My Reading Library/The Usborne Reading Collection 我的第二个/第三个图书馆 已被收录至
本站资源:My First Reading Library 我的第一个图书馆 全彩PDF 艾伦版MP3音频 全套外教课 点读包 练习册 百度网盘下载-2GB
My Reading Library/The Usborne Reading Collection
英语学习前期,词汇量和句式快速并长期输入积累,对后期孩子上网课跟外教口语交流非常有帮助。如果孩子词汇量一直很少,那么跟外教直播课上课就会事倍功半,这也是为什么很多孩子上了一两年跟外教交流还是“yes or no”。 如果课下没有反复练习和输入,一周只靠跟外教一对一的几节课,学习效果就会大打折扣。
尤斯伯恩出版的英语分级读物“我的图书馆系列”,隶属于reading programme系列,分为4套。其中第一、二套每套50本,第三、四套每套40本,共180本。
My First Reading Library
本站资源:My First Reading Library 我的第一个图书馆 全彩PDF 艾伦版MP3音频 全套外教课 点读包 练习册 百度网盘下载-2GB
比如L1里的《Anansi and the Bag of Wisdom》(蜘蛛王和智慧袋)选自广为流传的非洲神话。
My Reading Library
The Usborne Reading Collection
25本上册 :The First 25 books taken fromUsborne Young Reading Series One
1. The Minotaur 牛头人
2. Pirate Adventures 海盗的冒
3. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice 魔法师的学徒
4. The Story of Chocolate 巧克力的故事
5. The Billy Goats Gruff 比利山羊生硬地
6. The Emperor’s New Clothes 皇帝的新装
7. Stories of Magical Animals 神奇的动物的故事
8. Stories of Dragons 龙的故事
9. Stories of Ghosts 鬼的故事
10. The Twelve Dancing Princesses 十二个跳舞的公主
11. Stories of Monsters 怪兽的故事
12. Stories of Pirates 海盗的故事
13. Stories of Princes and Princesses 王子和公主的故事
14. Stories of Robots 机器人的故事
15. Stories of Witches 女巫的故事
16. The Burglar’s Breakfast 小偷的早餐
17. Animal Legends 动物的传说
18. Stories of Mermaids 美人鱼的故事
19. The Story of Toilets, Telephones and Other Useful Inventions
20. The Magic Gifts 神奇的礼物
21. Stories of Wizards 巫师的故事
22. The Monster Gang 怪物帮派
23. The Dinosaur Next Door隔壁的恐龙
24. Stories of Haunted Houses 鬼屋的故事
25. Stories of Dinosaurs 恐龙的故事
15本下册:The next 15 books taken fromUsborne Young Reading Series Two
26. The Secret Garden 秘密花园
27. The Wizard of Oz 绿野仙踪
28. The Railway Children 铁路的孩子
29. Hamlet 哈姆雷特
30. Pinocchio 匹诺曹
31. Macbeth 麦克白
32. Around the World in 80 Days 环游世界80天
33. Black Beauty 黑骏马
34. The Clumsy Crocodile 笨拙的鳄鱼
35. The Story of Heidi 海蒂的故事
36. Alice in Wonderland 爱丽丝在仙境
37. Beauty and the Beast 美女与野兽
38. The Wind in the Willows 柳林风声
39. The Snow Queen 雪女王
40. Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶
Reading Collection for Confident Readers
——/5小学/20英语/【多课吧】My Reading Library The Usborne Reading Collection 我的第二个 第三个图书馆 全彩PDF MP3音频 百度网盘下载-3.4GB/
| ├──第二图书馆PDF
| | ├──【first reading L3】 Conrad Mason-Dinosaurs-P.pdf 28.97M
| | ├──【first reading L3】 Russell Punter-Danny the Dragon-P.pdf 25.23M
| | ├──【first reading L3】 Russell Punter-The Scaredy Cat-P.pdf 32.40M
| | ├──【first reading L3】 Sarah Courtauld-Bugs -P.pdf 30.68M
| | ├──【first reading L3】Katie Daynes-The Enormous Turnip-P.pdf 24.39M
| | ├──【first reading L3】Lesley Sims-The Castle that Jack built-P.pdf 26.04M
| | ├──【first reading L3】Mairi Mackinnon-The Boy Who cried Wolf-P.pdf 24.63M
| | ├──【first reading L3】Mairi Mackinnon-The Gingerbread Man-P.pdf 24.62M
| | ├──【first reading L3】Mairi MacKinnon-The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs-P.pdf 22.82M
| | ├──【first reading L3】Mairi Mackinnon-The Magic Porridge Pot-P.pdf 23.36M
| | ├──【first reading L3】Mairi Mackinnon-The Mouse's Wedding-P.pdf 24.61M
| | ├──【first reading L3】Rosie Dickins-The Magic Pear Tree-P.pdf 26.23M
| | ├──【first reading L3】Russell Punter-Chicken Licken-P.pdf 26.61M
| | ├──【first reading L3】Russell Punter-The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar-P.pdf 21.87M
| | ├──【first reading L3】Susanna Davidson-The Little Red Hen-P.pdf 23.89M
| | ├──【first reading L3】Susanna Davidson-The Three Little Pigs-P.pdf 20.04M
| | ├──【first reading L3】TheLepordandSkyGod.pdf 2.90M
| | ├──【first reading L4】 Androcles and The Lion.pdf 3.99M
| | ├──【first reading L4】 Baba Yaga the Flying Witch.pdf 3.48M
| | ├──【first reading L4】 Dick Whitting.pdf 3.68M
| | ├──【first reading L4】 Emperor Nightingale.pdf 14.54M
| | ├──【first reading L4】 Goldilocks and Three Bears.pdf 6.22M
| | ├──【first reading L4】 Little Red Riding Hood.pdf 8.46M
| | ├──【first reading L4】 Princess Polly and The Pony.pdf 3.24M
| | ├──【first reading L4】 The Golden Carpet.pdf 3.57M
| | ├──【first reading L4】 The Hare and The Tortoise.pdf 13.71M
| | ├──【first reading L4】 The Inch Prince.pdf 3.81M
| | ├──【first reading L4】 The Owl and The Pussycat.pdf 9.70M
| | ├──【first reading L4】 The Reluctant Dragon.pdf 3.92M
| | ├──【first reading L4】 The Runaway Pancake.pdf 3.47M
| | ├──【first reading L4】 The Tin Soldier.pdf 2.50M
| | ├──【first reading L4】The Town Mouse and the CountryMouse.pdf 3.74M
| | ├──【first reading L4】The Ugly Duckling.pdf 9.63M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 Aladdin.pdf 3.96M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 Alibaba and Forty Thieves.pdf 3.42M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 Elves And The Shoe Maker.pdf 3.21M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 Hansel & Gretel.pdf 3.75M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 Jack and the Bean stalk.pdf 4.44M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 Pussin Boots.pdf 4.08M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 Rapunzel.pdf 3.63M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 Rumpelstiltskin.pdf 4.51M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 Saint George Dragon.pdf 3.17M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 Sinbad the Sailor.pdf 4.14M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 Sleeping Beauty.pdf 4.09M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs.pdf 2.89M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 The Frog Prince.pdf 3.47M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 The Little Mermaid.pdf 3.06M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 The Monkey King.pdf 2.98M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 The Nut Cracker.pdf 3.50M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 The Princess and the Pea-P.pdf 24.89M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 The Runaway Princess.pdf 4.45M
| | ├──【young reading S1】 The Wooden Horse.pdf 3.35M
| | └──【young reading S1】Cinderella.pdf 2.75M
| ├──第二图书馆音频
| | ├──音频(版本1)
| | └──音频(版本2)
| └──图书馆练习纸及家长手册
| | ├──分级阅读
| | └──自然拼读
| ├──1.Stories of dinosaurs.mp3 15.33M
| ├──10.The emperor's new clothes.mp3 13.08M
| ├──11.The magic gifts.mp3 10.89M
| ├──12.The story of toilets, telephones & other useful inventions.mp3 16.02M
| ├──13.The animal legends.mp3 22.20M
| ├──14.The minotaur.mp3 11.97M
| ├──15.Stories of wizards.mp3 13.71M
| ├──16.The billy goats gruff.mp3 19.71M
| ├──17.Stories of dragons.mp3 17.10M
| ├──18.Stories of monsters.mp3 20.86M
| ├──19.Stories of magical animals.mp3 27.07M
| ├──2.Stories of robots.mp3 16.00M
| ├──20.Stories of witches.mp3 21.54M
| ├──21.The twelve dancing princesses.mp3 22.40M
| ├──22.Stories of mermaids.mp3 22.28M
| ├──23.The sorcerer's apprentice.mp3 20.53M
| ├──24.Stories of pirates.mp3 22.83M
| ├──25.Stories of princes and princesses.mp3 23.10M
| ├──26.The clumsy crocodile.mp3 22.45M
| ├──27.The railway children.mp3 19.21M
| ├──28.The wind in the willows.mp3 21.28M
| ├──29.Alice in wonderland.mp3 44.31M
| ├──3.Stories of ghosts.mp3 14.88M
| ├──30.Around the world in eighty days.mp3 24.84M
| ├──31.Pinocchio.mp3 37.93M
| ├──32.The wizard of oz.mp3 44.42M
| ├──33.The story of Heidi.mp3 39.37M
| ├──34.Black Beauty.mp3 32.46M
| ├──35.The snow Queen.mp3 36.72M
| ├──36.Beauty and the Beast.mp3 51.71M
| ├──37.The secret of garden.mp3 30.31M
| ├──38.Macbeth.mp3 17.48M
| ├──39.Hamlet.mp3 23.84M
| ├──4.Stories of haunted houses.mp3 16.85M
| ├──40.Romeo & juliet.mp3 24.39M
| ├──5.The monster gang.mp3 10.88M
| ├──6.The story of chocolate.mp3 16.80M
| ├──7.Pirate adventures.mp3 17.47M
| ├──8.The burglar's breakfast.mp3 10.25M
| └──9.The dinosurs next door.mp3 9.64M
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