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The Caldecott Medal 凯迪克历年获奖绘本大合集 145本全彩PDF 持续更新中 百度云网盘下载

“凯迪克大奖(Caldecott Medal)”作为绘本届的“奥斯卡”,是美国最具权威的绘本奖,可以激发无限的创意和遐想。
详细介绍 资源目录
凯迪克大奖奖章美国凯迪克大奖(The Caldecott Medal),始于1938年,是为了纪念十九世纪英国的绘本画家伦道夫凯迪克(Randolph J. Caldecott, 1846-1886)而设立的。凯迪克大奖是美国最具权威的绘本奖,而该奖之所以能够脱颖而出,获得一致推崇,主要在于其评选标准的周延与创新,着重作品的艺术价值、特殊创意,尤其每一本得奖作品都必须有“寓教于乐”的功能,让孩子在阅读的过程中,开发另一个思考空间。通常出版商会在获得大奖、荣誉奖的图书封面,贴上印有凯迪克著名插画“骑马的约翰”的奖牌,金色代表凯迪克大奖,银色代表荣誉奖,得奖书籍会像获颁荣誉勋章的爵士一样风光。 凯迪克大奖(The Caldecott Medal)是美国最具权威的图画书奖,被认为是图画书的“奥斯卡”奖。
Year Illustrator Title 已出版的中文名 奖项
1938 Dorothy P. Lathrop Animals of the Bible 金奖
1938 Boris Artzybasheff Seven Simeons A Russian Tale 银奖
1938 Robert Lawson Four and Twenty Blackbirds 银奖
1939 Thomas Handforth Mei Li 《美丽的新年》 金奖
1939 Laura Adams Armer The Forest Pool 银奖
1939 James Daugherty Andy and the Lion 《安迪和狮子》 银奖
1939 Wanda Gág Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 《白雪公主和七个小矮人》 银奖
1939 Robert Lawson Wee Gillis 银奖
1939 Clare Turlay Newberry Barkis 银奖
1940 Ingri and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire Abraham Lincoln 金奖
1940 Ludwig Bemelmans Madeline 《玛德琳》 银奖
1940 Lauren Ford The Ageless Story 银奖
1940 Berta and Elmer Hader Cock-a-Doodle Doo 银奖
1941 Robert Lawson They Were Strong and Good 《他们坚强而善良》 金奖
1941 Clare Turlay Newberry April's Kittens 银奖
1942 Robert McCloskey Make Way for Ducklings 《让路给小鸭子》 金奖
1942 Wanda Gág Nothing At All 《一无所有》《隐形狗》 银奖
1942 Velino Herrera In My Mother's House 银奖
1942 Holling C. Holling Paddle-to-the-Sea 银奖
1942 Maud and Miska Petersham An American ABC 银奖
1943 Virginia Lee Burton The Little House 《小房子》 金奖
1943 Mary and Conrad Buff Dash and Dart 银奖
1943 Clare Turlay Newberry Marshmallow 《棉花糖兔子》 银奖
1944 Louis Slobodkin Many Moons 金奖
1944 Arnold E. Bare Pierre Pidgeon 银奖
1944 Plato Chan The Good-Luck Horse 银奖
1944 Jean Charlot A Child's Good Night Book 银奖
1944 Berta and Elmer Hader The Mighty Hunter 银奖
1944 Elizabeth Orton Jones Small Rain Verses From The Bible 银奖
1945 Elizabeth Orton Jones Prayer for a Child 《孩子的祈祷》 金奖
1945 Marguerite de Angeli Yonie Wondernose 银奖
1945 Marie Hall Ets In the Forest 《在森林里》 银奖
1945 Kate Seredy The Christmas Anna Angel 银奖
1945 Tasha Tudor Mother Goose 银奖
1946 Maud and Miska Petersham The Rooster Crows 金奖
1946 Ruth Stiles Gannett My Mother is the Most Beautiful Woman in the World 银奖
1946 Marjorie Torrey Sing Mother Goose 银奖
1946 Leonard Weisgard Little Lost Lamb 银奖
1946 Kurt Wiese You Can Write Chinese 银奖
1947 Leonard Weisgard The Little Island 《小岛》 金奖
1947 Jay Hyde Barnum Boats on the River 银奖
1947 Tony Palazzo Timothy Turtle 银奖
1947 Leo Politi Pedro, the Angel of Olvera Street 银奖
1947 Marjorie Torrey Sing in Praise A Collection of the Best Loved Hymns 银奖
1947 Leonard Weisgard Rain Drop Splash 银奖
1948 Roger Duvoisin White Snow, Bright Snow 《白雪晶晶》 金奖
1948 Marcia Brown Stone Soup 《石头汤》 银奖
1948 Virginia Lee Burton Song of Robin Hood 银奖
1948 Georges Schreiber Bambino the Clown 银奖
1948 Dr. Seuss McElligot's Pool 《麦格池塘幻想曲》 银奖
1948 Hildegard Woodward Roger and the Fox 银奖
1949 Berta and Elmer Hader The Big Snow 《大雪》 金奖
1949 Robert McCloskey Blueberries for Sal 《小塞尔采蓝莓》 银奖
1949 Leo Politi Juanita 银奖
1949 Helen Stone All Around the Town 银奖
1949 Kurt Wiese Fish in the Air 银奖
1950 Leo Politi Song of the Swallows 金奖
1950 Marcia Brown Henry Fisherman 银奖
1950 Dr. Seuss Bartholomew and the Oobleck 银奖
1950 Marc Simont The Happy Day 银奖
1950 Lynd Ward America's Ethan Allen 银奖
1950 Hildegard Woodward The Wild Birthday Cake 银奖
1951 Katherine Milhous The Egg Tree 金奖
1951 Marcia Brown Dick Whittington and His Cat 《迪克·惠廷顿和他的猫》 银奖
1951 Nicholas Mordvinoff The Two Reds 银奖
1951 Clare Turlay Newberry T-Bone, the Baby Sitter 银奖
1951 Dr. Seuss If I Ran the Zoo 银奖
1951 Helen Stone The Most Wonderful Doll in the World 银奖
1952 Nicholas Mordvinoff Finders Keepers 《小机灵和小迷瞪》 金奖
1952 Marcia Brown Skipper John's Cook 银奖
1952 Marie Hall Ets Mr. T. W. Anthony Woo 银奖
1952 Margaret Bloy Graham All Falling Down 银奖
1952 Elizabeth Olds Feather Mountain 银奖
1952 William Pène du Bois Bear Party 银奖
1953 Lynd Ward The Biggest Bear 《那只大大熊》 金奖
1953 Marcia Brown Puss in Boots 银奖
1953 Fritz Eichenberg Ape in a Cape An Alphabet of Odd Animals 银奖
1953 Margaret Bloy Graham The Storm Book 《暴风雨中的孩子》 银奖
1953 Juliet Kepes Five Little Monkeys book 银奖
1953 Robert McCloskey One Morning in Maine 《海边的早晨》 银奖
1954 Ludwig Bemelmans Madeline's Rescue 《玛德琳的狗狗救星》《玛德琳的救命狗》 金奖
1954 A. Birnbaum Green Eyes 《绿眼睛》 银奖
1954 Marcia Brown The Steadfast Tin Soldier 银奖
1954 Jean Charlot When Will the World Be Mine? 银奖
1954 Robert McCloskey Journey Cake, Ho! 银奖
1954 Maurice Sendak A Very Special House 银奖
1955 Marcia Brown Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper 《灰姑娘》 金奖
1955 Marguerite de Angeli Book of Nursery and Mother Goose Rhymes 银奖
1955 Tibor Gergely Wheel On The Chimney 银奖
1955 Helen Sewell The Thanksgiving Story 银奖
1956 Feodor Rojankovsky Frog Went A-Courtin' 《青蛙娶亲记》 金奖
1956 Marie Hall Ets Play With Me 《和我一起玩》 银奖
1956 Taro Yashima Crow Boy 《乌鸦太郎》 银奖
1957 Marc Simont A Tree is Nice 《树真好》 金奖
1957 James Daugherty Gillespie and the Guards 银奖
1957 Marie Hall Ets Mr. Penny's Race Horse 银奖
1957 Paul Galdone Anatole 银奖
1957 William Pène du Bois Lion 银奖
1957 Tasha Tudor 1 is One 银奖
1958 Robert McCloskey Time of Wonder 《美好时光》 金奖
1958 Don Freeman Fly High, Fly Low 《字母B里的家》 银奖
1958 Paul Galdone Anatole and the Cat 银奖
1959 Barbara Cooney Chanticleer and the Fox 金奖
1959 Antonio Frasconi The House that Jack Built La Maison Que Jacques A Batie 银奖
1959 Maurice Sendak What Do You Say, Dear? 银奖
1959 Taro Yashima Umbrella 《雨伞》 银奖
1960 Marie Hall Ets Nine Days to Christmas 金奖
1960 Adrienne Adams Houses from the Sea 银奖
1960 Maurice Sendak The Moon Jumpers 银奖
1961 Nicolas Sidjakov Baboushka and the Three Kings 金奖
1961 Leo Lionni Inch by Inch 《一寸虫》 银奖
1962 Marcia Brown Once a Mouse 《从前有一只老鼠》 金奖
1962 Adrienne Adams The Day We Saw the Sun Come Up 银奖
1962 Maurice Sendak Little Bear's Visit 《小熊探亲》 银奖
1962 Peter Spier Fox Went out on a Chilly Night An Old Song 《狐狸夜游记》 银奖
1963 Ezra Jack Keats The Snowy Day 《下雪天》 金奖
1963 Bernarda Bryson The Sun is a Golden Earring 银奖
1963 Maurice Sendak Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present 《兔子先生和美好的礼物》 银奖
1964 Maurice Sendak Where the Wild Things Are 《野兽国》《野兽出没的地方》 金奖
1964 Leo Lionni Swimmy 《小黑鱼》 银奖
1964 Evaline Ness All in the Morning Early 银奖
1964 Philip Reed Mother Goose and Nursery Rhymes 银奖
1965 Beni Montresor May I Bring a Friend? 金奖
1965 Marvin Bileck Rain Makes Applesauce 银奖
1965 Blair Lent The Wave 银奖
1965 Evaline Ness A Pocketful of Cricket 银奖
1966 Nonny Hogrogian Always Room for One More 金奖
1966 Roger Duvoisin Hide and Seek Fog 银奖
1966 Marie Hall Ets Just Me 银奖
1966 Evaline Ness Tom Tit Tot 银奖
1967 Evaline Ness Sam, Bangs, and Moonshine 《莎莎的月光》 金奖
1967 Ed Emberley One Wide River to Cross 银奖
1968 Ed Emberley Drummer Hoff 《田鼠阿佛》《大诗人小老鼠》 金奖
1968 Leo Lionni Frederick 银奖
1968 Taro Yashima Seashore Story 银奖
1968 Ed Young The Emperor and the Kite 银奖
1969 Uri Shulevitz The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship 《世界第一傻瓜和他的飞船》 金奖
1969 Blair Lent Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky 《太阳和月亮为什么住在天上》 银奖
1970 William Steig Sylvester and the Magic Pebble 《驴小弟变石头》 金奖
1970 Ezra Jack Keats Goggles! 银奖
1970 Leo Lionni Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse 《亚历山大和发条老鼠》 银奖
1970 Robert Andrew Parker Pop Corn & Ma Goodness 银奖
1970 Brinton Turkle Thy Friend, Obadiah 银奖
1970 Margot Zemach The Judge An Untrue Tale 银奖
1971 Gail E. Haley A Story a Story 《故事的故事》 金奖
1971 Blair Lent The Angry Moon 银奖
1971 Arnold Lobel Frog and Toad are Friends 《青蛙和蟾蜍》 银奖
1971 Maurice Sendak In the Night Kitchen 银奖
1972 Nonny Hogrogian One Fine Day 《晴朗的一天》 金奖
1972 Janina Domanska If All the Seas Were One Sea 银奖
1972 Tom Feelings Moja Means One Swahili Counting Book 银奖
1972 Arnold Lobel Hildilid's Night 《讨厌黑夜的席奶奶》 银奖
1973 Blair Lent The Funny Little Woman 《丢饭团的笑婆子》 金奖
1973 Tom Bahti When Clay Sings 银奖
1973 Leonard Baskin Hosie's Alphabet 银奖
1973 Nancy Ekholm Burkert Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs 《白雪公主和七个小矮人》 银奖
1973 Gerald McDermott Anansi the Spider A Tale from the Ashanti 《蜘蛛阿南希一个阿散蒂人的传说》 银奖
1974 Margot Zemach Duffy and the Devil 金奖
1974 Susan Jeffers Three Jovial Huntsmen 银奖
1974 David Macaulay Cathedral 银奖
1975 Gerald McDermott Arrow to the Sun 《飞向太阳的箭》 金奖
1975 Tom Feelings Jambo Means Hello A Swahili Alphabet Book 银奖
1976 Leo and Diane Dillon Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears 《为什么蚊子老在人们耳边嗡嗡叫》 金奖
1976 Tomie dePaola Strega Nona 银奖
1976 Peter Parnall The Desert is Theirs 银奖
1977 Leo and Diane Dillon Ashanti to Zulu African Traditions 金奖
1977 M. B. Goffstein Fish for Supper 银奖
1977 Nonny Hogrogian The Contest 银奖
1977 Beverly Brodsky McDermott The Golem A Jewish Legend 银奖
1977 Peter Parnall Hawk, I'm Your Brother 银奖
1977 William Steig The Amazing Bone 《会说话的骨头》 银奖
1978 Peter Spier Noah's Ark 《诺亚方舟》 金奖
1978 David Macaulay Castle 银奖
1978 Margot Zemach It Could Always Be Worse 《绝妙的馊主意》 银奖
1979 Paul Goble The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses 《野马之歌》 金奖
1979 Donald Crews Freight Train 《火车快跑》 银奖
1979 Peter Parnall The Way to Start a Day 银奖
1980 Barbara Cooney Ox-Cart Man 《赶牛车的人》 金奖
1980 Rachel Isadora Ben's Trumpet 银奖
1980 Uri Shulevitz The Treasure 《宝藏》 银奖
1980 Chris Van Allsburg The Garden of Abdul Gasazi 《魔法师的奇幻花园》 银奖
1981 Arnold Lobel Fables 金奖
1981 Molly Bang The Grey Lady and the Strawberry Snatcher 《灰袍奶奶和草莓盗贼》 银奖
1981 Donald Crews Truck 银奖
1981 Joseph Low Mice Twice 《再来一只老鼠》 银奖
1981 Ilse Plume The Bremen-Town Musicians 银奖
1982 Chris Van Allsburg Jumanji 《勇敢者的游戏》 金奖
1982 Stephen Gammell Where the Buffaloes Begin 银奖
1982 Anita Lobel On Market Street 银奖
1982 Alice and Martin Provensen A Visit to William Blake's Inn Poems for Innocent and Experienced Travelers 银奖
1982 Maurice Sendak Outside Over There 《在那遥远的地方》 银奖
1983 Marcia Brown Shadow 《影子》 金奖
1983 Diane Goode When I Was Young in the Mountains 《山中旧事》 银奖
1983 Vera B. Williams A Chair for My Mother 《妈妈的红沙发》 银奖
1984 Alice and Martin Provensen The Glorious Flight Across the Channel with Louis Bleriot 金奖
1984 Molly Bang Ten, Nine, Eight 银奖
1984 Trina Schart Hyman Little Red Riding Hood 《小红帽》 银奖
1985 Trina Schart Hyman Saint George and the Dragon 金奖
1985 John Steptoe The Story of Jumping Mouse A Native American Legend 银奖
1985 Nancy Tafuri Have You Seen My Duckling? 《你看到我的小鸭了吗?》 银奖
1985 Paul O. Zelinsky Hansel and Gretel 《亨舍尔和格莱特》 银奖
1986 Chris Van Allsburg The Polar Express 《极地特快》 金奖
1986 Stephen Gammell The Relatives Came 《亲戚们来啦》 银奖
1986 Don Wood King Bidgood's in the Bathtub 《澡缸里的国王》 银奖
1987 Richard Egielski Hey, Al 金奖
1987 Ann Grifalconi The Village of Round and Square Houses 银奖
1987 Suse MacDonald Alphabatics 银奖
1987 Paul O. Zelinsky Rumpelstiltskin 《侏儒怪》 银奖
1988 Willi Glasauer Greetings from the Surreal 金奖
1988 John Schoenherr Owl Moon 《月下看猫头鹰》 金奖
1988 John Steptoe Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters An African Tale 银奖
1989 Stephen Gammell Song and Dance Man 《歌舞爷爷》 金奖
1989 James Marshall Goldilocks and the Three Bears 《金发女孩和三只熊》 银奖
1989 Jerry Pinkney Mirandy and Brother Wind 银奖
1989 Allen Say The Boy of the Three-Year Nap 银奖
1989 David Wiesner Free Fall 《梦幻大飞行》 银奖
1990 Ed Young Lon Po Po A Red-Riding Hood Story from China 《狼婆婆》 金奖
1990 Lois Ehlert Color Zoo 《神奇变变变动物园》 银奖
1990 Trina Schart Hyman Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins 《赫舍尔和光明节妖精》 银奖
1990 Bill Peet Bill Peet An Autobiography 银奖
1990 Jerry Pinkney The Talking Eggs A Folktale from the American South 《会说话的蛋》 银奖
1991 David Macaulay Black and White 《黑与白》 金奖
1991 Fred Marcellino Puss in Boots 《穿靴子的猫》 银奖
1991 Vera B. Williams "More More More," Said the Baby Three Love Stories 银奖
1992 David Wiesner Tuesday 《疯狂星期二》 金奖
1992 Faith Ringgold Tar Beach 银奖
1993 Emily Arnold McCully Mirette on the High Wire 《天空在脚下》 金奖
1993 Carole Byard Working Cotton 银奖
1993 Lane Smith The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales 《臭起司小子爆笑故事大集合》 银奖
1993 Ed Young Seven Blind Mice 《七只瞎老鼠》 银奖
1994 Allen Say Grandfather's Journey 《外公的旅程》 金奖
1994 Denise Fleming In the Small, Small Pond 《在那小小的池塘里》 银奖
1994 Kevin Henkes Owen 《阿文的小毯子》 银奖
1994 Ted Lewin Peppe the Lamplighter 银奖
1994 Gerald McDermott Raven A Trickster Tale From The Pacific Northwest 银奖
1994 Chris Raschka Yo! Yes? 银奖
1995 David Diaz Smoky Night 《烟雾迷漫的夜晚》 金奖
1995 Jerry Pinkney John Henry 《约翰·亨利》 银奖
1995 Eric Rohmann Time Flies 银奖
1995 Paul O. Zelinsky Swamp Angel 《沼泽天使》 银奖
1996 Peggy Rathmann Officer Buckle and Gloria 《警官巴克尔和警犬葛芮雅》 金奖
1996 Stephen T. Johnson Alphabet City 银奖
1996 Brian Pinkney The Faithful Friend 银奖
1996 Marjorie Priceman Zin! Zin! Zin! a Violin 《大家来听音乐会》 银奖
1996 Janet Stevens Tops & Bottoms 《上面和下面》 银奖
1997 David Wisniewski Golem 《泥巴人》 金奖
1997 Holly Meade Hush! A Thai Lullaby 银奖
1997 David Pelletier The Graphic Alphabet 银奖
1997 Dav Pilkey The Paperboy 银奖
1997 Peter Sís Starry Messenger 《星际信使》 银奖
1998 Paul O. Zelinsky Rapunzel 《风铃草姑娘》 金奖
1998 Christopher Myers Harlem 银奖
1998 David Small The Gardener 《园丁》《小恩的秘密花园》 银奖
1998 Simms Taback There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly 《有个老婆婆吞了一只苍蝇》 银奖
1999 Mary Azarian Snowflake Bentley 《雪花人》 金奖
1999 Brian Pinkney Duke Ellington The Piano Prince and His Orchestra 银奖
1999 David Shannon No, David! 《大卫,不可以!》 银奖
1999 Uri Shulevitz Snow 《下雪了》 银奖
1999 Peter Sís Tibet Through the Red Box 银奖
2000 Simms Taback Joseph Had a Little Overcoat 《约瑟夫有件旧外套》 金奖
2000 Molly Bang When Sophie Gets Angry-Really, Really Angry 《菲菲生气了》 银奖
2000 Trina Schart Hyman A Child's Calendar 银奖
2000 Jerry Pinkney The Ugly Duckling 银奖
2000 David Wiesner Sector 7 《7号梦工厂》 银奖
2001 David Small So You Want to Be President? 《如果你想当总统》 金奖
2001 Christopher Bing Casey at the Bat 银奖
2001 Ian Falconer Olivia 《奥莉薇》 银奖
2001 Betsy Lewin Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type 《咔嗒、咔嗒、哞》 银奖
2002 David Wiesner The Three Pigs 《三只小猪》 金奖
2002 Bryan Collier Martin's Big Words the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 《我有一个梦想》 银奖
2002 Brian Selznick The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins 《霍金斯的恐龙世界》 银奖
2002 Marc Simont The Stray Dog 银奖
2003 Eric Rohmann My Friend Rabbit 《我的兔子朋友》 金奖
2003 Tony DiTerlizzi The Spider and the Fly 《蜘蛛和苍蝇》 银奖
2003 Peter McCarty Hondo & Fabian 《红豆与菲比》 银奖
2003 Jerry Pinkney Noah's Ark 《诺亚方舟》 银奖
2004 Mordicai Gerstein The Man Who Walked Between the Towers 《高空走索人》 金奖
2004 Margaret Chodos-Irvine Ella Sarah Gets Dressed 《萨拉就要这样穿》 银奖
2004 Steve Jenkins and Robin Page What Do You Do with a Tail Like This? 《这样的尾巴可以做什么?》 银奖
2004 Mo Willems Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! 《别让鸽子开巴士!》 银奖
2005 Kevin Henkes Kitten's First Full Moon 《小猫咪追月亮》 金奖
2005 Barbara Lehman The Red Book 《小红书》 银奖
2005 E. B. Lewis Coming on Home Soon 银奖
2005 Mo Willems Knuffle Bunny A Cautionary Tale 《古纳什小兔警世故事一则》 银奖
2006 Chris Raschka The Hello, Goodbye Window 《神奇的窗子》 金奖
2006 Bryan Collier Rosa 银奖
2006 Jon J. Muth Zen Shorts 《禅的故事》 银奖
2006 Beckie Prange Song of the Water Boatman and Other Pond Poems 银奖
2006 Marjorie Priceman Hot Air The Mostly True Story of the First Hot-Air Balloon Ride 银奖
2007 David Wiesner Flotsam 《海底的秘密》 金奖
2007 David McLimans Gone Wild An Endangered Animal Alphabet 银奖
2007 Kadir Nelson Moses When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom 银奖
2008 Brian Selznick The Invention of Hugo Cabret 《造梦的雨果》 金奖
2008 Kadir Nelson Henry's Freedom Box A True Story from the Underground Railroad 银奖
2008 Laura Vaccaro Seeger First the Egg 《先有蛋》 银奖
2008 Peter Sís The Wall Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain 银奖
2008 Mo Willems Knuffle Bunny Too A Case of Mistaken Identity 《古纳什小兔又来了错认案例一则》 银奖
2009 Beth Krommes The House in the Night 《夜色下的小屋》 金奖
2009 Marla Frazee A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever 《两个男孩的完美假日》 银奖
2009 Uri Shulevitz How I Learned Geography 《我怎样学习地理》 银奖
2009 Melissa Sweet A River of Words The Story of William Carlos Williams 《会唱诗的河》 银奖
2010 Jerry Pinkney The Lion & the Mouse 《狮子和老鼠》 金奖
2010 Marla Frazee All the World 《我们的世界》 银奖
2010 Pamela Zagarenski Red Sings from Treetops A Year in Colors 《红色音符在树梢多彩的四季》 银奖
2011 Erin E. Stead A Sick Day for Amos McGee 《阿莫的生病日》 金奖
2011 Bryan Collier Dave the Potter 银奖
2011 David Ezra Stein Interrupting Chicken 《爱打岔的小鸡》 银奖
2012 Chris Raschka A Ball for Daisy 《黛西的球》 金奖
2012 Patrick McDonnell Me...Jane 《我……有梦》 银奖
2012 John Rocco Blackout 《停电以后》 银奖
2012 Lane Smith Grandpa Green 《格林爷爷的花园》 银奖
2013 Jon Klassen This is Not My Hat 《这不是我的帽子》 金奖
2013 Peter Brown Creepy Carrots! 《胡萝卜怪》 银奖
2013 Jon Klassen Extra Yarn 《穿毛衣的小镇》 银奖
2013 Laura Vaccaro Seeger Green 《绿》 银奖
2013 David Small One Cool Friend 银奖
2013 Pamela Zagarenski Sleep Like a Tiger 《睡吧,像老虎一样》 银奖
2014 Brian Floca Locomotive 《火车头》 金奖
2014 Aaron Becker Journey 《不可思议的旅程》 银奖
2014 Molly Idle Flora and the Flamingo 《弗洛拉和火烈鸟》 银奖
2014 David Wiesner Mr. Wuffles! 《华夫先生!》 银奖
2015 Dan Santat The Adventures of Beekle The Unimaginary Friend 《小白找朋友不可思议的奇遇》 金奖
2015 Lauren Castillo Nana in the City 《奶奶的红披风》 银奖
2015 Mary GrandPré The Noisy Paint Box The Colors and Sounds of Kandinsky’s Abstract Art 银奖
2015 Jon Klassen Sam & Dave Dig a Hole 《山姆和大卫去挖洞》 银奖
2015 Yuyi Morales Viva Frida 银奖
2015 Melissa Sweet The Right Word Roget and His Thesaurus 《就是这个词》 银奖
2015 Jillian Tamaki This One Summer 银奖
2016 Sophie Blackall Finding Winnie The True Story of the World’s Most Famous Bear 《寻找维尼一只世界著名小熊的真实故事》 金奖
2016 Bryan Collier Trombone Shorty 银奖
2016 Kevin Henkes Waiting 银奖
2016 Ekua Holmes Voice of Freedom Fannie Lou Hamer, Spirit of the Civil Rights Movement 银奖
2016 Christian Robinson Last Stop on Market Street 《市场街最后一站》 银奖
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