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DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母W开始 从W. Awdry到Wu Ch'Eng-En) 百度云网盘下载


DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母W开始 从W. Awdry到Wu Ch'Eng-En)



  1. 儿童文学 (Children's Literature)

    • W. Awdry 的 "Thomas & Friends" 系列
      • 《A Close Shave (Thomas & Friends)》
      • 《Danger at the Dieselworks (Thomas & Friends)》
      • 《Day of the Diesels (Thomas & Friends)》
      • 这些书籍通过小火车托马斯和他的朋友们的冒险故事,教会孩子们友谊和合作的重要性。
  2. 现代小说 (Modern Fiction)

    • W. Bruce Cameron 的《A Dog's Purpose》
      • 通过一只狗的视角探讨了生命的目的和人与宠物之间的关系。
  3. 历史与政治 (History and Politics)

    • W. Cleon Skousen 的《The 5000 Year Leap_ A Miracle That Changed the World》
      • 这本书讨论了历史上的重要转折点,以及这些事件如何塑造了今天的世界观。
  4. 科技与自助 (Technology and Self-help)

    • W. Curtis Preston 的《Backup & Recovery》
      • 为读者提供了数据备份和恢复的实用指南,帮助保护重要的数字资产。
  5. 军事小说 (Military Fiction)

    • W. E. B. Griffin 的 "Covert Warriors" 和 "Victory and Honor" 系列
      • 这些小说通常涉及军事行动和特种部队的故事,提供了紧张刺激的阅读体验,让读者深入了解军事行动的复杂性和挑战。
  6. 科幻小说 (Science Fiction)

    • William Gibson 的《Neuromancer》
      • 这部作品是赛博朋克科幻小说的先驱,讲述了一个黑客在未来的数字空间中的冒险,对后世的科技和社会变革有着深远的影响。
    • Walter Jon Williams 的 "Star Wars_ The New Jedi Order" 系列
      • 这些书籍是《星球大战》宇宙的一部分,为粉丝提供了新的冒险和故事。
  7. 幽默与讽刺 (Humor and Satire)

    • Writers of Cracked dot Com 的《You Might Be a Zombie and Other Bad News_ Shocking but Utterly True Facts》
      • 这本书以幽默讽刺的方式探讨了一系列荒诞不经的话题,让人在笑声中思考。
  8. 经典文学 (Classic Literature)

    • Wu Ch'Eng-En 的《Monkey》
      • 这是一部16世纪的经典小说,中国四大名著之一的《西游记》,结合了讽刺、寓言和历史,讲述了猴子和他的师父及伙伴们到西天取经的冒险故事。
  9. 历史人物传记 (Biographies of Historical Figures)

    • Winston Spencer Churchill 的作品,如《The Gathering Storm》和《Their Finest Hour》
      • 丘吉尔以其独特的视角和深刻的见解,记录了二战期间的重大事件和个人经历。
  10. 悬疑小说 (Mystery Fiction)

    • Walter Scott 的《Ivanhoe》
      • 这部小说以12世纪的英格兰为背景,讲述了一个关于忠诚、荣誉和爱情的故事,充满了悬疑和冒险。
    • Walter Gibson 的 "The Shadow" 系列
      • 这些书籍以一个神秘的角色为特色,他既是犯罪的打击者也是解决者,为读者带来了悬疑和刺激。
  1. 成长小说 (Bildungsroman)

    • W. Awdry 的 "Thomas & Friends" 系列
      • 这些故事不仅娱乐儿童,还通过小火车们的冒险和挑战,探讨了成长和学习的主题,帮助孩子们理解友谊和责任的重要性。
  2. 历史小说 (Historical Fiction)

    • Winston Spencer Churchill 的《马拉坎德远征史》(又译《1897年马拉坎德野战军纪实——边境之战插曲》)
      • 丘吉尔的这部作品记录了他在印度北部马拉坎德地区的军事行动,为读者提供了一个关于英国殖民时期的历史视角。
  3. 推理小说 (Mystery Fiction)

    • Walter Gibson 的 "The Shadow" 系列
      • 这些书籍以一个神秘的角色为特色,他既是犯罪的打击者也是解决者,为读者带来了悬疑和刺激。
  4. 政治学 (Political Science)

    • Winston Churchill 的《The Gathering Storm》和《Their Finest Hour》
      • 丘吉尔的这些作品记录了二战期间的重大事件和个人经历,提供了对那个时代政治和社会动态的深刻见解。
  5. 科幻与奇幻 (Science Fiction and Fantasy)

    • William Goldman 的《The Princess Bride_ S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure》
      • 这部小说以其幽默和对传统奇幻故事的颠覆而著名,讲述了一段关于真爱和冒险的故事。



——/【12000+ Mobi eBooks Collection】/W/

├──W. Awdry
| ├──A Close Shave (Thomas & Friends) (19181)
| ├──Danger at the Dieselworks (Thomas & Friends) (19178)
| ├──Day of the Diesels (Thomas & Friends) (19177)
| ├──Down at the Docks (19194)
| ├──Easter in Harwick (Thomas & Friends) (19188)
| ├──Fast Train, Slow Train (Thomas & Friends) (19174)
| ├──Flynn Saves the Day (Thomas & Friends) (19176)
| ├──Go, Train, Go! (Thomas and Friends) (19184)
| ├──Henry and the Elephant (Thomas and Friends) (19199)
| ├──Hooray for Thomas!_ And Other Thomas the Tank Engine Stories (Thomas & Friends) (19185)
| ├──James and the Red Balloon and Other Thomas the Tank Engine Stories (22482)
| ├──James in a Mess and Other Thomas the Tank Engine Stories (Thomas & Friends) (19190)
| ├──Lost at Sea (Thomas and Friends) (19189)
| ├──Misty Island Rescue (Thomas & Friends) (19182)
| ├──Stuck in the Mud (Thomas & Friends) (19175)
| ├──The Special Delivery (22481)
| ├──The Special Delivery (Thomas and Friends) (19186)
| ├──Thomas and Percy and the Dragon (19196)
| ├──Thomas and the Big Big Bridge (19193)
| ├──Thomas and the Castle (Thomas & Friends) (19180)
| ├──Thomas and the Jet Engine (Thomas & Friends) (19179)
| ├──Thomas Gets a Snowplow (Thomas and Friends) (19198)
| ├──Thomas Gets His Own Branch Line (Thomas and Friends) (22473)
| ├──Thomas Goes Fishing (23702)
| ├──Track Stars! (19195)
| └──Trouble in the Tunnel (19192)
├──W. Bruce Cameron
| └──A Dog's Purpose (1951)
├──W. Cleon Skousen
| └──The 5000 Year Leap_ A Miracle That Changed the World (8186)
├──W. Curtis Preston
| └──Backup & Recovery (7965)
├──W. E. B. Griffin
| ├──Covert Warriors (18661)
| └──Victory and Honor (15465)
├──W. R. Thompson
| ├──Debtors' Planet (11206)
| └──Infiltrator (11252)
├──W. Somerset Maugham
| ├──Of Human Bondage (14174)
| └──The Razor's Edge (14661)
├──W.A. McCay
| └──Chains of Command (11167)
├──W.E.B. Griffin
| ├──Black Ops (14861)
| ├──Final Justice (7553)
| ├──Men in Blue (7554)
| ├──Retreat, Hell! (8108)
| ├──Special Operations (7555)
| ├──Special Ops (8109)
| ├──The Assassin (7556)
| ├──The Double Agents (7962)
| ├──The Fighting Agents (8106)
| ├──The Hostage (8111)
| ├──The Investigators (7557)
| ├──The Murderers (7558)
| ├──The Outlaws_ A Presidential Agent Novel (8306)
| ├──The Saboteurs (7961)
| ├──The Secret Warriors (8110)
| ├──The Souls of Black Folk (10178)
| ├──The Traffickers (7559)
| ├──The Victim (7560)
| ├──The Vigilantes (Badge of Honor) (7561)
| ├──The Witness (7562)
| └──Under Fire (8107)
├──Wai Hon Chu
| └──The Dumpling_ A Seasonal Guide (6955)
├──Walker Percy
| ├──Lancelot_ A Novel (17363)
| ├──Last Gentleman (17002)
| ├──The Second Coming (17003)
| └──The Thanatos Syndrome_ A Novel (17013)
├──Wallace Earle Stegner
| └──All the Little Live Things (15628)
├──Wallace Stegner
| └──Angle of Repose (14421)
├──Wally K. Daly
| └──Doctor Who_ The Ultimate Evil (9037)
├──Wally Lamb
| └──Wishin' and Hopin' (17894)
├──Walt Whitman
| └──Leaves of Grass (Barnes & Noble Classics) (244)
├──Walter Crane
| └──The Frog Prince and Other Stories (1817)
├──Walter Dean Myers
| └──Sunrise Over Fallujah (18065)
├──Walter Greatshell
| ├──Xombies_ Apocalypse Blues (10324)
| └──Xombies_ Apocalypticon (10325)
├──Walter Isaacson
| └──Steve Jobs (16892)
├──Walter Jon Williams
| ├──Star Wars_ The New Jedi Order 16_ Destiny's Way (10909)
| └──Star Wars_ The New Jedi Order 16_ Ylesia (10910)
├──Walter Kirn
| ├──Lost in the Meritocracy (7344)
| └──Up in the Air (1685)
├──Walter Knight
| ├──Demilitarized Zone (10322)
| ├──Feeling Lucky (10319)
| ├──Insurgency (10323)
| ├──Reenlistment (10320)
| └──Silent Invasion (10321)
├──Walter Laqueur
| └──A History of Zionism (2476)
├──Walter M. Miller
| └──A Canticle for Leibowitz (1642)
├──Walter Moers
| └──City of Dreaming Books (17884)
├──Walter Mosley
| ├──Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned (15351)
| ├──Fear Itself (7849)
| ├──Fearless Jones (7848)
| └──The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey (7759)
├──Walter R. Borneman
| ├──Polk (23299)
| └──Rival Rails_ The Race to Build America's Greatest Transcontinental Railroad (12491)
├──Walter Scott
| └──Ivanhoe (Barnes & Noble Classics) (279)
├──Ward Larsen
| └──The Perfect Assassin (8482)
├──Warren Adler
| └──The War of the Roses (2628)
├──Warren Berger
| └──Advertising Today (16505)
├──Warren Ellis
| └──Crooked Little Vein (6962)
├──Warren Fahy
| └──Fragment (5979)
├──Warren Hammond
| ├──Ex-Kop (10389)
| └──Kop (10393)
├──Warren St. John
| └──Outcasts United (15613)
├──Warren Wiersbe
| └──The Strategy of Satan (22613)
├──Washington Irving
| └──The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Writings (Barnes & Noble Classics) (836)
├──Wayne Hoffman
| └──Sweet Like Sugar (22887)
├──Wayne Johnston
| └──The Navigator of New York (16742)
├──Wayne Simmons
| └──Flu (10273)
├──Wayne W. Dyer
| └──No More Holiday Blues (17857)
├──Wayson Choy
| └──The Jade Peony (12295)
├──Weight Watchers
| └──Weight Watchers One Pot Cookbook (23359)
├──Wen Spencer
| ├──A Brother's Price (10266)
| ├──Endless Blue (10267)
| ├──Tinker (10268)
| └──Wolf Who Rules (10269)
├──Wendelin Van Draanen
| └──Shredderman (18990)
├──Wendell Potter
| └──Deadly Spin (23270)
├──Wendy Burden
| └──Dead End Gene Pool_ A Memoir (14343)
├──Wendy D. Johnson
| ├──Socks From the Toe Up_ Essential Techniques and Patterns From Wendy Knits (14640)
| └──Toe-Up Socks for Every Body (14637)
├──Wendy Doniger
| └──The Hindus (14979)
├──Wendy Harmer
| └──Roadside Sisters (7451)
├──Wendy Lyn Watson
| └──Scoop to Kill_ A Mystery a La Mode (5778)
├──Wendy McClure
| └──The Wilder Life_ My Adventures in the Lost World of Little House on the Prairie (12428)
├──Wendy Moore
| └──Wedlock (6106)
├──Wendy Northcutt
| └──The Darwin Awards Countdown to Extinction (11895)
├──Wes Moore
| └──The Other Wes Moore_ One Name, Two Fates (1446)
├──Whitley Strieber
| ├──2012_ The War for Souls (10252)
| ├──Lilith's Dream_ A Tale of the Vampire Life (10255)
| ├──Majestic (10256)
| ├──The Hunger (10253)
| ├──The Last Vampire (10254)
| ├──The Night Church (10257)
| ├──The Omega Point (10258)
| ├──The Wild (10259)
| └──The Wolfen (10260)
├──Whitney Gaskell
| └──She, Myself & I (6020)
├──Whoopi Goldberg
| └──Is It Just Me__ Or Is It Nuts Out There_ (7876)
├──Wil Haygood
| └──Sweet Thunder_ The Life and Times of Sugar Ray Robinson (8577)
├──Wilbert Rideau
| └──In the Place of Justice_ A Story of Punishment and Deliverance (9732)
├──Wilbur Smith
| ├──Those in Peril (11796)
| └──Warlock (10251)
├──Wilkie Collins
| └──The Woman in White (Barnes & Noble Classics) (2600)
├──Will Adams
| ├──The Alexander Cipher (3231)
| └──The Exodus Quest (3232)
├──Will Hill
| └──Department 19 (15502)
├──Will McIntosh
| └──Soft Apocalypse (14079)
├──Will North
| └──Water, Stone, Heart (7380)
├──Will Pearson
| └──Mental Floss Presents Instant Knowledge (2679)
├──Willa Cather
| ├──My Antonia (Barnes & Noble Classics) (187)
| └──O Pioneers! (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15779)
├──William Alexander
| └──52 Loaves_ One Man's Relentless Pursuit of Truth, Meaning, and a Perfect Crust (14772)
├──William Arden
| ├──The Mystery of the Dancing Devil (10555)
| ├──The Mystery of the Dead Man's Riddle (10556)
| ├──The Mystery of the Deadly Double (10557)
| ├──The Mystery of the Headless Horse (10562)
| ├──The Mystery of the Laughing Shadow (10565)
| ├──The Mystery of the Moaning Cave (10567)
| ├──The Mystery of the Purple Pirate (10570)
| ├──The Mystery of the Shrinking House (10574)
| ├──The Secret of Phantom Lake (10582)
| └──The Secret of the Crooked Cat (10584)
├──William B. Irvine
| └──A Guide to the Good Life (13713)
├──William Bell
| ├──Alma (12538)
| ├──Fanatics (13740)
| └──The Blue Helmet (12539)
├──William Bernhardt
| └──Capitol Threat (8525)
├──William Bligh
| └──The Bounty Mutiny (14750)
├──William Boniface
| ├──The Extraordinary Adventures of Ordinary Boy, Book 1
| └──The Extraordinary Adventures of Ordinary Boy, Book 1_ The Hero Revealed (19009)
├──William Boyd
| ├──Any Human Heart (19997)
| ├──Armadillo (8128)
| └──On the Yankee Station_ Stories (11792)
├──William Burrows
| └──This New Ocean (17727)
├──William C. Carter
| ├──Proust in Love (14460)
| └──The Proustian Quest (14463)
├──William C. Dietz
| ├──Halo_ The Flood (8636)
| ├──Resistance_ A Hole in the Sky (17416)
| ├──Resistance_ The Gathering Storm (11275)
| ├──Star Wars_ Dark Forces_ Jedi Knight (10911)
| ├──Star Wars_ Dark Forces_ Rebel Agent (10912)
| └──Star Wars_ Dark Forces_ Soldier for the Empire (10913)
├──William Cobbett
| └──The English Gardener (18527)
├──William D. Cohan
| ├──Money and Power_ How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World (12423)
| └──The Last Tycoons_ The Secret History of Lazard Freres & Co (12183)
├──William Dalrymple
| ├──City of Djinns_ A Year in Delhi (8451)
| └──White Mughals_ Love and Betrayal in Eighteenth-Century India (13880)
├──William Davis
| └──Wheat Belly_ Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health (18219)
├──William Deresiewicz
| └──A Jane Austen Education (14210)
├──William Emms
| └──Doctor Who_ Galaxy Four (9066)
├──William Faulkner
| ├──A Fable (16531)
| ├──Absalom, Absalom! (23712)
| ├──Absalom, Absalom!_ (A Modern Library E-Book) (17887)
| ├──As I Lay Dying (16757)
| ├──Intruder in the Dust (17805)
| ├──Light in August (17451)
| ├──The Reivers (16532)
| └──The Sound and the Fury (17425)
├──William Fotheringham
| ├──Cyclopedia (18815)
| └──Cyclopedia_ It's All About the Bike (23122)
├──William G. Dever
| └──Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From_ (23418)
├──William Gaddis
| └──Agape Agape (16759)
├──William Gibson
| ├──A Brief History of Britain 1660 - 1851_ Volume 3 (23742)
| ├──All Tomorrow's Parties (11544)
| ├──Count Zero (1586)
| ├──Distrust That Particular Flavor (23226)
| ├──Mona Lisa Overdrive (1625)
| ├──Neuromancer (8366)
| ├──Pattern Recognition (8367)
| ├──Spook Country (15844)
| ├──The Difference Engine (15985)
| ├──Virtual Light (16791)
| └──Zero History (15690)
├──William Golding
| └──Lord of the Flies (16208)
├──William Goldman
| └──The Princess Bride_ S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure (10172)
├──William H. Dietz
| └──Starcraft II_ Heaven's Devils (6118)
├──William H. Roetzheim
| └──The Giant Book of Poetry (13981)
├──William Horwood
| └──Duncton Tales (10171)
├──William Irwin
| ├──Final Fantasy and Philosophy (Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture) (18058)
| ├──Superheroes and Philosophy_ Truth, Justice, and the Socratic Way (16421)
| └──The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy_ Hogwarts for Muggles (8601)
├──William J. Bernstein
| └──The Four Pillars of Investing_ Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio (10540)
├──William James
| └──The Varieties of Religious Experience; A Study in Human Nature (18601)
├──William Kennedy
| └──Chango's Beads and Two-Tone Shoes (17304)
├──William Kuhn
| └──Reading Jackie_ Her Autobiography in Books (12466)
├──William L. Simon
| └──The Steve Jobs Way_ iLeadership for a New Generation (16961)
├──William L.K_
| └──The Voice (11966)
├──William Lashner
| └──Fatal Flaw (12296)
├──William Leisner
| ├──Losing the Peace (11240)
| ├──Out of the Cocoon (14214)
| └──Slings and Arrows 03_ The Insolence of Office (11219)
├──William Luther Pierce
| └──The Turner Diaries (8937)
├──William Makepeace Thackeray
| └──Vanity Fair (Barnes & Noble Classics) (2259)
├──William Manchester
| └──Goodbye, Darkness_ A Memoir of the Pacific War (14629)
├──William Mcgonagall
| └──Collected Poems (16422)
├──William Murray
| └──City of the Soul_ A Walk in Rome (17509)
├──William Peter Blatty
| ├──Crazy (12241)
| ├──Dimiter (12242)
| ├──Legion (12243)
| └──The Ninth Configuration (12244)
├──William Powers
| └──Twelve by Twelve_ A One-Room Cabin Off the Grid and Beyond the American Dream (12367)
├──William R. Forstchen
| ├──Fateful Lightning (10168)
| ├──Never Sound Retreat (10169)
| └──The Forgotten War (11203)
├──William Rosen
| └──The Most Powerful Idea in the World_ A Story of Steam, Industry, and Invention (13941)
├──William S. Burroughs
| ├──And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks[NOOK Book] (17577)
| ├──Naked Lunch_ The Restored Text (8951)
| └──Word Virus (17866)
├──William Shakespeare
| ├──Comedies of Shakespeare (23393)
| ├──Hamlet (1891)
| ├──Henry IV (Part 1) (2204)
| ├──Henry IV (Part 2) (2205)
| ├──Much Ado About Nothing (1890)
| ├──Othello (2002)
| ├──Romeo and Juliet (1998)
| ├──The Merchant of Venice (2443)
| ├──The Tempest (1999)
| ├──The Winter's Tale (2000)
| └──William Shakespeare_ The Complete Works 2nd Edition (8781)
├──William Shatner
| └──Shatner Rules (16821)
├──William Sleator
| └──House of Stairs (10167)
├──William Styron
| ├──Sophie's Choice (16437)
| └──The Confessions of Nat Turner (14652)
├──William T. Sherman
| └──Memoirs (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading) (14508)
├──William Tenn
| └──Here Comes Civilization_ The Complete Science Fiction of William Tenn Volume II (10166)
├──William Trevor
| ├──A Bit on the Side (11545)
| ├──After Rain (18132)
| ├──Felicia's Journey (12558)
| ├──The Children of Dynmouth (11917)
| ├──The Collected Stories (11918)
| ├──The Mark-2 Wife (11919)
| └──Two Lives (11546)
├──William von Hagen
| └──Linux Server Hacks, Volume Two (14263)
├──William W. Freehling
| ├──The Road to Disunion_ Secessionists at Bay, 1776-1854 (15882)
| └──The Road to Disunion_ Secessionists Triumphant, 1854-1861 (15885)
├──William W. Johnstone
| ├──The Devil's Cat (10165)
| ├──The Devil's Heart (5953)
| ├──The Devil's Kiss (10164)
| └──The Devil's Touch (5954)
├──William W. Stuart
| └──The Real Hard Sell (10163)
├──Willie Geist
| └──American Freak Show_ The Completely Fabricated Stories of Our New National Treasures (11892)
├──Willy Vlautin
| └──Lean on Pete (17510)
├──Wilson Rawls
| └──Where the Red Fern Grows (19006)
├──Windsor Mann
| └──The Quotable Hitchens_ From Alcohol to Zionism--The Very Best of Christopher Hitchens (15941)
├──Winston Churchill
| ├──The Gathering Storm (8712)
| └──Their Finest Hour (8730)
├──Winston Groom
| └──Kearny's March (23476)
├──Winston K. Marks
| ├──Breeder Reaction (10159)
| ├──The Water Eater (10160)
| └──Unbegotten Child (10161)
├──Winston Spencer Churchill
| ├──The Age of Revolution (11313)
| ├──The Birth of Britain (16383)
| └──The Great Democracies (11315)
├──Wolfgang Barth
| └──Nagios_ System and Network Monitoring, 2nd Edition (7978)
├──Writers of Cracked dot Com
| └──You Might Be a Zombie and Other Bad News_ Shocking but Utterly True Facts (7872)
└──Wu Ch'Eng-En
| └──Monkey (22899)

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