本资源合集收录了Amber Brown Series等2024最新70套初章书。这些入门级章节书不仅因其有趣的故事和生动的角色而受到孩子们的喜爱,而且还鼓励孩子们探索、学习和成长。每一系列都有其独特的主题和风格,但它们共同的目标是激发孩子们的想象力和阅读兴趣。这些初章书通常包含丰富的插图,有助于孩子们更好地理解故事内容,同时也增加了阅读的趣味性。此外,这些系列书籍的作者都是儿童文学领域的知名作家,他们的作品经常获得各种奖项和认可,这也从侧面证明了这些系列书籍的影响力和受欢迎程度。以下是逐套介绍(中文简介)及书籍文件明细,这其中,Andrew Lost、Flat Stanleys Worldwide Adventures、My Weird School、Storey Treehouse Series等已在本站单独发布,可以直接搜索查看。
——/2024最新70套英文原版初章书合集 高清PDF+EPUB+MOBI+AZW3+CBR电子版 MP3音频 M4B有声书 百度网盘/
├──Amber Brown Series - Paula Danzige【EPUB+MOBI+MP3】
这个系列由Paula Danziger创作,主要讲述了Amber Brown和她的好朋友Justin Daniels的故事。他们从小一起长大,互相帮助,共同面对生活中的挑战。这个系列以其幽默、感人的故事和贴近生活的情节而受到读者的喜爱。书籍适合7-12岁的儿童阅读,共有13本书,包括《Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon》和《You Can't Eat Your Chicken Pox, Amber Brown》等。
| ├──Amber Brown Series - Paula Danziger
| ├──音频
| └──Amber Brown - Paula Danziger.txt 5.73kb
├──Andrew Lost (mobi+mp3) (AR3.3-4.0, 490L-600L) (6-9y) (G1-G4)【EPUB+MOBI+MP3】
《Andrew Lost》系列是一部科学主题的章节书,由J. C. Greenburg创作。讲述了10岁的小男孩Andrew Dubble和他的表姐Judy因为意外身体被缩小,探索周围微小世界的冒险故事。这个系列将科普知识和故事有机地结合在一起,适合小学阶段的孩子阅读,蓝思指数为540L。
| ├──文本
| └──音频
├──Aven Green Series - Dusti Bowling【EPUB+MOBI+M4B】
由Dusti Bowling创作的《Aven Green Series》讲述了一个聪明、活泼、自信的小女孩Aven Green的故事。Aven天生没有双臂,但这并没有阻止她充分地享受生活。她使用双脚完成日常任务,并用她的智慧解决各种谜题。这个系列以其幽默和启发性的故事受到读者的喜爱,适合6-8岁的儿童阅读。
| ├──Aven Green 01 - Aven Green Sleuthing Machine - M4B
| ├──Aven Green 02 - Aven Green Baking Machine - M4B
| ├──Aven Green 03 - Aven Green Music Machine - M4B
| ├──Aven Green 04 - Aven Green Soccer Machine - M4B
| ├──Aven Green Series - Dusti Bowling
| └──Aven Green Series - Dusti Bowling - M4B.txt 1.44kb
├──Awesome Dog 5000 Series - Justin Dean【EPUB+MOBI】
《Awesome Dog 5000》系列是Justin Dean创作的动作喜剧,讲述了三个孩子发现了一只名为Awesome Dog 5000的机器狗,这只狗拥有超能力,如声波攻击、高速移动和原子炮。这个系列以其疯狂的幽默和冒险故事吸引孩子们,适合喜欢动作和喜剧的年轻读者。
| ├──Awesome Dog 5000 Series - Justin Dean.txt 1.28kb
| ├──Justin Dean - [Awesome Dog 5000 01] - Awesome Dog 5000.epub 46.97M
| ├──Justin Dean - [Awesome Dog 5000 01] - Awesome Dog 5000.jpg 404.81kb
| ├──Justin Dean - [Awesome Dog 5000 01] - Awesome Dog 5000.mobi 37.34M
| ├──Justin Dean - [Awesome Dog 5000 02] - Awesome Dog 5000 vs. Mayor Bossypants.epub 75.37M
| ├──Justin Dean - [Awesome Dog 5000 02] - Awesome Dog 5000 vs. Mayor Bossypants.jpg 471.81kb
| ├──Justin Dean - [Awesome Dog 5000 02] - Awesome Dog 5000 vs. Mayor Bossypants.mobi 46.01M
| ├──Justin Dean - [Awesome Dog 5000 03] - The Kitty-Cat Cyber Squad.epub 69.64M
| ├──Justin Dean - [Awesome Dog 5000 03] - The Kitty-Cat Cyber Squad.jpg 879.62kb
| └──Justin Dean - [Awesome Dog 5000 03] - The Kitty-Cat Cyber Squad.mobi 46.31M
├──Binder of Doom Series - Troy Cummings【CBR+AZW3】
《末日笔记本》系列由Troy Cummings创作,是一部充满幽默和冒险的章节书系列。故事围绕一个普通的学生,他的生活因为一个神秘的笔记本而变得不再平凡。这个系列以其独特的艺术风格和搞笑的情节而受到孩子们的喜爱,适合喜欢奇幻和冒险故事的年轻读者。
| ├──Binder of Doom Series - Troy Cummings.txt 1.50kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Binder of Doom 01] - Brute-Cake.azw3 28.14M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Binder of Doom 01] - Brute-Cake.jpg 423.32kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Binder of Doom 02] - Boa Constructor.azw3 33.42M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Binder of Doom 02] - Boa Constructor.jpg 169.32kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Binder of Doom 03] - Speedah-Cheetah.cbr 15.95M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Binder of Doom 03] - Speedah-Cheetah.jpg 251.00kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Binder of Doom 04] - Hydrant-Hydra.cbr 17.95M
| └──Troy Cummings - [Binder of Doom 04] - Hydrant-Hydra.jpg 246.78kb
├──Black Lagoon Adventures 黑湖小学历险记 27本[蓝思指数470L-750L]【PDF+EPUB+AZW3+MP3】
《黑湖小学历险记》系列由Mike Thaler创作,是一部充满幽默和想象力的章节书。这个系列以其文字游戏、幽默感、代入感和生动的插图受到孩子们的喜爱。书籍适合7-12岁的儿童阅读,兰斯指数在470L-750L之间,帮助孩子从绘本过渡到纯文字书籍。
| ├──Black Lagoon Adventures 黑湖小学历险记 AZW3【缺12 28 29 30】
| ├──Black Lagoon Adventures 黑湖小学历险记 EPUB【缺12 28 29 30】
| ├──Black Lagoon Adventures 黑湖小学历险记 PDF【缺12 28 29 30】
| ├──Black Lagoon Adventures 黑湖小学历险记 音频
| └──Black Lagoon Picture Books 黑湖小学绘本 PDF15本
├──Diary of a Pug Series[蓝思指数490-550L]【PDF+CBR+AZW3】
| ├──Diary of a Pug Series - Kyla May.txt 1.35kb
| ├──Kyla May - [Diary of a Pug 01] - Pug Blasts Off.azw3 20.99M
| ├──Kyla May - [Diary of a Pug 01] - Pug Blasts Off.cbr 18.99M
| ├──Kyla May - [Diary of a Pug 01] - Pug Blasts Off.jpeg 294.61kb
| ├──Kyla May - [Diary of a Pug 01] - Pug Blasts Off.pdf 20.99M
| ├──Kyla May - [Diary of a Pug 02] - Pug's Snow Day.azw3 19.94M
| ├──Kyla May - [Diary of a Pug 02] - Pug's Snow Day.cbr 18.32M
| ├──Kyla May - [Diary of a Pug 02] - Pug's Snow Day.jpeg 130.09kb
| ├──Kyla May - [Diary of a Pug 02] - Pug's Snow Day.pdf 19.93M
| ├──Kyla May - [Diary of a Pug 04] - Pug's Got Talent.azw3 12.65M
| ├──Kyla May - [Diary of a Pug 04] - Pug's Got Talent.cbr 11.58M
| ├──Kyla May - [Diary of a Pug 04] - Pug's Got Talent.jpeg 199.12kb
| ├──Kyla May - [Diary of a Pug 04] - Pug's Got Talent.pdf 12.66M
| ├──Kyla May - [Diary of a Pug 06] - Pug's Sleepover.azw3 20.53M
| ├──Kyla May - [Diary of a Pug 06] - Pug's Sleepover.cbr 18.80M
| ├──Kyla May - [Diary of a Pug 06] - Pug's Sleepover.jpeg 776.27kb
| └──Kyla May - [Diary of a Pug 06] - Pug's Sleepover.pdf 20.52M
├──Disney Wish - Erin Falligant【EPUB+MP3】
《迪士尼愿望》由Erin Falligant创作,是一部以迪士尼为主题的愿望实现故事。书中充满了魔法、梦想和迪士尼的经典元素,适合迪士尼粉丝和喜欢奇幻故事的年轻读者。
| ├──Disney Wish - Cover.JPG 56.65kb
| ├──Disney Wish - Erin Falligant.txt 1.53kb
| ├──Disney Wish - Part 01.mp3 28.21M
| ├──Disney Wish - Part 02.mp3 26.59M
| ├──Disney Wish - Part 03.mp3 24.90M
| └──Wish.epub 118.65kb
├──Dragon Girls Series - Maddy Mara【EPUB+MP3】
《龙女系列》由Maddy Mara创作,是一部以龙和龙骑士为主题的章节书系列。故事讲述了一群龙女的成长和冒险,适合喜欢奇幻和冒险故事的年轻读者。
| ├──Dragon Girls 1-12
| ├──音频 1-8
| └──Dragon Girls Series - Maddy Mara.txt 1.11kb
├──Dragon Masters 26 Cave of the Crystal Dragon - Tracey West【PDF+AZW3+MP3】
《龙主系列:水晶龙洞穴》是Tracey West创作的《龙主》系列的第26部。这个系列以其丰富的想象力和精彩的冒险故事而受到孩子们的喜爱,讲述了一群孩子和他们的龙伙伴一起拯救世界的冒险。
| ├──Dragon Masters 26 - Cave of the Crystal Dragon MP3 Audio
| ├──Dragon Masters 26 Cave of the Crystal Dragon - Tracey West.pdf 18.17M
| └──Tracey West - [Dragon Masters 26] - Cave of the Crystal Dragon.azw3 18.41M
├──Dungeons & Dragons Series - Diane Walker【EPUB+AZW3+MP3】
《地牢与龙》系列由Diane Walker创作,是基于同名角色扮演游戏的章节书系列。这个系列以其复杂的世界观和紧张刺激的冒险故事而受到孩子们的喜爱,适合喜欢角色扮演游戏和奇幻故事的年轻读者。
| ├──Dungeons & Dragons 01 - A Goblin Problem - MP3
| ├──Dungeons & Dragons 02 - Goreball Scrimmage - MP3
| ├──ebooks
| └──Dungeons & Dragons Series - Diane Walker - MP3.txt 0.93kb
├──Eerie Elementary Series - Jack Chabert【EPUB+MOBI+AZW3】
《恐怖小学》系列由Jack Chabert创作,是一部以学校为背景的章节书系列。故事讲述了一个普通小学发生的一系列神秘和恐怖事件,适合喜欢悬疑和惊悚故事的年轻读者。
| ├──Jack Chabert - [Eerie Elementary 01] - The School Is Alive!.mobi 21.04M
| ├──Jack Chabert - [Eerie Elementary 02] - The Locker Ate Lucy!.mobi 11.87M
| ├──Jack Chabert - [Eerie Elementary 03] - Recess Is a Jungle!.mobi 16.39M
| ├──Jack Chabert - [Eerie Elementary 04] - The Science Fair is Freaky!.mobi 15.20M
| ├──Jack Chabert - [Eerie Elementary 05] - School Freezes Over!.azw3 43.29M
| ├──Jack Chabert - [Eerie Elementary 06] - Sam Battles the Machine!.azw3 41.66M
| ├──Jack Chabert - [Eerie Elementary 07] - Classes Are Canceled!.mobi 46.73M
| ├──Jack Chabert - [Eerie Elementary 08] - The Hall Monitors Are Fired!.azw3 27.49M
| ├──Jack Chabert - [Eerie Elementary 09] - The Art Show Attacks!.azw3 27.14M
| └──Jack Chabert - [Eerie Elementary 10] - The End of Orson Eerie.epub 26.86M
├──Fabio the World's Greatest Flamingo Detective Series - Laura James【EPUB+MOBI】
《Fabio:世界上最伟大的火烈鸟侦探》系列由Laura James创作,是一部以一只火烈鸟侦探为主角的章节书系列。这个系列以其独特的角色和幽默的故事情节而受到孩子们的喜爱,适合喜欢侦探故事的年轻读者。
| ├──Fabio the World's Greatest Flamingo Detective Series - Laura James.txt 1.02kb
| ├──Laura James - [Fabio 01] - The Case of the Missing Hippo.epub 32.00M
| ├──Laura James - [Fabio 01] - The Case of the Missing Hippo.jpg 795.65kb
| ├──Laura James - [Fabio 01] - The Case of the Missing Hippo.mobi 33.90M
| ├──Laura James - [Fabio 02] - Mystery on the Ostrich Express.epub 28.06M
| ├──Laura James - [Fabio 02] - Mystery on the Ostrich Express.jpg 441.74kb
| ├──Laura James - [Fabio 02] - Mystery on the Ostrich Express.mobi 29.94M
| ├──Laura James - [Fabio 03] - Peril at Lizard Lake.epub 17.82M
| ├──Laura James - [Fabio 03] - Peril at Lizard Lake.jpg 767.70kb
| └──Laura James - [Fabio 03] - Peril at Lizard Lake.mobi 19.16M
├──Ferris - Kate DiCamillo【EPUB+MOBI+MP3】
《Ferris》由Kate DiCamillo创作,是一部适合儿童阅读的小说。故事讲述了一个小女孩Ferris的冒险故事,以其温馨的故事情节和深刻的主题受到读者的喜爱。
| ├──Ferris - Kate DiCamillo
| └──Ferris - Kate DiCamillo - MP3
├──Flat Stanley's Adventures in Classroom 2E Series - Jeff Brown【EPUB+MOBI】
《纸片人斯坦利教室大冒险》系列由Jeff Brown创作,是一部以纸片人斯坦利为主角的章节书系列。故事讲述了斯坦利在学校的各种冒险,适合喜欢幽默和冒险故事的年轻读者。
| ├──Jeff Brown - [Classroom 2E 01] - Class Pet Surprise.epub 1.71M
| ├──Jeff Brown - [Classroom 2E 01] - Class Pet Surprise.jpg 710.26kb
| ├──Jeff Brown - [Classroom 2E 01] - Class Pet Surprise.mobi 2.53M
| ├──Jeff Brown - [Classroom 2E 02] - Riding the Slides.epub 1.63M
| ├──Jeff Brown - [Classroom 2E 02] - Riding the Slides.jpg 708.08kb
| ├──Jeff Brown - [Classroom 2E 02] - Riding the Slides.mobi 2.48M
| ├──Jeff Brown - [Classroom 2E 03] - The 100th Day.epub 1.64M
| ├──Jeff Brown - [Classroom 2E 03] - The 100th Day.jpg 705.20kb
| └──Jeff Brown - [Classroom 2E 03] - The 100th Day.mobi 2.53M
├──Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures Series - Jeff Brown 纸片人斯坦利【EPUB+MOBI】
《纸片人斯坦利全球大冒险》系列同样由Jeff Brown创作,讲述了斯坦利环游世界的冒险故事。这个系列以其国际化的视野和丰富的文化元素而受到孩子们的喜爱。
| ├──01 The Mount Rushmore Calamity
| ├──02 The Great Egyptian Grave Robbery
| ├──03 The Japanese Ninja Surprise
| ├──04 The Intrepid Canadian Expedition
| ├──05 The Amazing Mexican Secret
| ├──06 The African Safari Discovery
| ├──07 The Flying Chinese Wonders
| ├──08 The Australian Boomerang Bonanza
| ├──09 The US Capital commotion
| ├──10 Showdown at the Alamo
| ├──11 Framed in France
| ├──12 Escape from California
| ├──13 The Midnight Ride of Flat Revere
| ├──14 On a Mission for Her Majesty
| ├──Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures Series - Jeff Brown
| └──Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures Series - MP3.txt 3.80kb
├──Frank Einstein【EPUB+MP3】
这个系列由Jon Scieszka创作,是一个面向儿童的科学主题章节书系列。故事围绕一个名叫Frank Einstein的小男孩,他是一个天才发明家,创造了各种奇妙的机器。这个系列以其幽默、创意和科学元素而受到孩子们的喜爱,适合对科学和发明感兴趣的年轻读者。
| ├──ebooks
| └──音频
├──Haggis and Tank Unleashed Series两只狗狗的冒险哈吉斯和坦克(共3册_学乐大树)【AZW3+MOBI+MP3】
| ├──[Haggis and Tank Unleashed 01] - All Paws on Deck
| ├──[Haggis and Tank Unleashed 02] - Digging for Dinos
| ├──[Haggis and Tank Unleashed 03] - Howl at the Moon
| ├──Haggis and Tank Unleashed Series - Jessica Young.jpg 149.07kb
| └──Haggis and Tank Unleashed Series - Jessica Young.txt 3.33kb
├──Hey Jack! Series - Sally Rippin【EPUB】
由Sally Rippin创作的《嘿,杰克!》系列是一部面向儿童的章节书系列。故事围绕一个名叫Jack的小男孩展开,他与朋友们一起经历了许多冒险。这个系列以其幽默和温馨的故事情节吸引孩子们,适合EPUB格式阅读。
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 01] - The Crazy Cousins.epub 704.80kb
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 02] - The Scary Solo.epub 655.48kb
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 03] - The Winning Goal.epub 627.38kb
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 04] - The Robot Blues.epub 649.39kb
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 05] - The Worry Monsters.epub 928.44kb
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 06] - The New Friend.epub 720.59kb
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 07] - The Worst Sleepover.epub 743.81kb
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 08] - The Lost Reindeer.epub 608.36kb
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 09] - The Circus Lesson.epub 971.82kb
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 10] - The Bumpy Ride.epub 835.45kb
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 11] - The Top Team.epub 869.08kb
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 12] - The Playground Problem.epub 2.56M
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 13] - The Best Party Ever.epub 934.74kb
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 14] - The Big Adventure.epub 5.01M
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 15] - The Bravest Kid.epub 2.31M
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 16] - The Toy Sale.epub 1.14M
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 17] - The Other Teacher.epub 2.02M
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 18] - The Party Invite.epub 3.57M
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 19] - The Extra-Special Group.epub 2.07M
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 20] - The Star of the Week.epub 2.34M
| ├──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 24] - The Big Mess.epub 3.63M
| └──Sally Rippin - [Hey Jack! 25] - The Class Party.epub 4.21M
├──Jawbreaker - Christina Wyman【PDF+EPUB+MOBI+M4B+MP3】
《牙套女孩》由Christina Wyman所著,是一部适合儿童阅读的小说。故事讲述了一个戴牙套的女孩的校园生活和成长经历,适合PDF、EPUB、MOBI、M4B和MP3格式,适合不同阅读习惯的读者。
| ├──Jawbreaker - Christina Wyman
| ├──Jawbreaker - Christina Wyman - M4B
| ├──Jawbreaker - Christina Wyman - MP3
| └──Jawbreaker - Christina Wyman - MP3.txt 1.83kb
├──Journey Through Time Series - Geronimo Stilton(穿越系列)【PDF+EPUB+AZW3+CBR】
这个系列由Geronimo Stilton创作,是一部以时间旅行为主题的章节书系列。故事中的主角穿越到不同的历史时期,体验各种冒险。这个系列以其丰富的想象力和历史知识而受到孩子们的喜爱,适合PDF、EPUB、AZW3和CBR格式阅读。
| ├──ebooks
| └──老鼠记者-穿越鼠 CBR格式
├──Katie Woo Series【PDF+MP3】
《凯蒂·吴系列》是一部面向儿童的章节书系列。故事围绕一个名叫Katie Woo的小女孩展开,她在学校和家庭中的日常生活和冒险。这个系列以其贴近生活的故事和可爱的角色受到孩子们的喜爱,适合PDF和MP3格式阅读。
| ├──a happy day.mp3 4.16M
| ├──a happy day.pdf 5.01M
| ├──best season ever.mp3 4.84M
| ├──best season ever.pdf 5.02M
| ├──boo katie woo.mp3 4.40M
| ├──boo katie woo.pdf 5.65M
| ├──boss of the world.mp3 4.65M
| ├──boss of the world.pdf 4.41M
| ├──cowgirl katie.mp3 4.83M
| ├──cowgirl katie.pdf 5.24M
| ├──fly high,katie.mp3 4.96M
| ├──fly high,katie.pdf 5.28M
| ├──goodbye to goldie.mp3 4.55M
| ├──goodbye to goldie.pdf 4.93M
| ├──katie and the class pet.mp3 5.19M
| ├──katie and the class pet.pdf 4.98M
| ├──katie and the fancy substitute.mp3 4.62M
| ├──katie and the fancy substitute.pdf 5.39M
| ├──katie finds a job.mp3 4.63M
| ├──katie finds a job.pdf 4.92M
| ├──katie goes camping.mp3 4.88M
| ├──katie goes camping.pdf 5.27M
| ├──katie in the kitchen.mp3 5.36M
| ├──katie in the kitchen.pdf 4.80M
| ├──katie saves thanksgiving.mp3 4.55M
| ├──katie saves thanksgiving.pdf 4.96M
| ├──katie saves the earth.mp3 4.72M
| ├──katie saves the earth.pdf 5.58M
| ├──katie woo has the flu.mp3 5.37M
| ├──katie woo has the flu.pdf 4.99M
| ├──katie woo where are you.mp3 5.19M
| ├──katie woo where are you.pdf 5.28M
| ├──katie's lucky birthday.mp3 4.75M
| ├──katie's lucky birthday.pdf 4.89M
| ├──katie's new shoes.mp3 5.35M
| ├──katie's new shoes.pdf 4.75M
| ├──keep dancing katie.mp3 5.10M
| ├──keep dancing katie.pdf 5.11M
| ├──make believe class.mp3 4.58M
| ├──make believe class.pdf 5.02M
| ├──moo, katie woo.mp3 4.49M
| ├──moo,katie woo.pdf 5.49M
| ├──moving day.mp3 5.29M
| ├──moving day.pdf 4.96M
| ├──nervous night.mp3 5.05M
| ├──nervous night.pdf 4.99M
| ├──no more teasing.mp3 4.94M
| ├──no more teasing.pdf 4.78M
| ├──no valentines for katie.mp3 5.32M
| ├──no valentines for katie.pdf 4.61M
| ├──piggy bank problems.mp3 4.39M
| ├──piggy bank problems.pdf 5.02M
| ├──red white blue and katie woo.mp3 4.73M
| ├──red white blue and katie woo.pdf 5.03M
| ├──star of the show.mp3 5.14M
| ├──star of the show.pdf 5.02M
| ├──the big lie.mp3 3.63M
| ├──the big lie.pdf 5.09M
| ├──the tricky tooth.mp3 4.52M
| ├──the tricky tooth.pdf 4.54M
| ├──too much rain.mp3 4.11M
| ├──too much rain.pdf 4.90M
| ├──who needs glasses.mp3 4.86M
| └──who needs glasses.pdf 5.19M
├──Keeper of the Lost Cities - Shannon Messenger【EPUB】
《失落城市守护者》由Shannon Messenger创作,是一部奇幻章节书系列。故事讲述了一个拥有神秘力量的小女孩在失落城市中的冒险。这个系列以其丰富的想象力和紧张刺激的情节受到孩子们的喜爱,适合EPUB格式阅读。
| ├──Shannon Messenger - [Keeper of the Lost Cities 01] - Keeper of the Lost Cities.epub 725.62kb
| ├──Shannon Messenger - [Keeper of the Lost Cities 02] - Exile.epub 617.82kb
| ├──Shannon Messenger - [Keeper of the Lost Cities 03] - Everblaze.epub 1020.58kb
| ├──Shannon Messenger - [Keeper of the Lost Cities 04] - Neverseen.epub 1.68M
| └──Shannon Messenger - [Keeper of the Lost Cities 05] - Lodestar.epub 1.21M
├──Key Hunters Series - Eric Luper【EPUB+MOBI】
《关键猎人系列》由Eric Luper创作,是一部冒险主题的章节书系列。故事围绕一群孩子寻找隐藏在世界各地的古老钥匙展开。这个系列以其紧张的情节和神秘的元素吸引孩子们,适合EPUB和MOBI格式阅读。
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 01] - The Mysterious Moonstone.epub 33.73M
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 01] - The Mysterious Moonstone.jpg 483.63kb
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 01] - The Mysterious Moonstone.mobi 34.48M
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 02] - The Spy's Secret.epub 26.36M
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 02] - The Spy's Secret.jpg 444.08kb
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 02] - The Spy's Secret.mobi 28.06M
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 03] - The Haunted Howl.epub 27.00M
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 03] - The Haunted Howl.jpg 426.31kb
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 03] - The Haunted Howl.mobi 27.35M
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 04] - The Wizard's War.epub 28.44M
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 04] - The Wizard's War.jpg 443.98kb
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 04] - The Wizard's War.mobi 30.25M
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 05] - The Titanic Treasure.epub 31.74M
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 05] - The Titanic Treasure.jpg 482.77kb
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 05] - The Titanic Treasure.mobi 29.82M
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 06] - The Risky Rescue.epub 29.84M
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 06] - The Risky Rescue.jpg 429.10kb
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 06] - The Risky Rescue.mobi 27.92M
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 07] - Battle of the Bots.epub 28.55M
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 07] - Battle of the Bots.jpg 1.86M
| ├──Eric Luper - [Key Hunters 07] - Battle of the Bots.mobi 27.61M
| └──Key Hunters Series - Eric Luper.txt 1.25kb
├──Kung Pow Chicken Series - Cyndi Marko(宫保鸡丁)【PDF+AZW3+CBR+MP3】
《宫保鸡丁系列》由Cyndi Marko创作,是一部以食物为主题的幽默章节书系列。故事围绕一只名叫Kung Pow Chicken的小鸡展开,他以其独特的武术技能解决各种问题。这个系列以其幽默和创意受到孩子们的喜爱,适合PDF、AZW3、CBR和MP3格式阅读。
| ├──Kung Pow Chicken Series - Cyndi Marko
| └──Kung Pow Chicken Series - Cyndi Marko - MP3
├──Lulu Series - Judith Viorst【EPUB+MOBI+M4B】
《露露系列》由Judith Viorst创作,是一部面向儿童的章节书系列。故事围绕一个名叫Lulu的小女孩展开,她以其独特的视角观察世界。这个系列以其幽默和温馨的故事情节吸引孩子们,适合EPUB、MOBI和M4B格式阅读。
| ├──Lulu 01 - Lulu and the Brontosaurus - M4B
| ├──Lulu 02 - Lulu Walks the Dogs - M4B
| ├──Lulu 03 - Lulu's Mysterious Mission - M4B
| ├──Lulu 04 - Lulu Is Getting a Sister - M4B
| ├──Lulu Series - Judith Viorst
| └──Lulu Series - Judith Viorst - M4B.txt 1.24kb
├──Mac B., Kid Spy Series - Mac Barnett【EPUB+MOBI+AZW3】
《麦克B.,少年间谍系列》由Mac Barnett创作,是一部以间谍为主题的章节书系列。故事围绕一个名叫Mac的小男孩展开,他是一个少年间谍,执行各种秘密任务。这个系列以其紧张刺激的情节和幽默元素吸引孩子们,适合EPUB、MOBI和AZW3格式阅读。
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 01] - The Mac Undercover.azw3 30.50M
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 01] - The Mac Undercover.epub 18.17M
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 01] - The Mac Undercover.jpg 470.65kb
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 01] - The Mac Undercover.mobi 30.47M
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 02] - The Impossible Crime.epub 26.53M
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 02] - The Impossible Crime.jpg 322.14kb
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 02] - The Impossible Crime.mobi 30.07M
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 03] - Top Secret Smackdown.azw3 85.55M
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 03] - Top Secret Smackdown.epub 78.50M
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 03] - Top Secret Smackdown.jpg 315.49kb
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 04] - Mac Cracks the Code.azw3 35.22M
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 04] - Mac Cracks the Code.cbr 31.29M
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 04] - Mac Cracks the Code.epub 21.29M
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 04] - Mac Cracks the Code.jpg 324.96kb
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 05] - The Sound of Danger.azw3 33.04M
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 05] - The Sound of Danger.cbr 29.03M
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 05] - The Sound of Danger.jpg 523.60kb
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 06] - Mac Saves the World.azw3 33.00M
| ├──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 06] - Mac Saves the World.cbr 28.89M
| └──Mac Barnett - [Mac B., Kid Spy 06] - Mac Saves the World.jpg 518.96kb
├──Magic Bone Books【EPUB】
| ├──01.Be Careful What You Sniff For.epub 12.46M
| ├──02.Catch That Wave.epub 9.52M
| ├──03.Follow That Furball.epub 17.10M
| ├──04.Nice Snowing You.epub 18.27M
| ├──05.Go Fetch.epub 9.47M
| ├──06.Dont Mess with the Ninja Puppy.epub 14.28M
| ├──07.Dogs Dont Have Webbed Feet.epub 19.60M
| ├──08.Rootin Tootin Cow Dog.epub 25.30M
| ├──09.Pup Art.epub 15.78M
| ├──10.Broadway Doggie.epub 11.13M
| ├──11.Never Box with a Kangaroo.epub 14.29M
| └──12.Two Tales, One Dog.epub 9.90M
├──Magnolia Wu Unfolds It All - Chanel Miller【PDF+EPUB+MOBI】
《木兰吴展开一切》由Chanel Miller创作,是一部面向儿童的小说。故事讲述了一个名叫Magnolia Wu的小女孩的成长经历和冒险。这本书以其贴近生活的故事和温馨的情节受到孩子们的喜爱,适合PDF、EPUB和MOBI格式阅读。
| ├──Magnolia Wu Unfolds It All - Chanel Miller.epub 7.54M
| ├──Magnolia Wu Unfolds It All - Chanel Miller.jpg 758.21kb
| ├──Magnolia Wu Unfolds It All - Chanel Miller.mobi 15.80M
| ├──Magnolia Wu Unfolds It All - Chanel Miller.pdf 9.78M
| └──Magnolia Wu Unfolds It All - Chanel Miller.txt 2.30kb
├──Masterpiece Adventures Series - Elise Broach【EPUB+MOBI】
《杰作冒险》系列由Elise Broach创作,是一部以艺术和冒险为主题的章节书系列。故事围绕一群孩子和他们的冒险经历展开,鼓励孩子们探索艺术世界。这个系列以其创意和教育价值而受到孩子们的喜爱,适合EPUB和MOBI格式阅读。
| ├──Elise Broach - [Masterpiece Adventures 01] - The Miniature World of Marvin and James.epub 7.41M
| ├──Elise Broach - [Masterpiece Adventures 01] - The Miniature World of Marvin and James.jpg 460.09kb
| ├──Elise Broach - [Masterpiece Adventures 01] - The Miniature World of Marvin and James.mobi 8.46M
| ├──Elise Broach - [Masterpiece Adventures 02] - James to the Rescue.epub 11.74M
| ├──Elise Broach - [Masterpiece Adventures 02] - James to the Rescue.jpg 577.90kb
| ├──Elise Broach - [Masterpiece Adventures 02] - James to the Rescue.mobi 12.45M
| ├──Elise Broach - [Masterpiece Adventures 03] - Trouble at School for Marvin & James.epub 63.37M
| ├──Elise Broach - [Masterpiece Adventures 03] - Trouble at School for Marvin & James.jpg 593.94kb
| ├──Elise Broach - [Masterpiece Adventures 03] - Trouble at School for Marvin & James.mobi 42.17M
| ├──Elise Broach - [Masterpiece Adventures 04] - Marvin & James Save the Day.epub 51.91M
| ├──Elise Broach - [Masterpiece Adventures 04] - Marvin & James Save the Day.jpg 604.61kb
| ├──Elise Broach - [Masterpiece Adventures 04] - Marvin & James Save the Day.mobi 32.54M
| ├──Elise Broach - [Masterpiece Adventures 05] - A Trip to the Country for Marvin & James.epub 60.48M
| ├──Elise Broach - [Masterpiece Adventures 05] - A Trip to the Country for Marvin & James.jpg 664.95kb
| ├──Elise Broach - [Masterpiece Adventures 05] - A Trip to the Country for Marvin & James.mobi 36.00M
| └──Masterpiece Adventures Series - Elise Broach.txt 1.15kb
├──Monkey Me 猴子男孩4本[蓝思指数490L-510L]【PDF+MP3】
| ├──Monkey Me Series - Mp3
| └──Monkey Me 猴子男孩 PDF 1-4
├──My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish Series - Mo O'Hara【EPUB+MOBI+M4B+MP3】
《我的胖胖僵尸金鱼》系列由Mo O'Hara创作,是一部充满幽默和创意的章节书系列。故事围绕一个小男孩和他的僵尸金鱼展开,适合EPUB、MOBI、M4B和MP3格式阅读,适合喜欢奇幻和幽默故事的年轻读者。
| ├──My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish 01 - My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish - M4B
| ├──My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish 02 - The SeaQuel - M4B
| ├──My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish 03 - Fins of Fury - M4B
| ├──My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish 04 - Any Fin Is Possible - M4B
| ├──My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish 05 - Live and Let Swim - M4B
| ├──My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish 06 - Jurassic Carp - M4B
| ├──My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish Series - Mo O'Hara
| └──My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish Series - Mo O'Hara - MP3.txt 1.75kb
├──My Brilliant Friend - Elena Ferrante【EPUB+MP3】
《我聪明的朋友》由Elena Ferrante创作,是一部描绘深厚友谊的小说。故事讲述了两个女孩在成长过程中的挑战和经历,适合EPUB和MP3格式阅读,适合青少年和成人阅读。
| ├──MP3
| └──My Brilliant Friend - Elena Ferrante .epub 1.24M
├──My Happy Life Series - Rose Lagercrantz【EPUB+MOBI】
《我的快乐生活》系列由Rose Lagercrantz创作,是一部面向儿童的章节书系列。故事围绕一个名叫Hanna的小女孩展开,她的生活充满了快乐和学习。这个系列适合EPUB和MOBI格式阅读,适合喜欢温馨故事的年轻读者。
| ├──My Happy Life 01 - My Happy Life - MP3
| ├──My Happy Life 02 - My Heart is Laughing - MP3
| ├──My Happy Life 03 - When I am happiest - MP3
| ├──My Happy Life Series - Rose Lagercrantz
| └──My Happy Life Series - Rose Lagercrantz - MP3.txt 1.43kb
├──My Secret Unicorn Books【EPUB+MOBI】
| ├──01.The Magic Spell.mobi 2.99M
| ├──02.Dreams Come True.mobi 1.49M
| ├──03.Flying High.epub 4.95M
| ├──04.Starlight Surprise.epub 4.13M
| ├──05.Stronger Than Magic.mobi 2.16M
| ├──06.A Special Friend.epub 5.16M
| ├──07.A Winter Wish.epub 2.48M
| ├──08.A Touch of Magic.epub 3.01M
| ├──09.Snowy Dreams.epub 7.89M
| ├──10.Twilight Magic.epub 3.13M
| ├──11.Friends Forever.epub 2.64M
| ├──12.Rising Star.epub 2.08M
| ├──13.Moonlight Journey.epub 2.28M
| ├──14.Keeper of the Magic.epub 1.32M
| └──15.Starry Skies.epub 2.41M
├──My Weird School 1-21 - Dan Gutman【PDF+EPUB+MOBI+MP3】
《怪诞学校》系列由Dan Gutman创作,是一部以学校生活为背景的幽默章节书系列。故事围绕一个普通学校发生的一系列奇怪和有趣的事件展开,适合PDF、EPUB、MOBI和MP3格式阅读,适合喜欢幽默和校园故事的年轻读者。
| ├──ebooks
| └──My weird school 1-21-MP3
├──My Weird School Fast Facts Series 1-8 - Dan Gutman【EPUB】
《怪诞学校趣味事实》系列同样由Dan Gutman创作,是一部提供趣味知识的章节书系列。这个系列以其幽默和教育性而受到孩子们的喜爱,适合EPUB格式阅读。
| ├──epub(1-8)
| └──My Weird School Fast Facts Series - Dan Gutman.txt 4.55kb
├──My Weird School Graphic Novel Series - Dan Gutman【PDF+CBR】
《怪诞学校漫画小说》系列由Dan Gutman创作,是一部以漫画形式呈现的章节书系列。故事以其幽默和视觉吸引力而受到孩子们的喜爱,适合PDF和CBR格式阅读。
| ├──My Weird School Graphic Novel 01 - Dan Gutman.cbr 21.36M
| ├──My Weird School Graphic Novel 01 - Dan Gutman.jpeg 300.98kb
| ├──My Weird School Graphic Novel 01 - Dan Gutman.pdf 25.51M
| ├──My Weird School Graphic Novel 02 - Dan Gutman.cbr 52.99M
| ├──My Weird School Graphic Novel 02 - Dan Gutman.jpeg 611.37kb
| ├──My Weird School Graphic Novel 02 - Dan Gutman.pdf 60.50M
| └──My Weird School Graphic Novel Series - Dan Gutman.txt 1.59kb
├──Notebook of Doom Series - Troy Cummings【AZW3+EPUB+MOBI】
《末日笔记本》系列由Troy Cummings创作,是一部以怪物和冒险为主题的章节书系列。故事围绕一个小男孩记录他与怪物的遭遇展开,适合AZW3、EPUB和MOBI格式阅读。
| ├──Notebook of Doom Series - Troy Cummings.txt 1.78kb
| ├──Notebook of Doom.jpg 139.48kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 01] - Rise of the Balloon Goons.azw3 21.88M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 01] - Rise of the Balloon Goons.jpg 236.71kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 02] - Day of the Night Crawlers.azw3 37.73M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 02] - Day of the Night Crawlers.jpg 426.75kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 03] - Attack of the Shadow Smashers.azw3 22.24M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 03] - Attack of the Shadow Smashers.jpg 234.72kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 04] - The Chomp of the Meat-Eating Vegetables.azw3 34.80M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 04] - The Chomp of the Meat-Eating Vegetables.jpg 343.32kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 05] - Whack of the P-Rex.azw3 21.35M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 05] - Whack of the P-Rex.jpg 212.02kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 06] - The Pop of the Bumpy Mummy.azw3 16.96M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 06] - The Pop of the Bumpy Mummy.jpg 203.11kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 07] - Flurry of the Snombies.azw3 12.16M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 07] - Flurry of the Snombies.jpg 242.20kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 08] - Charge of the Lightning Bugs.azw3 15.84M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 08] - Charge of the Lightning Bugs.jpg 178.75kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 09] - Rumble of the Coaster Ghost.azw3 14.78M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 09] - Rumble of the Coaster Ghost.jpg 247.87kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 10] - Snap of the Super-Goop.azw3 23.34M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 10] - Snap of the Super-Goop.jpg 378.29kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 11] - Sneeze of the Octo-Schnozz.azw3 26.54M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 11] - Sneeze of the Octo-Schnozz.jpg 265.69kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 12] - March of the Vanderpants.azw3 51.91M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 12] - March of the Vanderpants.jpg 482.35kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 13] - Battle of the Boss-Monster.azw3 28.17M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom 13] - Battle of the Boss-Monster.jpg 588.93kb
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom Special] - Monster Notebook.epub 30.71M
| ├──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom Special] - Monster Notebook.jpg 582.54kb
| └──Troy Cummings - [Notebook of Doom Special] - Monster Notebook.mobi 61.62M
├──Our Universe Series - Stacy McAnulty【EPUB+MP3】
《我们的宇宙》系列由Stacy McAnulty创作,是一部以宇宙和太空探索为主题的章节书系列。故事以其丰富的科学知识和想象力而受到孩子们的喜爱,适合EPUB和MP3格式阅读。
| ├──Our Universe 01 - Earth - MP3
| ├──Our Universe 02 - Sun - MP3
| ├──Our Universe 03 - Moon - MP3
| ├──Our Universe 04 - Ocean - MP3
| ├──Our Universe 05 - Mars - MP3
| ├──Our Universe 06 - Our Planet - MP3
| ├──Our Universe 07 - Pluto - MP3
| ├──Our Universe Series - Stacy McAnulty
| └──Our Universe Series - Stacy McAnulty - MP3.txt 2.12kb
├──Owl Diaries Series - Rebecca Elliott【PDF+EPUB+MOBI+AZW3+MP3】
《猫头鹰日记》系列由Rebecca Elliott创作,是一部以猫头鹰为主角的章节书系列。故事围绕一个名叫Eva的猫头鹰女孩的日常生活和冒险展开,适合PDF、EPUB、MOBI、AZW3和MP3格式阅读。
| ├──Owl Diaries Series - Rebecca Elliott
| └──Owl Diaries Series - Rebecca Elliott - MP3
├──Poppy Series - Avi【EPUB+MOBI】
| ├──Poppy Series - Avi
| ├──Poppy Series - Avi - MP3
| └──Poppy Series - Avi - MP3.txt 1.82kb
├──Press Start! Series - Thomas Flintham 方块兔【EPUB+MOBI+AZW3+MP3】
《开始游戏!》系列由Thomas Flintham创作,是一部以电子游戏为主题的章节书系列。故事围绕一个名叫方块兔的角色展开,适合EPUB、MOBI、AZW3和MP3格式阅读。
| ├──Press Start! Series - Thomas Flintham
| └──方块兔音频 1-7
├──Princess Pulverizer Series - Nancy Krulik【EPUB】
《粉碎公主》系列由Nancy Krulik创作,是一部以公主为主角的章节书系列。这个系列以其幽默和颠覆传统的公主形象而受到孩子们的喜爱,适合EPUB格式阅读。
| ├──Nancy Krulik - [Princess Pulverizer 01] - Grilled Cheese and Dragons.epub 19.01M
| ├──Nancy Krulik - [Princess Pulverizer 02] - Worse, Worser, Wurst.epub 14.24M
| ├──Nancy Krulik - [Princess Pulverizer 03] - Bad Moooove.epub 16.30M
| ├──Nancy Krulik - [Princess Pulverizer 04] - Quit Buggin' Me!.epub 20.79M
| ├──Nancy Krulik - [Princess Pulverizer 05] - Watch That Witch!.epub 17.17M
| ├──Nancy Krulik - [Princess Pulverizer 06] - The Dragon's Tale.epub 21.72M
| ├──Nancy Krulik - [Princess Pulverizer 07] - Gotta Warn the Unicorns!.epub 18.44M
| └──Nancy Krulik - [Princess Pulverizer 08] - Yo-Ho, Yo . . . NO!.epub 22.49M
├──Rebekah - Girl Detective Series - PJ Ryan【EPUB+MOBI】
《瑞贝卡 - 女孩侦探》系列由PJ Ryan创作,是一部以女孩侦探为主角的章节书系列。故事围绕瑞贝卡解决各种谜题和案件展开,适合EPUB和MOBI格式阅读。
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 01] - Mysterious Garden.epub 1.62M
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 01] - Mysterious Garden.jpg 415.09kb
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 01] - Mysterious Garden.mobi 511.64kb
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 02] - Alien Invasion.epub 1.26M
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 02] - Alien Invasion.jpg 399.52kb
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 02] - Alien Invasion.mobi 489.67kb
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 03] - Magellan Goes Missing.epub 1.16M
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 03] - Magellan Goes Missing.jpg 358.42kb
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 03] - Magellan Goes Missing.mobi 446.89kb
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 04] - Ghost Hunting.epub 1.08M
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 04] - Ghost Hunting.jpg 344.44kb
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 04] - Ghost Hunting.mobi 439.92kb
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 05] - Grown-Ups Out To Get Us.epub 1.18M
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 05] - Grown-Ups Out To Get Us.jpg 1.04M
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 05] - Grown-Ups Out To Get Us.mobi 1.13M
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 06] - The Missing Gems.epub 1.27M
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 06] - The Missing Gems.jpg 411.50kb
| ├──PJ Ryan - [Rebekah - Girl Detective 06] - The Missing Gems.mobi 495.24kb
| └──Rebekah - Girl Detective Series - PJ Ryan.txt 1.01kb
├──Ruby Lu Books【EPUB】
《Ruby Lu》系列是一部面向儿童的章节书系列,讲述了一个名叫Ruby的小女孩的成长故事。这个系列以其贴近生活的故事和可爱的角色受到孩子们的喜爱,适合EPUB格式阅读。
| ├──01.Ruby Lu, Brave and True.epub 2.46M
| ├──02.Ruby Lu, Empress of Everything.epub 3.63M
| └──03.Ruby Lu, Star of the Show.epub 4.95M
├──S.O.S. Society of Substitutes Series - Alan Katz【EPUB+MOBI】
《S.O.S. 替身协会》系列由Alan Katz创作,是一部充满幽默和冒险的章节书系列。故事围绕一群孩子在替身学校的经历展开,适合EPUB和MOBI格式阅读。
| ├──Alan Katz - [S.O.S. Society of Substitutes 01] - The Great Escape.epub 33.14M
| ├──Alan Katz - [S.O.S. Society of Substitutes 01] - The Great Escape.jpg 537.30kb
| ├──Alan Katz - [S.O.S. Society of Substitutes 01] - The Great Escape.mobi 27.75M
| ├──Alan Katz - [S.O.S. Society of Substitutes 02] - The Zoo Switcheroo.epub 32.01M
| ├──Alan Katz - [S.O.S. Society of Substitutes 02] - The Zoo Switcheroo.jpg 665.75kb
| ├──Alan Katz - [S.O.S. Society of Substitutes 02] - The Zoo Switcheroo.mobi 26.44M
| ├──Alan Katz - [S.O.S. Society of Substitutes 03] - Food Fight!.epub 30.81M
| ├──Alan Katz - [S.O.S. Society of Substitutes 03] - Food Fight!.jpg 662.18kb
| ├──Alan Katz - [S.O.S. Society of Substitutes 03] - Food Fight!.mobi 27.06M
| ├──Alan Katz - [S.O.S. Society of Substitutes 04] - Super Fun World.epub 14.80M
| ├──Alan Katz - [S.O.S. Society of Substitutes 04] - Super Fun World.jpg 739.72kb
| ├──Alan Katz - [S.O.S. Society of Substitutes 04] - Super Fun World.mobi 14.32M
| ├──Alan Katz - [S.O.S. Society of Substitutes 05] - Frenemies.epub 30.34M
| ├──Alan Katz - [S.O.S. Society of Substitutes 05] - Frenemies.jpg 577.34kb
| ├──Alan Katz - [S.O.S. Society of Substitutes 05] - Frenemies.mobi 27.01M
| └──S.O.S. Society of Substitutes Series - Alan Katz.txt 1.10kb
├──Sherlock Holmes Retold for Children Series - Alex Woolf【EPUB+MOBI+MP3】
《福尔摩斯儿童版》系列由Alex Woolf创作,是一部将福尔摩斯故事改编为儿童版章节书的系列。这个系列以其经典的侦探故事和适合儿童的改编而受到孩子们的喜爱,适合EPUB、MOBI和MP3格式阅读。
| ├──Sherlock Holmes Retold for Children Series - Alex Woolf
| ├──Sherlock Holmes Retold for Children Series - Alex Woolf - MP3
| └──Sherlock Holmes Retold for Children Series - Alex Woolf - MP3.txt 1.73kb
├──Sparkleton Series - Calliope Glass【EPUB+MOBI】
《Sparkleton》系列由Calliope Glass创作,是一部面向儿童的章节书系列。故事围绕一个名叫Sparkleton的角色展开,适合EPUB和MOBI格式阅读。
| ├──Calliope Glass - [Sparkleton 01] - The Magic Day.epub 39.55M
| ├──Calliope Glass - [Sparkleton 01] - The Magic Day.jpg 493.52kb
| ├──Calliope Glass - [Sparkleton 01] - The Magic Day.mobi 36.86M
| ├──Calliope Glass - [Sparkleton 02] - The Glitter Parade.epub 36.90M
| ├──Calliope Glass - [Sparkleton 02] - The Glitter Parade.jpg 493.96kb
| ├──Calliope Glass - [Sparkleton 02] - The Glitter Parade.mobi 34.69M
| ├──Calliope Glass - [Sparkleton 03] - The Mini Mistake.epub 3.59M
| ├──Calliope Glass - [Sparkleton 03] - The Mini Mistake.jpg 479.61kb
| ├──Calliope Glass - [Sparkleton 03] - The Mini Mistake.mobi 5.25M
| ├──Calliope Glass - [Sparkleton 04] - The Weirdest Wish.epub 3.75M
| ├──Calliope Glass - [Sparkleton 04] - The Weirdest Wish.jpg 572.26kb
| ├──Calliope Glass - [Sparkleton 04] - The Weirdest Wish.mobi 6.14M
| ├──Calliope Glass - [Sparkleton 05] - The Haunted Woods.epub 3.92M
| ├──Calliope Glass - [Sparkleton 05] - The Haunted Woods.jpg 478.16kb
| ├──Calliope Glass - [Sparkleton 05] - The Haunted Woods.mobi 6.43M
| └──Sparkleton Series - Calliope Glass.txt 0.88kb
├──Star Friends Books【EPUB】
| ├──1.Mirror Magic.epub 3.47M
| ├──2.Wish Trap.epub 14.06M
| ├──3.Secret Spell.epub 21.09M
| ├──4.Dark Tricks.epub 6.18M
| ├──5.Night Shade.epub 9.03M
| ├──6.Poison Potion.epub 8.97M
| ├──7.Moonlight Mischief .epub 6.31M
| └──8.Hidden Charm.epub 6.13M
├──The Adventures of Sophie Mouse Series - Poppy Green【EPUB+MOBI】
《索菲老鼠的冒险》系列由Poppy Green创作,是一部以一只勇敢的小老鼠索菲为主角的章节书系列。这个系列以其冒险和友谊的主题受到孩子们的喜爱,适合EPUB和MOBI格式阅读。
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 01] - A New Friend.epub 46.70M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 01] - A New Friend.jpg 414.94kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 01] - A New Friend.mobi 41.35M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 02] - The Emerald Berries.epub 43.53M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 02] - The Emerald Berries.jpg 381.75kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 02] - The Emerald Berries.mobi 37.85M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 03] - Forget-Me-Not Lake.epub 52.12M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 03] - Forget-Me-Not Lake.jpg 338.66kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 03] - Forget-Me-Not Lake.mobi 41.91M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 04] - Looking for Winston.epub 40.44M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 04] - Looking for Winston.jpg 349.29kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 04] - Looking for Winston.mobi 32.32M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 05] - The Maple Festival.epub 60.08M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 05] - The Maple Festival.jpg 302.75kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 05] - The Maple Festival.mobi 55.11M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 06] - Winter's No Time to Sleep.epub 51.55M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 06] - Winter's No Time to Sleep.jpg 313.20kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 06] - Winter's No Time to Sleep.mobi 42.79M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 07] - The Clover Curse.epub 59.46M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 07] - The Clover Curse.jpg 308.08kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 07] - The Clover Curse.mobi 50.16M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 08] - A Surprise Visitor.epub 59.39M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 08] - A Surprise Visitor.jpg 340.03kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 08] - A Surprise Visitor.mobi 50.21M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 09] - The Great Big Paw Print.epub 63.37M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 09] - The Great Big Paw Print.jpg 499.62kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 09] - The Great Big Paw Print.mobi 55.30M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 10] - It's Raining, It's Pouring.epub 48.84M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 10] - It's Raining, It's Pouring.jpg 531.08kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 10] - It's Raining, It's Pouring.mobi 41.82M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 11] - The Mouse House.epub 75.80M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 11] - The Mouse House.jpg 516.17kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 11] - The Mouse House.mobi 70.76M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 12] - Journey to the Crystal Cave.epub 61.54M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 12] - Journey to the Crystal Cave.jpg 396.80kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 12] - Journey to the Crystal Cave.mobi 53.37M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 13] - Silverlake Art Show.epub 69.31M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 13] - Silverlake Art Show.jpg 434.06kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 13] - Silverlake Art Show.mobi 46.22M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 14] - The Great Bake Off.epub 59.67M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 14] - The Great Bake Off.jpg 1.05M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 14] - The Great Bake Off.mobi 52.00M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 15] - The Missing Tooth Fairy.epub 57.67M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 15] - The Missing Tooth Fairy.jpg 425.44kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 15] - The Missing Tooth Fairy.mobi 50.97M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 16] - Hattie in the Spotlight.epub 54.70M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 16] - Hattie in the Spotlight.jpg 474.02kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 16] - Hattie in the Spotlight.mobi 46.20M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 17] - The Ladybug Party.epub 7.39M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 17] - The Ladybug Party.jpg 144.37kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 17] - The Ladybug Party.mobi 11.13M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 18] - The Hidden Cottage.epub 9.14M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 18] - The Hidden Cottage.jpg 154.02kb
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 18] - The Hidden Cottage.mobi 11.39M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 19] - The Whispering Woods.epub 68.94M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 19] - The Whispering Woods.jpg 1.61M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 19] - The Whispering Woods.mobi 66.89M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 20] - Under the Weather.epub 78.15M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 20] - Under the Weather.jpg 1.58M
| ├──Poppy Green - [Sophie Mouse 20] - Under the Weather.mobi 76.15M
| └──The Adventures of Sophie Mouse Series - Poppy Green.txt 2.66kb
├──The Boy at the Back of the Class - Onjali Q. Rauf【EPUB+MOBI】
《班级后排的男孩》由Onjali Q. Rauf创作,是一部关注社会问题的小说。故事讲述了一个小男孩在学校的经历,适合EPUB和MOBI格式阅读。
| ├──The Boy at the Back of the Class - Onjali Q. Rauf
| ├──The Boy at the Back of the Class - Onjali Q. Rauf - MP3
| └──The Boy at the Back of the Class - Onjali Q. Rauf - MP3.txt 1.82kb
├──The DATA Set Series - Ada Hopper【EPUB+MOBI】
《DATA系列》由Ada Hopper创作,是一部面向儿童的章节书系列。故事围绕一群孩子和他们的冒险展开,适合EPUB和MOBI格式阅读。
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 01] - March of the Mini Beasts.epub 50.67M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 01] - March of the Mini Beasts.jpg 509.52kb
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 01] - March of the Mini Beasts.mobi 42.72M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 02] - Don't Disturb the Dinosaurs.epub 39.13M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 02] - Don't Disturb the Dinosaurs.jpg 448.84kb
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 02] - Don't Disturb the Dinosaurs.mobi 30.91M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 03] - The Sky Is Falling.epub 35.14M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 03] - The Sky Is Falling.jpg 412.35kb
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 03] - The Sky Is Falling.mobi 26.00M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 04] - Robots Rule the School.epub 35.60M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 04] - Robots Rule the School.jpg 431.25kb
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 04] - Robots Rule the School.mobi 27.92M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 05] - A Case of the Clones.epub 31.14M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 05] - A Case of the Clones.jpg 349.95kb
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 05] - A Case of the Clones.mobi 23.43M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 06] - Invasion of the Insects.epub 45.40M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 06] - Invasion of the Insects.jpg 427.82kb
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 06] - Invasion of the Insects.mobi 31.32M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 07] - Out of Remote Control.epub 67.31M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 07] - Out of Remote Control.jpg 419.06kb
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 07] - Out of Remote Control.mobi 49.46M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 08] - Down the Brain Drain.epub 48.36M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 08] - Down the Brain Drain.jpg 431.46kb
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 08] - Down the Brain Drain.mobi 44.98M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 09] - S.O.S. From Outer Space.epub 41.78M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 09] - S.O.S. From Outer Space.jpg 2.16M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 09] - S.O.S. From Outer Space.mobi 41.41M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 10] - The Revenge of Dr. von Naysayer.epub 45.33M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 10] - The Revenge of Dr. von Naysayer.jpg 2.30M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 10] - The Revenge of Dr. von Naysayer.mobi 50.91M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 11] - A Little Snow Must Fall.epub 48.85M
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 11] - A Little Snow Must Fall.jpg 683.57kb
| ├──Ada Hopper - [The DATA Set 11] - A Little Snow Must Fall.mobi 46.88M
| └──The DATA Set Series - Ada Hopper.txt 1.92kb
├──The Day I Fell Down the Toilet - Stephen Mangan【EPUB+MOBI】
《我掉进厕所的那一天》由Stephen Mangan创作,是一部幽默的章节书。故事以其搞笑的情节和贴近生活的主题受到孩子们的喜爱,适合EPUB和MOBI格式阅读。
| ├──The Day I Fell Down the Toilet - Stephen Mangan.epub 4.34M
| ├──The Day I Fell Down the Toilet - Stephen Mangan.jpg 130.78kb
| ├──The Day I Fell Down the Toilet - Stephen Mangan.mobi 4.59M
| └──The Day I Fell Down the Toilet - Stephen Mangan.txt 1.83kb
├──The Eyes and the Impossible - Dave Eggers【EPUB+MOBI+MP3】
《眼睛与不可能》由Dave Eggers创作,是一部充满奇幻元素的小说。故事以其独特的视角和创意受到读者的喜爱,适合EPUB、MOBI和MP3格式阅读。
| ├──The Eyes and the Impossible - Dave Eggers
| ├──The Eyes and the Impossible - Dave Eggers - MP3
| └──The Eyes and the Impossible - Dave Eggers - MP3.txt 1.65kb
├──The Judy Moody Series - Megan McDonald【EPUB+MOBI+MP3】
《朱迪·穆迪》系列由Megan McDonald创作,是一部以一个名叫朱迪的小女孩为主角的章节书系列。这个系列以其幽默和贴近儿童生活的故事而受到孩子们的喜爱,适合EPUB、MOBI和MP3格式阅读。
| ├──Judy Moody ebook 1-16 +3
| └──Judy Moody 音频 1-15 mp3
├──The Land of Stories Series - Colfer Chris【PDF+EPUB+MOBI+AZW3】
《故事之地》系列由Chris Colfer创作,是一部将经典童话人物和故事融合在一起的章节书系列。这个系列以其丰富的想象力和引人入胜的故事情节而受到孩子们的喜爱,适合PDF、EPUB、MOBI和AZW3格式阅读。
| ├──Adventures from the Land of Stories Boxed Set - Chris Colfer.epub 30.25M
| ├──Adventures from the Land of Stories Boxed Set - Chris Colfer.jpg 425.09kb
| ├──Adventures from the Land of Stories Boxed Set - Chris Colfer.mobi 31.83M
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 01] - The Wishing Spell.epub 864.78kb
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 01] - The Wishing Spell.jpg 88.12kb
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 01] - The Wishing Spell.mobi 1.04M
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 02] - The Enchantress Returns.epub 1.04M
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 02] - The Enchantress Returns.jpg 64.71kb
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 02] - The Enchantress Returns.mobi 1.30M
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 03] - A Grimm Warning.epub 3.19M
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 03] - A Grimm Warning.jpg 590.94kb
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 03] - A Grimm Warning.mobi 3.90M
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 04] - Beyond the Kingdoms.azw 2.16M
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 04] - Beyond the Kingdoms.jpg 126.42kb
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 04] - Beyond the Kingdoms.mobi 2.22M
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 05] - An Author's Odyssey.epub 3.14M
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 05] - An Author's Odyssey.jpg 1.05M
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 05] - An Author's Odyssey.mobi 3.76M
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 06] - Worlds Collide.epub 25.01M
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 06] - Worlds Collide.jpg 487.65kb
| ├──Chris Colfer - [The Land of Stories 06] - Worlds Collide.mobi 16.42M
| ├──The Land of Stories - A Treasury of Classic Fairy Tales - Chris Colfer.epub 79.10M
| ├──The Land of Stories - A Treasury of Classic Fairy Tales - Chris Colfer.jpg 498.18kb
| ├──The Land of Stories - A Treasury of Classic Fairy Tales - Chris Colfer.mobi 75.77M
| ├──The Land of Stories - A Treasury of Classic Fairy Tales - Chris Colfer.pdf 26.86M
| └──The Land of Stories Series - Colfer Chris.txt 3.75kb
├──The Mystery of Locked Rooms - Lindsay Currie【EPUB+MOBI】
《锁室之谜》由Lindsay Currie创作,是一部青少年悬疑小说。故事围绕一系列神秘事件展开,主角必须解开锁室之谜。这本书适合喜欢谜题和悬疑故事的年轻读者,提供EPUB和MOBI格式。
| ├──The Mystery of Locked Rooms - Lindsay Currie.epub 2.58M
| ├──The Mystery of Locked Rooms - Lindsay Currie.jpg 1.52M
| ├──The Mystery of Locked Rooms - Lindsay Currie.mobi 2.95M
| ├──The Mystery of Locked Rooms - Lindsay Currie.pdf 3.59M
| └──The Mystery of Locked Rooms - Lindsay Currie.txt 2.46kb
├──The Never Girls Books【EPUB+M4B】
| ├──ebooks(1-13+1)
| └──The Never Girls Audio Collection, Volume 1 - (1-6)
├──The Princess in Black Series - Shannon Hale【PDF+CBR+EPUB+AZW3+MP3】
《黑衣公主》系列由Shannon Hale创作,是一部结合了幽默和冒险的章节书系列。故事讲述了一个公主在秘密身份下与怪物战斗的故事。这个系列以其独特的角色和情节受到孩子们的喜爱,提供PDF、CBR、EPUB、AZW3和MP3格式。
| ├──The Princess in Black Series - Shannon Hale
| ├──音频
| └──The Princess in Black Series - Shannon Hale - MP3.txt 1.44kb
├──The Unicorn Rescue Society【EPUB+MOBI+MP3】
| ├──The Unicorn Rescue Society Series - Adam Gidwitz
| └──The Unicorn Rescue Society Series - Adam Gidwitz - MP3
├──The Wild Robot Series【EPUB+MOBI+MP3】
| ├──audiobook
| ├──Peter Brown - [The Wild Robot 01] - The Wild Robot.epub 9.19M
| ├──Peter Brown - [The Wild Robot 01] - The Wild Robot.mobi 9.97M
| ├──Peter Brown - [The Wild Robot 02] - The Wild Robot Escapes.epub 30.66M
| ├──Peter Brown - [The Wild Robot 02] - The Wild Robot Escapes.mobi 22.93M
| ├──Peter Brown - [The Wild Robot 03] - The Wild Robot Protects.epub 46.52M
| ├──Peter Brown - [The Wild Robot 03] - The Wild Robot Protects.mobi 31.70M
| └──Wild Robot BONUS PDF.pdf 5.55M
├──The World's Worst Children【PDF+AZW3+MP3】
| ├──The World's Worst Children 1
| ├──The World's Worst Children 2
| └──The World's Worst Children 3
├──The Zack Files【PDF+EPUB+MOBI+MP3】
| ├──mobi_epub_pdf
| ├──The Zack Files Series - Dan Greenburg - MP3(版本1 1-13)
| └──音频1-30(版本2)
├──Time Hunters Series - Chris Blake【EPUB+MOBI】
《时间猎人》系列由Chris Blake创作,是一部时间旅行主题的章节书系列。故事围绕主角穿越时空,解决历史谜题展开。这个系列以其紧张刺激的情节和历史元素吸引孩子们,提供EPUB和MOBI格式。
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 01] - Gladiator Clash.epub 2.88M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 01] - Gladiator Clash.jpg 160.87kb
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 01] - Gladiator Clash.mobi 3.04M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 02] - Knight Quest.epub 3.16M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 02] - Knight Quest.jpg 152.10kb
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 02] - Knight Quest.mobi 3.34M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 03] - Viking Raiders.epub 4.10M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 03] - Viking Raiders.jpg 162.11kb
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 03] - Viking Raiders.mobi 4.26M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 04] - Greek Warriors.epub 3.30M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 04] - Greek Warriors.jpg 130.17kb
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 04] - Greek Warriors.mobi 3.60M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 05] - Pirate Mutiny.epub 4.29M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 05] - Pirate Mutiny.jpg 160.68kb
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 05] - Pirate Mutiny.mobi 4.49M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 06] - Egyptian Curse.epub 6.66M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 06] - Egyptian Curse.jpg 149.98kb
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 06] - Egyptian Curse.mobi 7.06M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 07] - Cowboy Showdown.epub 5.48M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 07] - Cowboy Showdown.jpg 158.53kb
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 07] - Cowboy Showdown.mobi 5.84M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 08] - Samurai Assassin.epub 5.16M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 08] - Samurai Assassin.jpg 143.74kb
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 08] - Samurai Assassin.mobi 5.49M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 09] - Outback Outlaw.epub 5.62M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 09] - Outback Outlaw.jpg 151.99kb
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 09] - Outback Outlaw.mobi 6.10M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 10] - Stone Age Rampage.epub 5.34M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 10] - Stone Age Rampage.jpg 134.79kb
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 10] - Stone Age Rampage.mobi 5.85M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 11] - Mohican Brave.epub 7.17M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 11] - Mohican Brave.jpg 320.70kb
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 11] - Mohican Brave.mobi 6.86M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 12] - Aztec Attack.epub 6.52M
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 12] - Aztec Attack.jpg 293.97kb
| ├──Chris Blake - [Time Hunters 12] - Aztec Attack.mobi 6.22M
| └──Time Hunters Series - Chris Blake.txt 1.26kb
├──Time Jumpers【AZW3】
| ├──01.Stealing the Sword.azw3 6.59M
| ├──02.Escape from Egypt.azw3 24.46M
| ├──03.Fast-Forward to the Future.azw3 57.58M
| └──04.Dodging Dinosaurs.azw3 33.88M
├──Treehouse Series - Andy Griffiths【EPUB+MOBI+AZW3】
《树屋》系列由Andy Griffiths创作,是一部充满幽默和创意的章节书系列。故事围绕两个好朋友建造一个有着各种奇特设施的树屋展开。这个系列以其想象力和幽默吸引孩子们,提供EPUB、MOBI和AZW3格式。
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 01] - The 13-Story Treehouse.epub 27.32M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 01] - The 13-Story Treehouse.jpg 87.03kb
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 01] - The 13-Story Treehouse.mobi 31.95M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 02] - The 26-Story Treehouse.azw3 19.71M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 02] - The 26-Story Treehouse.jpg 104.42kb
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 02] - The 26-Story Treehouse.mobi 19.70M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 03] - The 39-Storey Treehouse.epub 24.72M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 03] - The 39-Storey Treehouse.jpg 478.53kb
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 03] - The 39-Storey Treehouse.mobi 31.04M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 04] - The 52-Storey Treehouse.epub 36.36M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 04] - The 52-Storey Treehouse.jpg 97.10kb
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 04] - The 52-Storey Treehouse.mobi 41.27M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 05] - The 65-Storey Treehouse.epub 62.75M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 05] - The 65-Storey Treehouse.jpg 488.21kb
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 05] - The 65-Storey Treehouse.mobi 73.45M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 06] - The 78-Storey Treehouse.epub 56.83M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 06] - The 78-Storey Treehouse.jpg 79.77kb
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 06] - The 78-Storey Treehouse.mobi 63.73M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 07] - The 91-Storey Treehouse.epub 34.04M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 07] - The 91-Storey Treehouse.jpg 124.10kb
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 07] - The 91-Storey Treehouse.mobi 35.29M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 08] - The 104-Storey Treehouse.epub 51.72M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 08] - The 104-Storey Treehouse.jpg 851.91kb
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 08] - The 104-Storey Treehouse.mobi 62.24M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 09] - The 117-Storey Treehouse.epub 267.96M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 09] - The 117-Storey Treehouse.jpg 479.57kb
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 09] - The 117-Storey Treehouse.mobi 264.28M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 10] - The 130 Storey Treehouse.epub 48.67M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 10] - The 130 Storey Treehouse.jpg 657.93kb
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 10] - The 130 Storey Treehouse.mobi 54.03M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 11] - The 143-Storey Treehouse.epub 48.90M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 11] - The 143-Storey Treehouse.jpg 815.68kb
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 11] - The 143-Storey Treehouse.mobi 54.53M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 12] - The 156-Storey Treehouse.epub 86.24M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 12] - The 156-Storey Treehouse.jpg 612.92kb
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 12] - The 156-Storey Treehouse.mobi 86.31M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 13] - The 169-Story Treehouse.epub 140.83M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 13] - The 169-Story Treehouse.jpg 691.68kb
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse 13] - The 169-Story Treehouse.mobi 122.62M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - Tales from the Treehouse.epub 15.57M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - Tales from the Treehouse.jpg 918.75kb
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - Tales from the Treehouse.mobi 22.35M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - Terry's Dumb Dot Story - Terry Denton [World Book Day 2018].epub 24.06M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - Terry's Dumb Dot Story - Terry Denton [World Book Day 2018].jpg 1.32M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - Terry's Dumb Dot Story - Terry Denton [World Book Day 2018].mobi 25.21M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - The Treehouse Joke Book.epub 222.02M
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - The Treehouse Joke Book.jpg 937.22kb
| ├──Andy Griffiths - [Treehouse Special] - The Treehouse Joke Book.mobi 173.74M
| ├──Treehouse Series - Andy Griffiths.txt 4.22kb
| └──小屁孩树屋历险记 [澳] 安迪·格里菲思.jpg 404.47kb
├──Wayside Stories Collection - Louis Sachar(歪歪小学)【EPUB+MOBI】
《歪歪小学》系列由Louis Sachar创作,是一部面向儿童的幽默章节书系列。故事围绕一个充满奇怪事件的小学展开。这个系列以其独特的幽默感和教育价值受到孩子们的喜爱,提供EPUB和MOBI格式。
| ├──Wayside School Series 1-6 - Louis Sachar
| └──音频
├──Wings of Fire Graphic Novel Series - Tui T.Sutherland【PDF+EPUB+AZW3+CBR】
《翼火》图像小说系列由Tui T.Sutherland创作,是一部奇幻图像小说系列。故事讲述了一群龙的冒险故事。这个系列以其精美的插图和引人入胜的故事情节吸引年轻读者,提供PDF、EPUB、AZW3和CBR格式。
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 01] - The Dragonet Prophecy.azw3 74.88M
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 01] - The Dragonet Prophecy.epub 70.47M
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 01] - The Dragonet Prophecy.jpg 383.95kb
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 01] - The Dragonet Prophecy.pdf 74.91M
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 02] - The Lost Heir.azw3 72.89M
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 02] - The Lost Heir.epub 69.33M
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 02] - The Lost Heir.jpg 352.79kb
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 02] - The Lost Heir.pdf 72.97M
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 03] - The Hidden Kingdom.azw3 81.24M
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 03] - The Hidden Kingdom.epub 76.84M
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 03] - The Hidden Kingdom.jpg 404.97kb
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 03] - The Hidden Kingdom.pdf 81.33M
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 04] - The Dark Secret.jpg 178.11kb
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 04] - The Dark Secret.pdf 69.14M
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 05] - The Brightest Night.cbr 137.34M
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 05] - The Brightest Night.jpg 605.67kb
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 06] - Moon Rising.cbr 127.49M
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 06] - Moon Rising.jpg 606.83kb
| ├──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 07] - Winter Turning.cbr 81.26M
| └──Tui T. Sutherland - [Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 07] - Winter Turning.jpg 435.86kb
└──Zoey and Sassafras Series【EPUB+MOBI+MP3+M4B】
| ├──Zoey and Sassafras 01 - Dragons and Marshmallows - MP3
| ├──Zoey and Sassafras 02 - Monsters and Mold - MP3
| ├──Zoey and Sassafras 03 - Merhorses and Bubbles - MP3
| ├──Zoey and Sassafras 04 - Caterflies and Ice - MP3
| ├──Zoey and Sassafras 05 -The Pod and The Bog - MP3
| ├──Zoey and Sassafras 06 - Unicorns and Germs - MP3
| ├──Zoey and Sassafras 07 - Grumplets and Pests - M4B
| ├──Zoey and Sassafras 08 - Bips and Roses - M4B
| ├──Zoey and Sassafras 09 - Wishypoofs and Hiccups - M4B
| ├──Zoey and Sassafras Boxed Set Books 1-6 - Asia Citro - MP3
| ├──Zoey and Sassafras Series - Asia Citro(epub+mobi)
| ├──版本1-epub
| └──Zoey and Sassafras Boxed Set Books 1-6 - Asia Citro - MP3.txt 1.53kb
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