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全彩词汇阅读绘本Vocabulary Readers GK-G6全套167册 内嵌音频可点读PDF 百度网盘下载-409MB

全彩词汇阅读绘本Houghton Mifflin出版的Vocabulary Readers GK-G6 (点读版)

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美国霍顿米夫林出版公司Houghton Miffilin Harcourt已经成立190多年,在美国非常具有影响力,出版了非常多的教育类书籍。今天给大家推出旗下的一部明星教材:Vocabulary Readers。全套分为GK-G6共7个级别,每个级别有十几到三十几本,都是高清原版PDF。每本一个主题,全彩色绘本,教材中的词汇,配有精美的图片,可以让读者在学习的同时,享受更好的视觉效果。



├──Vocabulary Readers G1
| ├──Animal Talk.pdf 1.46M
| ├──Animals.pdf 1.61M
| ├──Baby Birds.pdf 1.48M
| ├──Butterflies.pdf 1.50M
| ├──Curious About School - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.41M
| ├──Desert Animals.pdf 2.15M
| ├──Ducks.pdf 1.53M
| ├──Favorite Things.pdf 1.40M
| ├──Firehouse.pdf 1.37M
| ├──Going to School.pdf 1.56M
| ├──Grandpa.pdf 1.49M
| ├──Happy Birthday!.pdf 1.76M
| ├──Helping at Home - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.31M
| ├──In the Sky.pdf 1.56M
| ├──Kamalas Art - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.33M
| ├──Kite Flying - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.29M
| ├──Moving.pdf 1.53M
| ├──Music.pdf 1.60M
| ├──My Favorite Foods.pdf 1.64M
| ├──People in the Town.pdf 1.64M
| ├──Reading Together.pdf 1.41M
| ├──Reading.pdf 1.46M
| ├──Shark.pdf 1.39M
| ├──Sink or Float - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.25M
| ├──So Many Sounds.pdf 1.64M
| ├──Soccer - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.04M
| ├──Spots.pdf 1.43M
| ├──The Weather.pdf 1.38M
| ├──Trains.pdf 1.50M
| └──Trees.pdf 1.66M
├──Vocabulary Readers G2
| ├──All About Chile.pdf 1.65M
| ├──Along Came a Spider.pdf 1.92M
| ├──Amazing Nests.pdf 1.71M
| ├──Antarctic Animals.pdf 1.50M
| ├──Bongos, Maracas, and Xylophones.pdf 1.69M
| ├──Clever Animals.pdf 1.85M
| ├──Coral Reefs.pdf 2.05M
| ├──Dinosaur Fossils.pdf 1.79M
| ├──Everyday Hero.pdf 1.73M
| ├──Fall Harvest.pdf 1.99M
| ├──Friendship Rules!.pdf 1.55M
| ├──From Typewriters to Computers.pdf 2.05M
| ├──Fun Pets.pdf 1.79M
| ├──Grow a Bean Plant!.pdf 1.62M
| ├──Let It Rain!.pdf 1.49M
| ├──Native American Folktales.pdf 1.64M
| ├──One Room Schools.pdf 1.64M
| ├──Pet Rabbits.pdf 8.01M
| ├──Philadelphia, 1756.pdf 1.79M
| ├──Police in the Community.pdf 1.50M
| ├──Raising Funds.pdf 1.61M
| ├──Ready for Lift Off.pdf 1.72M
| ├──Signs Are Everywhere.pdf 1.78M
| ├──Special Tools.pdf 1.70M
| ├──Take a Trip to China.pdf 2.88M
| ├──The Brooklyn Dodgers.pdf 1.89M
| ├──The Loch Ness Monster.pdf 1.72M
| ├──The Three Sisters.pdf 1.83M
| ├──Weaving.pdf 2.51M
| └──Who Is in Your Family.pdf 1.87M
├──Vocabulary Readers G3
| ├──A Sherpa Guide.pdf 2.13M
| ├──All About Grass.pdf 2.23M
| ├──All About Mice.pdf 2.20M
| ├──Animals in Danger!.pdf 2.76M
| ├──Big Bridges.pdf 2.23M
| ├──City Parks.pdf 2.27M
| ├──Dog Helpers.pdf 1.89M
| ├──Emperor Penguins.pdf 3.67M
| ├──Everyday Inventions.pdf 2.50M
| ├──Flight of the Swallows.pdf 2.32M
| ├──Fun with Science.pdf 5.74M
| ├──Jim Thorpe.pdf 1.92M
| ├──Kitchen Science.pdf 2.14M
| ├──Meet Dino Sue!.pdf 2.26M
| ├──Mia and Nomar.pdf 2.02M
| ├──Painting - From Caves to Computers.pdf 2.37M
| ├──Puppets, Puppets, Puppets.pdf 2.15M
| ├──Route 66.pdf 2.50M
| ├──Schools Then and Now.pdf 2.35M
| ├──Sea Lions.pdf 2.14M
| ├──State Quarters.pdf 2.41M
| ├──The Daily Life of the Cherokee.pdf 3.34M
| ├──The Supreme Court.pdf 2.09M
| └──World of Ants.pdf 2.10M
├──Vocabulary Readers G4
| ├──A Visit to the Dominican Republic.pdf 6.59M
| ├──Animals Helping People(1).pdf 5.05M
| ├──Animals Helping People.pdf 5.05M
| ├──Artists in Training.pdf 6.06M
| ├──Behind the Scenes.pdf 5.19M
| ├──Check Out the Library.pdf 5.20M
| ├──Community Teamwork.pdf 2.91M
| ├──Dangerous Waves.pdf 6.30M
| ├──Feathered Hunters of the Night.pdf 5.28M
| ├──Lewis and Clarks Packing List.pdf 4.76M
| ├──Mill Girls.pdf 5.79M
| ├──Really, Really Cold!.pdf 4.05M
| ├──Stagecoach Travel.pdf 4.74M
| ├──Storytelling Through the Years.pdf 5.47M
| ├──The Golden Age of Sail.pdf 3.02M
| └──The Truth About Rodents.pdf 6.07M
├──Vocabulary Readers G5
| ├──A Knight in Armor - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.76M
| ├──Battles at Sea - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.36M
| ├──Ben Franklin Goes to Paris - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.29M
| ├──Big Cats - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.11M
| ├──Black Bears.pdf 3.53M
| ├──Four Stops on the Sata Fe Trail - NO AUDIO.pdf 918.62kb
| ├──From Parking Lot to Garden - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.54M
| ├──Fun in Colonial Times.pdf 3.40M
| ├──Horses in North America - NO AUDIO.pdf 790.54kb
| ├──In the Days of Missions and Ranchos - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.22M
| ├──Job Sense - NO AUDIO.pdf 999.92kb
| ├──Journals of the West.pdf 3.71M
| ├──Mangrove Swamp.pdf 3.02M
| ├──Meet the Ojibwa - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.07M
| ├──Paul Revere - Hero on Horseback - NO AUDIO.pdf 798.02kb
| ├──Print It! - NO AUDIO.pdf 954.11kb
| ├──Redcoats in America - NO AUDIO.pdf 982.17kb
| ├──River Travel - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.56M
| ├──Running for President.pdf 3.16M
| ├──Save Our Sea Turtles.pdf 3.29M
| ├──Saved from the Sea.pdf 4.46M
| ├──Sports and Motion.pdf 3.17M
| ├──Thats a Wacky Idea - NO AUDIO.pdf 974.50kb
| ├──The Battle of Monmouth - NO AUDIO.pdf 822.30kb
| └──The Space Shuttle.pdf 3.10M
├──Vocabulary Readers G6
| ├──Alaskas Natives - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.10M
| ├──Are You a Team Player.pdf 3.89M
| ├──Computers and Movies.pdf 3.17M
| ├──Foods of Mexico - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.24M
| ├──How a Book Gets Published.pdf 4.04M
| ├──Life in the 1950s.pdf 3.75M
| ├──Life in the Arctic - NO AUDIO.pdf 973.19kb
| ├──Santa Fe, Then and Now.pdf 3.76M
| ├──The Hidden World of Mold.pdf 3.82M
| ├──The Maori of New Zealand - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.38M
| ├──The Story of the Blues.pdf 3.62M
| ├──Viking Longship - NO AUDIO.pdf 1.25M
| └──Your Guide to Pet Care.pdf 3.72M
└──Vocabulary Readers GK
| ├──Animals in the Snow.pdf 2.91M
| ├──At School.pdf 3.25M
| ├──At the Beach.pdf 2.81M
| ├──Bugs!.pdf 2.97M
| ├──Camping Under the Stars.pdf 1.04M
| ├──Curious About Playing Ball.pdf 2.43M
| ├──Curious About the Animal Park.pdf 6.81M
| ├──Family Fun.pdf 2.69M
| ├──Friends.pdf 2.78M
| ├──Fun in July.pdf 2.47M
| ├──Going for a Hike.pdf 2.66M
| ├──I Can!.pdf 2.61M
| ├──In the Sky.pdf 2.39M
| ├──Lets Have Fun!.pdf 2.66M
| ├──Look at Me!.pdf 2.11M
| ├──Lots of Birds.pdf 1.64M
| ├──Make a Kite.pdf 1.43M
| ├──My Bike.pdf 3.06M
| ├──My School.pdf 2.82M
| ├──On the Farm.pdf 2.73M
| ├──Our Classroom.pdf 2.60M
| ├──Our Jobs.pdf 3.23M
| ├──Sisters and Brothers.pdf 2.78M
| ├──Snack Time.pdf 2.65M
| ├──The Flower.pdf 2.90M
| ├──The Lion.pdf 2.97M
| ├──The Puppy.pdf 1.72M
| ├──Trip to the Fire Station.pdf 3.02M
| └──Visiting a Park.pdf 2.59M

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