DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母R开始 从R. A. Salvatore到Ryunosuke Akutagawa)
1. 奇幻文学 Fantasy
- R. A. Salvatore
- 《Bastion of Darkness》:这部作品是R.A. Salvatore的奇幻史诗系列中的一部分,以其丰富的想象力和冒险故事著称。
- 《Canticle》:讲述了年轻牧师Cadderly与忠诚伙伴们对抗古老邪恶势力的故事。
- 《Echoes of the Fourth Magic》:描述了一个由核灾难改变的魔法世界,以及主角Del如何使用第四魔法对抗邪恶。
- 《Gauntlgrym》:Drizzt和他的同伴们寻找传说中的矮人王国Gauntlgrym的冒险故事。
- 《The Pirate King》是一部结合了海盗冒险和奇幻元素的小说。
2. 推理小说 Mystery
- R. D. Wingfield
- 《A Killing Frost》:讲述了侦探Frost的推理故事,充满了悬疑和紧张的情节。
- Rachel Caine 的“Morganville Vampires”系列,如《Carpe Corpus》,是一部以吸血鬼为背景的推理小说。
3. 儿童文学 Children's Literature
- R. L. Stine
- 《Goosebumps》系列:这是一系列面向儿童和青少年的恐怖小说,以其惊悚的故事和紧张的情节著称。
4. 科幻小说 Science Fiction
- Ray Bradbury 的《The Martian Chronicles》是一部科幻冒险小说,讲述了人类在火星上的殖民故事。
- R. Scott Bakker
- 《The Darkness That Comes Before》:是一部史诗般的科幻小说,探讨了哲学和人类本性的主题。
- Robert Heinlein
- 《Starship Troopers》是一部探讨未来社会和军事科学的科幻小说。
- 《The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress》是一部探讨月球殖民地独立运动的科幻小说。
- 《Stranger in a Strange Land》是一部探讨人类社会和外星文明交流的科幻小说。
- 《Starman Jones》是一部探讨太空探险和人类勇气的科幻小说。
- 《Red Planet》是一部探讨火星探险和人类生存的科幻小说。
- 《Time Enough for Love》是一部探讨时间旅行和人类情感的科幻小说。
5. 历史与传记 History & Biography
- Rafael Nadal
- 《Rafa》:这本书是著名网球运动员拉斐尔·纳达尔的自传,讲述了他的成长经历、职业生涯和对网球的热爱。
- Robert A. Caro 的《The Years of Lyndon Johnson》是一部深入研究美国前总统林登·约翰逊生平的传记。
- Ryszard Kapuscinski
- 《Another Day of Life》:这位波兰记者的作品以其深刻的政治寓言和对民间生活的描绘而著称,他的书籍通常包含丰富的历史、时事和日常生活元素。
6. 日本文学 Japanese Literature
- Ryu Murakami
- 《Popular Hits of the Showa Era》:这部作品是村上龙的代表作之一,以其独特的叙事风格和对现代社会的深刻洞察而受到读者的喜爱。
7. 短篇小说 Short Stories
- Ryunosuke Akutagawa
- 《Rashomon and Seventeen Other Stories》:芥川龙之介是日本著名的短篇小说作家,以其精致的文笔和深刻的社会批判而闻名。
8. 黑暗奇幻 Dark Fantasy
- R. A. Salvatore
- 《黑暗精灵三部曲》(The Dark Elf Trilogy):包括《故土》(Homeland)、《流亡》(Exile)、《旅居》(Sojourn),以黑暗精灵崔斯特为主角,描写了他厌倦了故乡的争斗,离开地底并在地面开始新的生活的故事。
9. 科幻与现实 Science Fiction and Reality
- Ryszard Kapuscinski
- 《The Emperor's Shadow》:卡普钦斯基的这部作品通过对权力和政治的深刻剖析,揭示了独裁政权的腐败和民众的苦难,具有强烈的社会批判意义。
10. 现代文学 Modern Literature
- Ryu Murakami
- 《69 sixty nine》:村上龙的这部自传体小说以其独特的叙事风格和对现代社会的深刻洞察而受到读者的喜爱,展现了一代人的青春迷茫和探索。
- R. K. Narayan 的《The Guide》是一部现代文学作品,以其幽默和深刻的社会观察而著称。
- Ryszard Kapuscinski
- 《Another Day of Life》是一部现代文学作品,以其对战争和人性的深刻洞察而著称。
- 《The Emperor》是一部现代文学作品,以其对非洲政治和社会的深刻洞察而著称。
- 《The Shadow of the Sun》是一部现代文学作品,以其对非洲大陆的深刻洞察而著称。
- Ralph Waldo Emerson 的《The Essential Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson》是一本包含了这位伟大诗人和哲学家的诗歌和散文的作品集。
11. 心理悬疑 Psychological Suspense
- R. D. Wingfield
- 《A Touch of Frost》:R.D. Wingfield的这部作品通过细腻的心理描写和紧张的悬疑情节,展现了人物的内心世界和社会的阴暗面。
12. 社会评论 Social Commentary
- Ryszard Kapuscinski
- 《The Emperor's Shadow》:卡普钦斯基的这部作品通过对权力和政治的深刻剖析,揭示了独裁政权的腐败和民众的苦难,具有强烈的社会批判意义。
- Ralph Ellison 的《Invisible Man》是一部探讨种族、身份和社会问题的经典文学作品。
13. 历史推理 Historical Mystery
- Ryszard Kapuscinski
- 《Another Day of Life》:卡普钦斯基的这部作品通过作者的亲身经历,展现了非洲、中东等地的政治动荡和社会变革,具有强烈的历史感和现实意义。
14. 旅行文学 Travel Literature
- Rolf Potts
- 《Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel》:这本书为那些渴望长期旅行的人提供了实用的建议和灵感,鼓励读者跳出舒适区,体验不同的文化和生活方式。
15. 心理学研究 (Psychological Study)
- R. D. Laing 的《The Divided Self》是一本心理学研究著作,探讨了人类心智和精神病理学的问题。
16. 历史小说 Historical Fiction
- Ralph Peters 的《The War After the War》是一部以二战后为背景的历史小说。
- Robert Harris
- 《Pompeii》是一部以古罗马为背景的历史小说,讲述了维苏威火山爆发的故事。
- 《Fatherland》是一部设定在二战后的架空历史小说,探讨了纳粹德国胜利后的世界。
- 《Munich》是一部以二战前的慕尼黑协定为背景的历史小说。
- 《An Officer and a Spy》是一部以法国德雷福斯事件为背景的历史小说。
- 《Conclave》是一部以古罗马为背景的历史小说,讲述了教皇选举的故事。
- R. S. Downie
- 《Ruso and the Root of All Evils》:这部小说以古罗马为背景,讲述了主人公Ruso的冒险故事,结合了历史细节和悬疑元素。
17. 惊悚小说 Thriller
- R. L. Stine
- 《Monster Blood》:这是R.L. Stine的另一部儿童惊悚小说,讲述了一个普通家庭因为一瓶神秘的液体而陷入恐怖的冒险之中。
18. 冒险小说 Adventure
- R. A. Salvatore
- 《Sea of Swords》:这部作品是R.A. Salvatore的奇幻冒险系列中的一部分,以其丰富的想象力和紧张刺激的情节著称。
19. 现代诗歌 (Modern Poetry)
- Ralph Waldo Emerson 的《Essays & Poems》是一本包含了这位伟大诗人和哲学家的诗歌和散文的作品集。
20. 烹饪文学 Culinary Literature
- Rachael Ray
- 《Rachael Ray's 30-Minute Get Real Meals》:这本书为忙碌的家庭提供了快速、简单、健康的食谱,帮助读者在短时间内准备出美味的餐点。
21. 环境与自然 (Environment & Nature)
- Rachel Carson 的《Silent Spring》是一本关于环境污染及其对生态系统影响的著作,引发了全球对环境保护的关注。
22. 浪漫小说 (Romance)
- Rachel Gibson 的《I'm in No Mood for Love》是一部浪漫小说,讲述了一个关于爱情和冒险的故事。
23. 个人成长 (Personal Growth)
- Rachel Joyce 的《The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry》是一部关于个人成长和自我发现的小说。
24. 艺术与文化 (Art & Culture)
- Rainer Maria Rilke 的《The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge》是一部探讨艺术与文化的文学作品。
——/【12000+ Mobi eBooks Collection】/R/
├──R. A. Salvatore
| ├──Bastion of Darkness (11639)
| ├──Canticle (15190)
| ├──Echoes of the Fourth Magic (11637)
| ├──Exile (15160)
| ├──Gauntlgrym (7268)
| ├──Homeland (15060)
| ├──In Sylvan Shadows (15204)
| ├──Neverwinter (16604)
| ├──Night Masks (15205)
| ├──Passage to Dawn (15183)
| ├──Promise of the Witch-King (15149)
| ├──Road of the Patriarch (15150)
| ├──Sea of Swords (15201)
| ├──Servant of the Shard (15148)
| ├──Siege of Darkness (15182)
| ├──Sojourn (15161)
| ├──Star Wars_ The New Jedi Order 01_ Vector Prime (10870)
| ├──Starless Night (15181)
| ├──Streams of Silver (15163)
| ├──The Chaos Curse (8837)
| ├──The Crimson Shadow (7180)
| ├──The Crystal Shard (15162)
| ├──The Dragon King (14173)
| ├──The Fallen Fortress_ The Cleric Quintet (8372)
| ├──The Ghost King (10339)
| ├──The Halfling's Gem (15164)
| ├──The Legacy (15180)
| ├──The Lone Drow (15133)
| ├──The Orc King (15252)
| ├──The Pirate King (15253)
| ├──The Silent Blade (15184)
| ├──The Spine of the World (15200)
| ├──The Thousand Orcs (15132)
| ├──The Two Swords (15153)
| └──The Witch's Daughter (11638)
├──R. D. Wingfield
| ├──A Killing Frost (9024)
| ├──A Touch of Frost (9022)
| ├──Frost at Christmas (9021)
| ├──Hard Frost (9023)
| └──Night Frost (5763)
├──R. J. Anderson
| ├──Faery Rebels_ Spell Hunter (16004)
| └──Wayfarer (16005)
├──R. J. Ellory
| ├──A Quiet Vendetta (7771)
| └──City of Lies (7774)
├──R. K. Narayan
| ├──The Guide (22756)
| └──The Ramayana_ A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic (6876)
├──R. L. LaFevers
| └──Flight of the Phoenix (18986)
├──R. L. Stine
| ├──A Night in Terror Tower (18873)
| ├──Bad Hare Day (18887)
| ├──Be Careful What You Wish For (18858)
| ├──Beware, the Snowman (18897)
| ├──Calling All Creeps! (18896)
| ├──Chicken Chicken (18899)
| ├──Deep Trouble (18865)
| ├──Deep Trouble II (18904)
| ├──Dudes, the School Is Haunted! (18908)
| ├──Egg Monsters From Mars (18888)
| ├──Ghost Beach (18868)
| ├──Ghost Camp (18891)
| ├──Ghost Next Door (18856)
| ├──Go Eat Worms! (18867)
| ├──Goosebumps Attack of the Mutant_ Official Strategy Guide (18871)
| ├──Goosebumps_ Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns (18894)
| ├──Goosebumps_ The Blob That Ate Everyone (18901)
| ├──Goosebumps_ The Curse of Camp Cold Lake (18902)
| ├──Haunted Mask (18857)
| ├──Houghton Mifflin Reading the Literature Experience_ Bears Dont Go to School Level C (18900)
| ├──How I Got My Shrunken Head (18885)
| ├──How I Learned to Fly (18898)
| ├──How to Kill a Monster (18892)
| ├──I Live in Your Basement (18906)
| ├──Legend of the Lost Legend (18893)
| ├──Let's Get Invisible (18852)
| ├──Monster Blood (18849)
| ├──Monster Blood for Breakfast! (18875)
| ├──Monster Blood II (18864)
| ├──Monster Blood IV (18907)
| ├──My Best Friend Is Invisible (18903)
| ├──My Hairiest Adventure (18872)
| ├──Night of the Living Dummy (18853)
| ├──Night of the Living Dummy II (18877)
| ├──Night of the Living Dummy III (18886)
| ├──One Day at Horrorland (18862)
| ├──Phantom of the Auditorium (18870)
| ├──Piano Lessons Can Be Murder (18859)
| ├──R.L. Stine's Ghosts of Fear Street (18881)
| ├──Return of the Mummy (18869)
| ├──Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes (18880)
| ├──Say Cheese - and Die Screaming! (18890)
| ├──Say Cheese and Die! (18850)
| ├──Stay Out of the Basement (18848)
| ├──The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena (18884)
| ├──The Barking Ghost (18878)
| ├──The Beast From the East (18889)
| ├──The Cuckoo Clock of Doom (18874)
| ├──The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (18851)
| ├──The Girl Who Cried Monster (18854)
| ├──The Haunted Mask II (18882)
| ├──The Headless Ghost (18883)
| ├──The Horror at Camp Jellyjam (18879)
| ├──The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight (18866)
| ├──Vampire Breath (18895)
| ├──Welcome to Camp Nightmare (18855)
| ├──Welcome to Dead House (18847)
| ├──Werewolf of Fever Swamp (18860)
| ├──Werewolf Skin (18905)
| ├──Why Im Afraid of Bees (18863)
| └──You Can't Scare Me! (18861)
├──R. Laing
| └──The Divided Self_ An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness (18243)
├──R. S. Downie
| └──Ruso and the Root of All Evils (8686)
├──R. Scott Bakker
| ├──Disciple of the Dog (7775)
| ├──The Darkness That Comes Before (8992)
| ├──The Thousandfold Thought (11104)
| └──The Warrior Prophet (8993)
├──R. T. Jordan
| └──A Talent for Murder (8660)
├──R. V. Branham
| └──Curse _ Berate in 69_ Languages (11448)
├──R. V. Burgin
| └──Islands of the Damned (23473)
├──R.A. Scotti
| └──Sudden Sea_ The Great Hurricane of 1938 (12632)
├──Rachael Ray
| ├──Express Lane Meals (6004)
| ├──Rach Ray 365_ No Repeats (6010)
| ├──Rachael Ray's 30-Minute Get Real Meals (15379)
| └──Rachael Ray's Look _ Cook (8275)
├──Rachel Aaron
| ├──The Spirit Rebellion_ The Legend of Eli Monpress_ Book 2 (7777)
| └──The Spirit Thief (7778)
├──Rachel Caine
| ├──Carpe Corpus (11527)
| ├──Fade Out (11528)
| └──Kiss of Death (11529)
├──Rachel Carson
| └──Lost Woods_ The Discovered Writing of Rachel Carson (14514)
├──Rachel Cohn
| └──Gingerbread (2438)
├──Rachel Gibson
| ├──Any Man of Mine (12572)
| ├──I'm in No Mood for Love (1658)
| ├──It Must Be Love (1659)
| ├──Lola Carlyle Reveals All (1661)
| └──Nothing but Trouble (1664)
├──Rachel Lindsay
| └──An Affair to Forget (2433)
├──Rachel Neumeier
| └──The City in the Lake (7270)
├──Rachel Shteir
| └──The Steal_ A Cultural History of Shoplifting (15697)
├──Rachel Swirsky
| ├──A Memory of Wind (2671)
| └──Eros, Philia, Agape (2672)
├──Rachel Vail
| └──Gorgeous (6882)
├──Rae Carson
| └──The Girl of Fire and Thorns (23818)
├──Rafael Nadal
| └──Rafa (15842)
├──Rafael Yglesias
| └──Only Children (12019)
├──Raffi Yessayan
| ├──2 in the Hat_ A Novel of Suspense (6885)
| └──Eight in the Box_ A Novel of Suspense (6883)
├──Ragnar Benson
| └──Ragnar's Urban Survival_ A Hard-Times Guide to Staying Alive in the City (14522)
├──Rainer Maria Rilke
| └──The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge (23754)
├──Raja Abd Allah Sani
| └──Girls of Riyadh (11524)
├──Ralph D. Sawyer
| └──Ancient Chinese Warfare (11445)
├──Ralph E. Warner
| └──Everybody's Guide to Small Claims Court (9678)
├──Ralph Ellison
| ├──Invisible Man (23824)
| └──Juneteenth_ A Novel (14756)
├──Ralph Roberts
| └──Google Plus First Look_ A Tip-Packed, Comprehensive Look at Google_ (23190)
├──Ralph Stanley
| └──Man of Constant Sorrow_ My Life and Times (14995)
├──Ralph Waldo Emerson
| ├──Essays & Poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson (Barnes & Noble Classics) (939)
| └──The Essential Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson (2473)
├──Ralph Warner
| └──101 Law Forms for Personal Use (23254)
├──Ramit Sethi
| └──I Will Teach You to Be Rich_ No Guilt, No Excuses - Just a 6-Week Programme That Works (11607)
├──Rand Miller
| └──The Myst Reader (7779)
├──Randal Keynes
| └──Creation_ Darwin, His Daughter & Human Evolution (5832)
├──Randall E. Auxier
| └──The Wizard of Oz and Philosophy (23148)
├──Randall Kennedy
| └──Nigger_ The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word (17070)
├──Randall Lane
| └──The Zeroes_ My Misadventures in the Decade Wall Street Went Insane (23357)
├──Randall Nichols
| └──Defending Your Digital Assets Against Hackers,Crackers,Spies,and Thieves (23283)
├──Randi L. Derakhshani
| └──Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 Essentials (17462)
├──Random House
| └──Percy's Chocolate Crunch and Other Thomas the Tank Engine Stories (19191)
├──Randy Alcorn
| ├──Deadline (9646)
| ├──Deception (9607)
| ├──Dominion (9606)
| └──The Chasm_ A Journey to the Edge of Life (12535)
├──Randy C. Alcorn
| └──Heaven (6886)
├──Randy Clemens
| └──The Sriracha Cookbook (13866)
├──Randy O. Frost
| └──Stuff (16788)
├──Randy Pausch
| └──The Last Lecture (605)
├──Randy Singer
| └──By Reason of Insanity (6884)
├──Randy Wayne White
| ├──Black Widow (10533)
| ├──Dead of Night (10532)
| ├──Dead Silence (9711)
| └──Everglades (9468)
├──Ransom Riggs
| └──Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (18009)
├──Ranulph Fiennes
| └──Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know (17955)
├──Raquel Rabade Roque
| └──The Cuban Kitchen (16469)
├──Rawi Hage
| └──Cockroach (12222)
├──Ray Bradbury
| ├──A Graveyard for Lunatics_ Another Tale of Two Cities (55)
| ├──Dark Carnival (14932)
| ├──Driving Blind (56)
| ├──Fahrenheit 451 (57)
| ├──Green Shadows, White Whale (5750)
| ├──Something Wicked This Way Comes (59)
| ├──The Day It Rained Forever (71)
| ├──The Illustrated Man (72)
| ├──The Martian Chronicles (15012)
| └──The Toynbee Convector (8350)
├──Ray Foley
| └──The Rum 1000_ The Ultimate Collection of Rum Cocktails, Recipes, Facts, and Resources (12492)
├──Ray Jayawardhana
| └──Strange New Worlds (14138)
├──Ray Lischner
| └──C__ in a Nutshell (23281)
├──Ray Suarez
| └──The Holy Vote (22618)
├──Raymond A. Sokolov
| └──The Saucier's Apprentice_ A Modern Guide to Classic French Sauces for the Home (12601)
├──Raymond Chandler
| ├──Killer in the Rain (11048)
| ├──Playback (9973)
| ├──The High Window (8815)
| ├──The Lady in the Lake (8810)
| ├──The Little Sister (10000)
| ├──The Long Goodbye (11055)
| ├──The Simple Art of Murder (8811)
| └──Trouble Is My Business (8812)
├──Raymond Charles Barrett
| └──Short Story Writing (9005)
├──Raymond E. Feist
| ├──A Darkness at Sethanon (1511)
| ├──A Kingdom Besieged (11085)
| ├──At the Gates of Darkness (1500)
| ├──Daughter of the Empire (1490)
| ├──Exile's Return (1495)
| ├──Flight of the Nighthawks (1496)
| ├──Honoured Enemy (1503)
| ├──Into a Dark Realm (1497)
| ├──Jimmy the Hand (1505)
| ├──King of Foxes (1494)
| ├──Krondor_ Tear of the Gods (1508)
| ├──Krondor_ The Assassins (1507)
| ├──Krondor_ The Betrayal (1506)
| ├──Magician (1509)
| ├──Mistress of the Empire (1492)
| ├──Murder in LaMut (1504)
| ├──Prince of the Blood (1501)
| ├──Rage of a Demon King (1514)
| ├──Rides a Dread Legion (1499)
| ├──Rise of a Merchant Prince (1513)
| ├──Servant of the Empire (1491)
| ├──Shadow of a Dark Queen (1512)
| ├──Shards of a Broken Crown (1515)
| ├──Silverthorn (1510)
| ├──Talon of the Silver Hawk (1493)
| ├──The King's Buccaneer (1502)
| └──Wrath of a Mad God (1498)
├──Raymond Khoury
| ├──The Last Templar (7534)
| ├──The Sign (6927)
| └──The Templar Salvation (7535)
├──Rebecca Barnhouse
| └──The Coming of the Dragon (19056)
├──Rebecca Dean
| └──The Golden Prince (8821)
├──Rebecca Dickinson
| └──Over in the Hollow (19173)
├──Rebecca MacKinnon
| └──Consent of the Networked_ The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom (23721)
├──Rebecca Moesta
| ├──Star Wars_ Junior Jedi Knights 4_ Anakin's Quest (10871)
| ├──Star Wars_ Junior Jedi Knights 5_ Vader's Fortress (10872)
| └──Star Wars_ Junior Jedi Knights 6_ Kenobi's Blade (10873)
├──Rebecca N. Alonzo
| └──The Devil in Pew Number Seven (6969)
├──Rebecca Neason
| └──Guises of the Mind (11195)
├──Rebecca Newberger Goldstein
| └──36 Arguments for the Existence of God (15951)
├──Rebecca Rasmussen
| └──The Bird Sisters_ A Novel (16819)
├──Rebecca Skloot
| └──The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (8052)
├──Rebecca Solnit
| ├──A Field Guide to Getting Lost (14719)
| └──A Paradise Built in Hell (16043)
├──Rebecca Stratton
| └──Castles in Spain (2548)
├──Rebecca Tope
| ├──A Cotswold Mystery (11345)
| └──A Grave in the Cotswolds (11343)
├──Rebecca West
| └──Black Lamb and Grey Falcon_ A Journey Through Yugoslavia (12282)
├──Redmond O'Hanlon
| └──Trawler_ A Journey Through the North Atlantic (12637)
├──Ree Drummond
| └──The Pioneer Woman Cooks_ Recipes From an Accidental Country Girl (10638)
├──Reed Timmer
| └──Into the Storm (18288)
├──Reginald Hill
| └──The Stranger House (12270)
├──Regis Philbin
| └──How I Got This Way (17863)
├──Regis St Louis
| ├──Brazil (Lonely Planet, 7th Edition) (16629)
| └──Portugal (Lonely Planet, 7th Edition) (16463)
├──Relentless Aaron
| ├──Burning Desire (20364)
| └──Topless (20367)
├──Renee Luke
| └──Chocolate Kisses (14596)
├──Renee Swope
| └──A Confident Heart (23796)
├──Rennie Airth
| └──The Dead of Winter (8863)
├──Reshonda Tate Billingsley
| └──Getting Even_ Good Girlz (15542)
├──Rex Pickett
| └──Vertical (14005)
├──Reza Aslan
| └──No God but God (14666)
├──Rhoda Blumberg
| └──Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun (17081)
├──Rhodri Marsden
| └──The Next Big Thing (Rough Guide Reference Series) (16534)
├──Rhonda Nelson
| ├──The Ex-Girlfriends' Club (7384)
| └──The Player (3101)
├──Rhys Bowen
| ├──Evan and Elle (5766)
| ├──Evanly Bodies (5767)
| ├──For the Love of Mike (5769)
| ├──In a Gilded Cage (5771)
| ├──Royal Blood (5768)
| ├──Tell Me, Pretty Maiden (5770)
| └──The Last Illusion (5772)
├──Ric Shreves
| └──WordPress 3 Cookbook (18672)
├──Rich Schiesser
| └──IT Systems Management (23830)
├──Richard A. Clarke
| └──Cyber War (14936)
├──Richard A. Knaak
| └──Legends of the Dragonrealm, Vol II (7782)
├──Richard A. Lupoff
| └──The Final Battle (9666)
├──Richard Adams
| ├──Shardik (5987)
| ├──Tales From Watership Down (11)
| └──Watership Down (8592)
├──Richard Awlinson
| └──Tantras (15106)
├──Richard Baker
| ├──Condemnation (15262)
| ├──Corsair (15166)
| ├──Easy Betrayals (15072)
| ├──Farthest Reach_ The Last Mythal (8835)
| ├──Final Gate_ The Last Mythal (8836)
| ├──Forsaken House_ The Last Mythal (10337)
| ├──Swordmage (15165)
| └──The City of Ravens (15186)
├──Richard Baraniuk
| └──Signals and Systems (17644)
├──Richard Beeman
| └──The Penguin Guide to the United States Constitution (23257)
├──Richard Blum
| └──Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible (14261)
├──Richard Bonin
| └──Arrows of the Night_ Ahmad Chalabi's Long Journey to Triumph in Iraq (23124)
├──Richard Brookhiser
| └──James Madison (17195)
├──Richard Castle
| ├──Heat Rises (16294)
| └──Naked Heat (16380)
├──Richard D. Winters
| └──Beyond Band of Brothers (8507)
├──Richard David Precht
| └──Who Am I_ And if So, How Many_ (18298)
├──Richard Dawkins
| ├──A Devil's Chaplain_ Reflections on Hope, Lies, Science, and Love (17769)
| ├──The God Delusion (1123)
| ├──The Greatest Show on Earth (7461)
| ├──The Selfish Gene (1124)
| └──Unweaving the Rainbow_ Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder (14786)
├──Richard de Neufville
| └──Airport Systems_ Planning, Design, and Management (15582)
├──Richard Ellis
| └──Imagining Atlantis (23518)
├──Richard Ford
| ├──Blue Collar, White Collar, No Collar (14364)
| ├──Independence Day (14362)
| └──The Lay of the Land_ Bascombe Trilogy (14371)
├──Richard Greene
| └──Dexter and Philosophy (18513)
├──Richard Greener
| └──The Lacey Confession (18678)
├──Richard Harvell
| └──The Bells_ A Novel (12710)
├──Richard Heinberg
| └──The End of Growth (16801)
├──Richard Heller
| └──The 13th Apostle (23752)
├──Richard Henry Dana
| └──Two Years Before the Mast (Barnes & Noble Classics) (3174)
├──Richard Holmes
| └──The World at War (16272)
├──Richard Hughes
| └──A High Wind in Jamaica (16749)
├──Richard J. Evans
| └──The Coming of the Third Reich (2028)
├──Richard J. Herrnstein
| └──The Bell Curve_ Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (15421)
├──Richard Kadrey
| ├──Aloha From Hell (17080)
| ├──Butcher Bird_ A Novel of the Dominion (8198)
| ├──Kill the Dead (17089)
| └──Sandman Slim (7450)
├──Richard Kluger
| └──Ashes to Ashes (17777)
├──Richard Koch
| └──The 80_20 Principle (18073)
| └──This Wicked World (18516)
├──Richard Laymon
| ├──After Midnight (7785)
| ├──Come Out Tonight (7787)
| ├──Funland (7791)
| ├──Savage (7793)
| └──The Lake (7794)
├──Richard Lee Byers
| ├──Dissolution (15260)
| ├──Queen of the Depths (15123)
| ├──The Black Bouquet (15142)
| ├──The Rage (15273)
| ├──The Rite (15274)
| ├──The Ruin (10341)
| ├──The Shattered Mask_ Sembia_ Gateway to the Realms (15176)
| ├──Unclean_ The Haunted Lands (8869)
| ├──Undead_ The Haunted Lands (8871)
| └──Unholy_ The Haunted Lands (8870)
├──Richard Matheson
| ├──A Stir of Echoes (1645)
| ├──Hell House (1602)
| ├──I Am Legend (629)
| ├──Other Kingdoms (11916)
| ├──The Incredible Shrinking Man (1618)
| └──What Dreams May Come (658)
├──Richard Meyers
| └──Murder in Halruaa (15082)
├──Richard Miles
| └──Carthage Must Be Destroyed_ The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Civilization (15549)
├──Richard Montanari
| └──Badlands (13042)
├──Richard Montauk
| └──How to Get Into the Top MBA Programs (18584)
├──Richard Morgan
| ├──Altered Carbon (5801)
| ├──Broken Angels (5799)
| └──Woken Furies (5800)
├──Richard Neer
| ├──Fm (18164)
| └──FM_ The Rise and Fall of Rock Radio (11850)
├──Richard North Patterson
| └──Protect and Defend (8621)
├──Richard Olney
| └──The French Menu Cookbook_ The Food and Wine of France (14650)
├──Richard Overy
| └──Battle of Britain (8082)
├──Richard P. Feynman
| ├──Six Easy Pieces_ Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher (18827)
| └──Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! (393)
├──Richard Parry
| └──Trial by Ice_ The True Story of Murder and Survival on the 1871 Polaris Expedition (2472)
├──Richard Perceval Graves
| └──Robert Graves and the White Goddess_ 1940-1985 (14851)
├──Richard Pevear
| └──The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories (23243)
├──Richard Proenneke
| └──One Man's Wilderness_ An Alaskan Odyssey (15646)
├──Richard Rhodes
| └──Hedy's Folly (17640)
├──Richard Russo
| └──Empire Falls (17411)
├──Richard Scarry
| ├──Best Little Word Book Ever (19172)
| ├──Richard Scarry's Bedtime Stories (19102)
| └──The Best Mistake Ever! And Other Stories (19152)
├──Richard Stark
| ├──Ask the Parrot (11086)
| ├──Breakout (9469)
| └──Nobody Runs Forever (9470)
├──Richard Swinburne
| └──The Existence of God (13918)
├──Richard W. Leech
| └──The Adventures of Button (19092)
├──Richard Wilkinson
| └──The Spirit Level_ Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better (13865)
├──Richard Wiseman
| ├──59 Seconds_ Think a Little, Change a Lot (6853)
| ├──Paranormality_ Why We See What Isn't There (11670)
| └──Quirkology_ The Curious Science of Everyday Lives (18274)
├──Richard Wrangham
| └──Catching Fire_ How Cooking Made Us Human (2680)
├──Richard Wright
| ├──Black Boy (13718)
| └──Native Son (2601)
├──Richard Yates
| ├──The Easter Parade (20423)
| └──Young Hearts Crying (17819)
├──Richard Zimler
| └──The Warsaw Anagrams (12235)
├──Richelle Mead
| ├──Blood Promise (15871)
| ├──Dark Swan Bundle (13737)
| ├──Frostbite (15874)
| ├──Iron Crowned (10417)
| ├──Shadow Kiss (15878)
| ├──Succubus on Top (16456)
| └──Succubus Shadows (16046)
├──Richmond Lattimore
| └──Odyssey of Homer (16314)
├──Rick Acker
| └──When the Devil Whistles (7796)
├──Rick Bayless
| └──Authentic Mexican (15569)
├──Rick Bragg
| ├──All Over but the Shoutin' (15928)
| ├──Ava's Man (14988)
| └──The Prince of Frogtown (7233)
├──Rick Copeland
| └──Essential SQLAlchemy (10367)
├──Rick Curry
| └──The Secrets of Jesuit Soupmaking_ A Year of Our Soups (12598)
├──Rick Dakan
| └──Geek Mafia (23221)
├──Rick Detorie
| └──The Accidental Genius of Weasel High (23644)
├──Rick Greenwald
| └──Oracle Essentials_ Oracle Database 11g (15482)
├──Rick Hanson
| └──Buddha's Brain (17173)
├──Rick Harrison
| └──License to Pawn_ Deals, Steals, and My Life at the Gold & Silver (18495)
├──Rick Mofina
| ├──A Perfect Grave (11688)
| ├──Six Seconds (11681)
| └──The Panic Zone (7361)
├──Rick Pitino
| └──Lead to Succeed_ 10 Traits of Great Leadership in Business and Life (17762)
├──Rick R. Reed
| └──Crime Scene (11347)
├──Rick Riordan
| ├──Cold Springs (8298)
| ├──Mission Road (8296)
| ├──Rebel Island (8297)
| ├──The Battle of the Labyrinth (19082)
| ├──The Demigod Files (11323)
| ├──The Heroes of Olympus (7396)
| ├──The Last Olympian (19083)
| ├──The Lightning Thief (19079)
| ├──The Red Pyramid (7487)
| ├──The Sea of Monsters (19080)
| ├──The Son of Neptune (16450)
| └──The Titan's Curse (19081)
├──Rick Rodgers
| ├──Christmas 101 (16307)
| ├──Thanksgiving 101 (16311)
| └──Winter Gatherings_ Casual Food to Enjoy With Family and Friends (6144)
├──Rick Warren
| └──The Purpose Driven Life (236)
├──Ricky Martin
| └──Me (7797)
├──Ridley Pearson
| └──In Harm's Way (2219)
├──Rigas Doganis
| └──Flying Off Course Fourth Edition (15585)
├──Rik DeGunther
| └──Solar Power Your Home for Dummies (14510)
├──Rita Cosby
| └──Blonde Ambition_ The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith's Death (8709)
├──Rita Lakin
| ├──Getting Old Is a Disaster (682)
| ├──Getting Old Is Criminal (683)
| ├──Getting Old Is Murder (684)
| ├──Getting Old Is the Best Revenge (685)
| ├──Getting Old Is to Die For (686)
| └──Getting Old Is Tres Dangereux (687)
├──Rita Mae Brown
| └──A Nose for Justice (6105)
├──Rivka Galchen
| └──Atmospheric Disturbances (10388)
├──Roald Dahl
| ├──Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (19022)
| ├──Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator (19023)
| ├──Danny the Champion of the World (18919)
| ├──Fantastic Mr Fox (18920)
| ├──George's Marvellous Medicine (19010)
| ├──James and the Giant Peach (18921)
| ├──Kiss Kiss (17806)
| ├──Moi Boy (19058)
| ├──My Uncle Oswald (17807)
| ├──Spotty Powder and Other Splendiferous Secrets (23660)
| ├──Switch Bitch (17960)
| ├──The Twits (18917)
| └──The Witches (18916)
├──Rob Bell
| └──Love Wins_ Telling a New Story About Heaven and Hell. By Rob Bell (12722)
├──Rob Flickenger
| └──Linux Server Hacks (14262)
├──Rob Lowe
| └──Stories I Only Tell My Friends_ An Autobiography (12604)
├──Rob Reger
| ├──Emily the Strange_ Stranger and Stranger (9957)
| └──Emily the Strange_ The Lost Days (9958)
├──Rob Scott
| ├──Lessek's Key (11663)
| ├──The Hickory Staff (11662)
| └──The Larion Senators (11664)
├──Rob Sheffield
| └──Love Is a Mix Tape_ Life and Loss, One Song at a Time (8016)
├──Rob Smyth
| └──The Spirit of Cricket (17469)
├──Rob Thurman
| ├──Blackout_ A Cal Leandros Novel (10667)
| └──The Grimrose Path_ A Trickster Novel (5921)
├──Robb Wolf
| └──The Paleo Solution_ The Original Human Diet (11490)
├──Roben Ryberg
| └──The Ultimate Gluten-Free Cookie Book (16339)
├──Robert A Heinlein
| └──Starship Troopers (15350)
├──Robert A. Caro
| ├──Master of the Senate_ The Years of Lyndon Johnson (14293)
| ├──Means of Ascent_ The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume 2 (18553)
| └──The Path to Power_ The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume 1 (23140)
├──Robert A. Heinlein
| ├──I Will Fear No Evil (9713)
| ├──Stranger in a Strange Land (8882)
| ├──The Door Into Summer (1613)
| ├──The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (8898)
| └──Time Enough for Love_ The Lives of Lazarus Long (9714)
├──Robert Alexander
| ├──Rasputin's Daughter (2492)
| ├──The Kitchen Boy (2490)
| └──The Romanov Bride (2491)
├──Robert Anthony Pape
| └──Dying to Win (16418)
├──Robert Anton Wilson
| └──Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy (2089)
├──Robert Arthur
| ├──The Mystery of the Fiery Eye (10559)
| ├──The Mystery of the Green Ghost (10561)
| ├──The Mystery of the Screaming Clock (10573)
| ├──The Mystery of the Silver Spider (10575)
| ├──The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot (10577)
| ├──The Mystery of the Talking Skull (10578)
| ├──The Mystery of the Vanishing Treasure (10579)
| ├──The Mystery of the Whispering Mummy (10580)
| ├──The Secret of Skeleton Island (10583)
| └──The Secret of the Terror Castle (10586)
├──Robert B. Parker
| ├──A Catskill Eagle (3123)
| ├──A Savage Place (3114)
| ├──Back Story (3145)
| ├──Bad Business (3169)
| ├──Chance (3138)
| ├──Chasing the Bear_ A Young Spenser Novel (3073)
| ├──Cold Service (3068)
| ├──Crimson Joy (3126)
| ├──Double Deuce (3134)
| ├──God Save the Child (3103)
| ├──Hugger Mugger (3142)
| ├──Hundred-Dollar Baby (3070)
| ├──Hush Money (3141)
| ├──Looking for Rachel Wallace (11106)
| ├──Mortal Stakes (3104)
| ├──Now and Then (3071)
| ├──Pale Kings and Princes (3125)
| ├──Paper Doll (3135)
| ├──Pastime (3133)
| ├──Perchance to Dream (Philip Marlowe Series) (15623)
| ├──Potshot (3143)
| ├──Promised Land (3105)
| ├──Rough Weather (3072)
| ├──School Days (3069)
| ├──Sixkill (12536)
| ├──Small Vices (3139)
| ├──Sudden Mischief (3140)
| ├──Taming a Sea-Horse (3124)
| ├──The Judas Goat (3106)
| ├──The Professional (3074)
| ├──The Widening Gyre (3115)
| ├──Thin Air (3137)
| ├──Valediction (3122)
| ├──Walking Shadow (3136)
| └──Widow's Walk (3144)
├──Robert B. Wintermute
| └──Zendikar_ In the Teeth of Akoum (12480)
├──Robert Baer
| ├──The Company We Keep_ A Husband-And-Wife True-Life Spy Story (12339)
| └──The Devil We Know (16173)
├──Robert Browning
| ├──Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came (1844)
| └──The Pied Piper of Hamlin (1843)
├──Robert Buettner
| └──Overkill (11030)
├──Robert Burton Robinson
| └──Sweet Ginger Poison (9473)
├──Robert Charles Wilson
| ├──Spin (8593)
| └──Vortex (18031)
├──Robert Cinnamon
| └──How to Understand Business Finance (17761)
├──Robert Clark
| ├──Dark Water (23236)
| └──Dark Water_ Flood and Redemption in the City of Masterpieces (9755)
├──Robert Conroy
| └──Red Inferno_ 1945 (2958)
├──Robert Coover
| ├──A Night at the Movies, Or, You Must Remember This_ Fictions (6119)
| ├──Noir (6103)
| └──Pinocchio in Venice (6120)
├──Robert Coram
| └──Boyd (14904)
├──Robert Cormier
| └──Fade (9010)
├──Robert Craig
| └──Creepers (1587)
├──Robert Crais
| ├──Chasing Darkness_ An Elvis Cole Novel (23216)
| ├──Demolition Angel (9474)
| ├──Forgotten Man (23199)
| ├──Free Fall (13818)
| ├──L.A. Requiem (8864)
| ├──Lullaby Town (12478)
| ├──Stalking the Angel (12495)
| ├──The First Rule (23196)
| ├──The Last Detective (9712)
| ├──The Monkey's Raincoat (13931)
| ├──The Sentry (7916)
| └──The Watchman (23156)
├──Robert D. Kaplan
| └──Monsoon_ The Indian Ocean and the Future of American Power (12088)
├──Robert Doherty
| └──Atlantis (22387)
├──Robert E. Bartholomew
| └──The Martians Have Landed!_ A History of Media-Driven Panics and Hoaxes (23231)
├──Robert E. Howard
| ├──Best of Robert E. Howard, Volume 1 (14849)
| ├──Conan_ The Barbarian (14846)
| ├──El Borak and Other Desert Adventures (14848)
| ├──The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian (14847)
| ├──The Horror Stories of Robert E. Howard (14850)
| ├──The Iron Man (793)
| ├──The Robert E. Howard Omnibus (15462)
| └──The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane (14012)
├──Robert Ferrigno
| ├──Scavenger Hunt (9475)
| └──The Wake-Up (9476)
├──Robert Fisk
| └──Great War for Civilisation (17956)
├──Robert Gilmore
| └──Alice in Quantumland_ An Allegory of Quantum Physics (8129)
├──Robert Goddard
| └──Long Time Coming_ A Novel (7798)
├──Robert Goolrick
| └──A Reliable Wife (891)
├──Robert Greenberger
| ├──A Time to Hate (11176)
| ├──A Time to Love (11269)
| ├──Buying Time (13776)
| ├──Gateways 03_ Doors Into Chaos (11249)
| ├──Past Life (14223)
| ├──Slings and Arrows 05_ A Weary Life (11221)
| ├──The Romulan Stratagem (11229)
| └──Troubleshooting (13969)
├──Robert Greene
| ├──The 33 Strategies of War (16300)
| └──The 48 Laws of Power (900)
├──Robert Guest
| └──The Shackled Continent (23456)
├──Robert Heath
| └──The Hidden Power of Advertising (14022)
├──Robert Holden
| ├──Be Happy! (13678)
| └──Happiness Now! (14252)
├──Robert Holmes
| └──Doctor Who_ The Two Doctors (9189)
├──Robert Hughes
| ├──Rome (17113)
| └──The Fatal Shore (12672)
├──Robert Irvine
| └──Mission_ Cook! (16310)
├──Robert J. Mrazek
| └──To Kingdom Come (17796)
├──Robert J. Sawyer
| ├──Illegal Alien (14390)
| └──WWW_ Wonder (11487)
├──Robert J. Wagner
| └──Pieces of My Heart_ A Life (11982)
├──Robert J. Wiersema
| └──Bedtime Story (17928)
├──Robert Jeschonek
| └──The Cleanup (14116)
├──Robert Jordan
| ├──A Crown of Swords (840)
| ├──Crossroads of Twilight (841)
| ├──Knife of Dreams (842)
| ├──Lord of Chaos (843)
| ├──New Spring (7164)
| ├──The Dragon Reborn (845)
| ├──The Fires of Heaven (846)
| ├──The Gathering Storm (707)
| ├──The Great Hunt (847)
| ├──The Path of Daggers (848)
| ├──The Shadow Rising (849)
| ├──To the Blight_ The Eye of the World (705)
| ├──Towers of Midnight (7803)
| └──Winter's Heart (706)
├──Robert K. Massie
| └──Catherine the Great_ Portrait of a Woman (17455)
├──Robert K. Wilcox
| └──Target (9007)
├──Robert K. Wittman
| └──Priceless_ How I Went Undercover to Rescue the World's Stolen Treasures (7805)
├──Robert Kagan
| └──The World America Made (23801)
├──Robert Keppel
| └──The Riverman (17269)
├──Robert Kirkman
| └──The Walking Dead (16651)
├──Robert L. O'Connell
| └──The Ghosts of Cannae_ Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic (9008)
├──Robert Lacey
| ├──Great Tales From English History (14348)
| ├──Great Tales From English History, Book 2 (14250)
| └──Inside the Kingdom (6972)
├──Robert Lawson
| └──Mr. Popper's Penguins (17976)
├──Robert Leckie
| ├──Challenge for the Pacific_ Guadalcanal_ The Turning Point of the War (12327)
| ├──Okinawa_ The Last Battle of World War II (12326)
| ├──Strong Men Armed (22601)
| └──The Battle for Iwo Jima (6971)
├──Robert Lipsyte
| └──An Accidental Sportswriter_ A Memoir (23108)
├──Robert Littell
| └──The Company_ A Novel of the CIA (729)
├──Robert Louis Stevenson
| └──Treasure Island (Barnes & Noble Classics) (234)
├──Robert Ludlum
| ├──The Altman Code (613)
| ├──The Ambler Warning (552)
| ├──The Apocalypse Watch (553)
| ├──The Aquitaine Progression (554)
| ├──The Borne Dominion (14589)
| ├──The Bourne Betrayal (610)
| ├──The Bourne Deception (611)
| ├──The Bourne Identity (561)
| ├──The Bourne Sanction (612)
| ├──The Bourne Supremacy (569)
| ├──The Bourne Ultimatum (574)
| ├──The Cassandra Compact (615)
| ├──The Cry of the Halidon (579)
| ├──The Hades Factor (614)
| ├──The Icarus Agenda (580)
| ├──The Janson Directive (585)
| ├──The Lazarus Vendetta (609)
| ├──The Matarese Circle (586)
| ├──The Matarese Countdown (590)
| ├──The Paris Option (591)
| ├──The Scarlatti Inheritance (592)
| ├──The Sigma Protocol (596)
| └──The Tristan Betrayal (608)
├──Robert M. Pirsig
| └──Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (15394)
├──Robert M. Price
| └──New Lovecraft Circle (18763)
├──Robert Mason
| └──Chickenhawk (22839)
├──Robert Mecklenburg
| └──Managing Projects With GNU Make, 3rd Edition (7975)
├──Robert Musil
| └──Confusions of Young Torless (15574)
├──Robert Newton Peck
| └──A Day No Pigs Would Die (9438)
├──Robert O. Paxton
| └──The Anatomy of Fascism (11481)
├──Robert Olen Butler
| └──Hell (23132)
├──Robert Paul Weston
| └──Dust City (8659)
├──Robert Perry
| ├──Doctor Who_ Loving the Alien (9573)
| └──Doctor Who_ Matrix (9529)
├──Robert R. McCammon
| ├──Boy's Life (1583)
| ├──Mine (1608)
| ├──Mister Slaughter (1624)
| ├──Speaks the Nightbird_ Judgment of the Witch (1646)
| ├──Stinger_ Stinger (1592)
| ├──Swan Song (1594)
| ├──The Queen of Bedlam (1626)
| └──The Wolf's Hour (1638)
├──Robert Rankin
| └──The Japanese Devil Fish Girl and Other Unnatural Attractions (11107)
├──Robert Reed
| └──Mallow (5795)
├──Robert Ryan
| └──Signal Red (6337)
├──Robert S. McElvaine
| └──The Great Depression_ America, 1929-1941 (12426)
├──Robert Shea
| └──The Illuminatus! Trilogy (7806)
├──Robert Silverberg
| └──Dying Inside (13814)
├──Robert Spiller
| └──The Witch of Agnesi (7246)
├──Robert Stone
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├──Robert Sullivan
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| ├──Rats_ A Year With New York's Most Unwanted Inhabitants (12754)
| └──The Thoreau You Don't Know (17492)
├──Robert T. Jeschonek
| └──6 Fantasy Stories (20408)
├──Robert Thacker
| └──Alice Munro_ Writing Her Lives_ A Biography (20426)
├──Robert Tine
| └──The Astronaut's Wife (2060)
├──Robert Trivers
| └──The Logic of Lying (17182)
├──Robert Twigger
| ├──Big Snake the Hunt for the Worlds Larges (13708)
| └──The Extinction Club (15000)
├──Robert V. S. Redick
| ├──The Red Wolf Conspiracy (12696)
| ├──The River of Shadows (12267)
| └──The Ruling Sea (12697)
├──Robert Wallace
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├──Robert Walser
| └──Berlin Stories (23449)
├──Robert Whitaker
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├──Robert Wilson
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├──Robert Wilton
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├──Robert Wintermute
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├──Robert Wolke
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├──Robert Wright
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├──Roberta Brandes Gratz
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├──Roberta Gellis
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| ├──Fortune's Bride (3228)
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| ├──The English Heiress (3225)
| └──The Kent Heiress (3227)
├──Roberta Rich
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├──Roberto Bolano
| └──2666 (8594)
├──Roberto Escobar
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├──Robin Black
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├──Robin Burnside
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├──Robin Caroll
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├──Robin Cook
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├──Robin Donovan
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├──Robin G. Robertson
| └──Quick-Fix Vegetarian_ Healthy Home-Cooked Meals in 30 Minutes or Less (23324)
├──Robin Hobb
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| ├──Assassin's Quest (760)
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| ├──Dragon Haven (3100)
| ├──Dragon Keeper (11479)
| ├──Fool's Errand (781)
| ├──Fool's Fate (782)
| ├──Golden Fool (784)
| ├──Mad Ship (785)
| ├──Renegade's Magic_ Book Three of the Soldier Son Trilogy (786)
| ├──Royal Assassin (787)
| ├──Ship of Destiny (789)
| ├──Ship of Magic (790)
| └──The Inheritance and Other Stories (14028)
├──Robin Kaye
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├──Robin Lane Fox
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├──Robin Lee Hatcher
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├──Robin Maxwell
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├──Robin McKinley
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| ├──Pegasus (7811)
| ├──Spindle's End (14100)
| └──Sunshine (15300)
├──Robin Sloan
| └──The Writer and the Witch (9982)
├──Robin Wright
| └──Dreams and Shadows (16201)
├──Robinson, Sugar Ray_ Anderson, Dave
| └──Sugar Ray (14182)
├──Robyn Carr
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| └──Sheltering Hearts (13039)
├──Robyn Donald
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├──Robyn Frank-Pedersen
| └──Get Your M.B.A. Part-Time_ For the Part-Time Student With a Full-Time Life (11615)
├──Robyn Young
| └──Insurrection (15475)
├──Rocco DiSpirito
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| └──Maxims (18609)
├──Rochelle Alers
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├──Rockstar Games
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├──Rod Glenn
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├──Roddy Boyd
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├──Roddy Doyle
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├──Roderick W. Smith
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├──Rodney Crowell
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├──Roger E. Moore
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├──Roger Ebert
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├──Roger Fisher
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├──Roger Kahn
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├──Roger Lancelyn Green
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├──Roger MacBride Allen
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| ├──Star Wars_ Corellian Trilogy 01_ Ambush at Corellia (10852)
| ├──Star Wars_ Corellian Trilogy 02_ Assault at Selonia (10853)
| ├──Star Wars_ Corellian Trilogy 03_ Showdown at Centerpoint (10854)
| └──Star Wars_ The Corellian Trilogy_ Showdown at Centerpoint (20180)
├──Roger Moore
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├──Roger Rosenblatt
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├──Rohinton Mistry
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├──Rolf Potts
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├──Ron Jaworski
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├──Ron Jeremy
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├──Ron Koertge
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├──Ron McLarty
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├──Ron Paul
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| └──The Revolution (7151)
├──Ron Rash
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├──Ron Suskind
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| └──The Way of the World (7153)
├──Rona Munro
| └──Doctor Who_ Survival (9197)
├──Ronald A. Ruden
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├──Ronald C White
| └──A. Lincoln_ A Biography (2036)
├──Ronald J. Glasser
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├──Ronald Kessler
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| └──The Secrets of the FBI (16426)
├──Ronald Malfi
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├──Ronald Reagan
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├──Ronald Searle
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├──Roosh V
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├──Rory McGrath
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├──Rosamund Lupton
| ├──Afterwards (18679)
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├──Rosamunde Pilcher
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├──Rose Lerner
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├──Rose Tremain
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├──Rosecrans Baldwin
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├──Rosemary Gong
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├──Rosemary Jones
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├──Rosemary Wells
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├──Ross Allison
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├──Ross Macdonald
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├──Ross Petras
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├──Ross Thomas
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├──Royal College Of General Practitioners, The
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├──Running Press
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├──Russell T. Davies
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├──Ryan Mecum
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