SAT 2023
Visualize Your Vocabulary: Turn Any SAT Word into a Picture and Remember It Forever
Gardner Shayne.CreateSpace, 2014. — 270 p. — ISBN: 1499500440
This is volume one of a soon to be ten volume series that will establish the definitive "How To" in permanently memorizing SAT words or any other words. The method in this book makes it fun, easy, fast, and painless to tame tough SAT vocabulary. Studies show that most of us are visual learners, so the trick to remember an abstract concept is to turn it into a picture. That can take time and effort. This book does all of the work for you. It is the academic equivalent of steroids for an athlete. Read it and gain a remarkable edge over other students. Read it and dramatically raise your verbal SAT score. Read it and develop a powerful vocabulary which is the most accurate indicator of potential academic success. Read it and the mild-mannered, offbeat, super hero Werdnerd will take you on a tour through 250 zany illustrations that will magically stick in your memory like glue. You see it. You get it. It’s that simple.
SAT Premium Prep 2023
SAT Study Guide Premium 2023

SAT Power Vocab_ A Complete Guide to Vocabulary Skills and Strategies for the SAT

Top 50 SAT Reading, Writing, and Language Skills, 3rd Edition 2021
SAT写作基础课程 --- 贺培
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