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《Scott Foresman》系列分级读物,是一套非常适合零基础的儿童学习英语的纯正美音学习教材,作为孩子的父母一定不要错过。这套分级读物划分幼儿园至小学6年级共7个等级,涉及内容包括语言阅读、科学阅读、社科阅读三个部分。可以说,这套分级读物,不论是在数量,精度和广度上,都是分级读物中最好的资源之一了。
今天带来的是《Scott Foresman幼儿分级读物156册》是培生出品的一套英语分级绘本,适合低幼阶段的孩子阅读,通过这套绘本可以学习到很多科普和生活常识,针对音位辨识与自然发音、词汇、以及课程理解力等各方面的加强学习。
教材学习场景非常丰富,大多都贴切日常生活,视角新颖,图片精美有趣,孩子学起来也不会觉得枯燥。最妙的是,整套教材都是“点读版”!每段文本旁边都有一个蓝色的小喇叭,全部是英文原声阅读,哪里不会点哪里,so easy!(推荐使用 Adobe Reader阅读)
- 名称:培生Scott Foresman幼儿分级读物156册
- 格式:PDF
- 大小:276MB
Cali Science Readers K(7册)
- Earths Resources.pdf
- Learning About Plants and Animals.pdf
- Objects All Around.pdf
- Our Land, Air, and Water.pdf
- Plant and Animal Parts.pdf
- Water.pdf
- Weather.pdf
Emergent Readers(36册)
- A Rainy Day.pdf
- Alligator Ann.pdf
- Bud the Mud Bug.pdf
- Cam the Cow.pdf
- Colors Around Me.pdf
- Dad and Fif Fan.pdf
- Dan Did It!.pdf
- Do Not Spill!.pdf
- Dots, Dots, Dots.pdf
- Get Set for a Pet Hen.pdf
- Get Up!.pdf
- Gib Got It.pdf
- Gus and His Bus.pdf
- Hap is Hot.pdf
- Hop on Top!.pdf
- Hopscotch.pdf
- How Many.pdf
- Little Iguana.pdf
- Look Around!.pdf
- Me!.pdf
- Mouse and Moose.pdf
- Nan the Red Hen!.pdf
- One, Two, Three, Four, Five!.pdf
- Pandas Nap.pdf
- Pat the Penguin.pdf
- Race Day.pdf
- Rex’s Box.pdf
- Ric and Rin Run!.pdf
- Six Fat Cubs.pdf
- Soccer Game.pdf
- Stop, Quinn, Stop.pdf
- The Big Bug.pdf
- The Red Bird.pdf
- Tony’s Taxi.pdf
- Where Is It.pdf
- Will on a Jet.pdf
Grade K Science(9册)
- Day and Night.pdf
- Growing and Changing.pdf
- Heat and Light.pdf
- How Things Move.pdf
- How Things Work.pdf
- Matter.pdf
- Needs of Plants and Animals.pdf
- Plants and Animals All Around.pdf
- Weather and Seasons.pdf
- Birthday Celebrations.pdf
- Earth – How Can I Help.pdf
- George Washington – Father of Our Country.pdf
- George Washington – Our First President.pdf
- George Washington.pdf
- Happy Birthday To Me!.pdf
- Helping Earth.pdf
- It Is My Birthday!.pdf
- Jobs in My Community.pdf
- Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.pdf
- Look, a Flag.pdf
- My Neighborhood.pdf
- Neighbors Near and Far.pdf
- Rules Make Life Work.pdf
- Rules.pdf
- Symbols of Our Land.pdf
- Symbols.pdf
- This Is Our World.pdf
- Who Does This Job.pdf
- Why We Have Rules.pdf
Leveled Readers(48册)
- A Pig’s Life.pdf
- A Small Trip.pdf
- A Walk in Antarctica.pdf
- A Winter Bed.pdf
- A Yard for All.pdf
- All Kinds of Homes.pdf
- Animals Homes.pdf
- Animals in the Grass.pdf
- Animals Work and Play.pdf
- Can We Do It.pdf
- Can You Spot It.pdf
- Catch That Ball.pdf
- Catch That Bus!.pdf
- Chug-Chug-Chug!.pdf
- Different Fish.pdf
- Families.pdf
- Fish Can Swim.pdf
- Five Bears All in a Den.pdf
- From Seeds to Plants.pdf
- I Can Do Lots of Stuff!.pdf
- I Help.pdf
- In the Garden.pdf
- In the Grasslands.pdf
- In the Ocean.pdf
- In the Orange Grove.pdf
- Let’s Make a Club House.pdf
- Let’s Race.pdf
- Let’s Ride.pdf
- Look at the Clock, Max!.pdf
- Machines Help.pdf
- Ming the Messenger.pdf
- Nick the Fix-It Man.pdf
- Off to School.pdf
- Pam.pdf
- Putting Up the Tent.pdf
- Reds and Blues.pdf
- Safe Homes.pdf
- The Bear.pdf
- The Big Bird.pdf
- The Fawn.pdf
- The Path to Frog’s New Home.pdf
- Tig the Talented Pig.pdf
- Two and Three.pdf
- Walking in the Forest.pdf
- Washington DC.pdf
- We See Them Grow.pdf
- Where Are All the Bats.pdf
- Who Helps.pdf
- A Home for Flap the Cat.pdf
- A House for My Fish.pdf
- A Musical Adventure.pdf
- All in a Day.pdf
- Animals at Home.pdf
- At Bat.pdf
- Bud in the Mud.pdf
- Bud the Pup.pdf
- Camping Is Fun!.pdf
- Cat and Dog Go to School.pdf
- Cat and Dog Go To Town.pdf
- Cat and Dog Munch Together.pdf
- Cat and Dog Play Together.pdf
- Cat and Dog Work Together.pdf
- Chameleons.pdf
- Do Not Quit, Quinn!.pdf
- Five Stops.pdf
- Fix It!.pdf
- Get Set, Go!.pdf
- Jem and Jan Win!.pdf
- Jen and Max Build a House.pdf
- Jen and Max.pdf
- On the High Seas.pdf
- Pop! Pop! Pop!.pdf
- Say Good Night.pdf
- Tam and Sam Go to the Zoo.pdf
- Tam and Sam in the Orange Grove.pdf
- Tam at the Beach.pdf
- Tap! Rap! Bam!.pdf
- Ten Red Sleds.pdf
- The Baby Panda.pdf
- The Jazz Band.pdf
- Tim’s Garden.pdf
- Toy Store.pdf
- We Can Fan.pdf
- Winter.pdf
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