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Big Ideas of Early Mathematics: What Teachers of Young Children Needs to Know 幼儿数学核心概念 百度云网盘下载


In this unique guide, classroom teachers, coaches, curriculum coordinators, college students, and teacher educators get a practical look at the foundational concepts and skills of early mathematics, and see how to implement them in their early childhood classrooms.
Big Ideas of Early Mathematics presents the skills educators need to organize for mathematics teaching and learning during the early years. For teachers of children ages three through six, the book provides foundations for further mathematics learning and helps facilitate long-term mathematical understanding. The Enhanced Pearson eText features embedded video.
Improve mastery and retention with the Enhanced Pearson eText*
The Enhanced Pearson eText provides a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content. The Enhanced Pearson eText is:
Engaging. The new interactive, multimedia learning features were developed by the authors and other subject-matter experts to deepen and enrich the learning experience.
Convenient. Enjoy instant online access from your computer or download the Pearson eText App to read on or offline on your iPad® and Android® tablet.*
Affordable. Experience the advantages of the Enhanced Pearson eText for 40-65% less than a print bound book.
*The Enhanced eText features are only available in the Pearson eText format. They are not available in third-party eTexts or downloads.
*The Pearson eText App is available on Google Play and in the App Store. It requires Android OS 3.1-4, a 7” or 10” tablet, or iPad iOS 5.0 or later.


——/2024更新/【多课吧DOC8.com-2719】Big Ideas of Early Mathematics What Teachers of Young Children Needs to Know 幼儿数学核心概念 百度云网盘下载/
└──Big Ideas of Early Mathematics What Teachers of Young Children Need to Know (Practical Resources in ECE).pdf 3.77M

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