小编在之前学习廖彩杏100本绘本时候,接触过苏斯博士的三本书,一本的链接在此廖彩杏100本英文绘本学习-第22周(3)《The foot book》千奇百怪的脚。读起来就像绕口令一样,重复句非常多,可以读出抑扬顿挫的语调,也可以专门练习高频词的发音,读起来很是过瘾。
后来,小编又安利了苏斯博士经典绘本20册,里面详细介绍了苏斯博士的颜色分级读物,感兴趣的爸爸妈妈们可以看看。链接在此推荐 | 《苏斯博士经典绘本20册礼盒装》,重复押韵的长句更适合培养孩子自主阅读能力。
这里要提到一个非常重要的日期,每年的3月2日是美国的全美读书日(National Read Across America Day),因为这一天是苏斯博士的生日,由此可见苏斯博士在美国人民心中的分量。他这一生获得无数荣誉,曾获得:
☆ 美国图画书最高荣誉凯迪克大奖
☆ 普利策特殊贡献奖
☆ 两次获奥斯卡金像奖和艾美奖
☆ 美国教育部指定的儿童重要阅读辅导读物。
So, 小编再来安利一套苏斯博士科学绘本系列,里面贯彻了苏斯博士一贯的风格,以“胡说八道”为主要特征,喜用押韵的文字,串起不相关的内容, 再配上相应的荒唐图画,真真惹人发笑。
2. 此套书带有韵律,读起来朗朗上口,孩子能直观地将语音和图画对应起来,形成早期的认知反应。
3. 此套书讲述有趣的科学故事,给了孩子一个最基本的科学概念,有科学启蒙的作用。用活泼简单的形式讲述生活事实,给孩子打下好的实在的基础,开始思考复杂的问题。
01. One Cent, Two Cents, Old Cent, New Cent
02. My, Oh My--A Butterfly!
03. I Can Name 50 Trees Today!
04. If I Ran the Horse Show
05. A Great Day for Pup!
06. Fine Feathered Friends
07. Ice Is Nice!
08. Wish for a Fish
09. Hark! A Shark!
10. What Cat Is That?
11. Once upon a Mastodon
12. Miles and Miles of Reptiles
13.There's a Map on My Lap!
14. Oh Say Can You Say Di-no-saur?
15. Is a Camel a Mammal?
16. Inside Your Outside
17. On Beyond Bugs
18. Oh, the Things They Invented!
19. Oh, the Pets You Can Get!
20. Oh Say Can You Seed?
21. One Vote, Two Votes, I Vote, You Vote
22. Who Hatches the Egg?
23. A Whale of a Tale!
24. Oh Say Can You Say What's the Weather Today?
25. Why Oh Why Are Deserts Dry?
26. Safari, So Good!
27. Out of Sight Till Tonight!
28. High? Low? Where Did It Go?
29. If I Ran the Rain Forest
30. If I Ran the Dog Show
31. Would You Rather Be a Pollywog
32. There's No Place Like Space
33. Clam-I-Am!
装 帧:平装
作 者:Tish Rabe 等
绘 者:Aristides Ruiz, Joe Mathieu
开 本:17.5 x 23.5CM
页 数:大部分都是48页左右
——/2024更新/【多课吧DOC8.com-3395】Dr. Seuss苏斯博士英文绘本大全 分级读物分类整理64册PDF+MP3+部分MP4 百度云网盘下载/
├──01 启蒙级 14
| ├──Amazing Animals by Dr. Seuss(PDF) (目测AR0-1)
| ├──Crazy Colours (PDF) (AR1.7)
| ├──Dizzy Days by Dr. Seuss(PDF)(目测AR1)
| ├──Dr. Seuss' ABC (PDF+MP3+MP4) (AR2.1, NP)
| ├──Foot Book by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3+MP4) (AR0.6,150L,)
| ├──Great Day for Up by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR0.8, 230L)
| ├──Hop on Pop by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR1.5, 190L)
| ├──Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR1.1, 280L)
| ├──Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3)(AR1.8)
| ├──My Many Colored Days by Dr.Seuss (PDF) (AD190L)
| ├──Nutty Numbers by Dr. Seuss(PDF)(目测AR0-1)
| ├──One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3)(AR1.7, 270L)
| ├──The Shape of Me and Other Stuff by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR1.7, 440L)
| └──Wacky Weather by Dr. Seuss(PDF)(目测AR0-1)
├──02 提高级 10
| ├──Fox In Socks by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3+MP4) (AR2.1, 380L)
| ├──Green Eggs And Ham by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3+MP4) (AR1.5, 210L)
| ├──I Am Not Going to Get Up Today by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR2.1, 460L)
| ├──I Can Read With My Eyes Shut by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR2.2, 380L)
| ├──Oh, the Thinks You Can Think by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR1.8, 360L)
| ├──Ten Apples Up On Top by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (200L)
| ├──The Cat in the Hat by Dr.Seuss by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR2.1, 430L)
| ├──The Cat in the Hat Comes Back by Dr.Seuss by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR2.1, 450L)
| ├──There's a Wocket in My Pocket by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR2.1, 460L)
| └──Wacky Wednesday by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3)(AR2.1, 370L)
├──03 桥梁书级别 25
| ├──And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street by Dr. Seuss(PDF) (AR3.6, NP)
| ├──Bartholomew and the Oobleck by Dr.Seuss 凯迪克银奖1950 (PDF+MP3) (AR3.2, 590L)
| ├──Daisy-Head Mayzie (PDF) (AR3.2, 630L)
| ├──Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR3.5,AD640L)
| ├──Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book (PDF+MP3) (AR4.0, NP)
| ├──Gerald McBoing Boing by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR3.5, 690L)
| ├──Happy Birthday to You (PDF+azw3) (AR3.1, NP)
| ├──Horton Hatches the Egg by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR3.1, 560L)
| ├──Horton Hears a Who by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR3.3, 600L)
| ├──How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR3.0, 590L)
| ├──Hunches In Bunches by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR2.9, 570L)
| ├──I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today and Other Stories (PDF) (AR2.9, NP)
| ├──I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew (PDF) (AR3.6, NP)
| ├──If I Ran the Circus by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR3.9, NP)
| ├──If I Ran the Zoo by Dr.Seuss 凯迪克银奖1951 (PDF+MP3) (AR4.1, AD870L)
| ├──McElligot's Pool by Dr.Seuss 凯迪克银奖1948 (PDF) (AR3.6,N P)
| ├──Oh, Say You Can Say by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3)(AR4.0, NP)
| ├──Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR3.3, AD600L)
| ├──On Beyond Zebra by Dr. Seuss (PDF) (AR4.2, NP)
| ├──Scrambled Eggs Super by Dr. Seuss(PDF) (AR4.4, NP)
| ├──The Butter Battle Book by Dr. Seuss(PDF) (AR3.9, AD800L)
| ├──The Lorax by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR3.1, 560L)
| ├──The Sneetches and Other Stories by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR3.4, NP)
| ├──Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR3.4, NP)
| └──Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR3.3, 600L)
├──04 初章-中章 3
| ├──Oh, Baby, The Places Youll Go (PDF) (990L)
| ├──The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins by Dr. Seuss(PDF) (AR4.0, AD630L)
| └──The King's Stilts by Dr. Seuss(PDF) (AR4.1, AD670L)
├──06 高章 2
| ├──The Seven Lady Godivas (PDF) (目测AR5.0)
| └──Youre Only Old Once A Book for Obsolete Children (PDF) (AR5.2, 1000L)
├──07 苏斯博士绘本视频及动画片
| ├──Dr. Seuss Beginner Book One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.flv 43.22M
| ├──Dr. Seuss’s Holidays on the Loose! 2011 DVDRIP XviD.avi 696.29M
| ├──Dr.Seuss.How.The.Grinch.Stole.Christmas.1966.BD.MiniSD-TLF格林奇是如何偷走圣诞节的.mkv 179.49M
| ├──Fox in Sox.flv 7.36M
| ├──Green Eggs & Ham DivX.avi 56.21M
| ├──Halloween Is Grinch Night DivX.avi 166.49M
| ├──Hop on Pop, by Dr. Seuss.flv 21.28M
| ├──Horton Hears a Who.avi 297.02M
| ├──How the Grinch Stole Christmas.avi 296.91M
| ├──Pontoffel Pock, Where Are You.avi 164.88M
| ├──Seuss On The Loose DivX.avi 166.13M
| ├──The Cat In The Hat 2003 Dvdrip Xvid-Dcn.avi 700.15M
| ├──The Cat In The Hat DivX.avi 164.54M
| ├──The Cat In The Hat字幕.rar 5.64M
| ├──The Grinch Grinches The Cat In The Hat DivX.avi 162.33M
| ├──The Hoober Bloob Highway DivX.avi 163.67M
| ├──The Lorax DivX.avi 165.66M
| ├──The Sneetches DivX.avi 79.96M
| └──The Zax DivX.avi 24.49M
├──13 延伸 The Beginner Books about Me 5
| ├──The Ear Book (PDF+MP3) (AR0.7, NP)
| ├──The Eye Book (PDF+MP3) (AR0.8, 200L)
| ├──The Knee Book (MP3)
| ├──The Nose Book (PDF+MP3) (AR1.4, 290L)
| └──The Tooth Book (PDF+MP3) (AR2.1, 520L)
├──14 延伸 The Beginner Books 6
| ├──Because a Little Bug Went Ka-choo (PDF+MP3) (AR2.2, 460L)
| ├──Hooper Humperdink... Not Him (PDF+MP3) (AR1.5, 390L)
| ├──I Wish That I Had Duck Feet by Dr.Seuss (PDF+MP3) (AR2.2, 520L)
| ├──In a People House (PDF+MP3) (NP)
| ├──Maybe You Should Fly a Jet Maybe You Should Be a Vet (PDF+MP3)
| └──Would You Rather Be a Bullfrog (PDF+MP3) (440L)
├──21 仅音频or视频无法分类
| ├──Cry A Pint by Dr.Seuss by Dr.Seuss (MP3)
| ├──Holidays on the Loose by Dr. Seuss (MP4)
| ├──The Rabbit, The Bear and The Zinnega by Dr.Seuss (MP3)
| ├──Oh Say You Can Say.mp3 8.08M
| ├──The Big Brag.mp3 7.42M
| ├──The Great Gildersleeve Gerald McBoing Boing.mp3 6.15M
| ├──Thidwick the Big-Hearted Mooses慷慨大方的麋鹿.mp3 10.43M
| ├──Too Many Daves.mp3 1.25M
| └──What Was I Scared Of.mp3 3.63M
├──22 相关其他
| ├──A Great Day For Seuss
| ├──Born to Run Dr Seuss Cat in the Hat (PDF)
| ├──Come Over to My House (PDF) (AR2.5, 480L)
| ├──Hooray For Diffendoofer Day (PDF) (AR3.8, AD620L)
| ├──Is a Camel a Mammal (PDF) (AR3.5, 620L)
| ├──My Very Own Dr. Seuss Activity Book by Dr.Seuss (PDF)
| ├──Please Try to Remember the First of Octember (PDF) (AR2.2, 520L)
| ├──Who's Who and What's What in the Books of Dr. Seuss (PDF)
| ├──高章 More Dr. Seuss and Philosophy (PDF)
| └──Dr. Seuss and philosophy oh, the thinks you can think by Geisel, Theodor S. Seuss, Seuss Held, Jacob M (z-lib.org).pdf 969.90kb
└──Chill Out The Cats Wintertime Ebook Collection (Dr. SeussCat in the Hat) by Tish Rabe [Rabe, Tish] (z-lib.org).epub 124.40M
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