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Journeys 所体现的教育目标,是教学生运用英语进行准确、恰当、高标准的理解和表达,不会因为学生是外国人而降低学习标准。
可以说,一个中国孩子如果从小在用 Journeys 这类 “English Language Arts Program” 学英语,那她的 “段位”是极高的。
我们认为,Journeys 能帮中国孩子填补从 “外国人学英语字词句” 到 “精通英语语言艺术” 之间的三大Gap:
Journeys 所代表的“英语学习高标准”,是什么样的呢?
下面,根据 Journeys 的编写理念,主要有三个主要方面提现:
- Complex and High-Quality Texts
适合孩子学习的精读课文必须复杂、高质量。如何判断呢?要考虑六个维度(Elements of Text Complexity):
Relationships 关联性: 人物、行为、思想等彼此关联交叉,关系微妙而复杂
Richness 丰富性: 有丰富的思想、信息、知识、数据,并体现文法技巧
Structure 结构性: 文章组织结构很讲究,很有特色
Style 语言风格: 作者行文腔调、语言使用很讲究
Vocabulary 词汇选择: 作者用词非常精准,和上下文紧密相关
Purpose 目标意图:作者意图并非一目了然,而且往往感觉“模棱两可”
2、所选课文必须体现 “文学型阅读”和“信息型阅读”的平衡
- A Balance of Literary and Informational Texts
根据美国教育评测权威机构(NAEP)制定的《中小学生阅读框架建议》- Reading Framework,整体阅读上,一个小学4年级孩子的文学阅读和信息型阅读应该各占一半;到了8年级(初三),信息型阅读应该占到55%;到高中毕业,这个比例应该达到70% ...
- Engaing Content, topics, themes
一套教材,哪怕有完美的教育意图,如果内容不符合时代要求,不能激发学生探究兴趣,效果都会大打折扣。2017年版的 Journeys,对此有清晰的理念定位:激发学生兴趣至关重要,而且在非虚构阅读上尤其如此。
Allow readers to reflect on themselves and their actions;
Invite them in the worlds of others;
Understand the biological, social, or physical world;
Solve problems that are timely and important;
Allow students to develop their literary prowess and become informed citizens.
作为英语语言艺术教材,Journeys 选取的课文质量都是一等一的,包含了英语文化知识库中极具代表性的素材,从科学、技术、工程到文学、艺术,无所不包 ...
一年级的 The Dot,著名绘本故事 ...
一年级的 Curious George at School ... 这个充满智慧的故事系列,在欧美家喻户晓 ...
二年级的 Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type,著名凯迪克大奖绘本...
三年级 Sarah,Plain and Tall 是一篇著名的 Historical Fiction(历史小说)
非虚构阅读,二年级的 From Seed to Plant ... 植物的生长
三年级的 Engineering,如何建造桥梁...
五年级的 Conservation,环境保护大问题 ...
1、阅读理解 - Comprehension
学习阅读技巧(reading skills),理解策略(reading strategies),培养基于文本的分析能力、批判性思维能力(critical thinking)。
一年级,知道什么叫 Story Stucture,分析故事框架,理解文章结构...
二年级,Sequence of Events & Visualize 有顺序概念,还能用图形梳理信息...
四年级,Conclusions and Generalizations & Infer-Predict,怎么归纳总结,推理预测 ...
2、学术词汇 - Academic Vocabulary
Tier 1 日常词汇,如 school, mom, smile, orange, happy, bad ...
Tier 2 学术词汇,如 admit, absurd, conclude, fortunate, measure, mention, sensible ...
Tier 3 专业词汇,如 exponent, isotope, monarchy, membrane ...
Journeys 每一节课都有写作训练。关于写作,编写理念中的阐述非常精辟的阐述:学生必须能清楚地、有逻辑地、前后连贯地阐述观点、分享信息。
Journeys 所体现的英美写作教育,体现了强烈的“实用主义”倾向。他们特别强调从写作目的出发(purpose of writing)去培养学生写作能力。在学校和工作场所,人们写作的主要目的无非是三个:
- 说服 (to persuade)
- 描述 (to describe)
- 传播工作成果(convey research findings)
一年级,Narrative Writing 学会按照逻辑讲清一件事 ...
三年级 Informative Writing 学习清晰表达复杂信息 ...
五年级,Opinion Writing 该写议论文了,观点是什么,如何论证 ...
让五六岁到初中的中国孩子都可以找到和自己水平对应的课本。这个表格的左边的纵列代表 Journeys 系列的美国小学年级,横行代表国内孩子的阅读能力。
比如,Journeys 的一年级G1,适合英语阅读理解能力较强的中国幼儿园大班到小学1年级孩子使用,适合处于平均英语水平的小学1到3年级学生使用,也适合起步较晚的2到4年级学生使用。
01 权威性
美国教材Journeys是由美国三大教育出版集团之一Houghton Mifflin 和 Harcourt联合打造出版的小学语文阅读部分的教材。在美国加州的公立小学都采用了Houghton Mifflin系列课本,在今天的美国学校,这是使用最广泛采用率最高的分级阅读教材之一。Journeys这套教材是美国正规小学语言教育的主课本,相当于我们小学的语文课本。在中国也正被越来越多的学校和家长所采用。
02 重要性
03 完整性
每个年级还进一步细化为Below Level, On Level, Above Level几个等级,每个等级都是依据之前所学设计的可以帮助学生回顾以前的知识,也对内容有更深的理解。
04 独特性
Journeys分级读物的特别突出的优势是为每篇文章配套设计了Target Skill(阅读技巧)和Target Strategy(阅读策略)。旨在让孩子学会从泛读到精读,逐渐从兴趣阅读到主动掌握阅读技巧、记忆关键词汇。
整个Journeys 教材体系所传授的技能可以在各种新的、不同的情况下被反复应用,并且教学生如何去学习。
5、配套课外杂志Reading Adventure(pdf+mp3)
7、Write in Reader(pdf+mp3)
8、Language Support Cards(pdf)
其中Leveled Reader每个级别都包含了vocabulary reader,ELL reader,below-level reader,on-level reader,above-level reader 这5类,950本分级读本,每级别配备专门的练习册来巩固知识。
④ 三年级教材,第一单元和最后一个单元。
如果是英语还不错的宝妈,想自己在家里启蒙的话,需要下一点功夫先研究一下phonics,再结合sight words来达到自主阅读的目的,教GK可能需要1-2年的时间,毕竟孩子也要有一个接受的过程。
①Leveled Reader分级阅读:
②Vocabulary Reader 词汇阅读:
③ Big Book 地板书
Big Book只有GK和G1有配套资料。为什么叫Big Book呢?因为这书的正版是真的大,是专门为幼儿阅读设计的平面面积很大的图画书。地板书比展开的大报纸还大得多,对于孩子来说,大开的阅读起来会更加舒适一些。
GK每个单元的Your Turn部分的右上角都会有相对应的Big Book的封面。个人就觉得,Big Book是有点难度的,比分级阅读的最高级别词汇还要多上很多,可以作为孩子的磨耳朵的材料,因为其相对应的音频语速极其的慢。当然,对于想练口语的大人来说,真的是不可多得的联系材料。可以感受一下。
以下这一份Reader’s Notebook的目录是根据Big Book来编排的,一共两本。这份资料里面除了简单的字母描红之外,还有单词的描红,单词的运用,还有简单的语法和初级的思维导图。
GK还有一份练习材料,叫Interactive Instructional Flip Chart,一共三本。这一份材料,几乎可以独立于主教材,单独作为一份学习资料了。里面的内容与主教材和Big Book配套,由此可见,Big Book其实在GK当中所体现出来的价值是非常高的。但是对于非母语国家的小朋友来说,是真的会有点难。话又说回来,这种难,只是在我们大人眼里的难——单词多,不懂意思,文章长。可是对于小朋友来说,你是把英语当作第二母语来习得的,语言,何来难之说呢。你在和小朋友说中文的时候,何尝不是长篇大论,成语连篇地说着嘛,怎么没觉得对他来说是难的呢。
像下面这张图的右面就是鼓励小朋友复述故事,这篇是GK的Unit 2 对应的Big Book叫How do dinosaurs go to school的图片,小朋友可以根据图片进行文章复述(难度高)。
以下就是最初级的写作,比如说左图就是让小朋友根据图片写出read, write ,draw, play。右图是基础的语法,要求小朋友判断人物名词和地点名词。
——/5小学/20英语/【多课吧DOC8.com-1888】美国Journeys教材全套资源 美国德州小学英语 点读版PDF 教师用书 练习册 音频 视频 百度网盘/
| ├──G1
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G1 Unit 1.pdf 191.11M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G1 Unit 2.pdf 189.09M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G1 Unit 3.pdf 192.56M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G1 Unit 4.pdf 195.45M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G1 Unit 5.pdf 195.85M
| | └──Journeys Teacher Edition G1 Unit 6.pdf 194.63M
| ├──G2
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G2 Unit 1.pdf 203.26M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G2 Unit 2.pdf 208.02M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G2 Unit 3.pdf 207.05M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G2 Unit 4.pdf 209.48M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G2 Unit 5.pdf 210.29M
| | └──Journeys Teacher Edition G2 Unit 6.pdf 208.57M
| ├──G3
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G3 Unit 1.pdf 191.72M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G3 Unit 2.pdf 192.00M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G3 Unit 3.pdf 189.78M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G3 Unit 4.pdf 192.67M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G3 Unit 5.pdf 190.30M
| | └──Journeys Teacher Edition G3 Unit 6.pdf 163.89M
| ├──G4
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G4+Unit+1.pdf 167.12M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G4+Unit+2.pdf 166.48M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G4+Unit+3.pdf 165.39M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G4+Unit+4.pdf 166.94M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G4+Unit+5.pdf 168.93M
| | └──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G4+Unit+6.pdf 163.23M
| ├──G5
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G5+Unit+1.pdf 168.92M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G5+Unit+2.pdf 169.10M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G5+Unit+3.pdf 170.95M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G5+Unit+4.pdf 170.06M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G5+Unit+5.pdf 171.91M
| | └──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G5+Unit+6.pdf 165.18M
| ├──G6
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G6+Unit+1.pdf 169.92M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G6+Unit+2.pdf 172.23M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G6+Unit+3.pdf 171.26M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G6+Unit+4.pdf 170.46M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G6+Unit+5.pdf 170.84M
| | └──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G6+Unit+6.pdf 165.71M
| └──GK
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 1.pdf 217.92M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 2.pdf 212.96M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 3.pdf 214.77M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 4.pdf 205.77M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 5.pdf 210.40M
| | └──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 6.pdf 222.60M
| ├──Write in Reader 写作教材
| | ├──Write-in Reader(练习书).rar 476.34M
| | └──write-in reader(练习书)音频.rar 313.90M
| ├──练习册
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| | ├──journeys projectables g2.rar 104.71M
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| | ├──journeys projectables g4.rar 114.21M
| | ├──journeys projectables g5.rar 120.99M
| | ├──journeys projectables gk.rar 22.45M
| | └──journeys+projectables+g6.rar 150.50M
| ├──配套分级读物
| | ├──Journeys配套分级读物G1.rar 274.37M
| | ├──Journeys配套分级读物G2.rar 380.21M
| | ├──Journeys配套分级读物G3.rar 410.51M
| | ├──Journeys配套分级读物G4..rar 688.45M
| | ├──Journeys配套分级读物G5.rar 598.08M
| | ├──Journeys配套分级读物G6.rar 711.68M
| | └──Journeys配套分级读物GK.rar 365.57M
| └──配套学习教材
| | ├──Journeys 配套阅读书 Decodable Readers GK-G2 练习Phonics拼读
| | ├──课文中词汇Journeys Vocabulary in Context Cards GK-G6
| | ├──Harcourt Journeys 配套 Language Support Cards GK-G6 口语卡片.rar 328.73M
| | ├──Journeys Ready-Made Flipchart (GK-G6) 阅读写作词汇学习挂图.rar 621.89M
| | ├──Journeys Writing for New Jersey.rar 96.46M
| | ├──Journeys 教材配套课外杂志 Reading Adventure(PDF文档+MP3音频).rar 596.28M
| | ├──Journeys+Weekly+Tests+Level+1-6.rar 37.51M
| | ├──Journeys教材配套Journeys Benchmark Test and Unit Test(GK-G6)测试材料.rar 467.84M
| | └──语综和读写指南Comprehensive Language and Literacy Guide (GK-G6) 教.rar 686.03M
| ├──G1
| | ├──一年级Journeys G1学生用书音频 Book1-6.rar 140.13M
| | ├──一年级学生书G1 Journeys G1 Unit 1-6.rar 348.61M
| | └──一年级学生书G1 Journeys G1点读版.exe 57.00M
| ├──G2
| | ├──二年级书Journeys G2 book2-mp3.rar 84.12M
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| | └──二年级学生书Journeys G2 book2(与音频配....pdf 131.45M
| ├──G3
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| | └──三年级学生书Journeys G3点读版.exe 53.69M
| ├──G4
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| ├──G5
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| ├──G6
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| └──GK
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| ├──1年级
| | ├──Harcourt Journeys G1 Unit 1-6.rar 348.61M
| | ├──Harcourt Journeys G1点读版.exe 57.00M
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| └──幼儿园
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| | └──grk-book2.rar 330.56M
├──【2】 配套教师用书 GK-G6 英语分级
| ├──1年级
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G1 Unit 1.pdf 191.11M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G1 Unit 2.pdf 189.09M
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| ├──2年级
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| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G3 Unit 2.pdf 192.00M
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| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G6 Unit 3.pdf 171.26M
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| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G6 Unit 5.pdf 170.84M
| | └──Journeys Teacher Edition G6 Unit 6.pdf 165.71M
| └──幼儿园
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 1.pdf 217.92M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 2.pdf 212.96M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 3.pdf 214.77M
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| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 5.pdf 210.40M
| | └──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 6.pdf 222.60M
├──【3】美国幼儿园教材 BIG BOOK 阅读读物
| ├──Journeys GK级配套学习材料 Big Books 配套的复述卡片 Retelling Cards.rar 78.78M
| ├──Journeys GK级配套学习材料 Big Books(PDF文档+MP3音频).rar 750.73M
| ├──Journeys GK级配套学习材料 Common Core Writing Handbook PDF.rar 6.19M
| └──Journeys GK级配套学习材料 Readers Notebook PDF.rar 51.42M
| ├──Journeys Decodable Readers GK-G2 练习Phonics拼读
| | ├──Journeys Decodable Readers (G1 Unit1-6).rar 493.04M
| | ├──Journeys Decodable Readers (G2 Unit1-6).rar 106.67M
| | └──Journeys Decodable Readers (Gk Unit1-6).rar 93.76M
| ├──Journeys Weekly Tests Level 1-6每周测试
| | ├──Journeys Weekly Tests Level 1-6每周测试
| | ├──Journeys Weekly Tests Level 2
| | ├──Journeys Weekly Tests Level 3
| | ├──Journeys Weekly Tests Level 4
| | ├──Journeys Weekly Tests Level 5
| | └──Journeys Weekly Tests Level 6
| ├──美国教材Journeys Projectables练习和答案 GK-G6 PDF文档
| | ├──Journeys Projectables G1.pdf 156.84M
| | ├──Journeys Projectables G2.pdf 191.32M
| | ├──Journeys Projectables G3.pdf 230.53M
| | ├──Journeys Projectables G4.pdf 189.35M
| | ├──Journeys Projectables G5.pdf 199.94M
| | ├──Journeys Projectables G6.pdf 221.27M
| | └──Journeys Projectables GK.pdf 48.36M
| ├──美国教材单词卡Vocabulary in Context Cards GK-G6
| | ├──Journeys G1 Vocabulary in Context Cards.pdf 195.72M
| | ├──Journeys G2 Vocabulary in Context Cards.pdf 223.25M
| | ├──Journeys G3 Vocabulary in Context Cards.pdf 251.78M
| | ├──Journeys G4 Vocabulary in Context Cards.pdf 287.54M
| | ├──Journeys G5 Vocabulary in Context Cards.pdf 300.06M
| | ├──Journeys G6 Vocabulary in Context Cards.pdf 298.70M
| | └──Journeys GK Vocabulary in Context Cards.pdf 15.63M
| ├──Harcourt Journeys G1-G2.rar 657.88M
| ├──Harcourt Journeys Write-In Reader G1-G6(PDF文档+MP3音频).rar 791.62M
| ├──Harcourt Journeys Write-In Reader G1-G6.rar 583.87M
| ├──Harcourt Journeys Writing for New Jersey.rar 96.46M
| ├──Journeys Benchmark Test and Unit Test(GK-G6).rar 467.84M
| ├──Journeys G6 Student Edition.rar 490.12M
| ├──Journeys Language Support Cards.rar 328.73M
| ├──Journeys Ready-Made Flipchart (GK-G6) 阅读写作词汇学习挂图.rar 621.89M
| ├──Journeys Weekly Tests Level 1-6每周测试.rar 37.51M
| ├──Journeys Word Study Teachers Guide (GK-G5).rar 222.40M
| ├──Journeys 教材配套课外杂志 Reading Adventure(PDF文档+MP3音频).rar 596.28M
| ├──哈考特Journeys 配套 Interactive Instructional Flip Chart GK.rar 69.40M
| ├──教师用书Comprehensive Language and Literacy Guide (GK-G6).rar 686.03M
| ├──美国教材Journeys Projectables练习和答案 GK-G6 PDF文档.rar 743.83M
| └──美国原版教材Journeys GK级 Read Aloud Book 教师版.rar 149.32M
| ├──Journeys配套分级读物G1(有声pdf,150本).rar 274.37M
| ├──Journeys配套分级读物G2(有声pdf,150本).rar 380.21M
| ├──Journeys配套分级读物G3(有声pdf,125本).rar 410.51M
| ├──Journeys配套分级读物G4(有声pdf,125本) .rar 688.45M
| ├──Journeys配套分级读物G5(有声pdf,125本).rar 598.08M
| ├──Journeys配套分级读物G6(有声pdf,125本).rar 711.68M
| └──Journeys配套分级读物GK(有声pdf,150本).rar 365.57M
| ├──Journeys G1
| | ├──100-Pollys Pet Polar Bear-Your Turn .mp4 15.45M
| | ├──101-Skunk Cooks Soup-Cute Sound .mp4 72.33M
| | ├──102-Skunk Cooks Soup-Follow Me .mp4 22.46M
| | ├──103-Skunk Cooks Soup-Go for it .mp4 25.74M
| | ├──104-Skunk Cooks Soup-Your Turn .mp4 19.39M
| | ├──105-The Bumpy Snowman-Cute Sound .mp4 69.80M
| | ├──106-The Bumpy Snowman-Follow Me .mp4 13.43M
| | ├──107-The Bumpy Snowman-Go for it .mp4 25.41M
| | ├──108-The Bumpy Snowman-Your Turn .mp4 16.39M
| | ├──109-The Boat Race-Cute Sound .mp4 71.89M
| | ├──110-The Boat Race-Follow Me .mp4 13.00M
| | ├──111-The Boat Race-Go for it .mp4 30.11M
| | ├──112-The Boat Race-Your Turn .mp4 21.33M
| | ├──113-Birds-Cute Sound .mp4 26.45M
| | ├──114-Birds-Follow Me .mp4 15.07M
| | ├──115-Birds-Go for it .mp4 32.29M
| | ├──116-Birds-Your Turn .mp4 19.61M
| | ├──117-Two Sisters Play Tennis-Cute Sound .mp4 54.37M
| | ├──118-Two Sisters Play Tennis-Follow Me .mp4 14.10M
| | ├──119-Two Sisters Play Tennis-Go for it .mp4 22.17M
| | ├──120-Two Sisters Play Tennis-Your Turn .mp4 17.33M
| | ├──61-Friends Who Share-Cute Sound .mp4 33.90M
| | ├──62-Friends Who Share-Follow Me .mp4 15.97M
| | ├──63-Friends Who Share-Go for it .mp4 26.89M
| | ├──64-Friends Who Share-Your Turn .mp4 22.80M
| | ├──65-When Grandpa Was a Boy-Cute Sound .mp4 36.73M
| | ├──66-When Grandpa Was a Boy-Follow Me .mp4 17.50M
| | ├──67-When Grandpa Was a Boy-Go for it .mp4 18.98M
| | ├──68-When Grandpa Was a Boy-Your Turn .mp4 13.65M
| | ├──69-Go Turtle! Go Hare!-Cute Sound .mp4 47.55M
| | ├──70-Go Turtle! Go Hare!-Follow Me .mp4 17.32M
| | ├──71-Go Turtle! Go Hare!-Go for it .mp4 20.14M
| | ├──72-Go Turtle! Go Hare!-Your Turn .mp4 9.33M
| | ├──73-The Man Who Made Puppets-Cute Sound .mp4 54.74M
| | ├──74-The Man Who Made Puppets-Follow Me .mp4 16.02M
| | ├──75-The Man Who Made Puppets-Go for it .mp4 19.55M
| | ├──76-The Man Who Made Puppets-Your Turn .mp4 17.30M
| | ├──77-Life in the Coral Reefs-Cute Sound .mp4 39.75M
| | ├──78-Life in the Coral Reefs-Follow Me .mp4 61.99M
| | ├──79-Life in the Coral Reefs-Go for it .mp4 24.68M
| | ├──80-Life in the Coral Reefs-Your Turn .mp4 16.87M
| | ├──81-Bear's Long, Brown Tail-Cute Sound.mp4 55.29M
| | ├──82-Bear's Long, Brown Tail-Follow Me.mp4 20.56M
| | ├──83-Bear's Long, Brown Tail-Go for it.mp4 29.20M
| | ├──84-Bear's Long, Brown Tail-Your Turn.mp4 20.46M
| | ├──85-In the Fall-Cute Sound.mp4 42.12M
| | ├──86-In the Fall-Follow Me.mp4 19.22M
| | ├──87-In the Fall-Go for it.mp4 28.40M
| | ├──88-In the Fall-Your Turn.mp4 17.26M
| | ├──89-The Map and the Treasure-Cute Sound.mp4 44.66M
| | ├──90-The Map and the Treasure-Follow Me.mp4 16.37M
| | ├──91-The Map and the Treasure-Go for it.mp4 24.58M
| | ├──92-The Map and the Treasure-Your Turn.mp4 15.77M
| | ├──93-Our Day at the Bakery-Cute Sound.mp4 35.63M
| | ├──94-Our Day at the Bakery-Follow Me.mp4 16.33M
| | ├──95-Our Day at the Bakery-Go for it.mp4 2.99M
| | ├──96-Our Day at the Bakery-Your Turn.mp4 22.43M
| | ├──97-Polly's Pet Polar Bear-Cute Sound.mp4 43.36M
| | ├──98-Polly's Pet Polar Bear-Follow Me.mp4 20.06M
| | └──99-Polly's Pet Polar Bear-Go for it.mp4 22.38M
| ├──Journeys G2
| | ├──121-Birthdays Around the World-Cute Sound.mp4 39.65M
| | ├──122-Birthdays Around the World-Follow Me .mp4 31.52M
| | ├──123-Birthdays Around the World-Go for it .mp4 23.62M
| | ├──124-Birthdays Around the World-Your Turn .mp4 23.41M
| | ├──125-The Colors of Leaves-Cute Sound .mp4 37.61M
| | ├──126-The Colors of Leaves-Follow Me .mp4 20.75M
| | ├──127-The Colors of Leaves-Go for it .mp4 25.73M
| | ├──128-The Colors of Leaves-Your Turn .mp4 22.82M
| | ├──129-Flora the Fly Saves the Spiders-Cute Sound .mp4 63.01M
| | ├──130-Flora the Fly Saves the Spiders-Follow Me .mp4 17.42M
| | ├──131-Flora the Fly Saves the Spiders-Go for it .mp4 30.56M
| | ├──132-Flora the Fly Saves the Spiders-Your Turn .mp4 20.51M
| | ├──133-How People Got Fire-Cute Sound .mp4 71.51M
| | ├──134-How People Got Fire-Follow Me .mp4 19.13M
| | ├──135-How People Got Fire-Go for it .mp4 32.24M
| | ├──136-How People Got Fire-Your Turn .mp4 21.30M
| | ├──137-The Smiths and Their Animals-Cute Sound .mp4 73.69M
| | ├──138-The Smiths and Their Animals-Follow Me .mp4 18.20M
| | ├──139-The Smiths and Their Animals-Go for it.mp4 20.84M
| | ├──140-The Smiths and Their Animals-Your Turn .mp4 15.17M
| | ├──141-All Kinds of Music-Cute Sound .mp4 51.96M
| | ├──142-All Kinds of Music-Follow Me .mp4 15.08M
| | ├──143-All Kinds of Music-Go for it .mp4 26.19M
| | ├──144-All Kinds of Music-Your Turn .mp4 15.81M
| | ├──145-What School was Like Long Ago-Cute Sound .mp4 80.12M
| | ├──146-What School was Like Long Ago-Follow Me .mp4 14.89M
| | ├──147-What School was Like Long Ago-Go for it .mp4 22.50M
| | ├──148-What School was Like Long Ago-Your Turn .mp4 16.28M
| | ├──149-Ms. Hawkins and the Bake Sale-Cute Sound .mp4 75.01M
| | ├──150-Ms. Hawkins and the Bake Sale-Follow Me .mp4 25.42M
| | ├──151-Ms. Hawkins and the Bake Sale-Go for it .mp4 26.61M
| | ├──152-Ms. Hawkins and the Bake Sale-Your Turn .mp4 19.04M
| | ├──153-Jack Prelutsky-Cute Sound .mp4 76.77M
| | ├──154-Jack Prelutsky-Follow Me .mp4 23.80M
| | ├──155-Jack Prelutsky-Go for it .mp4 16.43M
| | ├──156-Jack Prelutsky-Your Turn.mp4 14.93M
| | ├──157-Sam Finds the Party-Cute Sound .mp4 69.26M
| | ├──158-Sam Finds the Party-Follow Me .mp4 27.78M
| | ├──159-Sam Finds the Party-Go for it .mp4 22.11M
| | ├──160-Sam Finds the Party-Your Turn .mp4 20.73M
| | ├──161-Superheroes Save the Day-Cute Sound .mp4 68.82M
| | ├──162-Superheroes Save the Day-Follow Me .mp4 28.69M
| | ├──163-Superheroes Save the Day-Go for it .mp4 18.20M
| | ├──164-Superheroes Save the Day-Your Turn .mp4 20.51M
| | ├──165-How We Use Wool-Cute Sound .mp4 80.96M
| | ├──166-How We Use Wool-Follow Me .mp4 20.57M
| | ├──167-How We Use Wool-Go for it .mp4 17.61M
| | ├──168-How We Use Wool-Your Turn .mp4 16.93M
| | ├──169-The Trick-Cute Sound .mp4 66.76M
| | ├──170-The Trick-Follow Me .mp4 23.34M
| | ├──171-The Trick-Go for it .mp4 16.78M
| | ├──172-The Trick-Your Turn .mp4 16.45M
| | ├──173-Sue Hendrickson Fossil Hunter-Cute Sound .mp4 67.02M
| | ├──174-Sue Hendrickson Fossil Hunter-Follow Me.mp4 23.39M
| | ├──175-Sue Hendrickson Fossil Hunter-Go for it.mp4 18.44M
| | ├──176-Sue Hendrickson Fossil Hunter-Your Turn .mp4 20.56M
| | ├──177-The King and the Princes-Cute Sound .mp4 74.22M
| | ├──178-The King and the Princes-Follow Me .mp4 36.24M
| | ├──179-The King and the Princes-Go for it .mp4 15.13M
| | └──180-The King and the Princes-Your Turn .mp4 17.33M
| └──Journeys Gk
| | ├──01-My Backpack-Cute Sound.mp4 21.63M
| | ├──02-My Backpack-Follow Me .mp4 59.24M
| | ├──03-My Backpack-Go for it .mp4 83.28M
| | ├──04-My Backpack-Your Turn .mp4 12.25M
| | ├──05-My Dog-Cute Sound .mp4 20.07M
| | ├──06-My Dog-Follow Me .mp4 14.69M
| | ├──07-My Dog-Go for it .mp4 24.15M
| | ├──08-My Dog-Your Turn .mp4 16.87M
| | ├──10-The Fire Fighter-Follow Me .mp4 18.99M
| | ├──17-It's a Party!-Cute Sound.mp4 21.43M
| | ├──18-It's a Party!-Follow Me.mp4 22.98M
| | ├──19-It's a Party!-Go for it.mp4 20.71M
| | ├──20-It's a Party!-Your Turn.mp4 13.42M
| | ├──21-October Days-Cute Sound.mp4 22.38M
| | ├──22-October Days-Follow Me.mp4 15.53M
| | ├──23-October Days-Go for it.mp4 16.00M
| | ├──24-October Days-Your Turn.mp4 15.89M
| | ├──25-Winter Vacation-Cute Sound.mp4 25.16M
| | ├──26-Winter Vacation-Follow Me.mp4 17.61M
| | ├──27-Winter Vacation-Go for it.mp4 19.49M
| | ├──28-Winter Vacation-Your Turn.mp4 14.22M
| | ├──29-The Pet Show-Cute Sound .mp4 24.38M
| | ├──30-The Pet Show-Follow Me .mp4 14.45M
| | ├──31-The Pet Show-Go for it .mp4 14.43M
| | ├──32-The Pet Show-Your Turn .mp4 11.66M
| | ├──33-At the Pond-Cute Sound .mp4 19.33M
| | ├──34-At the Pond-Follow Me .mp4 13.23M
| | ├──35-At the Pond-Go for it .mp4 15.56M
| | ├──36-At the Pond-Your Turn .mp4 16.73M
| | ├──37-Look Up!-Cute Sound .mp4 26.75M
| | ├──38-Look Up!-Follow Me .mp4 11.91M
| | ├──39-Look Up!-Go for it .mp4 14.92M
| | ├──40-Look Up!-Your Turn .mp4 15.60M
| | ├──41-Animals in the Woods-Cute Sound .mp4 27.81M
| | ├──41-Animals in the Woods-Cute Sound_(new) .mp4 31.20M
| | ├──42-Animals in the Woods-Follow Me .mp4 15.23M
| | ├──43-Animals in the Woods-Go for it .mp4 16.41M
| | ├──44-Animals in the Woods-Your Turn .mp4 17.57M
| | ├──45-Taking Pictures-Cute Sound .mp4 25.74M
| | ├──46-Taking Pictures-Follow Me .mp4 17.00M
| | ├──47-Taking Pictures-Go for it .mp4 15.91M
| | ├──48-Taking Pictures-Your Turn .mp4 16.23M
| | ├──49-The Baker-Cute Sound .mp4 31.40M
| | └──49-The Baker-Cute Sound_(new) .mp4 35.44M
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