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美国Science Fusion全集 顶级科学教程GK-G5全套256册 内嵌音频可点读PDF 百度网盘下载-1.12GB

详细介绍 资源目录

今天给大家分享一套美国顶级科学教材,哈考特HMH出版的科学教材science fusion,这套教材不像其他教材一样死板的教知识点,而是非常生动有趣的教孩子怎样认识这个世界!本套课程专门为实现探究式、科学、技术、工程和数学教育而设计,并成功将课堂学习、家庭学习、写字板和传统课本学习进行了优化组合。

Science Fusion系列课程以新一代科学课程框架为设计标准,全方位的配套产品以学生为中心而进行组合使用,由学生自由选择,适合于各种学习方式,充分调动学生的求知欲和好奇心,这种以研究为基础的实践课程更有利于学生学习和教师教学。















Inquiry Flipchart(探究活动挂图)

Assessment Guide(评估指南)

Planning Guide(规划指南)


Inquiry Flipchart(探究活动挂图)


Assessment Guide(评估指南)

Planning Guide(规划指南)

值得注意的是,国内的很多国际学校正在使用的就是这套《science fusion》科学教材哦,现在全套打包送给大家!


——/我的资源/个人/百科/点读绘本大全/8.Science Leveled Reader科学教材(256册)/
├──01HSP Science Leveled Reader GK
| ├──A Plant Grows.pdf 980.09kb
| ├──Above Me.pdf 981.43kb
| ├──All About Matter.pdf 941.95kb
| ├──All About Plants.pdf 1.10M
| ├──Animal Coverings.pdf 1.30M
| ├──Animal Homes.pdf 1.07M
| ├──Animals Change as They Grow.pdf 1.11M
| ├──Check the Weather.pdf 1.52M
| ├──Day, Month, Year.pdf 1.06M
| ├──Do Animals Live in Plants.pdf 1.52M
| ├──How Does a Plant Grow.pdf 1.30M
| ├──I Can Sort.pdf 882.83kb
| ├──Kinds of Weather.pdf 1.93M
| ├──Look Up!.pdf 1008.25kb
| ├──Measuring Weather.pdf 952.58kb
| ├──Natural Resources.pdf 1.24M
| ├──Our Earth.pdf 1.31M
| ├──Places to Live and Grow.pdf 1.25M
| ├──Push It or Pull It.pdf 1.06M
| ├──Shadows.pdf 1.27M
| ├──Up and Down.pdf 818.79kb
| ├──Ways Things Move.pdf 1.25M
| ├──We Get Energy.pdf 1001.33kb
| ├──We Like Water.pdf 838.19kb
| ├──What Do You See.pdf 939.13kb
| ├──What Is a Food Chain.pdf 3.86M
| └──Wonderful Earth.pdf 1.15M
├──02HSP Science Leveled Reader g1
| ├──01.All About Animals.pdf 3.90M
| ├──02.Animal Groups.pdf 3.40M
| ├──03.Move It!.pdf 2.11M
| ├──04.All About Plants.pdf 3.65M
| ├──05.Plants, Plants, Everywhere!.pdf 3.61M
| ├──06.What Do You Eat.pdf 2.17M
| ├──07.Environments for Living Things.pdf 3.34M
| ├──08.Animals and Plants.pdf 3.27M
| ├──09.Web of Life.pdf 2.21M
| ├──10.Places to Live.pdf 3.26M
| ├──11.Forests, Deserts, and Oceans.pdf 2.95M
| ├──12.Habitats.pdf 1.93M
| ├──13.Our Earth.pdf 2.70M
| ├──14.My Earth .pdf 2.61M
| ├──15.Land and Water.pdf 1.31M
| ├──16.Natural Resources .pdf 3.65M
| ├──17.Earth Resources .pdf 2.84M
| ├──18.This Rocks!.pdf 2.13M
| ├──19.Measuring Weather.pdf 3.23M
| ├──20.The Water Cycle .pdf 2.68M
| ├──21.Weather Safety.pdf 2.04M
| ├──22.Seasons.pdf 3.52M
| ├──23.The Four Seasons.pdf 2.59M
| ├──24.Four Seasons on a Farm.pdf 1.86M
| ├──25.Objects in the Sky .pdf 1.67M
| ├──26.Look Up! Our Sky.pdf 2.53M
| ├──27.Sun Time!.pdf 4.78M
| ├──28.All About Matter .pdf 2.64M
| ├──29.What is Matter.pdf 2.15M
| ├──30.Fantastic Fruit.pdf 1.77M
| ├──31.Heat, Light, and Sound .pdf 3.49M
| ├──32.What are Heat, Light, and Sound.pdf 2.38M
| ├──33.Red, White, and Boom.pdf 2.18M
| ├──34.Motion.pdf 3.06M
| ├──35.In Motion!.pdf 2.50M
| └──36.Ride On.pdf 1.98M
├──03HSP Science Leveled Reader G2
| ├──A Matter of Change.pdf 2.96M
| ├──Animal Life Cycles.pdf 2.88M
| ├──Animals.pdf 3.50M
| ├──By the North Star.pdf 1.62M
| ├──Changes in Matter.pdf 3.46M
| ├──Changing Shapes.pdf 1.88M
| ├──Easy Does It.pdf 6.05M
| ├──Exploring Earths Surface.pdf 1.86M
| ├──Forms of Water.pdf 1.87M
| ├──Helping Our World.pdf 1.90M
| ├──Home Sweet Home.pdf 3.00M
| ├──Light and Heat.pdf 1.54M
| ├──Living and Nonliving Things.pdf 2.08M
| ├──Living Things in Their Environments.pdf 4.97M
| ├──Living Things.pdf 7.03M
| ├──Matter Matters.pdf 2.67M
| ├──Motion.pdf 6.37M
| ├──Natural Resources.pdf 1.53M
| ├──Observing and Classifying Matter.pdf 1.35M
| ├──On the Move!.pdf 6.79M
| ├──Our Natural Resources.pdf 6.62M
| ├──Our Solar System.pdf 2.58M
| ├──Plant Life Cycles.pdf 3.40M
| ├──Plants.pdf 2.21M
| ├──Rain or Shine.pdf 2.23M
| ├──Shake It Up.pdf 5.49M
| ├──Sound.pdf 3.48M
| ├──Surprises in Grandmas Garden.pdf 1.51M
| ├──The Hidden Energy in Plants.pdf 6.79M
| ├──The Solar System.pdf 3.92M
| ├──This Changing Earth.pdf 2.58M
| ├──Too Small to See.pdf 1.50M
| ├──Using Electricity.pdf 7.21M
| ├──Way to Grow!.pdf 1.85M
| ├──Weather and Water.pdf 2.28M
| ├──Weather.pdf 4.81M
| ├──What Are Light and Heat_.pdf 2.80M
| ├──What Do We Need_.pdf 1.57M
| └──What Is Sound.pdf 2.14M
├──04HSP Science Leveled Reader G3
| ├──A Trip to the Ocean Floor.pdf 5.59M
| ├──All About Energy.pdf 4.36M
| ├──Amazing Colors.pdf 3.95M
| ├──Amazing Plants.pdf 4.10M
| ├──Catch the Sun!.pdf 3.41M
| ├──Conserving Resources.pdf 6.78M
| ├──Cooking With Machines.pdf 3.91M
| ├──Could a Polar Bear Survive in the Desert.pdf 4.04M
| ├──Earth - The Water Planet.pdf 3.84M
| ├──Earth' Place in the Solar System.pdf 5.33M
| ├──Electricity and Magnets.pdf 3.63M
| ├──Energy.pdf 4.39M
| ├──Forces and Motion.pdf 4.64M
| ├──Forces That Shape the Land.pdf 5.10M
| ├──Heat, Light, and Sound.pdf 4.80M
| ├──High Tide.pdf 3.79M
| ├──Journey Into Earth.pdf 3.93M
| ├──Learning About Heat, Light, and Sound.pdf 4.57M
| ├──Living Things Are All Around Us.pdf 2.17M
| ├──Living Things Depend on One Another.pdf 4.98M
| ├──Living Things Grow and Change.pdf 4.95M
| ├──Making Work Easier.pdf 4.31M
| ├──Matter is Everything!.pdf 5.46M
| ├──Minerals and Rocks.pdf 4.87M
| ├──Moving and Changing.pdf 4.69M
| ├──Our Place in Space.pdf 4.80M
| ├──Patterns_ Do You See What I See.pdf 4.16M
| ├──Properties of Matter.pdf 5.58M
| ├──Protecting Resources.pdf 4.57M
| ├──Saving Earth's Resources.pdf 5.65M
| ├──Smoky Mountain Mystery.pdf 3.45M
| ├──The Changing Forms of Water.pdf 8.84M
| ├──The Water Cycle.pdf 5.54M
| ├──The Wonderful World of Plants.pdf 5.53M
| ├──Thinking About Motion.pdf 4.50M
| ├──Turtle Story.pdf 3.02M
| ├──Types of Animals.pdf 5.81M
| ├──Types of Living Things.pdf 3.37M
| ├──Types of Plants.pdf 4.76M
| ├──Understanding the Food Chain.pdf 5.44M
| ├──What is This_.pdf 5.02M
| ├──What Kind of Animal_.pdf 4.99M
| ├──What Makes It Move.pdf 4.44M
| ├──What's Heavy_.pdf 3.90M
| ├──Where Living Things are Found.pdf 6.94M
| ├──Work and Machines.pdf 4.12M
| └──阅读顺序.txt 1.11kb
├──05HSP Science Leveled Reader G4
| ├──Adaptations.pdf 6.93M
| ├──All About Sound.pdf 5.21M
| ├──Amazing Ecosystems.pdf 6.48M
| ├──Animals and Adaptations.pdf 7.41M
| ├──Artificial Body Parts.pdf 6.58M
| ├──Becoming an Astronaut.pdf 6.09M
| ├──Changes in Matter.pdf 6.65M
| ├──Changes to Earth's Surface.pdf 9.80M
| ├──Changing Matter.pdf 5.37M
| ├──Classifying Living Things.pdf 5.69M
| ├──Cycles of Life.pdf 6.41M
| ├──Detecting Acids and Bases.pdf 5.16M
| ├──Earthquake!.pdf 7.62M
| ├──Ecosystem Energy.pdf 6.46M
| ├──Energy Transfer in Ecosystems.pdf 5.20M
| ├──Extreme Weather.pdf 5.53M
| ├──Eyes in the Sky.pdf 4.93M
| ├──Forces And Motion.pdf 3.58M
| ├──How Machines Work.pdf 5.00M
| ├──It's Alive, But What is it.pdf 7.12M
| ├──It's Current!.pdf 5.29M
| ├──It's Dark Down Here!.pdf 5.97M
| ├──Life at the Bottom of the Sea.pdf 4.58M
| ├──Life Cycles.pdf 5.32M
| ├──Light and Heat.pdf 3.56M
| ├──Listening By Design.pdf 5.26M
| ├──Making and Using Electricity.pdf 5.47M
| ├──Matter and Its Properties.pdf 5.34M
| ├──More About Weather and Water.pdf 5.57M
| ├──Move it!.pdf 5.22M
| ├──Our Amazing Bodies.pdf 6.85M
| ├──Our Planet and Beyond.pdf 6.85M
| ├──Planets and other Objects in space.pdf 6.03M
| ├──Playing with Machines.pdf 4.81M
| ├──Properties of Matter.pdf 5.29M
| ├──Rancho La Brea.pdf 5.05M
| ├──Recycle, Reuse.pdf 6.44M
| ├──Simple Machines.pdf 3.40M
| ├──Sound.pdf 3.43M
| ├──The Girl in the Photo.pdf 2.47M
| ├──The Ground Beneath Your Feet.pdf 10.42M
| ├──The Human Body.pdf 4.08M
| ├──The Journey Home Reintroducing Endangered Species.pdf 5.86M
| ├──The Rock Cycle.pdf 5.43M
| ├──The Water Cycle.pdf 7.69M
| ├──Understandings Ecosystems.pdf 7.75M
| ├──Understandings Light and Heat.pdf 9.06M
| ├──What Are Rocks and Minerals.pdf 10.08M
| ├──What is Electricity.pdf 10.36M
| ├──What is it Discovering and Classifying New Species.pdf 5.42M
| └──Where Am I.pdf 6.15M
└──06HSP Science Leveled Reader G5
| ├──Adventure at Kitty Hawk.pdf 5.06M
| ├──Amazing Cells, Amazing Bodies.pdf 13.78M
| ├──Animal Growth and Heredity.pdf 6.68M
| ├──Biosphere 2 Lessons Learned.pdf 6.86M
| ├──Cells to Body Systems.pdf 5.52M
| ├──Change in Ecosystems.pdf 4.56M
| ├──Changes to Earth's Surface.pdf 7.71M
| ├──Charge It! How Electricity Works.pdf 3.53M
| ├──Classification.pdf 6.18M
| ├──Classifying Living Things.pdf 4.80M
| ├──Designer Plants.pdf 8.96M
| ├──Discovering the Secrets of the Sea.pdf 8.55M
| ├──Discovery at Blue Moon Bay.pdf 7.51M
| ├──Earth and Beyond.pdf 4.19M
| ├──Earth's Oceans.pdf 6.43M
| ├──Earth, Moon, and Beyond.pdf 5.35M
| ├──Ecosystems and Change.pdf 7.59M
| ├──Electricity.pdf 6.37M
| ├──Energy and Ecosystems.pdf 5.40M
| ├──Energy.pdf 6.24M
| ├──Ever Changing Earth.pdf 5.85M
| ├──Forces at Work.pdf 3.73M
| ├──Forces.pdf 5.89M
| ├──Fossils Records of History.pdf 4.67M
| ├──Fossils.pdf 4.76M
| ├──Heredity.pdf 5.08M
| ├──Is This Biodegradable.pdf 3.94M
| ├──It is Good to Know About Matter.pdf 5.62M
| ├──It Takes Energy.pdf 3.88M
| ├──It's How Old.pdf 7.20M
| ├──Journal The Galapagos Islands.pdf 8.78M
| ├──Machines of the Ancient World.pdf 8.03M
| ├──Mapping the Mountains.pdf 5.91M
| ├──Motion and Movement.pdf 5.46M
| ├──Motion.pdf 4.10M
| ├──On Tiptoes at the Top of the World.pdf 4.39M
| ├──Organization Is the Key.pdf 4.11M
| ├──Planet Data.pdf 7.17M
| ├──Plant Growth and Reproduction.pdf 12.49M
| ├──Plants and How they Grow.pdf 4.80M
| ├──Powerful Oceans.pdf 6.05M
| ├──Properties of Matter.pdf 4.39M
| ├──Sound and Light.pdf 4.65M
| ├──Sun, Rain, Hurricane! What Makes Weather.pdf 5.76M
| ├──Taking Care of Earth.pdf 6.03M
| ├──The Flow of Energy.pdf 6.99M
| ├──The Hidden Life of Rocks.pdf 4.63M
| ├──The Human Body Owner's Manual.pdf 7.70M
| ├──The Life of an Oak Tree.pdf 5.33M
| ├──The Rock Cycle.pdf 7.34M
| ├──Understanding Sound and Light.pdf 5.98M
| ├──Using Resources.pdf 5.17M
| ├──Weather and the Water Cycle.pdf 11.27M
| ├──What Can Robots Do.pdf 10.28M
| ├──Will It Rain.pdf 8.56M
| └──Wind energy.pdf 9.37M

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