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DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母C开始 C. E. Lawrence to Cynthia Ozick) 百度云网盘下载


DOC8精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母C开始 C. E. Lawrence to Cynthia Ozick)


Mystery & Thriller (悬疑与惊悚)

  • C. E. Lawrence
    • Silent Screams: 一部充满紧张气氛的悬疑小说,讲述了一个小镇上的连环杀手故事。
    • Silent Victim: 另一部悬疑小说,探讨了复仇和正义的主题。
  • C. J. Box
    • Joe Pickett系列:以怀俄明州的野生生物游戏管理员Joe Pickett为主角的系列小说,结合了户外冒险和犯罪侦查元素。

Fantasy & Science Fiction (奇幻与科幻)

  • C. S. Lewis
    • The Chronicles of Narnia系列:一套经典的奇幻小说,通过孩子们的冒险旅程探讨了勇气、信仰和爱的主题。
  • C. E. Murphy
    • The Walker Papers系列:结合了现代都市背景和神秘的超自然元素,讲述了主角Joanne Walker的成长和冒险故事。

Historical Fiction (历史小说)

  • C. W. Gortner
    • The Tudor Secret:以都铎王朝为背景,讲述了一个关于权力、阴谋和爱情的故事。
  • C. J. Sansom
    • Sovereign:以16世纪英格兰为背景,通过一个复杂的谋杀案探讨了宗教和政治的冲突。

Self-Help & Psychology (自助与心理学)

  • Carol S. Dweck
    • Mindset: The New Psychology of Success:介绍了固定型思维和成长型思维的概念,鼓励读者通过改变思维方式来提升个人成就。
  • C. S. Friedman
    • Crown of Shadows:一部探讨自我认知和改变的心理小说,通过主角的内心旅程展示了个人成长的可能性。

Children's Literature (儿童文学)

  • Carolyn Keene
    • Nancy Drew系列:经典的儿童侦探小说,讲述了Nancy Drew解决各种谜题和犯罪的故事,激发了无数孩子的好奇心和探索精神。
  • C. S. Lewis
    • The Chronicles of Narnia系列:通过孩子们进入一个神秘世界的冒险,探讨了勇气、牺牲和爱的主题。

Cookbooks & Food Writing (烹饪与美食写作)

  • Camilla V. Saulsbury
    • The Ultimate Shortcut Cookie Book:提供了各种快速简便的饼干食谱,适合忙碌的家庭厨师。
  • C. Marina Marchese
    • Honeybee: Lessons From an Accidental Beekeeper:结合了作者个人养蜂的经历,提供了关于蜜蜂和蜂蜜生产的实用知识。

Science & Technology (科学与技术)

  • Carl Sagan
    • Cosmos:一本探索宇宙奥秘的科普书籍,以其通俗易懂的语言和深刻的见解,向公众介绍了宇宙的奇迹。
    • The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark:讨论了科学方法的重要性,以及它如何帮助我们理解世界并对抗迷信和伪科学。
  • Carl Zimmer
    • A Planet of Viruses:探讨了病毒在生态系统中的角色,以及它们如何影响人类健康。
    • Microcosm: E. Coli and the New Science of Life:通过研究大肠杆菌,展示了微生物学领域的最新发现。

Biographies & Memoirs (传记与回忆录)

  • C. S. Lewis
    • A Grief Observed:C. S. Lewis在妻子去世后写的这本深刻而感人的书,记录了他对悲痛的思考和个人信仰的反思。
  • C. J. Chivers
    • The Gun:这本书深入探讨了枪支的历史、文化和它在现代社会中的作用,通过作者的个人经历和广泛的研究,提供了对枪支复杂性的全面理解。

Art & Photography (艺术与摄影)

  • C. M. Coolidge
    • Bunny and the Bear: The Best of Bunny and the Bear:这本书收录了C. M. Coolidge的漫画系列《Bunny and the Bear》,以其幽默和讽刺的风格著称。

Travel & Adventure (旅行与冒险)

  • C. S. Forester
    • Horatio Hornblower series:这是一部描绘英国海军上校Horatio Hornblower的冒险小说系列,充满了海上旅行和战斗的描述,展现了19世纪英国海军的生活。
  • C. J. Cherryh
    • Foreigner series:这个科幻小说系列以其复杂的外星文化和跨物种的交流而闻名,带领读者进入一个充满未知和冒险的宇宙。

Business & Economics (商业与经济)

  • C. K. Prahalad
    • The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty Through Profits:这本书提出了一种新的商业模式,即通过服务底层市场来实现盈利和减少贫困。
  • C. Fred Bergsten
    • America in the World Economy:这本书讨论了美国在全球经济中的角色和影响,分析了其经济政策对世界经济的深远影响。

Health & Fitness (健康与健身)

  • C. Everett Koop
    • Koop: The Memoir of America's Fighting Doctor:这本回忆录记录了C. Everett Koop作为外科医生、公共卫生官员和政策制定者的职业生涯,以及他在公共卫生领域的贡献。
  • C. Leigh Broadhurst
    • The Ketogenic Bible: The Authoritative Guide to Low-Carb, High-Fat Diets:这本书提供了关于生酮饮食的全面指南,包括科学原理、食谱和生活方式建议,适合那些想要通过改变饮食习惯来改善健康的读者。

Poetry (诗歌)

  • C. Day Lewis
    • The Poems of C. Day Lewis:这本书收录了C. Day Lewis的诗歌作品,以其清晰的语言和深刻的情感而受到赞誉。
  • C. S. Lewis
    • Spiral Poems:这是C. S. Lewis的一系列诗歌,以其独特的形式和深刻的主题而闻名,探讨了信仰、爱情和人类经验。

Romance (浪漫小说)

  • C. J. Omololu
    • Dirty Little Secrets:这本浪漫小说讲述了一个关于秘密、背叛和爱情的故事,以其复杂的人物和情感纠葛而吸引读者。
  • Caitlin Kittredge
    • Night Life:这本书结合了浪漫和超自然元素,讲述了一个发生在夜晚的神秘故事,充满了悬念和情感张力。



——/【12000+ Mobi eBooks Collection】/C/

├──C. E. Lawrence
| ├──Silent Screams (8251)
| └──Silent Victim (8252)
├──C. E. Murphy
| ├──Coyote Dreams (2885)
| ├──Demon Hunts (2887)
| ├──Hands of Flame (2882)
| ├──Heart of Stone (2877)
| ├──House of Cards (2879)
| ├──The Pretender's Crown (2873)
| ├──The Queen's Bastard (2870)
| ├──Thunderbird Falls (2884)
| ├──Urban Shaman (2883)
| └──Walking Dead (2886)
├──C. Gordon Bell
| └──Total Recall (16560)
├──C. J. Box
| ├──Blood Trail (8348)
| ├──Cold Wind (11810)
| ├──Free Fire (8347)
| ├──Nowhere to Run (A Joe Pickett Novel) (7184)
| └──Winterkill (8346)
├──C. J. Chivers
| └──The Gun (7651)
├──C. J. Omololu
| └──Dirty Little Secrets (16260)
├──C. J. Sansom
| └──Sovereign (2888)
├──C. Marina Marchese
| └──Honeybee_ Lessons From an Accidental Beekeeper (14276)
├──C. S. Challinor
| └──Murder on the Moor (12077)
├──C. S. Friedman
| └──Crown of Shadows (8499)
├──C. S. Lewis
| ├──A Grief Observed (2440)
| ├──Last Battle (19030)
| ├──Mere Christianity (533)
| ├──Miracles (10383)
| ├──Out of the Silent Planet (699)
| ├──Perelandra (700)
| ├──Prince Caspian (19027)
| ├──Screwtape Letters (702)
| ├──That Hideous Strength (703)
| ├──The Abolition of Man (22725)
| ├──The Four Loves (18779)
| ├──The Great Divorce (15529)
| ├──The Horse and His Boy (19026)
| ├──The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (19025)
| ├──The Magician's Nephew (19024)
| ├──The Silver Chair (19029)
| ├──The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (19028)
| └──Till We Have Faces_ A Myth Retold (11503)
├──C. T. Adams
| ├──Captive Moon (2729)
| ├──Cold Moon Rising (2730)
| ├──Howling Moon (2731)
| ├──Hunter's Moon (2732)
| ├──Moon's Fury (2733)
| ├──Moon's Web (2734)
| ├──Serpent Moon (2735)
| ├──Timeless Moon (2736)
| ├──Touch of Darkness (2737)
| ├──Touch of Evil (2738)
| └──Touch of Madness (2739)
├──C. W. Gortner
| └──The Tudor Secret (10361)
├──C.S. Graham
| └──The Babylonian Codex (10402)
├──Caitlin Kittredge
| ├──Daemon's Mark (2895)
| ├──Demon Bound (2890)
| ├──Night Life (2891)
| ├──Pure Blood_ A Nocturne City Novel (12823)
| ├──Second Skin (2893)
| ├──Street Magic (2889)
| ├──The Iron Thorn (10403)
| └──Witch Craft (2894)
├──Caitlin R. Kiernan
| └──Silk (16036)
├──Caleb Carr
| ├──The Alienist (11034)
| └──The Angel of Darkness (14575)
├──Caleb Melby
| └──The Zen of Steve Jobs (23364)
├──Cali Ressler
| └──Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It_ The Results-Only Revolution (23066)
├──Cameron Dean
| ├──Eternal Hunger (2898)
| ├──Luscious Craving (2897)
| └──Passionate Thirst (2896)
├──Cameron Gunn
| └──Ben and Me_ From Temperance to Humility (14518)
├──Cameron Haley
| └──Mob Rules (5810)
├──Cameron Newham
| └──Learning the Bash Shell, 3rd Edition (7973)
├──Cameron Stracher
| └──The Water Wars (8703)
├──Camilla Gibb
| └──Sweetness in the Belly (2610)
├──Camilla V. Saulsbury
| └──The Ultimate Shortcut Cookie Book (16809)
├──Camille DeAngelis
| └──Petty Magic_ Being the Memoirs and Confessions of Miss Evelyn Harbinger, Temptress and Troublemaker (12284)
├──Camille Paglia
| └──Break, Blow, Burn_ Camille Paglia Reads Forty-Three of the World's Best Poems (16031)
├──Camy Tang
| └──Sushi for One_ (2612)
├──Candace Bushnell
| └──One Fifth Avenue (11296)
├──Candace Floyd
| └──Hometown Get-Togethers (16490)
├──Candice Millard
| └──Destiny of the Republic (16407)
├──Candy Gourlay
| └──Tall Story (23659)
├──Cara Carnes
| └──Wolf (3007)
├──Cara Lynn Shultz
| └──Spellbound (21922)
├──Carey Rockwell
| └──On the Trail of the Space Pirates_ A Tom Corbett Space Cadet Adventure (8761)
├──Caridad Pineiro
| └──More Than a Mission (19256)
├──Caris O'Malley
| └──The Egg Said Nothing (14385)
├──Carl E. Walter
| └──Red Capitalism_ The Fragile Financial Foundation of China's Extraordinary Rise (11897)
├──Carl Futia
| └──The Art of Contrarian Trading_ How to Profit From Crowd Behavior in the Financial Markets (10541)
├──Carl Hiaasen
| ├──A Death in China (23207)
| ├──Flush (17948)
| ├──Powder Burn (8500)
| ├──Team Rodent (17474)
| └──Trap Line (8501)
├──Carl Hoffman
| └──The Lunatic Express_ Discovering the World . . . Via Its Most Dangerous Buses, Boats, Trains, and Pl (14634)
├──Carl Safina
| └──A Sea in Flames (14728)
├──Carl Sagan
| ├──Broca's Brain (17538)
| ├──Contact (8936)
| ├──Cosmos (8973)
| ├──Pale Blue Dot (14582)
| └──The Demon-Haunted World_ Science as a Candle in the Dark (8955)
├──Carl Zimmer
| ├──A Planet of Viruses (16209)
| └──Microcosm_ E. Coli and the New Science of Life (18416)
├──Carla Neggers
| ├──Abandon (19520)
| ├──Cold Pursuit (19260)
| ├──Cold River (19263)
| └──The Widow (19266)
| └──Invictus (14316)
├──Carlin Romano
| └──Philadelphia Noir (14915)
├──Carlo Collodi
| └──Pinocchio (1863)
├──Carlo Emilio Gadda
| └──That Awful Mess on the via Merulana (9970)
├──Carlos Fuentes
| └──Happy Families_ Stories (11963)
├──Carlos J. Cortes
| └──The Prisoner (16625)
├──Carlos Ruiz Zafon
| ├──The Angel's Game (2321)
| ├──The Midnight Palace (18055)
| └──The Shadow of the Wind (248)
├──Carlton Jackson
| └──Child of the Sit-Downs_ The Revolutionary Life of Genora Dollinger (17444)
├──Carmen Carter
| ├──The Children of Hamlin (11140)
| └──The Devil's Heart (11174)
├──Caro Peacock
| └──Death at Dawn (10976)
├──Carol Birch
| └──Jamrach's Menagerie (18168)
├──Carol Goodman
| └──Arcadia Falls (1760)
├──Carol Marinelli
| └──Emergency_ Wife Lost and Found (6128)
├──Carol S. Dweck
| └──Mindset _ The New Psychology of Success (17520)
├──Carol Shields
| └──The Box Garden (2605)
├──Carol Stephenson
| └──Courting Death (21771)
├──Carol Tavris
| └──Mistakes Were Made (23442)
├──Carole Nelson Douglas
| └──Silver Zombie_ Delilah Street_ Paranormal Investigator (7656)
├──Caroline Alexander
| └──The Endurance_ Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition (10348)
├──Caroline Kennedy
| ├──Jacqueline Kennedy (17436)
| └──She Walks in Beauty_ A Woman's Journey Through Poems (12463)
├──Caroline Moorehead
| └──A Train in Winter_ An Extraordinary Story of Women, Friendship and Survival in World War Two (18052)
├──Caroline Taggart
| └──I Used to Know That_ Stuff You Forgot From School (23167)
├──Carolyn Burke
| └──No Regrets (17141)
├──Carolyn Haines
| └──Bones of a Feather (18689)
├──Carolyn Hart
| └──The Christie Caper (21806)
├──Carolyn Jessop
| └──Escape (2395)
├──Carolyn Keene
| ├──Mystery of Crocodile Island (19021)
| ├──Mystery of the Glowing Eye (19020)
| ├──The Hidden Staircase (19074)
| ├──The Mystery at Lilac Inn (19075)
| ├──The Mystery of the Fire Dragon (19019)
| ├──The Secret of Red Gate Farm (19076)
| └──The Secret of the Old Clock (19073)
├──Carolyn Parkhurst
| └──The Nobodies Album (2210)
├──Carolyn Turgeon
| ├──Mermaid_ A Twist on the Classic Tale (14295)
| └──Rain Village (14139)
├──Carolyn Wheat
| └──How to Write Killer Fiction_ The Funhouse of Mystery & the Roller Coaster of Suspense (11864)
├──Carolyn Wheater
| └──Practice Makes Perfect Algebra (15851)
├──Carolyn Williford
| └──Bridge to a Distant Star (22865)
├──Carrie Bebris
| └──Pool of Radiance_ Ruins of Myth Drannor (15102)
├──Carrie Ryan
| └──The Dark and Hollow Places (16204)
├──Carrie Vaughn
| └──Discord's Apple (5930)
├──Carson Kressley
| └──Off the Cuff (23664)
├──Carson McCullers
| ├──Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (11942)
| └──Reflections in a Golden Eye (11943)
├──Carsten Jensen
| └──We, the Drowned (15558)
├──Cary McNeal
| └──1,001 Facts That Will Scare the S#_t Out of You_ The Ultimate Bathroom Reader (23266)
├──Casey Mayes
| └──A Deadly Row (5782)
├──Cash Peters
| └──Naked in Dangerous Places (14120)
├──Cassandra Clare
| └──Clockwork Angel (2899)
├──Cassie Miles
| └──Colorado Abduction (6121)
├──Cate Noble
| └──Deadly Games (9693)
├──Cate Tiernan
| └──Blood Witch_ Book Three (21853)
├──Catherine Alliott
| ├──One Day in May (10977)
| └──The Secret Life of Evie Hamilton (21856)
├──Catherine Austen
| └──All Good Children (23665)
├──Catherine Banner
| ├──The Eyes of a King (2900)
| └──Voices in the Dark (2901)
├──Catherine Blyth
| └──The Art of Conversation (16689)
├──Catherine Cooper
| └──The Golden Acorn (8799)
├──Catherine Coulter
| ├──Double Take (17670)
| ├──Jade Star (22870)
| ├──KnockOut (17671)
| ├──Lord of Raven's Peak (22871)
| ├──Split Second (14836)
| ├──TailSpin (17672)
| ├──The Courtship (22868)
| ├──The FBI Thrillers Collection Books 1-5 (17799)
| ├──The FBI Thrillers Collection Books 6-10 (18040)
| ├──The Heir (22872)
| ├──The Heiress Bride (22867)
| ├──The Scottish Bride (22869)
| ├──The Sherbrooke Bride (22866)
| ├──Twice Dead (15866)
| └──Whiplash (17757)
├──Catherine Crier
| └──Final Analysis (16459)
├──Catherine George
| ├──The Millionaire's Rebellious Mistress (2902)
| └──The Power of the Legendary Greek (2903)
├──Catherine Jinks
| └──The Reformed Vampire Support Group (2480)
├──Catherine Price
| └──101 Places Not to See Before You Die (23230)
├──Catherine Schmidt-Jones
| └──Understanding Basic Music Theory (17569)
├──Catherynne M. Valente
| ├──The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making (18041)
| └──The Habitation of the Blessed (23503)
├──Catherynne Valente
| └──Palimpsest (3245)
├──Cathie Linz
| ├──Luck Be a Lady (11623)
| └──Mad, Bad and Blonde (11464)
├──Cathleen Schurr
| └──The Shy Little Kitten (19171)
├──Cathryn Fox
| ├──All Worked Up (1032)
| └──Instinctive (1033)
├──Cathy Cassidy
| ├──Angel Cake (6134)
| ├──Dizzy (6135)
| ├──Driftwood (6136)
| └──Scarlett (11762)
├──Cathy Crimmins
| └──How the Homosexuals Saved Civilization (14288)
├──Cathy Erway
| └──The Art of Eating In (14961)
├──Cathy Marie Buchanan
| └──The Day the Falls Stood Still (5934)
├──Cathy Maxwell
| └──Four Dukes and a Devil (5980)
├──Cathy N. Davidson
| └──Now You See It_ How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Learn (16016)
├──Cathy Scott-Clark
| └──The Amber Room_ The Fate of the World's Greatest Lost Treasure (21955)
├──Cathy Williams
| ├──Bittersweet Love (23668)
| └──The Secret Spanish Love-Child (2613)
├──Cathy Wilson
| └──Escape From Evil (18745)
├──Cathy Yardley
| ├──Enslave_ The Taming of the Beast (2031)
| └──Ravish_ The Awakening of Sleeping Beauty (2032)
├──Cathy Ytak
| └──Nothing but Your Skin (22873)
├──Cawthorne, Nigel
| └──Killers_ The Most Barbaric Murderers of Our Time (11128)
├──Cecily Von Ziegesar
| └──Class (23671)
├──Cesar Millan
| └──Puppyhood_ How to Raise the Perfect Dog (2017)
├──Chad Harbach
| └──The Art of Fielding_ A Novel (16178)
├──Chad Millman
| └──The Ones Who Hit the Hardest_ The Steelers, the Cowboys, the '70s, and the Fight for America's Soul (7563)
├──Chaim Potok
| └──The Gates of November (2904)
├──Chalmers Johnson
| └──Dismantling the Empire_ America's Last Best Hope (11902)
├──Chan Koonchung
| └──Fat Years (22846)
├──Chandra Hoffman
| └──Chosen_ A Novel (6122)
├──Chanrithy Him
| └──When Broken Glass Floats_ Growing Up Under the Khmer Rouge (12641)
├──Charlaine Harris
| ├──A Bone to Pick (861)
| ├──A Fool and His Honey (862)
| ├──A Touch of Dead (863)
| ├──All Together Dead (864)
| ├──Club Dead (865)
| ├──Dead and Gone (866)
| ├──Dead as a Doornail (867)
| ├──Dead in the Family (869)
| ├──Dead Over Heels (870)
| ├──Dead Reckoning (12650)
| ├──Dead to the World (871)
| ├──Dead Until Dark (872)
| ├──Death's Excellent Vacation (1486)
| ├──Definitely Dead (873)
| ├──From Dead to Worse (874)
| ├──Grave Secret (12473)
| ├──Last Scene Alive (875)
| ├──Living Dead in Dallas (876)
| ├──Poppy Done to Death (877)
| ├──Real Murders (878)
| ├──Shakespeare's Champion (879)
| ├──Shakespeare's Christmas (880)
| ├──Shakespeare's Counselor (881)
| ├──Shakespeare's Landlord (882)
| ├──Shakespeare's Trollop (883)
| ├──Sookie Stackhouse Boxed Set (Books 1-8) (16484)
| ├──The Julius House (884)
| └──Three Bedrooms, One Corpse (913)
├──Charlene Sands
| └──Million-Dollar Marriage Merger (2905)
├──Charles Allen Gramlich
| └──Wings Over Talera (23672)
├──Charles Austen
| └──Like Warm Sun on Nekkid Bottoms (8682)
├──Charles Barkley
| └──I May Be Wrong but I Doubt It (17874)
├──Charles Baxter
| ├──Gryphon_ New and Selected Stories (17872)
| ├──The Feast of Love (22672)
| └──The Soul Thief_ A Novel (17558)
├──Charles Bell
| └──MySQL High Availability (7976)
├──Charles Bowden
| └──Murder City_ Ciudad Juarez and the Global Economy's New Killing Fields (15932)
├──Charles Brokaw
| └──The Atlantis Code (2906)
├──Charles Bukowski
| ├──Come on In! (16756)
| ├──Ham on Rye (14370)
| ├──Love Is a Dog From Hell_ Poems, 1974-1977 (17611)
| ├──Pulp (18608)
| ├──The Pleasures of the Damned (18605)
| ├──Women (18602)
| └──You Get So Alone at Times That It Just Makes Sense (17530)
├──Charles C. Mann
| ├──1491_ New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus (13670)
| └──1493_ Uncovering the New World Columbus Created (15470)
├──Charles Cumming
| ├──A Spy by Nature (10953)
| ├──The Hidden Man (10954)
| ├──The Spanish Game (10955)
| └──The Trinity Six (10956)
├──Charles Darwin
| ├──The Origin of Species (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15712)
| └──The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, Or, the Preservation of Favored Races in the St (2001)
├──Charles Dickens
| ├──A Tale of Two Cities (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15824)
| ├──A Tale of Two Cities (Signet) (1040)
| ├──A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations (Penguin) (15846)
| ├──Bleak House (Barnes & Noble Classics) (2258)
| ├──Christmas Carol (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1849)
| ├──David Copperfield (Signet) (1041)
| ├──Great Expectations (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1042)
| ├──Hard Times (1846)
| ├──Oliver Twist (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15823)
| ├──Oliver Twist (Signet) (2038)
| ├──Our Mutual Friend (1043)
| ├──The Old Curiosity Shop_ A Tale (1848)
| └──Works of Charles Dickens (12688)
├──Charles Esdaile
| └──Napoleon's Wars_ An International History, 1803-1815 (15616)
├──Charles Finch
| └──A Stranger in Mayfair (21784)
├──Charles Frazier
| └──Nightwoods (16438)
├──Charles Freeman
| └──The Closing of the Western Mind_ The Rise of Faith and the Fall of Reason (12633)
├──Charles George Smith
| └──Survival__ Structuring Prosperity for Yourself and the Nation (16399)
├──Charles Glass
| └──Americans in Paris_ Life and Death Under Nazi Occupation (17236)
├──Charles Lachman
| └──A Secret Life_ The Lies and Scandals of President Grover Cleveland (23337)
├──Charles London
| └──One Day the Soldiers Came (18171)
├──Charles Martin
| └──Where the River Ends (18172)
├──Charles McCarry
| ├──The Miernik Dossier (11066)
| └──The Tears of Autumn (11067)
├──Charles Moffat
| └──Rise of the Blade (15076)
├──Charles Nicholl
| └──The Lodger Shakespeare_ His Life on Silver Street (2615)
├──Charles P. Pierce
| └──Idiot America_ How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free (2007)
├──Charles Papazian
| └──Microbrewed Adventures (14296)
├──Charles Petzold
| └──Code_ The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software (17812)
├──Charles Portis
| └──True Grit (9598)
├──Charles R. Pellegrino
| └──Dyson Sphere (11190)
├──Charles Ray Willeford
| └──Cockfighter (17369)
├──Charles Royster
| └──The Fabulous History of the Dismal Swamp Company_ A Story of George Washington's Times (12063)
├──Charles Seife
| ├──Proofiness (15940)
| ├──Sun in a Bottle (16677)
| └──Zero (17478)
├──Charles Severance
| └──High Performance Computing (17591)
├──Charles Slack
| └──Hetty_ The Genius and Madness of America's First Female Tycoon (14778)
├──Charles Sophy
| └──Side by Side_ The Revolutionary Mother-Daughter Program for Conflict-Free Communication (16340)
├──Charles Stross
| ├──Glasshouse (16257)
| ├──Overtime_ A Tor.Com Original (2616)
| ├──Rule 34 (14333)
| ├──The Jennifer Morgue (8514)
| └──Wireless (6367)
├──Charles Todd
| ├──A Cold Treachery (8403)
| ├──A Duty to the Dead (2617)
| ├──A False Mirror (8404)
| ├──A Fearsome Doubt (8402)
| ├──A Pale Horse (8405)
| ├──A Test of Wills (8397)
| ├──An Impartial Witness_ A Bess Crawford Mystery (5945)
| ├──Legacy of the Dead (8400)
| ├──Search the Dark (8399)
| ├──The Confession (22732)
| ├──The Red Door (3247)
| ├──Watchers of Time (8401)
| └──Wings of Fire (8398)
├──Charles Williams
| ├──A Touch of Death (2236)
| ├──Aground (2237)
| ├──All the Way (2238)
| ├──And the Deep Blue Sea (2239)
| ├──Big City Girl (2240)
| ├──Dead Calm (2241)
| ├──Girl Out Back (2242)
| ├──Go Home, Stranger (2243)
| ├──Gulf Coast Girl_ Original Title, Scorpion Reef (2244)
| ├──Hell Hath No Fury (2245)
| ├──Hill Girl (2246)
| ├──Man on a Leash (2247)
| ├──Man on the Run (2248)
| ├──Nothing in Her Way (2249)
| ├──River Girl (2250)
| ├──Talk of the Town (2251)
| ├──The Big Bite (2252)
| ├──The Diamond Bikini (2253)
| ├──The Long Saturday Night (2254)
| ├──The Sailcloth Shroud (2255)
| └──The Wrong Venus (2256)
├──Charles Yu
| └──How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe (7510)
├──Charlie Carillo
| └──Raising Jake (6856)
├──Charlie Huston
| ├──Already Dead (796)
| ├──Caught Stealing (16329)
| ├──Every Last Drop (797)
| ├──Half the Blood of Brooklyn (798)
| ├──My Dead Body (799)
| ├──No Dominion (833)
| ├──Six Bad Things_ A Novel (17092)
| └──The Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death (8779)
├──Charlie Nardozzi
| └──Vegetable Gardening for Dummies (1966)
├──Charlotte Bronte
| ├──Jane Eyre (Barnes & Noble Classics) (75)
| ├──Jane Eyre (Harper Collins) (11793)
| └──Villette (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15717)
├──Charlotte Carter
| └──Trip Wire_ A Cook County Mystery (11068)
├──Charlotte Douglas
| └──The Battle of Betazed (11257)
├──Charlotte Gray
| └──Sisters in the Wilderness (22673)
├──Charlotte Sophia Kasl
| └──If the Buddha Got Stuck_ A Handbook for Change on a Spiritual Path (23344)
├──Charlotte Wood
| └──Brothers & Sisters (9012)
├──Chas Newkey-Burden
| └──Amy Winehouse_ The Biography (16212)
├──Chaz McGee
| ├──Angel Interrupted (5779)
| └──Desolate Angel (2211)
├──Chelsea Handler
| ├──Are You There, Vodka_ It's Me, Chelsea (858)
| ├──Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang (859)
| └──My Horizontal Life_ A Collection of One-Night Stands (860)
├──Chelsea's Family, Friends
| └──Lies That Chelsea Handler Told Me (12617)
├──Cherie Mercer Twohy
| └──The I Love Trader Joe's Around the World Cookbook_ More Than 150 International Recipes Using Foods F (17898)
├──Cherie Priest
| ├──Bloodshot (9442)
| ├──Boneshaker (6874)
| ├──Clementine (6872)
| ├──Dreadnought (6873)
| └──Tanglefoot_ A Story of the Clockwork Century (9979)
├──Cheryl Forberg
| └──The Biggest Loser 30-Day Jump Start_ Lose Weight, Get in Shape, and Start Living the Biggest Loser L (8313)
├──Cheryl Tallman
| └──So Easy Baby Food Basics_ Homemade Baby Food in Less Than 30 Minutes Per Week (18759)
├──Chesley B. Sullenberger
| └──Highest Duty_ My Search for What Really Matters (18060)
├──Chester Himes
| └──All Shot Up_ The Classic Crime Thriller (22874)
├──Chet Holmes
| └──The Ultimate Sales Machine (13889)
├──Chet Raymo
| └──Skeptics and True Believers (7675)
├──Chet Williamson
| └──Murder in Cormyr (15073)
├──Chihiro Hattori
| └──The Manga Cookbook (17126)
├──Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
| └──The Thing Around Your Neck (11114)
├──China Mieville
| ├──Embassytown (12611)
| ├──Iron Council (1605)
| ├──Kraken (2618)
| ├──Perdido Street Station (1639)
| ├──The City & the City (9694)
| ├──The Scar (1628)
| └──Un Lun Dun (19057)
├──China Williams
| └──Thailand (Lonely Planet, 13th Edition) (16626)
├──Chinua Achebe
| ├──Anthills of the Savannah (21838)
| └──Things Fall Apart (1810)
├──Chip Heath
| └──Switch (15448)
├──Chloe Neill
| ├──Drink Deep (17320)
| └──Hard Bitten (12652)
├──Choderlos de Laclos
| └──Dangerous Liaisons (681)
├──Chol-hwan Kang
| └──The Aquariums of Pyongyang_ Ten Years in the North Korean Gulag (17191)
├──Chris Bohjalian
| ├──The Double Bind (7356)
| └──The Night Strangers (16820)
├──Chris Boucher
| ├──Doctor Who_ Corpse Marker (9540)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Last Man Running (9528)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Match of the Day (9583)
| └──Doctor Who_ Psi-Ence Fiction (9559)
├──Chris Braak
| └──The Translated Man and Other Stories (17479)
├──Chris Bradford
| ├──The Ring of Earth (8843)
| ├──The Ring of Water (12185)
| ├──The Way of the Warrior (8840)
| ├──Young Samurai _ The Way of the Dragon (8842)
| └──Young Samurai_ The Way of the Sword (8841)
├──Chris Brogan
| └──Google_ for Business_ How Google's Social Network Changes Everything (23235)
├──Chris Burton
| └──Alpha One (11818)
├──Chris Carter
| └──The Crucifix Killer (12186)
├──Chris Cleave
| └──Little Bee (11633)
├──Chris Craft
| └──IPhone Game Development (16722)
├──Chris Culver
| └──The Abbey (15546)
├──Chris Dixon
| └──Ghost Wave (16993)
├──Chris Hardwick
| └──The Nerdist Way_ How to Reach the Next Level (In Real Life) (23315)
├──Chris Hedges
| ├──Death of the Liberal Class (11901)
| ├──Empire of Illusion (18116)
| └──War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning (23719)
├──Chris J. Randolph
| └──Stars Rain Down (6257)
├──Chris Jericho
| ├──A Lion's Tale_ Around the World in Spandex (10003)
| └──Undisputed_ How to Become the World Champion in 1,372 Easy Steps (12588)
├──Chris Kuzneski
| ├──Sign of the Cross (7247)
| ├──Sword of God (7248)
| ├──The Lost Throne (7249)
| ├──The Plantation (7250)
| ├──The Prophecy (7251)
| └──The Secret Crown (7252)
├──Chris Licht
| └──What I Learned When I Almost Died (13858)
├──Chris Martenson
| └──The Crash Course (18070)
├──Chris Matthews
| └──Jack Kennedy (17319)
├──Chris Mooney
| └──The Missing (7940)
├──Chris Moriarty
| └──Spin State (18769)
├──Chris Priestley
| └──Uncle Montague's Tales of Terror (18922)
├──Chris Rau
| └──Dealing With the Media_ A Handbook for Students, Activists, Community Groups and Anyone Who Can't Af (17856)
├──Chris Rowthorn
| └──Japan (Lonely Planet, 11th Edition) (15416)
├──Chris Ryan
| └──Who Dares Wins (2619)
├──Chris Rylander
| └──The Fourth Stall (12285)
├──Chris Sanders; Chris Sanders
| └──Practical Packet Analysis (8261)
├──Chris Scott Wilson
| ├──Scarborough Fair (23675)
| └──The Copper City (23679)
├──Chris Speyer
| └──Devil's Rock (11330)
├──Chris Stewart
| ├──Driving Over Lemons_ An Optimist in Spain (14898)
| └──Three Ways to Capsize a Boat (14894)
├──Chris Takemura; Luke S. Crawford
| └──The Book of Xen (7966)
├──Chris Van Allsburg
| └──The Chronicles of Harris Burdick_ Fourteen Amazing Authors Tell the Tales (18044)
├──Chris Wooding
| ├──Retribution Falls (17077)
| ├──The Black Lung Captain (17076)
| └──The Skein of Lament (7573)
├──Christa Allan
| └──Walking on Broken Glass (12092)
├──Christian Cameron
| └──Killer of Men (10360)
├──Christian Cantrell
| └──Containment (2322)
├──Christian DeBenedetti
| └──The Great American Ale Trail (17790)
├──Christian Giudice
| └──Hands of Stone (17804)
├──Christian Lander
| └──Stuff White People Like (15541)
├──Christian Parenti
| └──Tropic of Chaos_ Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence (15657)
├──Christie Golden
| ├──Arthas_ Rise of the Lich King (7531)
| ├──Dark Matters_ Cloak and Dagger (Book 1) (13728)
| ├──Dark Matters_ Ghost Dance (Book 2) (13732)
| ├──Dark Matters_ Shadow of Heaven (Book 3) (13736)
| ├──Fate of the Jedi_ Omen (5993)
| ├──Hard Crash (14257)
| ├──Homecoming (14275)
| ├──Marooned (14292)
| ├──On Fire's Wings (23539)
| ├──Seven of Nine (14048)
| ├──Spirit Walk_ Enemy of My Enemy (Book 2) (14101)
| ├──Spirit Walk_ Old Wounds (Book 1) (14102)
| ├──Star Wars_ Fate of the Jedi 02_ Omen (10719)
| ├──Star Wars_ Fate of the Jedi 05_ Allies (10718)
| ├──Star Wars_ Fate of the Jedi 08_ Ascension (14973)
| ├──The Farther Shore (13942)
| ├──The Murdered Sun (13951)
| ├──Thrall (14675)
| └──World of Warcraft_ The Shattering_ Prelude to Cataclysm (7533)
├──Christie Ridgway
| └──Mad Enough to Marry (6107)
├──Christina Baker Kline
| └──Bird in Hand (8718)
├──Christina Haag
| └──Come to the Edge_ A Memoir (11953)
├──Christina Perozzi
| └──The Naked Pint_ An Unadulterated Guide to Craft Beer (2323)
├──Christine Barber
| ├──The Bone Fire_ A Mystery (2212)
| └──The Replacement Child (2213)
├──Christine Feehan
| ├──Dark Slayer (14868)
| ├──Savage Nature (12570)
| └──Spirit Bound (22597)
├──Christine Gross-Loh
| └──The Diaper-Free Baby_ The Natural Toilet Training Alternative (16096)
├──Christine Richard
| └──Confidence Game (17986)
├──Christine Sparks
| └──Elephant Man (16931)
├──Christopher Andrew
| └──The Sword & the Shield_ The Mitrokhin Archive & the Secret History of the KGB (18181)
├──Christopher Anvil
| └──RX for Chaos (7219)
├──Christopher Bayly
| └──Forgotten Wars_ Freedom and Revolution in Southeast Asia (8766)
├──Christopher Bohjalian
| └──Before You Know Kindness (7850)
├──Christopher Booker
| └──The Seven Basic Plots (16670)
├──Christopher Brookmyre
| └──Pandaemonium (2459)
├──Christopher Buckley
| ├──Florence of Arabia (5957)
| ├──Thank You for Smoking (5839)
| └──Wry Martinis (16818)
├──Christopher Buecheler
| └──The Blood That Bonds (2214)
├──Christopher Bulis
| ├──A Device of Death (9506)
| ├──Doctor Who_ City at World's End (9538)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Imperial Moon (9547)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Palace of the Red Sun (9564)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Shadowmind (9278)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Ultimate Treasure (9516)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Vanderdeken's Children (9346)
| ├──State of Change (9481)
| ├──The Eye of the Giant (9496)
| └──Twilight of the Gods (9501)
├──Christopher Bunn
| ├──The Hawk and His Boy (16147)
| └──The Shadow at the Gate (16148)
├──Christopher Caldwell
| └──Reflections on the Revolution in Europe (23795)
├──Christopher Cokinos
| └──The Fallen Sky (14576)
├──Christopher Cooper
| └──Doctor Who_ The Krillitane Storm (9417)
├──Christopher Fowler
| ├──Breathe (7936)
| ├──Bryant & May on the Loose_ A Peculiar Crimes Unit Mystery (7933)
| ├──Full Dark House (8502)
| ├──The Water Room (7935)
| └──White Corridor (7934)
├──Christopher Golden
| ├──Angel Souls and Devil Hearts (11270)
| ├──Of Masques and Martyrs (11271)
| ├──The Chamber of Ten (2324)
| └──The Gathering Dark (11272)
├──Christopher H. Bidmead
| ├──Doctor Who_ Castrovalva (9130)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Frontios (9170)
| └──Doctor Who_ Logopolis (9160)
├──Christopher Hadnagy
| └──Social Engineering_ The Art of Human Hacking (9006)
├──Christopher Hibbert
| └──The Borgias (18080)
├──Christopher Hitchens
| ├──Arguably_ Selected Essays (16138)
| ├──God Is Not Great_ How Religion Poisons Everything (7574)
| ├──Hitch-22_ A Memoir (8643)
| ├──Letters to a Young Contrarian (16387)
| ├──Love, Poverty, and War_ Journeys and Essays (16219)
| ├──The Enemy (17962)
| ├──The Portable Atheist_ Essential Readings for the Nonbeliever (2595)
| ├──Thomas Jefferson (17980)
| └──Why Orwell Matters (23757)
├──Christopher J. Russell
| └──Quest of the Warrior Sheep (18930)
├──Christopher Kimball
| └──Fannie's Last Supper_ Re-Creating One Amazing Meal From Fannie Farmer's 1896 Cookbook (8753)
├──Christopher L. Bennett
| ├──Greater Than the Sum (11222)
| ├──Myriad Universes 01_ Infinity's Prism (11247)
| ├──Orion's Hounds (14200)
| ├──Over a Torrent Sea (14215)
| └──Star Trek_ DTI_ Watching the Clock (12376)
├──Christopher M. Clark
| └──Iron Kingdom_ The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600-1947 (8769)
├──Christopher Marlowe
| └──The Complete Plays (23394)
├──Christopher McDougall
| └──Born to Run_ A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen (669)
├──Christopher Moore
| ├──A Dirty Job (582)
| ├──Bite Me_ A Love Story (8618)
| ├──Bloodsucking Fiends_ A Love Story (593)
| ├──Coyote Blue (594)
| ├──Fluke_ Or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings (597)
| ├──Fool (598)
| ├──Island of the Sequined Love Nun (630)
| ├──The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove (631)
| ├──The Stupidest Angel_ A Heartwarming Tale of Christmas Terror (632)
| └──You Suck_ A Love Story (633)
├──Christopher P. Andersen
| └──Barack and Michelle (12713)
├──Christopher Paolini
| ├──Brisingr (478)
| ├──Eldest (13831)
| ├──Eragon (480)
| └──Inheritance (17201)
├──Christopher Pike
| └──The Secret of Ka (8681)
├──Christopher Priest
| └──The Prestige (466)
├──Christopher Reich
| ├──Rules of Deception (8503)
| ├──The First Billion_ A Novel (8504)
| ├──The Patriots Club (8515)
| └──The Runner (8516)
├──Christopher Schlesinger
| └──How to Cook Meat (14959)
├──Christopher Will Baer
| └──Kiss Me, Judas (14227)
├──Christos Tsiolkas
| └──The Slap (8442)
├──Christy English
| └──The Queen's Pawn (7429)
├──Christy Jordan
| └──Southern Plate (14942)
├──Christy Yorke
| └──The Wishing Garden (12525)
| └──Modern Perl (17615)
├──Chuck Cothren
| └──CompTIA Security_ All-In-One Exam Guide, Second Edition (16267)
├──Chuck Gannon
| └──Extremis (8915)
├──Chuck Hogan
| └──Prince of Thieves (2907)
├──Chuck Klosterman
| ├──Chuck Klosterman on Film and Television (8187)
| ├──Chuck Klosterman on Media and Culture (8188)
| ├──Chuck Klosterman on Pop (8189)
| ├──Chuck Klosterman on Rock (5974)
| ├──Eating the Dinosaur (5931)
| ├──Killing Yourself to Live_ 85% of a True Story (18529)
| ├──Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs (7868)
| └──The Visible Man (16720)
├──Chuck Logan
| ├──Absolute Zero (8759)
| ├──After the Rain (8904)
| └──Homefront (9599)
├──Chuck Palahniuk
| ├──Choke_ A Novel (648)
| ├──Damned (23534)
| ├──Diary (649)
| ├──Fight Club (11304)
| ├──Fugitives and Refugees_ A Walk Through Portland, Oregon (13837)
| ├──Haunted_ A Novel of Stories (671)
| ├──Invisible Monsters (672)
| ├──Lullaby (11819)
| ├──Pygmy (15315)
| ├──Rant_ An Oral Biography of Buster Casey (675)
| ├──Snuff (15910)
| ├──Survivor_ A Novel (477)
| └──Tell-All (16632)
├──Chuck Pfarrer
| └──SEAL Target Geronimo_ The Inside Story of the Mission to Kill Osama Bin Laden (17348)
├──Cierra Rantoul
| └──My Best Friends Have Hairy Legs (7163)
├──Ciji Ware
| └──Cottage by the Sea (21773)
├──Cinda Williams Chima
| └──The Dragon Heir (10430)
├──Cindi Myers
| ├──Rock My World (2909)
| └──The Man Tamer (7385)
├──Cindy K. Green
| └──A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Your Wedding (2411)
├──Ciril Hitz
| └──Baking Artisan Bread_ 10 Expert Formulas for Baking Better Bread at Home (11446)
├──CJ Lyons
| ├──Blind Faith (15671)
| └──Snake Skin (12385)
├──CJ Werleman
| └──Jesus Lied (14744)
├──Claire Cook
| └──The Wildwater Walking Club (2325)
├──Claire Tomalin
| └──Samuel Pepys (17238)
├──Clare Vanderpool
| └──Moon Over Manifest (11331)
├──Clark Howard
| └──Clark Howard's Living Large in Lean Times_ 250_ Ways to Buy Smarter, Spend Smarter, and Save Money (16727)
├──Claudia Joseph
| └──Kate_ Kate Middleton (17005)
├──Claudia Roden
| ├──Arabesque_ A Taste of Morocco, Turkey, and Lebanon (6956)
| └──The New Book of Middle Eastern Food (12504)
├──Clay A. Johnson
| └──The Information Diet_ A Case for Conscious Consumption (22847)
├──Clay Blair
| └──Hitler's U-Boat War_ The Hunters, 1939-1942 (12753)
├──Clay Shirky
| └──Cognitive Surplus_ Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age (10366)
├──Clayton Emery
| ├──Dangerous Games (15084)
| ├──Mortal Consequences (15092)
| └──Star of Cursrah (15213)
├──Clayton M. Christensen
| └──The Innovator's Solution_ Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth (16678)
├──Cleo Coyle
| ├──Decaffeinated Corpse (2329)
| ├──Espresso Shot (2331)
| ├──French Pressed (2330)
| ├──Holiday Grind (2332)
| ├──Latte Trouble (2327)
| ├──Murder Most Frothy (2328)
| ├──Roast Mortem (2397)
| └──Through the Grinder (2326)
├──Clifford Riley
| ├──Crushed (22707)
| ├──Fireworks (22704)
| ├──Hunted (22708)
| ├──Ignition (22709)
| ├──Invasion (22705)
| ├──Legacy (22666)
| └──Turbulence (22706)
├──Clifton Campbell
| └──The Glades (12801)
├──Clinton Ober
| └──Earthing_ The Most Important Health Discovery Ever_ (11506)
├──Clive Barker
| ├──Abarat (23717)
| ├──Abarat_ Absolute Midnight (23407)
| ├──Days of Magic, Nights of War (23423)
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