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Wee Sing全集 美语经典儿歌童谣 0基础英语启蒙 全套9本524集 音频 视频 歌词 使用指南 1080P 百度网盘 高清MP4 MP3-42.6GB

囊括了英语传统儿童歌谣歌曲的wee sing成了英语世界里儿童歌曲的第一品牌—— “让孩子们在认知和身体发展的同时,体验音乐的美和神奇”!
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美语经典儿歌童谣合集:Wee Sing

三十多年前,美国两位身为音乐教师的母亲,为自己的孩子动念开始收集英语传统儿歌和歌曲。经过几十年的努力,囊括了英语传统儿童歌谣歌曲的wee sing成了英语世界里儿童歌曲的第一品牌。在美国,Wee sing风行几十年,家喻户晓。很多书店,玩具店甚至超市,街边书摊都有销售,而且此书往往是孩子和父母的首选。


国内引进的全套《wee sing》一共9本,分别是We Sing Children's Songs and Finger plays《动动手指唱童谣》、Wee Sing for Baby《温馨童谣》、Wee Sing- Animals, Animals, Animals《动物大游行》、Wee Sing in the Car《开车去兜风》、Wee Sing- Nursery Rhymes and Lullabies《和妈妈一起唱》、Wee Sing- Games, Games, Games《快乐游戏》、Wee Sing Sing-Alongs《大家一起唱》、Wee Sing -Around the World《周游世界》、Wee Sing- Dinosaurs《恐龙时代》一共9册,共有歌曲约524首。







6、语言难度跨度大(可供选择的曲目多),从简单的walking walking,到动辄10段的Over in the Meadow,无论是语言难度还是认知都基本上覆盖了学龄前各个年龄段的需求。


曲 目 介 绍



01 To Babyland.mp3

02 The Baby's Dance.mp3

03 A, B, C.mp3

04 Peek-a-Boo.mp3

05 Hickory, Dickory, Dock.mp3

06 Round the Garden.mp3

07 Round and Round.mp3

08 Little Flea.mp3

09 Bumblebee.mp3

10 Slowly, Slowly.mp3

11 Head and Shoulders.mp3

12 Knock, Knock.mp3

13 Two Little Eyes.mp3

14 This Little Pig Went to Market.mp3

15 Baby's Face.mp3

16 Tummy Button.mp3

17 Baby's Clothes.mp3

18 All for Baby.mp3

19 Baby Bye.mp3

20 Open Them, Shut Them.mp3

21 The Family.mp3

22 Whoops, Johnny!.mp3

23 Dance Your Fingers.mp3

24 Clap Along with Me.mp3

25 Clap Your Hands.mp3

26 Pat-a-Cake.mp3

27 Pease Porridge Hot.mp3

28 I Can Fly.mp3

29 The Clock.mp3

30 Pop! Goes the Weasel.mp3

31 To Market, To Market.mp3

32 Shoe a Little Horse.mp3

33 Ride a Little Pony.mp3

34 This is the Way the Ladies Ride.mp3

35 Trit, Trot.mp3

36 Trot to Boston.mp3

37 Trot, Trot, Trot.mp3

38 Walking, Walking.mp3

39 I Took a Walk.mp3

40 Let's Take a Walk.mp3

41 Ring Around the Rosy.mp3

42 Dance to Your Daddy.mp3

43 Dance a Baby Diddy.mp3

44 This is the Way We Take a Bath.mp3

45 Splashing in the Bath.mp3

46 Baby's Nap.mp3

47 Rosy, My Posy.mp3

48 Rock-a-Bye, Baby.mp3

49 German Cradle Song.mp3

50 Rock-a My Dolly.mp3

51 Hush Now, My Baby.mp3

52 Little Brother's Lullaby.mp3

53 Hush, Little Baby.mp3

54 Birdie's Cradle.mp3

55 Winkum, Winkum.mp3

56 Sleep, Baby, Sleep.mp3

57 The Clouds.mp3

58 Mother Goose Lullaby.mp3

59 Raisins and Almonds.mp3

60 Slumber Song.mp3

61 Night Is Near.mp3

62 Hush-a-Bye, Baby Bye.mp3

63 Good Night Prayer.mp3

64 Star Light, Star Bright.mp3

65 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.mp3



01 Introduction.mp3

02 Hickory Dickory Dock.mp3

03 Jack and Jill.mp3

04 Thirty Days.mp3

05 The North Wind Doth Blow.mp3

06 One Misty, Moisty Morning.mp3

07 I Love Little Pussy.mp3

08 Lazy Mary.mp3

09 There Was a Little Girl.mp3

10 Mary Had a Little Lamb.mp3

11 Georgie Porgie.mp3

12 Going to St Ives.mp3

13 Diddle, Diddle,Dumpling.mp3

14 Little Boy Blue.mp3

15 To Market, to Market.mp3

16 Six Little Ducks.mp3

17 Polly, Put the Kettle On.mp3

18 Over in the Meadow.mp3

19 This Old Man.mp3

20 There Was a Crooked Man.mp3

21 Doctor Foster.mp3

22 See-Saw, Sacra-Down.mp3

23 Baa, Baa, Black SHeep.mp3

24 Little Bo Peep.mp3

25 From Wibbleton to Wobbleton.mp3

26 Ride a Cock-Horse.mp3

27 Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat.mp3

28 Mary,Mary.mp3

29 Rub-A-Dub-Dub.mp3

30 This Little Pig Went to Market.mp3

31 Sing a Song of Sixpence.mp3

32 I Had a Little Nut Tree.mp3

33 Jack, Be Nimble.mp3

34 Hot Cross Buns.mp3

35 Pease Porridge Hot.mp3

36 Betty Botter.mp3

37 Jack Sprat.mp3

38 See-Saw, Margery Daw.mp3

39 Pat-a-Cake.mp3

40 Three Little Kittens.mp3

41 Little Tommy Tucker.mp3

42 Lucy Locket.mp3

43 Little Jack Horner.mp3

44 Little Miss Muffet.mp3

45 Peter Piper.mp3

46 Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone.mp3

47 Higglety, Pigglety.mp3

48 Fiddle-De-Dee.mp3

49 Hey Didddle Diddle.mp3

50 Old King Cole.mp3

51 Humpty Dumpty.mp3

52 Hicket, Pickety, My Black Hen.mp3

53 Hot Cross Buns.mp3

54 There Was an Old Woman.mp3

55 To Babyland.mp3

56 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.mp3

57 All Through the NIght.mp3

58 Wee Willie Winkie.mp3

59 Rock-A-Bye, Baby.mp3

60 Armenian Lullaby.mp3

61 Bye, Baby Bunting.mp3

62 My Dolly.mp3

63 All Night, All Day.mp3

64 The Moon.mp3

65 Golden Slumbers.mp3

66 Hush, Little Baby.mp3

67 Bye, Bye, Baby.mp3

68 Early to Bed.mp3

69 Mozart's Lullaby.mp3

70 Lullaby.mp3

71 Star Light.mp3

72 Good Night to You All.mp3

73 Hush, My Child.mp3

74 Brahms' Lullaby.mp3

75 Hush-A-Bye.mp3

76 Sleep, Baby, Sleep.mp3

77 All the Pretty Little Horses.mp3

78 Sweetly Sleep.mp3



01 Eentsy, Weentsy Spider.mp3

02 Mother's Knives and Forks.mp3

03 Here is the Beehive.mp3

04 Clap Your Hands.mp3

05 Grandma's Glasses.mp3

06 Hickory, Dickory, Dock.mp3

07 Three Little Monkeys.mp3

08 Two Little Blackbirds.mp3

09 Knock, Knock.mp3

10 Little Green Frog.mp3

11 Jack and Jill.mp3

12 Bumblebee.mp3

13 Where is Thumbkin-.mp3

14 'Round the Garden.mp3

15 Here is the Church.mp3

16 Five Little Fishies.mp3

17 This Old Man.mp3

18 Little Peter Rabbit.mp3

19 The Finger Band.mp3

20 Down by the Station.mp3

21 The Train.mp3

22 Bingo.mp3

23 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.mp3

24 Little Cabin in the Wood.mp3

25 Old MacDonald had a Farm.mp3

26 Good Morning.mp3

27 What are You Wearing-.mp3

28 One, Two, Buckle My Shoe.mp3

29 Rickety, Tickety.mp3

30 My Name and Address.mp3

31 The Alphabet Song.mp3

32 Right Hand, Left Hand.mp3

33 Ten Little Fingers.mp3

34 Days of the Week.mp3

35 Rain, Rain, Go Away.mp3

36 There is Thunder.mp3

37 It's Raining.mp3

38 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.mp3

39 'Round the Clock.mp3

40 Looby Loo.mp3

41 Now Tall, Now Small.mp3

42 Animal Poem.mp3

43 Walking, Walking.mp3

44 Jimmy Crack Corn.mp3

45 Baby Bird.mp3

46 Ring Around the Rosy.mp3

47 Pop! Goes the Weasel!.mp3

48 One Finger, One Thumb.mp3

49 The Mulberry Bush.mp3

50 If You're Happy.mp3

51 Peter Hammers.mp3

52 Reach for the Sky.mp3

53 Three Blue Pigeons.mp3

54 One Elephant Went Out to Play.mp3

55 Head and Shoulders.mp3

56 Jack and Jill (Scale Song).mp3

57 This is the Way.mp3

58 Trot to Boston.mp3

59 Teddy Bear.mp3

60 Good Night.mp3

61 Sleep, Baby, Sleep.mp3

62 All Night, All Day.mp3

63 All the Pretty Little Horses.mp3

64 Hush, Little Baby.mp3

65 Jack-O'-Lantern.mp3

66 Chickamy, Chickamy, Craney Crow.mp3

67 Ten Little Witches.mp3

68 Gobble, Gobble.mp3

69 Over the River.mp3

70 Christmas is Coming.mp3

71 The Chimney.mp3

72 We Wish You a Merry Christmas.mp3

73 Skidamarink.mp3



01 The More We Get Together.mp3

02 Vive la Compagnie.mp3

03 Hey, Lolly, Lolly.mp3

04 Smile.mp3

05 Today Is Monday.mp3

06 Clementine.mp3

07 Sarasponda.mp3

08 The Upward Trail.mp3

09 Down by the Old Millstream.mp3

10 Zum Gali Gali.mp3

11 I've Been Working on the Railroad.mp3

12 She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain.mp3

13 Oh, Susanna.mp3

14 We Won't Go Home Until Morning.mp3

15 Oh, When the Saints.mp3

16 Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho.mp3

17 Get on Board, Little Children.mp3

18 Heav'n , Heav'n.mp3

19 Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen.mp3

20 Jacob's Ladder.mp3

21 Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.mp3

22 Rocka My Soul.mp3

23 One Mor eRiver.mp3

24 Ris and Shine.mp3

25 Kookaburra.mp3

26 Why SHouldn't My Goose.mp3

27 Frog Round.mp3

28 White Coral Bells.mp3

29 Scotland's Burning.mp3

30 Little Tom Tinker.mp3

31 Down by the Station.mp3

32 Are You Sleeping.mp3

33 Row, Row, Row Your Boat.mp3

34 Three Blind Mice.mp3

35 Reuben and Rachel.mp3

36 Sweetly Sings the Donkey.mp3

37 Chairs to Mend.mp3

38 A Ram Sam Sam.mp3

39 Dona Nobis.mp3

40 For Health and Strength.mp3

41 Make New Friends.mp3

42 Come, Follow.mp3

43 Oh, How Lovely.mp3

44 Sing Together.mp3

45 Hey, Ho! Nobody Home.mp3

46 Music Alone Shall Live.mp3

47 Let Us Sing Together.mp3

48 He's Got the Whole World.mp3

49 Kum Ba Ya.mp3

50 Tell Me Why.mp3

51 Michael, Row the Boat Ashore.mp3

52 Down in the Valley.mp3

53 Oh, Shenandoah.mp3

54 I Know Where I'm Goin'.mp3

55 The Riddle Song.mp3

56 Wayfaring Stranger.mp3

57 I Love the Mountains.mp3

58 Sing Your Way Home.mp3

59 Ev'ry Night When the Sun Goes In.mp3

60 Now the Day is Over.mp3

61 Day is Done.mp3



Games, Games, Game:快乐游戏

01 The Wee Sing Train.mp3

02 Jack, Be Nimble.mp3

03 Follow Me.mp3

04 The Thread Follows the Needle.mp3

05 Hansel and Gretle Dance.mp3

06 The Snail.mp3

07 Colors.mp3

08 Rhyming Song.mp3

09 Ring on a String.mp3

10 Pass the Ball.mp3

11 Rabbit in the Hollow.mp3

12 Hot Potato.mp3

13 The Freeze Game.mp3

14 Hey, Mr. Knickerbocker.mp3

15 Willowbee.mp3

16 Comin' Round the Montain.mp3

17 Looby Loo.mp3

18 Jim Along, Josie.mp3

19 Lion Hunt.mp3

20 Rythm, Rythm.mp3

21 My Aunt Came Back.mp3

22 Musical Chairs.mp3

23 Wee Sing Medley- Dress-up Game, Cake Walk, Name that Tune.mp3



01 Animals, Animals.mp3

02 Old MacDonald Had a Farm.mp3

03 Animal Song.mp3

04 Six Little Ducks.mp3

05 Little Peter Rabbit.mp3

06 Gobble, Gobble.mp3

07 Five Little Chickens.mp3

08 Baa, Baa Black Sheep.mp3

09 Sweetly Sings the Donkey.mp3

10 Tingalayo.mp3

11 The Old Gray Mare.mp3

12 Did You Feed My Cow.mp3

13 Bill Grogan's Goat.mp3

14 Three Little Piggies.mp3

15 Bingo.mp3

16 I Love Little Kitty.mp3

17 Bought Me a Cat.mp3

18 Five Little Ducks.mp3

19 I Caught a Fish.mp3

20 Five Little Fishies.mp3

21 The Swan.mp3

22 The Turtle.mp3

23 The Snake.mp3

24 Cackle, Cackle.mp3

25 Little Green Frog.mp3

26 The Mosquito.mp3

27 Mister Rabbit.mp3

28 Ladybug.mp3

29 Baby Bumblebee.mp3

30 Here Is The Beehive.mp3

31 Nobody Likes Me.mp3

32 Grasshopper.mp3

33 The Caterpillar.mp3

34 Entsy, Weentsy Spider.mp3

35 The Snail.mp3

36 The Boll Weevil.mp3

37 The Ants Go Marching.mp3

38 Up, Up in the Sky.mp3

39 Two Little Blackbirds.mp3

40 Little Bird.mp3

41 Little Jenny Wren.mp3

42 Kookaburra.mp3

43 The Owl.mp3

44 Three Blue Pigeons.mp3

45 The Old Man.mp3

46 The Cuckoo.mp3

47 Squirrel, Squirrel.mp3

48 The Little Skunk's Hole.mp3

49 Rabbit Aint Got No Tail.mp3

50 Racoon Has a Bushy Tail.mp3

51 Little Bunny Foo Foo.mp3

52 The Bear Went Over The Mountain.mp3

53 Fuzzy Wuzzy.mp3

54 Grizzly Bear.mp3

55 Goin' to the Zoo.mp3

56 At the Zoo.mp3

57 The Lion.mp3

58 The Hippopotamus and the Rhinoceros.mp3

59 The Ostrich.mp3

60 One Elephant Went Out to Play.mp3

61 The Elephant.mp3

62 Three Little Monkeys.mp3

63 Five Little Monkeys.mp3

64 The Monkey and the Zebra.mp3

65 The Tiger.mp3

66 The Giraffe.mp3

67 The Duck and the Kangaroo.mp3

68 Animals.mp3

69 Animal Action.mp3

70 The Animal Parade.mp3



01 Let's Go For a Ride.mp3

02 Oh Me! Oh My!.mp3

03 Dear Old Pals.mp3

04 Riding Along.mp3

05 How Much Wood.mp3

06 Cruisin' Along.mp3

07 The Bugs Are A-Comin'.mp3

08 A Flea and a Fly.mp3

09 There's Hole in the Middle of the Road.mp3

10 Round and Round.mp3

11 John Brown's Chevy.mp3

12 Five Big Dump Trucks.mp3

13 The Wheels on the Bus.mp3

14 Listen to My Motorcycle.mp3

15 She'll be Comin' Round the Mountain.mp3

16 Goin' Campin'.mp3

17 Whether the Weather.mp3

18 Pack Up Your Hot Dogs.mp3

19 The Upward Trail.mp3

20 Three Tree Toads.mp3

21 I Love the Mountains.mp3

22 Fuzzy Wuzzy.mp3

23 Home on the Range.mp3

24 The United States.mp3

25 Take Me Out to the Ball Game.mp3

26 Down by the Bay.mp3

27 Swan Swam.mp3

28 The Big Rock Candy Mountains.mp3

29 A Big Black Bug.mp3

30 Shool.mp3

31 A Tutor Who Tooted a Flute.mp3

32 Oh, Susanna.mp3

33 Arabella Miller.mp3

34 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.mp3

35 Betty Botter.mp3

36 My Aunt Came Back.mp3

37 Yon Yonson.mp3

38 Polly Wolly Doodle.mp3

39 Six Slippery Snakes.mp3

40 Ali Baba's Farm.mp3

41 Sheep Shouldn't Sleep in a Shack.mp3

42 Sing-a-Ling.mp3

43 Let Ev'ryone Clap Hands.mp3

44 She Sells Sea Shells.mp3

45 Do Your Ears Hang Low.mp3

46 All You Et-A.mp3

47 Ham and Eggs.mp3

48 Eight Apes.mp3

49 Apple Juice.mp3

50 The Alphabet Song.mp3

51 Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers.mp3

52 ABC Nursery Rhyme Game.mp3

53 Peter Piper.mp3

54 Crow Song.mp3

55 The Skunk.mp3

56 The Chicken Song.mp3

57 Sing Your Way Home.mp3

58 There's No Need.mp3

59 Five Miles from Home.mp3

60 The More Wee Sing Together.mp3



01 Let's Sing About Dinosaurs.mp3

02 When-.mp3

03 Dinosaur Ages.mp3

04 I Like Dinosaurs.mp3

05 Dinosaur Bones.mp3

06 Dinosaur Detective.mp3

07 Who Named the Dinosaur-.mp3

08 Footprints.mp3

09 Dinosaur Colors.mp3

10 Where Did They Live-.mp3

11 Dinosaur Names.mp3

12 Whew!.mp3

13 Dinosaur Sounds.mp3

14 How Big is a Dinosaur.mp3

15 Eggs.mp3

16 A Real Dinosaur.mp3

17 What's For Lunch-.mp3

18 What Happened-.mp3

19 Hadrosaurs.mp3

20 The King of the Dinosaurs.mp3

21 Tyrannosaurus.mp3

22 Pteranodon.mp3

23 Big, Bigger, Biggest.mp3

24 Brontosaurus.mp3

25 Apatosaurus, Brontosaurus.mp3

26 Duckbill Dinosaur.mp3

27 Dining.mp3

28 Triceratops.mp3

29 Please, Mr. Plesiosaur.mp3

30 Ornithomimus.mp3

31 Deinonychus.mp3

32 Ankylosaurus.mp3

33 Little Dinosaurs.mp3

34 Compsognathus.mp3

35 Stegosaurus.mp3

36 My Tail.mp3

37 The Dance Contest.mp3

38 If I Could Be a Dinosaur.mp3

39 Drawing Dinosaurs.mp3

40 The Dinosaur Race.mp3

41 If.mp3

42 My Pet Dinosaur.mp3

43 It's Great To Be a Dinosaur.mp3

44 A Dinosaur Friend.mp3

45 A Dinosaur Baby.mp3

46 The Brachio Limo.mp3

47 Pretend.mp3

48 The Dinosaur Party.mp3

49 The Dinosaur Parade.mp3



01 Hello To All The Children Of The World.mp3

02 Going Over the Sea.mp3

03 Uhe Bashon Shon (The Crooked Path).mp3

04 Eentsy Weentsy Spider.mp3

05 Pin Pon (Paper Doll).mp3

06 Tingalayo (Donkey Song).mp3

07 El Coqui (The Frog).mp3

08 Chi Chi Bud (Chi Chi Bird).mp3

09 Brown Girl in the Ring.mp3

10 Ciranda (Circle Game).mp3

11 Mi Chacra (My Farm).mp3

12 Los Pollitos (Little Chicks).mp3

13 Ro, Ro Til Fiskeskjaer (Row, Row to the Fishing Spot).mp3

14 SmaGrodorna (Little Frogs).mp3

15 En Enebr Busk (The Mulberry Bush).mp3

16 Piiri Pieni Pyorii (The Circle Goes Around).mp3

17 Wee Falorie Man.mp3

18 Coulter's Candy.mp3

19 Lavender's Blue.mp3

20 Alle Eendjes (All the Ducklings).mp3

21 Frere Jacques (Brother John).mp3

22 Weggis Zue (Swiss Hiking Song).mp3

23 Alle Meine Entchen (All My Little Ducklings).mp3

24 Mio Galletto (My Little Rooster).mp3

25 Mi Burro (My Burro).mp3

26 Pou'n-do To Dachtilidi (Where Is the Ring- ).mp3

27 Ringe, Ringe Raja (Ring Around Raja).mp3

28 Veselee Husi (Jolly, Happy Ganders).mp3

29 Tue Tue (Clapping Game).mp3

30 Akwa Nwa Nere Nnwa (The Little Nanny Story).mp3

31 Bebe Moke (Baby So Small).mp3

32 Kanyoni Kanja (Little Bird Outside).mp3

33 (Ali Baba's Farm).mp3

34 Zum Gali Gali (Work Song).mp3

35 Attal Mattal (Rhythm Game).mp3

36 Anilae Anilae (Chipmunk, Chipmunk).mp3

37 Kai Veechamma (Move Your Hand).mp3

38 Fong Swei (After School).mp3

39 Arirang (Arirang Hill).mp3

40 Ame, Ame (Rain, Rain).mp3

41 Pok Amai, Amai (Clap Together).mp3

42 Kookaburra.mp3

43 Epo I Tai Tai E (I Will Be Happy).mp3

44 Nani Wale Na Hala (Pretty Hala Trees).mp3

45 Hello--Reprise.mp3

使 用 方 法 举 例

九册的歌本涵盖524首歌,内容又非常丰富,父母使用这套书需要掌握一些方法。想充分利用这套书,提前预习非常必要,至少对每本歌本是什么内容,可以在什么场景中使用需要有个大致的了解。可以结合孩子的年龄、不同场景、不同主题兴趣侧重学唱和共唱一些歌曲。例如在婴幼儿阶段可以侧重选择We Sing Children's Songs and Finger plays《动动手指唱童谣》、Wee Sing for Baby《温馨童谣》、Nursery Rhymes and Lullabies《和妈妈一起唱》。在幼儿园阶段可以选Sing-along《大家一起唱》、 Games,Games,Games《快乐游戏》。孩子对恐龙、动物感兴趣可以唱Dinosaurs《恐龙时代》、Animals, Animals, Animals《动物大游行》的曲目。也可以把不同的歌本CD放在不同的地方,例如把In the Car《开车去兜风》、Sing-along《大家一起唱》等放在车上,利用碎片和闲暇时光学唱几首曲子,如果父母有一方可以陪着孩子坐后座,还能通过简单的游戏互动打发车上的时光。也可以放一两本在客厅孩子坐下来随手可以翻到的地方,随时随地可以启动学唱、合唱模式。

Wee sing的曲目语言跨越难度比较大,内容题材也比较丰富,父母可以根据自己的程度,包括语言和对音乐旋律的把握,先从中挑选一部分适合自己和孩子的曲目学唱,然后和宝宝一起玩。比如:《温馨童谣(For Baby)》,这里面的儿歌比较短小,而且很多儿歌给出了明确的妈妈与宝宝的游戏方法。例如以下这首:

Dance your finger (温馨童谣P23)

Dance your fingers up,

Dance your fingers down,

Dance your fingers to the side,

Dance them all around.

Dance them on your shoulders,

Dance them on your head,

Dance them on your tummy,

And put them all to bed.




——/5小学/20英语/【多课吧DOC8.com-1791】Wee Sing全集 美语经典儿歌童谣 0基础英语启蒙 全套9本524集 音频 视频 歌词 使用指南 1080P【高清MP4 MP3-42.6GB】/
| ├──Wee Sing America(有歌本).rar 61.78M
| ├──Wee Sing and Learn Bugs.rar 35.89M
| ├──Wee Sing And Play.rar 47.70M
| ├──Wee Sing And Pretend.rar 52.22M
| ├──Wee Sing Animals Animals Animals(有歌本).rar 60.19M
| ├──Wee Sing Around the World(有歌本).rar 56.32M
| ├──Wee Sing Best Of CD.rar 59.94M
| ├──Wee sing Bible songs.rar 25.72M
| ├──Wee Sing Dinosaurs(带歌本).rar 52.91M
| ├──Wee Sing Fingerplays(有歌本).rar 153.63M
| ├──Wee Sing For Baby(有歌本).rar 133.40M
| ├──Wee Sing For Christmas(有歌本).rar 55.35M
| ├──Wee Sing Fun 'n' Folk.rar 58.34M
| ├──Wee Sing Games Games Games(带歌本).rar 53.50M
| ├──Wee Sing In The Car (有歌本 小尺寸).rar 57.80M
| ├──Wee Sing In The Car(有歌本 大尺寸).rar 85.47M
| ├──Wee Sing More Bible Songs.rar 50.13M
| ├──Wee Sing Mother Goose.rar 128.37M
| ├──Wee Sing Nursery Rhymes(有歌本).rar 67.38M
| ├──Wee Sing Silly Songs 大尺寸.rar 131.08M
| ├──Wee Sing Silly Songs 小尺寸.rar 52.75M
| ├──Wee Sing Sing Alongs.rar 32.50M
| ├──Wee Sing Together.rar 49.72M
| └──歌本.rar 164.80M
| ├──Wee Sing America.rar 61.78M
| ├──Wee Sing and Learn Bugs.rar 35.89M
| ├──Wee Sing Around the World.rar 56.32M
| ├──Wee Sing Best Of CD.rar 59.94M
| ├──Wee sing Bible songs.rar 25.72M
| ├──Wee Sing More Bible Songs.rar 50.13M
| ├──Wee Sing Together.rar 49.72M
| └──Weesing20CD音频版.rar 1.91G
| ├──5[Wee sing game game game][团体游戏][歌本书].pdf 22.60M
| ├──6weesing[In the Car][一路欢唱][歌本书].pdf 14.79M
| ├──7weesinganimals.pdf 13.13M
| ├──8Wee sing Around the world.pdf 20.97M
| ├──9Wee.Sing.Dinosaurs.pdf 31.22M
| ├──Together.pdf 81.83kb
| ├──Wee Sing Animals Animals Animals.rar 60.19M
| ├──Wee Sing For Baby.pdf 21.50M
| ├──Wee Sing For Baby.rar 137.68M
| ├──Wee Sing For Baby1.pdf 647.71kb
| ├──Wee Sing For Christmas.pdf 7.71M
| ├──Wee Sing For Christmas.rar 55.35M
| ├──Wee Sing歌本.rar 279.40M
| ├──[In the Car][一路欢唱][绘本书].pdf 24.70M
| └──[Wee sing for Christmas][耶诞快乐颂][绘本书].pdf 23.20M
| ├──9个视频
| | ├──1.in sillyville.rar 906.59M
| | ├──2.grandpa's magical toys.rar 674.75M
| | ├──3.Wee Sing Together.rar 702.60M
| | ├──4.In The Marvelous Musical Mansion.rar 845.63M
| | ├──5.The Wee Sing Train.rar 708.57M
| | ├──6.In The Big Rock Candy Mountain.rar 742.40M
| | ├──7.Wee Sing The Best Christmas Ever.rar 668.72M
| | ├──8.Wee Sing Under the Sea.rar 778.36M
| | └──9.Wee Sing King Cole's Party.rar 641.35M
| ├──1.Wee Sing in Sillyville.rmvb 613.77M
| ├──2.Wee Sing Grandpa's Magical Toys.rmvb 491.55M
| ├──3.Wee Sing Together.rmvb 432.76M
| ├──4.Wee Sing in the Marvelous Musical Mansion.rmvb 465.76M
| ├──5.Wee Sing Train.rmvb 476.26M
| ├──6.Wee Sing King Cole's P a rty.rmvb 433.01M
| ├──7.Wee Sing Under the Sea.rmvb 458.27M
| ├──8.Wee Sing The Best Christmas Ever.rmvb 462.86M
| └──9.Wee Sing The Big Rock Candy Mountains.rmvb 577.00M
| ├──wee sing 第二辑
| | ├──Wee Sing- and Move
| | ├──The Best of Wee Sing.rar 86.72M
| | ├──Wee Sing And Play.rar 47.70M
| | ├──Wee Sing And Pretend.rar 52.22M
| | ├──Wee Sing For Christmas.rar 55.35M
| | ├──Wee Sing Fun 'n' Folk.rar 58.34M
| | ├──Wee Sing Mother Goose.rar 128.37M
| | └──Wee Sing Silly Songs.rar 131.08M
| └──wee sing第一辑
| | ├──Animals, Animals, Animals《动物大游行》
| | ├──Around the World《周游世界》
| | ├──Children’s Songs andFingerplays《动动手指唱童谣》
| | ├──Dinosaurs《恐龙时代》
| | ├──For Baby《温馨童谣》
| | ├──Games, Games, Games《快乐游戏》
| | ├──In the Car《开车去兜风》
| | ├──Nursery Rhymes and Lullabies《和妈妈一起唱》
| | └──Sing-Alongs《大家一起唱》
└──Wee_Sing使用指南.pdf 4.24M



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