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DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母I开始 从Iain Gately到Iyanla Vanzant) 百度云网盘下载


DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母I开始 从Iain Gately到Iyanla Vanzant)


1. 饮食文化(Food Culture)

  • Iain Gately: 《Drink: A Cultural History of Alcohol》探讨了酒精在人类历史和文化中的重要作用。

2. 海洋冒险小说(Maritime Adventure Fiction)

  • Iain Lawrence: 《The Convicts: The Curse of the Jolly Stone Trilogy》通过一系列海洋冒险故事,展现了人类对自由和命运的探索。

3. 科幻小说(Science Fiction)

  • Isaac Asimov: 《Foundation》系列是科幻文学的经典之作,探讨了未来银河帝国的兴衰和人类文明的发展。
  • Iain M. Banks: 以其“文明”系列闻名,包括《Consider Phlebas》和《The Player of Games》等,作品通常涉及复杂的宇宙文明和哲学思考。
  • Ian McDonald: 《Planesrunner》是一部科幻小说,探讨了平行宇宙的概念,以及人类在不同宇宙中的角色和命运。

4. 文艺复兴历史(Renaissance History)

  • Iain Pears: 《The Portrait》涉及文艺复兴时期的背景,探讨艺术、政治和个人命运的交织。

5. 神经科学与哲学(Neuroscience & Philosophy)

  • Iain McGilchrist: 《The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World》从神经科学的角度分析了西方世界的发展。

6. 推理小说(Mystery Fiction)

  • Iain McLaughlin: 《Doctor Who: Blood and Hope》结合了科幻元素和推理情节,为读者提供了紧张刺激的阅读体验。

7. 家庭与亲子关系(Family & Parenting)

  • Ian Brown: 《The Boy in the Moon: A Father's Search for His Disabled Son》是一位父亲对残疾儿子的深情记录,探讨了家庭、爱和接纳的主题。

8. 史诗奇幻(Epic Fantasy)

  • Ian Caldwell: 《The Rule of Four》是一部现代史诗奇幻小说,结合了历史、神话和现代悬疑元素。

9. 军事科幻(Military Science Fiction)

  • Ian Douglas: 《Star Carrier》系列,如《Center of Gravity》和《Earth Strike》,展现了未来太空战争的宏大场面。

10. 经典间谍小说(Classic Spy Fiction)

  • Ian Fleming: 詹姆斯·邦德系列,包括《Casino Royale》和《Goldfinger》,是间谍小说的经典之作,影响了后世的间谍文化。

11. 历史研究(Historical Research)

  • Ian Kershaw: 《Hitler》和《The End: The Defiance and Destruction of Hitler's Germany, 1944-1945》等作品深入分析了纳粹德国的历史。

12. 现代主义文学(Modernist Literature)

  • Iris Murdoch: 《The Sea, the Sea》等作品体现了现代主义文学的特点,探讨了个体的内心世界和社会关系。
  • Ian McEwan: 《Atonement》是一部现代文学作品,通过一个关于爱情、背叛和救赎的故事,探讨了人性的复杂性。

13. 个人成长与自我发现(Personal Growth & Self-Discovery)

  • Iyanla Vanzant: 《Yesterday, I Cried: Celebrating the Lessons of Living and Loving》提供了关于生活、爱和个人成长的深刻见解。
  • Ice-T: 《Ice: A Memoir of Gangster Life and Redemption—From South Central to Hollywood》是一部励志自传,讲述了作者从街头帮派到好莱坞明星的转变。

14. 历史小说(Historical Fiction)

  • Iain Pears: 《The Dream of Scipio》是一部历史小说,通过一个多层次的叙述结构,讲述了一个跨越不同时代的复杂故事。

15. 侦探小说(Detective Fiction)

  • Ian Rankin: 《A Cool Head》等作品以侦探John Rebus为主角,展现了复杂的犯罪调查和人性的阴暗面。

16. 社会与文化评论(Society & Culture Commentary)

  • Ibrahim Muhawi: 《Speak, Bird, Speak Again: Palestinian Arab Folktales》收集了巴勒斯坦地区的民间故事,反映了该地区的文化和社会特色。

17. 环境与可持续发展(Environment & Sustainability)

  • Ian Woofenden: 《Wind Power for Dummies》是一本关于风能技术的入门书籍,探讨了可再生能源在环境保护和可持续发展中的作用。

18. 哲学与伦理(Philosophy & Ethics)

  • Iris Murdoch: 《The Bell》等作品通过小说形式探讨了道德哲学和人类伦理问题。

19. 健康与生活方式(Health & Lifestyle)

  • Isa Chandra Moskowitz: 《Appetite for Reduction: 125 Fast and Filling Low-Fat Vegan Recipes》等书籍提供了健康生活方式的建议,特别是关于素食烹饪的指导。

20. 经典文学(Classic Literature)

  • Irvine Welsh: 《Trainspotting》是一部经典的现代文学作品,通过一群苏格兰海洛因成瘾者的生活,展现了社会边缘人物的生存状态。



——/【12000+ Mobi eBooks Collection】/I/

├──Iain Gately
| └──Drink_ A Cultural History of Alcohol (16371)
├──Iain Lawrence
| └──The Convicts_ The Curse of the Jolly Stone Trilogy (11025)
├──Iain M. Banks
| ├──Against a Dark Background (8952)
| ├──Consider Phlebas (39)
| ├──Excession (40)
| ├──Feersum Endjinn (13749)
| ├──Inversions (41)
| ├──Look to Windward (42)
| ├──Matter (43)
| ├──Surface Detail (7352)
| ├──The Algebraist (44)
| ├──The Crow Road (7522)
| ├──The Player of Games (45)
| ├──The State of the Art (14490)
| ├──The Wasp Factory (7523)
| ├──Transition (6421)
| └──Use of Weapons (46)
├──Iain M. Pears
| └──The Portrait (14768)
├──Iain McGilchrist
| └──The Master and His Emissary_ The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World (15393)
├──Iain McLaughlin
| └──Doctor Who_ Blood and Hope (9222)
├──Iain Pears
| ├──Stone's Fall_ A Novel (11957)
| └──The Dream of Scipio (12670)
├──Ian Briggs
| ├──Doctor Who_ Dragonfire (9168)
| └──Doctor Who_ The Curse of Fenric (9047)
├──Ian Brown
| └──The Boy in the Moon_ A Father's Search for His Disabled Son (6422)
├──Ian C. Esslemont
| └──Night of Knives_ A Novel of the Malazan Empire (6423)
├──Ian Caldwell
| └──The Rule of Four (18061)
├──Ian Douglas
| ├──Center of Gravity_ Star Carrier_ Book Two (10982)
| └──Earth Strike_ Star Carrier_ Book One (2589)
├──Ian Edginton
| └──Caveat Emptor (13824)
├──Ian Fleming
| ├──Casino Royale_ A James Bond Novel (921)
| ├──Diamonds Are Forever_ A James Bond Novel (922)
| ├──Doctor No (923)
| ├──For Your Eyes Only_ A James Bond Novel (924)
| ├──From Russia With Love_ A James Bond Novel (925)
| ├──Goldfinger_ 007, a James Bond Novel (926)
| ├──Live and Let Die_ A James Bond Novel (927)
| ├──Moonraker (928)
| ├──On Her Majesty's Secret Service (929)
| ├──The Man With the Golden Gun_ A James Bond Novel (930)
| ├──The Spy Who Loved Me_ A James Bond Novel (931)
| └──Thunderball_ A James Bond Novel (932)
├──Ian Graham
| └──Unbillable Hours_ A True Story (11468)
├──Ian Hamilton
| └──Stone of Destiny (23295)
├──Ian Irvine
| ├──Chimaera (2507)
| ├──Geomancer (2592)
| └──Tetrarch (2593)
├──Ian Kershaw
| ├──Fateful Choices (18139)
| ├──Hitler (9004)
| └──The End_ The Defiance and Destruction of Hitler's Germany, 1944-1945 (17308)
├──Ian Marter
| ├──Doctor Who_ Ark in Space (9053)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Earthshock (9135)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Ribos Operation (9049)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Sontaran Experiment (9068)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Dominators (9154)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Enemy of the World (9106)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Invasion (9186)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Reign of Terror (9108)
| └──Doctor Who_ The Rescue (9120)
├──Ian McCallum
| └──Ecological Intelligence_ Rediscovering Ourselves in Nature (17179)
├──Ian McDonald
| ├──Planesrunner (22742)
| └──The Dervish House (11945)
├──Ian McEwan
| ├──Atonement_ A Novel (524)
| ├──Black Dogs (14897)
| ├──Enduring Love (14472)
| ├──Solar (18830)
| ├──The Comfort of Strangers (1997)
| └──The Innocent (11965)
├──Ian Morgan Cron
| └──Jesus, My Father, the CIA, and Me (18458)
├──Ian Rankin
| ├──A Cool Head (11344)
| └──The Impossible Dead (18636)
├──Ian Stuart Black
| ├──Doctor Who_ MacRa Terror (9118)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Savages (9076)
| └──Doctor Who_ War Machine (9165)
├──Ian W. Walker
| └──Harold_ The Last Anglo-Saxon King (22910)
├──Ian Whates
| ├──City of Dreams and Nightmare (6428)
| └──City of Hope & Despair_ City of a Hundred Rows (10963)
├──Ian Woofenden
| └──Wind Power for Dummies (14529)
├──Ibrahim Muhawi
| └──Speak, Bird, Speak Again_ Palestinian Arab Folktales (6926)
| └──Ice_ A Memoir of Gangster Life and Redemption--From South Central to Hollywood (12200)
├──Ida Hattemer-Higgins
| └──The History of History (12286)
├──Iii Dubus Andre
| └──House of Sand and Fog (14285)
├──Ildefonso Falcones
| └──Cathedral of the Sea_ A Novel (14754)
├──Ilona Andrews
| ├──Fate's Edge (17895)
| └──Magic Slays (14277)
├──Ilona Bray
| └──Nolo's Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home (9671)
├──Ilsa J. Bick
| └──Wounds (Book 1) (13938)
├──Immaculee Ilibagiza
| └──Left to Tell (18620)
├──Imre Kertesz
| └──Fatelessness (5905)
├──Ingrid Betancourt
| └──Even Silence Has an End_ My Six Years of Captivity in the Colombian Jungle (7521)
├──Ira Wagler
| └──Growing Up Amish (22682)
├──Irene S. Levine
| └──Best Friends Forever (16908)
├──Iris Chang
| └──The Chinese in America (14760)
├──Iris Johansen
| ├──Always (11797)
| ├──Blind Alley (11071)
| ├──Bonnie (17033)
| ├──Chasing the Night (12416)
| ├──Countdown (11072)
| ├──Eve (12402)
| ├──Everlasting (19262)
| ├──Fatal Tide (19244)
| ├──Lion's Bride (19248)
| ├──Magnificent Folly (19267)
| ├──No One to Trust (19240)
| ├──Quinn (17896)
| ├──Shadow Zone (2199)
| ├──Stormy Vows (19236)
| └──The Treasure_ A Novel (19250)
├──Iris Murdoch
| ├──The Bell (8585)
| └──The Sea, the Sea (14019)
├──Irv Kupcinet
| └──Kup's Chicago (23191)
├──Irvine Welsh
| └──Trainspotting (10447)
├──Isa Chandra Moskowitz
| ├──Appetite for Reduction_ 125 Fast and Filling Low-Fat Vegan Recipes (12094)
| └──Veganomicon_ The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook (11356)
├──Isaac Asimov
| ├──Caves of Steel (15301)
| ├──Extraterrestrial Civilizations (16741)
| ├──Forward the Foundation (8885)
| ├──Foundation (8886)
| ├──Foundation and Earth (13795)
| ├──Foundation and Empire (8887)
| ├──Foundation's Edge (8889)
| ├──I, Robot (14303)
| ├──Prelude to Foundation (8884)
| ├──Second Foundation (8888)
| └──The Complete Stories_ Volume 1 (14842)
├──Isaac Bashevis Singer
| ├──Satan in Goray (14398)
| ├──The Last Demon (11300)
| └──The Spinoza of Market Street (14334)
├──Isabel Allende
| └──Island Beneath the Sea (6437)
├──Isabel Wilkerson
| └──The Warmth of Other Suns_ The Epic Story of America's Great Migration (6934)
├──Ishmael Beah
| └──A Long Way Gone_ Memoirs of a Boy Soldier (15510)
├──Isobelle Carmody
| ├──Night Gate (2508)
| ├──The Seeker (15314)
| └──Winter Door (2509)
├──Israel Gollancz William Shakespeare
| └──The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (18726)
├──Italo Calvino
| ├──Hermit in Paris_ Autobiographical Writings (10207)
| ├──Numbers in the Dark and Other Stories (14722)
| └──Why Read the Classics_ (7679)
├──Ivan Doig
| ├──Heart Earth (14567)
| ├──The Eleventh Man (15418)
| ├──The Sea Runners (15419)
| ├──This House of Sky (14561)
| └──Work Song (14571)
├──Ivan Goncharov
| └──Oblomov (17878)
├──Ivan Misner
| └──Business Networking and Sex (23144)
├──Ivan Ristic
| └──Apache Security (8255)
└──Iyanla Vanzant
| └──Yesterday, I Cried_ Celebrating the Lessons of Living and Loving (9928)

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