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Storey Treehouse 小屁孩树屋历险记 1-13+2册PDF+MOBI+EPUB英文版电子书+有声书音频MP3 百度云网盘下载


Storey Treehouse 小屁孩树屋历险记 1-13+2册PDF+MOBI+EPUB英文版电子书+有声书音频MP3

20240820更新:新增:The 169 Storey Treehouse 小屁孩树屋历险记 (2023最新出版)epub格式








今天我们想给家长们推荐的一套中章节书,是男孩女孩都爱,圈了无数家长粉的Storey Treehouse 小屁孩树屋历险记。这套书的蓝思分值在560-770L左右,AR3.6-4.0,适合有英文中章书阅读基础3年级以上的孩子

Storey Treehouse 是一套能够让孩子们“脑洞大开”的神奇图画故事书,它将带领孩子们进行一场挑战想象力极限的大冒险。神奇的书屋里可以有透明泳池、保龄球馆,可以有电动碰碰车场、拥有78种口味的冰激凌屋,以及传说中的复杂迷宫,还可以在喷发的火山口烤棉花糖,与大象拳击手搏击……


《纽约时报》超级畅销童书 故事诙谐幽默,想象力爆棚

可以说Storey Treehouse 是畅销童书中的“天王”,一直雄踞《纽约时报》畅销童书榜,至今已经有超过五百万册的销量,得到超过五十项童书奖。



ABIA 青少年读物奖

KOALA 最佳小说奖



这套书的作者是澳洲畅销的童书作家Andy Griffiths安迪•格里菲斯。他和书的插画家Terry Denton就是他们的树屋故事中的主人公。连续二十年来,格里菲斯的作品都获选《纽约日报》畅销图书,销售遍及全世界。

Terry Denton,主要担任童书插画,本身也著有超过三十部童书作品。Andy和Terry已经是合作了二十年的超级拍档,他们的共同作品包括曾经改编为卡通影集的The Just!系列、得过多项大奖的The Bad Book系列,以及现在至新的Storey Treehouse 系列。


Andy 想像力丰富,他和书的插画家Terry Denton就是他们的树屋故事中的主人公。故事诙谐幽默,有着无尽的想象力,简单易读,不爱阅读的孩子也能深陷其中。


Storey Treehouse 系列还被改编为舞台剧,在雪梨歌剧院登台演出,可见孩子们有多喜欢这套书......

The 91-Storey Treehouse

“脑洞大开”的新奇玩意 挑战孩子们的想象力极限


o 喜欢糖果吗?这里有自动棉花糖喂食机!

o 讨厌蔬菜吗?消灭蔬菜机会帮你解决困扰!

o 想尽情玩电动吗?“应有尽有”电玩游戏中心等着你!

o 想痛快喝汽水吗?这里有一大缸的汽水喷水池!

o 想要冒险吗?这里有养满食人鲨的大鱼缸!





大量作者自创的词 帮孩子拓展词汇量


像英国知名作家罗尔德.达尔一样,Andy Griffiths也喜欢自创一些有意思的英文词,用在其书中。比方在13 Storey Treehouse中,Terry将一只cat(猫)的身上画出canary(金丝雀)的样子,然后这只奇怪的动物就变成catnary,这可不是一个真正的英语单词。

再比如,在39 Storey Treehouse里,Terry用一只spoon(勺子)当成pencil(铅笔)来画画并将它称为spooncil,在任何字典上也查不到"spooncil"这样的单词,但“脑洞大”的孩子能秒懂它的含义!这在无形中拓展了孩子的词汇量,也让孩子觉得很有趣。


——/2023更新/【多课吧DOC8.com-3123】Storey Treehouse 小屁孩树屋历险记 1-12+2册PDF+MOBI+EPUB英文版电子书+有声书音频MP3 百度云网盘下载/

├──Treehouse Series - Andy Griffiths - book

|   ├──epub

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 01] - The 13-Story Treehouse.epub  27.32M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 02] - The 26-Story Treehouse.epub  28.88M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 03] - The 39-Storey Treehouse.epub  24.72M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 04] - The 52-Storey Treehouse.epub  36.36M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 05] - The 65-Storey Treehouse.epub  62.75M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 06] - The 78-Storey Treehouse.epub  56.83M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 07] - The 91-Storey Treehouse.epub  34.04M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 08] - The 104-Storey Treehouse.epub  51.72M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 09] - The 117-Storey Treehouse.epub  267.96M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 10] - The 130 Storey Treehouse.epub  48.67M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 11] - The 143-Storey Treehouse.epub  48.90M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 12] - The 156-Storey Treehouse.epub  86.24M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - Terry's Dumb Dot Story - Terry Denton [World Book Day 2018].epub  24.06M

|   |   └──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - The Treehouse Joke Book.epub  222.02M

|   ├──mobi

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 01] - The 13-Story Treehouse.mobi  31.95M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 02] - The 26-Story Treehouse.mobi  19.70M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 03] - The 39-Storey Treehouse.mobi  31.04M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 04] - The 52-Storey Treehouse.mobi  41.27M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 05] - The 65-Storey Treehouse.mobi  73.45M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 06] - The 78-Storey Treehouse.mobi  63.73M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 07] - The 91-Storey Treehouse.mobi  35.29M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 08] - The 104-Storey Treehouse.mobi  62.24M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 09] - The 117-Storey Treehouse.mobi  264.28M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 10] - The 130 Storey Treehouse.mobi  54.03M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 11] - The 143-Storey Treehouse.mobi  54.53M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 12] - The 156-Storey Treehouse.mobi  86.31M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - Terry's Dumb Dot Story - Terry Denton [World Book Day 2018].mobi  25.21M

|   |   └──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - The Treehouse Joke Book.mobi  173.74M

|   └──PDF

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 01] - The 13-Story Treehouse.jpg  87.03kb

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 01] - The 13-Story Treehouse.pdf  16.55M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 02] - The 26-Story Treehouse.jpg  104.42kb

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 02] - The 26-Story Treehouse.pdf  30.20M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 03] - The 39-Storey Treehouse.jpg  478.53kb

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 03] - The 39-Storey Treehouse.pdf  25.89M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 04] - The 52-Storey Treehouse.jpg  97.10kb

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 04] - The 52-Storey Treehouse.pdf  30.30M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 05] - The 65-Storey Treehouse.jpg  488.21kb

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 05] - The 65-Storey Treehouse.pdf  47.43M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 06] - The 78-Storey Treehouse.jpg  79.77kb

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 06] - The 78-Storey Treehouse.pdf  37.68M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 07] - The 91-Storey Treehouse.jpg  124.10kb

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 07] - The 91-Storey Treehouse.pdf  37.17M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 08] - The 104-Storey Treehouse.jpg  851.91kb

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 08] - The 104-Storey Treehouse.pdf  32.51M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 09] - The 117-Storey Treehouse.jpg  479.57kb

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 09] - The 117-Storey Treehouse.pdf  194.84M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 10] - The 130 Storey Treehouse.jpg  657.93kb

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 10] - The 130 Storey Treehouse.pdf  30.33M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 11] - The 143-Storey Treehouse.jpg  815.68kb

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 11] - The 143-Storey Treehouse.pdf  30.61M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 12] - The 156-Storey Treehouse.jpg  612.92kb

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 12] - The 156-Storey Treehouse.pdf  57.65M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - Terry's Dumb Dot Story - Terry Denton [World Book Day 2018].jpg  1.32M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - Terry's Dumb Dot Story - Terry Denton [World Book Day 2018].pdf  20.36M

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - The Treehouse Joke Book.jpg  937.22kb

|   |   └──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - The Treehouse Joke Book.pdf  106.01M

└──Treehouse Series - Andy Griffiths - MP3

|   ├──Treehouse 01 - The 13-Story Treehouse - MP3

|   |   ├──The 13-Story Treehouse - 01.mp3  3.38M

|   |   ├──The 13-Story Treehouse - 02.mp3  2.13M

|   |   ├──The 13-Story Treehouse - 03.mp3  3.31M

|   |   ├──The 13-Story Treehouse - 04.mp3  4.13M

|   |   ├──The 13-Story Treehouse - 05.mp3  6.01M

|   |   ├──The 13-Story Treehouse - 06.mp3  2.36M

|   |   ├──The 13-Story Treehouse - 07.mp3  18.61M

|   |   ├──The 13-Story Treehouse - 08.mp3  7.25M

|   |   ├──The 13-Story Treehouse - 09.mp3  3.73M

|   |   ├──The 13-Story Treehouse - 10.mp3  7.08M

|   |   ├──The 13-Story Treehouse - 11.mp3  5.67M

|   |   ├──The 13-Story Treehouse - 12.mp3  3.47M

|   |   └──The 13-Story Treehouse - 13.mp3  7.86M

|   ├──Treehouse 02 - The 26-Story Treehouse - MP3

|   |   ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 02] - The 26-Story Treehouse.jpg  104.42kb

|   |   ├──The 26-Story Treehouse - 01.mp3  4.15M

|   |   ├──The 26-Story Treehouse - 02.mp3  2.24M

|   |   ├──The 26-Story Treehouse - 03.mp3  5.10M

|   |   ├──The 26-Story Treehouse - 04.mp3  4.44M

|   |   ├──The 26-Story Treehouse - 05.mp3  6.85M

|   |   ├──The 26-Story Treehouse - 06.mp3  6.71M

|   |   ├──The 26-Story Treehouse - 07.mp3  4.34M

|   |   ├──The 26-Story Treehouse - 08.mp3  7.26M

|   |   ├──The 26-Story Treehouse - 09.mp3  4.13M

|   |   ├──The 26-Story Treehouse - 10.mp3  9.32M

|   |   ├──The 26-Story Treehouse - 11.mp3  8.97M

|   |   ├──The 26-Story Treehouse - 12.mp3  5.68M

|   |   └──The 26-Story Treehouse - 13.mp3  6.07M

|   ├──Treehouse 03 - The 39-Storey Treehouse - MP3

|   |   ├──The 39-Storey Treehouse - 01.mp3  5.53M

|   |   ├──The 39-Storey Treehouse - 02.mp3  6.25M

|   |   ├──The 39-Storey Treehouse - 03.mp3  5.55M

|   |   ├──The 39-Storey Treehouse - 04.mp3  8.04M

|   |   ├──The 39-Storey Treehouse - 05.mp3  4.29M

|   |   ├──The 39-Storey Treehouse - 06.mp3  4.72M

|   |   ├──The 39-Storey Treehouse - 07.mp3  6.87M

|   |   ├──The 39-Storey Treehouse - 08.mp3  4.95M

|   |   ├──The 39-Storey Treehouse - 09.mp3  10.01M

|   |   ├──The 39-Storey Treehouse - 10.mp3  9.86M

|   |   ├──The 39-Storey Treehouse - 11.mp3  8.11M

|   |   ├──The 39-Storey Treehouse - 12.mp3  5.80M

|   |   └──The 39-Storey Treehouse - 13.mp3  14.29M

|   ├──Treehouse 04 - The 52-Storey Treehouse - MP3

|   |   ├──The 52-Storey Treehouse - 01.mp3  4.98M

|   |   ├──The 52-Storey Treehouse - 02.mp3  6.92M

|   |   ├──The 52-Storey Treehouse - 03.mp3  6.16M

|   |   ├──The 52-Storey Treehouse - 04.mp3  2.16M

|   |   ├──The 52-Storey Treehouse - 05.mp3  8.08M

|   |   ├──The 52-Storey Treehouse - 06.mp3  6.42M

|   |   ├──The 52-Storey Treehouse - 07.mp3  5.76M

|   |   ├──The 52-Storey Treehouse - 08.mp3  4.08M

|   |   ├──The 52-Storey Treehouse - 09.mp3  4.77M

|   |   ├──The 52-Storey Treehouse - 10.mp3  4.75M

|   |   ├──The 52-Storey Treehouse - 11.mp3  5.78M

|   |   ├──The 52-Storey Treehouse - 12.mp3  10.57M

|   |   └──The 52-Storey Treehouse - 13.mp3  6.16M

|   ├──Treehouse 05 - The 65-Storey Treehouse - MP3

|   |   ├──The 65-Storey Treehouse - 01.mp3  5.81M

|   |   ├──The 65-Storey Treehouse - 02.mp3  5.10M

|   |   ├──The 65-Storey Treehouse - 03.mp3  9.10M

|   |   ├──The 65-Storey Treehouse - 04.mp3  7.05M

|   |   ├──The 65-Storey Treehouse - 05.mp3  5.70M

|   |   ├──The 65-Storey Treehouse - 06.mp3  7.63M

|   |   ├──The 65-Storey Treehouse - 07.mp3  6.02M

|   |   ├──The 65-Storey Treehouse - 08.mp3  10.91M

|   |   ├──The 65-Storey Treehouse - 09.mp3  7.24M

|   |   ├──The 65-Storey Treehouse - 10.mp3  8.09M

|   |   ├──The 65-Storey Treehouse - 11.mp3  8.78M

|   |   ├──The 65-Storey Treehouse - 12.mp3  8.34M

|   |   └──The 65-Storey Treehouse - 13.mp3  9.92M

|   ├──Treehouse 06 - The 78-Storey Treehouse - MP3

|   |   ├──The 78-Storey Treehouse - 01.mp3  6.16M

|   |   ├──The 78-Storey Treehouse - 02.mp3  3.98M

|   |   ├──The 78-Storey Treehouse - 03.mp3  8.65M

|   |   ├──The 78-Storey Treehouse - 04.mp3  3.53M

|   |   ├──The 78-Storey Treehouse - 05.mp3  4.28M

|   |   ├──The 78-Storey Treehouse - 06.mp3  6.50M

|   |   ├──The 78-Storey Treehouse - 07.mp3  7.02M

|   |   ├──The 78-Storey Treehouse - 08.mp3  7.33M

|   |   ├──The 78-Storey Treehouse - 09.mp3  4.18M

|   |   ├──The 78-Storey Treehouse - 10.mp3  10.22M

|   |   ├──The 78-Storey Treehouse - 11.mp3  3.15M

|   |   ├──The 78-Storey Treehouse - 12.mp3  9.06M

|   |   └──The 78-Storey Treehouse - 13.mp3  11.35M

|   ├──Treehouse 07 - The 91-Storey Treehouse - MP3

|   |   ├──The 91-Storey Treehouse - 01.mp3  5.72M

|   |   ├──The 91-Storey Treehouse - 02.mp3  7.29M

|   |   ├──The 91-Storey Treehouse - 03.mp3  8.56M

|   |   ├──The 91-Storey Treehouse - 04.mp3  3.02M

|   |   ├──The 91-Storey Treehouse - 05.mp3  7.78M

|   |   ├──The 91-Storey Treehouse - 06.mp3  10.66M

|   |   ├──The 91-Storey Treehouse - 07.mp3  5.28M

|   |   ├──The 91-Storey Treehouse - 08.mp3  4.48M

|   |   ├──The 91-Storey Treehouse - 09.mp3  8.68M

|   |   ├──The 91-Storey Treehouse - 10.mp3  6.45M

|   |   ├──The 91-Storey Treehouse - 11.mp3  6.45M

|   |   ├──The 91-Storey Treehouse - 12.mp3  5.75M

|   |   ├──The 91-Storey Treehouse - 13.mp3  10.22M

|   |   └──The 91-Storey Treehouse - 14.mp3  982.17kb

|   ├──Treehouse 08 - The 104-Storey Treehouse - MP3

|   |   ├──The 104-Storey Treehouse - 01.mp3  7.43M

|   |   ├──The 104-Storey Treehouse - 02.mp3  5.49M

|   |   ├──The 104-Storey Treehouse - 03.mp3  6.36M

|   |   ├──The 104-Storey Treehouse - 04.mp3  6.96M

|   |   ├──The 104-Storey Treehouse - 05.mp3  8.86M

|   |   ├──The 104-Storey Treehouse - 06.mp3  7.94M

|   |   ├──The 104-Storey Treehouse - 07.mp3  1.59M

|   |   ├──The 104-Storey Treehouse - 08.mp3  9.39M

|   |   ├──The 104-Storey Treehouse - 09.mp3  4.84M

|   |   ├──The 104-Storey Treehouse - 10.mp3  4.25M

|   |   ├──The 104-Storey Treehouse - 11.mp3  7.20M

|   |   ├──The 104-Storey Treehouse - 12.mp3  9.39M

|   |   ├──The 104-Storey Treehouse - 13.mp3  6.19M

|   |   └──The 104-Storey Treehouse - 14.mp3  7.10M

|   ├──Treehouse 09 - The 117-Storey Treehouse - MP3

|   |   ├──The 117-Storey Treehouse - 01.mp3  6.84M

|   |   ├──The 117-Storey Treehouse - 02.mp3  4.41M

|   |   ├──The 117-Storey Treehouse - 03.mp3  1.88M

|   |   ├──The 117-Storey Treehouse - 04.mp3  3.81M

|   |   ├──The 117-Storey Treehouse - 05.mp3  3.24M

|   |   ├──The 117-Storey Treehouse - 06.mp3  4.38M

|   |   ├──The 117-Storey Treehouse - 07.mp3  6.26M

|   |   ├──The 117-Storey Treehouse - 08.mp3  7.98M

|   |   ├──The 117-Storey Treehouse - 09.mp3  3.91M

|   |   ├──The 117-Storey Treehouse - 10.mp3  6.14M

|   |   ├──The 117-Storey Treehouse - 11.mp3  4.23M

|   |   ├──The 117-Storey Treehouse - 12.mp3  8.84M

|   |   └──The 117-Storey Treehouse - 13.mp3  11.79M

|   ├──Treehouse 10 - The 130 Storey Treehouse - MP3

|   |   ├──The 130 Storey Treehouse - Cover.jpg  71.70kb

|   |   ├──The 130 Storey Treehouse - Part 01.mp3  3.80M

|   |   ├──The 130 Storey Treehouse - Part 02.mp3  2.08M

|   |   ├──The 130 Storey Treehouse - Part 03.mp3  3.18M

|   |   ├──The 130 Storey Treehouse - Part 04.mp3  5.79M

|   |   ├──The 130 Storey Treehouse - Part 05.mp3  1.65M

|   |   ├──The 130 Storey Treehouse - Part 06.mp3  2.93M

|   |   ├──The 130 Storey Treehouse - Part 07.mp3  3.25M

|   |   ├──The 130 Storey Treehouse - Part 08.mp3  4.38M

|   |   ├──The 130 Storey Treehouse - Part 09.mp3  3.61M

|   |   ├──The 130 Storey Treehouse - Part 10.mp3  3.33M

|   |   ├──The 130 Storey Treehouse - Part 11.mp3  2.61M

|   |   ├──The 130 Storey Treehouse - Part 12.mp3  1.92M

|   |   └──The 130 Storey Treehouse - Part 13.mp3  2.09M

|   ├──Treehouse 11 - The 143 Storey Treehouse - MP3

|   |   ├──The 143 Storey Treehouse - 01.mp3  3.97M

|   |   ├──The 143 Storey Treehouse - 02.mp3  3.49M

|   |   ├──The 143 Storey Treehouse - 03.mp3  2.66M

|   |   ├──The 143 Storey Treehouse - 04.mp3  3.50M

|   |   ├──The 143 Storey Treehouse - 05.mp3  2.58M

|   |   ├──The 143 Storey Treehouse - 06.mp3  2.92M

|   |   ├──The 143 Storey Treehouse - 07.mp3  2.82M

|   |   ├──The 143 Storey Treehouse - 08.mp3  2.76M

|   |   ├──The 143 Storey Treehouse - 09.mp3  1.63M

|   |   ├──The 143 Storey Treehouse - 10.mp3  1.85M

|   |   ├──The 143 Storey Treehouse - 11.mp3  3.24M

|   |   ├──The 143 Storey Treehouse - 12.mp3  2.54M

|   |   ├──The 143 Storey Treehouse - 13.mp3  2.66M

|   |   └──The 143 Storey Treehouse .jpg  62.76kb

|   └──Treehouse 12 - The 156 Storey Treehouse - MP3

|   |   ├──The 156 Storey Treehouse - 01.mp3  3.20M

|   |   ├──The 156 Storey Treehouse - 02.mp3  2.04M

|   |   ├──The 156 Storey Treehouse - 03.mp3  1.94M

|   |   ├──The 156 Storey Treehouse - 04.mp3  2.63M

|   |   ├──The 156 Storey Treehouse - 05.mp3  2.67M

|   |   ├──The 156 Storey Treehouse - 06.mp3  1.97M

|   |   ├──The 156 Storey Treehouse - 07.mp3  2.71M

|   |   ├──The 156 Storey Treehouse - 08.mp3  1.96M

|   |   ├──The 156 Storey Treehouse - 09.mp3  3.20M

|   |   ├──The 156 Storey Treehouse - 10.mp3  1.38M

|   |   ├──The 156 Storey Treehouse - 11.mp3  1.86M

|   |   ├──The 156 Storey Treehouse - 12.mp3  2.54M

|   |   ├──The 156 Storey Treehouse - 13.mp3  3.47M

|   |   └──The 156 Storey Treehouse.jpg  89.73kb

|   |   └──The 169-Storey Treehouse -- Andy Griffiths, Terry Denton.epub

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