──Nathaniel Philbrick
| ├──In the Heart of the Sea_ The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex (15414)
| ├──Mayflower_ A Story of Courage, Community, and War (15934)
| ├──The Last Stand_ Custer, Sitting Bull, and the Battle of the Little Big Horn (5830)
| └──Why Read Moby-Dick_ (16805)
├──National Geographic
| └──7 Billion (18470)
├──Natsume Soseki
| ├──Kokoro (2035)
| ├──Kusamakura (14397)
| └──Sanshiro (14430)
├──Nava Semel
| └──And the Rat Laughed (3092)
├──Neal Asher
| ├──The Departure (22736)
| └──The Technician (2668)
├──Neal Bascomb
| └──Higher_ A Historic Race to the Sky and the Making of a City (14269)
├──Neal Stephenson
| ├──Anathem (23506)
| ├──Cryptonomicon (226)
| ├──In the Beginning _.Was the Command Line (14993)
| ├──Quicksilver (227)
| ├──Reamde (16038)
| ├──Snow Crash (14532)
| ├──The Big U (12602)
| ├──The Cobweb (14118)
| ├──The Confusion (15524)
| ├──The Diamond Age (230)
| ├──The System of the World (232)
| └──Zodiac (23419)
├──Neale Donald Walsch
| └──The Storm Before the Calm (22903)
├──Neil A. Fiore
| └──The Now Habit (18823)
├──Neil Ansell
| └──Deep Country_ Five Years in the Welsh Hills (13772)
├──Neil deGrasse Tyson
| └──Death by Black Hole_ And Other Cosmic Quandaries (6961)
├──Neil Gaiman
| ├──American Gods (14735)
| ├──Anansi Boys (1038)
| ├──Coraline (19053)
| ├──Fragile Things (7467)
| ├──Good Omens_ The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch (14406)
| ├──InterWorld (7469)
| ├──M Is for Magic (19004)
| ├──Neverwhere_ A Novel (1039)
| ├──Odd and the Frost Giants (18909)
| ├──Smoke and Mirrors_ Short Fictions and Illusions (1483)
| ├──Stardust (19085)
| ├──Stories_ All-New Tales (1976)
| └──The Graveyard Book (19052)
├──Neil Jackson
| └──The Outsiders (5949)
├──Neil MacFarquhar
| └──The Media Relations Department of Hizbollah Wishes You a Happy Birthday (16200)
├──Neil Oliver
| └──A History of Scotland (13714)
├──Neil Penswick
| └──Doctor Who_ The Pit (9275)
├──Neil Postman
| └──Amusing Ourselves to Death_ Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business (13820)
├──Neil Russell
| └──City of War (8726)
├──Neil Sheehan
| ├──A Bright Shining Lie (18806)
| └──A Fiery Peace in a Cold War_ Bernard Schriever and the Ultimate Weapon (6794)
├──Neil Strauss
| └──The Game (23307)
├──Neil White
| └──In the Sanctuary of Outcasts_ A Memoir (9752)
├──Neil Wilson
| └──Scotland (Lonely Planet, 5th Edition) (16431)
├──Nelson Algren
| └──The Man With the Golden Arm (10414)
├──Nelson DeMille
| ├──By the Rivers of Babylon (11782)
| ├──Cathedral (11099)
| ├──Mayday (11100)
| ├──Night Fall (11095)
| ├──Plum Island (11093)
| ├──Spencerville (16617)
| ├──Talbot Odyssey The (16618)
| ├──The Charm School (7788)
| ├──The Gate House (11847)
| ├──The General's Daughter (11097)
| ├──The Gold Coast (11096)
| ├──The Lion's Game (11094)
| ├──Up Country (11098)
| ├──Wild Fire (16616)
| └──Word of Honor (11101)
├──Nelson Johnson
| └──Boardwalk Empire_ The Birth, High Times, and Corruption of Atlantic City (11783)
├──Nelson Mandela
| ├──Conversations With Myself (18593)
| └──The Long Walk to Freedom (8974)
├──Nelson W. Aldrich
| └──George, Being George (17953)
├──Nero Blanc
| ├──Death on the Diagonal (5919)
| └──Two Down (5918)
├──Netizens Media
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ April 2011 (18794)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ August 2011 (18798)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ December 2010 (18785)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ December 2011 (18802)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ February 2011 (18783)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ January 2011 (18792)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ July 2010 (18790)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ July 2011 (18797)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ June 2010 (18789)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ June 2011 (18796)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ March 2011 (18793)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ May 2011 (18795)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ November 2010 (18787)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ November 2010 Special Debate Issue (18786)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ November 2011 (18801)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ October 2010 (18788)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ October 2011 (18800)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ September 2010 (18803)
| ├──Hacker Monthly_ September 2011 (18799)
| └──Hacker Monthly_ Startup Marketing (18784)
├──Nevada Barr
| ├──The Rope_ An Anna Pigeon Novel (23334)
| └──Track of the Cat (7789)
├──Nevil Shute
| └──On the Beach (23522)
├──New Scientist
| ├──Why Can't Elephants Jump_ (17197)
| └──Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze__ And 114 Other Questions (16535)
├──Ngugi Wa Thiong'o
| └──Dreams in a Time of War_ A Childhood Memoir (14659)
├──Nhat Hanh Thich
| └──Transformation and Healing_ Sutra on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness (23772)
├──Niall Ferguson
| ├──Civilization_ The West and the Rest (11123)
| ├──Empire_ The Rise and Demise of the British World Order (18831)
| ├──The Ascent of Money_ A Financial History of the World (12517)
| ├──The House of Rothschild_ Money's Prophets, 1798-1848 (6811)
| └──The House of Rothschild_ The World's Banker, 1849-1999 (17227)
├──Niall Richard Murphy
| └──IPv6 Network Administration (14319)
├──Nic Sheff
| └──Tweak_ Growing Up on Methamphetamines (13983)
├──Nicci French
| ├──Complicit (10415)
| ├──The Memory Game (7462)
| ├──The Safe House (2452)
| └──What to Do When Someone Dies (5828)
├──Nicci Gerrard
| └──The Winter House (12391)
├──Niccolo Machiavelli
| ├──The Essential Writings of Machiavelli (7790)
| ├──The Prince (11317)
| └──The Prince (Translated by Daniel Donno) (16392)
├──Nicholas Boothman
| └──How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less (50)
├──Nicholas C. Zakas
| └──Professional Ajax (23446)
├──Nicholas Clapp
| └──Road to Ubar Pa (18569)
├──Nicholas D. Kristof
| └──Half the Sky_ Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide (6795)
├──Nicholas Grabowsky
| └──The Everborn (10416)
├──Nicholas Hogg
| └──Show Me the Sky (11475)
├──Nicholas Ostler
| └──Empires of the Word (13669)
├──Nicholas Pileggi
| └──Wiseguy_ Life in a Mafia Family (1488)
├──Nicholas Read
| └──Endworlds (17302)
├──Nicholas Shaxson
| └──Treasure Islands (23526)
├──Nicholas Sparks
| ├──A Bend in the Road (345)
| ├──A Walk to Remember (346)
| ├──At First Sight (347)
| ├──Dear John (348)
| ├──Message in a Bottle (349)
| ├──Nights in Rodanthe (350)
| ├──Safe Haven (5920)
| ├──The Best of Me (16619)
| ├──The Choice (8578)
| ├──The Last Song (8126)
| ├──The Lucky One (8127)
| ├──The Notebook (351)
| ├──The Rescue (8485)
| ├──The Wedding (8125)
| ├──Three Weeks With My Brother (8388)
| └──True Believer (8392)
├──Nick Hornby
| └──Fever Pitch (8015)
├──Nick Bunker
| └──Making Haste From Babylon (15598)
├──Nick Cave
| ├──And the Ass Saw the Angel (16644)
| ├──The Death of Bunny Munro (12017)
| └──The Death of Bunny Munro (23362)
├──Nick Douglas
| └──Twitter Wit_ Brilliance in 140 Characters or Less (2006)
├──Nick Drake
| └──Tutankhamun (7792)
├──Nick Edwards
| └──In Stitches_ The Highs and Lows of Life as an a & E Doctor (11352)
├──Nick Gevers
| └──Other Earths (7488)
├──Nick Griffiths
| └──In the Footsteps of Harrison Dextrose (14308)
├──Nick Hornby
| ├──A Long Way Down (11537)
| ├──About a Boy (20590)
| ├──An Education_ Screenplay (8391)
| ├──Juliet, Naked (6812)
| └──Not a Star and Otherwise Pandemonium (8389)
├──Nick Kent
| └──Apathy for the Devil (13844)
├──Nick Kyme
| └──Warhammer 40K_ Fall of Damnos (11680)
├──Nick Ray
| └──Cambodia (Lonely Planet, 7th Edition) (16627)
├──Nick Taylor
| └──American-Made_ The Enduring Legacy of the WPA _ When FDR Put the Nation to Work (7795)
├──Nick Wallace
| └──Doctor Who_ Fear Itself (9586)
├──Nick Walters
| ├──Doctor Who_ Dominion (9354)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Reckless Engineering (9395)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Superior Beings (9556)
| └──Doctor Who_ The Fall of Yquatine (9364)
├──Nick West
| ├──The Mystery of the Coughing Dragon (10554)
| └──The Mystery of the Nervous Lion (10569)
├──Nicola Griffith
| ├──Always (22338)
| └──Ammonite (17915)
├──Nicola Keegan
| └──Swimming (6798)
├──Nicola Williams
| ├──France (Lonely Planet, 8th Edition) (16601)
| └──Switzerland (Lonely Planet, 6th Edition) (16586)
├──Nicole Krauss
| ├──Great House_ A Novel (8204)
| └──Man Walks Into a Room (16945)
├──Nicole Lundrigan
| └──Glass Boys (17412)
├──Nicole Mones
| ├──Lost in Translation (5861)
| └──The Last Chinese Chef (2453)
├──Nicole O'Dell
| ├──Dare to Be Different (23595)
| ├──Risky Business (23598)
| └──Swept Away (23602)
├──Nicole Richie
| └──Priceless (8523)
├──Nicole Young
| ├──Kiss Me if You Dare (18669)
| └──Love Me if You Must (18668)
├──Nigel Robinson
| ├──Doctor Who_ Birthright (9300)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Edge of Destruction (9152)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Sensorites (9099)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Time Meddler (9126)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Underwater Menace (9138)
| └──Doctor Who_ Timewyrm_ Apocalypse (9294)
├──Nigella Lawson
| └──How to Eat_ The Pleasures and Principles of Good Food (12196)
├──Nikolai Gogol
| └──Dead Souls (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15705)
├──Nile Rodgers
| └──Le Freak_ An Upside Down Story of Family, Disco, and Destiny (17379)
├──Nina Bangs
| └──Night Games (20606)
├──Nina LaCour
| └──Hold Still (6813)
├──Nina Planck
| └──Real Food_ What to Eat and Why (18826)
├──Nina Sankovitch
| └──Tolstoy and the Purple Chair_ My Year of Magical Reading (14708)
├──Nir Rosen
| └──Aftermath (16674)
├──Nitesh Dhanjani
| └──Hacking_ The Next Generation (23375)
├──NLP Comprehensive
| └──NLP_ New Technology_ The New Technology (17321)
├──Nnedi Okorafor
| └──Who Fears Death (15392)
├──Noah Boyd
| ├──Agent X (9922)
| └──The Bricklayer (6801)
├──Noah Charney
| └──Stealing the Mystic Lamb (17268)
├──Noah Feldman
| └──Scorpions (18363)
├──Noah Gift
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