DOC8全网精选12000+MOBI英文原版电子书库(作者名以字母S开始 从S. Andrew Swann到Syrie James)
1. 科幻小说 Science Fiction
- S. Andrew Swann
- 《Messiah》:作为《Apotheosis》系列的完结篇,这本书讲述了人类与自称为上帝的亚当之间的最后对抗。故事发生在被内战困扰的混乱星球Bakunin上,人类的最后希望寄托在Nickolai Rajasthan身上,他是一个莫罗,坚信创造他的人类已经无法救赎。
- 《Prophets》:这本书发生在25世纪,人类已经到达了星星,与外星文明接触,并经历了星际战争和内战。故事围绕着几个主要角色展开,他们在一个充满政治阴谋、宗教冲突和科学探索的宇宙中,寻找失落的人类殖民地,这些殖民地可能会改变力量的平衡。
2. 历史小说 Historical Fiction
- S. C. Gwynne
- 《Empire of the Summer Moon》:这本书详细记录了科曼奇印第安人与白人定居者为控制美国西部而进行的四十年战斗。书中讲述了科曼奇族的兴衰,以及Cynthia Ann Parker和她混血儿子Quanah的故事,Quanah成为了科曼奇族最后也是最伟大的酋长。这本书是对美国历史的一次深刻探索,涵盖了西班牙殖民主义、内战、野牛群的毁灭和铁路的到来。
3. 推理小说 Mystery
- S. D. Perry
- 《Night of the Wolves》:这本书是一部悬疑小说,讲述了在一系列神秘事件中,主角必须揭开隐藏在背后的真相。
- 《Twist of Faith》:这本书通过一系列复杂的情节和角色关系,探讨了信仰、背叛和复仇的主题。
4. 现代文学 Modern Literature
- S. J. Bolton
- 《Blood Harvest》:这本书是一部现代文学作品,探讨了人性的复杂性和道德的界限。
5. 旅行指南 Travel Guide
- Sandra Bao
- 《Washington, Oregon and the Pacific Northwest》:这本书是Lonely Planet系列的一部分,为旅行者提供了关于美国西北部地区的详尽指南。
6. 经济学 Economics
- S. D. Perry
- 《Twist of Faith》:虽然这本书主要是一部推理小说,但它也涉及了经济学中的一些概念,如信任、风险和决策。
7. 计算机与编程 Computer Science and Programming
- Scott Lowe
- 《Mastering VMware vSphere 5》:这本书是关于虚拟化技术的专业书籍,适合IT专业人士和对计算机科学感兴趣的读者。
8. 惊悚小说 Thriller
- S. J. Rozan
- 《Stone Quarry》:这本书是一部惊悚小说,以其紧张的情节和深刻的人物刻画而受到读者的喜爱。
- S. J. Watson
- 《Before I Go to Sleep》:这本书是一部心理学惊悚小说,讲述了一个因事故而失去记忆的女性,她试图揭开自己过去的真相。书中对人类记忆和身份认同的探讨,使其成为心理学领域的佳作。
9. 心理学 Psychology
- S. J. Watson
- 《Before I Go to Sleep》:这部小说讲述了一个因事故而失去记忆的女性,她试图揭开自己过去的真相。书中对人类记忆和身份认同的探讨,使其成为心理学领域的佳作。
10. 儿童文学 Children's Literature
- Sylvia Long
- 《Hush Little Baby》:这本书是为儿童创作的文学作品,以其温馨的故事情节和可爱的角色而受到孩子们的喜爱。
11.传记 Biography
- Sally Bedell Smith
- 《Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch》:这本书是一部关于英国女王伊丽莎白二世的传记,详细记录了她的生平、家庭、以及她在位期间的重要事件。作者Sally Bedell Smith以其深入的研究和详实的叙述,为读者提供了一个全面而立体的女王形象。
Sylvia Plath
- 《The Bell Jar》:这部自传体小说讲述了作者自己的经历,包括她与抑郁症的斗争和对生活的反思。普拉斯的作品以其深刻的自我探索和强烈的情感表达而著称。
12. 诗歌 Poetry
- Sylvia Plath
- 《The Colossus and Other Poems》:这本诗集包含了普拉斯的多首著名诗歌,展现了她对生命、死亡和爱情的深刻思考。普拉斯的诗歌以其强烈的意象和情感力量而受到读者的喜爱。
13. 社会学 Sociology
- S. Andrew Swann
- 《Marked》:这本书是一部科幻小说,探讨了社会结构和个体身份的问题。Swann的作品以其丰富的想象力和对社会问题的深刻洞察而受到读者的喜爱。
14. 哲学 Philosophy
- S. Craig Zahler
- 《A Congregation of Jackals》:这本书是S. Craig Zahler的作品,他不仅是一位作家,还是一位导演和摄影师。他的作品通常涉及深层次的哲学思考,探讨人性、道德和社会问题。
S. D. Perry
- 《Twist of Faith》:这本书通过一系列复杂的情节和角色关系,探讨了信仰、背叛和复仇的主题,涉及哲学中的道德和伦理问题。
15. 艺术 Art
- Sylvia Plath
- 《Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams》:这本作品集包含了普拉斯的短篇小说和散文,展现了她对艺术和创作的深刻理解。普拉斯的作品以其独特的艺术风格和对美的追求而受到赞誉。
- 《Ariel》:这本诗集是Sylvia Plath的代表作之一,包含了她最著名的诗作。Plath的诗歌以其强烈的情感和深刻的自我探索而闻名,Ariel中的诗篇尤其展现了她对生命、死亡和女性身份的深刻思考。
16. 侦探小说 Detective
- S. J. Rozan
- 《Bronx Noir》:这本书是一部侦探小说,通过解决一系列谜题,探讨了城市环境和人类活动对自然的影响。
- 《Reflecting the Sky》:这本书是S. J. Rozan的犯罪小说之一,她被认为是过去十年中出现的最优秀的犯罪作家之一。书中的主人公Lydia Chin是一位年轻的华裔美国私人调查员,她和她的搭档Bill Smith一起被卷入了一个涉及国际阴谋和历史秘密的案件。
17. 烹饪Cooking
- Sandra Lee
- 《Semi-Homemade Cooking》:Sandra Lee是一位知名的烹饪节目主持人和作家,她的书籍通常提供实用的烹饪技巧和食谱,帮助忙碌的家庭快速制作出美味佳肴。
18. 法律 Legal
- Scott Turow
- 《Presumed Innocent》:这是一部法律题材的小说,作者是Scott Turow,他本人也是一位知名的律师。小说讲述了一位检察官被错误指控谋杀的故事,书中对法律程序和法庭辩论的描写非常专业和细致。
19. 健康与健身 Health & Fitness
- Suze Orman
- 《The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom》:虽然这本书主要关注个人财务管理,但作者Suze Orman也强调了健康的生活方式对于实现财务自由的重要性。书中提供了一些关于如何平衡工作、生活和健康的意见。
20. 教育 Education
- Sue Palmer
- 《The Girl's Book: How to Be the Best at Everything》:这本书是一本面向女孩的指南,提供了关于学习、健康、人际关系和个人发展的各种建议。作者Sue Palmer希望通过这本书帮助女孩们建立自信,成为最好的自己。
21. 环境(Environment)
- Sara Wheeler
- 《Terra Incognita: Travels in Antarctica》:这本书是一次对南极洲的旅行记,作者Sara Wheeler以其生动的叙述和对环境问题的深刻洞察,探讨了南极洲独特的生态系统和全球气候变化对这一地区的影响。
22. 政治 Political
- Scott Ritter
- 《Iraq Confidential: The Untold Story of the Intelligence Conspiracy to Undermine the UN and Overthrow Saddam Hussein》:这本书由前联合国武器检查员Scott Ritter撰写,揭露了导致伊拉克战争的情报操作和政治阴谋。
23. 体育 Sports
- Sally Pearson
- 《PEOPLE: Personalised Education Programme for Life and Learning》:这本书是由澳大利亚著名跨栏运动员Sally Pearson撰写的,她分享了自己的运动生涯和健康生活的经验,旨在激励人们追求健康和积极的生活方式。
24. 社会问题 Social Issues
- Sandra Steingraber
- 《Living Downstream: An Ecologist's Personal Investigation of Cancer and the Environment》:这本书探讨了环境因素对癌症发病率的影响,作者Sandra Steingraber结合了个人经历和科学研究,呼吁公众对环境健康问题给予更多关注。
——/【12000+ Mobi eBooks Collection】/S/
├──S. Andrew Swann
| ├──Messiah (10357)
| └──Prophets (10448)
├──S. C. Gwynne
| └──Empire of the Summer Moon (13833)
├──S. Craig Zahler
| └──Congregation of Jackals (22757)
├──S. D. Perry
| ├──Night of the Wolves (2607)
| └──Twist of Faith (8114)
├──S. J. Bolton
| └──Blood Harvest (2455)
├──S. J. Day
| └──Eve of Darkness (5991)
├──S. J. Rozan
| ├──Absent Friends (5834)
| ├──Bronx Noir (8789)
| ├──Stone Quarry (6110)
| └──Trail of Blood (3242)
├──S. J. Watson
| └──Before I Go to Sleep_ A Novel (13694)
├──S. L. Viehl
| ├──Crystal Healer (5922)
| └──Dream Called Time_ A Stardoc Novel (2558)
├──S. M. Stirling
| ├──Against the Tide of Years (6062)
| ├──Island in the Sea of Time (6064)
| ├──On the Oceans of Eternity (6063)
| ├──The High King of Montival_ A Novel of the Change (5773)
| └──The Sunrise Lands (17375)
├──S. N. Lewitt
| └──Cybersong (13707)
├──S. T. Joshi
| └──American Supernatural Tales (2082)
├──S.D. Perry
| └──Star Trek_ Terok Nor_ Dawn of the Eagles (2608)
├──S.P. Somtow
| └──Do Comets Dream_ (11263)
├──Sabine Durrant
| └──Cross Your Heart, Connie Pickles (5950)
├──Sabrina Jeffries
| ├──After the Abduction (20343)
| └──To Wed a Wild Lord (17753)
├──Sadie Jones
| └──Small Wars_ A Novel (7353)
├──Sally Bedell Smith
| └──Elizabeth the Queen_ The Life of a Modern Monarch (23077)
├──Sally Clarkson
| └──Dancing With My Father (17620)
├──Sally Jenkins
| └──The State of Jones (23501)
├──Sally Koslow
| ├──The Late, Lamented Molly Marx (12292)
| └──With Friends Like These (6026)
├──Salman Rushdie
| ├──Fury_ A Novel (11557)
| ├──Grimus (7845)
| ├──Luka and the Fire of Life (7465)
| ├──Midnight's Children_ A Novel (12556)
| ├──Moor's Last Sigh (14088)
| ├──Shalimar the Clown_ A Novel (10338)
| ├──Shame (17098)
| ├──Step Across This Line_ Collected Nonfiction 1992-2002 (12237)
| ├──The Enchantress of Florence_ A Novel (12055)
| ├──The Ground Beneath Her Feet (17927)
| └──The Satanic Verses_ A Novel (2424)
├──Sam Barone
| └──Quest for Honour (7169)
├──Sam Bourne
| └──The Last Testament (7473)
├──Sam Brower
| └──Prophet's Prey (16672)
├──Sam Enthoven
| └──The Black Tattoo (2559)
├──Sam Harris
| └──The Moral Landscape_ How Science Can Determine Human Values (8778)
├──Sam Kashner
| └──Furious Love_ Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and the Marriage of the Century (8651)
├──Sam Landstrom
| └──Metagame (11045)
├──Sam Seder
| └──F.U.B.A.R._ America's Right-Wing Nightmare (18135)
├──Sam Sykes
| └──Tome of the Undergates (7267)
├──Samantha Hunter
| ├──Fascination (9200)
| ├──Flirtation (9202)
| ├──Friction (9201)
| └──Make Your Move (3093)
├──Samantha Mackintosh
| └──Kisses for Lula (18478)
├──Samantha Power
| └──Chasing the Flame_ Sergio Vieira De Mello and the Fight to Save the World (17229)
├──Sammy Hagar
| └──Red (12093)
├──Samuel Beckett
| └──Three Novels_ Molloy, Malone Dies, the Unnamable (5774)
├──Samuel Butler
| └──The Way of All Flesh (23820)
├──Samuel Logan
| └──This Is for the Mara Salvatrucha_ Inside the MS-13, America (14776)
├──Samuel McHarry
| └──The Practical Distiller (12508)
├──Samuel Taylor Coleridge
| └──The Complete Poems (23377)
├──Sandra Bao
| └──Washington, Oregon and the Pacific Northwest (Lonely Planet, 4th Edition) (15606)
├──Sandra Brown
| ├──A Kiss Remembered (23693)
| ├──Lethal (16288)
| ├──Smoke Screen (14889)
| ├──Sweet Anger (23696)
| └──Tough Customer_ A Novel (6074)
├──Sandra Choron
| └──Money_ Everything You Never Knew About Your Favorite Thing to Save, Spend, and Covet (23349)
├──Sandra Dallas
| └──The Diary of Mattie Spenser (5943)
├──Sandra Dutton
| └──Mary Mae and the Gospel Truth (16695)
├──Sandra Field
| └──Expecting His Baby (23697)
├──Sandra Hill
| └──The Viking Takes a Knight (6111)
├──Sandra Rodriguez Barron
| └──The Heiress of Water_ A Novel (9649)
├──Sandra Ruttan
| └──The Frailty of Flesh (6844)
| └──The Kid (17490)
├──Sara Benson
| └──California (Lonely Planet, 5th Edition) (16628)
├──Sara Douglass
| ├──Beyond the Hanging Wall (12605)
| ├──The Infinity Gate_ Darkglass Mountain_ Book Three (7358)
| ├──The Serpent Bride (16752)
| └──The Twisted Citadel (16754)
├──Sara Gruen
| └──Water for Elephants (854)
├──Sara Houghteling
| └──Pictures at an Exhibition (14071)
├──Sara J. Henry
| └──Learning to Swim_ A Novel (10635)
├──Sara Marcus
| └──Girls to the Front (23385)
├──Sara Paretsky
| └──Body Work (7817)
├──Sara Poole
| └──Poison_ A Novel of the Renaissance (6092)
├──Sara Shepard
| ├──Flawless (296)
| ├──Heartless (300)
| ├──Killer (299)
| ├──Perfect (297)
| ├──Pretty Little Liars (295)
| ├──Unbelievable (301)
| └──Wicked (298)
├──Sarah Addison Allen
| ├──Garden Spells (7489)
| ├──The Girl Who Chased the Moon_ A Novel (2066)
| ├──The Peach Keeper_ A Novel (11809)
| └──The Sugar Queen (7490)
├──Sarah Ash
| ├──Flight Into Darkness (11338)
| ├──Lord of Snow and Shadows (11339)
| ├──Prisoner of the Iron Tower (11340)
| └──Tracing the Shadow (11337)
├──Sarah Bakewell
| └──How to Live_ A Life of Montaigne in One Question and Twenty Attempts at an Answer (11484)
├──Sarah Blake
| └──The Postmistress (10639)
├──Sarah Bradford
| └──Lucrezia Borgia_ Life, Love and Death in Renaissance Italy (11455)
├──Sarah Burleton
| └──Why Me_ (23331)
├──Sarah Colonna
| └──Life as I Blow It_ Tales of Love, Life & Sex . . . Not Necessarily in That Order (23791)
├──Sarah D'Almeida
| ├──Dying by the Sword (2063)
| └──The Musketeer's Seamstress (2059)
├──Sarah Dessen
| ├──Along for the Ride (12557)
| ├──That Summer (6817)
| └──This Lullaby (6845)
├──Sarah Johnstone
| └──London (Lonely Planet, 7th Edition) (15632)
├──Sarah Langan
| └──Audrey's Door (6928)
├──Sarah Mayberry
| └──Hot for Him (7388)
├──Sarah McCarty
| └──Reaper's Justice (20263)
├──Sarah Monette
| └──Somewhere Beneath Those Waves (23490)
├──Sarah Pinborough
| └──Doctor Who_ Into the Silence (2069)
├──Sarah Rose
| └──For All the Tea in China (18167)
├──Sarah Silverman
| └──The Bedwetter_ Stories of Courage, Redemption, and Pee (1573)
├──Sarah Stewart Taylor
| └──O' Artful Death (7818)
├──Sarah van Gelder
| └──This Changes Everything_ Occupy Wall Street and the 99% Movement (23074)
├──Sarah Vowell
| ├──The Wordy Shipmates (9033)
| └──Unfamiliar Fishes (11671)
├──Sarah Waters
| └──The Little Stranger (11968)
├──Sarah Young
| └──Jesus Calling (16901)
├──Saree Makdisi
| └──Palestine Inside Out (16333)
├──Sarina Singh
| └──India (Lonely Planet, 13th Edition) (16464)
├──Sarra Manning
| └──Let's Get Lost (5835)
├──Sasa Stanisic
| └──How the Soldier Repairs the Gramophone (3108)
├──Saul Bellow
| └──Saul Bellow_ Letters (11882)
├──Saul Friedlander
| ├──Nazi Germany and the Jews_ The Years of Persecution, 1933-1939 (8772)
| └──The Years of Extermination_ Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945 (8773)
├──Saul Williams
| └──The Dead Emcee Scrolls (16730)
├──Saundra Mitchell
| └──Shadowed Summer (7496)
├──Savannah Russe
| ├──Beneath the Skin (1796)
| ├──Beyond the Pale (1800)
| ├──In the Blood (1797)
| ├──Past Redemption (1801)
| └──Under Darkness (1798)
├──Scarlett Thomas
| └──PopCo (14092)
├──Scott Andrew Selby
| └──Flawless_ Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History (17270)
├──Scott Atran
| └──Talking to the Enemy (14944)
├──Scott Belsky
| └──Making Ideas Happen (16966)
├──Scott Berkun
| └──Confessions of a Public Speaker (18720)
├──Scott Brown
| └──Against All Odds_ My Life of Hardship, Fast Breaks, and Second Chances (11969)
├──Scott Calef
| └──Led Zeppelin and Philosophy_ All Will Be Revealed (23153)
├──Scott Christianson
| └──The Last Gasp_ The Rise and Fall of the American Gas Chamber (10340)
├──Scott Ciencin
| ├──Age of Unreason (13781)
| ├──Shadowdale (15105)
| └──The Night Parade (15233)
├──Scott G. Gier
| └──Genellan_ Planetfall (1799)
├──Scott Heim
| └──Mysterious Skin (9951)
├──Scott Huler
| └──No Man's Lands (18824)
├──Scott Kelby
| └──The Digital Photography Book (14678)
├──Scott Kenemore
| └──The Zen of Zombie (17096)
├──Scott Lasser
| └──The Year That Follows (7438)
├──Scott Lowe
| └──Mastering VMware vSphere 5 (23736)
├──Scott Lynch
| ├──Red Seas Under Red Skies (15621)
| └──The Lies of Locke Lamora (1677)
├──Scott Mariani
| ├──Alchemist's Secret (12511)
| ├──Doomsday Prophecy (12512)
| └──The Mozart Conspiracy (12513)
├──Scott Mcgaugh
| └──Battlefield Angels_ Saving Lives Under Enemy Fire From Valley Forge to Afghanistan (14896)
├──Scott Nicholson
| └──Disintegration (10419)
├──Scott Raab
| └──The Whore of Akron_ One Man's Search for the Soul of LeBron James (17466)
├──Scott Sigler
| └──Infected_ A Novel (16935)
├──Scott Smith
| └──A Simple Plan (11050)
├──Scott Thornley
| └──Erasing Memory (12238)
├──Scott Westerfeld
| ├──Blue Noon (7821)
| └──Touching Darkness (7824)
├──Sean Aiken
| └──The One-Week Job Project_ One Man, One Year, 52 Jobs (7883)
├──Sean Black
| └──Lockdown (7474)
├──Sean Bryan
| └──The Juggling Pug (19161)
├──Sean Carroll
| └──From Eternity to Here (7321)
├──Sean Kingsley
| └──God's Gold_ A Quest for the Lost Temple Treasures of Jerusalem (22638)
├──Sean Manning
| └──Bound to Last_ 30 Writers on Their Most Cherished Book (16070)
├──Sean Naylor
| └──Not a Good Day to Die_ The Untold Story of Operation Anaconda (15895)
├──Sean Payton
| └──Home Team_ Coaching the Saints and New Orleans Back to Life (11718)
├──Sean Rayment
| └──Bomb Hunters_ In Afghanistan With Britain_s Elite Bomb Disposal Unit (16157)
├──Sean Stewart
| └──Star Wars_ Yoda_ Dark Rendezvous (10874)
├──Sean Wilentz
| └──Bob Dylan in America (11619)
├──Sean Williams
| ├──Star Wars_ The Force Unleashed (10878)
| ├──Star Wars_ The Force Unleashed II (10943)
| ├──Star Wars_ The New Jedi Order 15_ Force Heretic 03_ Reunion (10877)
| ├──Star Wars_ The New Jedi Order 17_ Force Heretic 01_ Remnant (10875)
| ├──Star Wars_ The New Jedi Order 17_ Force Heretic 02_ Refugee (10876)
| └──Star Wars_ The Old Republic_ Fatal Alliance (10944)
├──Seanan McGuire
| ├──A Local Habitation (6663)
| ├──An Artificial Night (6664)
| └──Rosemary and Rue (6662)
├──Sebastian Barry
| └──Annie Dunne (12020)
├──Sebastian Faulks
| ├──A Week in December (1016)
| ├──Birdsong (1216)
| ├──Charlotte Gray (885)
| ├──Engleby (11894)
| ├──Faulks on Fiction_ The Secret Life of the Novel (13748)
| ├──Girl at the Lion D'Or (15700)
| ├──Human Traces (887)
| └──The Fatal Englishman (13944)
├──Sebastian Junger
| ├──The Perfect Storm_ A True Story of Men Against the Sea (715)
| └──War (716)
├──Sena Jeter Naslund
| └──Adam & Eve (7826)
├──Sergei Lukyanenko
| └──The Twilight Watch (2675)
├──Sergio Esposito
| └──Passion on the Vine (17053)
├──Seth Godin
| ├──All Marketers Are Liars (16949)
| ├──Linchpin (16797)
| └──Tribes_ We Need You to Lead Us (14715)
├──Seth Grahame-Smith
| ├──Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter (14389)
| └──Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (14660)
├──Seyyed Hossein Nasr
| └──Islam_ Religion, History, and Civilization (22889)
├──Shahriar Mandanipour
| └──Censoring an Iranian Love Story (7159)
├──Shane Harris
| └──The Watchers (16202)
├──Shane Jones
| └──Light Boxes (2959)
├──Shane Peacock
| ├──The Dragon Turn_ The Boy Sherlock Holmes, His Fifth Case (17146)
| └──The Secret Fiend (12606)
├──Shania Twain
| └──From This Moment On (12615)
├──Shankar Vedantam
| └──The Hidden Brain (14015)
├──Shaquille O'Neal
| └──Shaq Uncut_ My Story (17773)
├──Sharon Ashwood
| └──Scorched (23715)
├──Sharon Begley
| └──The Mind and the Brain (16751)
├──Sharon Creech
| └──Walk Two Moons (19012)
├──Sharon Cullen
| └──Wherever You Are (12021)
├──Sharon Moalem
| └──Survival of the Sickest_ A Medical Maverick Discovers Why We Need Disease (10546)
├──Sharon Sala
| └──3, 2, 1_.Married! (20331)
├──Sharon Salzberg
| ├──Real Happiness (9942)
| └──Real Happiness_ The Power of Meditation_ A 28-Day Program (23252)
├──Sharon Tyler Herbst
| └──New Food Lover's Companion (17965)
├──Sharyn McCrumb
| └──Once Around the Track (12486)
├──Shaughnessy Bishop-Stall
| └──Ghosted (12685)
├──Shaun Archer
| └──How to Pass IT Exams Without Trying (14291)
├──Shaunda Kennedy Wenger
| └──The Book Lover's Cookbook (14095)
├──Shaunti Feldhahn
| ├──For Men Only (23813)
| └──For Women Only (23814)
├──Shawn Lawrence Otto
| └──Fool Me Twice_ Fighting the Assault on Science in America (23164)
├──Sheena Iyengar
| └──The Art of Choosing (14042)
├──Sheila McClear
| └──The Last of the Live Nude Girls_ A Memoir (17072)
├──Shelby Foote
| ├──The Civil War, a Narrative_ Fort Sumter to Perryville (9724)
| ├──The Civil War, a Narrative_ Red River to Appomattox (9725)
| └──The Civil War, a Narrative_ Shelby Foote (9726)
├──Sheldon Rampton
| └──Weapons of Mass Deception_ The Uses of Propaganda in Bush's War on Iraq (18349)
├──Shelley Munro
| └──The Spurned Viscountess (6672)
├──Sheri S. Tepper
| ├──Six Moon Dance (7829)
| └──The Gate to Women's Country (18560)
├──Sheriff David Reichert
| └──Chasing the Devil_ My Twenty-Year Quest to Capture the Green River Killer (16460)
├──Sherri Brooks Vinton
| └──Put 'Em Up! (16883)
├──Sherrilyn Kenyon
| ├──Acheron (14890)
| ├──Bad Moon Rising (14867)
| ├──Born of Shadows (12573)
| ├──Deadly Promises (6846)
| ├──No Mercy (5775)
| ├──Retribution (15468)
| └──The Guardian (17317)
├──Sherry Turkle
| └──Alone Together_ Why We Expect More From Technology and Less From Each Other (11004)
├──Sherryl Woods
| ├──After Tex (20228)
| ├──Along Came Trouble (20225)
| ├──Amazing Gracie (20233)
| ├──Angel Mine (20230)
| ├──Beach Lane (13679)
| ├──Daniel's Desire (3013)
| ├──Do You Take This Rebel_ (3001)
| ├──Driftwood Cottage (11931)
| ├──Michael's Discovery (3011)
| ├──Moonlight Cove (12577)
| ├──Patrick's Destiny (3012)
| ├──Ryan's Place (3008)
| ├──Sean's Reckoning (3009)
| ├──The Laws of Attraction (20213)
| ├──To Catch a Thief (3002)
| └──Wrangling the Redhead (3010)
├──Sherwin B. Nuland
| └──How We Die_ Reflections on Life's Final Chapter (10619)
├──Shilpi Somaya Gowda
| └──Secret Daughter (18373)
├──Shing-tung Yau
| └──Shape of Inner Space (14050)
├──Shirley Damsgaard
| ├──Charmed to Death_ An Ophelia and Abby Mystery (1670)
| ├──The Seventh Witch (1671)
| ├──The Trouble With Witches_ An Ophelia and Abby Mystery (1672)
| ├──The Witch Is Dead (1673)
| ├──The Witch's Grave_ An Ophelia and Abby Mystery (1674)
| ├──Witch Hunt_ An Ophelia and Abby Mystery (1675)
| └──Witch Way to Murder_ An Ophelia and Abby Mystery (1676)
├──Shirley Jackson
| ├──Just an Ordinary Day_ The Uncollected Stories of Shirley Jackson (14213)
| ├──The Haunting of Hill House (14013)
| ├──The Lottery (9981)
| └──We Have Always Lived in the Castle (16274)
├──Shirley Maclaine
| └──Dance While You Can (13727)
├──Shirley P. Glass
| └──Not _Just Friends__ Rebuilding Trust and Recovering Your Sanity After Infidelity (12600)
├──Shirley Sagawa
| └──The American Way to Change (17292)
├──Shuichi Yoshida
| └──Villain (2629)
├──Shunryu Suzuki
| └──Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind (6018)
├──Shutta Crum
| └──Mine! (19168)
├──Siddhartha Mukherjee
| └──The Emperor of All Maladies_ A Biography of Cancer (7831)
├──Sidney Poitier
| └──Life Beyond Measure (17386)
├──Sidney Sheldon
| ├──Mistress of the Game (2676)
| ├──Rage of Angels (3128)
| ├──Sidney Sheldon's After the Darkness (10355)
| ├──Tell Me Your Dreams (9718)
| ├──The Sands of Time (9203)
| ├──The Sky Is Falling (11121)
| ├──The Stars Shine Down (9921)
| └──Windmills of the Gods (9719)
├──Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky
| └──The Letter Killers Club (17958)
├──Sigmund Brouwer
| ├──Flight of Shadows (10534)
| └──Rebel Glory (23173)
├──Sigmund Freud
| └──The Penguin Freud Reader (16676)
├──Sigrid Nunez
| └──Salvation City (7833)
├──Sigrid Undset
| └──Kristin Lavransdatter (6100)
├──Silvia Hagen
| └──IPv6 Essentials (8104)
| └──Horrid Henry Shows Who's Boss (18926)
├──Simon A. Forward
| ├──Doctor Who_ Drift (9563)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Emotional Chemistry (9398)
| └──Doctor Who_ Shell Shock (9216)
├──Simon Baatz
| └──For the Thrill of It_ Leopold, Loeb, and the Murder That Shocked Jazz Age Chicago (8452)
├──Simon Baron-Cohen
| └──The Science of Evil_ On Empathy and the Origins of Cruelty (17322)
├──Simon Brett
| ├──Baby Tips for Dads (16095)
| └──Baby Tips for Mums (16097)
├──Simon Bucher-Jones
| ├──Doctor Who_ Grimm Reality (9382)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Death of Art (9326)
| └──Doctor Who_ The Taking of Planet 5 (9360)
├──Simon Clark
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Dalek Factor (9223)
| └──The Stranger (15840)
├──Simon Dixon
| └──Catherine the Great (7879)
├──Simon Guerrier
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Pirate Loop (9412)
| └──Doctor Who_ The Time Travellers (9588)
├──Simon Hawke
| ├──Blaze of Glory (11228)
| ├──The Broken Blade (3026)
| ├──The Nomad (3029)
| ├──The Outcast (3030)
| ├──The Romulan Prize (11175)
| └──The Seeker (3031)
├──Simon Holt
| └──The Devouring (9955)
├──Simon Kernick
| ├──A Good Day to Die (8449)
| ├──Severed (8450)
| ├──The Business of Dying (8447)
| └──The Last 10 Seconds (7472)
├──Simon Lelic
| └──A Thousand Cuts (6378)
├──Simon Levay
| └──When Science Goes Wrong (17184)
├──Simon Messingham
| ├──Doctor Who_ Strange England (9285)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Face-Eater (9350)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Indestructible Man (9582)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Infinity Race (9393)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Tomb of Valdemar (9542)
| └──Doctor Who_ Zeta Major (9526)
├──Simon R. Green
| ├──A Hard Day's Knight (8524)
| ├──Agents of Light and Darkness (8210)
| ├──Deathstalker Legacy (8819)
| ├──Deathstalker Return (8818)
| ├──From Hell With Love (8211)
| ├──Hell to Pay (8212)
| ├──Hex and the City (8213)
| ├──Just Another Judgement Day (8214)
| ├──Nightingale's Lament (8215)
| ├──Paths Not Taken (8216)
| ├──Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth (8217)
| ├──Something From the Nightside (8218)
| ├──The Bride Wore Black Leather (22688)
| ├──The Good, the Bad, and the Uncanny (8219)
| ├──The Man With the Golden Torc (8220)
| └──The Unnatural Inquirer (8221)
├──Simon Reade
| └──Scarecrow and His Servant (14207)
├──Simon Reynolds
| └──Rip It Up and Start Again (15565)
├──Simon Richmond
| ├──Korea (Lonely Planet, 8th Edition) (16583)
| └──Russia (Lonely Planet, 5th Edition) (16595)
├──Simon Scarrow
| ├──The Generals (11995)
| └──Young Bloods (7835)
├──Simon Schama
| └──Citizens_ A Chronicle of the French Revolution (14338)
├──Simon Sebag Montefiore
| └──Jerusalem_ The Biography (17161)
├──Simon Sinek
| └──Start With Why_ How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action (23392)
├──Simon Tolkien
| └──The Inheritance (10420)
├──Simon Van Booy
| ├──Everything Beautiful Began After (15892)
| └──The Secret Lives of People in Love_ Stories (14841)
├──Simon Winchester
| ├──Krakatoa_ The Day the World Exploded_ August 27, 1883 (11669)
| ├──Outposts_ Journeys to the Surviving Relics of the British Empire (8076)
| ├──The Fracture Zone_ My Return to the Balkans (8077)
| └──The Man Who Loved China (16385)
├──Simone Elkeles
| └──Ruined (23716)
├──Sinclair Lewis
| ├──Babbitt (Barnes & Noble Classics) (724)
| └──Main Street (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15806)
├──Siobhan Fallon
| └──You Know When the Men Are Gone (15630)
├──Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
| ├──Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Penguin) (15570)
| ├──Hound of the Baskervilles (16522)
| ├──Sherlock Holmes_ The Complete Illustrated Novels (2596)
| ├──The Adventures and Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (15901)
| ├──The Complete Sherlock Holmes (18733)
| ├──The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection (Illustrated) (14749)
| ├──The Complete Sherlock Holmes, Volume I (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15808)
| ├──The Complete Sherlock Holmes, Volume II (Barnes & Noble Classics) (15807)
| └──The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes (Penguin) (16726)
├──Siski Green
| └──How to Blow Her Mind in Bed (14289)
| └──Successful Facebook Marketing (22663)
├──Skip Horack
| └──The Eden Hunter_ A Novel (12389)
├──Sloane Crosley
| ├──How Did You Get This Number (7869)
| ├──I Was Told There'd Be Cake (17365)
| └──The Best American Travel Writing 2011 (17366)
├──Smart Cookies
| └──The Smart Cookies' Guide to Making More Dough (16637)
| ├──Mastering CSS for Web Developers (22661)
| ├──Mastering Photoshop for Web Design, Vol. 2 (Smashing eBook Series) (22654)
| ├──Professional Web Design (22653)
| ├──Professional Web Design, Vol. 2 (22659)
| ├──Smashing eBook #3_ Mastering Photoshop (22655)
| ├──Smashing eBook #4_ Mobile Design (22656)
| └──Smashing eBook #5_ E-Commerce (22657)
├──Snyder Todd
| └──Microsoft Silverlight 5 Building Rich Enterprise Dashboards (23483)
├──Sojourner Truth
| └──Narrative of Sojourner Truth (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1229)
├──Soleil Moon Frye
| └──Happy Chaos (16342)
├──Sonny Barger
| └──Let's Ride_ Sonny Barger's Guide to Motorcycling (12342)
├──Sonny Brewer
| └──Cormac_ The Tale of a Dog Gone Missing (6061)
├──Sophie Hannah
| └──The Truth-Teller's Lie (7349)
├──Sophie Kinsella
| ├──Can You Keep a Secret_ (1927)
| ├──Confessions of a Shopaholic (1928)
| ├──Remember Me_ (1929)
| ├──Shopaholic and Baby (1923)
| ├──Shopaholic and Sister (1924)
| ├──Shopaholic Takes Manhattan (1925)
| └──Shopaholic Ties the Knot (1926)
├──Sophie Littlefield
| └──Aftertime (20280)
├──Sophie Radermecker
| └──Julian Assange - WikiLeaks_ Warrior for Truth (23198)
| └──The Complete Plays of Sophocles (23395)
├──Soren Kierkegaard
| └──Either_Or (23225)
├──Spalding Gray
| └──The Journals of Spalding Gray (17093)
├──Sparks, Kerrelyn
| └──Sexiest Vampire Alive (16449)
├──St. Augustine Of Hippo
| └──Confessions (15831)
├──Stacey Wallace Benefiel
| └──Glimpse (9650)
├──Stacy Dittrich
| └──The Devil's Closet (7836)
├──Stacy Schiff
| └──Cleopatra_ A Life (8203)
├──Stan Berenstain
| ├──The Bears' Picnic (19140)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears and the Bear Detectives_ The Case of the Missing Pumpkin (19123)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears and the Bears in the Night (19127)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears and the Bears' Vacation (19117)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears and the Big Honey Hunt (19115)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears and the Bike Lesson (19116)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears and the Mama's Day Surprise (19118)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears and the Messy Room (19138)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bone (19119)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears and the Papa's Day Surprise (19120)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears and the Real Easter Eggs (19130)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree (19114)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food (19121)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Teasing (19112)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners (19122)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmies (19126)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears Go Out for the Team (19137)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears Go to School (19136)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears Inside Outside Upside Down (19128)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers (19124)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears Meet Santa Bear (19125)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears No Girls Allowed (19134)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears Old Hat, New Hat (19113)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat (19132)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist (19135)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears' Moving Day (19131)
| ├──The Berenstain Bears' New Baby (19133)
| ├──The Big Honey Hunt (19139)
| └──The Birds, the Bees, and the Berenstain Bears (19129)
├──Stan Gibilisco
| └──Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics (16135)
├──Stanley Elkin
| ├──A Bad Man (13699)
| ├──Boswell_ A Modern Comedy (13753)
| ├──Criers & Kibitzers, Kibitzers & Criers (13691)
| ├──George Mills (11970)
| ├──Mrs. Ted Bliss (14098)
| ├──The Dick Gibson Show (15398)
| ├──The Franchiser (13965)
| ├──The Living End (13907)
| ├──The MacGuffin (13909)
| ├──The Magic Kingdom (11971)
| ├──The Rabbi of Lud (13976)
| └──Van Gogh's Room at Arles (14004)
├──Stanley Fish
| └──How to Write a Sentence_ And How to Read One (14299)
├──Stanley Weintraub
| └──Pearl Harbor Christmas_ A World at War, December 1941 (18393)
├──Starr Ambrose
| └──Our Little Secret (2964)
├──Stefan Kanfer
| └──Somebody_ The Reckless Life and Remarkable Career of Marlon Brando (15898)
├──Stefan Wintermeyer
| └──Practical Asterisk 1.4 & 1.6 (14093)
├──Stefanie Pintoff
| ├──A Curtain Falls (2224)
| └──In the Shadow of Gotham (2223)
├──Stephan Spencer
| └──Google Power Search (14983)
├──Stephan Talty
| └──Empire of Blue Water (11305)
├──Stephanie Barron
| ├──Jane and the Madness of Lord Byron_ Being a Jane Austen Mystery (7837)
| ├──Jane and the Man of the Cloth (2614)
| ├──Jane and the Prisoner of Wool House (2620)
| └──Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor_ Being the First Jane Austen Mystery (2611)
├──Stephanie Coontz
| └──Marriage, a History_ How Love Conquered Marriage (23440)
├──Stephanie Cowell
| └──Marrying Mozart (2414)
├──Stephanie Donaldson-pressman
| └──The Narcissistic Family_ Diagnosis and Treatment (16709)
├──Stephanie Laurens
| ├──All About Love (20186)
| ├──All About Passion (19484)
| └──In Pursuit of Eliza Cynster_ A Cynster Novel (16447)
├──Stephanie Madoff Mack
| └──The End of Normal (17034)
├──Stephanie McAfee
| └──Diary of a Mad Fat Girl (11713)
├──Stephanie O'Dea
| └──Make It Fast, Cook It Slow_ The Big Book of Everyday Slow Cooking (14960)
├──Stephen Ames Berry
| ├──Final Assault (7839)
| ├──The AI War (7840)
| ├──The Battle for Terra Two (7841)
| └──The Biofab War (7842)
├──Stephen Batchelor
| └──Confession of a Buddhist Atheist (15966)
├──Stephen Baxter
| ├──Evolution_ A Novel (8094)
| ├──Flux (3215)
| ├──Raft (3219)
| ├──Ring (3216)
| ├──Stone Spring (6366)
| ├──Timelike Infinity (3214)
| ├──Vacuum Diagrams (3217)
| └──Xeelee Novellas (3218)
├──Stephen Booth
| └──Lost River (7518)
├──Stephen Breyer
| └──Making Our Democracy Work_ A Judge's View (23157)
├──Stephen Budiansky
| ├──Her Majesty's Spymaster (17589)
| └──Perilous Fight_ America's Intrepid War With Britain on the High Seas, 1812-1815 (10535)
├──Stephen Chambers
| └──Jane and the Raven King (12969)
├──Stephen Colbert
| └──I Am America (And So Can You!) (17739)
├──Stephen Cole
| ├──Doctor Who_ Sting of the Zygons (9269)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Ten Little Aliens (9567)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Art of Destruction (9267)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Feast of the Drowned (9263)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Monsters Inside (9257)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Timeless (9397)
| ├──Doctor Who_ To the Slaughter (9404)
| └──Doctor Who_ Vanishing Point (9376)
├──Stephen Coonts
| └──Deep Black (3154)
├──Stephen Crane
| ├──Maggie_ A Girl of the Streets and Other Writings (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1930)
| └──The Red Badge of Courage and Selected Short Fiction (Barnes & Noble Classics) (1026)
├──Stephen E. Ambrose
| ├──Ike's Spies (23139)
| ├──Pegasus Bridge_ June 6, 1944 (15)
| ├──Rise to Globalism_ American Foreign Policy Since 1938 (12271)
| └──Supreme Commander (23182)
├──Stephen Frey
| ├──Shadow Account (8997)
| ├──The Chairman (8739)
| ├──The Power Broker (10196)
| ├──The Protege (8540)
| └──The Successor (10195)
├──Stephen Fried
| └──Appetite for America (14766)
├──Stephen Fry
| ├──Fry_ A Memoir (6836)
| ├──Moab Is My Washpot (15972)
| ├──The Fry Chronicles (22614)
| ├──The Liar (12065)
| └──The Ode Less Travelled_ Unlocking the Poet Within (6957)
├──Stephen Glover
| └──Professional Idiot_ A Memoir (16748)
├──Stephen Graham Jones
| └──The Ones That Got Away (18277)
├──Stephen Greenblatt
| └──The Swerve (16624)
├──Stephen Hawking
| ├──A Brief History of Time (919)
| ├──A Briefer History of Time (918)
| ├──Illustrated Theory of Everything_ The Origin and Fate of the Universe (917)
| └──The Grand Design (5900)
├──Stephen Hunt
| ├──Secrets of the Fire Sea (8656)
| ├──The Court of the Air (9943)
| ├──The Kingdom Beyond the Waves (9944)
| └──The Rise of the Iron Moon (8657)
├──Stephen Hunter
| ├──Black Light (8368)
| ├──Soft Target (17938)
| ├──Tapestry of Spies (8364)
| ├──The Day Before Midnight (8363)
| └──Time to Hunt (8362)
├──Stephen J. Cannell
| └──King Con (7755)
├──Stephen Kendrick
| └──The Love Dare (18781)
├──Stephen King
| ├──11_22_63 (17198)
| ├──Bag of Bones (7228)
| ├──Black House (1430)
| ├──Blaze (7494)
| ├──Blockade Billy (2015)
| ├──Carrie (2493)
| ├──Cell (7240)
| ├──Christine (7197)
| ├──Colorado Kid (7238)
| ├──Cujo (7192)
| ├──Cycle of the Werewolf (7210)
| ├──Desperation (7225)
| ├──Different Seasons (7194)
| ├──Dolores Claiborne (7212)
| ├──Dreamcatcher (7230)
| ├──Duma Key (739)
| ├──Everything's Eventual (7236)
| ├──Firestarter (2005)
| ├──Four Past Midnight (7213)
| ├──From a Buick 8 (7241)
| ├──Full Dark, No Stars (7756)
| ├──Gerald's Game (15666)
| ├──Hearts in Atlantis (7227)
| ├──Insomnia (6335)
| ├──It (741)
| ├──Just After Sunset (7242)
| ├──Lisey's Story (7239)
| ├──Mile 81 (15677)
| ├──Misery (7208)
| ├──Needful Things (8735)
| ├──Night Shift (7190)
| ├──Nightmares and Dreamscapes (7222)
| ├──On Writing_ A Memoir of the Craft (11310)
| ├──Pet Sematary (7193)
| ├──Rage (7188)
| ├──Roadwork (7191)
| ├──Rose Madder (7224)
| ├──Salem's Lot (14538)
| ├──Six Stories (7336)
| ├──Skeleton Crew (7199)
| ├──Song of Susannah (744)
| ├──The Collective (7345)
| ├──The Dark Half (7207)
| ├──The Dark Tower (745)
| ├──The Dead Zone (2004)
| ├──The Drawing of the Three (747)
| ├──The Eyes of the Dragon (7211)
| ├──The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (7229)
| ├──The Green Mile (748)
| ├──The Gunslinger (762)
| ├──The Long Walk (7189)
| ├──The Mist (17344)
| ├──The Plant (7500)
| ├──The Regulators (7226)
| ├──The Running Man (7315)
| ├──The Shining (5751)
| ├──The Stand_ The Complete and Uncut Edition (764)
| ├──The Talisman (7196)
| ├──The Tommyknockers (2225)
| ├──The Waste Lands (765)
| ├──Thinner (7195)
| ├──Under the Dome_ A Novel (1444)
| ├──Ur (7312)
| ├──Wizard and Glass (Revised Edition) (17281)
| └──Wolves of the Calla (770)
├──Stephen Krensky
| └──My Dad Can Do Anything (19167)
├──Stephen L. Carter
| └──Emperor of Ocean Park (22758)
├──Stephen Law
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├──Stephen Lawhead
| └──In the Hall of the Dragon King_ The Dragon King Trilogy (14309)
├──Stephen Leacock
| └──Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town (11883)
├──Stephen Leather
| ├──Rough Justice (10356)
| └──Soft Target (15946)
├──Stephen M. Pollan
| └──Fire Your Boss (10446)
├──Stephen Marley
| └──Managra (9489)
├──Stephen Messer
| └──Windblowne (13927)
├──Stephen Mitchell
| └──Tao Te Ching (Translated by Stephen Mitchell) (17889)
├──Stephen Nissenbaum
| └──The Battle for Christmas (8491)
├──Stephen Puleo
| └──Dark Tide_ The Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919 (8645)
├──Stephen R. Covey
| └──The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1025)
├──Stephen R. Donaldson
| ├──Against All Things Ending (7505)
| ├──Chaos and Order_ The Gap Into Madness (8658)
| ├──Lord Foul's Bane (15023)
| ├──The Illearth War (15021)
| ├──The Power That Preserves (15022)
| ├──The Real Story_ The Gap Into Conflict (8534)
| └──This Day All Gods Die (7874)
├──Stephen R. Lawhead
| ├──Hood (3014)
| ├──Scarlet (3015)
| └──Tuck (3016)
├──Stephen Tunney
| └──One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy (2561)
├──Stephen Wyatt
| ├──Doctor Who_ Greatest Show in the Galaxy (9192)
| └──Doctor Who_ Paradise Towers (9161)
├──Stephenie Meyer
| ├──Breaking Dawn (534)
| ├──Eclipse (539)
| ├──New Moon (543)
| ├──The Host_ A Novel (544)
| ├──The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner_ An Eclipse Novella (555)
| └──Twilight (556)
├──Steve Almond
| └──Candyfreak (13793)
├──Steve Bell
| └──Seven Summits_ The Quest to Reach the Highest Point on Every Continent (6290)
├──Steve Berry
| ├──The Amber Room (11884)
| ├──The Balkan Escape (5924)
| ├──The Charlemagne Pursuit (7758)
| ├──The Devil's Gold (12193)
| ├──The Jefferson Key_ A Novel (13861)
| ├──The Romanov Prophecy (11885)
| └──The Third Secret_ A Novel (11886)
├──Steve Chandler
| └──Fearless_ Creating the Courage to Change the Things You Can (23428)
├──Steve Coll
| ├──Ghost Wars (7447)
| ├──On the Grand Trunk Road (14189)
| └──The Bin Ladens_ An Arabian Family in the American Century (16235)
├──Steve Earle
| └──I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive (13658)
├──Steve Emmerson
| ├──Doctor Who_ Casualities of War (9370)
| └──Doctor Who_ Dark Progeny (9380)
├──Steve Forbes
| └──Power Ambition Glory (17390)
├──Steve Hillard
| └──Mirkwood_ A Novel About J.R.R. Tolkien (8738)
├──Steve Hockensmith
| └──Pride and Prejudice and Zombies_ Dawn of the Dreadfuls (14367)
├──Steve Inskeep
| └──Instant City_ Life and Death in Karachi (16787)
├──Steve Jones
| └──Darwin's Island_ The Galapagos in the Garden of England (1698)
├──Steve Levine
| ├──Putin's Labyrinth_ Spies, Murder, and the Dark Heart of the New Russia (15974)
| └──The Oil and the Glory (23118)
├──Steve Lydford
| └──Building ASP.NET Web Pages With Microsoft WebMatrix (23413)
├──Steve Lyons
| ├──Doctor Who_ Conundrum (9282)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Head Games (9316)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Salvation (9531)
| ├──Doctor Who_ Space Age (9366)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Crooked World (9389)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Final Sanction (9537)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Murder Game (9515)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Stealers of Dreams (9261)
| ├──Doctor Who_ The Witch Hunters (9522)
| ├──Killing Ground (9498)
| └──Time of Your Life (9484)
├──Steve Marantz
| └──Sorcery at Caesars (17808)
├──Steve Martin
| └──An Object of Beauty (7911)
├──Steve McConnell
| └──Code Complete (18724)
├──Steve Perry
| ├──Changing of the Guard (8301)
| ├──Point of Impact (11738)
| ├──Star Wars_ Shadows of the Empire (10879)
| └──State of War (11740)
├──Steve Rabey
| └──101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible (18650)
├──Steve Souders
| ├──Even Faster Web Sites (7969)
| └──High Performance Web Sites (7972)
├──Steve Stack
| ├──21st Century Dodos_ A Collection of Endangered Objects (And Other Stuff) (17991)
| └──It Is Just You, Everything's Not Shit (18562)
├──Steve Stern
| └──The Frozen Rabbi (1683)
├──Steve Toltz
| └──A Fraction of the Whole_ A Novel (11988)
├──Steven Adler
| └──My Appetite for Destruction_ Sex, and Drugs, and Guns N' Roses (11973)
├──Steven Barboza
| └──American Jihad_ Islam After Malcolm X (14327)
├──Steven Barnes
| ├──Star Wars_ The Cestus Deception (10880)
| └──Star Wars_ The Hive (10881)
├──Steven C. Hayes Phd
| └──Mindfulness and Acceptance_ Expanding the Cognitive-Behavioral Tradition (15424)
├──Steven Callahan
| └──Adrift_ Seventy-Six Days Lost at Sea (14412)
├──Steven E. Schend
| └──Blackstaff (15269)
├──Steven Erikson
| ├──A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection_ 1 (2621)
| ├──A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection_ 2 (2622)
| ├──A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection_ 3 (2623)
| ├──A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection_ 4 (8277)
| ├──Dust of Dreams_ Book Nine of the Malazan Book of the Fallen (8278)
| └──The Crippled God (10536)
├──Steven Galloway
| └──The Cellist of Sarajevo (14565)
├──Steven Gould
| ├──Jumper (892)
| ├──Jumper_ Griffin's Story (893)
| └──Reflex (894)
├──Steven Harper
| ├──Dreamer (7367)
| ├──Nightmare (7366)
| ├──Offspring (7369)
| └──Trickster (7368)
├──Steven Heighton
| └──Afterlands (20097)
├──Steven Johnson
| ├──The Innovator's Cookbook (18000)
| └──Where Good Ideas Come From_ The Natural History of Innovation (10542)
├──Steven Konkoly
| └──Black Flagged (18563)
├──Steven L. Johnson
| └──The Invention of Air (14037)
├──Steven Levy
| ├──Crypto_ How the Code Rebels Beat the Government-Saving Privacy in the Digital Age (23396)
| └──In the Plex_ How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives (12299)
├──Steven Millhauser
| ├──Dangerous Laughter (18564)
| ├──Martin Dressler (23180)
| ├──The Knife Thrower_ And Other Stories (16907)
| └──We Others_ New and Selected Stories (17920)
├──Steven Pinker
| ├──How the Mind Works (23293)
| ├──The Better Angels of Our Nature_ Why Violence Has Declined (16608)
| ├──The Blank Slate (17789)
| ├──The Language Instinct_ How the Mind Creates Language (22902)
| └──The Stuff of Thought (17881)
├──Steven Piziks
| └──The Nanotech War (13957)
├──Steven Pressfield
| ├──Do the Work (16675)
| ├──Gates of Fire (16930)
| ├──The War of Art (13892)
| └──Tides of War (16941)
├──Steven Rattner
| └──Overhaul (23797)
├──Steven Saylor
| └──Empire_ The Novel of Imperial Rome (3003)
├──Steven Solomon
| └──Water_ The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization (12370)
├──Steven Tyler
| └──Does the Noise in My Head Bother You__ A Rock 'N' Roll Memoir (12618)
├──Steven W. Naifeh
| └──Van Gogh_ The Life (17428)
├──Stewart Lee Allen
| └──In the Devil's Garden_ A Sinful History of Forbidden Food (12195)
├──Stewart O'Nan
| ├──Emily, Alone (22631)
| └──The Circus Fire (14751)
├──Stieg Larsson
| ├──The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (1305)
| ├──The Girl Who Played With Fire (690)
| └──The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (691)
├──Stina Leicht
| └──Of Blood and Honey (23726)
├──Storm Constantine
| └──The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure (6014)
├──Strings Magazine Editors
| └──Violin Virtuosos (23358)
├──Stuart Brown M. D_
| └──Play_ How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul (15332)
├──Stuart Diamond
| └──Getting More_ How to Negotiate Successfully for What You Want in the Real World (15486)
├──Stuart McLean
| └──Vinyl Cafe Unplugged (2961)
├──Stuart Woods
| ├──Bel-Air Dead (12568)
| ├──D.C. Dead (18660)
| ├──L.A. Dead (8866)
| ├──Orchid Beach (9026)
| ├──Orchid Blues (8865)
| ├──Palindrome (6852)
| └──Son of Stone (16295)
├──Sudhir Alladi Venkatesh
| └──Gang Leader for a Day_ A Rogue Sociologist Takes to the Streets (1945)
├──Sue Bentley
| └──Magic Ponies_ A Twinkle of Hooves (22759)
├──Sue Grafton
| ├──A Is for Alibi (1780)
| ├──B Is for Burglar (1781)
| ├──C Is for Corpse (1782)
| ├──D Is for Deadbeat (1783)
| ├──F Is for Fugitive (1775)
| ├──G Is for Gumshoe (1776)
| ├──H Is for Homicide (1777)
| ├──I Is for Innocent (1778)
| ├──J Is for Judgement (1779)
| ├──K Is for Killer (1787)
| ├──L Is for Lawless (1788)
| ├──M Is for Malice (1789)
| ├──N Is for Noose (1785)
| ├──O Is for Outlaw (1786)
| ├──P Is for Peril (1792)
| ├──Q Is for Quarry (1790)
| ├──Q, R, S, T (16570)
| ├──R Is for Ricochet (1791)
| ├──S Is for Silence (1795)
| ├──T Is for Trespass (1793)
| ├──U Is for Undertow (1794)
| └──V Is for Vengeance (17536)
├──Sue Hendra
| └──Barry the Fish With Fingers (19099)
├──Sue Lawson
| └──After (20129)
├──Sue Miller
| └──Senator's Wife (22921)
├──Sue Townsend
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| └──The True Confessions of Adrian Albert Mole (10422)
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├──Sun Tzu
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| └──The Art of War_ Translated by Ralph D. Sawyer (14471)
├──Sur La Table
| └──Simple Comforts (17334)
├──Susan Abulhawa
| └──Mornings in Jenin (8817)
├──Susan Brigden
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├──Susan Cain
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├──Susan Casey
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├──Susan D Moeller
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├──Susan Dunlap
| └──Power Slide_ A Darcy Lott Mystery (11835)
├──Susan Elizabeth Phillips
| ├──Ain't She Sweet_ (11006)
| ├──Breathing Room (11007)
| ├──Call Me Irresistible (11008)
| ├──Dream a Little Dream (11009)
| ├──Fancy Pants (11010)
| ├──First Lady (11011)
| ├──Glitter Baby (11012)
| ├──Heaven, Texas (11013)
| ├──Honey Moon (11014)
| ├──Hot Shot (11015)
| ├──It Had to Be You (11016)
| ├──Just Imagine (11017)
| ├──Kiss an Angel (11018)
| ├──Lady Be Good (11019)
| ├──Match Me if You Can (11020)
| ├──Natural Born Charmer (11021)
| ├──Nobody's Baby but Mine (11022)
| ├──This Heart of Mine (11023)
| └──What I Did for Love (11024)
├──Susan Grant
| └──Contact (22483)
├──Susan Herrmann Loomis
| └──Nuts in the Kitchen_ More Than 100 Recipes for Every Taste and Occasion (12485)
├──Susan Hill
| └──The Woman in Black (22664)
├──Susan Jacoby
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| └──The Age of American Unreason (14034)
├──Susan Jane Gilman
| └──Kiss My Tiara (16455)
├──Susan Johnston
| └──LinkedIn and Lovin' It (22642)
├──Susan Lucci
| └──All My Life_ A Memoir (12293)
├──Susan M. West
| └──Organize for a Fresh Start (16786)
├──Susan Mallery
| ├──Already Home (11836)
| ├──Only His (16453)
| └──There's Always Plan B (15841)
├──Susan Orlean
| └──The Orchid Thief_ A True Story of Beauty and Obsession (15644)
├──Susan R. Barry
| └──Fixing My Gaze (14569)
├──Susan Richards
| └──Lost and Found in Russia_ Encounters in the Deep Heartland (8691)
├──Susan Stryker
| └──Transgender History (17820)
├──Susan Vreeland
| └──La Pasion De Artemisa (17527)
├──Susan Wiggs
| ├──Table for Five (7350)
| └──The Story of Us (7519)
├──Susan Wilson Solovic
| └──It's Your Biz_ The Complete Guide to Becoming Your Own Boss (23474)
├──Susan Wittig Albert
| ├──Dead Man's Bones (12345)
| └──The Tale of Oat Cake Crag (5776)
├──Susan Wright
| ├──Dark Passions 01_ Book One (11225)
| ├──Dark Passions 02_ Book Two (11226)
| ├──Sins of Commission (11205)
| ├──The Badlands 01_ Book One (11210)
| ├──The Best and the Brightest (11162)
| └──Violations (14006)
├──Susanna Clarke
| ├──Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (7764)
| └──Ladies of Grace Adieu (14564)
├──Susanna Daniel
| └──Stiltsville_ A Novel (7988)
├──Susanna Ives
| └──Rakes and Radishes (6097)
├──Susanna Kearsley
| └──The Winter Sea (13920)
├──Susanne Alleyn
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├──Susie Moloney
| └──The Thirteen (15867)
├──Suzanne Brockmann
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| ├──Over the Edge (2978)
| └──The Unsung Hero (2977)
├──Suzanne Clothier
| └──Bones Would Rain From the Sky_ Deepening Our Relationships With Dogs (3155)
├──Suzanne Collins
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| ├──Mockingjay (2439)
| └──The Hunger Games (1153)
├──Suzanne Forster
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├──Suzanne Goin
| └──Sunday Suppers at Lucques_ Seasonal Recipes From Market to Table (14192)
├──Suzanne Somers
| └──The Sexy Forever Food Bible (23313)
├──Suze Orman
| └──The Money Class (12624)
├──Syd Field
| └──Selling a Screenplay_ The Screenwriter's Guide to Hollywood (17785)
├──Sydney Somers
| └──Primal Pleasure (2487)
├──Sylvia Boorstein
| └──That's Funny, You Don't Look Buddhist_ On Being a Faithful Jew and a Passionate (18648)
├──Sylvia Engdahl
| ├──Doors of the Universe (14962)
| └──This Star Shall Abide (14966)
├──Sylvia Long
| └──Hush Little Baby (23691)
├──Sylvia Louise Engdahl
| └──Beyond the Tomorrow Mountains (14957)
├──Sylvia Plath
| └──The Bell Jar (365)
├──Sylvia Townsend Warner
| ├──Lolly Willowes (17323)
| ├──Mr. Fortune (17122)
| └──Summer Will Show (17135)
├──Sylvia Walker
| └──Steeped in Blood (18410)
└──Syrie James
| └──The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen (15544)
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