Britannica Illustrated Science Library 已被收录至 原版娃升级之旅-牛津 剑桥 朗文 国家地理 加州 德州 ESL 新加坡原版英语教材 覆盖幼儿小学初中高中 配套点读版PDF 音频视频 白板软件
Britannica Illustrated Science Library
An engaging 16-volume set that explains key scientific topics.
2009 Teachers' Choice Award Winner!
The Britannica Illustrated Science Library is a visually compelling set that covers earth science, life science, and physical science in 16 volumes. Created for grades 5-9, each volume provides an overview on the subject and thoroughly explains it through detailed and powerful graphics, turning complex subjects into visual information that students can quickly grasp. Students will be captivated by more than 16,000 unforgettable images over 1,000 per volume that simplify and engage, ultimately providing a thorough understanding of each important topic. Each volume contains an Index and a glossary with full definitions for vocabulary help.
-Establishes a confident understanding of science
-Develops research and reference skills
-Provides answers for curious minds
-Single source for a wide range of topics across the curriculum
-Immediate engagement through vivid illustrations
-Clear concise text explains major scientific concepts
-Earth, life and physical sciences covered in a consistent editorial approach
——/1亲子幼儿/147英文有声点读绘本大全/【多课吧】大英图解科学全集 Britannica Illustrated Science Library 英国小学科学百科读物 百度网盘 高清PDF-296MB/Britannica Illustrated Science Library/
├──BISL 01 - Universe.pdf 21.88M
├──BISL 02 - Rocks and Minerals.pdf 23.08M
├──BISL 03 - Volcanoes and Earthquakes.pdf 24.70M
├──BISL 04 - Weather and Climate.pdf 12.02M
├──BISL 05 - Evolution and Genetics.pdf 9.55M
├──BISL 06 - Plants, Algae and Fungi.pdf 29.48M
├──BISL 07 - Invertebrates.pdf 11.60M
├──BISL 08 - Fish and Amphibians.pdf 11.61M
├──BISL 09 - Reptiles and Dinosaurs.pdf 28.37M
├──BISL 10 - Birds.pdf 28.14M
├──BISL 11 - Mammals.pdf 24.79M
├──BISL 12 - Human Body 01.pdf 18.10M
├──BISL 13 - Human Body 02.pdf 6.94M
├──BISL 14 - Energy and Movement.pdf 21.16M
├──BISL 15 - Technology.pdf 14.24M
├──BISL 16 - Space Exploration.pdf 10.80M
└──info.txt 1.15kb
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