DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母H开始 从H G Bissinger到Huston Smith)
1. 儿童文学(Children's Literature)
- H. A. Rey:
- 《Curious George and Friends》等系列书籍通过好奇的乔治这一角色,激发儿童的想象力和探索精神。
2. 科幻小说(Science Fiction)
- Haruki Murakami: 《1Q84》等作品融合了现实与幻想,探讨了科技对人类生活的影响。
- H. G. Wells:
- 《The Time Machine》和《The War of the Worlds》等作品是科幻文学的经典,探讨了时间旅行和外星生命等主题。
3. 历史(History)
- Heinrich Boll: 《The Train Was on Time》等作品通过历史事件的描述,提供了对历史的研究和反思。
- H. W. Brands:
- 《American Colossus: The Triumph of Capitalism, 1865-1900》等书籍详细讲述了美国历史中的重要时期。
4. 推理小说(Mystery Fiction)
- Harlan Coben: 《Tell No One》等作品是悬疑和犯罪小说的代表,以其紧张的情节和复杂的人物关系著称。
- H. P. Lovecraft:
- 《At the Mountains of Madness》等作品以其独特的恐怖和悬疑元素,成为推理小说的经典。
5. 旅行指南(Travel Guides)
- Harriette Arnow: 《The Indian Year》等作品通过作者的旅行经历,展现了不同文化和地方的风土人情。
- Hal Gold:
- 《Unit 731 Testimony》等书籍提供了对特定主题的深入研究,可作为深入了解特定历史事件的参考。
6. 个人成长与自我帮助(Personal Growth & Self-Help)
- H. L. Mencken:
- 《The American Language》等书籍提供了对美国文化和社会的独到见解。
7. 宗教与哲学(Religion & Philosophy)
- Heidegger: 《Being and Time》等作品是存在主义哲学的重要文献,探讨了人类存在的意义和本质。
- H. H. Halley:
- 《Halley's Bible Handbook》等书籍为读者提供了宗教文本的深入解读。
8. 科幻与奇幻(Science Fiction & Fantasy)
- Hal Duncan:
- 《Ink: The Book of All Hours》等作品构建了一个充满想象力的奇幻世界。
9. 烹饪与美食(Cooking & Food)
- Harold McGee:
- 《Keys to Good Cooking》和《On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen》等书籍为烹饪爱好者提供了科学和历史的视角。
10. 心理学(Psychology)
- Helen Ellis: 《What Curiosity Kills》等作品探讨了心理健康问题,提供了对人类行为和情感的深刻洞察。
- Harold S. Koplewicz:
- 《It's Nobody's Fault: New Hope and Help for Difficult Children and Their Parents》等书籍探讨了儿童心理发展的问题。
11. 传记(Biography)
- Hank Wesselman: 《The Bowl of Light》等书籍包含了对历史人物的深入研究和传记。
- Hank Moody:
- 《God Hates Us All》等书籍通过传记形式,为读者提供了对特定人物或事件的深入了解。
12. 社会与文化(Society & Culture)
- Hannah Arendt:
- 《Eichmann in Jerusalem》等书籍分析了社会和文化现象,提供了对历史事件的深刻见解。
13. 环境与自然(Environment & Nature)
- H. N. Pollack:
- 《A World Without Ice》等书籍关注环境问题,探讨了气候变化对全球的影响。
14. 体育与美国梦(Sports & The American Dream)
- H G Bissinger: 《Friday Night Lights: A Town, a Team, and a Dream》探讨了美国小镇上的高中橄榄球队及其在追求梦想中所体现的美国精神。
15. 经典文学(Classic Literature)
- H. Rider Haggard: 《She》和《King Solomon's Mines》等作品是经典的冒险小说,充满了异国情调和探险精神。
16. 经济学与资本主义(Economics & Capitalism)
- Ha-Joon Chang: 《Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism》挑战了自由贸易和资本主义的传统观点,提供了新的视角。
17. 个人理财与投资(Personal Finance & Investing)
- Hal G. Bissinger: 《The Warren Buffett Way》等书籍提供了个人理财和投资的指导,帮助读者理解投资大师的策略。
18.计算机与编程(Computer & Programming)
- Harold Abelson: 《Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs》等书籍提供了对计算机科学和编程的深入理解。
——/【12000+ Mobi eBooks Collection】/H/
├──H G Bissinger
| └──Friday Night Lights_ A Town, a Team, and a Dream (17371)
├──H. A. Rey
| ├──Curious George and Friends (19143)
| ├──Curious George and the Firefighters (19144)
| ├──Curious George Goes Camping (19148)
| ├──Curious George Rides a Bike (19147)
| ├──New Adventures of Curious George (19142)
| └──The Complete Adventures of Curious George (19145)
├──H. G. Adler
| └──Panorama_ A Novel (21264)
├──H. G. Wells
| ├──The First Men in the Moon (14384)
| ├──The Invisible Man (14503)
| ├──The Island of Dr. Moreau (Penguin) (14039)
| ├──The Island of Dr. Moreau (Signet) (14040)
| ├──The Time Machine (17901)
| ├──The Time Machine and the Invisible Man (Barnes & Noble Classics) (2598)
| └──The War of the Worlds (Barnes & Noble Classics) (240)
├──H. H. Halley
| └──Halley's Bible Handbook_ With the New International Version (15575)
├──H. L. Mencken
| └──The American Language (23810)
├──H. N. Pollack
| └──A World Without Ice (368)
├──H. P. Lovecraft
| ├──At the Mountains of Madness (8087)
| └──Tales of H. P. Lovecraft (18596)
├──H. P. Molin
| └──Silent Partner (16404)
├──H. Paul Jeffers
| └──Dark Mysteries of the Vatican (6403)
├──H. Rider Haggard
| ├──King Solomon's Mines (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15813)
| └──She (1859)
├──H. W. Brands
| ├──American Colossus_ The Triumph of Capitalism, 1865-1900 (10643)
| └──The Murder of Jim Fisk for the Love of Josie MAnsfield_ A Tragedy of the Gilded Age (14893)
├──H.W. Brands
| └──The First American_ The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin (13953)
├──Ha Jin
| ├──A Good Fall (17297)
| ├──Nanjing Requiem_ A Novel (17378)
| └──Waiting (10961)
├──Ha-Joon Chang
| ├──23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism (11602)
| └──Bad Samaritans_ The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism (11603)
├──Hal Duncan
| └──Ink_ The Book of All Hours (14312)
├──Hal Gold
| └──Unit 731 Testimony (23415)
├──Hal Lindsey
| └──The Everlasting Hatred_ The Roots of Jihad (17330)
├──Hal Vaughan
| └──Sleeping With the Enemy_ Coco Chanel's Secret War (23262)
├──Haley Tanner
| └──Vaclav & Lena (14673)
├──Halldor Laxness
| └──Independent People (18633)
├──Hampton Sides
| └──Blood and Thunder (17189)
├──Hank Moody
| └──God Hates Us All (9511)
├──Hank Wesselman
| └──The Bowl of Light (16822)
├──Hannah Arendt
| └──Eichmann in Jerusalem (13830)
├──Hannah Reed
| └──Buzz Off (5781)
├──Hannelore Brenner-Wonschick
| └──The Girls of Room 28_ Friendship, Hope, and Survival in Theresienstadt (8080)
├──Hans Christian Andersen
| └──Fairy Tales (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1825)
├──Hans Holzer
| └──Ghosts (7890)
| └──Hitler's Niece (7158)
├──Hardeep Singh Kohli
| └──Indian Takeaway_ One Man's Attempt to Cook His Way Home (10962)
├──Hari Kunzru
| └──Transmission (11720)
├──Harlan Coben
| ├──Caught (2014)
| ├──Live Wire (11805)
| ├──Long Lost (14863)
| ├──Miracle Cure (16442)
| ├──Tell No One (7637)
| └──The Best American Mystery Stories 2011 (22612)
├──Harlan Ellison
| └──Again, Dangerous Visions (8911)
├──Harold Abelson
| └──Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (17542)
├──Harold Kushner
| └──Conquering Fear (16668)
├──Harold McGee
| ├──Keys to Good Cooking (16909)
| └──On Food and Cooking_ The Science and Lore of the Kitchen (6086)
├──Harold S. Koplewicz
| └──It's Nobody's Fault_ New Hope and Help for Difficult Children and Their Parents (16900)
├──Harold Schechter
| ├──Deranged_ The Shocking True Story of America's Most Fiendish Killer (6405)
| └──Killer Colt_ Murder, Disgrace, and the Making of an American Legend (9617)
├──Harper Lee
| └──To Kill a Mockingbird (692)
├──Harriet Beecher Stowe
| └──Uncle Tom's Cabin (Barnes & Noble Classics) (251)
├──Harriet Brown
| └──Brave Girl Eating_ A Family's Struggle With Anorexia (3239)
├──Harry Dolan
| └──Very Bad Men (15954)
├──Harry Harrison
| ├──Homeworld (15955)
| ├──Starworld (15963)
| └──Wheelworld (15965)
├──Harry S. Truman
| └──Affection and Trust (17219)
├──Harry Turtledove
| ├──American Empire_ Blood and Iron (12300)
| ├──American Empire_ The Victorious Opposition (12301)
| ├──Atlantis and Other Places (10349)
| ├──Colonization_ Aftershocks (12305)
| ├──Colonization_ Down to Earth (12304)
| ├──Colonization_ Second Contact (12303)
| ├──Hitler's War (12320)
| ├──Homeward Bound (12310)
| ├──How Few Remain (12306)
| ├──Krispos Rising (12312)
| ├──Liberating Atlantis (12302)
| ├──Settling Accounts_ Drive to the East (12314)
| ├──Settling Accounts_ In at the Death (12316)
| ├──Settling Accounts_ Return Engagement (12313)
| ├──Settling Accounts_ The Grapple (12315)
| ├──The Best Alternate History Stories of the 20th Century (12317)
| ├──The Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century (12318)
| ├──The Great War_ American Front (12307)
| ├──The Great War_ Breakthroughs (12309)
| ├──The Great War_ Walk in Hell (12308)
| ├──The Man With the Iron Heart (12319)
| ├──The Tale of Krispos_ Krispos Rising Krispos of Videssos Krispos the Emperor (12311)
| ├──The War That Came Early_ West and East (12321)
| ├──Worldwar_ In the Balance (12322)
| ├──Worldwar_ In_Tiling the Balance (12323)
| ├──Worldwar_ Striking the Balance (12325)
| └──Worldwar_ Upsetting the Balance (12324)
├──Haruki Murakami
| ├──1Q84 (16969)
| ├──After Dark (7645)
| ├──After the Quake_ Stories (7648)
| ├──Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman (6935)
| ├──Dance Dance Dance (8326)
| ├──Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World_ A Novel (7650)
| ├──Kafka on the Shore (8991)
| ├──South of the Border, West of the Sun (7278)
| ├──The Elephant Vanishes (7654)
| ├──Underground (7659)
| ├──What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (13859)
| └──Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (13905)
├──Hattie Ellis
| └──Sweetness and Light_ The Mysterious History of the Honeybee (10930)
├──Heather Barbieri
| └──The Lace Makers of Glenmara (2568)
├──Heather Clay
| └──Losing Charlotte (2569)
├──Heather Graham
| ├──An Angel for Christmas (19342)
| ├──Ghost Memories (2570)
| ├──Ghost Shadow (2571)
| ├──Last Noel (19216)
| ├──Never Sleep With Strangers (19202)
| ├──Night of the Blackbird (19204)
| ├──Nightwalker (3040)
| ├──Picture Me Dead (19207)
| ├──Suspicious (19211)
| ├──The Christmas Bride (19218)
| └──Wedding Bell Blues (19222)
├──Heather Gudenkauf
| └──The Weight of Silence (3221)
├──Heather Jarman
| ├──Balance of Nature (13856)
| ├──String Theory_ Evolution (Book 3) (14179)
| └──What's Past_ 10 Is Better Than 01 (Book 5) (13872)
├──Heather Lauer
| └──Bacon_ A Love Story (12520)
├──Heather Rogers
| └──Green Gone Wrong_ How Our Economy Is Undermining the Environmental Revolution (11904)
├──Heather Terrell
| ├──Brigid of Kildare_ A Novel (13761)
| └──Fallen Angel (9984)
├──Heidi Grant Halvorson
| └──Succeed_ How We Can Reach Our Goals (18476)
├──Heidi Murkoff
| ├──What to Expect the First Year (15678)
| ├──What to Expect the Toddler Years (14943)
| └──What to Expect When You're Expecting (11898)
├──Heike B. Gortemaker
| └──Eva Braun_ Life With Hitler (17648)
├──Heinrich Boll
| └──The Train Was on Time (12390)
├──Heinrich von Kleist
| └──The Marquise of O and Other Stories (16087)
├──Helen Baron
| └──Perfect Personality Profiles (6411)
├──Helen Bianchin
| └──Public Marriage, Private Secrets (3185)
├──Helen Brenna
| └──Along Came a Husband (2572)
├──Helen Brooks
| └──Millionaire's Women (2573)
├──Helen Ellis
| └──What Curiosity Kills (10242)
├──Helen Hollick
| └──I Am the Chosen King (12675)
├──Helen Oyeyemi
| └──Mr. Fox (16277)
├──Helen Prejean
| └──Dead Man Walking_ An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty in the United States (14328)
├──Helena Andrews
| └──Bitch Is the New Black_ A Memoir (2697)
├──Helene Tursten
| ├──Detective Inspector Huss (2467)
| ├──The Glass Devil (2469)
| └──The Torso (2468)
├──Henning Mankell
| ├──A Bridge to the Stars (2574)
| ├──Chronicler of the Winds (6413)
| ├──Depths (6412)
| ├──Faceless Killers (17100)
| ├──Firewall (2583)
| ├──Kennedy's Brain (2584)
| ├──Shadows in the Twilight (2575)
| ├──Sidetracked (2581)
| ├──The Dogs of Riga (2578)
| ├──The Eye of the Leopard (2585)
| ├──The Fifth Woman (2582)
| ├──The Man Who Smiled (2579)
| ├──The Troubled Man_ A Kurt Wallander Mystery (11522)
| └──When the Snow Fell (2576)
├──Henrik Ibsen
| └──An Enemy of the People (17873)
├──Henrik Lunde
| └──Finland's War of Choice (18816)
├──Henry A. Waxman
| └──Waxman Report_ How Congress Really Works (14489)
├──Henry Adams
| └──The Education of Henry Adams (17508)
├──Henry Cole
| └──A Nest for Celeste (18914)
├──Henry David Thoreau
| └──Walden and Civil Disobedience (Barnes & Noble Classics) (263)
├──Henry Graham Salisbury
| └──Calvin Coconut_ Hero of Hawaii (18929)
├──Henry H. Neff
| ├──Second Siege (18994)
| └──The Hound of Rowan (18993)
├──Henry Jacoby
| └──House and Philosophy_ Everybody Lies (23137)
├──Henry James
| ├──Daisy Miller and Washington Square (Barnes & Noble Classics) (837)
| ├──Portrait of a Lady (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15726)
| ├──The Ambassadors (23188)
| ├──The Bostonians (Barnes & Noble Classics) (10179)
| ├──The Golden Bowl (13992)
| └──The Wings of the Dove (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1936)
├──Henry Kissinger
| └──On China (14188)
├──Henry M. Paulson
| └──On the Brink_ Inside the Race to Stop the Collapse of the Global Financial System (3041)
├──Henry Nicholls
| └──The Way of the Panda_ The Curious History of China's Political Animal (15610)
├──Henry Petroski
| ├──Engineers of Dreams_ Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America (12470)
| ├──The Book on the Bookshelf (8714)
| ├──The Evolution of Useful Things (12476)
| └──The Pencil_ A History of Design and Circumstance (13960)
├──Henry Pu Yi
| └──The Last Manchu (17015)
├──Henry Schlesinger
| └──The Battery (14574)
├──Herbert George Wells
| ├──The Country of the Blind and Other Selected Stories (14387)
| └──When the Sleeper Wakes (16041)
├──Herman Cain
| └──This Is Herman Cain! (16589)
├──Herman Melville
| ├──Billy Budd & Other Stories (Penguin) (13709)
| ├──Moby-Dick (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15728)
| └──Moby-Dick_ A Penguin Enriched eBook Classic_ Or, the Whale (15008)
├──Hermann Broch
| └──The Sleepwalkers (16083)
├──Hermann Hesse
| ├──Magister Ludi_ The Glass Bead Game (23495)
| ├──Siddhartha (The Modern Library) (758)
| └──Steppenwolf (8929)
| └──The Histories (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15729)
├──Herve This
| ├──Kitchen Mysteries_ Revealing the Science of Cooking (11452)
| └──The Science of the Oven (12597)
├──Hew Strachan
| └──The First World War (6417)
├──Hilary Mantel
| └──Wolf Hall (6418)
├──Hilary Thayer Hamann
| └──Anthropology of an American Girl_ A Novel (6416)
├──Hilary Wilde
| └──The Master of Barracuda Isle (3157)
├──Hill Harper
| └──Letters to a Young Brother_ MANifest Your Destiny (16944)
├──Hillary Jordan
| └──When She Woke (16275)
├──Hirsh Sawhney
| └──Delhi Noir (14921)
├──Holger H. Herwig
| └──The Marne, 1914_ The Opening of World War I and the Battle That Changed the World (6419)
├──Holly Black
| ├──Geektastic (7347)
| ├──The Poison Eaters_ And Other Stories (6117)
| └──Zombies vs. Unicorns (8380)
├──Holly Hughes
| ├──500 Extraordinary Islands (Frommer's) (16119)
| ├──500 Places to Take Your Kids Before They Grow Up (Frommer's) (16121)
| └──Best Food Writing 2010 (12061)
├──Holly Luhning
| └──Quiver (19226)
| ├──The Iliad (Barnes & Noble Classics) (5826)
| ├──The Iliad (Penguin Books) (15007)
| ├──The Iliad (Penguin Books) (15344)
| ├──The Odyssey_ Translated by George Herbert Palmer (Barnes & Noble Classics) (5823)
| ├──The Odyssey_ Translated by H. Rieu (Penguin Books) (15345)
| └──The Odyssey_ Translated by Robert Fagles (Penguin Books) (8099)
├──Homer Hickam
| ├──Rocket Boys (12755)
| ├──Sky of Stone (14069)
| └──The Coalwood Way (14117)
├──Honor Hartman
| └──The Unkindest Cut (5935)
├──Honore De Balzac
| └──The Unknown Masterpiece (9030)
├──Hooman Majd
| └──The Ayatollah Begs to Differ (8085)
├──Howard Andrew Jones
| └──The Waters of Eternity (19230)
├──Howard Blum
| └──The Floor of Heaven_ A True Tale of the Last Frontier and the Yukon Gold Rush (13962)
├──Howard Bryant
| └──The Last Hero_ A Life of Henry Aaron (2588)
├──Howard E. Wasdin
| └──SEAL Team Six (12741)
├──Howard Gardner
| └──Frames of Mind_ The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (11553)
├──Howard Jacobson
| ├──Kalooki Nights (6376)
| ├──The Act of Love (8381)
| └──The Finkler Questione (7372)
├──Howard Marks
| ├──Mr Nice_ An Autobiography (7663)
| ├──Senor Nice (8700)
| └──The Howard Marks Book of Dope Stories (8701)
├──Howard Phillips Lovecraft
| ├──Lovecraft's Fiction Volume I, 1905-1925 (2011)
| ├──Lovecraft's Fiction Volume II, 1926-1928 (2008)
| ├──Lovecraft's Fiction Volume III, 1928-1931 (2009)
| └──Lovecraft's Fiction Volume IV, 1932-1936 (2010)
├──Howard Pyle
| └──The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood (2260)
├──Howard Schultz
| └──Onward (14195)
├──Howard Sounes
| ├──Charles Bukowski_ Locked in the Arms of a Crazy Life (16750)
| └──Fab_ An Intimate Life of Paul McCartney (11652)
├──Howard Weinstein
| ├──Exiles (11153)
| ├──Perchance to Dream (11165)
| └──Power Hungry (11143)
├──Howard Zinn
| ├──A People's History of the United States_ 1492-Present (249)
| ├──The Zinn Reader_ Writings on Disobedience and Democracy (8014)
| └──You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train_ A Personal History of Our Times (10995)
├──Howie Mandel
| └──Here's the Deal_ Don't Touch Me (7665)
├──Huang Fan
| └──Zero and Other Fictions (23613)
├──Hugh Aldersey-williams
| └──Periodic Tales_ A Cultural History of the Elements, From Arsenic to Zinc (23472)
├──Hugh H. Mills
| └──Low Level Hell (17782)
├──Hugh Raffles
| └──Insectopedia (8439)
├──Hunter S. Thompson
| ├──Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and Other American Stories (259)
| ├──Hell's Angels_ A Strange and Terrible Saga (260)
| ├──Screwjack_ A Short Story (257)
| ├──The Curse of Lono (258)
| ├──The Great Shark Hunt_ Strange Tales From a Strange Time (261)
| └──The Rum Diary_ A Novel (262)
└──Huston Smith
| └──The World's Religions, Revised and Updated (18657)
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