DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母G开始 G. Ip to Gyles Brandreth)
1. 经济学(Economics)
- G. Ip: 《The Little Book of Economics: How the Economy Works in the Real World》是一本经济学入门书籍,旨在帮助读者理解现实世界中的经济运作原理。
2. 历史(History)
- G. J. Meyer: 《The Tudors: The Complete Story of England's Most Notorious Dynasty》详细讲述了英格兰都铎王朝的历史,从兴起到衰落。
3. 推理小说(Mystery Fiction)
- G. K. Chesterton: 以其创造的侦探角色布朗神父而闻名,作品如《Father Brown Stories》和《The Man Who Was Thursday》等,充满了哲理和推理元素。
- G. M. Ford: 作品如《A Blind Eye》和《Red Tide》等,以其紧张的情节和复杂的人物关系著称。
4. 商业与谈判(Business & Negotiation)
- G. Richard Shell: 《Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People》提供了实用的谈判策略,帮助读者在商业和日常生活中取得优势。还有《The Art of Woo: Using Strategic Persuasion to Get What You Want》探讨了说服艺术在商业和个人生活中的作用。
5. 科幻小说(Science Fiction)
- Garth Nix: 作品如《Sabriel》和《Lirael: Daughter of the Clayr》等,构建了一个充满魔法和冒险的奇幻世界。
- Garth Nix: 《Abhorsen》等作品构建了一个充满魔法和冒险的奇幻世界,适合青少年和成人阅读。
6. 旅行指南(Travel Guides)
- Fodor's: 提供了世界各地的旅行指南,如《London》、《New York City》等,为旅行者提供了详尽的旅游信息和建议。
7. 个人成长与自我帮助(Personal Growth & Self-Help)
- Gabriel Cousens: 《Conscious Eating: Second Edition》探讨了健康饮食的重要性,提供了实用的营养和饮食建议。
8. 文学经典(Literary Classics)
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez: 《One Hundred Years of Solitude》是一部魔幻现实主义的代表作,讲述了布恩迪亚家族七代人的故事。
9. 烹饪与美食(Cooking & Food)
- Giada De Laurentiis: 《Everyday Italian: 125 Simple and Delicious Recipes》等书籍,分享了意大利美食的烹饪方法和食谱。
10. 心理学(Psychology)
- Gail Bowen: 《One Fine Day You're Gonna Die》涉及心理学元素,探讨了人物的内心世界和人际关系。
- Gary Small: 《The Naked Lady Who Stood on Her Head: A Psychiatrist's Stories of His Most Bizarre Cases》通过真实案例探讨了人类行为的心理学。
11. 传记与回忆录(Biography & Memoir)
- Gail Caldwell: 《Let's Take the Long Way Home: A Memoir of Friendship》讲述了作者与作家安吉拉·卡特的深厚友谊。
- Gabrielle Hamilton: 《Blood, Bones, and Butter: The Inadvertent Education of a Reluctant Chef》讲述了作者成为一名厨师的非传统道路。
12. 儿童文学(Children's Literature)
- Gail Carriger: 《Blameless》是一部适合青少年阅读的蒸汽朋克小说,充满了冒险和幽默。
13. 科学与自然(Science & Nature)
- Gary Paulsen: 《Hatchet》是一部青少年生存小说,讲述了一个少年在荒野中的生存挑战。
14. 健康与生活方式(Health & Lifestyle)
- Gary Taubes: 《Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It》探讨了肥胖的原因和解决方法。
15. 社会与文化(Society & Culture)
- G. E. Moore: 《Principia Ethica》是一本伦理学著作,探讨了善的本质和道德哲学。
16. 政治与国际关系(Politics & International Relations)
- Fareed Zakaria: 《The Post-American World》分析了美国在全球化世界中的地位和作用。
17. 诗歌与戏剧(Poetry & Drama)
- Galway Kinnell: 《A New Selected Poems》收集了这位普利策奖得主的诗歌作品,以其深刻的自然描写和对人性的洞察而著称。
- Garth Williams: 《Baby Farm Animals》包含了以农场动物为主题的诗歌或童谣,适合儿童阅读。
18. 漫画与图像小说(Comics & Graphic Novels)
- Gareth Hinds: 《King Lear》是一本将莎士比亚的经典戏剧改编成漫画小说的作品,以其生动的插图和紧凑的叙事著称。
19. 健康与医学(Health & Medicine)
- Gary Greenberg: 《Manufacturing Depression: The Secret History of a Modern Disease》探讨了抑郁症的历史和现代医疗体系对其的处理方式。
20. 宗教与哲学(Religion & Philosophy)
- G. K. Chesterton: 《The Everlasting Man》是一篇基督教护教学作品,反驳了H.G. Wells的《The Outline of History》中的世俗观点。
- Friedrich Nietzsche: 《Beyond Good and Evil》和《Thus Spake Zarathustra》等作品,对西方哲学产生了深远影响。
21. 计算机与编程(Computer & Programming)
- Gavin Bell: 《Building Social Web Applications: Establishing Community at the Heart of Your Site》涉及在线WEB社区建设的相关内容。
- Guy Harrison: 《MySQL Stored Procedure Programming》
22. 体育与运动(Sports & Recreation)
- Gary M. Pomerantz: 《Wilt, 1962: The Night of 100 Points and the Dawn of a New Era》讲述了篮球传奇Wilt Chamberlain在1962年创下单场100分记录的故事。
23. 写作与出版(Writing & Publishing)
- Gayle Lynds: 《The Book of Spies》包含了关于间谍小说写作的技巧和建议。
——/【12000+ Mobi eBooks Collection】/G/
├──G. Ip
| └──The Little Book of Economics_ How the Economy Works in the Real World (9747)
├──G. J. Meyer
| └──The Tudors_ The Complete Story of England's Most Notorious Dynasty (2101)
├──G. K. Chesterton
| ├──Father Brown Stories (14516)
| ├──The Everlasting Man (17331)
| ├──The Father Brown Omnibus (14590)
| ├──The Man Who Was Thursday (Barnes & Noble) (13912)
| └──The Wisdom of Father Brown (11461)
├──G. M. Ford
| ├──A Blind Eye (11686)
| ├──Black River (11685)
| ├──Fury (9445)
| └──Red Tide (11687)
├──G. Richard Shell
| ├──Bargaining for Advantage_ Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People (18772)
| └──The Art of Woo (17549)
├──G. W. Kent
| └──Devil Devil (22678)
├──G. Wayman Jones
| └──The Emperor of Death (23700)
├──G. Williams
| └──Sometime, Never (10173)
| └──Debt Collectors, CCJs, IVAs and Bankruptcy (11348)
├──Gabriel Cousens
| └──Conscious Eating_ Second Edition (8834)
├──Gabriel Garcia Marquez
| └──One Hundred Years of Solitude (622)
├──Gabriella Poole
| ├──Blood Ties (6345)
| ├──Divided Souls (6343)
| └──Secret Lives (2998)
├──Gabrielle Hamilton
| └──Blood, Bones, and Butter_ The Inadvertent Education of a Reluctant Chef (11306)
├──Gabrielle Pina
| └──Chasing Sophea_ A Novel (8719)
├──Gail Bowen
| └──One Fine Day You're Gonna Die (14191)
├──Gail Caldwell
| └──Let's Take the Long Way Home_ A Memoir of Friendship (7277)
├──Gail Carriger
| └──Blameless (3027)
├──Gail Damerow
| └──The Backyard Homestead Guide to Raising Farm Animals (17988)
├──Gail Gaymer Martin
| └──Adam's Promise_ Faith on the Line (21323)
├──Gail Godwin
| └──Unfinished Desires_ A Novel (7200)
├──Gail Oust
| └──Til Dice Do Us Part (2012)
├──Gail Z. Martin
| └──The Sworn (10359)
├──Gaile Parkin
| └──Baking Cakes in Kigali (6351)
├──Galen Beckett
| └──The House on Durrow Street (8476)
├──Galway Kinnell
| └──A New Selected Poems (23430)
├──Gardner Dozois
| ├──The Mammoth Book of the Best of Best New SF (7491)
| └──The Year's Best Science Fiction_ Twenty-Sixth Annual Collection (7680)
├──Gareth Hinds
| └──King Lear (8971)
├──Gareth Roberts
| ├──Doctor Who_ Only Human (9260)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Highest Science (9274)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Tragedy Day (9302)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Zamper (9314)
| ├──The English Way of Death (9495)
| ├──The Plotters (9503)
| ├──The Romance of Crime (9482)
| └──The Well-Mannered War (9508)
├──Garrett Oliver
| └──The Oxford Companion to Beer (23509)
├──Garth Nix
| ├──Abhorsen (10980)
| ├──Across the Wall (8563)
| ├──Lirael_ Daughter of the Clayr (10979)
| ├──Sabriel (10978)
| └──Shade's Children (6355)
├──Garth Stein
| └──The Art of Racing in the Rain (216)
├──Garth Sundem
| └──Brain Candy (18143)
├──Garth Williams
| └──Baby Farm Animals (19162)
├──Gary A. Donahue
| └──Network Warrior (14135)
├──Gary Birken
| └──Code 15 (6353)
├──Gary Braver
| ├──Gray Matter (18681)
| └──Tunnel Vision (18694)
├──Gary Chapman
| └──The 5 Love Languages_ The Secret to Love That Lasts (6081)
├──Gary D. Schmidt
| └──Okay for Now (18039)
├──Gary Gibson
| ├──Empire of Light (1763)
| ├──Final Days (15348)
| ├──Nova War (1762)
| └──Stealing Light (1764)
├──Gary Graff
| └──Neil Young_ Long May You Run (16493)
├──Gary Greenberg
| └──Manufacturing Depression_ The Secret History of a Modern Disease (16072)
├──Gary Groth-marnat
| └──Psychological Assessment (15609)
├──Gary Hansen
| └──Wet Desert_ Tracking Down a Terrorist on the Colorado River (6332)
├──Gary Jansen
| └──Holy Ghosts (6970)
├──Gary L. Hardcastle
| └──Monty Python and Philosophy_ Nudge Nudge, Think Think! (15488)
├──Gary M. Pomerantz
| └──Wilt, 1962_ The Night of 100 Points and the Dawn of a New Era (12522)
├──Gary Noesner
| └──Stalling for Time_ My Life as an FBI Hostage Negotiator (8456)
├──Gary Paulsen
| ├──Brian's Hunt (7681)
| ├──Brian's Return (7682)
| ├──Brian's Winter (7683)
| ├──Caught by the Sea_ My Life on Boats (13816)
| ├──Hatchet (7684)
| ├──Notes From the Dog (7517)
| ├──The River (7685)
| └──Woods Runner (8121)
├──Gary Phillips
| └──The Cocaine Chronicles (8550)
├──Gary Ralston
| └──Rangers 1872_ The Gallant Pioneers (12358)
├──Gary Regan
| └──The Bartender's Bible_ 1001 Mixed Drinks (16308)
├──Gary Rivlin
| └──Broke, USA_ From Pawnshops to Poverty, Inc.--How the Working Poor Became Big Business (7871)
├──Gary Rubinstein
| └──The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes (19160)
├──Gary Russell
| ├──Doctor Who_ Business Unusual (9517)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Divided Loyalties (9539)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Instrument of Darkness (9561)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Legacy (9303)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Placebo Effect (9345)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Spiral Scratch (9585)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Glamour Chase (9423)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Twilight Streets (2078)
| ├──Invasion of the Cat-People (9488)
| ├──Sarah Jane Adventures_ Death of the Doctor_ Death of the Doctor (14198)
| └──The Scales of Injustice (9499)
├──Gary Shteyngart
| ├──Absurdistan (16239)
| └──Super Sad True Love Story_ A Novel (1482)
├──Gary Small
| └──The Naked Lady Who Stood on Her Head_ A Psychiatrist's Stories of His Most Bizarre Cases (8334)
├──Gary Taubes
| └──Why We Get Fat_ And What to Do About It (8688)
├──Gary Vaynerchuk
| └──Crush It!_ Why NOW Is the Time to Cash in on Your Passion (6354)
├──Gaston Leroux
| └──The Phantom of the Opera (Barnes & Noble Classics) (695)
├──Gav Thorpe
| ├──The Crown of the Blood (7339)
| └──Warhammer 40K_ The Purging of Kadillus (11679)
├──Gavin Bell
| └──Building Social Web Applications_ Establishing Community at the Heart of Your Site (23279)
├──Gavin J. Becker
| └──The Gift of Fear (17250)
├──Gavin Menzies
| └──1434 (23403)
├──Gavin Smith
| ├──Veteran (16014)
| └──War in Heaven (16015)
├──Gavin Thomas
| └──Sri Lanka (Rough Guide) (15395)
├──Gay Talese
| └──Honor Thy Father (6356)
├──Gayle Brandeis
| └──Delta Girls (6357)
├──Gayle Forman
| └──If I Stay (6358)
├──Gayle Laakmann McDowell
| └──The Google Resume (16998)
├──Gayle Lynds
| └──The Book of Spies (7360)
├──Gayle Tzemach Lemmon
| └──The Dressmaker of Khair Khana (11909)
├──Gemma Mawdsley
| └──The Paupers' Graveyard (18836)
├──Gena Showalter
| ├──Dark Taste of Rapture (15672)
| ├──The Darkest Secret (11926)
| └──The Darkest Surrender (16435)
├──Gene DeWeese
| ├──Engines of Destiny (11262)
| ├──Into the Nebula (11236)
| └──The Peacekeepers (11139)
├──Gene Healy
| └──Cult of the Presidency_ America's Dangerous Devotion to Executive Power (15555)
├──Gene Mustain
| └──Mob Star_ The Story of John Gotti (6071)
├──Gene Roberts
| └──The Race Beat (13989)
├──Gene Stone
| └──Forks Over Knives_ The Plant-Based Way to Health (16929)
├──Gene Wallenstein
| └──The Pleasure Instinct_ Why We Crave Adventure, Chocolate, Pheromones, and Music (2090)
├──Gene Wolfe
| ├──Shadow and Claw (15295)
| └──Sword and Citadel (15296)
├──General Michel
| └──The Wars Against Napoleon_ Debunking the Myth of the Napoleonic Wars (17193)
├──Genevieve Valentine
| └──Geek Wisdom (15875)
├──Gennifer Choldenko
| ├──Al Capone Does My Shirts (21259)
| └──Al Capone Shines My Shoes (19070)
├──Geoff Colvin
| └──Talent Is Overrated (17296)
├──Geoff Emerick
| └──Here, There and Everywhere (16559)
├──Geoff Martz
| └──Cracking the GMAT, 2012 Edition (23785)
├──Geoffrey Beattie
| └──Why Aren't We Saving the Planet_ (15658)
├──Geoffrey Chaucer
| ├──The Canterbury Tales (23462)
| └──The Canterbury Tales (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15768)
├──Geoffrey Gray
| └──Skyjack_ The Hunt for D. B. Cooper (14997)
├──Geoffrey Jenkins
| └──Scend of the Sea (6362)
├──Geoffrey Robertson
| └──The Tyrannicide Brief (17246)
├──Geoffrey Thorne
| └──Sword of Damocles (14197)
├──Georg Feuerstein
| └──Yoga for Dummies (14431)
├──George Anders
| └──The Rare Find_ Spotting Exceptional Talent Before Everyone Else (23135)
├──George Bernard Shaw
| ├──Caesar and Cleopatra Caesar and Cleopatra (1874)
| ├──Man and Superman (16312)
| └──Pygmalion and Three Other Plays (Barnes & Noble Classics) (289)
├──George Bishop
| └──Letter to My Daughter_ A Novel (6363)
├──George Carlin
| ├──Napalm and Silly Putty (9939)
| └──When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops_ (184)
├──George Dawes Green
| └──Ravens (6406)
├──George Dohrmann
| └──Play Their Hearts Out_ A Coach, His Star Recruit, and the Youth Basketball Machine (15600)
├──George Friedman
| └──The Next Decade_ What the World Will Look Like (11003)
├──George Grossmith
| └──The Diary of a Nobody (16725)
├──George Johnson
| └──10 Most Beautiful Experiments (23250)
├──George Kimball
| └──Four Kings (17731)
├──George Konrad
| └──A Guest in My Own Country (11444)
├──George Lucas
| ├──Star Wars Trilogy (15903)
| └──Star Wars_ Episode IV_ A New Hope (10785)
├──George Orwell
| ├──1984 (16027)
| ├──A Collection of Essays (18093)
| ├──Animal Farm and 1984 (15471)
| ├──Down and Out in Paris and London (18715)
| ├──Homage to Catalonia (18483)
| ├──Nineteen Eighty-Four (11112)
| └──The Complete Novels of George Orwell (8084)
├──George P. Pelecanos
| ├──Drama City_ A Novel (8852)
| ├──Hard Revolution_ A Novel (9929)
| ├──Right as Rain_ A Novel (9930)
| ├──Shame the Devil_ A Novel (8851)
| ├──Soul Circus_ A Novel (15962)
| └──The Turnaround (8853)
├──George Pelecanos
| └──The Way Home (9446)
├──George R. R. Martin
| ├──A Clash of Kings (628)
| ├──A Dance With Dragons (14458)
| ├──A Feast for Crows (625)
| ├──A Game of Thrones (626)
| ├──A Storm of Swords (627)
| ├──Busted Flush (7686)
| ├──Dreamsongs (15503)
| ├──Dreamsongs_ Volume II (15571)
| ├──Dying of the Light (14552)
| ├──Fevre Dream (1598)
| ├──Hunter's Run (11450)
| ├──Inside Straight (17496)
| ├──Songs of Love and Death_ All-Original Tales of Star-Crossed Love (7687)
| ├──The Armageddon Rag (15480)
| ├──The Hedge Knight (1885)
| ├──The Mystery Knight (1886)
| ├──The Sworn Sword (1887)
| ├──Wild Cards (9447)
| └──Wild Cards III_ Jokers Wild (9448)
├──George R.R. Martin
| └──George R. R. Martin's a Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle (13838)
├──George Saunders
| └──The Brief and Frightening Reign of Phil (18547)
├──George Tenet
| └──At the Center of the Storm_ My Years at the CIA (9748)
├──George W. Bush
| └──Decision Points (7597)
├──George W. Saunders
| └──The Braindead Megaphone (18546)
├──Georges Roux
| └──Ancient Iraq (13827)
├──Georges Simenon
| ├──Act of Passion (18190)
| └──Dirty Snow (23320)
├──Georgette Heyer
| └──April Lady (22937)
├──Georgia Pellegrini
| └──Girl Hunter_ Revolutionizing the Way We Eat, One Hunt at a Time (23083)
├──Georgina Harding
| └──The Spy Game (6382)
├──Gerald Biss
| └──The Door of the Unreal (3038)
├──Gerald Carter
| └──LDAP System Administration (14241)
├──Gerald Durrell
| └──The Corfu Trilogy (6383)
├──Gerald Kolpan
| └──Etta (1424)
├──Gerald Martin
| └──Gabriel Garcia Marquez_ A Life (6368)
├──Gerald Morris
| ├──The Legend of the King (23634)
| ├──The Quest of the Fair Unknown (23632)
| └──The Squire's Quest (23633)
├──Gerald Seymour
| └──The Dealer and the Dead (10960)
├──Geraldine Brooks
| ├──Caleb's Crossing (12653)
| ├──Foreign Correspondence_ A Pen Pal's Journey From Down Under to All Over (12471)
| ├──March (12483)
| ├──Nine Parts of Desire_ The Hidden World of Islamic Women (12484)
| ├──People of the Book (16176)
| ├──The Best American Short Stories 2011 (17961)
| └──Year of Wonders_ A Novel of the Plague (6370)
├──Gerd Gigerenzer
| └──Gut Feelings (16240)
├──Geri Guillaume
| └──Gettin' Merry (14599)
├──Geri Krotow
| └──What Family Means (2013)
├──Gerry Davis
| ├──Doctor Who_ Tenth Planet (9091)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Celestial Toymaker (9079)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Cybermen (9081)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Highlanders (9167)
| └──Doctor Who_ Tomb of the Cybermen (9102)
├──Gertrude Chandler Warner
| ├──The Boxcar Children Mysteries_ Books One through Twelve (18924)
| ├──The Comic Book Mystery (23637)
| ├──The Cupcake Caper (23648)
| ├──The Deserted Library Mystery (23635)
| ├──The Disappearing Staircase Mystery (23636)
| ├──The Finders Keepers Mystery (23639)
| ├──The Game Store Mystery (23640)
| ├──The Ghost at the Drive in Movie (23645)
| ├──The Ghost in the First Row (23643)
| └──The Giant Yo-Yo Mystery (23641)
├──Gervase Phinn
| └──Dominic's Discovery (18912)
├──Geza Vermes
| └──Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English (16938)
├──Giada De Laurentiis
| ├──Everyday Italian_ 125 Simple and Delicious Recipes (12337)
| ├──Giada at Home (15377)
| └──Giada's Kitchen_ New Italian Favorites (15376)
├──Gilbert K. Chesterton
| └──The Man Who Knew Too Much (14475)
├──Gilbert Morris
| └──The Homeplace (6372)
├──Giles Foden
| ├──Ladysmith (6373)
| └──Turbulence (6375)
├──Gillian Flynn
| └──Dark Places (6388)
├──Gillian Summers
| ├──Into the Wildewood (6390)
| ├──The Secret of the Dread Forest (6385)
| └──The Tree Shepherd's Daughter (6389)
├──Gin Phillips
| └──The Well and the Mine (5904)
├──Gina Ochsner
| └──The Russian Dreambook of Color and Flight (17446)
├──Gina Willner-Pardo
| └──The Hard Kind of Promise (23649)
├──Ginger Adams Otis
| └──New York City_ City Guide (Lonely Planet, 7th Edition) (15441)
├──Ginny Aiken
| ├──A Cut Above (21351)
| └──A Steal of a Deal (21348)
├──Giorgio Faletti
| └──I Kill (8349)
├──Giovanni Boccaccio
| └──The Decameron (1878)
├──Gita Nazareth
| └──Forgiving Ararat (6386)
├──Gladys Mitchell
| └──When Last I Died (2466)
├──Glen Cook
| ├──A Matter of Time (12703)
| ├──Angry Lead Skies (1748)
| ├──Bitter Gold Hearts (1731)
| ├──Bleak Seasons (1723)
| ├──Ceremony (1729)
| ├──Chronicles of the Black Company (10981)
| ├──Cold Copper Tears (1739)
| ├──Cruel Zinc Melodies (1750)
| ├──Deadly Quicksilver Lies (1740)
| ├──Doomstalker (1728)
| ├──Dreams of Steel (1727)
| ├──Faded Steel Heat (1747)
| ├──Lord of the Silent Kingdom (1733)
| ├──Old Tin Sorrows (1730)
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| ├──The Tyranny of the Night (1732)
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| └──Whispering Nickel Idols_ A Garrett, P.I. Novel (1749)
├──Glen Duncan
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├──Glen McCoy
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├──Glen Smith
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├──Glenn Beck
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├──Glenn Cooper
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├──Glenn Greenberg
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├──Glenn Greenwald
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├──Glenn Hauman
| ├──Creative Couplings (Book 1) (13689)
| ├──Creative Couplings (Book 2) (13690)
| └──Oaths (14164)
├──Glenn Taylor
| └──The Marrowbone Marble Company (2555)
├──Glenway Wescott
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├──Glyn Jones
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├──Gord Rollo
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├──Gordon Mccomb
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├──Gordon Ramsay
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├──Gotz Aly
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├──Gould, Judith
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├──Grace Lin
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├──Graeme Curry
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├──Graham Bowley
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├──Graham Brown
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| └──Black Sun_ A Thriller (3238)
├──Graham Burgess
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├──Graham Masterton
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| ├──Death Trance (1590)
| └──The Pariah (1622)
├──Graham Moore
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├──Graham Thomas
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├──Graham Williams
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├──Grant Wahl
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├──Greg B. Smith
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├──Greg Bear
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├──Greg Brodeur
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├──Greg Cox
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| ├──The Q Continuum 02_ Q-Zone (11185)
| └──The Q Continuum 03_ Q-Strike (11186)
├──Greg Critser
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├──Greg Egan
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├──Greg Graffin
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├──Greg Koch
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├──Greg Mortenson
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├──Greg Rucka
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├──Gregg Loomis
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├──Gregor von Rezzori
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├──Gregory Benford
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├──Gregory J. P. Godek
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├──Gregory Karp
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├──Gregory Maguire
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├──Gregory Mcdonald
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├──Gustave Flaubert
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├──Guy Adams
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├──Guy Kawasaki
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├──Guy Vanderhaeghe
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| └──Things as They Are (16658)
└──Gyles Brandreth
| └──Oscar Wilde and the Candlelight Murders (2566)
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