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Social Studies GK-G5 美国加州小学教材社会科学分级读物 全彩PDF+MP3音频 百度云网盘下载

既是Treasures的配套分级读物,同时也是Treasure Chest的主课本,在加州教材体系中占有举足轻重的地位。

Social Studies GK-G5 美国加州小学教材社会科学分级读物

美国加州小学教材社会科学分级读物 Social Studies GK-G5,内容包含GK(幼儿园)-小学5年级社会科学分级读物,共172本PDF电子书,带有独立的MP3。这套书既是Treasures的配套分级读物,同时也是Treasure Chest的主课本,在加州教材体系中占有举足轻重的地位。这套书全部带有音频,音频以独立mp3文件的形式提供。书本PDF为标准的单页PDF。每本书封底写着跟教材的对应关系,例如:K.3 week1 代表和grade K的unit3 第1周的内容相配套,大家可以根据教材学习进度自行选择相应的分级读物。


  • 分级设计:适用于不同年级的学生,从幼儿园到小学五年级。
  • 内容丰富:涵盖历史、地理、政治、经济等多个社会科学领域。
  • 配套音频:每本书都配有MP3音频,帮助学生提升听力和口语能力。
  • 加州教材:采用加州教材分级读物系列,符合加州教学标准。



  • GK(幼儿园)

    • 内容特点:以生活场景、动物、节日等为主题,通过简单易懂的故事,培养幼儿对社会的初步认知。
    • 代表性读物:《动物家庭》、《罗莎·帕克斯》、《感恩节》等。


    • 内容特点:侧重于介绍历史人物、职业、节日等,帮助学生建立基本的社会知识框架。
    • 代表性读物:《科尔特·斯科特·金》、《丹尼尔·井上》、《学校里的工作》等。


    • 内容特点:扩展到文化、科技、环境保护等领域,引导学生关注更广泛的社会话题。
    • 代表性读物:《猫的收藏》、《色彩的世界》、《卡尔·B·斯托克斯》等。


    • 内容特点:深入探讨历史事件、地理知识、艺术创作等,提高学生的社会学科素养。
    • 代表性读物:《地球的大日子》、《伟大的作家》、《阿斯帕西娅:古代雅典的女性》等。


    • 内容特点:关注国家历史、地理特色、科技创新等,培养学生的国家意识和探索精神。
    • 代表性读物:《埃及的发现》、《分裂的国家》、《阿卡迪亚国家公园》等。


    • 内容特点:探讨政治、法律、经济发展等议题,引导学生思考更深层次的社会问题。
    • 代表性读物:《阿灵顿:从家族家园到国家纪念馆》、《如何获得选举权》、《萨拉托加战役》等。


  • 培养阅读兴趣:通过分级阅读,激发学生对社会科学的兴趣。
  • 提高阅读理解能力:帮助学生逐步提高阅读和理解社会科学内容的能力。
  • 拓展知识面:涵盖从幼儿园到小学五年级的社会科学知识,帮助学生建立广泛的知识基础。
  • 提升批判性思维:通过阅读和讨论,培养学生的批判性思维和分析能力。
  • 增强听力和口语能力:通过MP3音频,提升学生的听力理解和口语表达能力。

SOCIAL STUDIES GK-G5分级读物是一套具有高度教育价值的教材,它通过分级阅读的方式,循序渐进地引导学生掌握社会学科知识,培养他们的综合素质。这套读物既适合课堂教学,也适合家庭阅读,是帮助学生建立全面社会观念的优质读物。


——/2024 Update/4807-1924 Social Studies GK-G5 Readers for California Elementary School Textbooks PDF Download/


| ├──MP3
| └──PDF
| | ├──Coretta Scott King.pdf 4.09M
| | ├──Daniel Inouye.pdf 4.11M
| | ├──Food from the Farm.pdf 6.31M
| | ├──Friends Can Help.pdf 7.11M
| | ├──Friends in Your Community.pdf 7.18M
| | ├──In Space with Ellen Ochoa.pdf 4.24M
| | ├──Jane Addams and the House That Helped.pdf 5.13M
| | ├──Jobs at School.pdf 4.48M
| | ├──Making Tamales.pdf 4.73M
| | ├──On Top of the World.pdf 4.63M
| | ├──Recycling Glass.pdf 7.40M
| | ├──The Apple Man - The Story of John Chapman.pdf 4.61M
| | ├──The Declaration of Independence.pdf 4.87M
| | ├──The FirsThe First Thanksgiving.pdf 5.14M
| | ├──Use It Again!.pdf 6.24M
| | ├──We Can Clean.pdf 8.53M
| | ├──We Help!.pdf 3.69M
| | └──You Could Help.pdf 5.68M


| ├──MP3
| └──PDF
| | ├──A Collection of Cats.pdf 7.87M
| | ├──A Midnight Ride.pdf 4.91M
| | ├──A World of Colors.pdf 7.45M
| | ├──A World of Puppets.pdf 8.63M
| | ├──A World of Words.pdf 8.53M
| | ├──Be Healthy, Be Happy.pdf 7.99M
| | ├──Carl B. Stokes.pdf 4.15M
| | ├──Cars Then and Now.pdf 7.75M
| | ├──Discover Lost Cities.pdf 8.38M
| | ├──Discovering Shipwrecks.pdf 7.71M
| | ├──From the Farm.pdf 4.63M
| | ├──George Washington Carver The Plant Doctor.pdf 4.84M
| | ├──Gregory Hines:Tap Dancing Man.pdf 8.66M
| | ├──Guide Dogs.pdf 7.11M
| | ├──Henry W. Grady and the“New South”.pdf 4.68M
| | ├──Hospital Helpers.pdf 7.03M
| | ├──Illustrators at Work.pdf 8.02M
| | ├──It's Easy to Be Healthy.pdf 8.16M
| | ├──Maya Lin Artist and Architect.pdf 4.66M
| | ├──People Helping People:After Hurricane Katrina.pdf 4.56M
| | ├──Play Ball!Jackie Robinson in Baseball.pdf 4.57M
| | ├──Powhatan.pdf 4.22M
| | ├──Rachel Carson Caring for the Earth.pdf 4.72M
| | ├──Sarah Hughes, Figure Skater.pdf 7.04M
| | ├──Shutterbugs.pdf 8.96M
| | ├──Simple Ideas to Save the Earth.pdf 8.57M
| | ├──Talking Hands.pdf 7.76M
| | ├──Technology That Helps.pdf 8.35M
| | ├──Telephones Then and Now.pdf 7.62M
| | ├──Texas Cowboys.pdf 7.27M
| | ├──The Life of Daniel Boone.pdf 4.90M
| | ├──The Life of James Oglethorpe.pdf 5.13M
| | ├──The Search for King Tut.pdf 4.47M
| | ├──The Story of Cherokee.pdf 4.65M
| | ├──The Supreme court.pdf 4.58M
| | ├──What Happens to Your Trash?.pdf 7.79M
| | └──Zhang Nan, Chinese Gymnast.pdf 8.73M


| ├──MP3
| └──PDF
| | ├──A Big Day for the Earth.pdf 8.48M
| | ├──A Great Writer.pdf 8.96M
| | ├──Aspasia of Ancient Athens.pdf 4.72M
| | ├──Augustus:Ruler of Rome.pdf 4.78M
| | ├──Benjamin Harrison President from Indiana.pdf 5.02M
| | ├──Bill Peet Writer and Artist.pdf 4.85M
| | ├──Blizzard Heroes.pdf 7.81M
| | ├──Children at Work:Colonial America.pdf 8.31M
| | ├──Communities Across America.pdf 8.16M
| | ├──Drawing Animals.pdf 6.47M
| | ├──Drawing Faces.pdf 7.20M
| | ├──Drawing Landscapes.pdf 9.70M
| | ├──Earthquake Heroes.pdf 10.69M
| | ├──Ferdinand Magellan:Sailing Around the World.pdf 4.76M
| | ├──Follow the Pizza Trail.pdf 11.02M
| | ├──Frontier Children.pdf 8.50M
| | ├──Fun Food Surprises.pdf 8.74M
| | ├──Getting Out the Vote.pdf 8.41M
| | ├──HELPING MAKE AMERICA The Story of Granville T. Woods.pdf 4.99M
| | ├──Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.pdf 8.09M
| | ├──Indiana's Road to Statehood.pdf 8.49M
| | ├──John Muir Father of Our National Parks.pdf 4.81M
| | ├──Keeping Us Safe.pdf 8.65M
| | ├──Laura Ingalls Wilder.pdf 7.77M
| | ├──Levi Coffin My Home Is Your Home.pdf 4.82M
| | ├──Life in Ancient Athens.pdf 8.21M
| | ├──Martin Luther King, Jr. A Man with a Dream.pdf 4.62M
| | ├──Mines Across the World.pdf 8.23M
| | ├──Pat Mora, Writer.pdf 4.41M
| | ├──Rebuilding New Orleans.pdf 8.58M
| | ├──Sequoyah:The Gift of Writing.pdf 10.48M
| | ├──Service Dogs in the Neighborhood.pdf 10.33M
| | ├──Symbols of America.pdf 7.82M
| | ├──The Amish Living a Simple Life.pdf 4.73M
| | ├──The Boston Tea Party.pdf 8.97M
| | ├──The Eiteljorg Museum.pdf 8.32M
| | ├──The Indy 500 Full Speed Ahead!.pdf 8.48M
| | ├──The National Museum of the American Indian.pdf 8.62M
| | ├──The Seneca Falls Convention.pdf 8.01M
| | ├──The Travels of Ibn Battuta.pdf 4.85M
| | ├──The Work They Did:The Immigrant Experience 1880 to 1924.pdf 11.32M
| | ├──Three Great Americans.pdf 12.38M
| | └──Vivienne Tam.pdf 4.66M


| ├──MP3
| └──PDF
| | ├──A Discovery in Egypt.pdf 10.84M
| | ├──A Divided Nation.pdf 8.52M
| | ├──Acadia National Park.pdf 8.37M
| | ├──Against the Wind:James H. Banning.pdf 11.73M
| | ├──Amelia Earhart.pdf 8.90M
| | ├──Champion Athlete:Babe Didrikson Zaharias.pdf 10.02M
| | ├──Civil War Days in Indiana.pdf 8.44M
| | ├──Denise Doetzer:Working for a Cleaner Earth.pdf 5.01M
| | ├──Discovering Pompeii.pdf 10.23M
| | ├──Dream Jobs for Kids.pdf 10.74M
| | ├──Explorers of Florida.pdf 9.48M
| | ├──Explorers of the Southwest.pdf 11.78M
| | ├──Florida's Land.pdf 9.72M
| | ├──Florida:Yesterday and Today.pdf 9.93M
| | ├──Frances Wright A Voice for Change.pdf 4.89M
| | ├──George Rogers Clark Conqueror of the Old Northwest.pdf 5.05M
| | ├──James Madison:Father of the Constitution.pdf 4.45M
| | ├──L. Douglas Wilder:A Call for Change.pdf 4.18M
| | ├──Madam C.J.Walker Building on Beauty.pdf 4.58M
| | ├──Military Traditions of the South.pdf 8.28M
| | ├──Oliver P.Morton The Soldiers' Friend.pdf 4.77M
| | ├──Pits,Pillars, and Bats Exploring Wyandotte Cave.pdf 8.87M
| | ├──Pontiac's Rebellion.pdf 8.80M
| | ├──The Animals of Isle Royale.pdf 7.85M
| | ├──The Richard Hatcher Story.pdf 4.62M
| | ├──The Southwest.pdf 10.27M
| | ├──There's Gold in Those Hills!.pdf 8.17M
| | ├──Who Invented It?.pdf 9.00M
| | ├──Women in Flight.pdf 11.64M
| | └──Young Inventors.pdf 7.13M


| ├──MP3
| └──PDF
| | ├──Arlington:From Family Home to National Memorial.pdf 9.31M
| | ├──Coming in Third.pdf 9.21M
| | ├──Franklin Delano Roosevelt:Strength in Difficult Times.pdf 5.00M
| | ├──How Women Got the Vote.pdf 12.43M
| | ├──Let's Vote.pdf 9.37M
| | ├──Nat Love A Man of the Old and New West.pdf 9.23M
| | ├──Political Debates:Lincoln Versus Douglas.pdf 12.00M
| | ├──Sports for Everyone.pdf 11.55M
| | ├──Taking a Stand:The Civil Rights Movement.pdf 9.97M
| | ├──The Battle of Saratoga.pdf 10.00M
| | ├──The Constitutional Convention.pdf 12.58M
| | ├──The Erie Canal.pdf 11.14M
| | ├──The Oregon Trail Westward Ho!.pdf 9.68M
| | ├──Uplifted from the Dark Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan.pdf 11.69M
| | └──William F. Cody:Showman of the Old West.pdf 12.59M


| ├──MP3
| └──PDF
| | ├──A Class Bake Sale.pdf 4.31M
| | ├──Animal Families.pdf 4.48M
| | ├──Animal Friends.pdf 3.50M
| | ├──Betsy Ross.pdf 3.92M
| | ├──Cesar Chavez.pdf 4.13M
| | ├──Family Fun.pdf 3.86M
| | ├──Food for a Day.pdf 4.03M
| | ├──Good Food All Year Long.pdf 3.98M
| | ├──Helen Keller.pdf 3.92M
| | ├──How Corn Grows.pdf 7.60M
| | ├──I Like My Friends.pdf 4.13M
| | ├──In My Neighborhood.pdf 4.31M
| | ├──Indian New Year.pdf 3.71M
| | ├──It Can Go Up.pdf 3.46M
| | ├──It Can Go.pdf 3.46M
| | ├──John Muir and the Woods.pdf 4.09M
| | ├──Let's Eat.pdf 3.61M
| | ├──Our First President.pdf 4.38M
| | ├──Places in the Neighborhood.pdf 8.09M
| | ├──Rosa Parks.pdf 3.62M
| | ├──Thanksgiving.pdf 3.81M
| | ├──The GreaThe Great Smoky Mountains.pdf 4.09M
| | ├──The Story of Flag Day.pdf 4.29M
| | ├──The Train Trip.pdf 7.10M
| | ├──We Can Share.pdf 3.94M
| | ├──We Can.pdf 3.86M
| | ├──We Pick Food.pdf 4.01M
| | ├──What Is It.pdf 6.58M
| | └──Where Are We?.pdf 4.17M

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