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Spectrum Critical Thinking for Math 小学数学批判性思维练习册GK-G8全9级 全彩PDF 百度云网盘下载-115MB

全网唯一专注小学数学批判性思维训练的练习册——Spectrum Critical Thinking for Math,学霸牛娃不要错过!
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全网唯一专注小学数学批判性思维训练的练习册——Spectrum Critical Thinking for Math


1st grade Critical Thinking Math Workbook for kids ages 6+

Support your child's educational journey with Spectrum's First Grade Critical Thinking Math Workbook that teaches essential 1st grade math skills.

Math books for 1st graders are a great way for children to learn critical thinking skills such as addition, subtraction through 100, place value, geometry, and more through a variety of learning activities that are both fun AND educational!

Why You'll Love This First Grade Critical Thinking Workbook

  • Engaging and educational first grade math activities. "Drawing and counting money", "Using pictures to add and subtract", and "Composing 2-D and 3-D shapes" are a few of the fun math activities that incorporate critical thinking for kids to help inspire learning into your child's classroom or homeschool curriculum.

Critical Thinking Math Grade 2 workbook for kids ages 7+

Support your child's educational journey with Spectrum's Critical Thinking 2nd Grade Math Workbook that teaches essential 2nd grade math skills.

2nd grade critical thinking math workbooks are a great way for 2nd graders to learn critical thinking skills such as fractions, geometry, addition and subtraction with 3-digit numbers, and more through a variety of learning activities that are both fun AND educational!

Why You'll Love This Second Grade Critical Thinking Workbook

  • Engaging and educational 2nd grade math activities. "Drawing arrays", "Drawing pictures to add and subtract", and "Skip counting" are a few of the fun math activities that incorporate critical thinking for kids to help inspire learning into your child's classroom or homeschool curriculum.

Critical Thinking Math Grade 3 workbook for kids ages 8+

Support your child's educational journey with Spectrum's 3rd Grade Critical Thinking Math Workbook that teaches essential 3rd grade math skills.

3rd grade Critical Thinking Math workbooks are a great way for 3rd graders to learn critical thinking skills such as multiplication and division, fractions, geometry, and more through a variety of learning activities that are both fun AND educational!

Why You'll Love This Math Book for 3rd Graders

  • Engaging and educational 3rd grade math activities. "Using a number line", "Graphing", and "Adding and subtracting through 4-digit numbers" are a few of the fun math activities that incorporate critical thinking for kids to help inspire learning into your child's classroom or homeschool curriculum.

Critical Thinking Math Grade 4 Workbook for kids ages 9+

Support your child's educational journey with Spectrum's Critical Thinking 4th Grade Math Workbook that teaches essential 4th grade math skills.

Critical Thinking 4th grade math workbooks are a great way for students to learn critical thinking skills such as multiplication and division, fractions, decimals, geometry, and more through a variety of learning activities that are both fun AND educational!

Why You'll Love This Math Book

  • Engaging and educational 4th grade math activities. "Classifying geometric figures", "Drawing models to find missing numbers", and "Measurement conversions" are a few of the fun math activities that incorporate critical thinking for kids to help inspire learning into your child's classroom or homeschool curriculum.

Critical Thinking Math Grade 5 Workbook for kids ages 10+

Support your child's educational journey with Spectrum's 5th Grade Math Critical Thinking Workbook that teaches essential 5th grade math skills.

Critical Thinking Math workbooks are a great way for students to learn critical thinking skills such as geometry, fractions and decimals, algebra 1 prep, place value, and more through a variety of learning activities that are both fun AND educational!

Why You'll Love This Math Book

  • Engaging and educational 5th grade math activities. "Graphing on the coordinate plane", "Multiplying and dividing whole numbers", and "Measuring perimeter, area, and volume" are a few of the fun math activities that incorporate critical thinking for kids to help inspire learning into your child's classroom or homeschool curriculum.

Critical Thinking Math Grade 6 Workbook for kids ages 11+

Support your child's educational journey with Spectrum's Critical Thinking 6th Grade Math Workbook that teaches essential 6th grade math skills.

Critical Thinking Math workbooks are a great way for students to learn critical thinking skills such as multiplication and division with fractions and decimals, probability, statistics, geometry, and more through a variety of learning activities that are both fun AND educational!

Why You'll Love This Math Book

  • Engaging and educational 6th grade math activities. "Drawing bar graphs", "Graphing", and "Multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals" are a few of the fun math activities that incorporate critical thinking for kids to help inspire learning into your child's classroom or homeschool curriculum.

Critical Thinking Math Grade 7 Workbook for kids ages 12+

Support your child's educational journey with Spectrum's Critical Thinking 7th Grade Math Workbook that teaches critical thinking math skills.

Critical Thinking Math workbooks are a great way for students to learn critical thinking skills through algebra, geometry, positive and negative integers, and more through a variety of learning activities that are both fun AND educational!

Why You'll Love This Geometry and Algebra 1 Workbook

  • Engaging and educational math activities. "Using a number line", "Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing rational numbers", and "Using bar graphs" are a few of the fun math activities that incorporate critical thinking for kids to help inspire learning into your child's classroom or homeschool curriculum.

Critical Thinking Math Grade 8 Workbook for kids ages 13+

Support your child's educational journey with Spectrum's Critical Thinking 8th Grade Math Workbook that teaches critical thinking math skills.

Critical Thinking Math workbooks are a great way for eighth grade students to learn critical thinking skills using geometry, Pythagorean Theorem, linear equations, and more through a variety of learning activities that are both fun AND educational!

Why You'll Love This Math Book

  • Engaging and educational math activities. "Graphing", "Writing the product of powers in expanded form", and "Scientific notation in the real world" are a few of the fun math activities that incorporate critical thinking for kids to help inspire learning into your child's classroom or homeschool curriculum.

About Spectrum

For more than 20 years, Spectrum has provided solutions for parents who want to help their children get ahead, and for teachers who want their students to meet and exceed set learning goals--providing workbooks that are a great resource for both homeschooling and classroom curriculum.

EACH Grade Spectrum Math Workbook Contains:

  • 6-10 chapters of math activities
  • Mid-test, final test, and answer key
  • Check what you know" and "Check what you've learned" reviews. "Check what you know" and "Check what you've learned" sections are included at the beginning and end of every chapter. A mid-test and final test are also included in the Spectrum math book to test student knowledge. Use the answer key to track student progress before moving on to new and exciting activities.


——/5小学/19数学奥数/【多课吧DOC8.com-2027】Spectrum Critical Thinking for Math 小学数学批判性思维练习册GK-G8全9级 全彩PDF 百度云网盘下载-115MB/
├──G1.pdf 27.77M
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├──G7.pdf 5.58M
├──G8.pdf 6.40M
└──GK.pdf 44.34M





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