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DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母F开始 F. G. Cottam to Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Henry) 百度云网盘下载


DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母F开始 F. G. Cottam to Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Henry)


1. 推理与悬疑小说(Mystery & Suspense)

  • F. Paul Wilson: 这位作者的作品主要集中在悬疑和惊悚领域,如《By the Sword》和《The Tomb》等,通常涉及复杂的情节和出人意料的结局。
  • Faye Kellerman: 《Gun Games》等作品展现了作者对犯罪心理和法医科学的深刻理解。
  • F. G. Cottam: 《The House of Lost Souls》是一部结合了悬疑、惊悚和科幻元素的小说。

2. 经典文学(Classic Literature)

  • F. Scott Fitzgerald: 作品如《The Great Gatsby》和《Tender Is the Night》等,反映了20世纪初期的美国社会和文化。
  • Flannery O'Connor: 以其南方哥特风格著称,如《Wise Blood》和《The Complete Stories》等。

3. 传记与回忆录(Biography & Memoir)

  • Felicia Pearson: 《Grace After Midnight: A Memoir》讲述了她从犯罪到救赎的个人经历。
  • Fernando Morais: 《A Warrior's Life: A Biography of Paulo Coelho》深入探讨了著名作家保罗·柯艾略的生平。

4. 旅行与文化(Travel & Culture)

  • Fodor's: 提供了多个目的地的旅行指南,如《London》、《New York City》和《Yosemite, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks》等,为旅行者提供了详尽的旅游信息和建议。
  • Fionn Davenport: 《Ireland (Lonely Planet, 9th Edition)》是一本全面的爱尔兰旅行指南。

5. 哲学与思想(Philosophy & Thought)

  • Friedrich Nietzsche: 作品如《Beyond Good and Evil》和《Thus Spake Zarathustra》等,对西方哲学产生了深远影响。
  • Fyodor Dostoevsky: 以其深刻的心理分析和道德探讨著称,如《Crime and Punishment》和《The Brothers Karamazov》等。

6. 历史与社会(History & Society)

  • Felipe Fernandez-Armesto: 《1492: The Year Our World Began》探讨了哥伦布发现新大陆对世界历史的影响。
  • Frances Gies: 《Cathedral, Forge, and Waterwheel: Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages》和《Life in a Medieval Village》等作品,为我们提供了中世纪生活的深刻见解。
  • Fern Michaels: 《Annie's Rainbow》等作品包含了历史背景,讲述了跨越不同时代的故事。

7. 科学与自然(Science & Nature)

  • Freeman Dyson: 《The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2010》收录了当年最优秀的科学和自然写作,反映了科学界的最新发现和思考。
  • Frans de Waal: 《The Age of Empathy: Nature's Lessons for a Kinder Society》探讨了动物行为学和人类社会之间的联系。

8. 儿童文学(Children's Literature)

  • Francesca Simon: 以其儿童文学作品而闻名,如《Horrid Henry》系列,深受儿童喜爱。

9. 浪漫小说(Romance)

  • Francis Ray: 作品如《And Mistress Makes Three》和《Dreaming of You》等,通常涉及情感纠葛和浪漫情感。

10. 现代文学(Contemporary Literature)

  • Fannie Flagg: 《Cannot Wait to Get to Heaven》和《Standing in the Rainbow》等作品反映了现代生活的各个方面。

11. 政治与国际关系(Politics & International Relations)

  • Fareed Zakaria: 《The Post-American World》分析了美国在全球化世界中的地位和作用。

12. 艺术与文化(Art & Culture)

  • Fernando Pessoa: 《The Book of Disquiet》是一部探讨艺术、文化和个人身份认同的作品。

13. 个人成长与自我帮助(Personal Growth & Self-Help)

  • Felix Gilman: 《The Half-Made World》是一部关于个人成长和探索自我的小说。

14. 幽默与讽刺(Humor & Satire)

  • Flynn Meaney: 《Bloodthirsty》是一部带有讽刺意味的幽默小说。

15. 社会评论(Social Commentary)

  • Frank Herbert: 《Dune》系列不仅是科幻经典,也深刻地评论了政治、宗教和社会结构。

16. 教育与学术(Education & Academics)

  • Frances Moore Lappe: 《Hope's Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet》探讨了教育和全球问题。

17. 健康与生活方式(Health & Lifestyle)

  • Francesca Segan: 《Shakespeare's Kitchen: Renaissance Recipes for the Contemporary Cook》提供了健康生活方式的建议。

18. 心理学(Psychology)

  • Frans G. Bengtsson: 《The Long Ships》涉及心理学主题,探讨人物的内心世界。

19. 经济与商业(Economics & Business)

  • Frederick Engels: 《The Condition of the Working Class in England》是关于工业革命时期工人阶级状况的经典著作。

20. 青少年文学(Young Adult Literature)

  • Fiona Jayde: 《Night Haven》是一部针对青少年读者群体的小说。



——/【12000+ Mobi eBooks Collection】/F/

├──F. G. Cottam
| └──The House of Lost Souls (14024)
├──F. Paul Wilson
| ├──All the Rage (5858)
| ├──Bloodline (5851)
| ├──By the Sword_ A Repairman Jack Novel (5852)
| ├──Conspiracies (5857)
| ├──Crisscross_ A Repairman Jack Novel (5848)
| ├──Gateways (5847)
| ├──Ground Zero_ A Repairman Jack Novel (5853)
| ├──Harbingers (5850)
| ├──Hosts (5859)
| ├──Infernal_ A Repairman Jack Novel (5849)
| ├──Jack_ Secret Vengeance (18686)
| ├──Legacies_ A Repairman Jack Novel (5856)
| ├──The Haunted Air (5846)
| ├──The Last Rakosh (5854)
| └──The Tomb (5855)
├──F. Scott Fitzgerald
| ├──Tender Is the Night (888)
| ├──The Beautiful and Damned (17275)
| ├──The Beautiful and Damned (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1934)
| ├──The Best Early Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald (7669)
| ├──The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Other Jazz Age Stories (1862)
| ├──The Great Gatsby (16592)
| └──This Side of Paradise (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1937)
├──Fabio Geda
| └──In the Sea There Are Crocodiles (15687)
├──Fannie Flagg
| ├──Cannot Wait to Get to Heaven (12448)
| └──Standing in the Rainbow (9013)
├──Fareed Zakaria
| └──The Post-American World (13973)
├──Faye Kellerman
| └──Gun Games (22677)
├──Felicia Pearson
| └──Grace After Midnight_ A Memoir (23386)
├──Felipe Fernandez-Armesto
| └──1492_ The Year Our World Began (6350)
├──Felix Francis
| └──Dick Francis's Gamble (15652)
├──Felix Gilman
| ├──Lightbringers and Rainmakers (9977)
| └──The Half-Made World (7359)
├──Fern Michaels
| ├──Annie's Rainbow (21419)
| ├──Betrayal (16194)
| ├──Christmas at Timberwoods (16441)
| ├──Home Free (11920)
| ├──Listen to Your Heart (16291)
| └──Southern Comfort (12578)
├──Fernando Morais
| └──A Warrior's Life_ A Biography of Paulo Coelho (6352)
├──Fernando Pessoa
| └──The Book of Disquiet (7920)
├──Fiona Jayde
| └──Night Haven (6102)
├──Fionn Davenport
| └──Ireland (Lonely Planet, 9th Edition) (16593)
├──Flann O'Brien
| └──The Poor Mouth_ A Bad Story About the Hard Life (17468)
├──Flannery O'Connor
| ├──The Complete Stories (11521)
| └──Wise Blood (8562)
├──Flynn Meaney
| └──Bloodthirsty (7666)
| ├──London (Fodor's 2012) (17065)
| ├──New York City (Fodor's, 2012) (13778)
| ├──Normandy, Brittany & the Best of the North_ With Paris (Fodor's) (16923)
| ├──Walt Disney World With Kids (Fodor's, 2012) (16080)
| ├──Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Parks (Fodor's) (17055)
| └──Yosemite, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks (Fodor's) (16686)
├──Fodor's Travel Publications
| └──Caribbean (Fodor's, 2011) (16594)
├──Ford Madox Ford
| └──The Good Soldier_ A Tale of Passion (18545)
├──Fran Friel
| └──Mama's Boy and Other Dark Tales (6361)
├──Fran Parnell
| └──Iceland (Lonely Planet, 7th Edition) (16596)
├──Frances de Pontes Peebles
| └──The Seamstress (2537)
├──Frances Gies
| ├──Cathedral, Forge, and Waterwheel_ Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages (12425)
| └──Life in a Medieval Village (15490)
├──Frances Mayes
| └──Every Day in Tuscany_ Seasons of an Italian Life (6562)
├──Frances Moore Lappe
| └──Hope's Edge_ The Next Diet for a Small Planet (14642)
├──Francesca Lia Block
| └──The Frenzy (11867)
├──Francesca Simon
| ├──Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy (18934)
| ├──Horrid Henry Wakes the Dead (18933)
| ├──Horrid Henry's Stinkbomb (18932)
| └──Horrid Henry's Underpants (18931)
├──Francine Pascal
| └──Sweet Valley Confidential_ Ten Years Later (11929)
├──Francine Prose
| └──My New American Life_ A Novel (14109)
├──Francine Rivers
| └──Her Mother's Hope (5785)
├──Francine Segan
| └──Shakespeare's Kitchen_ Renaissance Recipes for the Contemporary Cook (18757)
├──Francis Ray
| ├──And Mistress Makes Three (14594)
| ├──Dreaming of You (14597)
| ├──Forever Yours (14598)
| ├──I Know Who Holds Tomorrow (14601)
| ├──If You Were My Man (14602)
| ├──In Another Man's Bed (14603)
| ├──Irresistible You (14604)
| ├──It Had to Be You (14614)
| ├──Nobody but You (14605)
| ├──Not Even if You Begged (14606)
| ├──One Night With You (14607)
| ├──Only Hers (14608)
| ├──The Turning Point (14610)
| ├──The Way You Love Me (14611)
| ├──Twice the Temptation (14600)
| └──Until There Was You (14613)
├──Francois Rabelais
| └──Gargantua and Pantagruel (8767)
├──Frank C. Craighead Jr
| └──Operation Family Secrets (14199)
├──Frank Conroy
| └──Time & Tide (17813)
├──Frank Delaney
| └──Tipperary_ A Novel (11285)
├──Frank Herbert
| ├──Chapterhouse_ Dune (752)
| ├──Children of Dune (753)
| ├──Dune (754)
| ├──Dune Messiah (755)
| ├──God Emperor of Dune (756)
| ├──Heretics of Dune (757)
| └──The Road to Dune (11286)
├──Frank Leslie
| ├──The Thunder Riders (11507)
| └──The Wild Breed (11508)
├──Frank Lesser
| └──Sad Monsters_ Growling on the Outside, Crying on the Inside (16579)
├──Frank McCourt
| └──Tis_ A Memoir (16322)
├──Frank Rich
| └──The Greatest Story Ever Sold (18460)
├──Frank Schaeffer
| └──Sex, Mom, and God (17439)
├──Frank Wynne
| └──I Was Vermeer_ The Rise and Fall of the Twentieth Century's Greatest Forger (11451)
├──Frankie Boyle
| └──My Shit Life So Far (8332)
├──Franny Billingsley
| └──Chime (23460)
├──Frans de Waal
| └──The Age of Empathy_ Nature's Lessons for a Kinder Society (18138)
├──Frans G. Bengtsson
| └──The Long Ships (15520)
├──Franz Kafka
| ├──Amerika (9608)
| ├──The Meowmorphosis (14359)
| ├──The Metamorphosis and Other Stories (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1712)
| └──The Trial (23832)
| └──Travels in Siberia (15976)
├──Fred Hoyle
| └──The Black Cloud (11868)
├──Fred Thompson
| └──Teaching the Pig to Dance_ A Memoir (2538)
├──Frederick Barthelme
| └──Waveland (15935)
├──Frederick Busch
| ├──A Dangerous Profession_ A Book About the Writing Life (13702)
| ├──Girls_ A Novel (15596)
| └──Night Inspector (14136)
├──Frederick Douglass
| └──My Bondage and My Freedom (Barnes & Noble Classics) (10176)
├──Frederick Forsyth
| ├──The Cobra (6860)
| ├──The Day of the Jackal (6012)
| └──The Phantom of Manhattan (7520)
├──Frederick Kempe
| └──Berlin 1961_ Kennedy, Khrushchev, and the Most Dangerous Place on Earth (22985)
├──Frederick Reuss
| └──A Geography of Secrets (23179)
├──Fredric Brown
| └──A Plot for Murder (17368)
├──Freeman Dyson
| └──The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2010 (23276)
├──Friedrich Engels
| └──The Condition of the Working Class in England (18110)
├──Friedrich Nietzsche
| ├──Basic Writings of Nietzsche (2037)
| ├──Beyond Good and Evil (Penguin) (14934)
| ├──Ecce Homo (2441)
| ├──Thus Spake Zarathustra (8984)
| └──Works of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (16424)
├──Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
| └──The Anti-Christ (17280)
├──Fyodor Dostoevsky
| ├──Brothers Karamazov (15923)
| ├──The Adolescent (14723)
| └──The House of the Dead (14473)
├──Fyodor Dostoyevsky
| ├──Crime and Punishment (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1045)
| └──The Eternal Husband and Other Stories (13917)
└──Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Henry
| └──The Idiot_ Translated by Henry and Olga Carlisle (Signet) (1046)

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