How to be Good at Math DK图解数学 已被收录至 原版娃升级之旅-牛津 剑桥 朗文 国家地理 加州 德州 ESL 新加坡原版英语教材 覆盖幼儿小学初中高中 配套点读版PDF 音频视频 白板软件
DK图解数学《How to be Good at Math》!
先看看第一册的目录,主要有:Number symbols,Place value,Sequences and patterns,Positive and negative numbers,Comparing numbers,Ordering numbers,Estimating,Rounding,Fractions,Equivalent fractions,Finding a fraction of an amount,Comparing fractions with thesame denominators,Comparing unit fractions,CalculatingAddition,Addition facts,Adding with a number line,Adding with a number grid,Partitioning for addition,Expanded column addition,Column addition,Shopkeeper’s addition,Subtraction,Subtraction facts,Subtracting with a number line,Partitioning for subtraction,Expanded column subtraction,Column subtraction,Multiplication,Counting in multiples,Multiplication tables,Capacity,Volume,Mass,Calculating with mass,Telling the time,Calculating with time,Dates,Money,Using money,Geometry,What is a line? Horizontal and vertical lines,Diagonal lines,Parallel lines,Perpendicular lines,2D shapes,Regular and irregular polygons,The multiplication grid,Multiplication patterns and strategies,Expanded short multiplication,Short multiplication,Division,Dividing with multiples,Division tables,The division grid,Partitioning for division,Expanded short division,Short division,Arithmetic laws,MeasurementLength,Perimeter,Area,Estimating area,Triangles,Quadrilaterals,Naming polygons,3D shape,Types of 3D shape,Prisms,Angles,Degrees,Right angles,Types of angle,Coordinates,Position and direction,Compass directions,Reflective symmetry,StatisticsTally marks,Frequency tables。
1. 画出数值线,标出大概区间的数值70-140,然后将70-140之间的整数标出来;
2. 在130之后找到大概132的位置,然后132往后数,从132往后移动54个数位,132-130之间是两个数位,130再往后移动50个数位,到80,从80再往后移动2个数位,得到78;
3. 得出132-54=78的结论。
1. 同样是画出数值线,但是标的数值是接近两个数字的整数数值50和140,然后以10为单位划分50,60,70,80...140;在50-60这个区间标出大概54的位置,然后在130-140这个区间标出132这个数值;
2. 54距离60有6个数位,标出来,从60到130中间间隔7个10,而从130-132差2个数位,那么6+70+2=78,也就是从54到132之间差78。
3. 所以,得出结论132-54=78。
作者简介:Carol Vorderman, one of Britain's best known and loved TV personalities, feels passionately about the value of education. Carol joined forces with DK in 1999 to become DK's Education Champion and has helped them to build the bestselling "Made Easy" series, which includes topics in maths, English, and science and technology. She has also encouraged parents and their teenage children to work together in the "Help Your Kids" series, which includes Help Your Kids With Science and Help Your Kids With Music. Versatile as ever, Carol has also provided an accessible and fun entry into the world of computer programming with Computer Coding Projects For Kids.
——/5小学/19数学奥数/【多课吧】How to be Good at Math DK图解数学Maths Workbook 全彩PDF 百度云网盘下载-338MB/
├──How to Be Good at Math Workbook Grades 2-3(美国版).pdf 94.87M
├──How to Be Good at Math Workbook, Grades 4-6 (美国版).pdf 51.32M
├──How to be Good at Maths Workbook 1(英国版).pdf 97.27M
├──How to be Good at Maths Workbook 2.(英国版)pdf.pdf 51.40M
└──How to be good at maths(教学用书).pdf 43.34M
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