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全网精选2500套英文有声点读版绘本全集 纯正英语发音 全彩PDF+MP3音频 百度云网盘下载

内容强大的英文有声绘本大全集 ,所有绘本  都带有纯正发音的 MP3 音频,相信这对家长的辅导非常有用!
内容 隐藏
2 资源明细
2.1 ——/2024更新/【多课吧DOC8.com-4751】全网精选2500套英文有声点读版绘本全集 纯正英语发音 全彩PDF+MP3音频 百度云网盘下载/

全网精选2500套英文有声点读版绘本全集 纯正英语发音

相信您也有和我一样的困惑,想给孩子读英文绘本,却担心自己发音不够纯 正,容易“带偏”,而且每个孩子基础不同,不知从何下手。

我们花了 2 个多月整理了这套内容强大的英文有声绘本大全集 ,所有绘本  都带有纯正发音的 MP3 音频,相信这对家长的辅导非常有用!您可以根据孩子 的情况制定系统的阅读计划,我们 4 大类 2500 本一定能帮孩子更好学习。


  1. 分级阅读(1753 本)


  1. 52 周书单(92 本)


  1. 系列绘本( 641 本)


  1. 经典绘本(85 本)


一、分级阅读 数量:1753 本

1、Oxford Reading Tree 牛津树

( 1 )1-16级自然拼读(353本)


了解牛津树:《牛津阅读树》在英国是家喻户晓的英语母语学习材料,全球有 133 个  国家用它作为外语学习教材。全系列都是围绕 Chip、Biff& Kipper 一家展开,故事虽 短却幽默有趣,结局总有反转,非常符合英国人一贯的冷幽默调性。

2、Reading A-Z( RAZ 自然拼读

AA-Z(1023 本)

了解 RAZ: 目前市面上最为流行的英文分级阅读读物,在美国有 1 万多所公立学校使 用,中国大部分的国际学校也都是 RAZ 的忠实用户。从 AA、A 直到 Z 系列共有 27 个级别,如果学完全部的级别,那么阅读能力和美国小学毕业水平相当。


K1-K4(144 本)

了解阅读街:“阅读街”是美国知名的阅读绘本,从幼儿园开始分阶段学习,学英文的  同时也学习了阅读、科学、社科、文化等知识,力度上不多不少,不给孩子特别的压力, 而且还是特别为母语不是英语的孩子编写的,更适合中国的孩子学习。

二、 52 周书单 数量:92 本


My Very First Mother GOOSE

Brown bear ,Brown bear ,What do you see

The Wheels on the Bus


Five little monkeys jumping on the bed

Go Away Mr Wolf


My Very First Mother GOOSE down by the station

Dr.Seuss Hop On Pop


Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer

Green Eggs and Ham

Henny Penny

第 5—6周重复 1-4 周 第7周

Ape in a cape

Ten Fat Sausages

The very hungry caterpillar


Hattie and the Fox

I am the music man

today is Monday


Does a Kangaroo Have A Mother,Too

five little ducks

Fox in Socks

 10 周

ABC.(Dr. Seuss.. ABC)


Go Away Big Green Monster

第 11—13 周重复 7-10   14 

Five Littele Monkeys Sitting in a Tree

Sheep in Jeep

The Mixed Up Chameleon


Down in the jungle

Goodnight Moon

sheep in a shop


Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush

King Bidgoods In The Bathtub

Rosie's Walk


Color Zoo

the napping house

We All Go Traveling By

第 18—19 周重复 14-17 周 第 20 周

Creep Crawly Calypso

Polar Bear,PolarBear,What Do You Hear

We are going on a bear hunt

第 21 

guess how much I love you

The Very Quiet Cricket

Walking Through the Jungle

第 22 

Is Your Mama a Llama

The Animal Boogie

The Foot Book

第 23 周

Kipper's A to Z

one fish,two fish,Red Fish Blue Fish The journey home from Grandpas

第 24-26 周重复 20-23 周 第 27 

Chicken   Soup   with   Rice,A   Book   of Months

On market street

Silly Sally

第 28 周

Each Peach Pear Plum

papa please get the moon for me

Quick as a Cricket

第 29 周

Eating the Alphabet Fruits

See You Later Alligator

The Princess and the Dragon

第 30 

I Am an Apple

I'm a Caterpillar

The   Big Hungry Bear

第 31-32 周重复 27-30 周 第 33 

A Dragon on the Doorstep

Alligators All Around

I Am a Seed

第 34 


Maisy Goes Camping

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

第 35 

i am snow


Maisy's Christmas Eve

第 36 

i am a leaf

i am fire

over in the meadow

第 37-39 周重复 33-36 周

第 40

Do you want to be my friend I am a rock

I am planet earth

Row Row Row Your Boat

第 41 

Handa's Surprise

What's The Time, Mr. Wolf

第 42 周

Tomorrow's Alphabet

where is my teddy

第 43 周

If You Give A Mouse A Cookie

Owl Babies

第 44-45 周重复 40-43 周 第 46 周

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

If You Take A Mouse To School

Kipper's Christmas Eve

Mouse Paint

第 47 周

Curious George Learns the Alphabet

f The Dinosaurs Came Back

Kipper's Monster


第 48 周

Miss Nelson Is Missing

The Blue Balloon by Mick Inkpen

The Runaway Bunny

第 49 周

Click,Clack,Moo Cows That Type

Noisy Nora

第 50-52 周重复 46-49 周

三、系列绘本 数量:641 本

小猪佩奇 1-4 季( 197 套)

A picture reader-15 套

Biscuit 系列-18 套

Curious George 好奇的乔治-11 套

Frog And Toad 青蛙和蟾蜍-4 套 James Marshall-8 套

Little Bear 小熊系列-5 套

Sight Word TaleS-25 本

Usborne Farm Tales 趣味农场故事-22 套

Usborne Phonics Readers 初级-12 个

苍蝇小子系列带翻译(中级) -15 册

哈考特初级系列-124 个

女巫温妮系列带翻译(高级)-12 册

世界经典童话双语版-25 套 苏斯博士-10 套

海气小公主系列带翻译(中级) -14 册 我的第一个图书馆-58 套

五只小猴子-7 套

小毛人系列带翻译(中级)-15 册

小鼠波波系列带翻译(初级) -12 册

小猪小象系列带翻译(初级) -25 套

羊驼拉玛系列带翻译(中级) -7 套

四、经典绘本 数量:86 本

A picture for harold's room Are You My Mother?

Baboushka and the Three Kings

Bark, George Big Max

Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See

Click, Clack, Moo Crows That Type

David Goes to School Diary of a Worm

Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!

Drip, Drop, Drip

five little monkeys   From Head to Toe   George and Martha

Go Away Big Green Monster Go, Dog. Go!

Good Night, Gorilla

Goodnight Moon

Granny's Legs Are Thin

Green Eggs and Ham

Guess How Much I Love You Handa's Surprise

Harold and the Purple Crayon Harris Finds His Feet

Hop on Pop

How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night How I Became a Pirate

I am a Bunny

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie If you aive a oia a pancake

In the Night Kitchen    Is Your Mama a Llama It Makes Me Smile

Joseph Had a Little Overcoat

King Bidgood's in the Bathtub Kitten-s First Full Moon

Knuffle Bunny

Little Golden Book-Puss in Boots..

Llama Llama Holiday Drama llama llama mad at mama    llama llama misses mama

Llama Llama Red Pajama

Lost and Found

Love You Forever

MaMa Do You Love Me Miss Nelson is Missing!

My Dad

My Friend Rabbit

My Mum   NO David! Not a Box  Olivia

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish Owen

Papa Do You Love Me Rosie's Walk

Scaredy Squirre Sheep in a Jeep

Sylvester and the Magic Pebble

The Boy Who Was Always Late

The Cat in Hat

The Giant in Town The Giving Tree

The kissing hand The Little House

The Little Mouse,

The Napping House The Pig in the Pond The Polar Express

The Rat and the Tiger

The Red Ripe Strawberry The Runaway Bunny

The Snowy Day

The Terrible Tidybot

The very hungry caterpillar The Very Quiet Cricket

Tomorrows Alphabet  Traction Man Is Here!

Walking through the Jungle What Game Shall We Play

Where Is the Green Sheep   Where The Wild Things Are Yo! Yes

You' re All My Favourites Zin! Zin! Zin!A Violin


——/2024更新/【多课吧DOC8.com-4751】全网精选2500套英文有声点读版绘本全集 纯正英语发音 全彩PDF+MP3音频 百度云网盘下载/


| ├──RAZ分级阅读-点读版(1023套)

| | ├──A
| | ├──AA
| | ├──B
| | ├──C
| | ├──D
| | ├──E
| | ├──F
| | ├──G
| | ├──H
| | ├──I
| | ├──J
| | ├──K
| | ├──L
| | ├──M
| | ├──N
| | ├──O
| | ├──P
| | ├──Q
| | ├──R
| | ├──RAZ练习册 Worksheet
| | ├──S
| | ├──T
| | ├──U
| | ├──V
| | ├──W
| | ├──X
| | ├──Y
| | ├──Z
| | └──必看!RAZ阅读指引.pdf 255.66kb

| ├──牛津树分级阅读(586套)

| | ├──PDF文件
| | ├──Read at Home30本PDF+MP3
| | ├──stage_01(001-047)【47本MP3+PDF】
| | ├──stage_02(048-081)【34本MP3+PDF】
| | ├──stage_03(082-110)【29本MP3+PDF】
| | ├──stage_04(111-140)【30本MP3+PDF】
| | ├──stage_05(141-165)【25本MP3+PDF】
| | ├──stage_06(166-188)【23本MP3+PDF】
| | ├──stage_07(189-204)【16本MP3+PDF】
| | ├──stage_08(205-221)【17本MP3+PDF】
| | ├──stage_09(222-253)【32本MP3+PDF】
| | ├──stage_10(254-274)【21本MP3+PDF】
| | ├──stage_11(275-293)【19本MP3+PDF】
| | ├──stage_12(294-302)【9本MP3+PDF】
| | ├──stage_13(303-309)【7本MP3+PDF】
| | ├──stage_14(310-317)【8本MP3+PDF】
| | ├──stage_15(318-321)【4本MP3+PDF】
| | ├──stage_16(321-323)【2本MP3+PDF】
| | ├──【美音】
| | ├──【英音】
| | ├──分级阅读
| | └──必看!牛津树阅读指引.pdf 1.95M

| └──阅读街系列幼儿版(144套)

| | ├──英语阅读街:幼儿版K1 36本
| | ├──英语阅读街:幼儿版K2 36本
| | ├──英语阅读街:幼儿版K3 36本
| | ├──英语阅读街:幼儿版K4 36本
| | └──必看!阅读街阅读指引.pdf 556.19kb


| ├──第1阶段(1-13周)22本

| | ├──书单第01周
| | ├──书单第02周
| | ├──书单第03周
| | ├──书单第04周
| | ├──书单第05周,第6周 重复1-4周的书单
| | ├──书单第07周
| | ├──书单第08周
| | ├──书单第09周
| | └──书单第10周

| ├──第2阶段(14-26周)24本

| | ├──书单第14周
| | ├──书单第15周
| | ├──书单第16周
| | ├──书单第17周
| | ├──书单第18到19周 重复14-17周的书单
| | ├──书单第20周
| | ├──书单第21周
| | ├──书单第22周
| | └──书单第23周

| ├──第3阶段(27-39周)24本

| | ├──书单第27周
| | ├──书单第28周
| | ├──书单第29周
| | ├──书单第30周
| | ├──书单第31到32周 重复27-30周的书单
| | ├──书单第33周
| | ├──书单第34周
| | ├──书单第35周
| | ├──书单第36周
| | └──书单第37到39周 重复33-36周的书单

| ├──第4阶段(40-52周)23本

| | ├──书单第40周
| | ├──书单第41周
| | ├──书单第42周
| | ├──书单第43周
| | ├──书单第44到45周 重复40-43周的书单
| | ├──书单第46周
| | ├──书单第47周
| | ├──书单第48周
| | ├──书单第49周
| | └──书单第50到52周 重复46-49周的书单

| └──必看!52周书单阅读指引.pdf 2.23M


| ├──A picture reader-15套

| | ├──01 The Big Snowball
| | ├──02 Lots of Hearts
| | ├──03 Is That You,Santa
| | ├──04 Silly Willy
| | ├──05 In a dark dark house
| | ├──06 Arnie the Brave((无pdf))
| | ├──07 Dot has Spots(无pdf)
| | ├──08 Too Noisy
| | ├──09 Benny's Big Bubble
| | ├──10 Monster and Muffin(无pdf)
| | ├──11 Picky Nicky
| | ├──12 King Big Wig
| | ├──13 Pig Out!
| | ├──14 Don't Wake the Baby!
| | └──15 Otto the Cat

| ├──Biscuit系列-18套

| | ├──小饼干狗 MP3 音频
| | └──小饼干狗 PDF 电子书

| ├──Curious George好奇的乔治-11套

| | ├──Curious George
| | ├──Curious George and Puppies
| | ├──Curious George and the Firefighter
| | ├──Curious George and the Pizza
| | ├──Curious George Feeds the Animals
| | ├──Curious George Goes Camping
| | ├──Curious George Goes to a Chocolate Factory
| | ├──Curious George Goes to a Movie
| | ├──Curious George Goes to an Ice Cream Shop
| | ├──Curious George Makes Pancakes
| | └──Curious George Visits the Zoo

| ├──Frog And Toad青蛙和蟾蜍-4套

| | ├──01 Frog And Toad Are Friends
| | ├──02 Frog And Toad Together
| | ├──03 Days with Frog and Toad
| | ├──04 Frog And Toad All Year
| | └──说明文档.txt 0.93kb

| ├──James Marshall-8套

| | ├──01 Fox and His Friends
| | ├──02 Fox All Week
| | ├──03 Fox at School
| | ├──04 Fox on Wheels
| | ├──05 Fox be nimble
| | ├──06 Fox on stage
| | ├──07 Fox on the Job
| | └──08 Fox in Love

| ├──Little Bear小熊系列-5套

| | ├──1 Little bear
| | ├──2 Father bear comes home
| | ├──3 Little bear's friend
| | ├──4 Little bear's visit
| | └──5 A kiss for little bear

| ├──Sight Word TaleS-点读版-25本

| | ├──01 Can We Get a Pet .pdf 43.57M
| | ├──02 Come to the Zany Zoo .pdf 47.20M
| | ├──03 A House for Mouse .pdf 25.57M
| | ├──04 Look at that Cat! .pdf 48.17M
| | ├──05 My Dragon and I .pdf 40.34M
| | ├──06 Oodles of Noodles .pdf 43.85M
| | ├──07 The Fix-It-Up Fairy .pdf 39.42M
| | ├──08 A Book With a Pig .pdf 2.86M
| | ├──09 Don't Be Afraid, Monster .pdf 36.18M
| | ├──10 Does Polly Want a Cracker .pdf 45.20M
| | ├──11 One by One .pdf 12.56M
| | ├──12 How Do You Make a Giraffe Laugh .pdf 54.18M
| | ├──13 What Shall I Bring the King .pdf 43.94M
| | ├──14 The Penguins Are Going on Vacation .pdf 38.30M
| | ├──15 Some Dogs Are Very Good .pdf 42.09M
| | ├──16 Have You Seen Jellybean .pdf 48.88M
| | ├──17 All Puffins Just Love Muffins .pdf 45.66M
| | ├──18 Today is So Boring! .pdf 44.21M
| | ├──19 So Many Kinds of Shoes! .pdf 42.53M
| | ├──20 Who Would Buy These Clothes .pdf 35.74M
| | ├──21 Try Again ,Hen! .pdf 46.70M
| | ├──22 Let's Make Soup Together .pdf 42.34M
| | ├──23 Please Stop Monkeying Around! .pdf 43.83M
| | ├──24 Little Bo-Peep's Lost-and-Found Sheep .pdf 50.74M
| | └──25 Once Upon a Planet.pdf 44.34M

| ├──Usborne Farm Tales趣味农场故事-22套

| | ├──Barn on Fire
| | ├──Camping Out
| | ├──Dolly and the Train
| | ├──Kitten's Day Out
| | ├──Market Day
| | ├──Pig Gets Lost
| | ├──Pig Gets Stuck
| | ├──Pirate Pat
| | ├──Rusty's Train Ride
| | ├──Scarecrow's Secret
| | ├──Stop That Cow
| | ├──Surprise Visitors
| | ├──The Grumpy Goat
| | ├──The Hungry Donkey
| | ├──The Naughty Sheep
| | ├──The New Pony
| | ├──The Old Steam Train
| | ├──The Runaway Tractor
| | ├──THe Silly Sheepdog
| | ├──The Snow Storm
| | ├──Tractor in Trouble
| | └──Woolly Stops The Train

| ├──Usborne Phonics Readers-12个

| | ├──Big Pig On A Dig
| | ├──Fat Cat On A Mat
| | ├──Fox On A Box
| | ├──Frog On A Log
| | ├──Goose On The Loose
| | ├──Hen's Pens
| | ├──Mouse Moves House
| | ├──Sam Sheep Can't Sleep
| | ├──Shark In The Park
| | ├──Ted In A Red Bed
| | ├──Ted's Shed
| | ├──Toad Makes A Road
| | └──说明.txt 0.44kb

| ├──苍蝇小子系列 带翻译-15册

| | ├──苍蝇小子 MP3 音频
| | └──苍蝇小子 PDF 电子版

| ├──哈考特初级系列-点读版-124个

| | ├──Kindergarten
| | ├──哈考特Harcourt_Math_Concept_GR1
| | └──哈考特Harcourt_reading_Grade_K

| ├──女巫温妮系列 带翻译-12册

| | ├──女巫温妮 MP3 音频
| | └──女巫温妮 PDF 电子书

| ├──世界经典童话双语版-25套

| | ├──阿里巴巴和四十大盗
| | ├──爱丽丝漫游奇境记
| | ├──白雪公主
| | ├──宝莲灯
| | ├──丑小鸭
| | ├──龟兔赛跑
| | ├──海的女儿
| | ├──花木兰
| | ├──皇帝的新装
| | ├──灰姑娘
| | ├──杰克与魔豆
| | ├──狼和七只小羊
| | ├──绿野仙踪
| | ├──卖火柴的小女孩儿
| | ├──美女与野兽
| | ├──拇指姑娘
| | ├──木偶奇遇记
| | ├──尼尔斯骑鹅旅行记
| | ├──青蛙王子
| | ├──三只小猪
| | ├──睡美人
| | ├──小红帽
| | ├──小王子
| | ├──野天鹅
| | └──渔夫和金鱼

| ├──苏斯博士-10套

| | ├──穿袜子的狐狸(Dr.Seuss.-.Fox.in.Socks).mp3 3.32M
| | ├──穿袜子的狐狸(Dr.Seuss.-.Fox.in.Socks).pdf 12.45M
| | ├──霍顿孵蛋(Horton.Hatches.the.Egg).mp3 2.99M
| | ├──霍顿孵蛋(Horton.Hatches.the.Egg).pdf 18.62M
| | ├──霍顿听见了呼呼的声音(Horton.Hears.a.Who!).mp3 1.96M
| | ├──霍顿听见了呼呼的声音(Horton.Hears.a.Who!).pdf 22.26M
| | ├──霍顿听见了呼呼的声音(Horton.Hears.a.Who!).pdf.baiduyun.p.downloading 22.26M
| | ├──绿鸡蛋和火腿(Green.Eggs.and.Ham).mp3 2.29M
| | ├──绿鸡蛋和火腿(Green.Eggs.and.Ham).pdf 9.71M
| | ├──如果我来经营马戏团(If.I.Ran.the.Circus).mp3 1.64M
| | ├──如果我来经营马戏团(If.I.Ran.the.Circus).pdf 19.46M
| | ├──史尼奇及其他故事(The Sneetches).mp3 1.59M
| | ├──史尼奇及其他故事(The.Sneetches.and.Other.Stories).pdf 19.83M
| | ├──苏斯博士的ABC.(Dr.Seuss.-.ABC).mp3 2.36M
| | ├──苏斯博士的ABC.(Dr.Seuss.-.ABC).pdf 9.59M
| | ├──乌龟耶尔特及其他故事 Yertle The Turtle.mp3 1.80M
| | ├──乌龟耶尔特及其他故事(Yertle.The.Turtle.and.Other.Stories).pdf 21.39M
| | ├──一条鱼,两条鱼,红色的鱼,蓝色的鱼(One.Fish.Two.Fish.Red.Fish.Blue.Fish).mp3 8.26M
| | ├──一条鱼,两条鱼,红色的鱼,蓝色的鱼(One.Fish.Two.Fish.Red.Fish.Blue.Fish).pdf 10.96M
| | ├──在爸爸身上蹦来蹦去(Hop.on.Pop).mp3 2.53M
| | └──在爸爸身上蹦来蹦去(Hop.on.Pop).pdf 8.09M

| ├──淘气小公主系列 带翻译-14册

| | ├──淘气小公主 MP3 音频
| | └──淘气小公主 PDF 电子版

| ├──我的第一个图书馆-58套

| | ├──UB-1 Usborne My First Reading Library Level 1-4(绘本+音频)
| | ├──UB-K Usborne Very First Reading(绘本+音频)

| ├──五只小猴子-7套

| | ├──Five little monkey with nothing to do
| | ├──Five Little Monkeys Bake a Birthday Cake
| | ├──Five Little Monkeys go_shopping
| | ├──Five Little Monkeys Play Hide and Seek
| | ├──Five Little Monkeys Wash The Car(缺中文音频)
| | ├──Five_Littele_Monkeys_Sitting_in_a_Tree
| | └──Five_Little_Monkeys_Jumping_on_the_Bed

| ├──小毛人系列 带翻译 -15册

| | ├──小毛人 MP3 音频
| | └──小毛人 PDF 电子书

| ├──小鼠波波系列 带翻译 -12册

| | ├──小鼠波波系列 MP3音频版
| | └──小鼠波波系列 PDF电子版

| ├──小猪佩奇1-4季(197套)

| | ├──第1季
| | ├──第2季
| | ├──第3季
| | ├──第4季
| | └──填色图

| └──小猪小象系列 带翻译-25套

| | ├──小猪小象系列 MP3音频
| | └──小猪小象系列 PDF电子版


| ├──A picture for harold's room
| | ├──A picture for harold's room.avi 52.21M
| | ├──A picture for harold's room.mp3 5.77M
| | └──An_I_Can_Read_Book_A_Picture_For_Harold__s_Room.pdf 22.39M
| ├──Are You My Mother?
| | ├──Are You My Mother?.mp3 3.21M
| | └──Are You My Mother?.pdf 3.71M
| ├──Baboushka and the Three Kings
| | ├──gfd0001.JPG 462.82kb
| | ├──gfd0002.JPG 198.31kb
| | ├──gfd0003.JPG 892.53kb
| | ├──gfd0005.JPG 161.27kb
| | ├──gfd0006.JPG 147.49kb
| | ├──gfd0007.JPG 196.46kb
| | ├──gfd0008.JPG 537.29kb
| | ├──gfd0009.JPG 588.10kb
| | ├──gfd0011.JPG 577.95kb
| | ├──gfd0013.JPG 569.56kb
| | ├──gfd0015.JPG 550.92kb
| | ├──gfd0017.JPG 550.38kb
| | ├──gfd0019.JPG 457.46kb
| | ├──gfd0021.JPG 561.42kb
| | ├──gfd0023.JPG 454.02kb
| | ├──gfd0025.JPG 720.17kb
| | ├──gfd0027.JPG 606.00kb
| | └──gfd0029.JPG 892.53kb
| ├──Bark, George
| | ├──Bark, George.mp3 5.55M
| | └──Bark, George.pdf 3.73M
| ├──Big Max
| | ├──12 Big Max.pdf 33.71M
| | └──Big Max.mp3 14.50M
| ├──Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See
| | ├──Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See.mp3 1.60M
| | └──Brown.Bear.Brown.Bear.What.Do.You.See.pdf 1.51M
| ├──Click,Clack,Moo Crows That Type
| | ├──click clack moo crows that type.pdf 7.65M
| | ├──Click,Clack,Moo Crows That Type.pdf 10.72M
| | ├──Click,Clack,Moo Crows That Type.wma 5.03M
| | └──Click,Clack,Moo Crows That Type双页版.pdf 7.65M
| ├──David Goes to School
| | ├──David Goes to School 大卫去上学.mp3 2.00M
| | └──David Goes to School 大卫去上学.pdf 1.89M
| ├──Diary of a Worm
| | ├──初48 Diary of a Worm.mp3 8.82M
| | └──初48 Diary of a Worm_蚯蚓日记英文版.pdf 25.05M
| ├──Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!
| | ├──Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems (2003).mp3 4.76M
| | ├──Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems (2003).mp4 7.46M
| | ├──Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!.pdf 13.13M
| | └──Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!双页版.pdf 2.63M
| ├──Drip, Drop, Drip
| | ├──drip.mp3 433.06kb
| | ├──drip01.jpg 305.86kb
| | ├──drip02.jpg 146.07kb
| | ├──drip03.jpg 547.24kb
| | ├──drip04.jpg 547.40kb
| | ├──drip05.jpg 424.35kb
| | └──drip06.jpg 189.69kb
| ├──five little monkeys
| | ├──Five Little Monkeys Bake a Birthday Cake
| | ├──Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
| | ├──Five Little Monkeys Play Hide and Seek
| | ├──Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree
| | ├──Five Little Monkeys Wash The Car
| | ├──Five Little Monkeys with nothing to do
| | └──说明文档.txt 2.12kb
| ├──From Head to Toe
| | ├──From Head to Toe.mp3 926.29kb
| | └──From Head To Toe.pdf 1.88M
| ├──George and Martha
| | ├──George and Martha.mp3 10.82M
| | └──George and Martha.pdf 7.01M
| ├──Go Away Big Green Monster
| | ├──Go Away Big Green Monster.mp3 2.02M
| | └──Go Away Big Green Monster.pdf 3.53M
| ├──Go,Dog.Go!
| | ├──Go,Dog.Go! (with signals) - cassette rip - P.D. Eastman.mp3 5.89M
| | └──Go,Dog.Go!.pdf 3.21M
| ├──Good Night,Gorilla
| | ├──Good Night, Gorilla.mp3 8.66M
| | └──Good Night,Gorilla.pdf 15.26M
| ├──Goodnight Moon
| | ├──Goodnight Moon.mp3 5.39M
| | └──Goodnight Moon.pdf 29.89M
| ├──Granny's Legs Are Thin
| | ├──Thin.mp3 594.49kb
| | ├──thin01.jpg 340.25kb
| | ├──thin01a.jpg 135.31kb
| | ├──thin02.jpg 109.15kb
| | ├──thin03.jpg 203.10kb
| | ├──thin04.jpg 85.76kb
| | ├──thin05.jpg 144.99kb
| | ├──thin06.jpg 122.70kb
| | ├──thin07.jpg 153.94kb
| | └──thin08.jpg 198.86kb
| ├──Green Eggs and Ham
| | ├──Green Eggs and Ham.mp3 2.29M
| | └──Green Eggs and Ham.pdf 9.71M
| ├──Guess How Much I Love You
| | ├──Guess how much I love you.mp3 3.09M
| | ├──Guess How Much I Love You.pdf 1.11M
| | └──补倒数第二张Guess how much I love you.PNG 995.02kb
| ├──Handa's Surprise
| | ├──Handa's Surprise 汉娜的惊喜.mp3 2.22M
| | └──Handa's Surprise 汉娜的惊喜.pdf 1.53M
| ├──Harold and the Purple Crayon
| | ├──初47 Harold and the Purple Crayon.mp3 6.53M
| | └──初47 Harold and the Purple Crayon.pdf 4.63M
| ├──Harris Finds His Feet
| | ├──Harris Finds His Feet 哈里的大脚.mp3 2.96M
| | └──Harris Finds His Feet 哈里的大脚.pdf 1.15M
| ├──Hop on Pop
| | ├──Hop on Pop------.pdf 8.21M
| | ├──Hop on Pop.mp3 5.06M
| | └──Hop on Pop.pdf 8.23M
| ├──How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night
| | ├──How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night.mp3 2.86M
| | └──How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night.pdf 3.39M
| ├──How I Became a Pirate
| | ├──how i became a pirate.mp3 8.20M
| | ├──How I Became a Pirate.pdf 20.94M
| | └──How I Became a Pirate.swf 3.57M
| ├──I am a Bunny
| | ├──I am a Bunny 我是一只小兔子.mp3 2.02M
| | └──I am a Bunny 我是一只小兔子.pdf 1.63M
| ├──If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
| | ├──初46 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.mp3 3.82M
| | └──初46 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.pdf 10.23M
| ├──If you give a pig a pancake
| | ├──If you give a pig a pancake.mp3 4.33M
| | └──If you give a pig a pancake.pdf 1.79M
| ├──In the Night Kitchen
| | ├──In the Night Kitchen------.pdf 15.95M
| | ├──In The Night Kitchen.mp3 2.44M
| | └──In the Night Kitchen.pdf 15.93M
| ├──Is Your Mama a Llama
| | ├──Is Your Mama a Llama.mp3 6.68M
| | └──Is Your Mama a Llama.pdf 12.61M
| ├──It Makes Me Smile
| | ├──smile.mp3 421.63kb
| | ├──smile01.jpg 310.05kb
| | ├──smile01a.jpg 377.62kb
| | ├──smile02.jpg 172.40kb
| | ├──smile03.jpg 144.56kb
| | ├──smile04.jpg 176.60kb
| | ├──smile05.jpg 194.60kb
| | ├──smile06.jpg 156.25kb
| | ├──smile07.jpg 185.35kb
| | └──smile08.jpg 201.58kb
| ├──Joseph Had a Little Overcoat
| | ├──Joseph Had a Little Overcoat------.pdf 29.49M
| | ├──Joseph Had a Little Overcoat.mp3 10.49M
| | └──Joseph Had a Little Overcoat.pdf 25.67M
| ├──King Bidgood's in the Bathtub
| | ├──DSC04944.JPG 474.28kb
| | ├──DSC04945.JPG 431.09kb
| | ├──DSC04946.JPG 319.47kb
| | ├──DSC04947.JPG 383.74kb
| | ├──DSC04948.JPG 377.60kb
| | ├──DSC04949.JPG 460.45kb
| | ├──DSC04950.JPG 433.21kb
| | ├──DSC04953.JPG 409.57kb
| | ├──DSC04954.JPG 475.35kb
| | ├──DSC04955.JPG 426.49kb
| | ├──DSC04956.JPG 364.00kb
| | ├──DSC04957.JPG 450.20kb
| | ├──DSC04958.JPG 345.51kb
| | ├──DSC04959.JPG 402.65kb
| | ├──DSC04960.JPG 435.07kb
| | ├──DSC04961.JPG 428.57kb
| | ├──DSC04962.JPG 395.70kb
| | └──DSC04964.JPG 356.91kb
| ├──Kitten-s First Full Moon
| | ├──Kitten's First Full Moon.mp3 2.50M
| | └──Kitten--s First Full Moon.pdf 1.65M
| ├──Knuffle Bunny
| | ├──Knuffle Bunny.mp3 8.54M
| | ├──Knuffle Bunny.pdf 22.37M
| | └──Knuffle Bunny另一版.pdf 2.00M
| ├──Llama Llama Holiday Drama
| | ├──llama llama holiday drama.flv 33.95M
| | ├──llama llama holiday drama.mp3 3.63M
| | └──llmama llmama holiday drama.pdf 42.22M
| ├──llama llama mad at mama
| | ├──llama llama Mad at mama.flv 29.37M
| | ├──Llama Llama Mad at Mama.mp3 4.66M
| | └──llama llama mad mama.pdf 40.18M
| ├──llama llama misses mama
| | ├──llama llama misses mama.flv 29.97M
| | ├──llama llama misses mama.mp3 3.27M
| | └──llama llama misses mama.pdf 36.45M
| ├──Llama Llama Red Pajama
| | ├──Llama Llama Red Pajama.mp3 3.66M
| | └──Llama Llama Red Pajama.pdf 3.69M
| ├──Lost and Found
| | ├──Lost And Found DVDRip.f4v 51.28M
| | ├──Lost and Found------.pdf 4.09M
| | ├──Lost And Found.mp3 22.01M
| | └──Lost and Found.pdf 1.50M
| ├──Love You Forever
| | ├──初45 Love You Forever.mp3 2.22M
| | └──初45 Love You Forever.pdf 5.16M
| ├──MaMa Do You Love Me
| | ├──MaMa Do You Love Me 妈妈,你爱我吗.mp3 4.05M
| | └──MaMa Do You Love Me 妈妈,你爱我吗.pdf 1.33M
| ├──Miss Nelson is Missing!
| | ├──Miss Nelson is Missing!_pdf.pdf 5.08M
| | └──Miss Nelsonis Missing!.mp3 6.31M
| ├──My Dad
| | ├──My Dad--Anthony Browne.mp3 7.75M
| | └──安东尼·布朗 经典绘本《我爸爸》my dad.pdf 1.63M
| ├──My Mum
| | ├──My Mum--Anthony Browne我妈妈.mp3 8.75M
| | └──my mum.pdf 1.25M
| ├──NO David!
| | ├──NO David!.mp3 1.72M
| | └──NO David!.pdf 19.92M
| ├──Not a Box
| | ├──初49 Not a Box.mp3 962.58kb
| | └──初49 Not a Box.pdf 8.84M
| ├──Olivia
| | ├──Olivia 奥莉薇 双页版.pdf 5.61M
| | ├──Olivia 奥莉薇.mp3 3.52M
| | └──Olivia 奥莉薇.pdf 8.45M
| ├──One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
| | ├──One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.mp3 8.26M
| | ├──One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.pdf 11.04M
| | └──One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish双页版.pdf 2.67M
| ├──Owen
| | ├──Owen.mp3 7.41M
| | └──OWEN.pdf 8.22M
| ├──Papa Do You Love Me
| | ├──Papa Do You Love Me 爸爸,你爱我吗.mp3 4.73M
| | └──Papa Do You Love Me 爸爸,你爱我吗.pdf 1.52M
| ├──Rosie's Walk
| | ├──Rosie's Walk.mp3 4.22M
| | ├──Rosie's Walk.mpg 39.69M
| | └──Rosie's Walk.pdf 16.89M
| ├──Scaredy Squirre
| | ├──Scaredy Squirre.MP3 1.88M
| | └──Scaredy Squirre.pdf 36.60M
| ├──Sheep in a Jeep
| | ├──Sheep in a Jeep.pdf 5.97M
| | └──Sheep in a Jeep.wma 3.24M
| ├──Snow Day
| | ├──Snow Day.pdf 5.33M
| | └──The Snowy Day.mp3 5.92M
| ├──Sylvester and the Magic Pebble
| | ├──Sylvester and the Magic Pebble.mp3 10.69M
| | └──Sylvester and the Magic Pebble.pdf 1.90M
| ├──The Boy Who Was Always Late
| | ├──The Boy Who Was Always Late 迟到大王.mp3 5.60M
| | └──The Boy Who Was Always Late 迟到大王.pdf 1.95M
| ├──The Cat in Hat
| | ├──The Cat in Hat.pdf 2.35M
| | └──The Cat in Hat.wma 5.10M
| ├──The Giant in Town
| | ├──The Giant in Town 城里的巨人.mp3 8.39M
| | └──The Giant in Town 城里的巨人.pdf 2.02M
| ├──The Giving Tree
| | ├──The Giving Tree 爱心树.mp3 7.29M
| | └──The Giving Tree 爱心树.pdf 1.41M
| ├──The kissing hand
| | ├──The kissing hand.mp3 4.43M
| | ├──The kissing hand.pdf 5.91M
| | └──The.kissing.hand.pdf 5.91M
| ├──The Little House
| | ├──The Little House.mp3 3.51M
| | └──The Little House.pdf 8.79M
| ├──The Little Mouse
| | ├──The Little Mouse,.mp3 3.01M
| | └──The Little Mouse.pdf 21.58M
| ├──The Napping House
| | ├──The Napping House.mp3 4.11M
| | └──The Napping House.pdf 9.04M
| ├──The Pig in the Pond
| | ├──The Pig in the Pond 池塘里的猪.mp3 4.22M
| | └──The Pig in the Pond 池塘里的猪.pdf 2.04M
| ├──The Polar Express
| | ├──the polar express.mp3 3.42M
| | └──The Polar Express.pdf 50.87M
| ├──The Rat and the Tiger
| | ├──The Rat and the Tiger.mp3 4.90M
| | └──The Rat and the Tiger.pdf 1.62M
| ├──The Red Ripe Strawberry
| | ├──The Red Ripe Strawberry 谁要吃草莓 ?.mp3 2.18M
| | └──The Red Ripe Strawberry 谁要吃草莓 ?.pdf 1.77M
| ├──The Runaway Bunny
| | ├──The Runaway Bunny.mp3 7.00M
| | └──The Runaway Bunny.pdf 7.16M
| ├──The Snowy Day
| | ├──The Snowy Day.flv 10.28M
| | ├──The Snowy Day.mp3 7.66M
| | └──The Snowy Day.pdf 333.32kb
| ├──The Terrible Tidybot
| | ├──01 The Terrible Tidybot.mp3 2.56M
| | └──The Terrible Tidybot.pdf 2.27M
| ├──The very hungry caterpillar
| | ├──The very hungry caterpillar.mp3 806.23kb
| | └──the very hungry caterpillar.pdf 37.34M
| ├──The Very Quiet Cricket
| | ├──The Very Quiet Cricket.mp3 6.53M
| | └──The Very Quiet Cricket.pdf 21.53M
| ├──Tomorrows Alphabet
| | ├──Tomorrows Alphabet 明天的字母表.mp3 3.78M
| | └──Tomorrows Alphabet 明天的字母表.pdf 1.23M
| ├──Traction Man Is Here!
| | ├──01 Scanner Tag TRWBD.jpg 33.91kb
| | ├──02 TM_Cover.jpg 683.43kb
| | ├──03 TM_Blurb.jpg 197.41kb
| | ├──04 TM_Title Page.jpg 432.45kb
| | ├──05 TM_P.01.jpg 724.73kb
| | ├──06 TM_P.02.jpg 663.02kb
| | ├──07 TM_P.03.jpg 563.13kb
| | ├──08 TM_P.04.jpg 522.69kb
| | ├──09 TM_P.05.jpg 498.20kb
| | ├──10 TM_P.06.jpg 750.74kb
| | ├──11 TM_P.07.jpg 583.45kb
| | ├──12 TM_P.08.jpg 510.35kb
| | ├──13 TM_P.09.jpg 626.95kb
| | ├──14 TM_P.10.jpg 471.61kb
| | ├──15 TM_P.11.jpg 747.78kb
| | ├──16 TM_P.12.jpg 631.49kb
| | ├──17 TM_P.13.jpg 593.76kb
| | ├──18 TM_P.14.jpg 476.67kb
| | ├──19 TM_P.15.jpg 519.33kb
| | ├──20 TM_P.16.jpg 560.61kb
| | ├──21 TM_P.17.jpg 632.62kb
| | ├──22 TM_P.18.jpg 551.64kb
| | ├──23 TM_P.19.jpg 772.32kb
| | ├──24 TM_P.20.jpg 521.77kb
| | ├──25 TM_P.21.jpg 642.71kb
| | ├──26 TM_P.22.jpg 553.41kb
| | ├──27 TM_P.23.jpg 492.84kb
| | ├──28 TM_P.24.jpg 594.60kb
| | ├──29 TM_P.25.jpg 547.17kb
| | ├──30 TM_P.26.jpg 632.50kb
| | ├──31 TM_P.27.jpg 615.54kb
| | ├──32 TM_P.28.jpg 615.01kb
| | ├──33 TM_P.29.jpg 492.18kb
| | ├──34 TM_P.30.jpg 513.32kb
| | ├──35 TM_Dedications.jpg 330.38kb
| | └──36 TM_Back Cover.jpg 449.38kb
| ├──Walking through the Jungle
| | ├──Walking through the Jungle 穿越大丛林.mp3 4.48M
| | └──Walking through the Jungle 穿越大丛林.pdf 1.89M
| ├──What Game Shall We Play
| | ├──What Game Shall We Play 我们玩什么好呢.mp3 3.60M
| | └──What Game Shall We Play 我们玩什么好呢.pdf 1.55M
| ├──Where Is the Green Sheep
| | ├──Where Is the Green Sheep.mp3 2.55M
| | └──Where Is the Green Sheep.pdf 3.71M
| ├──Where The Wild Things Are
| | ├──Where The Wild Things Are szhuanglx修复版.pdf 38.24M
| | ├──Where The Wild Things Are.mp3 5.72M
| | └──Where The Wild Things Are.mp4 49.56M
| ├──Yo! Yes
| | ├──Yo! Yes.mp4 24.38M
| | ├──Yo! Yes.pdf 17.07M
| | ├──Yo! Yes(男音).mp3 1.09M
| | └──Yo! Yes(女音).mp3 1.03M
| ├──You're All My Favourites
| | ├──You're All My Favourites 你们都是我的最爱.mp3 4.86M
| | └──You're All My Favourites 你们都是我的最爱.pdf 1.09M
| └──Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin
| | ├──Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin.mp3 10.60M
| | └──大家来听音乐会.pdf 6.31M


| ├──安卓版软件

| | └──ezPDF Reader- 25.62M

| ├──电脑版软件

| | ├──Adobe Acrobat DC PDF win7810.zip 617.58M
| | └──安装说明.docx 550.84kb
| └──点读版绘本使用说明.pdf 4.62M

└──目录.pdf 4.44M

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