Boxcar Children 棚车少年英文版
今天分享一套美国国宝级儿童读物《Boxcar Children棚车少年》电子书、音频。对于2-5年级的孩子来说,也许《神奇树屋》、《老鼠记者》这样的原版初级章节书已经看得不过瘾了,而《查理和巧克力工厂》、《夏洛特的网》又感觉有点长、有点难,那么美国作家 Gertrude Chandler Warner 创作的儿童文学作品——《棚车少年》或许是最好的选择。
Boxcar Children 系列讲述了四个孤儿孩子——Henry、Jessie、Violet 和 Benny Alden 的故事。他们在逃离途中无意发现一个废弃的棚车。
《棚车少年》由曾做过小学教师的美国女作家钱德勒•华娜(Gertrude Chandler Warner,1890年4月16日-1979年8月30日)创作,5 岁开始,钱德勒就梦想当名作家,从小喜爱阅读,最喜欢的是《爱丽丝梦游仙境》。
Warner 女士一生创作了数百部儿童文学作品,她的作品深受孩子们的喜爱。为了纪念作者华娜在儿童文学领域做出的杰出成就,在她去世后,美国政府为她在家乡修葺了纪念馆,并专门做成了棚车的形状。
- 语言简洁易懂:作者仅用500个左右的基础英文单词就创作出了这部近两万字的故事,使得书籍非常适合作为英语学习的进阶材料。词语的重复率高,有助于读者在阅读中巩固英语单词,提高阅读能力。
- 情节引人入胜:书中险象环生的探险故事引人入胜,简洁唯美的语言耐人寻味。人物对话平实简练,风趣幽默而又充满睿智,整体文风优美流畅。
- 富含正能量:四个小主人公勇敢、阳光、善良且充满智慧,尽管会遇到困难,但总能克服恐惧与沮丧,积极乐观地面对未知的世界。他们的故事传递了勇气、智慧和良善的力量,给读者带来积极的影响。
- 教育意义深远:除了娱乐价值外,《Boxcar Children》还具有深远的教育意义。它教会孩子们如何面对困难、如何相互扶持、以及如何保持乐观的心态。同时,书中还蕴含了丰富的社科人文知识,使得读者在阅读过程中能够学到更多的知识。
- 培养阅读兴趣: 通过引人入胜的情节和角色设定,《Boxcar Children》能够激发孩子们对阅读的兴趣。
- 提升语言能力: 英文原文有助于提高英语水平,尤其是词汇量和语法结构的理解。
- 逻辑思维训练: 每本书通常围绕一个谜题展开,鼓励孩子们思考解决方案,从而锻炼逻辑推理能力。
- 文化认知: 孩子们可以通过故事了解不同的生活方式和社会背景,拓宽视野。
- 荣誉:《Boxcar Children》自问世以来就备受瞩目,曾多次获得各种荣誉和奖项。例如,2007年被美国教育协会列为“教师推荐的100本儿童读物”之一;2012年被美国《学校图书馆杂志》列为“100本儿童章节书佳作”之一。
- 评价:该书被广大读者和评论家誉为经典之作,不仅受到孩子们的喜爱,也得到了家长和教师的广泛认可。它被认为是一部能够激发孩子阅读兴趣、提高孩子阅读能力的优秀儿童文学作品。
Boxcar Children 篷车少年系列是一套深受全球儿童喜爱的经典读物。无论是书籍、音频还是改编的动画电影,都为孩子们提供了丰富的阅读体验和学习资源。这个系列不仅能够激发孩子们的阅读兴趣,还能够帮助他们在阅读中学习到生活的智慧和道德的教育。
——/Boxcar Children 棚车少年英文版全套1-161本PDF+MOBI+EPUB MP3音频 2部MP4动画电影 精读外教课 百度网盘/
├──Boxcar Children EPUB 1-161
├──Boxcar Children MOBI 1-161
├──Boxcar Children Movies
| ├──The.Boxcar.Children.2014.HD720P.BTDX8
| └──The.Boxcar.Children.Surprise.Island.2018.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG
├──Boxcar Children MP3 Audios 1-138
| ├──BC MP3 Audios(1-70).rar 3.49G
| └──BC MP3 Audios(71-138).rar 3.14G
├──Boxcar Children PDF 1-161
| ├──[000] - The Boxcar Children Beginning- The Aldens of Fair Meadow Farm.pdf 10.09M
| ├──[001] - The Boxcar Children.pdf 2.08M
| ├──[002] - Surprise Island.pdf 2.83M
| ├──[003] - The Yellow House Mystery.pdf 3.18M
| ├──[004] - Mystery Ranch.pdf 2.69M
| ├──[005] - Mike's Mystery.pdf 1.80M
| ├──[006] - Blue Bay Mystery.pdf 3.36M
| ├──[007] - The Woodshed Mystery.pdf 1.68M
| ├──[008] - The Lighthouse Mystery.pdf 1.35M
| ├──[009] - Mountain Top Mystery.pdf 1.29M
| ├──[010] - Schoolhouse Mystery.pdf 728.78kb
| ├──[011] - Caboose Mystery.pdf 972.94kb
| ├──[012] - Houseboat Mystery.pdf 1.23M
| ├──[013] - Snowbound Mystery.pdf 839.38kb
| ├──[014] - Tree House Mystery.pdf 873.34kb
| ├──[015] - Bicycle Mystery.pdf 1.05M
| ├──[016] - Mystery in the Sand.pdf 772.11kb
| ├──[017] - Mystery Behind the Wall.pdf 907.65kb
| ├──[018] - Bus Station Mystery.pdf 1.06M
| ├──[019] - Benny Uncovers a Mystery.pdf 960.21kb
| ├──[020] - The Haunted Cabin Mystery.pdf 1.25M
| ├──[021] - The Deserted Library Mystery.pdf 1.33M
| ├──[022] - The Animal Shelter Mystery.pdf 1.39M
| ├──[023] - The Old Motel Mystery.pdf 1.68M
| ├──[024] - The Mystery of the Hidden Painting.pdf 1.53M
| ├──[025] - The Amusement Park Mystery.pdf 1.10M
| ├──[026] - The Mystery of the Mixed-Up Zoo.pdf 1.30M
| ├──[027] - The Camp-out Mystery.pdf 1.25M
| ├──[028] - The Mystery Girl.pdf 1.48M
| ├──[029] - The Mystery Cruise.pdf 1.25M
| ├──[030] - The Disappearing Friend Mystery.pdf 1.12M
| ├──[031] - The Mystery of the Singing Ghost.pdf 1.40M
| ├──[032] - The Mystery in the Snow.pdf 1.13M
| ├──[033] - The Pizza Mystery.pdf 1.41M
| ├──[034] - The Mystery Horse.pdf 1.09M
| ├──[035] - The Mystery at the Dog Show.pdf 1.16M
| ├──[036] - The Castle Mystery.pdf 1.28M
| ├──[037] - The Mystery of the Lost Village.pdf 1.10M
| ├──[038] - The Mystery of the Purple Pool.pdf 1.51M
| ├──[039] - The Ghost Ship Mystery.pdf 1.36M
| ├──[040] - The Canoe Trip Mystery.pdf 1.38M
| ├──[041] - The Mystery of the Hidden Beach.pdf 987.87kb
| ├──[042] - The Mystery of the Missing Cat.pdf 1.18M
| ├──[043] - The Mystery on Stage.pdf 1.43M
| ├──[044] - The Dinosaur Mystery.pdf 1.47M
| ├──[045] - The Mystery of the Stolen Music.pdf 1.35M
| ├──[046] - The Chocolate Sundae Mystery.pdf 1.42M
| ├──[047] - The Mystery of the Hot Air Balloon.pdf 1.46M
| ├──[048] - The Mystery Bookstore.pdf 1.34M
| ├──[049] - The Mystery of the Stolen Boxcar.pdf 1.77M
| ├──[050] - Mystery in the Cave.pdf 1.14M
| ├──[051] - The Mystery on the Train.pdf 1.63M
| ├──[052] - The Mystery of the Lost Mine.pdf 1.23M
| ├──[053] - The Guide Dog Mystery.pdf 1.11M
| ├──[054] - The Hurricane Mystery.pdf 1.82M
| ├──[055] - The Mystery of the Secret Message.pdf 1.60M
| ├──[056] - The Firehouse Mystery.pdf 1.56M
| ├──[057] - The Mystery in San Francisco.pdf 1.31M
| ├──[058] - The Mystery at the Alamo.pdf 1.60M
| ├──[059] - The Outer Space Mystery.pdf 1.93M
| ├──[060] - The Soccer Mystery.pdf 1.69M
| ├──[061] - The Growling Bear Mystery.pdf 1.94M
| ├──[062] - The Mystery of the Lake Monster.pdf 1.93M
| ├──[063] - The Mystery at Peacock Hall.pdf 1.72M
| ├──[064] - The Black Pearl Mystery.pdf 1.47M
| ├──[065] - The Cereal Box Mystery.pdf 1.75M
| ├──[066] - The Panther Mystery.pdf 1.64M
| ├──[067] - The Mystery of the Stolen Sword.pdf 1.34M
| ├──[068] - The Basketball Mystery.pdf 1.50M
| ├──[069] - The Movie Star Mystery.pdf 1.38M
| ├──[070] - The Mystery of the Pirate's Map.pdf 1.61M
| ├──[071] - The Ghost Town Mystery.pdf 1.74M
| ├──[072] - The Mystery in the Mall.pdf 1.59M
| ├──[073] - The Gymnastics Mystery.pdf 1.45M
| ├──[074] - The Poison Frog Mystery.pdf 1.48M
| ├──[075] - The Mystery of the Empty Safe.pdf 1.46M
| ├──[076] - The Great Bicycle Race Mystery.pdf 1.58M
| ├──[077] - The Mystery of the Wild Ponies.pdf 1.51M
| ├──[078] - The Mystery in the Computer Game.pdf 1.53M
| ├──[079] - The Mystery at the Crooked House.pdf 1.62M
| ├──[080] - The Hockey Mystery.pdf 1.50M
| ├──[081] - The Mystery of the Midnight Dog.pdf 1.66M
| ├──[082] - The Summer Camp Mystery.pdf 1.42M
| ├──[083] - The Copycat Mystery.pdf 1.97M
| ├──[084] - The Haunted Clock Tower Mystery.pdf 1.54M
| ├──[085] - The Disappearing Staircase Mystery.pdf 1.46M
| ├──[086] - The Mystery on Blizzard Mountain.pdf 1.53M
| ├──[087] - The Mystery of the Spider's Clue.pdf 1.68M
| ├──[088] - The Mystery of the Mummy's Curse.pdf 1.51M
| ├──[089] - The Mystery of the Star Ruby.pdf 1.67M
| ├──[090] - The Stuffed Bear Mystery.pdf 1.52M
| ├──[091] - The Mystery at Skeleton Point.pdf 1.70M
| ├──[092] - The Tattletale Mystery.pdf 1.56M
| ├──[093] - The Comic Book Mystery.pdf 1.75M
| ├──[094] - The Ice Cream Mystery.pdf 1.62M
| ├──[095] - The Midnight Mystery.pdf 1.69M
| ├──[096] - Mystery in the Fortune Cookie.pdf 1.21M
| ├──[097] - The Radio Mystery.pdf 1.10M
| ├──[098] - The Mystery of the Runaway Ghost.pdf 1017.76kb
| ├──[099] - The Finders Keepers Mystery.pdf 1.21M
| ├──[100] - The Mystery of the Haunted Boxcar.pdf 1.24M
| ├──[101] - The Clue in the Corn Maze.pdf 928.83kb
| ├──[102] - The Ghost of the Chattering Bones.pdf 923.20kb
| ├──[103] - The Sword of the Silver Knight.pdf 991.35kb
| ├──[104] - The Game Store Mystery.pdf 1.00M
| ├──[105] - The Mystery of the Orphan Train.pdf 975.04kb
| ├──[106] - The Vanishing Passenger.pdf 922.17kb
| ├──[107] - The Giant Yo-Yo Mystery.pdf 1.21M
| ├──[108] - The Creature in Ogopogo Lake.pdf 805.12kb
| ├──[109] - The Rock 'n' Roll Mystery.pdf 873.63kb
| ├──[110] - The Secret of the Mask.pdf 1008.07kb
| ├──[111] - The Seattle Puzzle.pdf 867.78kb
| ├──[112] - The Ghost in the First Row.pdf 821.15kb
| ├──[113] - The Box That Watch Found.pdf 614.15kb
| ├──[114] - A Horse Named Dragon.pdf 997.40kb
| ├──[115] - The Great Detective Race.pdf 910.72kb
| ├──[116] - The Ghost at the Drive-In Movie.pdf 834.36kb
| ├──[117] - The Mystery of the Traveling Tomatoes.pdf 964.13kb
| ├──[118] - The Spy Game.pdf 1.16M
| ├──[119] - The Dog-Gone Mystery.pdf 1.53M
| ├──[120] - The Vampire Mystery.pdf 781.10kb
| ├──[121] - Superstar Watch.pdf 1.17M
| ├──[122] - The Spy in the Bleachers.pdf 1.33M
| ├──[123] - The Amazing Mystery Show.pdf 566.92kb
| ├──[124] - The Pumpkin Head Mystery.pdf 889.29kb
| ├──[125] - The Cupcake Caper.pdf 926.03kb
| ├──[126] - The Clue in the Recycling Bin.pdf 989.31kb
| ├──[127] - Monkey Trouble.pdf 899.35kb
| ├──[128] - The Zombie Project.pdf 1.16M
| ├──[129] - The Great Turkey Heist.pdf 831.09kb
| ├──[130] - The Garden Thief.pdf 1.02M
| ├──[131] - The Boardwalk Mystery.pdf 1.68M
| ├──[132] - Mystery of the Fallen Treasure.pdf 1.73M
| ├──[133] - Return of the Graveyard Ghost.pdf 4.08M
| ├──[134] - Mystery of the Stolen Snowboard.pdf 3.84M
| ├──[135] - Mystery of the Wild West Bandit.pdf 4.57M
| ├──[136] - The Mystery of the Soccer Snitch.pdf 3.46M
| ├──[137] - The Mystery of the Grinning Gargoyle.pdf 4.35M
| ├──[138] - The Mystery of the Missing Pop Idol.pdf 4.37M
| ├──[139] - The Mystery of the Stolen Dinosaur Bones.pdf 3.53M
| ├──[140] - The Mystery at the Calgary Stampede.pdf 2.76M
| ├──[141] - The Sleepy Hollow Mystery.pdf 1.99M
| ├──[142] - The Legend of the Irish Castle.pdf 1.84M
| ├──[143] - The Celebrity Cat Caper.pdf 3.88M
| ├──[144] - Hidden in the Haunted School.pdf 2.27M
| ├──[145] - The Election Day Dilemma.pdf 2.25M
| ├──[146] - The Doughnut Whodunit.pdf 2.29M
| ├──[147] - The Robot Ransom.pdf 2.37M
| ├──[148] - The Legend of the Howling Werewolf.pdf 2.19M
| ├──[149] - The Day of the Dead Mystery.pdf 2.61M
| ├──[150] - The Hundred-Year Mystery.pdf 2.25M
| ├──[151] - The Sea Turtle Mystery.pdf 2.24M
| ├──[152] - Secret on the Thirteenth Floor.pdf 2.55M
| ├──[153] - The Power Down Mystery.pdf 2.40M
| ├──[154] - Mystery at Camp Survival.pdf 2.45M
| ├──[155] - The Mystery of the Forgotten Family.pdf 2.84M
| ├──[156] - The Skeleton Key Mystery.pdf 2.42M
| ├──[157] - Science Fair Sabotage.pdf 2.34M
| ├──[158] - The Great Greenfield Bake-Off.pdf 4.85M
| ├──[159] - The Beekeeper Mystery.pdf 7.42M
| ├──[160] - The Mystery in the Magic Shop.pdf 4.25M
| └──[161] - The Raptor Rescue.pdf 8.30M
├──The Boxcar Children精读课
| ├──教材+练习
| ├──The Boxcar Children 01.wmv 42.44M
| ├──The Boxcar Children 02.wmv 26.72M
| ├──The Boxcar Children 03-8.mp4 3.45G
| ├──The Boxcar Children 09.mp4 49.73M
| ├──The Boxcar Children 10.wmv 24.82M
| ├──The Boxcar Children 11.wmv 27.47M
| ├──The Boxcar Children 12.wmv 36.28M
| ├──The Boxcar Children 13-21.mp4 1.32G
| ├──The Boxcar Children 22.wmv 32.48M
| ├──The Boxcar Children 23.wmv 29.35M
| ├──The Boxcar Children 24.wmv 35.56M
| └──The Boxcar Children 25.wmv 35.56M
├──232-棚车少年232.DP 1.83G
└──棚车少年232.dab 1.83G
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