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DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母A开始 A. A. Milne to Azar Nafisi) 百度云网盘下载


DOC8精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母A开始 A. A. Milne to Azar Nafisi)



历史小说(Historical Fiction)

描述历史事件或背景的小说,如《Roots: The Saga of an American Family》等。

悬疑推理(Mystery and Thriller)

以解谜和推理为核心元素的小说,如《The Demolished Man》、《Blue Belle》等。

科幻奇幻(Science Fiction and Fantasy)

涉及未来科技、异世界或魔法等元素的小说,如《Into the Thinking Kingdoms》、《Eona》等。

都市情感(Urban Emotional Fiction)

以都市生活为背景,探讨情感、婚姻等话题的小说,如《Now Is the Time to Open Your Heart: A Novel》等。

成长励志(Growth and Inspirational Fiction)


武侠仙侠(Martial Arts and Xianxia Fiction)

以武术、仙侠为背景的小说,如《The Sword-Edged Blonde》等(尽管此书为西方背景,但武侠仙侠风格在东西方文学中均有体现)。


传记回忆录(Biography and Memoir)

以真实人物或事件为基础撰写的书籍,如《Out of My Later Years: The Scientist, Philosopher, and Man Portrayed Through His Own Words》等。

历史研究(Historical Research)

对历史事件、人物或时期进行深入研究的书籍,如《Life After Death: A History of the Afterlife in Western Religion》等。

自助成长(Self-Help and Growth)

提供个人成长、职业发展或心理调适等方面建议的书籍,如《Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights?》等。

科普知识(Popular Science and Knowledge)

普及科学知识、解释科学现象的书籍,如《Wicked Bugs: The Louse That Conquered》等(尽管此书以昆虫为题材,但科普性质明显)。

旅行游记(Travel and Travelogue)

描述旅行经历、介绍异国风情的书籍,如《Without Reservations: The Travels of an Independent Woman》等。

美食烹饪(Food and Cooking)

提供烹饪技巧、食谱或饮食文化介绍的书籍,如《Cook Like a Rock Star》等。

文学与艺术(Literature and Art)

探讨文学、艺术理论或实践的书籍,如《How I Survived Nellie Oleson and Learned to Love Being Hated》等(尽管此书为自传体小说,但涉及文学与艺术领域的创作经历)。

哲学思考(Philosophical Thought)

探讨人生、宇宙、道德等哲学问题的书籍,如《The Stranger》等。

社会科学(Social Science)

涉及社会学、心理学、经济学等社会科学领域的书籍,如《The Weight of Water》等(尽管此书为小说,但探讨了社会心理和道德问题)。

其他非小说(Other Non-Fiction)

包括历史评论、文化评论、回忆录等多种类型的书籍,如《I, Partridge》等(此书为自传体喜剧作品,但也可视为一种非小说形式的文学创作)。

三、特殊类别(Special Categories)

儿童读物(Children's Books)

适合儿童阅读的书籍,如《Little Hoot》等。

短篇作品集(Short Story Collections)

包含多个短篇故事的作品集,如《The New Yorker Stories》等。

系列书籍(Series Books)

属于某个系列或系列化作品的书籍,如星球大战系列《Star Wars Jedi Order》等。

特殊题材(Special Topics)



——/【DOC8's Handpicked 12000+ Mobi eBooks Collection】/Author Name Starting with A/

├──2600 Magazine
| └──2600 Magazine_ The Hacker Quarterly - Digital Edition - Summer 2011 (14686)
├──50 Cent
| └──The 50th Law (22920)
├──A. A. Milne
| ├──Now We Are Six (19047)
| ├──The House at Pooh Corner (19048)
| ├──When We Were Very Young (19049)
| ├──Winnie-the-Pooh (19050)
| └──Winnie-The-Pooh (19851)
├──A. Bertram Chandler
| ├──Spartan Planet (10230)
| ├──The Big Black Mark (10229)
| ├──The Broken Cycle (10228)
| ├──The Hard Way Up (10227)
| ├──The Inheritors (10226)
| ├──The Road to the Rim (10225)
| └──To Prime the Pump (10224)
├──A. C. Crispin
| ├──Star Wars_ The Han Solo Trilogy 01_ The Paradise Snare (10669)
| ├──Star Wars_ The Han Solo Trilogy 02_ The Hutt Gambit (10670)
| ├──Star Wars_ The Han Solo Trilogy 03_ Rebel Dawn (10671)
| └──The Eyes of the Beholders (11152)
├──A. C. Grayling
| └──The Good Book_ A Secular Bible (16958)
├──A. J. Hartley
| ├──Act of Will (7565)
| └──Will Power (7566)
├──A. J. Jacobs
| ├──The Know-It-All_ One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World (8598)
| └──The Year of Living Biblically_ One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible (1476)
├──A. J. Liebling
| └──The Sweet Science (22623)
├──A. Lee Martinez
| ├──A Nameless Witch (2303)
| └──Monster (23404)
├──A. M. Jenkins
| └──Damage (18834)
├──A. Manette Ansay
| └──Good Things I Wish You (7476)
├──A. N. Roquelaure
| ├──Beauty's Punishment (7931)
| └──Beauty's Release (7932)
├──A. S. Byatt
| ├──Elementals (16375)
| └──The Children's Book (14467)
├──A. S. King
| └──The Dust of 100 Dogs (11856)
├──Aaron Allen Schiller
| └──Stephen Colbert and Philosophy (23178)
├──Aaron Allston
| ├──Enemy Lines II_ Rebel Stand (20312)
| ├──Star Wars_ Fate of the Jedi 01_ Outcast (8417)
| ├──Star Wars_ Fate of the Jedi 04_ Backlash (8494)
| ├──Star Wars_ Fate of the Jedi 07_ Conviction (14122)
| ├──Star Wars_ Legacy of the Force 01_ Betrayal (10676)
| ├──Star Wars_ Legacy of the Force 04_ Exile (10677)
| ├──Star Wars_ Legacy of the Force 07_ Fury (10679)
| ├──Star Wars_ The New Jedi Order 12_ Enemy Lines 01_ Enemy Lines I_ Rebel Dream (10672)
| ├──Star Wars_ The New Jedi Order 13_ Enemy Lines 02_ Rebel Stand (10673)
| ├──Star Wars_ The New Jedi Order_ Rebel Dreams_ Enemy Lines I (20310)
| ├──Star Wars_ X-Wing 05_ Wraith Squadron (10683)
| ├──Star Wars_ X-Wing 06_ Iron Fist (10680)
| ├──Star Wars_ X-Wing 07_ Solo Command (10681)
| └──Star Wars_ X-Wing 09_ Starfighters of Adumar (10682)
├──Aaron Anderson
| └──Arizona, New Mexico & the Grand Canyon Trips (Lonely Planet, 1st Edition) (16599)
├──Aaron Dembski-Bowden
| └──Hellsreach (9597)
├──Aaron Hawkins
| └──The Year Money Grew on Trees (23537)
├──Aaron Hillegass
| ├──Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X (23420)
| └──Objective-C Programming_ The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (17090)
├──Aaron Patterson
| └──Airel (19864)
├──Aaron Rosenberg
| ├──Collective Hindsight (Book 1) (13673)
| ├──Collective Hindsight (Book 2) (13674)
| └──The Riddled Post (14009)
├──Abbott Joseph Liebling
| └──The Telephone Booth Indian (9443)
├──Abby Johnson
| └──Unplanned_ The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leader's Eye-Opening Journey Acros (11556)
├──Abby McDonald
| └──The Liberation of Alice Love (12521)
├──Abe Kobo
| └──Ruined Map (18750)
├──Abraham Verghese
| └──Cutting for Stone (11640)
├──Ace Atkins
| ├──Devil's Garden (2753)
| ├──Infamous (2754)
| └──The Ranger (17115)
├──Acharya S
| └──Christ Conspiracy_ The Greatest Story Ever Sold (23209)
├──Adam A. Watt
| └──The Cambridge Introduction to Marcel Proust (14462)
├──Adam Foulds
| └──The Quickening Maze (10223)
├──Adam Goodheart
| └──1861_ The Civil War Awakening (12583)
├──Adam Greenfield
| └──Everyware_ The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing (15927)
├──Adam Haeder; Stephen Addison Schneiter; Bruno Gomes Pessanha; James Stanger
| └──LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell (8259)
├──Adam Haslett
| ├──Union Atlantic (1420)
| └──You Are Not a Stranger Here (14670)
├──Adam Hochschild
| └──To End All Wars_ A Story of Loyalty and Rebellion, 1914-1918 (14347)
├──Adam Jacot De Boinod
| ├──I Never Knew There Was a Word for It (9429)
| └──The Meaning of Tingo_ And Other Extraordinary Words From Around the World (6068)
├──Adam Johnson
| └──The Orphan Master's Son_ A Novel (22647)
├──Adam Langer
| └──The Thieves of Manhattan (3004)
├──Adam Lashinsky
| └──Inside Apple_ How America's Most Admired--And Secretive--Company Really Works (23345)
├──Adam Lazarus
| ├──Chasing Greatness_ Johnny Miller, Arnold Palmer, and the Miracle at Oakmont (7397)
| └──Super Bowl Monday_ From the Persian Gulf to the Shores of West Florida (17253)
├──Adam M. Brandenburger
| └──Co-Opetition (18773)
├──Adam Mansbach
| └──Go the Fuck to Sleep (14515)
├──Adam Nevill
| ├──Apartment 16 (2304)
| └──Banquet for the Damned (2305)
├──Adam Palmer
| └──The Moses Legacy (18699)
├──Adam Rex
| └──Fat Vampire_ A Never Coming of Age Story (7398)
├──Adam Ross
| └──Mr Peanut (14427)
├──Adam Schell
| └──Tomato Rhapsody_ A Fable of Love, Lust and Forbidden Fruit (7437)
├──Adam Smith
| ├──The Theory of Moral Sentiments (15937)
| └──The Wealth of Nations_ Books 4-5 (15325)
├──Adam W. Shepard
| └──Scratch Beginnings_ Me, $25, and the Search for the American Dream (18367)
├──Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani
| └──I Do Not Come to You by Chance (2434)
├──Addison Wiggin
| └──I.O.U.S.A (9746)
├──Adele Ashworth
| └──My Darling Caroline (2306)
├──Adele Parks
| ├──Game Over (2580)
| └──Love Lies (2488)
├──Adiran Tchaikovsky
| └──Heirs of the Blade_ Shadows of the Apt_ Book Seven (16537)
├──Adolfo Bioy Casares
| └──The Invention of Morel (8839)
├──Adrian Johns
| └──Piracy_ The Intellectual Property Wars From Gutenberg to Gates (8774)
├──Adrian Tchaikovsky
| ├──Blood of the Mantis (1946)
| ├──Dragonfly Falling (1950)
| ├──Empire in Black and Gold (1949)
| ├──Salute the Dark (1947)
| └──The Scarab Path (1948)
├──Adrian Tinniswood
| └──Pirates of Barbary_ Corsairs, Conquests and Captivity in the Seventeenth-Century Mediterranean (14080)
├──Adriana Trigiani
| ├──Big Cherry Holler (18094)
| └──Cooking With My Sisters_ One Hundred Years of Family Recipes, From Bari to Big Stone Gap (14684)
├──Adrianne Byrd
| └──All I've Ever Wanted (19870)
├──Adrienne Mayor
| └──The Poison King_ The Life and Legend of Mithradates, Rome's Deadliest Enemy (15908)
├──AEleen Frisch
| └──Essential System Administration, 3rd Edition (7968)
| └──Works of Aeschylus (18603)
| ├──Aesop's Fables (Barnes & Noble Classics) (19090)
| └──Aesop's Fables (Penguin Classics) (19091)
├──Agatha Christie
| ├──4_50 From Paddington (190)
| ├──A Murder Is Announced_ A Miss Marple Mystery (15358)
| ├──ABC Murders (182)
| ├──After the Funeral (195)
| ├──An Autobiography (1481)
| ├──And Then There Were None (196)
| ├──Appointment With Death (197)
| ├──At Bertram's Hotel (83)
| ├──Big Four (183)
| ├──Black Coffee (91)
| ├──Body in the Library (15373)
| ├──By the Pricking of My Thumbs (92)
| ├──Cards on the Table (15372)
| ├──Caribbean Mystery (15357)
| ├──Cat Among the Pigeons (97)
| ├──Clues to Christie_ The Definitive Guide to Miss Marple, Hercule Poirot, Tommy & Tuppence and All of (17463)
| ├──Crooked House (15355)
| ├──Curtain (112)
| ├──Dead Man's Folly (15865)
| ├──Death Comes as End (113)
| ├──Death in the Clouds (114)
| ├──Death on the Nile (115)
| ├──Destination Unknown (15353)
| ├──Dumb Witness (175)
| ├──Elephants Can Remember (127)
| ├──Endless Night (133)
| ├──Evil Under the Sun (15371)
| ├──Five Little Pigs (143)
| ├──Hallowe'en Party (15370)
| ├──Hercule Poirot's Casebook (149)
| ├──Hercule Poirot's Christmas (150)
| ├──Hickory Dickory Dock (156)
| ├──Listerdale Mystery (1133)
| ├──Lord Edgware Dies (15369)
| ├──Miss Marple (104)
| ├──Miss Marple's Final Cases (158)
| ├──Mrs McGinty's Dead (159)
| ├──Murder at the Vicarage (15635)
| ├──Murder in Mesopotamia (15367)
| ├──Murder in the Mews (15366)
| ├──Murder Is Easy (163)
| ├──Murder of Roger Ackroyd (1166)
| ├──Murder on the Links (164)
| ├──Murder on the Orient Express (15364)
| ├──Mysterious Mr. Quin (1168)
| ├──N or M_ (166)
| ├──Nemesis (15365)
| ├──One, Two, Buckle My Shoe (168)
| ├──Ordeal by Innocence (15362)
| ├──Parker Pyne Investigates (15361)
| ├──Partners in Crime_ A Tommy & Tuppence Adventure (15360)
| ├──Passenger to Frankfurt (15359)
| ├──Peril at End House (173)
| ├──Pocket Full of Rye (18722)
| ├──Poirot Investigates (174)
| ├──Poirot's Early Cases (155)
| ├──Postern of Fate (Tommy and Tuppence Series) (15352)
| ├──Problem at Pollensa Bay (176)
| ├──Sad Cypress (177)
| ├──Secret of Chimneys (1173)
| ├──Sleeping Murder (178)
| ├──Sparkling Cyanide (17666)
| ├──Spider's Web (180)
| ├──Star over Bethlehem (22928)
| ├──Taken at the Flood (181)
| ├──The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding (15384)
| ├──The Clocks (1128)
| ├──The Floating Admiral (16905)
| ├──The Harlequin Tea Set and Other Stories (1129)
| ├──The Hollow (1130)
| ├──The Hound of Death (1131)
| ├──The Labors of Hercules (1132)
| ├──The Man in the Brown Suit (1134)
| ├──The Mirror Crack'd (15368)
| ├──The Moving Finger (15356)
| ├──The Mysterious Affair at Styles (1167)
| ├──The Mystery of the Blue Train (22646)
| ├──The Pale Horse (1170)
| ├──The Regatta Mystery and Other Stories (1171)
| ├──The Secret Adversary (1172)
| ├──The Seven Dials Mystery (1174)
| ├──The Sittaford Mystery (1175)
| ├──The Thirteen Problems (1176)
| ├──They Came to Baghdad (1178)
| ├──They Do It With Mirrors (1179)
| ├──Third Girl (1180)
| ├──Three Act Tragedy (1181)
| ├──Three Blind Mice (1182)
| ├──Towards Zero (1183)
| ├──Unexpected Guest (1177)
| ├──While the Light Lasts (22890)
| └──Why Didn't They Ask Evans_ (1185)
├──Aharon Appelfeld
| └──Until the Dawn's Light_ A Novel (19210)
├──Aimee Bender
| └──The Girl in the Flammable Skirt_ Stories (14963)
├──Akira Kurosawa
| └──Something Like an Autobiography (23451)
├──Al Franken
| ├──Lies & the Lying Liars Who Tell Them_ A Fair & Balanced Look at the Right (16639)
| └──Truth (16643)
├──Al Sarrantonio
| └──999_ Twenty-Nine Original Tales of Horror and Suspense (19903)
├──Alain De Botton
| ├──A Week at the Airport (12071)
| ├──The Art of Travel (14047)
| └──The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work (13972)
├──Alan Axelrod
| └──1001 People Who Made America (16881)
├──Alan Beattie
| └──False Economy (18136)
├──Alan Bennett
| └──The Laying on of Hands (23735)
├──Alan Bradley
| └──Flavia De Luce 3-Book Bundle_ The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, the Weed That Strings the Hang (22891)
├──Alan Brinkley
| └──The Publisher_ Henry Luce and His American Century (7234)
├──Alan Campbell
| └──Sea of Ghosts (11817)
├──Alan Cheuse
| └──Song of Slaves in the Desert (10947)
├──Alan Cumyn
| └──Tilt (19215)
├──Alan Dale Daniel
| └──The Super Summary of World History (15586)
├──Alan Dean Foster
| ├──Dirge (8684)
| ├──Exceptions to Reality_ Stories (9936)
| ├──Flinx Transcendent_ A Pip & Flinx Adventure (8557)
| ├──For Love of Mother-Not (8833)
| ├──Into the Thinking Kingdoms (8559)
| ├──Lost and Found_ A Novel (8832)
| ├──Phylogenesis (8556)
| ├──Predators I Have Known (18756)
| ├──Star Trek Movie Tie-In (5992)
| ├──Star Wars_ Splinter of the Mind's Eye (10684)
| ├──Star Wars_ The Approaching Storm (10685)
| ├──Terminator Salvation_ The Official Movie Novelization (9935)
| ├──The Chronicles of Riddick (8954)
| └──The Human Blend (8576)
├──Alan Deutschman
| └──The Second Coming of Steve Jobs (17095)
├──Alan Fishbone
| └──Schaum's Outline of Latin Grammar (11453)
├──Alan Furst
| └──Dark Star_ A Novel (7567)
├──Alan Govenar
| └──Lightnin' Hopkins_ His Life and Blues (23408)
├──Alan Grafen
| └──Richard Dawkins_ How a Scientist Changed the Way We Think _ Reflections by Scientists, Writers, and (17196)
├──Alan Hollinghurst
| ├──The Line of Beauty (13895)
| └──The Stranger's Child (17499)
├──Alan Jacobson
| ├──Crush (13706)
| └──The 7th Victim (12770)
├──Alan Lightman
| └──Einstein's Dreams (23746)
├──Alan May
| └──Coincidence (11281)
├──Alan Palazzolo
| └──Mapping With Drupal (23479)
├──Alan Partridge
| └──I, Partridge (16454)
├──Alan Paul
| └──Big in China_ My Unlikely Adventures Raising a Family, Playing the Blues, and Becoming a Star in Bei (12098)
├──Alan Rusbridger
| └──Smelliest Day at the Zoo (18910)
├──Alan Segal
| └──Life After Death_ A History of the Afterlife in Western Religion (16942)
├──Alan Watts
| ├──The Book_ On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are (9615)
| └──The Way of Zen (15528)
├──Alan Weisman
| └──The World Without Us (239)
├──Alana Stewart
| └──My Journey With Farrah (22913)
├──Alanna Nash
| └──Baby, Let's Play House_ Elvis Presley and the Women Who Loved Him (11677)
├──Alasdair Gray
| └──Lanark_ A Life in 4 Books (8770)
├──Albert Brooks
| └──2030_ The Real Story of What Happens to America (13684)
├──Albert Camus
| └──The Stranger (94)
├──Albert Cossery
| └──The Jokers (17886)
├──Albert DeMeo
| └──For the Sins of My Father_ A Mafia Killer, His Son, and the Legacy of a Mob Life (17903)
├──Albert Einstein
| └──Out of My Later Years_ The Scientist, Philosopher, and Man Portrayed Through His Own Words (18018)
├──Alberto Moravia
| ├──Boredom (23316)
| └──Contempt (23317)
├──Aldous Huxley
| ├──Brave New World (23760)
| ├──Brave New World (834)
| ├──Brave New World Revisited (8250)
| └──Island (18749)
├──Alejandro Junger
| └──Clean_ The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself (8315)
├──Aleksandr Orlov
| └──A Simples Life_ The Life and Times of Aleksandr Orlov (8424)
├──Alessandro Alciato
| └──Carlo Ancelotti_ The Beautiful Games of an Ordinary Genius (12375)
├──Alex Archer
| ├──Destiny (17)
| ├──Eternal Journey (18)
| ├──False Horizon (10948)
| ├──Footprints (19)
| ├──Forbidden City (20)
| ├──Gabriel's Horn (26)
| ├──God of Thunder (27)
| ├──Paradox (28)
| ├──Phantom Prospect (8444)
| ├──Polar Quest (29)
| ├──Provenance (30)
| ├──Restless Soul (8339)
| ├──Sacred Ground (31)
| ├──Sacrifice (32)
| ├──Secret of the Slaves (33)
| ├──Seeker's Curse (34)
| ├──Serpent's Kiss (35)
| ├──Solomon's Jar (70)
| ├──Swordsman's Legacy (74)
| ├──The Bone Conjurer (78)
| ├──The Chosen (81)
| ├──The Dragon's Mark (2974)
| ├──The Golden Elephant (82)
| ├──The Lost Scrolls (90)
| ├──The Soul Stealer (95)
| ├──The Spider Stone (102)
| ├──The Spirit Banner (103)
| ├──Tribal Ways (13)
| └──Warrior Spirit (109)
├──Alex Bellos
| ├──Alex's Adventures in Numberland (18149)
| └──Here's Looking at Euclid_ A Surprising Excursion Through the Astonishing World of Math (23516)
├──Alex Bledsoe
| └──The Sword-Edged Blonde (2755)
├──Alex Flinn
| └──Cloaked (10949)
├──Alex Goldfarb
| └──Death of a Dissident (17286)
├──Alex Haley
| └──Roots_ The Saga of an American Family (11295)
├──Alex Hutchinson
| └──Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights_ (17994)
├──Alex Irvine
| └──The Seal of Karga Kul_ A Dungeons & Dragons Novel (11088)
├──Alex Kava
| ├──A Necessary Evil (2761)
| ├──A Perfect Evi (2756)
| ├──Alex Kava Bundle (19947)
| ├──At the Stroke of Madness (2760)
| ├──Black Friday (2763)
| ├──Exposed (2762)
| ├──Split Second (2758)
| └──The Soul Catcher (17531)
├──Alex Kotlowitz
| ├──Never a City So Real (23540)
| └──Never a City So Real_ A Walk in Chicago (17550)
├──Alex Leviton
| └──Carolinas, Georgia & South Trips (Lonely Planet, 1st Edition) (16631)
├──Alex Prentiss
| └──Night Tides (2764)
├──Alex Rosenberg
| └──The Atheist's Guide to Reality_ Enjoying Life Without Illusions (22611)
├──Alex Scarrow
| ├──A Thousand Suns (1759)
| ├──Afterlight (1757)
| ├──Day of the Predator (10222)
| ├──Last Light (1758)
| └──October Skies (1761)
├──Alex Shakar
| └──The Savage Girl (17966)
├──Alex Tabarrok
| └──Launching the Innovation Renaissance_ A New Path to Bring Smart Ideas to Market Fast (23186)
├──Alex Wheeler
| ├──Star Wars_ Rebel Force 01_ Target (10686)
| ├──Star Wars_ Rebel Force 03_ Renegade (10688)
| ├──Star Wars_ Rebel Force 04_ Firefight (10689)
| ├──Star Wars_ Rebel Force 05_ Trapped (10697)
| ├──Star Wars_ Rebel Force 06_ Uprising (10698)
| └──Star Wars_ Rebel Force 2_ Hostage (10687)
├──Alexa Snow
| ├──Giving Up the Ghost (2766)
| ├──Laying a Ghost (2765)
| └──Waking the Dead (2767)
├──Alexander F. Skutch
| └──Harmony and Conflict in the Living World (23433)
├──Alexander Hamilton
| ├──Federalist (Barnes & Noble Classics) (857)
| └──The Federalist Papers (16313)
├──Alexander Hanchett Smith
| ├──Espresso Tales (13682)
| ├──Love Over Scotland (14272)
| └──The World According to Bertie (13922)
├──Alexander Kent
| └──Success to the Brave (3243)
├──Alexander L. George
| └──Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences (11036)
├──Alexander Maksik
| └──You Deserve Nothing (16591)
├──Alexander Mccall Smith
| ├──44 Scotland Street (13685)
| ├──Corduroy Mansions (2206)
| ├──Folk Tales From Africa (7204)
| ├──La's Orchestra Saves the World (2055)
| ├──Tea Time for the Traditionally Built (2053)
| ├──The Dog Who Came in From the Cold (2047)
| ├──The Double Comfort Safari Club (2054)
| ├──The Lost Art of Gratitude_ An Isabel Dalhousie Novel (16273)
| ├──The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency (2768)
| └──The Unbearable Lightness of Scones (2209)
├──Alexander Rose
| └──American Rifle (18742)
├──Alexander Waugh
| └──The House of Wittgenstein_ A Family at War (2769)
├──Alexander Yates
| └──Moondogs (12387)
├──Alexandra Adornetto
| └──Halo (3182)
├──Alexandra Benedict
| └──The Notorious Scoundrel (2770)
├──Alexandra Fuller
| ├──Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness (16172)
| ├──Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight_ An African Childhood (15339)
| └──Scribbling the Cat (15340)
├──Alexandra Horowitz
| └──Inside of a Dog_ What Dogs See, Smell, and Know (11814)
├──Alexandra Ivy
| ├──Bound by Darkness (17584)
| ├──Darkness Everlasting (2807)
| ├──Darkness Revealed (2812)
| ├──Darkness Unleashed (2813)
| ├──Embrace the Darkness (2787)
| └──When Darkness Comes (2783)
├──Alexandra Jamieson
| └──Living Vegan for Dummies (14495)
├──Alexandra Potter
| └──You're the One That I Don't Want (7452)
├──Alexandra Robbins
| └──The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth (17554)
├──Alexandra Sokoloff
| ├──Book of Shadows (7989)
| └──The Unseen (7990)
├──Alexandre Dumas
| ├──Louise De La Valliere (1853)
| ├──Man in the Iron Mask (Barnes & Noble Classics) (5821)
| ├──The Count of Monte Cristo (22859)
| ├──The Count of Monte Cristo (Barnes & Noble Classics) (Abridged) (7493)
| ├──The Count of Monte Cristo (Penguin) (8098)
| ├──The Knight of Maison-Rouge_ A Novel of Marie Antoinette (13884)
| ├──The Three Musketeers (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1058)
| ├──The Three Musketeers (The Modern Library) (14533)
| ├──The Three Musketeers (Translated by Richard Pevear) (17794)
| └──Twenty Years After (1855)
├──Alexey Pehov
| └──Shadow Prowler (2819)
├──Alexis de Tocqueville
| └──Democracy in America (18623)
├──Alexis Madrigal
| └──Powering the Dream_ The History and Promise of Green Technology (15939)
├──Alfred Alcorn
| ├──The Counterfeit Murder in the Museum of Man_ A Norman De Ratour Mystery (12401)
| └──The Love Potion Murders in the Museum of Man_ A Norman De Ratour Mystery (12373)
├──Alfred Bester
| ├──The Demolished Man (1611)
| └──The Stars My Destination (1634)
├──Alfredo Vea
| └──Gods Go Begging (7991)
├──Ali Davis
| └──True Porn Clerk Stories (18640)
├──Ali Eteraz
| └──Children of Dust_ A Memoir of Pakistan (14579)
├──Ali H. Soufan
| └──The Black Banners_ 9_11 and the War Against Al-Qaeda (16210)
├──Ali Smith
| ├──Girl Meets Boy (17082)
| ├──The First Person_ And Other Stories (6381)
| └──There but for The_ A Novel (16962)
├──Alice Alfonsi
| └──Tron Legacy the Junior Novel (10379)
├──Alice Henderson
| └──Voracious (12010)
├──Alice Hoffman
| ├──Practical Magic (10426)
| ├──The Dovekeepers (16607)
| └──The Red Garden (9514)
├──Alice J. Wisler
| └──How Sweet It Is (11709)
├──Alice LaPlante
| └──Turn of Mind (18027)
├──Alice Munro
| ├──The Moons of Jupiter (16376)
| └──Too Much Happiness_ Stories (8408)
├──Alice Schroeder
| └──The Snowball_ Warren Buffett and the Business of Life (14501)
├──Alice Sebold
| ├──The Almost Moon (18371)
| └──The Lovely Bones (281)
├──Alice Steinbach
| └──Without Reservations_ The Travels of an Independent Woman (16406)
├──Alice Walker
| ├──Now Is the Time to Open Your Heart_ A Novel (15629)
| ├──Possessing the Secret of Joy (16374)
| ├──The Color Purple (16370)
| └──You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down_ Stories (19221)
├──Alicia C. Simpson
| └──Quick and Easy Vegan Celebrations_ Festive Menus and 130 Great-Tasting Recipes That Give Every Vegan (14656)
├──Alisa M. Libby
| └──The King's Rose (2635)
├──Alisa Sheckley
| ├──Moonburn (2826)
| └──The Better to Hold You (2823)
├──Alison Arngrim
| └──Confessions of a Prairie Bitch_ How I Survived Nellie Oleson and Learned to Love Being Hated (11855)
├──Alison Baverstock
| └──How to Get a Job in a Museum or Art Gallery (7526)
├──Alison Bing
| └──San Francisco (16897)
├──Alison Bruce
| └──Cambridge Blue (11703)
├──Alison Croggon
| └──The Riddle (18765)
├──Alison Games
| └──Witchcraft in Early North America (13700)
├──Alison Goodman
| └──Eona (23464)
├──Alison Hanson
| └──Gabby_ A Story of Courage and Hope (17803)
├──Alison Lurie
| └──Foreign Affairs (19881)
├──Alison Pace
| └──Pug Hill (18446)
├──Alison Sinclair
| └──Darkborn (2827)
├──Alison Thompson
| └──The Third Wave_ A Volunteer Story (18215)
├──Alison Weir
| ├──The Lady Elizabeth (2834)
| ├──The Lady in the Tower_ The Fall of Anne Boleyn (2837)
| └──The Wars of the Roses (18766)
├──Alissa Cohen
| └──Raw Food for Everyone_ Essential Techniques and 300 Simple-To-Sophisticated Recipes (15639)
├──Alissa Johnson
| └──Destined to Last (2839)
| └──Goodbye California (9686)
├──Alistair Urquhart
| └──The Forgotten Highlander (16325)
├──Allan Cole
| ├──The Warrior's Tale (2048)
| └──Wizard of the Winds (2842)
├──Allan Folsom
| ├──Day of Confession (9430)
| ├──The Day After Tomorrow_ A Novel (8902)
| └──The Hadrian Memorandum (10190)
├──Allan Guthrie
| └──Savage Night (22745)
├──Allan Stratton
| └──Leslie's Journal (22863)
├──Allen B. Downey
| └──Think Stats (17417)
├──Allen Carr
| └──Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking (23309)
├──Allen Ginsberg
| └──Reality Sandwiches (6958)
├──Allison Brennan
| ├──If I Should Die_ A Novel of Suspense (17750)
| ├──Playing Dead_ A Novel of Suspense (22864)
| └──Speak No Evil_ A Novel (10427)
├──Allison Hoover Bartlett
| └──The Man Who Loved Books Too Much_ The True Story of a Thief, a Detective, and a World of Literary Ob (14469)
├──Allison Winn Scotch
| └──Time of My Life_ A Novel (10622)
├──Ally Blake
| └──Dating the Rebel Tycoon (2847)
├──Allyn Gibson
| └──Ring Around the Sky (14160)
├──Alton Brown
| └──I'm Just Here for the Food_ Version 2.0 (9672)
├──Alton Gansky
| └──The Incumbent (2850)
├──Alyson Noel
| └──Evermore (12772)
├──Alyssa B. Sheinmel
| └──The Beautiful Between (9687)
├──Alyssa Brugman
| ├──For Sale or Swap (19915)
| ├──Girl Next Door (19927)
| ├──Greener Pastures (19925)
| ├──Hide & Seek (19923)
| └──Hot Potato (Shelby and Blue) (19920)
├──Alyssa Day
| └──Atlantis Betrayed (5816)
├──Amanda Downum
| ├──The Bone Palace (7893)
| └──The Drowning City (7891)
├──Amanda E. Alvarez
| └──Hunting Human (19943)
├──Amanda Foreman
| └──A World on Fire_ Britain's Crucial Role in the American Civil War (18021)
├──Amanda Grant
| └──Fresh and Fast Vegan_ Quick, Delicious, and Creative Recipes to Nourish Aspiring and Devoted Vegans (14442)
├──Amanda Hackwith
| └──Freelance Confidential (22635)
├──Amanda Hocking
| └──Letters to Elise_ A Peter Townsend Novella (12073)
├──Amanda Hodgkinson
| └──22 Britannia Road (12699)
├──Amanda Quick
| ├──Mistress (22645)
| └──Quicksilver (12413)
├──Amanda Ripley
| └──Unthinkable_ Who Survives When Disaster Strikes - and Why (15938)
├──Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
| ├──All Just Glass (9431)
| └──The Den of Shadows Quartet (11282)
├──Amelia Jeanroy
| └──Canning & Preserving for Dummies 2nd Edition (1971)
├──American Heart Association Staff
| └──American Heart Association Healthy Family Meals_ 150 Recipes Everyone Will Love (14699)
├──American Medical Association
| └──American Medical Association Family Medical Guide (18771)
├──Aminatta Forna
| └──Ancestor Stones (19533)
├──Amitav Ghosh
| ├──River of Smoke (18016)
| └──The Hungry Tide (17904)
├──Amor Towles
| └──Rules of Civility (18011)
├──Amos Oz
| ├──A Tale of Love and Darkness (17575)
| ├──Fima (19231)
| └──Scenes From Village Life (17641)
├──Amulya Malladi
| └──The Mango Season (5883)
├──Amy Bloom
| ├──Love Invents Us (8683)
| └──Where the God of Love Hangs Out (15452)
├──Amy Chua
| ├──Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (8805)
| └──Day of Empire_ How Hyperpowers Rise to Global Dominance--And Why They Fall (22628)
├──Amy Ephron
| └──A Cup of Tea (12700)
├──Amy Finley
| └──How to Eat a Small Country_ A Family's Pursuit of Happiness, One Meal at a Time (16373)
├──Amy Krouse Rosenthal
| ├──Little Hoot (19163)
| ├──Little Oink (19108)
| └──Little Pea (19107)
├──Amy Shojai
| └──Complete Care for Your Aging Cat (10345)
├──Amy Stewart
| ├──Wicked Bugs_ The Louse That Conquered Napoleon's Army & Other Diabolical Insects (13901)
| └──Wicked Plants (7884)
├──Amy Sutherland
| └──What Shamu Taught Me About Life, Love, and Marriage_ Lessons for People From Animals and Their Train (16964)
├──Amy Tan
| └──The Joy Luck Club (254)
├──Amy Waldman
| └──The Submission (18007)
├──Anais Nin
| └──Delta of Venus (9986)
├──Anatol Lieven
| └──Pakistan_ A Hard Country (15981)
├──Anatole Broyard
| └──Kafka Was the Rage_ A Greenwich Village Memoir (17380)
├──Anchee Min
| ├──Becoming Madame Mao (12223)
| ├──Empress Orchid (12224)
| ├──The Last Empress (12225)
| └──Wild Ginger (12226)
├──Anders, Charlie Jane
| └──The Fermi Paradox Is Our Business Model (9980)
├──Anderson Cooper
| └──Dispatches From the Edge_ A Memoir of War, Disasters, and Survival (9940)
├──Andre Dubus
| └──Townie_ A Memoir (11646)
├──Andre Kukla
| └──Mental Traps_ The Overthinker's Guide to a Happier Life (9990)
├──Andrea Burden
| └──Birdie's Book (18944)
├──Andrea Chesman
| └──Recipes From the Root Cellar_ 270 Fresh Ways to Enjoy Winter Vegetables (12490)
├──Andrea Di Robilant
| └──Lucia (17064)
├──Andrea Gillies
| └──Keeper_ One House, Three Generations, and a Journey Into Alzheimer's (3176)
├──Andrea Immer
| └──Great Wine Made Simple (23432)
├──Andrea J. Buchanan
| └──The Daring Book for Girls (16391)
├──Andrea Levy
| └──The Long Song (5927)
├──Andrea Lynn
| └──I Love Trader Joe's College Cookbook (17910)
├──Andrea Portes
| └──Hick (10189)
├──Andrea Schulte-Peevers
| ├──Germany (Lonely Planet, 6th Edition) (15409)
| └──Los Angeles & Southern California (16746)
├──Andres Duany
| └──Suburban Nation (18828)
├──Andrew B. King
| └──Website Optimization (7983)
├──Andrew Ballantyne
| └──Architecture (23458)
├──Andrew Beahrs
| └──Twain's Feast (14771)
├──Andrew Bridgeford
| └──1066 (15498)
├──Andrew Burgess
| └──Getting Good With Javascript (22637)
├──Andrew Burke
| ├──Bangkok (Lonely Planet) (23290)
| └──Iran (16777)
├──Andrew Cartmel
| ├──Doctor Who_ Atom Bomb Blues (9589)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Cat's Cradle_ Warhead (9273)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Foreign Devils (9213)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Warchild (9320)
| └──Doctor Who_ Warlock (9288)
├──Andrew Farley
| └──God Without Religion_ Can It Really Be This Simple_ (18441)
├──Andrew Graham-Dixon
| └──Caravaggio_ A Life Sacred and Profane (23718)
├──Andrew Grant
| └──Singapore Sling Shot (23544)
├──Andrew H. Vachss
| ├──Blossom (13739)
| ├──Flood (13767)
| ├──Strega (14177)
| └──Two Trains Running (6574)
├──Andrew Hacker
| └──Higher Education__ How Colleges Are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids--And What We Can Do About (23471)
├──Andrew Hunt
| └──Doctor Who_ Cats Cradle_ Witch Mark (9296)
├──Andrew J. Bacevich
| └──Washington Rules_ America's Path to Permanent War (11981)
├──Andrew J. Rotter
| └──Hiroshima_ The World's Bomb (16933)
├──Andrew Kaufman
| └──All My Friends Are Superheroes (23546)
├──Andrew Krivak
| └──The Sojourn (16724)
├──Andrew Lane
| ├──Young Sherlock Holmes_ Death Cloud (11654)
| ├──Young Sherlock Holmes_ Fire Storm (16425)
| └──Young Sherlock Holmes_ Red Leech (11655)
├──Andrew M. Greeley
| └──Emerald Magic_ Great Tales of Irish Fantasy (11283)
├──Andrew Mueller
| └──Rock and Hard Places_ Travels to Backstages, Frontlines and Assorted Sideshows (10363)
├──Andrew Newberg, M. D_
| └──How God Changes Your Brain (14658)
├──Andrew P. Napolitano
| └──It Is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong (18185)
├──Andrew Pepper
| └──The Last Days of Newgate (19233)
├──Andrew Roberts
| ├──Masters and Commanders_ How Four Titans Won the War in the West, 1941-1945 (14351)
| ├──The Storm of War (17234)
| └──Waterloo_ June 18, 1815_ The Battle for Modern Europe (14350)
├──Andrew Rosenheim
| └──Without Prejudice (2640)
├──Andrew Ross Sorkin
| └──Too Big to Fail (13955)
├──Andrew Schloss
| ├──Fire It Up (16498)
| └──Mastering the Grill_ The Owner's Manual for Outdoor Cooking (14996)
├──Andrew Smith
| └──Doctor Who_ Full Circle (9111)
├──Andrew Stewart
| └──Empire Lost (17223)
├──Andrew Stone
| └──Hong Kong and Macau_ City Guide (Lonely Planet, 14th Edition) (15696)
├──Andrew Tabler
| └──In the Lion's Den_ An Eyewitness Account of Washington's Battle With Syria (23146)
├──Andrew Thompson
| └──What Did We Use Before Toilet Paper__ 200 Curious Questions and Intriguing Answers (16242)
├──Andrew Trees
| └──Decoding Love (14544)
├──Andrew Vachss
| ├──Blue Belle (13746)
| ├──Dead and Gone (22582)
| ├──Hard Candy (14256)
| └──The Weight (7570)
├──Andrew Wheatcroft
| └──Infidels_ A History of the Conflict Between Christendom and Islam (15900)
├──Andrews, Ilona
| └──Bayou Moon (12776)
├──Andy Crouch
| └──Great American Craft Beer_ A Guide to the Nation's Finest Beers and Breweries (14246)
├──Andy Frankham-Allen
| └──Journey to the Heart of Luna (17073)
├──Andy Harris
| └──HTML, XHTML and CSS All-In-One for Dummies (15980)
├──Andy Lane
| ├──Doctor Who_ All-Consuming Fire (9304)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Original Sin (9312)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Slow Decay (7571)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Banquo Legacy (9367)
| └──The Empire of Glass (9491)
├──Andy Mangels
| ├──Section 31_ Rogue (11248)
| └──The Good That Men Do (13994)
├──Andy McDermott
| ├──Temple of the Gods (18627)
| └──The Sacred Vault_ A Novel (8874)
├──Andy McNab
| ├──Aggressor (7572)
| ├──Avenger (7580)
| ├──Boy Soldier (7581)
| ├──Bravo Two Zero (6946)
| ├──Brute Force (6940)
| ├──Crisis Four (6944)
| ├──Cross Fire (7582)
| ├──Dark Winter (6939)
| ├──Dead Centre (18072)
| ├──Deep Black (16634)
| ├──DropZone (6938)
| ├──Exit Wound (6094)
| ├──Firewall (6945)
| ├──Last Light (6942)
| ├──Last Night Another Soldier__ (7583)
| ├──Liberation Day (6943)
| ├──Meltdown (7584)
| ├──Payback (7585)
| ├──Recoil (16635)
| ├──Remote Control (6941)
| ├──Seven Troop (7586)
| ├──Spoken From the Front (7587)
| ├──The Grey Man (7591)
| ├──War Torn (7592)
| └──Zero Hour (7593)
├──Andy Mulligan
| └──Trash (12559)
├──Andy Raskin
| └──The Ramen King and I_ How the Inventor of Instant Noodles Fixed My Love Life (2641)
├──Andy Remic
| └──Kell's Legend_ The Clockwork Vampire Chronicles (3212)
├──Andy Rooney
| └──Andy Rooney_ 60 Years of Wisdom and Wit (8762)
├──Andy Warhol
| └──The Andy Warhol Diaries (2442)
├──Angela Knight
| └──Burning Up (2307)
├──Angie Fox
| └──The Accidental Demon Slayer (6126)
├──Angie Sage
| ├──Septimus Heap, Book One_ Magyk (8687)
| └──Septimus Heap, Book Six_ Darke (19896)
├──Ani Phyo
| └──Ani's Raw Food Essentials (22650)
├──Anita Brookner
| └──Hotel Du Lac (16506)
├──Anita Desai
| ├──The Museum of Final Journeys_ A Novella (23204)
| └──Translator Translated_ A Novella (23548)
├──Anita Diamant
| └──The Red Tent (3233)
├──Anita Hill
| └──Speaking Truth to Power (23121)
├──Anita Loos
| └──Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (8378)
├──Anita Shreve
| ├──A Change in Altitude (7205)
| ├──A Wedding in December_ A Novel (9688)
| ├──Fortune's Rocks_ A Novel (8575)
| ├──Light on Snow_ A Novel (8574)
| ├──Rescue (8003)
| ├──Resistance_ A Novel (8167)
| ├──Sea Glass_ A Novel (11062)
| ├──The Last Time They Met_ A Novel (9433)
| ├──The Pilot's Wife_ A Novel (12074)
| └──The Weight of Water (8303)
├──Ann Aguirre
| └──Aftermath (22557)
├──Ann Beattie
| └──The New Yorker Stories (11493)
├──Ann Brashares
| ├──Girls in Pants (17395)
| ├──My Name Is Memory (2052)
| └──Sisterhood Everlasting (14061)
├──Ann Cleeves
| ├──Red Bones (18813)
| └──White Nights (18812)
├──Ann Coulter
| └──Demonic_ How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America (17867)
├──Ann Cristy
| └──Tread Softly (2308)
├──Ann le
| └──The Little Saigon Cookbook_ Vietnamese Cuisine and Culture in Southern California's Little Saigon (13906)
├──Ann Louise Gittleman
| └──Zapped_ Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn't Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of (13956)
├──Ann Napolitano
| └──Within Arm's Reach (6140)
├──Ann Patchett
| └──State of Wonder (14127)
├──Ann Rinaldi
| └──An Acquaintance With Darkness (23551)
├──Ann Rule
| └──In the Still of the Night_ The Strange Death of Ronda Reynolds and Her Mother's Unceasing Quest for (7460)
├──Ann Tatlock
| └──Promises to Keep (23553)
├──Ann VanderMeer
| └──The New Weird (9434)
├──Ann Weisgarber
| └──The Personal History of Rachel DuPree_ A Novel (23554)
├──Anna David
| ├──Party Girl_ A Novel (16191)
| └──Reality Matters_ 19 Writers Come Clean About the Shows We Can't Stop Watching (16192)
├──Anna Davis
| └──The Jewel Box (7598)
├──Anna Funder
| └──Stasiland_ Stories From Behind the Berlin Wall (18198)
├──Anna Getty
| └──Anna Getty's Easy Green Organic (16483)
├──Anna Godbersen
| └──Bright Young Things (7602)
├──Anna Jane Hays
| └──Spring Surprises (19166)
├──Anna Kavan
| └──Ice (16539)
├──Anna Kendall
| └──Crossing Over (11534)
├──Anna McPartlin
| ├──Alexandra, Gone (2309)
| └──No Way to Say Goodbye (10950)
├──Anna Politkovskaya
| └──Is Journalism Worth Dying For__ Final Dispatches (15583)
├──Anna Quindlen
| ├──Imagined London (15597)
| └──Object Lessons (2477)
├──Anna Whitelock
| └──Mary Tudor (8708)
├──Annabel Lyon
| └──The Golden Mean (12560)
├──Annabelle Gurwitch
| └──You Say Tomato, I Say Shut Up (2852)
├──Anne Applebaum
| └──Gulag_ A History (14405)
├──Anne Argula
| └──Homicide My Own (9689)
├──Anne Brock
| └──Give Me Liberty (5814)
├──Anne Bronte
| └──Agnes Grey (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1938)
├──Anne Burrell
| └──Cook Like a Rock Star (17801)
├──Anne Byrn
| └──All-New Cake Mix Doctor (15637)
├──Anne C. Heller
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