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Cambridge English Empower 剑桥中学成人英语教材 六级A1-C1 学生用书PDF 练习册 教师用书 MP3音频 MP4视频 白板软件 百度云网盘下载

新版第二版 Cambridge English Empower六个级别A1-C1 学生书PDF+练习册+教师书+音频+视频含+windows+MAC白板


Cambridge Empower是劍橋大學出版社的面向成人和成年學習者的通用英語課程。 Empower結合了引人入勝的課堂材料和可靠的評估以及個性化的在線練習的獨特組合,使學習者能夠取得一致且可衡量的進步。

  1. 教材目标

    • 该教材旨在帮助学生准备通过国际英语考试,同时提高英语能力。
    • 适用于不同考试级别,从初级到高级,满足学生多样化的学习需求。
  2. 内容组成

    • 包括六本教科书,每本教科书都针对特定的考试级别。
    • 教科书内容丰富,包括各种各样的练习和活动,帮助学生提高听力、口语、阅读和写作技能。
  3. 教学特点

    • 强调实际应用,通过模拟真实场景和对话,帮助学生更好地理解和运用英语。
    • 提供大量的模拟试题和模拟考试,以便学生在考试前进行自我评估和准备。
    • 配备在线资源,如录音、视频和练习题,以及教师用教学指南和学生用活动本,支持课堂教学、自学和考前准备。
  4. 学习支持

    • 提供详细的解题技巧和建议,帮助学生更好地应对考试。
    • 通过系统性和阶梯性的课程设计,确保学生逐步掌握英语知识和技能。
  5. 教材优势

    • 教材内容丰富,涵盖了听、说、读、写四个方面,有助于全面提升学生的英语能力。
    • 配备在线资源,方便学生随时随地进行学习。
    • 提供大量的模拟试题和模拟考试,有助于学生熟悉考试形式,提高应试能力。

综上所述,Cambridge Empower是一套全面且实用的英语教材,适合各个级别的学生使用。通过系统的学习和练习,学生可以在提高英语能力的同时,为国际英语考试做好充分准备。



  • 语言真实:教材中的对话、文章和练习均取材于真实的语言环境,确保学生接触到的是地道的英语表达。
  • 目标明确:每本教材都针对特定的语言技能和学习目标进行设计,确保学生能够在学习过程中明确自己的进步方向。


  • 阶梯式上升:教材分为多个级别,每册之间的知识内容呈阶梯状上升,确保学生能够在学习过程中逐步提升英语水平。
  • 知识连贯:各册教材之间内容相互衔接,确保学生在学习新知识的同时,能够巩固已学内容,形成完整的知识体系。


  • 练习多样:教材提供了多种类型的练习和活动,如听力理解、口语表达、阅读理解、写作练习等,确保学生能够在不同方面都得到充分的锻炼。
  • 资源丰富:除了纸质教材外,还配备了在线资源,如录音、视频和练习题等,为学生提供了丰富的学习资源。


  • 地道表达:教材中的对话和文章均使用了地道的英语表达,如“I’m looking for a place to stay for a few days.”(我正在找一个地方住几天。)这样的句子既符合英语国家的表达习惯,又易于学生理解和模仿。
  • 实际场景模拟:教材中的练习和活动往往模拟了真实的语言场景,如餐厅点餐、旅行问路等,让学生在模拟的场景中进行语言实践,提高实际交流能力。
  • 系统训练:每本教材都按照特定的语言技能和学习目标进行编排,如某册教材可能专注于听力理解训练,通过多种听力材料和练习形式来提高学生的听力水平。

综上所述,Cambridge Empower这套教材在语言特色上注重实用性与针对性、系统性与连贯性、丰富性与多样性,通过具体的语言材料和练习形式来提高学生的英语能力。同时,教材中的地道表达、实际场景模拟和系统训练等特点也为学生提供了良好的语言学习体验。


Cambridge English Empower is a general adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from the experts at Cambridge English Language Assessment. The Upper Intermediate Workbook with downloadable audio (no answers) can be used alongside the Student's Book and offers additional consolidation activities.

The Upper Intermediate Student's Book gives learners an immediate sense of purpose and clear learning objectives. It provides core grammar and vocabulary input alongside a mix of skills. Speaking lessons offer a unique combination of functional language, pronunciation and conversation skills, alongside video filmed in the real world. Each unit ends with a consolidation of core language from the unit and focuses on writing within the context of a highly communicative mixed-skills lesson. This version of the Student's Book does not provide access to the video, assessment package and online workbook. A version with full online access is available separately.

Key Features:

- A course book with thought-provoking images and texts and engaging video, designed to generate an emotional response; all helping teachers to deliver motivating and memorable lessons.
- Assessment developed and validated by the experts at Cambridge English Language Assessment; rigorously pre-tested to ensure all it is accurate, meaningful and fair.
- Personalised learning paths outside of the classroom give students targeted practice, ensuring they spend their time on what they need most, and keeping them motivated and engaged.
- Teachers are provided with a full digital package in one place: Learning Management System plus web tools and clear step-by-step guidance on how to use these tools in the modern classroom. This ultimately allows teachers to spend more time on preparing and delivering high-quality lessons.
- Manageable learning with a syllabus that teachers can trust, with Corpus-informed content and alignment to the CEFR, so that learners can clearly and measurably see their own progress in each of the four language skills.

The Student's Book contains thought-provoking content which is designed to generate an emotional response and get learners and teachers enjoying the class right from the start. There's also support to make the teaching process a motivating and enjoyable one.

The Workbook with answers and downloadable audio can be used alongside the Student's Book and offers additional consolidation activities

Teacher's Book offers detailed teaching notes for every lesson of the Student's Book. It also includes extra photocopiable activities, keys to exercises and extra teaching notes.

Empower Class Audio CDs provide all the audio content from the Student's Book.

Presentation Plus provides the complete Student's Book content and the Workbook content with built-in annotation tools, embedded audio, and class video in an easy-to-operate format for interactive whiteboards or computers and projectors.


——/6初中/25英语/【多课吧DOC8.com-2820】Cambridge English Empower 剑桥中学成人英语教材 六级A1-C1 学生用书PDF 练习册 教师用书 MP3音频 MP4视频 白板软件 百度云网盘下载/

├──Empower A2 Elementary.rar 707.41M
├──Empower B1 Plus Intermediate.rar 3.50G
├──Empower B1 Pre-Intermediate part A.rar 2.39G
├──Empower B1 Pre-Intermediate part B.rar 2.05G
├──Empower B2 Upper Intermediate.rar 3.05G
├──Empower C1 Advance part A.rar 2.36G
└──Empower C1 Advance part B.rar 1.46G

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