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DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母B开始 B. J. Daniels to Buzz Aldrin) 百度云网盘下载


DOC8精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母B开始 B. J. Daniels to Buzz Aldrin)


1. 小说类


  • B. J. Daniels 系列作品,如《A Woman With a Mystery》和《Premeditated Marriage》,结合了浪漫和悬疑元素,讲述了复杂的人际关系和紧张的情节。


  • B. K. Evenson 的《Dead Space_ Martyr》是一部恐怖小说,探讨了深层的恐惧和人性的黑暗面。


  • B. V. Larson 的《Mech》是一部科幻小说,涉及机械人和未来科技,探索了人类与科技的关系。


  • Barbara Park 的《Junie B. Jones》系列,如《Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business》,是面向儿童的幽默故事,讲述了一个小女孩的日常生活和冒险。


  • B. L. Newport 的《Reapers, Inc.- Brigit's Cross》是一部结合了悬疑和超自然元素的小说,探讨了生死、宿命等主题。


  • Bernard Cornwell 的作品,如《Stonehenge》和《The Fort_ A Novel of the Revolutionary War》,通过精心构建的历史背景和复杂的人物关系,重现了历史事件的宏大场面。《Agincourt》和《Harlequin》,以历史事件为背景,通过虚构的角色和故事,重现了历史场景。


  • B. J. Daniels 的作品,如《Big Sky Standoff》和《Cowboy Accomplice》,提供了典型的西部小说体验,充满动作和冒险,同时不乏浪漫元素。

2. 非小说类


  • Barack Obama 的《Dreams From My Father》和《The Audacity of Hope》是他的自传和政治理念的阐述,提供了对个人成长和政治观点的深入了解。


  • Barbara Ehrenreich 的《Bright-Sided_ How Positive Thinking Is Undermining America》批判了过度乐观的思维方式,分析了它对社会的潜在负面影响。


  • Bill Bryson 的《A Short History of Nearly Everything》以通俗易懂的语言介绍了科学知识,涵盖了从宇宙起源到现代科学的广泛主题。

3. 专业和学术类


  • Baron Schwartz 的《High Performance MySQL, 2nd Edition》是关于数据库管理和优化的专业书籍,适合数据库管理员和开发者阅读。


  • B. R. Myers 的《The Cleanest Race》探讨了朝鲜的政治宣传和法律体系,提供了对这一封闭国家的独到见解。

4. 教育和自我提升


  • Betty Edwards 的《The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain》是一本关于绘画和创造力的书籍,旨在帮助读者开发右脑的潜能。


  • Brene Brown 的《The Gifts of Imperfection_ Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are》鼓励读者接受自己的不完美,追求真实的自我,对于追求个人发展和心理健康的读者来说非常有价值。

5. 文化和艺术


  • Ben Yagoda 的《When You Catch an Adjective, Kill It_ The Parts of Speech, for Better And_Or Worse》是对写作风格和语法的幽默评论,提供了对语言使用的独到见解。


  • Brian S. Pratt 的《The Mage in the Iron Mask》是一部结合了历史和艺术元素的小说,探讨了艺术与权力的关系。

6. 娱乐和休闲


  • Bryan Smith 的《Depraved》是一部关于电影行业的惊悚小说,揭示了娱乐行业的阴暗面。


  • Bobby Flay 的烹饪书籍系列,如《Bobby Flay's Bar Americain Cookbook》和《Bobby Flay's Grill It!》,提供了各种美食的制作方法,适合烹饪爱好者。



——/【12000+ Mobi eBooks Collection】/B/

├──B. J. Daniels
| ├──A Woman With a Mystery (2816)
| ├──Ambushed! (2790)
| ├──Big Sky Standoff (2799)
| ├──Cowboy Accomplice (2788)
| ├──Day of Reckoning (2782)
| ├──Intimate Secrets (2802)
| ├──Keeping Christmas (2796)
| ├──Love at First Sight (2805)
| ├──Mountain Sheriff (2781)
| ├──Mystery Bride (2809)
| ├──Premeditated Marriage (2814)
| ├──Secret Weapon Spouse (2793)
| ├──The Agent's Secret Child (2801)
| ├──The Cowgirl in Question (2785)
| ├──The Masked Man (2808)
| ├──Wanted Woman (2784)
| └──When Twilight Comes (2794)
├──B. K. Evenson
| └──Dead Space_ Martyr (2314)
├──B. L. Newport
| └──Reapers, Inc.- Brigit's Cross (2820)
├──B. R. Myers
| └──The Cleanest Race (15982)
├──B. V. Larson
| └──Mech (6127)
├──B.J. Daniels
| └──Crime Scene at Cardwell Ranch (12789)
├──Barack Obama
| ├──Dreams From My Father (18747)
| ├──Of Thee I Sing_ A Letter to My Daughters (18918)
| └──The Audacity of Hope (15902)
├──Barb Hendee
| ├──Blood Memories (2849)
| ├──Child of a Dead God (2840)
| ├──Dhampir (2822)
| ├──Hunting Memories (2853)
| ├──In Shade and Shadow (2843)
| ├──Rebel Fay (2836)
| ├──Sister of the Dead (2828)
| ├──Thief of Lives (2824)
| ├──Through Stone and Sea (2846)
| └──Traitor to the Blood (2832)
├──Barbara Bradley Hagerty
| └──Fingerprints of God_ The Search for the Science of Spirituality (11621)
├──Barbara Bretton
| └──Laced With Magic (2856)
├──Barbara Brown Taylor
| └──Leaving Church (16301)
├──Barbara Campbell
| └──Bloodstone (2859)
├──Barbara Clegg
| └──Doctor Who_ Enlightenment (9151)
├──Barbara Cleverly
| └──Folly Du Jour (19243)
├──Barbara Eden
| └──Jeannie Out of the Bottle (17384)
├──Barbara Ehrenreich
| └──Bright-Sided_ How Positive Thinking Is Undermining America (11903)
├──Barbara Freethy
| ├──All She Ever Wanted (17939)
| ├──Don't Say a Word (16603)
| ├──Golden Lies (22823)
| ├──Silent Run (16289)
| └──Summer Secrets (14183)
├──Barbara Hambly
| ├──A Free Man of Color (12562)
| ├──Dead Water (8555)
| ├──Gaslight Grimoire_ Fantastic Tales of Sherlock Holmes (17729)
| ├──Star Wars_ Children of the Jedi (10699)
| └──Star Wars_ Planet of Twilight (10700)
├──Barbara Hamilton
| └──The Ninth Daughter (5929)
├──Barbara Holland
| └──Secrets of the Cat_ Its Lore, Legend, and Lives (10346)
├──Barbara Kingsolver
| ├──Animal Dreams (15329)
| ├──Animal, Vegetable, Miracle_ A Year of Food Life (8743)
| ├──High Tide in Tucson_ Essays From Now or Never (17949)
| ├──Pigs in Heaven (15330)
| ├──Prodigal Summer (15622)
| ├──The Bean Trees (15328)
| └──The Poisonwood Bible (771)
├──Barbara McMahon
| └──Accidentally the Sheikh's Wife (2864)
├──Barbara Mertz
| └──Temples, Tombs & Hieroglyphs_ A Popular History of Ancient Egypt (23350)
├──Barbara Moran
| └──The Day We Lost the H-Bomb_ Cold War, Hot Nukes, and the Worst Nuclear Weapons Disaster in History (14161)
├──Barbara O'Neal
| ├──How to Bake a Perfect Life (11858)
| └──The Lost Recipe for Happiness (5955)
├──Barbara Park
| ├──Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business (18955)
| ├──Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth (18956)
| ├──Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying (22837)
| ├──Junie B. Jones and That Meanie Jim's Birthday (18958)
| ├──Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentime (18967)
| ├──Junie B. Jones and the Yucky Blucky Fruitcake (18957)
| ├──Junie B. Jones Has a Monster Under Her Bed (18960)
| ├──Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket (18968)
| ├──Junie B. Jones Is (Almost) a Flower Girl (18966)
| ├──Junie B. Jones Is a Beauty Shop Guy (18964)
| ├──Junie B. Jones Is a Graduation Girl (18970)
| ├──Junie B. Jones Is a Party Animal (18963)
| ├──Junie B. Jones Is Captain Field Day (18969)
| ├──Junie B. Jones Is Not a Crook (18961)
| ├──Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Warren (18959)
| ├──Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy (18965)
| ├──Junie B., First Grader (18971)
| ├──Junie B., First Grader_ Aloha-Ha-Ha! (18962)
| ├──Junie B., First Grader_ Boo and I Mean It! (18977)
| ├──Junie B., First Grader_ Boss of Lunch (18975)
| ├──Junie B., First Grader_ Cheater Pants (18973)
| ├──Junie B., First Grader_ Dumb Bunny (22911)
| ├──Junie B., First Grader_ One-Man Band (18976)
| ├──Junie B., First Grader_ Shipwrecked (18974)
| └──Junie B., First Grader_ Toothless Wonder (18972)
├──Barbara Pease
| └──The Definitive Book of Body Language (23246)
├──Barbara Quick
| └──A Golden Web (3244)
├──Barbara Sinatra
| └──Lady Blue Eyes_ My Life With Frank (14232)
├──Barbara Strauch
| └──The Secret Life of the Grown-Up Brain_ The Surprising Talents of the Middle-Aged Mind. Barbara Strau (15603)
├──Barbara W. Tuchman
| ├──A Distant Mirror_ The Calamitous 14th Century (14843)
| ├──Practicing History_ Selected Essays (16039)
| └──Proud Tower (16042)
├──Barbara Wertheim Tuchman
| ├──First Salute (17210)
| ├──The Guns of August (7618)
| └──The March of Folly_ From Troy to Vietnam (14954)
├──Barbie Latza Nadeau
| └──Angel Face_ Sex, Murder and the Inside Story of Amanda Knox (17266)
├──Barney Stinson
| └──The Bro Code (12009)
├──Baron Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett Dunsany
| └──In the Land of Time, and Other Fantasy Tales (16318)
├──Baron Schwartz
| └──High Performance MySQL, 2nd Edition (7971)
├──Barrett Tillman
| └──Whirlwind (17400)
├──Barrie Kerper
| ├──Istanbul_ The Collected Traveler_ An Inspired Companion Guide (14426)
| └──Paris_ The Collected Traveler (18825)
├──Barry Edelstein
| └──Bardisms (6964)
├──Barry Eisler
| └──The Detachment (23739)
├──Barry Estabrook
| └──Tomatoland_ How Modern Industrial Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring Fruit (17560)
├──Barry Glassner
| └──The Culture of Fear_ Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things (14141)
├──Barry Hughart
| ├──Bridge of Birds (2867)
| ├──Eight Skilled Gentlemen (2872)
| └──The Story of the Stone (2869)
├──Barry Letts
| ├──Doctor Who_ Daemons (9083)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Island of Death (9584)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Paradise of Death (9198)
| └──The Ghosts of N-Space (9483)
├──Barry Maitland
| ├──Bright Air (9011)
| └──The Marx Sisters_ A Kathy Kolla and David Brock Mystery (2315)
├──Barry Silverstein
| ├──Best Practices_ Managing People_ Secrets to Leading for New Managers (16646)
| └──Motivating Employees _ Bringing Out the Best in Your People (16640)
├──Barry Unsworth
| ├──Land of Marvels (2876)
| └──Sacred Hunger (22917)
├──BBC Worldwide
| └──Doctor Who_ Empire of Death (9578)
├──Bear Grylls
| └──Mud Sweat & Tears (16228)
├──Beatrix Potter
| ├──The Story of Miss Moppet (23605)
| ├──The Tailor of Gloucester (23615)
| ├──The Tale of Little Pig Robinson (23610)
| ├──The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher (23604)
| ├──The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle (23600)
| ├──The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin (23594)
| └──The Tale of Two Bad Mice (23597)
├──Becca Fitzpatrick
| └──Hush, Hush (2878)
├──Becca Wilcott
| └──Truly, Madly, Deadly_ The Unofficial True Blood Companion (11303)
| └──Brains_ A Zombie Memoir (7143)
├──Becky Ohlsen
| └──Sweden (16718)
├──Becky Selengut
| └──Good Fish_ Sustainable Seafood Recipes From the Pacific Coast (14701)
├──Bekka Black
| └──IDrakula (12404)
├──Belinda Bauer
| └──Darkside_ A Novel (8470)
├──Bella Bathurst
| └──The Lighthouse Stevensons (18054)
├──Bella DePaulo
| └──The Psychology of Dexter (15494)
| └──Flex_ Do Something Different (23195)
├──Ben Aaronovitch
| ├──Doctor Who_ Remembrance of the Daleks (9196)
| ├──Doctor Who_ So Vile a Sin (9327)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Also People (9317)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Transit (9271)
| └──Rivers of London (9435)
├──Ben Bova
| └──The Hittite (8319)
├──Ben Collins
| └──The Man in the White Suit_ The Stig, Le Mans, the Fast Lane and Me (13911)
├──Ben Forta
| └──MariaDB Crash Course (23439)
├──Ben Fountain
| └──Brief Encounters With Che Guevara_ Stories (16193)
├──Ben Goldacre
| └──Bad Science (2644)
├──Ben H. Winters
| └──Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters (5818)
├──Ben Hamper
| └──Rivethead (15626)
├──Ben Horton
| └──Monster Republic (2881)
├──Ben Kane
| ├──The Forgotten Legion (3019)
| ├──The Road to Rome_ A Forgotten Legion Chronicle (3020)
| └──The Silver Eagle (3021)
├──Ben Karlin
| └──Things I've Learned From Women Who've Dumped Me (8512)
├──Ben Lerner
| └──Leaving the Atocha Station (17519)
├──Ben Macintyre
| └──Operation Mincemeat (5837)
├──Ben Marcus
| └──The Flame Alphabet (23618)
├──Ben Mezrich
| └──Sex on the Moon_ The Amazing Story Behind the Most Audacious Heist in History (14355)
├──Ben Ryder Howe
| └──My Korean Deli_ Risking It All for a Convenience Store (15615)
├──Ben Sherwood
| ├──Charlie St. Cloud (1686)
| └──The Man Who Ate the 747 (2594)
├──Ben White
| └──NASCAR Then and Now (14121)
├──Ben Yagoda
| └──When You Catch an Adjective, Kill It_ The Parts of Speech, for Better And_Or Worse (12639)
├──Benison Anne O'Reilly
| └──Happily Ever After_ (17333)
├──Benjamin Black
| ├──Christine Falls (2921)
| ├──Elegy for April (2789)
| └──The Silver Swan (2786)
├──Benjamin Curt
| └──The Prince of Dreams (2792)
├──Benjamin Daniels
| └──Confessions of a GP (11346)
├──Benjamin Graham
| └──The Intelligent Investor_ The Definitive Book on Value Investing (14688)
├──Benjamin Hale
| └──The Evolution of Bruno Littlemore (10952)
├──Benjamin R. Barber
| └──Jihad vs. McWorld (16666)
├──Benjamin Wallace
| └──The Billionaire's Vinegar_ The Mystery of the World's Most Expensive Bottle of Wine (14085)
├──Benton Rain Patterson
| └──The Great American Steamboat Race (3187)
├──Bernard Beckett
| └──Genesis (6959)
├──Bernard Cornwell
| ├──Agincourt (19322)
| ├──Death of Kings_ A Novel (23329)
| ├──Harlequin (2795)
| ├──Lords of the North (2797)
| ├──Stonehenge (2798)
| └──The Fort_ A Novel of the Revolutionary War (6855)
├──Bernard-Henri Levy
| └──Public Enemies_ Dueling Writers Take on Each Other and the World (17944)
├──Bernd Heinrich
| ├──Summer World_ A Season of Bounty (10365)
| └──Winter World_ The Ingenuity of Animal Survival (11073)
├──Bernhard Schlink
| ├──Self's Deception (7894)
| ├──Self's Punishment (7900)
| └──The Gordian Knot (11795)
├──Bertrand Russell
| └──History of Western Philosophy (17079)
├──Bertrice Small
| ├──The Kadin (12076)
| └──To Love Again (21888)
├──Beryl Bainbridge
| ├──An Awfully Big Adventure (11859)
| ├──Another Part of the Wood (2800)
| ├──Every Man for Himself (11860)
| ├──Injury Time (11861)
| ├──Master Georgie (2803)
| ├──The Bottle Factory Outing (11862)
| └──The Dressmaker (11863)
├──Beth Hensperger
| ├──The Bread Lover's Bread Machine Cookbook_ A Master Baker's 300 Favorite Recipes for Perfect-Every-Ti (8276)
| └──The Ultimate Rice Cooker Cookbook_ 250 No-Fail Recipes for Pilafs, Risottos, Polenta, Chilis, Soups, (1970)
├──Beth Kery
| └──Explosive (7906)
├──Beth Pattillo
| └──The Sweetgum Ladies Knit for Love (3194)
├──Beth Revis
| └──Across the Universe (11620)
├──Beth Solheim
| └──At Witt's End (2804)
├──Bethany Pierce
| └──Amy Inspired (21889)
├──Betsy Israel
| └──Bachelor Girl_ The Secret History of Single Women in the Twentieth Century (17200)
├──Betsy Lee Mccarthy
| └──Knit Socks (15446)
├──Betsy Matheson
| └──DIY Projects for the Self-Sufficient Homeowner_ 25 Ways to Build a Self-Reliant Lifestyle (23263)
├──Betsy Tobin
| └──Bone House_ A Novel (8903)
├──Bettany Hughes
| └──The Hemlock Cup (17945)
├──Betty Edwards
| └──The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (17764)
├──Betty Friedan
| └──The Feminine Mystique (23740)
├──Betty Smith
| └──A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (302)
├──Betty White
| └──If You Ask Me (12658)
├──Beverly Barton
| ├──Dead by Midnight (12794)
| ├──Don't Cry (5838)
| ├──Sanctuary (2806)
| └──Silent Killer (2810)
├──Beverly Cleary
| ├──Beezus and Ramona (18927)
| ├──Ralph S. Mouse (22734)
| ├──Runaway Ralph (22735)
| └──The Mouse and the Motorcycle (22737)
├──Beverly Connor
| ├──Dead Guilty (2817)
| ├──Dead Hunt (2825)
| ├──Dead Past (2821)
| ├──Dead Secret (2818)
| ├──Dust to Dust (2831)
| ├──One Grave Too Many (2811)
| ├──Scattered Graves (2829)
| └──The Night Killer (2833)
├──Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
| └──Beyond Mindfulness in Plain English_ An Introductory Guide to the Jhanas (7912)
├──Bharati Mukherjee
| ├──Holder of the World (18221)
| ├──Leave It to Me (14780)
| └──Miss New India (15331)
├──Bhikkhu Bodhi
| └──In the Buddha's Words (18509)
├──Bhikkhu Nanamoli
| └──The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha (17337)
├──Bianca D'Arc
| └──Once Bitten, Twice Dead (2835)
├──Biba Caggiano
| └──Biba's Northern Italian Cooking (11853)
├──Big John Mccarthy
| └──Let's Get It On!_ The Making of MMA and Its Ultimate Referee (17504)
├──Bill Adler
| └──The Wit and Wisdom of Ted Kennedy (12610)
├──Bill Allen
| └──How to Slay a Dragon (21892)
├──Bill Bryson
| ├──A Short History of Nearly Everything (117)
| ├──A Walk in the Woods_ Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail (7622)
| ├──At Home (16609)
| ├──Bill Bryson's African Diary (14951)
| ├──Bryson's Dictionary for Writers and Editors (13764)
| ├──Bryson's Dictionary of Troublesome Words (22622)
| ├──I'm a Stranger Here Myself_ Notes on Returning to America After Twenty Years Away (8644)
| ├──Made in America (17432)
| ├──Neither Here Nor There_ Travels in Europe (7629)
| ├──Seeing Further_ The Story of Science & the Royal Society (7631)
| ├──The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid_ A Memoir (14525)
| └──The Lost Continent (17448)
├──Bill Buford
| └──Heat_ An Amateur's Adventures as Kitchen Slave, Line Cook, Pasta-Maker, and Apprentice to a Dante-Qu (9721)
├──Bill Burnham
| └──Rediscovering America_ Exploring the Small Towns of Virginia & Maryland (17420)
├──Bill Byson
| └──Notes From a Small Island (80)
├──Bill Carter
| └──The War for Late Night_ When Leno Went Early and Television Went Crazy (11691)
├──Bill Clinton
| └──Back to Work (17251)
├──Bill Fawcett
| ├──Nebula Awards Showcase 2010 (2050)
| └──You Did What__ Mad Plans and Great Historical Disasters (10449)
├──Bill Hayes
| ├──Five Quarts_ A Personal and Natural History of Blood (12643)
| └──The Anatomist (14041)
├──Bill Jamison
| └──Around the World in 80 Dinners (10931)
├──Bill Lee
| └──Have Glove, Will Travel_ Adventures of a Baseball Vagabond (12644)
├──Bill Maher
| └──The New New Rules_ A Funny Look at How Everybody but Me Has Their Head Up Their Ass (17925)
├──Bill Moyers
| └──The Power of Myth (13974)
├──Bill Myers
| └──Ancient Forces Collection (7635)
├──Bill O'Reilly
| ├──Killing Lincoln (16349)
| └──Pinheads and Patriots_ Where You Stand in the Age of Obama (7161)
├──Bill Schutt
| └──Dark Banquet (18099)
├──Bill Shapiro
| └──Other People's Love Letters_ 150 Letters You Were Never Meant to See (23653)
├──Bill Shore
| └──The Imaginations of Unreasonable Men_ Inspiration, Vision, and Purpose in the Quest to End Malaria (15002)
├──Bill Simmons
| └──The Book of Basketball_ The NBA According to the Sports Guy (2022)
├──Bill Strutton
| └──Doctor Who_ The Zarbi (9124)
├──Bill Vlasic
| └──Once Upon a Car_ The Fall and Resurrection of America's Big Three Auto Makers--GM, Ford, and Chrysle (22915)
├──Bill Wasik
| └──And Then There's This_ How Stories Live and Die in Viral Culture (23777)
├──Bill Willingham
| └──Peter & Max (14063)
├──Bill Zehme
| └──Lost in the Funhouse_ The Life and Mind of Andy Kaufman (16902)
├──Billie Holiday
| └──Lady Sings the Blues (18482)
├──Billy Connolly
| └──Billy Connolly's Route 66_ The Big Yin on the Ultimate American Road Trip (18102)
├──Billy Crystal
| └──700 Sundays (2503)
├──Billy Graham
| └──Nearing Home (16799)
| └──Where Heaven Begins (7146)
├──Blake Bailey
| └──Cheever_ A Life (12069)
├──Blake Butler
| └──There Is No Year (14711)
├──Blake Charlton
| └──Spellwright (3205)
├──Blake Crouch
| ├──Bad Girl (6424)
| ├──Desert Places_ A Novel of Terror (2317)
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