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DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母V开始 从V. S. Naipaul到Vylar Kaftan) 百度云网盘下载


DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母V开始 从V. S. Naipaul到Vylar Kaftan)


1. 文化研究 (Cultural Studies)

  • V. S. Naipaul: 《An Area of Darkness》 是诺贝尔文学奖得主V. S. Naipaul对其祖居之地印度的深刻反思,记录了他第一次接触印度的经历。书中探讨了印度的种姓制度、对贫困和肮脏的看似平静的接受,以及印度对自治的渴望与其对英国统治的怀旧之间的冲突。

2. 科幻小说 (Science Fiction)

  • Vernor Vinge: 《A Fire Upon the Deep》 是一部硬科幻小说,讲述了在遥远的未来,人类文明已经扩展到了整个银河系,但仍然面临着来自古老邪恶力量的威胁。

3. 历史小说 (Historical Fiction)

  • Vonda N. McIntyre: 《The Moon and the Sun》 是一部结合了冒险、传说和哥特小说元素的历史小说,讲述了17世纪法国的故事,涉及宫廷政治、科学探索和个人信仰。

4. 幽默与讽刺 (Humor and Satire)

  • Vordak T. Incomprehensible: 《How to Grow Up and Rule the World》 以超级邪恶的Vordak T. Incomprehensible的身份,提供了一个荒诞的逐步指南,教导读者如何统治世界,充满了夸张的自我形象和卫生间幽默。

5. 经济与商业 (Economics and Business)

  • Vernon Silver: 《The Lost Chalice_ The Epic Hunt for a Priceless Masterpiece》 是一本关于艺术和商业的书籍,讲述了寻找无价之宝的故事,涉及经济学和商业策略。

6. 教育与学习 (Education and Learning)

  • Vordak T. Incomprehensible: 《How to Grow Up and Rule the World》 也适合年轻读者,通过幽默和讽刺的方式,教导他们如何成为领导者,同时也提供了对权力和责任的教育。

7. 旅行与探险 (Travel and Adventure)

  • V. S. Naipaul: 《A Bend in the River》 是一部关于旅行和探险的小说,通过主人公的旅程,探讨了文化冲突和个人身份的主题。

8. 法律与社会 (Law and Society)

  • V. S. Naipaul: 《India: A Wounded Civilization》 是Naipaul对印度社会的深刻剖析,书中讨论了印度的法律体系、社会结构和文化传统,以及它们如何塑造了印度的现代面貌。

9. 艺术与摄影 (Art and Photography)

  • Various: 《The Golden Age of Science Fiction》系列 包含了多部科幻短篇小说,这些作品不仅在文学上具有重要地位,也为科幻艺术的发展提供了丰富的素材。

10. 哲学与思想 (Philosophy and Thought)

  • Voltaire: 《Candide》 是一部讽刺小说,通过主人公Candide的冒险经历,批判了当时的社会、政治和宗教观念,展现了启蒙时代的思想。

11. 历史与传记 (History and Biography)

  • V. S. Naipaul: 《A House for Mr Biswas》 是Naipaul的代表作之一,通过主人公Biswas的生活经历,反映了后殖民时代特立尼达的社会现实和个人奋斗。

12. 环境与自然 (Environment and Nature)

  • Vernon Silver: 《The Lost Chalice_ The Epic Hunt for a Priceless Masterpiece》 也涉及了对自然环境的探索和保护,书中对艺术品的追捕与自然环境的破坏和保护形成了鲜明对比。

13. 健康与生活 (Health and Lifestyle)

  • Victoria Boutenko: 《Green Smoothie Revolution》 提供了一系列健康饮食的建议,特别是关于如何通过饮用绿色平滑来改善健康状况。

14. 技术与创新 (Technology and Innovation)

  • Various Authors: 《Smashing eBook》系列 涵盖了网页设计和Photoshop技巧,为设计师和开发者提供了宝贵的技术知识。

15. 教育与自我提升 (Education and Self-Improvement)

  • Vicki Robin: 《Your Money or Your Life》 是一本关于个人财务管理和生活规划的书籍,教导读者如何通过有效的财务管理实现个人目标。

16. 社会问题 (Social Issues)

  • V. S. Naipaul: 《Half a Life》 探讨了个人在社会和文化变迁中的位置,反映了后殖民社会中的种族、文化和身份认同问题。

17. 宗教与精神 (Religion and Spirituality)

  • V. S. Naipaul: 《The Enigma of Arrival》 是一部探讨个人身份、文化根源和精神寻求的作品,反映了作者对宗教信仰和精神价值的深刻思考。



——/【12000+ Mobi eBooks Collection】/V/

├──V. S. Naipaul
| ├──A Bend in the River (14414)
| ├──A House for Mr. Biswas (14413)
| ├──An Area of Darkness (14410)
| ├──Half a Life (18471)
| ├──India_ A Wounded Civilization (14399)
| ├──Literary Occasions_ Essays (11790)
| ├──Magic Seeds (14396)
| ├──Miguel Street (7725)
| ├──The Enigma of Arrival_ A Novel (7728)
| ├──The Masque of Africa_ Glimpses of African Belief (7730)
| ├──The Middle Passage (14382)
| ├──The Mimic Men (14381)
| ├──The Mystic Masseur (7867)
| └──The Nightwatchman's Occurrence Book_ And Other Comic Inventions (7736)
├──V.E. Mitchell
| └──Imbalance (11168)
├──Vachel Lindsay
| └──The Art of the Moving Picture (10376)
├──Val McDermid
| ├──A Darker Domain_ A Novel (11274)
| └──The Grave Tattoo (11791)
├──Valerie Hansen
| ├──Blessings of the Heart (20027)
| ├──Everlasting Love (20032)
| ├──Frontier Courtship (2991)
| ├──My Deadly Valentine (2990)
| ├──Samantha's Gift (20029)
| └──The Troublesome Angel (20022)
├──Valerie Plame Wilson
| └──Fair Game (15915)
├──Valerie S. Malmont
| └──Death, Snow, and Mistletoe (1956)
├──Valerie Wilson Wesley
| └──Dying in the Dark_ A Tamara Hayle Mystery (11029)
├──Valmore Daniels
| └──Forbidden the Stars (10390)
├──Vanessa Barrington
| └──D.I.Y. Delicious_ Recipes and Ideas for Simple Food From Scratch (10377)
├──Vanessa Diffenbaugh
| └──The Language of Flowers (18238)
├──Vanessa Veselka
| └──Zazen (22730)
├──Vanessa Woods
| └──Bonobo Handshake_ A Memoir of Love and Adventure in the Congo (16951)
├──Vanity Fair
| └──The Great Hangover_ 21 Tales of the New Recession From the Pages of Vanity Fair (23305)
├──Vanora Bennett
| └──The People's Queen (6365)
| ├──Masters of Noir_ Volume Four (8543)
| ├──Masters of Noir_ Volume One (8546)
| ├──Masters of Noir_ Volume Three (8544)
| ├──Masters of Noir_ Volume Two (8545)
| ├──The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume III_ An Anthology of 50 Short Stories (8448)
| ├──The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume II_ An Anthology of 50 Short Stories (8426)
| ├──The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume IV_ An Anthology of 50 Short Stories (8445)
| ├──The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume IX_ An Anthology of 50 Short Stories (9466)
| ├──The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume I_ An Anthology of 50 Short Stories (8446)
| ├──The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume VIII_ An Anthology of 50 Short Stories (9451)
| ├──The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume VII_ An Anthology of 50 Short Stories (8473)
| ├──The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume VI_ An Anthology of 50 Short Stories (8506)
| ├──The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume V_ An Anthology of 50 Short Stories (8437)
| ├──The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume XIII_ An Anthology of 50 Short Stories (9467)
| ├──The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume XII_ An Anthology of 50 Short Stories (9452)
| ├──The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume XI_ An Anthology of 50 Short Stories (9472)
| ├──The Golden Age of Science Fiction Volume X_ An Anthology of 50 Short Stories (9471)
| ├──The Penguin Book of French Poetry_ 1820-1950; With Prose Translations (17528)
| └──The Sun Book of Short Stories (10002)
├──Various Authors
| ├──Smashing eBook #6_ Typography (22658)
| └──Smashing eBook #8_ Mastering Photoshop for Web Design, Volume 2 (22660)
├──Varlam Tikhonovich Shalamov
| └──Kolyma Tales (10933)
├──Vasily Grossman
| ├──A Writer at War_ Vasily Grossman With the Red Army (1699)
| ├──Everything Flows (23326)
| └──The Road (9034)
├──Veera Hiranandani
| └──The Whole Story of Half a Girl (23709)
├──Vendela Vida
| └──The Lovers (2963)
├──Vernon Silver
| └──The Lost Chalice_ The Epic Hunt for a Priceless Masterpiece (13908)
├──Vernor Vinge
| └──A Fire Upon the Deep (7740)
├──Vicki Doudera
| └──A House to Die For (11996)
├──Vicki Hearne
| └──Adam's Task (17470)
├──Vicki Lewis Thompson
| └──A Fare to Remember_ Just Whistle_Driven to Distraction_Taken for a Ride (5777)
├──Vicki Myron
| └──Dewey's Nine Lives_ The Legacy of the Small-Town Library Cat Who Inspired Millions (8329)
├──Vicki Pettersson
| └──The Neon Graveyard (20080)
├──Vicki Robin
| └──Your Money or Your Life (18768)
├──Victor Davis Hanson
| └──The Father of Us All (18761)
├──Victor Hanson
| └──A War Like No Other (17543)
├──Victor Hugo
| ├──Les Miserables (Barnes & Noble Classics) (Abridged) (15752)
| ├──Les Miserables (Penguin) (16317)
| └──The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15816)
├──Victor J. Stenger
| └──The Fallacy of Fine-Tuning_ Why the Universe Is Not Designed for Us (23455)
├──Victor Malarek
| └──Natashas (17094)
├──Victor Milan
| ├──Sword Play (15083)
| └──War in Tethyr (15094)
├──Victor Pelevin
| ├──The Helmet of Horror_ The Myth of Theseus and the Minotaur (16207)
| └──The Sacred Book of the Werewolf (11951)
├──Victor Pemberton
| ├──Doctor Who_ Fury From the Deep (9077)
| └──Doctor Who_ The Pescatons (9052)
├──Victoria Bond
| └──Zora and Me (23711)
├──Victoria Boutenko
| ├──12 Steps to Raw Foods_ How to End Your Dependency on Cooked Food (11359)
| ├──Green for Life (11636)
| ├──Green Smoothie Revolution_ The Radical Leap Towards Natural Health (12474)
| └──Raw Family_ A True Story of Awakening (11328)
├──Victoria Forester
| └──The Girl Who Could Fly (10336)
├──Victoria Laurie
| ├──Demons Are a Ghoul's Best Friend (10332)
| ├──Ghouls Gone Wild (10334)
| ├──Ghouls, Ghouls, Ghouls (10335)
| ├──Oracles of Delphi Keep (19077)
| ├──The Curse of Deadman's Forest (19078)
| └──What's a Ghoul to Do_ (10331)
├──Victoria Wise
| └──Sausage_ Recipes for Making and Cooking With Homemade Sausage (14644)
├──Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul
| └──In a Free State (16510)
├──Viktor Mars
| └──Tales From the Starscape (16044)
├──Vince Flynn
| ├──Act of Treason (933)
| ├──American Assassin (7357)
| ├──Consent to Kill_ A Thriller (934)
| ├──Executive Power (7547)
| ├──Extreme Measures_ A Thriller (935)
| ├──Kill Shot (23507)
| ├──Memorial Day (936)
| ├──Protect and Defend_ A Thriller (937)
| ├──Pursuit of Honor (7548)
| ├──Separation of Power (938)
| ├──Term Limits (7549)
| ├──The Third Option (951)
| └──Transfer of Power (952)
├──Vincent J. Cannato
| └──American Passage_ The History of Ellis Island (12369)
├──Vincent Wyckoff
| └──Beware of Cat_ And Other Encounters of a Letter Carrier (12294)
├──Violet Haberdasher
| └──Knightley Academy (7155)
├──Violette Malan
| ├──The Sleeping God (10328)
| ├──The Soldier King (10329)
| └──The Storm Witch (10330)
| └──The Aeneid (20106)
├──Virginia Willis
| └──Bon Appetit, Y'all_ Recipes and Stories From Three Generations of Southern Cooking (14695)
├──Virginia Woolf
| ├──Mrs Dalloway (23725)
| ├──Mrs. Dalloway (3166)
| ├──Night and Day (Barnes & Noble Classics) (7746)
| ├──Orlando (23382)
| ├──The Voyage Out (Barnes & Noble Classics) (7747)
| ├──The Voyage Out (The Modern Library) (12629)
| └──To the Lighthouse (17454)
├──Vladimir Nabokov
| ├──Ada, Or, Ardor, a Family Chronicle (13768)
| ├──Invitation to a Beheading (15977)
| ├──Lolita (639)
| ├──Pnin (15978)
| └──Transparent Things (15891)
├──Vladimir Sorokin
| └──Ice Trilogy (15551)
├──Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov
| ├──Laughter in the Dark (11485)
| ├──Pale Fire_ A Novel (15588)
| └──Stories of Vladimir Nabokov (16397)
├──Volkogonov, Dmitri
| └──Trotsky (13968)
| └──Candide (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1717)
├──Vonda N. McIntyre
| ├──Star Trek_ Signature Edition_ Duty, Honor, Redemption (14112)
| └──Star Wars_ The Crystal Star (10907)
├──Vordak T. Incomprehensible
| └──How to Grow Up and Rule the World (23714)
├──Voronica Whitney-Robinson
| ├──Sands of the Soula (15179)
| ├──Star Wars_ Galaxies_ The Ruins of Dantooine (10908)
| └──The Crimson Gold_ The Rogues (15143)
└──Vylar Kaftan
| └──Lightspeed_ Year One (22751)

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