《Integrate Reading & Writing》
《Integrate Reading & Writing》美国Compass Publishing出版的一套阅读写作练习教材,全套4级别,适合A2级程度,对应KET级别的。
《Integrate Reading & Writing》每个单元的文体类型都不一样,除了一般阅读理解的题目以外,还有重点分析文章中心思想、因果关系、时间、排序总结内容等等的练习。通过这些练习再把这些技巧应用到写作上。这套教材的内容有1-4级全套视频+音频+PDF教材。
- 该教材全套共四个级别,适合A2级程度的学生使用,与KET级别相对应。其内容涵盖了社会、科学、数学以及其他题材四大类别,每个类别下又细分为fiction(虚构类)和nonfiction(非虚构类)两个单元,确保学生在学习过程中能够接触到不同类型的文章,从而丰富阅读体验。
- 每个单元的文体类型都不尽相同,既有传统的阅读理解题目,也有对文章中心思想、因果关系、时间顺序等方面的深入剖析。这种多样化的内容设置不仅有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,还能提升他们的阅读能力和写作技巧。
- 除了阅读理解外,还包含重点分析文章中心思想、因果关系、时间排序等练习,这些练习将阅读技巧与写作技能紧密结合,有助于学生在实践中掌握写作技巧。
- 教材在阅读方面通过引导学生分析文章结构、理解作者观点、掌握关键词汇等技巧,帮助他们提高阅读速度和理解能力。
- 在写作方面,则通过仿写、改写、续写等练习,让学生在实践中掌握写作技巧,提高表达能力。这种将阅读和写作紧密结合的教学方法,有助于学生将所学知识应用到实际写作中,提高整体英语水平。
- 教材配备了丰富的配套资源,包括视频、音频和PDF教材等,帮助学生更好地理解和掌握知识点,提升学习效果。此外,还有学生用书、教师用书、练习册以及阅读计划等辅助材料,方便学生在家自学或参加培训课程。
- 所选阅读文章在注重高兴趣话题的同时,也体现了共同的学术标准。这使学生在学习过程中既能感受到阅读的乐趣,又能提升学术素养,拓宽视野,了解不同领域的知识和文化。
- 学生首先通过快速阅读了解文章的大致内容,然后精读并回答关于文章细节的问题,如该环保材料的主要成分、与传统材料的区别等。
- 接着,教材会引导学生分析文章的结构,如引言、正文(包括实验过程、数据分析等)、结论等部分,并理解作者的观点和态度。
- 学生可以基于阅读内容,进行仿写练习,比如写一篇关于另一种环保技术的文章,要求结构清晰、逻辑严密。
- 或者进行改写练习,将原文中的信息用自己的话重新组织表达,锻炼语言运用能力。
- 还可以进行续写练习,比如假设原文中的环保技术得到了进一步的发展和应用,让学生想象并描述这一场景。
Integrate Reading & Writing: A Comprehensive Guide to English Proficiency
Integrate Reading & Writing is a comprehensive English language learning resource published by Compass Publishing, designed specifically for students at the A2 level, corresponding to the KET level. This four-level series offers a unique blend of reading and writing exercises, providing learners with a well-rounded approach to enhancing their English language skills.
Content Overview:
The content of Integrate Reading & Writing is meticulously curated to cover a wide range of topics, including social, scientific, mathematical, and other diverse subjects. Each topic is further divided into fiction and nonfiction units, ensuring that students are exposed to a variety of genres and writing styles. This approach not only enriches their reading experience but also broadens their knowledge base.
Teaching Methodology:
The series adopts an innovative teaching methodology that seamlessly integrates reading and writing skills. On the reading side, it emphasizes the development of reading strategies such as analyzing article structures, comprehending author's viewpoints, and mastering key vocabulary. This helps students improve their reading speed and comprehension abilities. On the writing front, it incorporates various exercises like imitations, rewrites, and continuations, enabling students to apply their reading skills to practical writing tasks and enhance their expressive abilities.
Supplemental Resources:
Integrate Reading & Writing comes equipped with an array of supplementary materials, including videos, audios, and PDF versions of the textbooks. These resources facilitate a multi-sensory learning experience, making it easier for students to grasp and retain information. Additionally, the series provides student books, teacher guides, practice workbooks, reading plans, and mid-term and final exams, ensuring a comprehensive and structured learning path.
Academic Standards and Real-World Applications:
The selection of reading materials in Integrate Reading & Writing not only focuses on engaging topics but also adheres to common academic standards. This approach ensures that students not only enjoy the reading process but also develop their academic literacy. By exploring diverse subjects, students gain insights into various fields of knowledge and cultures, thereby broadening their horizons.
Benefits for Students and Teachers:
For students, Integrate Reading & Writing offers a holistic approach to English language learning, enabling them to improve both their reading and writing skills simultaneously. The rich content and varied exercises cater to different learning styles, ensuring that every student can find something that resonates with them. For teachers, the series provides a comprehensive teaching framework, along with detailed lesson plans and assessments, making it easier to deliver engaging and effective lessons.
In conclusion, Integrate Reading & Writing is an exceptional English language learning resource that combines the best of reading and writing practices. Its comprehensive content, innovative teaching methodology, and abundant supplemental resources make it an ideal choice for students at the A2 level looking to enhance their English language proficiency.
——/2024更新/【多课吧DOC8.com-4281】Integrate Reading & Writing KET必备英语综合阅读与写作教材 全4级PDF+MP3音频+MP4视频 百度云网盘下载/
| ├──Book 1 Audio
| ├──Book 1 Video
| └──学生用书等
| ├──Book 2 Audio
| ├──Book 2 Video
| └──学生用书等
| ├──Book 3 Audio
| ├──Book 3 Video
| └──学生用书3
| ├──Book 4 Audio
| ├──Book 4 Video
| └──学生用书4
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