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Penguin Readers 企鹅英语分级读物全7级99本 中高阶分级阅读之王 国际学校推荐书目 全彩PDF 百度云网盘下载

作为国际学校推荐书目,Penguin Readers 不仅帮助学生提升英语阅读能力,还通过丰富的文学作品和非小说类书籍,拓宽学生的视野,培养跨文化理解能力。

Penguin Readers 企鹅英语分级读物全7级99本 中高阶分级阅读之王 国际学校推荐书目

Penguin Readers企鹅英语分级读物是英美的中小学校、国际化学校和英文图书馆中备受推崇的分级阅读材料,尤其适合三年级以上的学生。这套读物由拥有150多年历史的英国企鹅出版社与美国的兰登书屋合并后推出,融汇了两家出版社以及培生教育集团的优势,成为独具一格的分级读物。该系列分为7个级别,从Level 0(Easystart)到Level 6,覆盖了从小学三年级到高中三年级的阅读需求。


  1. 级别跨度大:Penguin Readers一共分为7个级别,从A1预备级(初学者)到B2(Level7),每册都对应欧洲共同语言参考标准CEFR,适合不同年龄段和阅读水平的学生。练习符合国际语言考试的形式, 包括剑桥少儿英语三级Flyers、KET、PET、FCE 、CAE、 CPE和托福。
  2. 题材丰富:涵盖了经典名著、现代流行的电影、民间故事、历史小说、戏剧文学、知名人物的传记,甚至商业书籍等多种题材。其中不乏耳熟能详的名家经典佳作,如莎士比亚的经典戏剧作品、夏绿蒂·勃朗特的《简·爱》、弗朗西斯的《了不起的盖茨比》、狄更斯的《远大前程》、乔治·奥威尔的《动物农场》等。同时,也有贴近当下校园、生活和情感,广受青少年喜爱的作品,如《奇迹男孩》(Wonder)、《我们中的一个在撒谎》(One of Us Is Lying)等。
  3. 语言难度循序渐进:读物的语言难度是循序渐进的,根据不同年龄段读者的阅读能力和学习规律编写。每本分级读物开篇都有简要介绍以及引导性提问,启发孩子们进行读前对故事主题和内容的思考。同时,语法大纲和词汇量与CEFR对应,每个故事都会有一部分新词,并在书后的词汇表里释义,难词会在图画词典以及书后的词汇表解释,新词会尽可能在文中重复出现,增加读者的熟悉度。
  4. 辅助资源丰富:每册读物都配有辅助网络资源,包括电子书、音频、附加练习和活动,以及一系列手册和介绍视频,可加强孩子对语言的理解力,提高听力水平。此外,还有阅读理解问题、章节练习、写作和论文等延伸练习,帮助学生深入理解和巩固所学内容。


  1. Level 0-1:适合小学三四年级学生,基本词汇量约200-300词,总词数约900-1300词。分级读物包括《The Last Photo》、《Marcel and the White Star》等,这些读物语言简单,内容有趣,适合阅读启蒙阶段的小朋友。
  2. Level 2:适合小学五六年级学生,基本词汇量约600词,总词数约3500-11000词。分级读物包括《The Wave》、《The Mummy Returns》等,语言难度有所提升,但仍然以趣味性和故事性为主,适合有一定阅读基础的学生。
  3. Level 3:适合初中一二年级学生,基本词汇量约1200词,总词数约5600-21000词。分级读物包括《The Count of Monte Cristo》、《The Horse Whisperer》等经典名著和现代故事,语言难度和故事深度都有所增加,适合中高年级学生。
  4. Level 4:适合初三至高一学生,基本词汇量约1700词,总词数约12000-42000词。分级读物包括《Cinderella Man》、《As Time Goes By》等,涵盖了更广泛的主题和题材,语言难度和阅读量都更大,适合有一定阅读能力和兴趣的学生。
  5. Level 5-6:适合高二至高三学生,基本词汇量约2300-3000词,总词数约14000-34000词。分级读物包括《Airport》、《Pride and Prejudice》等经典文学作品和现代故事,语言难度和深度都达到了较高的水平,适合高年级学生和准备出国读书的学生。


  1. 结合学生实际水平选择读物:根据学生的年龄、阅读能力和兴趣选择合适的读物级别。
  2. 利用辅助资源提高学习效果:充分利用电子书、音频、附加练习等辅助资源,帮助学生更好地理解和掌握读物内容。
  3. 鼓励自主阅读和思考:引导学生自主阅读,并鼓励他们进行读前、读中和读后的思考,提高批判性思维能力。
  4. 定期评估和反馈:通过阅读理解问题、章节练习等评估学生的阅读效果,并给予及时的反馈和指导。

综上所述,Penguin Readers企鹅英语分级读物是一套系统、科学、丰富的分级阅读材料,适合不同年龄段和阅读水平的学生使用。通过这套读物的学习,学生可以逐步提高英语阅读能力,拓展知识面和视野。


——/Penguin Readers 企鹅英语分级读物全7级99本 中高阶分级阅读之王 国际学校推荐书目 全彩PDF 百度云网盘下载/

├──001-013 Penguin Readers Level 0-1

| ├──001 The Last Photo.pdf 3.70M
| ├──002 April in Moscow.pdf 1019.94kb
| ├──003 Carnival.pdf 1.26M
| ├──004 Marcel and the White Star Audio.mp3 9.06M
| ├──004 Marcel and the White Star.pdf 5.61M
| ├──005 Marcel and the Shakespeare Letters Audio.rar 9.24M
| ├──005 Marcel and the Shakespeare Letters.pdf 3.64M
| ├──006 Answer Key.pdf 58.74kb
| ├──006 Factsheets.pdf 73.11kb
| ├──006 Newspaper Chase Audio.mp3 7.67M
| ├──006 Newspaper Chase.pdf 755.69kb
| ├──007 Girl Meets Boy.pdf 3.51M
| ├──008 Brown Eyes.pdf 5.72M
| ├──009 Prince William.pdf 2.22M
| ├──010 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.pdf 2.94M
| ├──011 The Gift of the Magi.pdf 2.44M
| ├──012 Run for your Life Audio.rar 26.94M
| ├──012 Run for your Life.pdf 4.02M
| ├──013 Factsheet.pdf 69.00kb
| ├──013 Test.pdf 354.65kb
| ├──013 The Missing Coins Audio.rar 14.52M
| └──013 The Missing Coins.pdf 18.42M

├──014-031 Penguin Readers Level 2

| ├──014 The Wave.pdf 1.01M
| ├──015 The Mummy Returns.pdf 7.93M
| ├──016 King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Audio.rar 32.93M
| ├──016 King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.pdf 16.36M
| ├──017 Robin Hood.pdf 2.02M
| ├──018 The Story of the Treasure Seekers.pdf 1.76M
| ├──019 Treasure Island Audio.rar 19.47M
| ├──019 Treasure Island.pdf 3.25M
| ├──020 London.pdf 5.82M
| ├──021 The Lady in the Lake.pdf 3.55M
| ├──022 Moby Dick Audio.rar 65.79M
| ├──022 Moby Dick.pdf 6.31M
| ├──023 The Room in the Tower and Other Ghost Stories Audio.rar 47.78M
| ├──023 The Room in the Tower and Other Ghost Stories.pdf 1.38M
| ├──024 Activity worksheets.pdf 198.11kb
| ├──024 Answer keys.pdf 168.74kb
| ├──024 Lost Love and Other Stories Audio.rar 43.32M
| ├──024 Lost Love and Other Stories.pdf 5.23M
| ├──024 Teacher's notes.pdf 374.35kb
| ├──025 Anne of Green Gables Audio.mp3 72.69M
| ├──025 Anne of Green Gables.pdf 1.72M
| ├──026 Simply Suspense Audio.rar 48.14M
| ├──026 Simply Suspense.pdf 5.01M
| ├──027 Persuasion Audio.rar 64.60M
| ├──027 Persuasion.pdf 1.73M
| ├──028 Stranger than Fiction Urban Myths Audio.rar 54.33M
| ├──028 Stranger than Fiction Urban Myths.pdf 7.83M
| ├──029 Black Beauty Audio.rar 49.73M
| ├──029 Black Beauty.pdf 3.80M
| ├──030 Round the World in 80 Days.pdf 111.10kb
| ├──031 Mr. Bean in Town Audio.rar 28.48M
| └──031 Mr. Bean in Town.pdf 165.17kb

├──032-053 Penguin Readers Level 3

| ├──032 The Count of Monte Cristo.pdf 2.21M
| ├──033 The Horse Whisperer.pdf 2.02M
| ├──034 The Ghosts of Izieu.pdf 10.61M
| ├──035 The Turn of the Screw.pdf 12.52M
| ├──036 The Red Badge of Courage.pdf 1.37M
| ├──037 Forrest Gump.pdf 2.90M
| ├──038 Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.pdf 6.07M
| ├──039 Hamlet.pdf 7.36M
| ├──040 Stargate.pdf 1.74M
| ├──041 How to be an Alien Audio.rar 38.47M
| ├──041 How to be an Alien.pdf 2.16M
| ├──042 A History of Britain Audio.rar 62.73M
| ├──042 A History of Britain.pdf 5.83M
| ├──043 Manchester United.pdf 9.17M
| ├──044 British Life.pdf 16.64M
| ├──045 The Beatles Audio.rar 69.66M
| ├──045 The Beatles.pdf 14.88M
| ├──046 The Black Cat and Other Stories Audio.rar 55.16M
| ├──046 The Black Cat and Other Stories.djvu 1.50M
| ├──047 Answer Key.pdf 16.33kb
| ├──047 Teacher's Notes.pdf 43.26kb
| ├──047 Titanic Audio.mp3 9.52M
| ├──047 Titanic.pdf 5.08M
| ├──048 New York.pdf 9.60M
| ├──049 More Heroic Failures.pdf 1.58M
| ├──050 The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency Audio.rar 60.56M
| ├──050 The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency.pdf 8.37M
| ├──051 The Young King and Other Stories Audio.rar 92.22M
| ├──051 The Young King and Other Stories.pdf 1.81M
| ├──052 My Family and Other Animals Audio.rar 51.57M
| ├──052 My Family and Other Animals.pdf 5.14M
| ├──053 Sense and sensebility Audio.rar 53.70M
| └──053 Sense and sensebility.pdf 55.21M

├──054-076 Penguin Readers Level 4

| ├──054 Cinderella Man.pdf 1.80M
| ├──055 As Time Goes By.pdf 1.43M
| ├──056 Lorna Doone.pdf 3.44M
| ├──057 Primary Colors.pdf 2.24M
| ├──058 Strangers on a Train.pdf 1.31M
| ├──059 The Time Machine.pdf 11.45M
| ├──060 The Full Monty.pdf 1.90M
| ├──061 The Street Lawyer Audio.rar 234.22M
| ├──061 The Street Lawyer.pdf 48.93M
| ├──062 The Locked Room.pdf 1.06M
| ├──063 Three Great Plays of Shakespeare Audio.rar 173.11M
| ├──063 Three Great Plays of Shakespeare.pdf 906.92kb
| ├──064 Shakespeare His Life and Plays Audio.rar 35.25M
| ├──064 Shakespeare His Life and Plays.pdf 14.15M
| ├──065 The Picture of Dorian Gray Audio.rar 33.81M
| ├──065 The Picture of Dorian Gray.pdf 36.15M
| ├──066 The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories Audio.rar 34.60M
| ├──066 The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories.pdf 38.76M
| ├──067 1984 Audio.rar 63.92M
| ├──067 1984.pdf 3.14M
| ├──068 The Godfather.pdf 499.33kb
| ├──069 Gladiator.pdf 1.25M
| ├──070 The House of Stairs Audio.rar 13.02M
| ├──070 The House of Stairs.pdf 185.71kb
| ├──071 The Dream and other stories.pdf 4.75M
| ├──072 About a Boy Audio.rar 187.42M
| ├──072 About a Boy.pdf 1021.81kb
| ├──073 Crime Story Collection Audio.rar 162.03M
| ├──073 Crime Story Collection..pdf 5.41M
| ├──073 Crime Story Collection.pdf 13.49M
| ├──074 Inventions that Changed the World Audio.rar 66.91M
| ├──074 Inventions that Changed the World.pdf 26.07M
| ├──075 Women in Business.pdf 2.75M
| ├──076 Management Gurus Audio.rar 98.15M
| └──076 Management Gurus.pdf 1.78M

├──077-099 Penguin Readers Level 5-6

| ├──077 Airport.pdf 967.95kb
| ├──078 The Body.pdf 2.68M
| ├──079 On the Road.pdf 1.89M
| ├──080 Pride and Prejudice.pdf 2.29M
| ├──081 The Firm.pdf 558.65kb
| ├──082 The Invisible Man.pdf 856.25kb
| ├──083 The Grass is Singing.pdf 2.32M
| ├──084 The War of the Worlds.pdf 1.54M
| ├──085 A Time to Kill.pdf 1.90M
| ├──086 Jude the Obscure.pdf 2.47M
| ├──087 Four Weddings and a Funeral.pdf 1.33M
| ├──088 Taste and Other Tales.pdf 1.81M
| ├──089 The Phantom Of the Opera.pdf 2.84M
| ├──090 The Pelican Brief.pdf 288.13kb
| ├──091 Prime Suspect Audio.mp3 20.07M
| ├──091 Prime Suspect.pdf 2.51M
| ├──092 Tales of Mistery and Imagination Audio.rar 94.07M
| ├──092 Tales of Mistery and Imagination.pdf 647.71kb
| ├──093 Sons and Lovers Audio.rar 124.19M
| ├──093 Sons and Lovers.pdf 9.48M
| ├──094 World Folktales Audio.rar 123.30M
| ├──094 World Folktales.pdf 1.36M
| ├──095 More Tales from Shakespeare.pdf 1.88M
| ├──096 Misery.pdf 960.37kb
| ├──097 Benetton.pdf 2.03M
| ├──098 The Story of the Internet.pdf 1.79M
| └──099 Business at the Speed of Thought.pdf 2.15M


| ├──answer_key_test1.pdf 602.03kb
| ├──answer_key_test2.pdf 602.32kb
| ├──answer_key_test3.pdf 602.58kb
| ├──answer_key_test4.pdf 603.95kb
| ├──answer_key_test5.pdf 603.43kb
| ├──answer_key_test6.pdf 602.87kb
| ├──answer_sheet.pdf 608.55kb
| ├──test_1.pdf 1.34M
| ├──test_2.pdf 1.35M
| ├──test_3.pdf 1.36M
| ├──test_4.pdf 1.38M
| ├──test_5.pdf 1.38M
| └──test_6.pdf 1.39M

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