Evan-Moor Stories to Read Words to Know A-J 已被收录至
Evan-Moor Stories to Read, Words to Know A-J PDF+音频
对于比较忙的妞,没有那么多准备时间的话,我推荐这套练习册。这就是我带娃在刷的一套美国加州阅读练习册《Stories to Read Words to Know》↓。
Developing Language Through Reading
Help English language learners at the beginning language development level strengthen their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills with Stories to Read, Words to Know, Level A. The full-color student book, audio CD, and easy-to-use teacher's guide work together to create an accessible resource that teachers and students will love!
(Grades K) Level A:
- word recognition(识别)
- story comprehension(理解)
- understanding word meaning
- number words
- rhyming words
- alphabetical(按字母顺序的)order
- drawing conclusions(结论)
- positional words(方位词)
- initial(首字母的)consonants c, s, b, w, l, h, r, j, and s
- beginning sound /qu/
(Grades K) Level B:
- word recognition
- story comprehension
- drawing conclusions
- understanding word meaning
- color words
- rhyming words
- number words
- sequencing(先后顺序)
- plurals(复数形式)
- action words(动词)
- understanding opposites(反义词)
- word families
- consonant blend(辅音组合)tr
- initial consonants m, t,and p
(Grades K-1) Level C:
- word recognition
- story comprehension
- distinguishing fantasy from reality
- understanding word meaning
- reading for meaning
- color words
- rhyming words
- positional words
- writing a complete sentence
- possessives
- categorization
- understanding opposites
- word families
- consonant blend sw
- initial consonants pand d
(Grades 1) Level D:
- word recognition
- story comprehension
- understanding word meaning
- reading for meaning
- color words
- rhyming words
- alphabetical order
- categorization
- using vocabulary in context
- word families
- initial consonants pand b
- ending consonant g
- ending sound er
(Grades 1) Level E:
- word recognition
- story comprehension
- distinguishing fantasy from reality
- understanding word meaning
- reading for meaning
- writing a complete sentence
- positional words
- number words
- rhyming words
- multiple-meaning words
- alphabetical order
- categorization
- drawing conclusions
- word families
- compound words
- plurals
- ending consonant sounds
- initial consonant blend st
- ending consonant g
- suffixes -er and -ed
(Grades 1-2) Level F:
- word recognition
- story comprehension
- distinguishing fantasy from reality
- understanding word meaning
- reading for meaning
- writing sentences
- positional words
- understanding opposites
- critical thinking
- multiple-meaning words
- alphabetical order
- sequencing
- categorization
- drawing conclusions
- word families
- compound words
- adjectives
- possessives
- contractions
- short sound of i
- long sound ofi and a
- initial consonant blend sw
- adding -ing
(Grades 2) Level G:
- word recognition
- story comprehension
- distinguishing fantasy from reality
- understanding word meaning
- creative writing
- making comparisons
- using vocabulary in context\
- critical thinking
- multiple-meaning words
- sequencing
- categorization
- drawing conclusions
- word families
- expressing an opinion
- identifying facts
- long o at the end of a word
(Grades 2-3) Level H:
- word recognition
- story comprehension
- distinguishing fantasy from reality
- understanding word meaning
- forming a complete sentence
- rhyming
- creative writing
- using vocabulary in context
- sequencing
- categorization
- drawing conclusions
- word families
- descriptive words
- using adjectives
- past tense -ed
- silent e
- short o
- sound of ai
- long a
- endings-ing and -ed
(Grades 3) Level I:
- word recognition
- story comprehension
- understanding word meaning
- completing sentences
- writing a personal story
- sequencing
- categorization
- drawing conclusions
- word families
- using descriptive words
- longi and o
- sounds of y
- silent e
- ending sound g
(Grades 3) Level J:
- word recognition
- story comprehension
- understanding word meaning
- completing sentences
- creative writing
- writing a personal story
- sequencing
- categorization
- positional words
- ordinal numbers
- word families
- using adjectives
- identifying word endings
- ou and ow
- consonants f and ph
- silent k
——/1亲子幼儿/14学科英语/【多课吧DOC8.com-2111】Evan-Moor Stories to Read Words to Know A-J 分级阅读学词汇系列 全彩PDF MP3音频 百度网盘下载-1.57GB/
├──Level A (Grade K)
| ├──A 音频
| ├──A.pdf 158.61M
| └──Level-A Answer Key.pdf 2.88M
├──Level B (Grade K)
| ├──B 音频
| ├──B.pdf 149.46M
| └──Level-B Answer Key.pdf 4.13M
├──Level C (Grade K-1)
| ├──C 音频
| ├──C.pdf 158.24M
| └──Level-C Answer Key.pdf 3.71M
├──Level D (Grade 1)
| ├──D 音频
| ├──Level D.pdf 157.08M
| └──Level-D Answer Key.pdf 2.89M
├──Level E (Grade 1)
| ├──E 音频
| ├──Level E.pdf 120.21M
| └──Level-E Answer Key.pdf 3.60M
├──Level F (Grade 1-2)
| ├──音频
| ├──Level F Answer Key.pdf 3.69M
| └──Level F.pdf 156.51M
├──Level G (Grade 2)
| ├──音频
| ├──Level G Answer Key.pdf 2.63M
| └──Level G.pdf 145.47M
├──Level H (Grade 2-3)
| ├──音频
| ├──Level H Answer Key.pdf 2.20M
| └──Level H.pdf 69.69M
├──Level I (Grade 3)
| ├──音频
| ├──Level I Answer Key.pdf 2.57M
| └──Level I.pdf 39.25M
├──Level J (Grade 3)
| ├──音频
| ├──Level J Answer Key.pdf 2.07M
| └──LEVEL J.pdf 40.55M
└──各级别技能掌握说明.docx 18.22kb
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