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Oxford Guide to Plain English 牛津简明英语指南 英语自学写作教材PDF 百度云网盘下载

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Oxford Guide to Plain English 牛津简明英语指南


Paperback: 384 pages

Publisher: OUP Oxford; 5 edition (27 Feb. 2020)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0198844611

ISBN-13: 978-0198844617

Product Dimensions: 129 x 195 x 20mm | 402g


很多国外知名作家都建议读者要写平实易懂的英语(plain English),那么,怎样才能做到这一点呢?《牛津简明英语指南》(Oxford Guide to Plain English)对此有很详细的阐述。

这本书的作者Martin Cutts是一名作家及编辑,同时也是“简明英语运动”(the Plain English Campaign)的发起人之一。所谓的“简明英语运动”是英美国家上世纪末发起的一个语言简化运动,旨在减少政府、商业以及法律等文件中晦涩难懂的术语以及复杂句式,让大众更加容易读懂它们。


A written communication is in plain language if its wording, structure, and design are so clear that the intended readers can easily find what they need, understand it, and use it.




Plain English is the art of writing clearly, concisely, and in a way that precisely communicates your message to your intended audience. This book offers expert advice to help writers of all abilities improve their written English. With 30 chapters, each centred around a practical guideline, its coverage is extensive, including lessons on vocabulary, punctuation, grammar, layout, proofreading, and organization. There are also hundreds of real examples to show how it's done, with handy 'before' and 'after' versions. All this is presented in a straightforward and engaging way.

This new edition has been fully revised, reorganized, and updated to make its content even more accessible. There are new chapters discussing customer-service writing and common blunders in the workplace, while other sections have been amended to update examples and provide easier routes through the book. The chapter on sexism, in particular, has been heavily expanded to advise on the use of inclusive language in general. A new appendix has also been added, summarising the history of plain English from Chaucer to the present day.



Starting points

The thirty guidelines

Summary of the twelve main guidelines

1. Planning comes first

2. Organizing your material in a reader-centred structure

3. Writing short sentences and clear paragraphs

4. Preferring plain words

5. Writing concisely

6. Favouring active-voice verbs

7. Using vigorous verbs

8. Using vertical lists

9. Converting negative to positive

10. Using good punctuation

11. Using good grammar

12. Keeping errors in Czech: its time to Proof read

13. Dealing with some troublesome words and phrases

14. Using or avoiding foreign words

15. Undoing knotty noun strings

16. Reducing cross-references

17. Exploring and exploding some writing myths

19. Pitching your writing at the right level

20. Writing sound starts and excellent endings

21. Creating better emails

22. Using inclusive language

23. Using alternatives to words alone

24. Caring enough about customers to write to them clearly

25. Overseeing colleagues' writing

26. Writing better instructions

27. Clarifying for the Web

28. Making legal language lucid

29. Writing low-literacy plain English

30. Clarifying page layout: some basics

Appendix 1: Commonest words

Appendix 2: A short history of plain-English moments

Sources and notes



Martin Cutts is a writer, editor, and teacher. He co-founded the Plain English Campaign in 1979, and in 1994 he founded Plain Language Commission. He gives writing-skills courses in companies, government departments, and law firms. He is a leading voice in the international plain-language movement.



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