Oxford Very Short Introductions Series VSI牛津通识读本全集500册
Very Short Introductions(VSI,牛津通识读本)是牛津大学出版社(Oxford University Press OUP)推出的一系列简洁、权威的介绍性读物,旨在为读者提供一个关于特定主题的全面而精炼的概述。这些书籍通常由该领域的专家撰写,以通俗易懂的语言向广大读者介绍复杂的主题和概念。本资源为全套英文原版电子书,Kindle等阅读器适用:
1. 总体特点
- 覆盖广泛:Very Short Introductions系列涵盖了从艺术、科学到历史、哲学等多个学科领域,几乎覆盖了人类知识的各个方面。
- 内容精炼:每本书都以简洁的方式介绍一个主题,通常在100-200页之间,便于读者快速把握核心概念。
- 权威性:作者通常是该领域的知名学者或专家,确保了内容的准确性和权威性。
- 易读性:语言通俗易懂,适合非专业背景的读者阅读,也适合专业人士作为快速复习。
2. 分类介绍
- 艺术(Art):包括艺术史、艺术理论、现代艺术等多个方面,为读者提供了艺术领域的全面视角。
- 传记(Biography):涵盖了历史人物的生平和影响,如本杰明·富兰克林等。
- 商业(Business):涉及广告、创业、创新等商业领域的主题,为读者提供了商业实践和理论的基础知识。
- 儿童文学(Children):主要是适合儿童阅读的经典文学作品。
- 经济学(Economics):介绍了经济学的基本概念和理论,如环境经济学、全球经济史等。
- 小说(Fiction):收录了包括《哈利·波特》系列在内的多部经典小说作品。
- 历史(History):涵盖了从古代文明到现代国家的历史,如古埃及、古希腊等。
- 语言(Language):探讨了语言的起源、发展和语言学的基本概念。
- 法律(Law):介绍了法律的基本原理和不同法律体系,如美国法律史、人权等。
- 文学(Literature):包括不同文学流派和时期,如英国文学、法国文学等。
- 医学(Medicine):涉及医学的多个分支,如麻醉学、癌症、流行病学等。
- 音乐(Music):探讨了音乐的多个方面,如蓝调音乐、民间音乐等。
- 哲学(Philosophy):涵盖了从古代哲学到现代哲学的多个流派和主题。
- 政治(Politics):包括政治理论、国际关系、民主等主题。
- 心理学(Psychology):介绍了心理学的基本概念,如意识、梦、记忆等。
- 宗教(Religion):探讨了世界各大宗教和信仰体系,如基督教、伊斯兰教、佛教等。
- 科学(Science):涵盖了自然科学的多个领域,如天文学、生物学、物理学等。
- 社会科学(Social):包括社会学、人类学、全球化等社会科学领域的主题。
- 技术(Technology):涉及计算机科学、网络技术等多个技术领域的知识。
- 旅游(Travel):提供了关于特定地区或国家的旅游指南。
- 《经济学通识读本》: 介绍经济学的基本概念、理论和主要流派。
- 《选择理论通识读本》: 介绍经济学中的选择理论,解释人们如何做出决策。
- 《环境经济学通识读本》: 介绍环境经济学的理论和实践,探讨经济发展与环境保护的关系。
- 《全球经济史通识读本》: 介绍全球经济的发展历程,分析不同时期的经济特征和趋势。
- 《凯恩斯通识读本》: 介绍凯恩斯经济学的理论和实践,解释政府如何通过财政政策和货币政策影响经济发展。
- 考古学:如《考古学通识读本》等,带领读者探索考古学的奥秘,了解古代文明的遗迹和发现。
- 艺术史与艺术理论:涵盖了从《艺术史通识读本》到《艺术理论通识读本》等,介绍了艺术的发展历程、各种艺术流派以及艺术理论的核心概念。
- 历史学:包括《古代希腊通识读本》、《罗马帝国通识读本》等,让读者快速了解历史上的重要时期和事件。
- 哲学:如《哲学通识读本》、《德国哲学通识读本》等,深入浅出地介绍了哲学的基本概念和主要流派。
- 心理学:涵盖了《意识通识读本》、《心理学通识读本》等,探索人类心理活动的奥秘。
- 宗教学:如《基督教通识读本》等,介绍了各大宗教的基本教义和历史。
- 科学:包括《动物王国通识读本》、《全球变暖通识读本》等,涉及自然科学和社会科学的多个领域。
- 普及知识:该系列为广大读者提供了一个快速了解各领域基本知识的途径,有助于拓宽视野,增长见识。
- 启发思考:通过简明的介绍,激发读者对该领域的兴趣和好奇心,进而引发更深入的思考和研究。
- 促进跨学科交流:该系列涵盖了多个学科领域,有助于促进不同学科之间的交流和融合。
- 提升个人素养:阅读这些书籍可以提升读者的文化素养和综合能力,有助于更好地适应社会的发展和变化。
5. 总结
Very Short Introductions系列是一套非常适合广大读者的通识教育读物,无论是作为入门读物还是作为深入了解特定主题的参考资料,都能满足不同读者的需求。通过阅读这些书籍,读者可以在短时间内获得关于一个主题的全面了解,是提升个人知识水平和文化素养的宝贵资源。
——/Oxford Very Short Introductions Series VSI牛津通识读本全集500册 Kindle AZW3 百度云网盘下载/
| ├──Archaeology_ A Very Short Introduction - Bahn, Paul.mobi 1.45M
| ├──Biblical Archaeology_ A Very Short Introduction - Cline, Eric H.mobi 876.92kb
| └──Trojan War_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Cline, Eric H_.azw3 1.15M
| ├──Architecture_ A Very Short Introduction - Ballantyne, Andrew.mobi 1.11M
| ├──Art History_ A Very Short Introduction - Arnold, Dana.mobi 1.22M
| ├──Art Theory_ A Very Short Introduction - Freeland, Cynthia.mobi 1.30M
| ├──Avant Garde_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Cottington, David.mobi 1001.89kb
| ├──Contemporary Art_ A Very Short Introduction - Stallabrass, Julian.mobi 29.72M
| ├──Dada and Surrealism_ A Very Short Introduction - Hopkins, David.mobi 1.61M
| ├──Documentary Film_ A Very Short Introduction - Aufderheide, Patricia.azw3 1.49M
| ├──Film Music_ A Very Short Introduction - Kalinak, Kathryn.mobi 697.31kb
| ├──Film_ A Very Short Introduction - Wood, Michael.mobi 625.40kb
| ├──Modern Art_ A Very Short Introduction - Cottington, David.mobi 1.45M
| ├──Photography_ A Very Short Introduction - Edwards, Steve.mobi 908.66kb
| ├──Renaissance Art_ A Very Short Introduction - Johnson, Geraldine A.mobi 1.54M
| ├──Renaissance_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Brotton, Jerry.mobi 1.10M
| ├──The Little World of Liz Climo.azw3 7.92M
| └──Tragedy_ A Very Short Introduction - Poole, Adrian.mobi 1.03M
| ├──Benjamin Franklin: An American - Walter Isaacson.azw3 1.06M
| ├──Biography_ A Very Short Introduction - Lee, Hermione.mobi 866.89kb
| ├──Lincoln_ A Very Short Introduction - Guelzo, Allen C_.mobi 552.43kb
| └──The 50th Law - 50 Cent.mobi 410.69kb
| ├──Advertising_ A Very Short Introduction - Fletcher, Winston.mobi 865.78kb
| ├──Entrepreneurship_ A Very Short Introduction - Westhead, Paul & Wright, Mike.azw3 1.38M
| ├──Good Strategy Bad Strategy.mobi 943.53kb
| ├──Innovation_ A Very Short Introduction - Dodgson, Mark & Gann, David.azw3 1.37M
| ├──Leadership_ A Very Short Introduction - Grint, Keith.mobi 765.81kb
| ├──Management_ A Very Short Introduction - Hendry, John.azw3 579.52kb
| ├──Organizations_ A Very Short Introduction - Hatch, Mary Jo.mobi 1.02M
| ├──Risk_ A Very Short Introduction - Fischhoff, Baruch & Kadvany, John.mobi 862.88kb
| ├──TED Talks - The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking - Chris Anderson .azw3 495.89kb
| └──The Innovator's Dilemma.azw3 1.44M
| ├──Now We Are Six - A. A. Milne.mobi 1.19M
| ├──The House at Pooh Corner - A. A. Milne.mobi 2.19M
| ├──When We Were Very Young - A. A. Milne.mobi 1.89M
| └──Winnie-The-Pooh - A. A. Milne.mobi 2.53M
| ├──Choice Theory_ A Very Short Introduction - Allingham, Michael.mobi 816.17kb
| ├──Economics_ A Very Short Introduction - Dasgupta, Partha.mobi 871.68kb
| ├──Environmental Economics_ A Very Short Introduction - Smith, Stephen.azw3 1.53M
| ├──Global Economic History_ A Very Short Introduction - Allen, Robert C_.mobi 842.76kb
| ├──Keynes_ A Very Short Introduction - Skidelsky, Robert.mobi 339.51kb
| └──Malthus_ A Very Short Introduction - Winch, Donald.azw3 379.60kb
| ├──A Song of Ice and Fire
| ├──Ender's Game
| ├──Harry Potter
| ├──Harry Potter French Edition (Potterrmore)
| ├──Harry Potter Original Edition (Pottermore)
| ├──Harry Potter Original Edition (Pottermore, Previous Edition)
| ├──101 Classic Short Stories.azw3 943.95kb
| ├──2BR02B - Kurt Vonnegut.mobi 147.25kb
| ├──A Common Pornography_ A Memoir - Kevin Sampsell.mobi 452.25kb
| ├──A Dangerous Fortune - Ken Follett.mobi 697.69kb
| ├──A Drowned Maiden's Hair_ A Melodrama - Laura Amy Schlitz.mobi 968.50kb
| ├──A Killing in China Basin - Kirk Russell.mobi 439.92kb
| ├──A Nameless Witch - A. Lee Martinez.mobi 376.45kb
| ├──Act of Will - A. J. Hartley.mobi 761.30kb
| ├──Beauty's Punishment - A. N. Roquelaure.mobi 498.03kb
| ├──Beauty's Release - A. N. Roquelaure.mobi 481.27kb
| ├──Bream Gives Me Hiccups - Jesse Eisenberg.azw3 871.57kb
| ├──Complete Sherlock Holmes.azw3 1.61M
| ├──Damage - A. M. Jenkins.mobi 255.86kb
| ├──Don't Let Me Go - Catherine Ryan Hyde.azw3 455.07kb
| ├──Don't Say A Word - Barbara Freethy.azw3 462.75kb
| ├──Elementals - A. S. Byatt.mobi 710.17kb
| ├──Everything I Never Told You.azw3 676.69kb
| ├──Fifty Shades Darker - E L James.mobi 763.22kb
| ├──Folding Beijing - Hao Jingfang.mobi 196.39kb
| ├──Frankenstein.azw3 323.32kb
| ├──Go Set a Watchman - Harper Lee.azw3 408.16kb
| ├──Good Things I Wish You - A. Manette Ansay.mobi 2.64M
| ├──Lonesome Dove - Larry McMurtry.mobi 1.20M
| ├──Monster - A. Lee Martinez.mobi 675.43kb
| ├──Somewhere to Belong - Judith Miller.azw3 601.87kb
| ├──Spartan Planet - A. Bertram Chandler.mobi 218.05kb
| ├──Star Wars_ The Han Solo Trilogy 01_ The Paradise Snare - A. C. Crispin.mobi 3.16M
| ├──Star Wars_ The Han Solo Trilogy 02_ The Hutt Gambit - A. C. Crispin.mobi 3.52M
| ├──Star Wars_ The Han Solo Trilogy 03_ Rebel Dawn - A. C. Crispin.mobi 3.50M
| ├──Suzanne Collins - Hunger Games 01 - The Hunger Games.mobi 831.21kb
| ├──Suzanne Collins - Hunger Games 02 - Catching Fire.mobi 571.75kb
| ├──Suzanne Collins - Hunger Games 03 - Mockingjay.mobi 537.00kb
| ├──The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle.mobi 1.14M
| ├──The Big Black Mark - A. Bertram Chandler.mobi 307.17kb
| ├──The Broken Cycle - A. Bertram Chandler.mobi 183.23kb
| ├──The Campus Trilogy – Changing Places; Small World; Nice Work.azw3 1.16M
| ├──The Children's Book - A. S. Byatt.mobi 1.21M
| ├──The Dust of 100 Dogs - A. S. King.mobi 725.97kb
| ├──The Eyes of the Beholders - A. C. Crispin.mobi 292.68kb
| ├──The Hard Way Up - A. Bertram Chandler.mobi 226.05kb
| ├──The Inheritors - A. Bertram Chandler.mobi 200.96kb
| ├──The Know-It-All_ One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World - A. J. Jacobs.mobi 673.38kb
| ├──The Last Town.azw3 1.01M
| ├──The Road to the Rim - A. Bertram Chandler.mobi 218.15kb
| ├──The Sweet Science - A. J. Liebling.mobi 391.10kb
| ├──The Three-Body Problem.azw3 797.80kb
| ├──To Prime the Pump - A. Bertram Chandler.mobi 220.03kb
| └──Will Power - A. J. Hartley.mobi 509.34kb
| ├──African History_ A Very Short Introduction - Parker, John & Richard Rathbone.azw3 1.42M
| ├──American History_A Very Short Introduction - Boyer, Paul S_.azw3 2.13M
| ├──Ancient Egypt_ A Very Short Introduction - Shaw, Ian.mobi 1.56M
| ├──Ancient Greece_ A Very Short Introduction - Cartledge, Paul.mobi 1.41M
| ├──Anglo-Saxon Age_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Blair, John.mobi 673.34kb
| ├──Aristocracy_ A Very Short Introduction - Doyle, William.azw3 2.29M
| ├──Australia_ A Very Short Introduction - Morgan, Kenneth.mobi 731.24kb
| ├──Aztecs_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Carrasco, David.mobi 552.14kb
| ├──British Empire_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Jackson, Ashley.azw3 1000.69kb
| ├──Celts_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Cunliffe, Barry.mobi 995.79kb
| ├──Clausewitz_ A Very Short Introduction - Howard, Michael.mobi 215.70kb
| ├──Cold War_ A Very Short Introduction, The - McMahon, Robert J_.mobi 1.03M
| ├──Colonial America_ A Very Short Introduction - Taylor, Alan.azw3 2.12M
| ├──Conquistadors_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Restall, Matthew & Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe.mobi 794.09kb
| ├──Crusades_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Tyerman, Christopher.mobi 1.59M
| ├──Cultural Revolution_ A Very Short Introduction (Vy Short Introductions), The - Kraus, Richard Curt.mobi 481.94kb
| ├──Egyptian Myth_ A Very Short Int - Pinch, Geraldine.mobi 776.29kb
| ├──Empire_ A Very Short Introduction - Howe, Stephen.mobi 998.49kb
| ├──Fascism_ A Very Short Introduction - Passmore, Kevin.mobi 952.80kb
| ├──First World War_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Howard, Michael.mobi 741.23kb
| ├──French Revolution_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Doyle, William.mobi 771.29kb
| ├──Gandhi_ A Very Short Introduction - Parekh, Bhikhu.azw3 1.36M
| ├──Gothic_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Groom, Nick.azw3 942.26kb
| ├──Great Depression and the New Deal_ A Very Short I, The - Rauchway, Eric.mobi 799.05kb
| ├──Herodotus_ A Very Short Introduction - Roberts, Jennifer T_.mobi 661.29kb
| ├──Hieroglyphs_ A Very Short Introduction - Wilson, Penelope.mobi 1.19M
| ├──History_ A Very Short Introduction - Arnold, John.mobi 787.82kb
| ├──Journalism_ A Very Short Introduction - Hargreaves, Ian.mobi 1.10M
| ├──Late Antiquity_ A Very Short Introduction - Clark, Gillian.mobi 883.26kb
| ├──Magic_ A Very Short Introduction - Davies, Owen.mobi 562.77kb
| ├──Magna Carta_ A Very Short Introduction - Vincent, Nicholas.mobi 635.47kb
| ├──Martin Luther_ A Very Short Introduction - Hendrix, Scott H_.mobi 598.47kb
| ├──Medieval Britain_ A Very Short Introduction (Very Shorntroductions) - Gillingham, John & Griffiths, Ralph A_.mobi 1.53M
| ├──Modern China_ A Very Short Introduction - Mitter, Rana.mobi 1.00M
| ├──Modern France_ A Very Short Introduction - Schwartz, Vanessa R_.mobi 647.15kb
| ├──Modern Ireland_ A Very Short Introduction - Paseta, Senia.mobi 1.18M
| ├──Modern Japan_ A Very Short Introduction - Goto-Jones, Christopher.mobi 1.25M
| ├──Mongols_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Rossabi, Morris.mobi 750.14kb
| ├──Myth_ A Very Short Introduction - Segal, Robert A_.mobi 637.03kb
| ├──Napoleonic Wars_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Rapport, Mike.azw3 5.27M
| ├──Nineteenth-Century Britain_ A Very Short Introduction) - Harvie, Christopher & Matthew, Colin.mobi 896.65kb
| ├──Norman Conquest_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Garnett, George.mobi 716.79kb
| ├──North American Indians_ A Very Short Introduction) - Perdue, Theda & Michael D. Green.mobi 598.02kb
| ├──Plague_ A Very Short Introduction - Slack, Paul.mobi 1.11M
| ├──Prehistory_ A Very Short Introduction - Gosden, Chris.mobi 1.17M
| ├──Reformation_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Marshall, Peter.mobi 1.12M
| ├──Roman Empire_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Kelly, Christopher.mobi 1.50M
| ├──Roman Republic_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Gwynn, David M_.azw3 959.49kb
| ├──Russian History_ A Very Short Introduction - Hosking, Geoffrey.mobi 622.90kb
| ├──Russian Revolution_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Smith, S. A_.mobi 1.22M
| ├──Scotland_ A Very Short Introduction - Houston, Rab.mobi 872.50kb
| ├──Silk Road_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Millward, James A_.azw3 5.25M
| ├──Soviet Union_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Lovell, Stephen.mobi 29.65M
| ├──Spanish Civil War_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Graham, Helen.mobi 931.08kb
| ├──Stuart Britain_ A Very Short Introduction - Morrill, John.azw3 810.04kb
| ├──Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism——A Study of Brainwashing in China - Robert Jay Lifton.mobi 874.32kb
| ├──Tudors_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Guy, John.azw3 832.35kb
| ├──Twentieth-Century Britain_ A Very Short Introductn - Morgan, Kenneth O_.mobi 802.42kb
| └──Vikings_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Richards, Julian D_.mobi 1022.41kb
| ├──Dictionaries_ A Very Short Introduction - Mugglestone, Lynda.mobi 922.43kb
| ├──Languages_ A Very Short Introduction - Anderson, Stephen.azw3 16.50M
| ├──Linguistics_ A Very Short Introduction - Matthews, P. H_.mobi 1.39M
| ├──Sociolinguistics_ A Very Short Introduction - Edwards, John.azw3 1.09M
| ├──The Elements of Style.mobi 201.48kb
| ├──The Sense of Style.mobi 2.46M
| └──Writing and Script_ A Very Short Introduction - Robinson, Andrew.mobi 2.11M
| ├──American Legal History_ A Very Short Introduction - White, G. Edward.azw3 619.25kb
| ├──Human Rights_ A Very Short Introduction - Clapham, Andrew.mobi 918.42kb
| ├──Law_ A Very Short Introduction - Wacks, Raymond.mobi 1.04M
| ├──Medical Law_ A Very Short Introduction - Foster, Charles.azw3 584.10kb
| ├──Philosophy of Law_ A Very Short Introduction - Wacks, Raymond.mobi 902.71kb
| ├──Privacy_ A Very Short Introduction - Wacks, Raymond.azw3 807.48kb
| └──U.S. Supreme Court_A Very Short Introduction, The - Greenhouse, Linda.mobi 864.29kb
| ├──A Century of Harvard Classics (Set of 50 Volumes).azw3 58.06M
| ├──Beats_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Sterritt, David.azw3 666.04kb
| ├──Bestsellers_ A Very Short Introduction - Sutherland, John.mobi 735.89kb
| ├──Children's Literature_ A Very Short Introduction - Reynolds, Kimberley.mobi 742.91kb
| ├──Chinese Literature_ A Very Short Introduction - Knight, Sabina.mobi 1.19M
| ├──Classics_ A Very Short Introduction - Beard, Mary & Henderson, John.mobi 1.27M
| ├──Colonial Latin American Literature_ A Very Short ction - Adorno, Rolena.mobi 857.16kb
| ├──Comedy_ A Very Short Introduction - Bevis, Matthew.azw3 2.19M
| ├──Contemporary Fiction_ A Very Short Introduction - Eaglestone, Robert.azw3 525.87kb
| ├──English Literature (Set of 6 Volumes).azw3 26.02M
| ├──English Literature_ A Very Short Introduction - Bate, Jonathan.mobi 692.18kb
| ├──French Literature_ A Very Short Introduction - Lyons, John D_.mobi 835.05kb
| ├──German Literature_ A Very Short Introduction - Boyle, Nicholas.mobi 1.07M
| ├──Half of a Yellow Sun - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.azw3 763.11kb
| ├──How to Read a Book.azw3 2.61M
| ├──Italian Literature_ A Very Short Introduction - Hainsworth, Peter & Robey, David.mobi 688.05kb
| ├──Kafka_ A Very Short Introduction - Robertson, Ritchie.mobi 643.77kb
| ├──Literary Theory_ A Very Short Introduction - Culler, Jonathan.mobi 505.66kb
| ├──Modern Latin American Literature_ A Very Short Introduction) - Echevarria, Roberto Gonzalez.mobi 541.71kb
| ├──Modernism_ A Very Short Introduction - Butler, Christopher.mobi 554.37kb
| ├──Postcolonialism_ A Very Short Introduction - Young, Robert J. C_.mobi 1.12M
| ├──Romanticism_ A Very Short Introduction - Ferber, Michael.mobi 655.79kb
| ├──Russian Literature_ A Very Short Introduction - Kelly, Catriona.azw3 989.41kb
| ├──Science Fiction_ A Very Short Introduction - Seed, David.mobi 641.14kb
| ├──Shakespeare_ A Very Short Introduction - Greer, Germaine.mobi 1.23M
| ├──Spanish Literature_ A Very Short Introduction - Labanyi, Jo.mobi 691.63kb
| └──The Complete Works of William Shakespeare.azw3 3.64M
| ├──Anaesthesia_ A Very Short Introduction - O'Donnell, Aidan.mobi 791.38kb
| ├──Anxiety_ A Very Short Introduction - Freeman, Daniel & Freeman, Jason.mobi 760.85kb
| ├──Brain_ A Very Short Introduction, The - O'Shea, Michael.mobi 921.50kb
| ├──Cancer_ A Very Short Introduction - James, Nick.mobi 941.05kb
| ├──Drugs_ A Very Short Introduction - Iversen, Leslie.mobi 1.14M
| ├──Emotion_ A Very Short Introduction - Evans, Dylan.mobi 1.13M
| ├──Epidemiology_ A Very Short Introduction - Saracci, Rodolfo.mobi 1003.11kb
| ├──History of Medicine_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Bynum, William.mobi 1.01M
| ├──Medical Ethics_ A Very Short Introduction - Hope, Tony.mobi 1.44M
| ├──Psychiatry_ A Very Short Introduction - Burns, Tom.mobi 781.71kb
| ├──Schizophrenia_ A Very Short Introduction - Frith, Chris & Johnstone, Eve C_.mobi 1.34M
| └──Viruses_ A Very Short Introduction - Crawford, Dorothy H_.azw3 806.09kb
| ├──Blues_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Wald, Elijah.mobi 713.30kb
| ├──Early Music_ A Very Short Introduction - Kelly, Thomas Forrest.azw3 749.68kb
| ├──Folk Music_ A Very Short Introduction - Slobin, Mark.azw3 878.27kb
| ├──Music_ A Very Short Introduction - Cook, Nicholas.mobi 1.00M
| ├──Orchestra_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Holoman, D. Kern.azw3 2.33M
| └──World Music_ A Very Short Introduction - Bohlman, Philip V_.azw3 1.70M
| ├──Hack Attack:The Inside Story of How the Truth Caught Up.azw3 4.39M
| └──Why Don't Students Like School.azw 2.70M
| ├──Ancient Philosophy_ A Very Short Introduction - Annas, Julia.mobi 670.01kb
| ├──Animal Rights_ A Very Short Introduction - DeGrazia, David.mobi 644.34kb
| ├──Aristotle_ A Very Short Introduction - Barnes, Jonathan.mobi 588.71kb
| ├──Atheism_ A Very Short Introduction - Baggini, Julian.mobi 632.45kb
| ├──Barthes_ A Very Short Introduction - Culler, Jonathan.mobi 994.20kb
| ├──Causation_ A Very Short Introduction - Mumford, Stephen & Anjum, Rani Lill.azw3 574.46kb
| ├──Conscience_ A Very Short Introduction - Strohm, Paul.mobi 586.72kb
| ├──Continental Philosophy_ A Very Short Introduction - Critchley, Simon.mobi 1.21M
| ├──Critical Theory_ A Very Short Introduction - Bronner, Stephen Eric.mobi 626.55kb
| ├──Derrida_ A Very Short Introduction - Glendinning, Simon.mobi 271.47kb
| ├──Descartes_ A Very Short Introduction - Sorell, Tom.mobi 525.99kb
| ├──does santa exist a philosophical investigation.mobi 14.20M
| ├──Ethics_ A Very Short Introduction - Blackburn, Simon.mobi 788.79kb
| ├──Existentialism_ A Very Short Introduction - Flynn, Thomas.mobi 838.55kb
| ├──Foucault_ A Very Short Introduction - Gutting, Gary.mobi 833.69kb
| ├──Free Will_ A Very Short Introduction - Pink, Thomas.mobi 605.79kb
| ├──Genius_ A Very Short Introduction - Robinson, Andrew.mobi 726.30kb
| ├──German Philosophy_ A Very Short Introduction - Bowie, Andrew.mobi 496.04kb
| ├──Habermas_ A Very Short Introduction - Finlayson, James Gordon.mobi 29.13M
| ├──Happiness_ A Very Short Introduction - Haybron, Daniel M_.azw3 660.20kb
| ├──Hegel_ A Very Short Introduction - Singer, Peter.mobi 909.42kb
| ├──Heidegger_ A Very Short Introduction - Inwood, Michael.mobi 538.23kb
| ├──Hobbes_ A Very Short Introduction - Tuck, Richard.mobi 657.10kb
| ├──Hume_ A Very Short Introduction - Ayer, Alfred.mobi 632.71kb
| ├──Indian Philosophy_ A Very Short Introduction - Hamilton, Sue.mobi 662.22kb
| ├──Kant_ A Very Short Introduction - Scruton, Roger.mobi 800.96kb
| ├──Kierkegaard_ A Very Short Introduction - Gardiner, Patrick.mobi 558.80kb
| ├──Locke_ A Very Short Introduction - Dunn, John.mobi 909.24kb
| ├──Logic_ A Very Short Introduction - Priest, Graham.azw3 905.70kb
| ├──Machiavelli_ A Very Short Introduction - Skinner, Quentin.mobi 454.91kb
| ├──Marquis de Sade_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Phillips, John.mobi 1.15M
| ├──Meaning of Life, The - Eagleton, Terry.azw3 1.91M
| ├──Metaphysics_ A Very Short Introduction - Mumford, Stephen.azw3 1.97M
| ├──Nietzsche_ A Very Short Introduction - Tanner, Michael.mobi 233.90kb
| ├──Objectivity_ A Very Short Introduction - Gaukroger, Stephen.mobi 235.25kb
| ├──Philosophy_ A Very Short Introduction - Craig, Edward.azw3 2.49M
| ├──Plato_ A Very Short Introduction - Annas, Julia.mobi 643.87kb
| ├──Political Philosophy_ A Very Short Introduction - Miller, David.mobi 1.04M
| ├──Presocratic Philosophy_ A Very Short Introduction - Osborne, Catherine.mobi 30.03M
| ├──Reality_ A Very Short Introduction - Westerhoff, Jan.mobi 748.96kb
| ├──Rousseau_ A Very Short Introduction - Wokler, Robert.mobi 1.26M
| ├──Russell_ A Very Short Introduction - Grayling, A. C_.azw3 2.23M
| ├──Schopenhauer_ A Very Short Introduction - Janaway, Christopher.mobi 509.57kb
| ├──Socrates_ A Very Short Introduction - Taylor, Christopher.mobi 603.73kb
| ├──Sophie's World - Jostein Gaarde.azw3 555.96kb
| ├──Spinoza_ A Very Short Introduction - Scruton, Roger.mobi 1.07M
| ├──Thought_ A Very Short Introduction - Bayne, Tim.azw3 365.83kb
| ├──Trust_ A Very Short Introduction - Hawley, Katherine.azw3 1.84M
| ├──Utopianism_ A Very Short Introduction - Sargent, Lyman Tower.mobi 765.19kb
| └──Wittgenstein_ A Very Short Introduction - Grayling, A. C_.mobi 462.94kb
| ├──American Politics_ A Very Short Introduction - Valelly, Richard M_.azw3 2.08M
| ├──American Presidency_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Jones, Charles O_.mobi 655.55kb
| ├──Anarchism_ A Very Short Introduction - Ward, Colin.mobi 753.01kb
| ├──Borders_ A Very Short Introduction - Diener, Alexander C. & Hagen, Joshua.azw3 2.10M
| ├──British Constitution_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Loughlin, Martin.azw3 432.32kb
| ├──British Politics_ A Very Short Introduction - Wright, Tony.azw3 1017.33kb
| ├──Democracy_ A Very Short Introduction - Crick, Bernard.mobi 656.30kb
| ├──Diplomacy_ A Very Short Introduction - Siracusa, Joseph M_.mobi 579.58kb
| ├──Engels_ A Very Short Introduction - Carver, Terrell.mobi 530.87kb
| ├──European Union_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Pinder, John & Usherwood, Simon.azw3 1.53M
| ├──Fundamentalism_ A Very Short Introduction - Ruthven, Malise.mobi 740.46kb
| ├──Geopolitics_ A Very Short Introduction - Dodds, Klaus.mobi 1.39M
| ├──Governance_ A Very Short Introduction - Bevir, Mark.mobi 567.38kb
| ├──Hitlerland——American Eyewitnesses to the Nazi Rise to Power - Andrew Nagorski.mobi 1.77M
| ├──Ideology_ A Very Short Introduction - Freeden, Michael.mobi 873.60kb
| ├──International Relations_ A Very Short Introduction - Wilkinson, Paul.mobi 885.39kb
| ├──International Security_ A Very Short Introductiony Short Introductions) - Browning, Christopher S_.azw3 578.12kb
| ├──Mao_ A Very Short Introduction - Davin, Delia.azw3 5.31M
| ├──Marx_ A Very Short Introduction - Singer, Peter.mobi 895.11kb
| ├──Nationalism_ A Very Short Introduction - Grosby, Steven.mobi 29.28M
| ├──Nelson Mandela_ A Very Short Introduction - Boehmer, Elleke.mobi 1.23M
| ├──Northern Ireland_ A Very Short Introduction - Mulholland, Marc.mobi 1008.55kb
| ├──Palestinian-Israeli Conflict_ A Very Short Introd, The - Bunton, Martin.azw3 992.93kb
| ├──Politics_ A Very Short Introduction - Minogue, Kenneth.mobi 227.55kb
| ├──Progressivism_ A Very Short Introduction - Nugent, Walter.mobi 510.87kb
| ├──Reagan Revolution_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Troy, Gil.mobi 548.95kb
| ├──Revolutions_ A Very Short Introduction - Goldstone, Jack A_.azw3 756.75kb
| ├──Socialism_ A Very Short Introduction - Newman, Michael.mobi 1.02M
| ├──Terrorism_ A Very Short Introduction - Townshend, Charles.azw3 1.74M
| ├──The Good Book_ A Secular Bible - A. C. Grayling.mobi 1.34M
| ├──Tocqueville_ A Very Short Introduction - Mansfield, Harvey C_.mobi 473.84kb
| ├──U.S. Congress_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Ritchie, Donald A_.mobi 556.02kb
| ├──United Nations_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Hanhimaki, Jussi M_.mobi 864.22kb
| └──World Trade Organization_ A Very Short Introduction), The - Narlikar, Amrita.mobi 29.49M
| ├──Consciousness_ A Very Short Introduction - Blackmore, Susan.mobi 1.11M
| ├──Dreaming_ A Very Short Introduction - Hobson, J. Allan.mobi 1.01M
| ├──Forensic Psychology_ A Very Short Introduction - Canter, David.mobi 613.10kb
| ├──Freud_ A Very Short Introduction - Storr, Anthony.mobi 963.13kb
| ├──Intelligence_ A Very Short Introduction - Deary, Ian J_.mobi 1001.87kb
| ├──Jung_ A Very Short Introduction - Stevens, Anthony.mobi 1022.09kb
| ├──Madness_ A Very Short Introduction - Scull, Andrew.mobi 747.82kb
| ├──Memory_ A Very Short Introduction - Foster, Jonathan K_.mobi 899.65kb
| ├──Psychology_ A Very Short Introduction - Butler, Gillian & McManus, Freda.mobi 989.29kb
| └──Sleep_ A Very Short Introduction - Lockley, Steven W. & Foster, Russell G_.mobi 889.59kb
| ├──Agnosticism_ A Very Short Introduction - Poidevin, Robin Le.mobi 579.39kb
| ├──Angels_ A Very Short Introduction - Jones, David Albert.mobi 682.54kb
| ├──Anglicanism_ A Very Short Introduction - Chapman, Mark.mobi 989.23kb
| ├──Apocryphal Gospels_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Foster, Paul.mobi 1.01M
| ├──Augustine_ A Very Short Introduction - Chadwick, Henry.mobi 621.29kb
| ├──Bible_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Riches, John.mobi 29.31M
| ├──Book of Mormon_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Givens, Terryl L_.mobi 485.12kb
| ├──Buddha_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Carrithers, Michael.mobi 466.58kb
| ├──Buddhism_ A Very Short Introduction - Keown, Damien.azw3 5.66M
| ├──Buddhist Ethics_ A Very Short Introduction - Keown, Damien.mobi 648.37kb
| ├──Catholicism_ A Very Short Introduction - O'Collins, Gerald.mobi 953.82kb
| ├──Christianity_ A Very Short Introduction - Woodhead, Linda.mobi 1.43M
| ├──Dead Sea Scrolls_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Lim, Timothy.mobi 926.99kb
| ├──Devil_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Oldridge, Darren.mobi 680.23kb
| ├──Druids_ A Very Short Introduction - Cunliffe, Barry.mobi 748.26kb
| ├──Hinduism_ A Very Short Introduction - Knott, Kim.mobi 1.37M
| ├──Humanism_ A Very Short Introduction - Law, Stephen.mobi 886.89kb
| ├──Islamic History_ A Very Short Introduction - Silverstein, Adam J_.mobi 816.68kb
| ├──Islam_ A Very Short Introduction - Ruthven, Malise.mobi 922.40kb
| ├──Jesus_ A Very Short Introduction - Bauckham, Richard.mobi 632.06kb
| ├──Judaism_ A Very Short Introduction - Solomon, Norman.mobi 1.02M
| ├──Koran_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Cook, Michael.mobi 29.76M
| ├──Martyrdom_ A Very Short Introduction - Mitchell, Jolyon.azw3 2.56M
| ├──Mormonism_ A Very Short Introduction - Bushman, Richard Lyman.mobi 715.27kb
| ├──Muhammad_ A Very Short Introduction - Brown, Jonathan A.C_.mobi 607.73kb
| ├──New Testament as Literature_ A Very Short Introduon, The - Keefer, Kyle.mobi 397.31kb
| ├──New Testament_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Johnson, Luke Timothy.mobi 741.84kb
| ├──Old Testament_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Coogan, Michael.mobi 776.11kb
| ├──Paganism_ A Very Short Introduction - Davies, Owen.mobi 695.30kb
| ├──Paul_ A Very Short Introduction - Sanders, E. P_.mobi 582.38kb
| ├──Pentecostalism_ A Very Short Introduction - Kay, William K_.mobi 724.75kb
| ├──Protestantism_ A Very Short Introduction - Noll, Mark A_.mobi 754.49kb
| ├──Puritanism_ A Very Short Introduction - Bremer, Francis J_.mobi 567.37kb
| ├──Quakers_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Dandelion, Pink.mobi 1.15M
| ├──Rastafari_ A Very Short Introduction - Edmonds, Ennis B_.azw3 16.68M
| ├──Sikhism_ A Very Short Introduction - Nesbitt, Eleanor.mobi 1.00M
| ├──Spirituality_ A Very Short Introduction - Sheldrake, Philip.azw3 1.87M
| ├──The Holy Bible (ESV).azw3 10.42M
| ├──Theology_ A Very Short Introduction - Ford, David.azw3 805.68kb
| ├──Thomas Aquinas_ A Very Short Introduction - Kerr, Fergus.mobi 1.13M
| ├──Tibetan Buddhism A Very Short Introduction - Kapstein, Matthew T_.azw3 1.48M
| └──Witchcraft_ A Very Short Introduction - Gaskill, Malcolm.mobi 948.14kb
| ├──Animal Kingdom_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Holland, Peter.mobi 665.53kb
| ├──Antarctic_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Dodds, Klaus.azw3 5.07M
| ├──Astrobiology_ A Very Short Introduction - Catling, David C_.azw3 767.75kb
| ├──Autism_ A Very Short Introduction - Frith, Uta.mobi 796.14kb
| ├──Bacteria_ A Very Short Introduction - Amyes, Sebastian G.B_.azw3 778.97kb
| ├──Cell_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Allen, Terence & Cowling, Graham.mobi 825.54kb
| ├──Chaos_ A Very Short Introduction - Smith, Leonard & Lenny Smith.mobi 1.49M
| ├──Civil Engineering_ A Very Short Introduction - Wood, David Muir.azw3 1.31M
| ├──Computer_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Ince, Darrel.azw3 405.40kb
| ├──Cosmology_ A Very Short Introduction - Coles, Peter.mobi 1.10M
| ├──Cryptography_ A Very Short Introduction - Murphy, Sean & Piper, Fred.mobi 885.83kb
| ├──Darwin_ A Very Short Introduction - Howard, Jonathan.mobi 540.79kb
| ├──Deserts_ A Very Short Introduction - Middleton, Nick.mobi 868.35kb
| ├──Developmental Biology_ A Very Short Introduction - Wolpert, Lewis.mobi 1.00M
| ├──Dinosaurs_ A Very Short Introduction - Norman, David.mobi 1.84M
| ├──Earth_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Redfern, Martin.azw3 1.37M
| ├──Elements_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Ball, Philip.mobi 1.00M
| ├──Engineering_ A Very Short Introduction - Blockley, David.mobi 771.59kb
| ├──Evolution_ A Very Short Introduction - Charlesworth, Brian & Deborah Charlesworth.mobi 1.43M
| ├──Food_ A Very Short Introduction - Krebs, John.azw3 224.31kb
| ├──Fossils_ A Very Short Introduction - Thomson, Keith.azw3 1.09M
| ├──Fractals_ A Very Short Introduction - Falconer, Kenneth.azw3 6.77M
| ├──Galaxies_ A Very Short Introduction - Gribbin, John.mobi 474.15kb
| ├──Galileo_ A Very Short Introduction - Drake, Stillman.mobi 738.77kb
| ├──Game Theory_ A Very Short Introduction - Binmore, Ken.mobi 1.26M
| ├──Global Warming_ A Very Short Introduction - Maslin, Mark.mobi 2.01M
| ├──History of Astronomy_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Hoskin, Michael.mobi 943.72kb
| ├──History of Life_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Benton, Michael J_.mobi 1.16M
| ├──History of Mathematics_ A Very Short Introduction), The - Stedall, Jacqueline.mobi 618.54kb
| ├──History of Time_ A Very Short Introduction , The - Holford-Strevens, Leofranc.mobi 1.69M
| ├──Human Evolution_ A Very Short Introduction - Wood, Bernard.mobi 1.12M
| ├──Information_ A Very Short Introduction - Floridi, Luciano.mobi 867.09kb
| ├──Landscapes and Geomorphology_ A Very Short Introduction) - Goudie, Andrew & Viles, Heather.mobi 838.32kb
| ├──Laws of Thermodynamics_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Atkins, Peter.mobi 406.55kb
| ├──Magnetism_ A Very Short Introduction - Blundell, Stephen J_.azw3 2.30M
| ├──Marine Biology_ A Very Short Introduction - Mladenov, Philip V_.azw3 1.38M
| ├──Mathematics_ A Very Short Introduction - Gowers, Timothy.mobi 1.00M
| ├──Michael Faraday_ A Very Short Introduction - James, Frank A.J.L.mobi 831.50kb
| ├──Molecules_ A Very Short Introduction - Ball, Philip.mobi 1.67M
| ├──Networks_ A Very Short Introduction - Caldarelli, Guido & Catanzaro, Michele.azw3 16.69M
| ├──Newton_ A Very Short Introduction - Iliffe, Rob.mobi 855.09kb
| ├──Nothing_ A Very Short Introduction - Close, Frank.mobi 650.94kb
| ├──Nuclear Power_ A Very Short Introduction - Irvine, Maxwell.azw3 741.41kb
| ├──Numbers_ A Very Short Introduction - Higgins, Peter M_.mobi 751.75kb
| ├──Particle Physics_ A Very Short Introduction - Close, Frank.mobi 1.07M
| ├──Periodic Table_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Scerri, Eric R_.mobi 1.12M
| ├──Philosophy of Science_ A Very Short Introduction - Okasha, Samir.azw3 748.57kb
| ├──Planets_ A Very Short Introduction - Rothery, David A_.mobi 913.41kb
| ├──Plants_ A Very Short Introduction - Walker, Timothy.mobi 726.30kb
| ├──Probability_ A Very Short Introduction - Haigh, John.mobi 486.38kb
| ├──Quantum Theory_ A Very Short Introduction - Polkinghorne, John.mobi 471.28kb
| ├──Radioactivity_ A Very Short Introduction - Tuniz, Claudio.azw3 2.31M
| ├──Relativity_ A Very Short Introduction - Stannard, Russell.azw3 779.01kb
| ├──Rivers_ A Very Short Introduction - Middleton, Nick.mobi 789.79kb
| ├──Robotics_ A Very Short Introduction - Winfield, Alan.azw3 5.41M
| ├──Science Readers (Set of 6 Volumes).azw3 16.79M
| ├──Scientific Revolution_ A Very Short Introduction, The - Principe, Lawrence M_.mobi 1.02M
| ├──Seven Brief Lessons on Physics.mobi 1.41M
| ├──Stars_ A Very Short Introduction - King, Andrew.azw3 1.96M
| ├──Statistics_ A Very Short Introduction - Hand, David J_.mobi 422.30kb
| ├──Stem Cells_ A Very Short Introduction - Slack, Jonathan.mobi 659.50kb
| ├──Superconductivity_ A Very Short Introduction - Blundell, Stephen J_.mobi 1.13M
| └──Symmetry_ A Very Short Introduction - Stewart, Ian.azw3 6.07M
| ├──Almost Famous Women:Stories.azw3 1.36M
| └──Sweet but Sexy Boxed Set - Maddie James.azw3 1.83M
| ├──American Immigration_ A Very Short Introduction - Gerber, David A_.mobi 733.03kb
| ├──Ancient Warfare_ A Very Short Introduction - Sidebottom, Harry.mobi 1.37M
| ├──Antisemitism_ A Very Short Introduction - Beller, Steven.mobi 851.91kb
| ├──Capitalism_ A Very Short Introduction - Fulcher, James.mobi 908.73kb
| ├──Citizenship_ A Very Short Introduction - Bellamy, Richard.mobi 976.93kb
| ├──Classical Mythology_ A Very Short Introduction - Morales, Helen.mobi 1.27M
| ├──Climate_ A Very Short Introduction - Maslin, Mark.azw3 1.86M
| ├──Communism_ A Very Short Introduction - Holmes, Leslie.mobi 1.26M
| ├──Design_ A Very Short Introduction - Heskett, John.azw3 1.58M
| ├──Diaspora_ A Very Short Introduction - Kenny, Kevin.azw3 723.26kb
| ├──Education_ A Very Short Introduction - Thomas, Gary.azw3 808.09kb
| ├──Fashion_ A Very Short Introduction - Arnold, Rebecca.mobi 870.80kb
| ├──Feminism_ A Very Short Introduction - Walters, Margaret.mobi 929.27kb
| ├──Forensic Science_ A Very Short Introduction - Fraser, Jim.mobi 1.98M
| ├──Geography_ A Very Short Introduction - Matthews, John A. & Herbert, David T_.mobi 1.46M
| ├──Global Catastrophes_ A Very Short Introduction - McGuire, Bill.mobi 1.08M
| ├──Globalization_ A Very Short Introduction - Steger, Manfred.azw3 1.78M
| ├──HIV_AIDS_ A Very Short Introduction - Whiteside, Alan.mobi 1.06M
| ├──International Migration_ A Very Short Introduction - Koser, Khalid.mobi 917.74kb
| ├──Modern War_ A Very Short Introduction - English, Richard.azw3 1.23M
| ├──Multiculturalism_ A Very Short Introduction - Rattansi, Ali.mobi 537.93kb
| ├──Neoliberalism_ A Very Short Introduction - Steger, Manfred B. & Roy, Ravi K_.mobi 1.19M
| ├──Nuclear Weapons_ A Very Short Introduction - Siracusa, Joseph M_.mobi 776.70kb
| ├──Postmodernism_ A Very Short Introduction - Butler, Christopher.mobi 980.29kb
| ├──Poststructuralism_ A Very Short Introduction - Belsey, Catherine.mobi 504.29kb
| ├──Racism_ A Very Short Introduction - Rattansi, Ali.mobi 473.80kb
| ├──Rhetoric_ A Very Short Introduction - Toye, Richard.azw3 5.24M
| ├──Science and Religion_ A Very Short Introduction - Dixon, Thomas.mobi 6.52M
| ├──Sexuality_ A Very Short Introduction - Mottier, Veronique.mobi 863.38kb
| ├──Social and Cultural Anthropology_ A Very Short Introduction) - Monaghan, John & Peter Just.mobi 1.17M
| ├──Sociology_ A Very Short Introduction - Bruce, Steve.mobi 237.44kb
| └──Work_ A Very Short Introduction - Fineman, Stephen.azw3 2.22M
| ├──3ds Max 2012 Bible - Kelly L. Murdock.mobi 108.83M
| ├──Code Complete, Second Edition.mobi 3.94M
| ├──Computer Systems A Programmer's Perspective.mobi 18.67M
| ├──Cpp primer plus 6th edition.mobi 14.36M
| ├──High Performance MySQL.mobi 3.73M
| ├──Java EE 6 Pocket Guide - ArunGupta.mobi 453.66kb
| ├──Kali Linux Cookbook.azw3 9.77M
| └──Thinking in Java, ThirdEdition - Bruce Eckel.mobi 2.50M
└──Index.txt 48.02kb
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