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美国Journeys教材全套资源 美国德州小学英语 点读版PDF 教师用书 练习册 音频 视频 百度网盘下载

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1 今天小站分享的美国Journeys教材,我相信牛娃麻麻们,一定不肯错过!



Journeys 所体现的教育目标,是教学生运用英语进行准确、恰当、高标准的理解和表达不会因为学生是外国人而降低学习标准。

可以说,一个中国孩子如果从小在用 Journeys 这类 “English Language Arts Program” 学英语,那她的 “段位”是极高的。

我们认为,Journeys 能帮中国孩子填补从 “外国人学英语字词句” 到 “精通英语语言艺术” 之间的三大Gap:







Journeys 所代表的“英语学习高标准”,是什么样的呢?

下面,根据 Journeys 的编写理念,主要有三个主要方面提现:



Complex and High-Quality Texts

适合孩子学习的精读课文必须复杂、高质量。如何判断呢?要考虑六个维度(Elements of Text Complexity):

Relationships 关联性: 人物、行为、思想等彼此关联交叉,关系微妙而复杂

Richness 丰富性: 有丰富的思想、信息、知识、数据,并体现文法技巧

Structure 结构性: 文章组织结构很讲究,很有特色

Style 语言风格: 作者行文腔调、语言使用很讲究

Vocabulary 词汇选择: 作者用词非常精准,和上下文紧密相关

Purpose 目标意图:作者意图并非一目了然,而且往往感觉“模棱两可”


2、所选课文必须体现 “文学型阅读”和“信息型阅读”的平衡

A Balance of Literary and Informational Texts

根据美国教育评测权威机构(NAEP)制定的《中小学生阅读框架建议》- Reading Framework,整体阅读上,一个小学4年级孩子的文学阅读和信息型阅读应该各占一半;到了8年级(初三),信息型阅读应该占到55%;到高中毕业,这个比例应该达到70% ...


Engaing Content, topics, themes

一套教材,哪怕有完美的教育意图,如果内容不符合时代要求,不能激发学生探究兴趣,效果都会大打折扣。2017年版的 Journeys,对此有清晰的理念定位:激发学生兴趣至关重要,而且在非虚构阅读上尤其如此。


Allow readers to reflect on themselves and their actions;


Invite them in the worlds of others;


Understand the biological, social, or physical world;


Solve problems that are timely and important;


Allow students to develop their literary prowess and become informed citizens.


作为英语语言艺术教材,Journeys 选取的课文质量都是一等一的,包含了英语文化知识库中极具代表性的素材,从科学、技术、工程到文学、艺术,无所不包 ...


一年级的 The Dot,著名绘本故事 ...

一年级的 Curious George at School ... 这个充满智慧的故事系列,在欧美家喻户晓 ...

二年级的 Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type,著名凯迪克大奖绘本...

三年级 Sarah,Plain and Tall 是一篇著名的 Historical Fiction(历史小说)

非虚构阅读,二年级的 From Seed to Plant ... 植物的生长

三年级的 Engineering,如何建造桥梁...

五年级的 Conservation,环境保护大问题 ...


1、阅读理解 Comprehension

学习阅读技巧(reading skills),理解策略(reading strategies),培养基于文本的分析能力、批判性思维能力(critical thinking)。

一年级,知道什么叫 Story Stucture,分析故事框架,理解文章结构...

二年级,Sequence of Events & Visualize 有顺序概念,还能用图形梳理信息...

四年级,Conclusions and Generalizations & Infer-Predict,怎么归纳总结,推理预测 ...

2、学术词汇 Academic Vocabulary



Tier 1 日常词汇,如 school, mom, smile, orange, happy, bad ...

Tier 2 学术词汇,如 admit, absurd, conclude, fortunate, measure, mention, sensible ...

Tier 3 专业词汇,如 exponent, isotope, monarchy, membrane ...


Journeys 每一节课都有写作训练。关于写作,编写理念中的阐述非常精辟的阐述:学生必须能清楚地、有逻辑地、前后连贯地阐述观点、分享信息。

Journeys 所体现的英美写作教育,体现了强烈的“实用主义”倾向。他们特别强调从写作目的出发(purpose of writing)去培养学生写作能力。在学校和工作场所,人们写作的主要目的无非是三个:

  • 说服 (to persuade)
  • 描述 (to describe)
  • 传播工作成果(convey research findings)

一年级,Narrative Writing 学会按照逻辑讲清一件事 ...

三年级 Informative Writing 学习清晰表达复杂信息 ...

五年级,Opinion Writing 该写议论文了,观点是什么,如何论证 ...




让五六岁到初中的中国孩子都可以找到和自己水平对应的课本。这个表格的左边的纵列代表 Journeys 系列的美国小学年级,横行代表国内孩子的阅读能力。

比如,Journeys 的一年级G1,适合英语阅读理解能力较强的中国幼儿园大班到小学1年级孩子使用,适合处于平均英语水平的小学1到3年级学生使用,也适合起步较晚的2到4年级学生使用。


01 权威性

美国教材Journeys是由美国三大教育出版集团之一Houghton Mifflin 和 Harcourt联合打造出版的小学语文阅读部分的教材。在美国加州的公立小学都采用了Houghton Mifflin系列课本,在今天的美国学校,这是使用最广泛采用率最高的分级阅读教材之一。Journeys这套教材是美国正规小学语言教育的主课本,相当于我们小学的语文课本。在中国也正被越来越多的学校和家长所采用

02 重要性


03 完整性


每个年级还进一步细化为Below Level, On Level, Above Level几个等级,每个等级都是依据之前所学设计的可以帮助学生回顾以前的知识,也对内容有更深的理解。










04 独特性



Journeys分级读物的特别突出的优势是为每篇文章配套设计了Target Skill(阅读技巧)和Target Strategy(阅读策略)。旨在让孩子学会从泛读到精读,逐渐从兴趣阅读到主动掌握阅读技巧、记忆关键词汇。

整个Journeys 教材体系所传授的技能可以在各种新的、不同的情况下被反复应用,并且教学生如何去学习。





5、配套课外杂志Reading Adventure(pdf+mp3)


7、Write in Reader(pdf+mp3)

8、Language Support Cards(pdf)



其中Leveled Reader每个级别都包含了vocabulary reader,ELL reader,below-level reader,on-level reader,above-level reader 这5类,950本分级读本,每级别配备专门的练习册来巩固知识。






④ 三年级教材,第一单元和最后一个单元。




如果是英语还不错的宝妈,想自己在家里启蒙的话,需要下一点功夫先研究一下phonics,再结合sight words来达到自主阅读的目的,教GK可能需要1-2年的时间,毕竟孩子也要有一个接受的过程。




①Leveled Reader分级阅读:







②Vocabulary Reader 词汇阅读:


③ Big Book 地板书

Big Book只有GK和G1有配套资料。为什么叫Big Book呢?因为这书的正版是真的大,是专门为幼儿阅读设计的平面面积很大的图画书。地板书比展开的大报纸还大得多,对于孩子来说,大开的阅读起来会更加舒适一些。

GK每个单元的Your Turn部分的右上角都会有相对应的Big Book的封面。个人就觉得,Big Book是有点难度的,比分级阅读的最高级别词汇还要多上很多,可以作为孩子的磨耳朵的材料,因为其相对应的音频语速极其的慢。当然,对于想练口语的大人来说,真的是不可多得的联系材料。可以感受一下。




以下这一份Reader’s Notebook的目录是根据Big Book来编排的,一共两本。这份资料里面除了简单的字母描红之外,还有单词的描红,单词的运用,还有简单的语法和初级的思维导图。

GK还有一份练习材料,叫Interactive Instructional Flip Chart,一共三本。这一份材料,几乎可以独立于主教材,单独作为一份学习资料了。里面的内容与主教材和Big Book配套,由此可见,Big Book其实在GK当中所体现出来的价值是非常高的。但是对于非母语国家的小朋友来说,是真的会有点难。话又说回来,这种难,只是在我们大人眼里的难——单词多,不懂意思,文章长。可是对于小朋友来说,你是把英语当作第二母语来习得的,语言,何来难之说呢。你在和小朋友说中文的时候,何尝不是长篇大论,成语连篇地说着嘛,怎么没觉得对他来说是难的呢。


像下面这张图的右面就是鼓励小朋友复述故事,这篇是GK的Unit 2 对应的Big Book叫How do dinosaurs go to school的图片,小朋友可以根据图片进行文章复述(难度高)。

以下就是最初级的写作,比如说左图就是让小朋友根据图片写出read, write ,draw, play。右图是基础的语法,要求小朋友判断人物名词和地点名词。


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| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G1 Unit 2.pdf 189.09M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G1 Unit 3.pdf 192.56M
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| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G1 Unit 5.pdf 195.85M
| | └──Journeys Teacher Edition G1 Unit 6.pdf 194.63M
| ├──G2
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G2 Unit 1.pdf 203.26M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G2 Unit 2.pdf 208.02M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G2 Unit 3.pdf 207.05M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G2 Unit 4.pdf 209.48M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G2 Unit 5.pdf 210.29M
| | └──Journeys Teacher Edition G2 Unit 6.pdf 208.57M
| ├──G3
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| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G3 Unit 2.pdf 192.00M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G3 Unit 3.pdf 189.78M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G3 Unit 4.pdf 192.67M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G3 Unit 5.pdf 190.30M
| | └──Journeys Teacher Edition G3 Unit 6.pdf 163.89M
| ├──G4
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G4+Unit+1.pdf 167.12M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G4+Unit+2.pdf 166.48M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G4+Unit+3.pdf 165.39M
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| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G4+Unit+5.pdf 168.93M
| | └──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G4+Unit+6.pdf 163.23M
| ├──G5
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G5+Unit+1.pdf 168.92M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G5+Unit+2.pdf 169.10M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G5+Unit+3.pdf 170.95M
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| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G5+Unit+5.pdf 171.91M
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| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G6+Unit+2.pdf 172.23M
| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G6+Unit+3.pdf 171.26M
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| | ├──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G6+Unit+5.pdf 170.84M
| | └──Journeys+Teacher+Edition+G6+Unit+6.pdf 165.71M
| └──GK
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 1.pdf 217.92M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 2.pdf 212.96M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 3.pdf 214.77M
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| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 5.pdf 210.40M
| | └──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 6.pdf 222.60M


| ├──Write in Reader 写作教材
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| ├──练习册
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| ├──配套分级读物
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| | ├──Journeys配套分级读物G2.rar 380.21M
| | ├──Journeys配套分级读物G3.rar 410.51M
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| | ├──Journeys配套分级读物G6.rar 711.68M
| | └──Journeys配套分级读物GK.rar 365.57M
| └──配套学习教材
| | ├──Journeys 配套阅读书 Decodable Readers GK-G2 练习Phonics拼读
| | ├──课文中词汇Journeys Vocabulary in Context Cards GK-G6
| | ├──Harcourt Journeys 配套 Language Support Cards GK-G6 口语卡片.rar 328.73M
| | ├──Journeys Ready-Made Flipchart (GK-G6) 阅读写作词汇学习挂图.rar 621.89M
| | ├──Journeys Writing for New Jersey.rar 96.46M
| | ├──Journeys 教材配套课外杂志 Reading Adventure(PDF文档+MP3音频).rar 596.28M
| | ├──Journeys+Weekly+Tests+Level+1-6.rar 37.51M
| | ├──Journeys教材配套Journeys Benchmark Test and Unit Test(GK-G6)测试材料.rar 467.84M
| | └──语综和读写指南Comprehensive Language and Literacy Guide (GK-G6) 教.rar 686.03M


| ├──G1
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| ├──G2
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| └──GK
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| ├──1年级
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| | ├──Harcourt Journeys G1点读版.exe 57.00M
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| ├──2年级
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| ├──3年级
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| ├──5年级
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| └──幼儿园
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├──【2】 配套教师用书 GK-G6 英语分级

| ├──1年级
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G1 Unit 1.pdf 191.11M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G1 Unit 2.pdf 189.09M
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| ├──2年级
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| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G2 Unit 3.pdf 207.05M
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| ├──3年级
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G3 Unit 1.pdf 191.72M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G3 Unit 2.pdf 192.00M
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| ├──4年级
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G4 Unit 1.pdf 167.12M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G4 Unit 2.pdf 166.48M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G4 Unit 3.pdf 165.39M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G4 Unit 4.pdf 166.94M
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| ├──5年级
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G5 Unit 1.pdf 168.92M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G5 Unit 2.pdf 169.10M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G5 Unit 3.pdf 170.95M
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| ├──6年级
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| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G6 Unit 2.pdf 172.23M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G6 Unit 3.pdf 171.26M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G6 Unit 4.pdf 170.46M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition G6 Unit 5.pdf 170.84M
| | └──Journeys Teacher Edition G6 Unit 6.pdf 165.71M
| └──幼儿园
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 1.pdf 217.92M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 2.pdf 212.96M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 3.pdf 214.77M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 4.pdf 205.77M
| | ├──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 5.pdf 210.40M
| | └──Journeys Teacher Edition GK Unit 6.pdf 222.60M

├──【3】美国幼儿园教材 BIG BOOK 阅读读物

| ├──Journeys GK级配套学习材料 Big Books 配套的复述卡片 Retelling Cards.rar 78.78M
| ├──Journeys GK级配套学习材料 Big Books(PDF文档+MP3音频).rar 750.73M
| ├──Journeys GK级配套学习材料 Common Core Writing Handbook PDF.rar 6.19M
| └──Journeys GK级配套学习材料 Readers Notebook PDF.rar 51.42M


| ├──Journeys Decodable Readers GK-G2 练习Phonics拼读
| | ├──Journeys Decodable Readers (G1 Unit1-6).rar 493.04M
| | ├──Journeys Decodable Readers (G2 Unit1-6).rar 106.67M
| | └──Journeys Decodable Readers (Gk Unit1-6).rar 93.76M
| ├──Journeys Weekly Tests Level 1-6每周测试
| | ├──Journeys Weekly Tests Level 1-6每周测试
| | ├──Journeys Weekly Tests Level 2
| | ├──Journeys Weekly Tests Level 3
| | ├──Journeys Weekly Tests Level 4
| | ├──Journeys Weekly Tests Level 5
| | └──Journeys Weekly Tests Level 6
| ├──美国教材Journeys Projectables练习和答案 GK-G6 PDF文档
| | ├──Journeys Projectables G1.pdf 156.84M
| | ├──Journeys Projectables G2.pdf 191.32M
| | ├──Journeys Projectables G3.pdf 230.53M
| | ├──Journeys Projectables G4.pdf 189.35M
| | ├──Journeys Projectables G5.pdf 199.94M
| | ├──Journeys Projectables G6.pdf 221.27M
| | └──Journeys Projectables GK.pdf 48.36M
| ├──美国教材单词卡Vocabulary in Context Cards GK-G6
| | ├──Journeys G1 Vocabulary in Context Cards.pdf 195.72M
| | ├──Journeys G2 Vocabulary in Context Cards.pdf 223.25M
| | ├──Journeys G3 Vocabulary in Context Cards.pdf 251.78M
| | ├──Journeys G4 Vocabulary in Context Cards.pdf 287.54M
| | ├──Journeys G5 Vocabulary in Context Cards.pdf 300.06M
| | ├──Journeys G6 Vocabulary in Context Cards.pdf 298.70M
| | └──Journeys GK Vocabulary in Context Cards.pdf 15.63M
| ├──Harcourt Journeys G1-G2.rar 657.88M
| ├──Harcourt Journeys Write-In Reader G1-G6(PDF文档+MP3音频).rar 791.62M
| ├──Harcourt Journeys Write-In Reader G1-G6.rar 583.87M
| ├──Harcourt Journeys Writing for New Jersey.rar 96.46M
| ├──Journeys Benchmark Test and Unit Test(GK-G6).rar 467.84M
| ├──Journeys G6 Student Edition.rar 490.12M
| ├──Journeys Language Support Cards.rar 328.73M
| ├──Journeys Ready-Made Flipchart (GK-G6) 阅读写作词汇学习挂图.rar 621.89M
| ├──Journeys Weekly Tests Level 1-6每周测试.rar 37.51M
| ├──Journeys Word Study Teachers Guide (GK-G5).rar 222.40M
| ├──Journeys 教材配套课外杂志 Reading Adventure(PDF文档+MP3音频).rar 596.28M
| ├──哈考特Journeys 配套 Interactive Instructional Flip Chart GK.rar 69.40M
| ├──教师用书Comprehensive Language and Literacy Guide (GK-G6).rar 686.03M
| ├──美国教材Journeys Projectables练习和答案 GK-G6 PDF文档.rar 743.83M
| └──美国原版教材Journeys GK级 Read Aloud Book 教师版.rar 149.32M


| ├──Journeys配套分级读物G1(有声pdf,150本).rar 274.37M
| ├──Journeys配套分级读物G2(有声pdf,150本).rar 380.21M
| ├──Journeys配套分级读物G3(有声pdf,125本).rar 410.51M
| ├──Journeys配套分级读物G4(有声pdf,125本) .rar 688.45M
| ├──Journeys配套分级读物G5(有声pdf,125本).rar 598.08M
| ├──Journeys配套分级读物G6(有声pdf,125本).rar 711.68M
| └──Journeys配套分级读物GK(有声pdf,150本).rar 365.57M


| ├──Journeys G1
| | ├──100-Pollys Pet Polar Bear-Your Turn .mp4 15.45M
| | ├──101-Skunk Cooks Soup-Cute Sound .mp4 72.33M
| | ├──102-Skunk Cooks Soup-Follow Me .mp4 22.46M
| | ├──103-Skunk Cooks Soup-Go for it .mp4 25.74M
| | ├──104-Skunk Cooks Soup-Your Turn .mp4 19.39M
| | ├──105-The Bumpy Snowman-Cute Sound .mp4 69.80M
| | ├──106-The Bumpy Snowman-Follow Me .mp4 13.43M
| | ├──107-The Bumpy Snowman-Go for it .mp4 25.41M
| | ├──108-The Bumpy Snowman-Your Turn .mp4 16.39M
| | ├──109-The Boat Race-Cute Sound .mp4 71.89M
| | ├──110-The Boat Race-Follow Me .mp4 13.00M
| | ├──111-The Boat Race-Go for it .mp4 30.11M
| | ├──112-The Boat Race-Your Turn .mp4 21.33M
| | ├──113-Birds-Cute Sound .mp4 26.45M
| | ├──114-Birds-Follow Me .mp4 15.07M
| | ├──115-Birds-Go for it .mp4 32.29M
| | ├──116-Birds-Your Turn .mp4 19.61M
| | ├──117-Two Sisters Play Tennis-Cute Sound .mp4 54.37M
| | ├──118-Two Sisters Play Tennis-Follow Me .mp4 14.10M
| | ├──119-Two Sisters Play Tennis-Go for it .mp4 22.17M
| | ├──120-Two Sisters Play Tennis-Your Turn .mp4 17.33M
| | ├──61-Friends Who Share-Cute Sound .mp4 33.90M
| | ├──62-Friends Who Share-Follow Me .mp4 15.97M
| | ├──63-Friends Who Share-Go for it .mp4 26.89M
| | ├──64-Friends Who Share-Your Turn .mp4 22.80M
| | ├──65-When Grandpa Was a Boy-Cute Sound .mp4 36.73M
| | ├──66-When Grandpa Was a Boy-Follow Me .mp4 17.50M
| | ├──67-When Grandpa Was a Boy-Go for it .mp4 18.98M
| | ├──68-When Grandpa Was a Boy-Your Turn .mp4 13.65M
| | ├──69-Go Turtle! Go Hare!-Cute Sound .mp4 47.55M
| | ├──70-Go Turtle! Go Hare!-Follow Me .mp4 17.32M
| | ├──71-Go Turtle! Go Hare!-Go for it .mp4 20.14M
| | ├──72-Go Turtle! Go Hare!-Your Turn .mp4 9.33M
| | ├──73-The Man Who Made Puppets-Cute Sound .mp4 54.74M
| | ├──74-The Man Who Made Puppets-Follow Me .mp4 16.02M
| | ├──75-The Man Who Made Puppets-Go for it .mp4 19.55M
| | ├──76-The Man Who Made Puppets-Your Turn .mp4 17.30M
| | ├──77-Life in the Coral Reefs-Cute Sound .mp4 39.75M
| | ├──78-Life in the Coral Reefs-Follow Me .mp4 61.99M
| | ├──79-Life in the Coral Reefs-Go for it .mp4 24.68M
| | ├──80-Life in the Coral Reefs-Your Turn .mp4 16.87M
| | ├──81-Bear's Long, Brown Tail-Cute Sound.mp4 55.29M
| | ├──82-Bear's Long, Brown Tail-Follow Me.mp4 20.56M
| | ├──83-Bear's Long, Brown Tail-Go for it.mp4 29.20M
| | ├──84-Bear's Long, Brown Tail-Your Turn.mp4 20.46M
| | ├──85-In the Fall-Cute Sound.mp4 42.12M
| | ├──86-In the Fall-Follow Me.mp4 19.22M
| | ├──87-In the Fall-Go for it.mp4 28.40M
| | ├──88-In the Fall-Your Turn.mp4 17.26M
| | ├──89-The Map and the Treasure-Cute Sound.mp4 44.66M
| | ├──90-The Map and the Treasure-Follow Me.mp4 16.37M
| | ├──91-The Map and the Treasure-Go for it.mp4 24.58M
| | ├──92-The Map and the Treasure-Your Turn.mp4 15.77M
| | ├──93-Our Day at the Bakery-Cute Sound.mp4 35.63M
| | ├──94-Our Day at the Bakery-Follow Me.mp4 16.33M
| | ├──95-Our Day at the Bakery-Go for it.mp4 2.99M
| | ├──96-Our Day at the Bakery-Your Turn.mp4 22.43M
| | ├──97-Polly's Pet Polar Bear-Cute Sound.mp4 43.36M
| | ├──98-Polly's Pet Polar Bear-Follow Me.mp4 20.06M
| | └──99-Polly's Pet Polar Bear-Go for it.mp4 22.38M
| ├──Journeys G2
| | ├──121-Birthdays Around the World-Cute Sound.mp4 39.65M
| | ├──122-Birthdays Around the World-Follow Me .mp4 31.52M
| | ├──123-Birthdays Around the World-Go for it .mp4 23.62M
| | ├──124-Birthdays Around the World-Your Turn .mp4 23.41M
| | ├──125-The Colors of Leaves-Cute Sound .mp4 37.61M
| | ├──126-The Colors of Leaves-Follow Me .mp4 20.75M
| | ├──127-The Colors of Leaves-Go for it .mp4 25.73M
| | ├──128-The Colors of Leaves-Your Turn .mp4 22.82M
| | ├──129-Flora the Fly Saves the Spiders-Cute Sound .mp4 63.01M
| | ├──130-Flora the Fly Saves the Spiders-Follow Me .mp4 17.42M
| | ├──131-Flora the Fly Saves the Spiders-Go for it .mp4 30.56M
| | ├──132-Flora the Fly Saves the Spiders-Your Turn .mp4 20.51M
| | ├──133-How People Got Fire-Cute Sound .mp4 71.51M
| | ├──134-How People Got Fire-Follow Me .mp4 19.13M
| | ├──135-How People Got Fire-Go for it .mp4 32.24M
| | ├──136-How People Got Fire-Your Turn .mp4 21.30M
| | ├──137-The Smiths and Their Animals-Cute Sound .mp4 73.69M
| | ├──138-The Smiths and Their Animals-Follow Me .mp4 18.20M
| | ├──139-The Smiths and Their Animals-Go for it.mp4 20.84M
| | ├──140-The Smiths and Their Animals-Your Turn .mp4 15.17M
| | ├──141-All Kinds of Music-Cute Sound .mp4 51.96M
| | ├──142-All Kinds of Music-Follow Me .mp4 15.08M
| | ├──143-All Kinds of Music-Go for it .mp4 26.19M
| | ├──144-All Kinds of Music-Your Turn .mp4 15.81M
| | ├──145-What School was Like Long Ago-Cute Sound .mp4 80.12M
| | ├──146-What School was Like Long Ago-Follow Me .mp4 14.89M
| | ├──147-What School was Like Long Ago-Go for it .mp4 22.50M
| | ├──148-What School was Like Long Ago-Your Turn .mp4 16.28M
| | ├──149-Ms. Hawkins and the Bake Sale-Cute Sound .mp4 75.01M
| | ├──150-Ms. Hawkins and the Bake Sale-Follow Me .mp4 25.42M
| | ├──151-Ms. Hawkins and the Bake Sale-Go for it .mp4 26.61M
| | ├──152-Ms. Hawkins and the Bake Sale-Your Turn .mp4 19.04M
| | ├──153-Jack Prelutsky-Cute Sound .mp4 76.77M
| | ├──154-Jack Prelutsky-Follow Me .mp4 23.80M
| | ├──155-Jack Prelutsky-Go for it .mp4 16.43M
| | ├──156-Jack Prelutsky-Your Turn.mp4 14.93M
| | ├──157-Sam Finds the Party-Cute Sound .mp4 69.26M
| | ├──158-Sam Finds the Party-Follow Me .mp4 27.78M
| | ├──159-Sam Finds the Party-Go for it .mp4 22.11M
| | ├──160-Sam Finds the Party-Your Turn .mp4 20.73M
| | ├──161-Superheroes Save the Day-Cute Sound .mp4 68.82M
| | ├──162-Superheroes Save the Day-Follow Me .mp4 28.69M
| | ├──163-Superheroes Save the Day-Go for it .mp4 18.20M
| | ├──164-Superheroes Save the Day-Your Turn .mp4 20.51M
| | ├──165-How We Use Wool-Cute Sound .mp4 80.96M
| | ├──166-How We Use Wool-Follow Me .mp4 20.57M
| | ├──167-How We Use Wool-Go for it .mp4 17.61M
| | ├──168-How We Use Wool-Your Turn .mp4 16.93M
| | ├──169-The Trick-Cute Sound .mp4 66.76M
| | ├──170-The Trick-Follow Me .mp4 23.34M
| | ├──171-The Trick-Go for it .mp4 16.78M
| | ├──172-The Trick-Your Turn .mp4 16.45M
| | ├──173-Sue Hendrickson Fossil Hunter-Cute Sound .mp4 67.02M
| | ├──174-Sue Hendrickson Fossil Hunter-Follow Me.mp4 23.39M
| | ├──175-Sue Hendrickson Fossil Hunter-Go for it.mp4 18.44M
| | ├──176-Sue Hendrickson Fossil Hunter-Your Turn .mp4 20.56M
| | ├──177-The King and the Princes-Cute Sound .mp4 74.22M
| | ├──178-The King and the Princes-Follow Me .mp4 36.24M
| | ├──179-The King and the Princes-Go for it .mp4 15.13M
| | └──180-The King and the Princes-Your Turn .mp4 17.33M
| └──Journeys Gk
| | ├──01-My Backpack-Cute Sound.mp4 21.63M
| | ├──02-My Backpack-Follow Me .mp4 59.24M
| | ├──03-My Backpack-Go for it .mp4 83.28M
| | ├──04-My Backpack-Your Turn .mp4 12.25M
| | ├──05-My Dog-Cute Sound .mp4 20.07M
| | ├──06-My Dog-Follow Me .mp4 14.69M
| | ├──07-My Dog-Go for it .mp4 24.15M
| | ├──08-My Dog-Your Turn .mp4 16.87M
| | ├──10-The Fire Fighter-Follow Me .mp4 18.99M
| | ├──17-It's a Party!-Cute Sound.mp4 21.43M
| | ├──18-It's a Party!-Follow Me.mp4 22.98M
| | ├──19-It's a Party!-Go for it.mp4 20.71M
| | ├──20-It's a Party!-Your Turn.mp4 13.42M
| | ├──21-October Days-Cute Sound.mp4 22.38M
| | ├──22-October Days-Follow Me.mp4 15.53M
| | ├──23-October Days-Go for it.mp4 16.00M
| | ├──24-October Days-Your Turn.mp4 15.89M
| | ├──25-Winter Vacation-Cute Sound.mp4 25.16M
| | ├──26-Winter Vacation-Follow Me.mp4 17.61M
| | ├──27-Winter Vacation-Go for it.mp4 19.49M
| | ├──28-Winter Vacation-Your Turn.mp4 14.22M
| | ├──29-The Pet Show-Cute Sound .mp4 24.38M
| | ├──30-The Pet Show-Follow Me .mp4 14.45M
| | ├──31-The Pet Show-Go for it .mp4 14.43M
| | ├──32-The Pet Show-Your Turn .mp4 11.66M
| | ├──33-At the Pond-Cute Sound .mp4 19.33M
| | ├──34-At the Pond-Follow Me .mp4 13.23M
| | ├──35-At the Pond-Go for it .mp4 15.56M
| | ├──36-At the Pond-Your Turn .mp4 16.73M
| | ├──37-Look Up!-Cute Sound .mp4 26.75M
| | ├──38-Look Up!-Follow Me .mp4 11.91M
| | ├──39-Look Up!-Go for it .mp4 14.92M
| | ├──40-Look Up!-Your Turn .mp4 15.60M
| | ├──41-Animals in the Woods-Cute Sound .mp4 27.81M
| | ├──41-Animals in the Woods-Cute Sound_(new) .mp4 31.20M
| | ├──42-Animals in the Woods-Follow Me .mp4 15.23M
| | ├──43-Animals in the Woods-Go for it .mp4 16.41M
| | ├──44-Animals in the Woods-Your Turn .mp4 17.57M
| | ├──45-Taking Pictures-Cute Sound .mp4 25.74M
| | ├──46-Taking Pictures-Follow Me .mp4 17.00M
| | ├──47-Taking Pictures-Go for it .mp4 15.91M
| | ├──48-Taking Pictures-Your Turn .mp4 16.23M
| | ├──49-The Baker-Cute Sound .mp4 31.40M
| | └──49-The Baker-Cute Sound_(new) .mp4 35.44M

下载价格29.9 多课币



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