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I Survived Series 幸存者系列1-21册 PDF+MOBI+EPUB+MP3 英文章节书 百度云网盘下载


I Survived Series 幸存者系列1-21册


《I Survived Series 幸存者系列》是学乐出版社(Scholastic)推出的一套畅销童书,由Lauren Tarshis创作,Scott Dawson插画。该系列以虚构的故事情节结合真实的历史事件,讲述了小男孩(或小女孩)在各类灾难中幸存的故事,包括泰坦尼克号沉没、911事件、偷袭珍珠港、南北战争、纳粹入侵、庞贝古城毁灭、日本海啸等。截至目前,该系列已出版至第21册,每本书都融合了历史知识、古代文明、科学地理等知识,并无声地传递给孩子高尚的生命价值观。


  1. 内容丰富多样:该系列书籍涵盖了从古代到现代的各种重大灾难,每本书都围绕一个具体的历史事件展开,让小读者在阅读中了解历史、学习求生技巧。

  2. 教育意义深远:书籍不仅具有娱乐性,还具有很强的教育意义。它们可以作为理解灾难、理解历史的历史书来读,也可以作为故事书来读,让小读者与故事中的同龄少年一起见证灾难发生时的生命奇迹,理解生命的价值,体会生命的美好。

  3. 英语学习的好材料:从英语学习的角度来看,该系列书籍比一般的校园故事接触到更多的Non-fiction词汇,但难度适中,非常适合7-10岁的孩子阅读。此外,部分书籍还配有美式口音朗读音频,语速适中,有助于提升孩子的英语听力。


  1. I Survived True Stories_ Five Epic Disasters:这本书汇集了五个真实而史诗般的灾难故事,通过幸存者的视角,展现了这些灾难的震撼和人们面对灾难时的勇气与坚韧。

  2. [01] - I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912:本书讲述了1912年泰坦尼克号沉船事件中,一个小男孩的求生经历。他如何在灾难中保持冷静,最终幸存下来的故事。

  3. [02] - I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916:这本书聚焦于1916年美国东海岸的鲨鱼袭击事件,通过主人公的视角,展现了人与自然的斗争以及面对恐惧时的勇气。

  4. [03] - I Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005:讲述了2005年卡特里娜飓风期间,一个小女孩在飓风肆虐中求生的故事,展现了灾难中的亲情、友情和人性光辉。

  5. [04] - I Survived the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941:本书描述了珍珠港事件爆发时,一个小男孩在战争阴影下的求生经历,以及他对和平的渴望和对战争的恐惧。

  6. [05] - I Survived the San Francisco Earthquake, 1906:1906年旧金山大地震中,主人公如何在地震的废墟中寻找出路,最终幸存下来的故事。

  7. [06] - I Survived the Attacks of September 11th, 2001:通过一个小男孩的视角,讲述了911恐怖袭击发生时,他在混乱中寻求安全,并见证了人性的善良与坚韧。

  8. [07] - I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg, 1863:本书将读者带回到美国南北战争中的葛底斯堡战役,讲述了一个小士兵在战火中的求生经历和对自由的渴望。

  9. [08] - I Survived the Japanese Tsunami, 2011:2011年日本海啸中,一个小男孩如何与家人一起面对灾难,展现了家庭的力量和人类的韧性。

  10. [09] - I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944:二战时期,纳粹入侵欧洲,本书讲述了一个小男孩在战争中的求生经历,以及他对和平的向往和对自由的追求。

  11. [10] - I Survived the Destruction of Pompeii, AD 79:通过一个小男孩的视角,再现了庞贝古城毁灭时的壮观场景,以及他在灾难中的机智逃脱。

  12. [11] - I Survived the Great Chicago Fire, 1871:1871年芝加哥大火中,主人公如何在火海中寻找出路,最终幸存下来的故事。

  13. [12] - I Survived the Joplin Tornado, 2011:2011年乔普林龙卷风事件中,一个小男孩的求生经历,展现了自然灾害的残酷和人类的生存意志。

  14. [13] - I Survived the Hindenburg Disaster, 1937:本书讲述了1937年兴登堡号飞艇灾难中,一个小乘客的惊险逃生经历。

  15. [14] - I Survived the Eruption of Mount St Helens, 1980:1980年圣海伦斯火山爆发时,一个小男孩如何与家人一起应对灾难,最终幸存的故事。

  16. [15] - I Survived the American Revolution, 1776:本书将读者带回到美国独立战争期间,讲述了一个小士兵在战场上的求生经历和对自由的捍卫。

  17. [16] - I Survived the Children's Blizzard, 1888:1888年儿童暴风雪中,一个小男孩如何在极端天气下求生,展现了儿童的勇气和智慧。

  18. [17] - I Survived the Attack of the Grizzlies, 1967:本书讲述了1967年一次灰熊袭击事件中,一个小男孩如何在荒野中自救并逃脱的故事。

  19. [18] - I Survived the Battle of D-Day, 1944:二战期间诺曼底登陆日(D-Day),一个小士兵在战场上的英勇表现和求生经历。

  20. [19] - I Survived the Great Molasses Flood, 1919:1919年波士顿大糖蜜灾难中,一个小男孩的求生经历,这是一次由工业事故引发的罕见灾难。

  21. [20] - I Survived the California Wildfires, 2018:2018年加州山火中,一个小女孩如何在火灾中保护自己和家人,展现了灾难中的勇气和爱。

  22. [21] - I Survived the Galveston Hurricane, 1900:1900年加尔维斯顿飓风中,一个小男孩的求生故事,这次飓风是美国历史上最严重的自然灾害之一。




《I Survived Series 幸存者系列》是一套集娱乐性、教育性和英语学习功能于一体的优秀童书。它以真实的历史事件为背景,通过虚构的故事情节展现了人性的光辉和生命的价值。对于7-10岁的孩子来说,这是一套不可多得的好书,值得一读再读。本资源提供全套PDF+MOBI+EPUB+MP3。


——/I Survived Series 幸存者系列1-21册 PDF+MOBI+EPUB+MP3 英文章节书 百度云网盘下载/




| ├──[20] - I Survived the California Wildfires, 2018
| | ├──Track 0.mp3 1.29M
| | ├──Track 1.mp3 2.11M
| | ├──Track 10.mp3 2.54M
| | ├──Track 11.mp3 2.07M
| | ├──Track 12.mp3 1.98M
| | ├──Track 13.mp3 2.96M
| | ├──Track 14.mp3 1.19M
| | ├──Track 15.mp3 1.89M
| | ├──Track 16.mp3 1.95M
| | ├──Track 17.mp3 3.90M
| | ├──Track 18.mp3 2.03M
| | ├──Track 19.mp3 2.10M
| | ├──Track 2.mp3 1.67M
| | ├──Track 20.mp3 4.19M
| | ├──Track 3.mp3 2.50M
| | ├──Track 4.mp3 3.43M
| | ├──Track 5.mp3 2.80M
| | ├──Track 6.mp3 1.43M
| | ├──Track 7.mp3 3.46M
| | ├──Track 8.mp3 3.73M
| | └──Track 9.mp3 2.76M
| ├──001 - I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912.mp3 35.24M
| ├──002 - I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916.mp3 36.63M
| ├──003 - I Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005.mp3 44.24M
| ├──004 - I Survived the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941.mp3 33.49M
| ├──005 - I Survived the San Francisco Earthquake, 1906.mp3 33.39M
| ├──006 - I Survived the Attacks of September 11, 2001.mp3 31.21M
| ├──007 - I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg, 1863.mp3 39.68M
| ├──008 - I Survived the Japanese Tsunami, 2011.mp3 33.46M
| ├──009 - I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944.mp3 39.08M
| ├──010 - I Survived the Destruction of Pompeii, A.D. 79.mp3 41.18M
| ├──011 - I Survived the Great Chicago Fire, 1871.mp3 80.49M
| ├──012 - I Survived the Joplin Tornado, 2011.mp3 88.43M
| ├──013 - I Survived the Hindenburg Disaster, 1937.mp3 83.85M
| ├──014 - I Survived the Eruption of Mount St Helens, 1980.mp3 85.29M
| ├──015 - I Survived the American Revolution, 1776.mp3 116.03M
| ├──016 - I Survived the Children's Blizzard, 1888.mp3 97.60M
| ├──017 - I Survived the Attack of the Grizzlies, 1967.mp3 112.88M
| ├──018 - I Survived the Battle of D-Day, 1944.mp3 117.66M
| ├──019 - I Survived the Great Molasses Flood, 1919.mp3 84.41M
| └──021 - I Survived the Galveston Hurricane, 1900.mp3 86.99M


| ├──I Survived True Stories_ Five Epic Disasters.pdf 41.99M
| ├──[01] - I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912.pdf 773.53kb
| ├──[02] - I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916.pdf 1.12M
| ├──[03] - I Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005.pdf 1.02M
| ├──[04] - I Survived the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941.pdf 1021.44kb
| ├──[05] - I Survived the San Francisco Earthquake, 1906.pdf 1.21M
| ├──[06] - I Survived the Attacks of September 11th, 2001.pdf 1.46M
| ├──[07] - I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg, 1863.pdf 1.54M
| ├──[08] - I Survived the Japanese Tsunami, 2011.pdf 1.66M
| ├──[09] - I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944.pdf 1.84M
| ├──[10] - I Survived the Destruction of Pompeii, AD 79.pdf 2.61M
| ├──[11] - I Survived the Great Chicago Fire, 1871.pdf 2.03M
| ├──[12] - I Survived the Joplin Tornado, 2011.pdf 17.43M
| ├──[13] - I Survived the Hindenburg Disaster, 1937.pdf 19.67M
| ├──[14] - I Survived the Eruption of Mount St Helens, 1980.pdf 15.61M
| ├──[15] - I Survived the American Revolution, 1776.pdf 15.24M
| ├──[16] - I Survived the Children's Blizzard, 1888.pdf 25.79M
| ├──[17] - I Survived the Attack of the Grizzlies, 1967.pdf 26.40M
| ├──[18] - I Survived the Battle of D-Day, 1944.pdf 22.41M
| ├──[19] - I Survived the Great Molasses Flood, 1919.pdf 28.95M
| ├──[20] - I Survived the California Wildfires, 2018.pdf 26.94M
| └──[21] - I Survived the Galveston Hurricane, 1900.pdf 22.22M
├──I Survived series by Lauren Tarshis Home.jpg 220.97kb
├──I Survived True Stories- Five Epic Disasters.azw3 20.59M
└──I Survived True Stories_ Five Epic Disasters.pdf 26.31M

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