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哈考特Harcourt为美国的小学教材,共分科学、数学、语文三大类,下分GK,G1-G6级。 内容包括故事、地理、历史、人物、数学、动物等等方面,故事题材广泛,插图形式多样,不但有精美的手绘图片,也有实景照片。

├──科学GK-G5系列 105本
| ├──G1 24本
| | ├──A Kitten Grows.pdf 1.55M
| | ├──All about plants.pdf 9.69M
| | ├──All bout animals.pdf 8.69M
| | ├──Animals everywhere.pdf 7.79M
| | ├──changes in winter.pdf 8.35M
| | ├──Congo the Painter.pdf 2.02M
| | ├──From Chicken to Hen.pdf 1.25M
| | ├──investigating light and sound.pdf 7.33M
| | ├──light and sound.pdf 12.08M
| | ├──magnetic force.pdf 4.36M
| | ├──magnets.pdf 4.36M
| | ├──Observing plants.pdf 8.23M
| | ├──red white and boom.pdf 3.16M
| | ├──The Animal Painter.pdf 1.40M
| | ├──The Flower Hunt.pdf 2.00M
| | ├──We Are Going to Make a Hut.pdf 1.64M
| | ├──weather all around.pdf 7.21M
| | ├──weather and the seasons.pdf 8.13M
| | ├──weather safety.pdf 2.84M
| | ├──weather.pdf 9.34M
| | ├──web of life.pdf 2.65M
| | ├──What can magnets do.pdf 5.26M
| | ├──what do you eat.pdf 2.46M
| | └──Whatever the weather.pdf 4.34M
| ├──G2 20本
| | ├──A matter of change.pdf 3.49M
| | ├──by the north star.pdf 2.41M
| | ├──changes in matter 2.pdf 3.82M
| | ├──changes to the Earth .pdf 11.08M
| | ├──changes to the land .pdf 8.46M
| | ├──changing shapes.pdf 2.85M
| | ├──easy does it.pdf 6.61M
| | ├──Energy.pdf 1.81M
| | ├──helping our world.pdf 2.00M
| | ├──life cycles.pdf 10.88M
| | ├──matter matters.pdf 3.38M
| | ├──Motioon .pdf 5.72M
| | ├──on the move.pdf 8.46M
| | ├──pattern in the sky.pdf 5.80M
| | ├──skypattern.pdf 7.33M
| | ├──states of matter.pdf 1.82M
| | ├──the hidden energy in plants.pdf 7.29M
| | ├──too small to see.pdf 2.76M
| | ├──what are light and heat.pdf 3.47M
| | └──What are some life cycles.pdf 8.12M
| ├──G4 21本
| | ├──Adapations for survival.pdf 4.79M
| | ├──Animals adaptations.pdf 7.22M
| | ├──Becoming a astronaut.pdf 6.14M
| | ├──Ecosystem energy.pdf 7.45M
| | ├──extreme weather.pdf 6.00M
| | ├──eyes in the sky.pdf 5.35M
| | ├──Food energy in ecosystems.pdf 20.42M
| | ├──Forces and motion.pdf 13.89M
| | ├──How machines work.pdf 6.12M
| | ├──investigating sound and light.pdf 12.01M
| | ├──It's dark down here.pdf 5.72M
| | ├──Life at the bottom of the sea.pdf 5.24M
| | ├──move it.pdf 6.00M
| | ├──Our planet and beyond.pdf 3.28M
| | ├──Planets and stars.pdf 5.65M
| | ├──Play with machines.pdf 5.28M
| | ├──Simple machines.pdf 3.44M
| | ├──Sound and light.pdf 11.94M
| | ├──The journey home.pdf 6.15M
| | ├──Weather.pdf 13.21M
| | └──What affects weather.pdf 10.52M
| ├──G5 16本
| | ├──cells and microorganism up close.pdf 12.24M
| | ├──cells to microorganism.pdf 8.84M
| | ├──changes in matter.pdf 11.01M
| | ├──changing matter.pdf 6.54M
| | ├──designer plants.pdf 12.05M
| | ├──discovery at blue moon bay.pdf 9.45M
| | ├──electricity and magnetism.pdf 12.74M
| | ├──erupting into history.pdf 9.35M
| | ├──helping the body fight disease.pdf 23.58M
| | ├──heredity.pdf 6.35M
| | ├──How do landforms change.pdf 17.73M
| | ├──investigating electricity and magnetism.pdf 11.03M
| | ├──It's current.pdf 5.26M
| | ├──landforms of georgia.pdf 14.64M
| | ├──lighter than water heavier than air.pdf 95.25M
| | └──multicellular organism.pdf 14.01M
| ├──GK 4本
| | ├──9780153636158 - How Does a Plant Grow (red).pdf 3.01M
| | ├──9780153636165 - Kinds of Weather (red).pdf 4.94M
| | ├──9780153653179 - Look Up! (red).pdf 1.18M
| | └──9780153653193 - Ways Things Move (red).pdf 1.51M
| └──科学G3 20本
| | ├──Could a polar bear survive in the desert.pdf 6.07M
| | ├──Features of Georgia plants and Animals.pdf 4.20M
| | ├──fossils.pdf 27.98M
| | ├──Habitats of Georgia.pdf 41.43M
| | ├──habitats.pdf 11.53M
| | ├──Heat.pdf 18.83M
| | ├──how hot is it.pdf 3.99M
| | ├──Invisible pull electricity and magnets.pdf 6.08M
| | ├──It's electric.pdf 4.13M
| | ├──Magnets.pdf 3.73M
| | ├──Minerals,rocks and soils of Greogia.pdf 21.36M
| | ├──observing rocks and soils.pdf 12.15M
| | ├──Pollution and Conservation.pdf 5.59M
| | ├──protecting Resource.pdf 5.08M
| | ├──Rancho La Brea 2.pdf 5.24M
| | ├──Rancho La Brea.pdf 6.51M
| | ├──Recycle rescue.pdf 8.87M
| | ├──saving Earth's resources.pdf 8.73M
| | ├──Smoky moutain Mystery.pdf 3.40M
| | └──what is.pdf 6.19M
├──数学GK-G6系列 167本
| ├──G1 23本
| ├──G2 24本
| ├──G4 24本
| ├──G5 24本
| ├──G6 24本
| ├──GK 24本
| └──数学G3 24本
└──语文GK-G6系列 950本
| ├──G1
| | ├──G1 above level
| | ├──G1 below-level
| | ├──G1 ELL Readers
| | ├──G1 on-level
| | └──G1 vocabulary reader
| ├──G2
| | ├──G2 above-level
| | ├──G2 below-level
| | ├──G2 ELL Readers
| | ├──G2 on-level
| | └──G2 Vocabulary Readers
| ├──G4
| | ├──G4 above-level(25本)
| | ├──G4 below-level(25本)
| | ├──G4 ELL Readers(25本)
| | ├──G4 on-level(25本)
| | └──G4 vocabulary reader(25本)
| ├──G5
| | ├──G5 above-level(25本)
| | ├──G5 below-level(25本)
| | ├──G5 ELL Readers(25本)
| | ├──G5 on-level(25本)
| | └──G5 vocabulary reader(25本)
| ├──G6
| | ├──G6 above-level(25本)
| | ├──G6 below-level(25本)
| | ├──G6 ELL Readers(25本)
| | ├──G6 on-level(25本)
| | └──G6 vocabulary reader(25本)
| ├──GK
| | ├──GK above-level
| | ├──GK below-level
| | ├──GK ELL Readers
| | ├──GK on-level
| | └──GK Vocabulary
| └──语文G3
| | ├──G3 above-level(25本)
| | ├──G3 below-level(25本)
| | ├──G3 ELL Readers(25本)
| | ├──G3 on-level(25本)
| | └──G3 Vocabulary Readers(25本)
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