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Oxford Navigate 英国牛津出版高中以上成人英语课程 全6级学生用书 教师用书 练习册 全彩PDF MP3音频 MP4视频 百度云网盘下载

Oxford Navigate简介

Oxford Navigate牛津导航是刚刚推出的6级(不是中国的六级考试)专门为成人学习英语制作的。引进近些年的成人外语新经验和方法,通过改良的听读并进手段,使学生获得举一反三的效果。本教材是在通过不同的ELT课程试用和反馈的基础上定型的。内容包括教材和练习册,教师用书还有音频,视频。

  •  A brand new adult course based on academic research as to how adults best learn languages and extensive classroom research.
  • Navigate is a brand new, six-level General English course tailored exclusively to adults.
  •  The course takes an innovative approach to reading and listening based on academic research as to how adults best learn languages.
  • It teaches reading and listening from the bottom up, giving learners the skills they need to understand the next text they will read and hear, not just the one they are reading or hearing now.
  • The content has been extensively piloted and reviewed in ELT classrooms across the world, giving teachers the confidence that it really works.
  • The first 3 levels are publishing early 2015 (A2, B1 and B1+) with the next 3 levels following early 2016.

 Key features:


  •  - Based on the Oxford 3000,so learners are only covering the most relevant vocabulary for them
  •  - Driven by learning outcomes and end goals of adult learners, so that learners can make the most of their time
  •  - Truly adult and truly international
  •  - Information-rich topics and texts immerse adult learners in themes and issues from around the world so that learning English is more relevant
  •  - Based on extensive academic and classroom research
  •  - Learner materials have been thoroughly tested and piloted in ELT classrooms across the world - giving teachers confidence that it works
  •  - Innovative approach to skills development based on academic research helps your learners to listen and read for tomorrow
  •  - Innovative skills strand takes a bottom-up decoding approach to listening and reading
  •  - Equal weight given to grammar and vocabulary learning with clear on-the-page practice
  •  - Vocabulary based on the Oxford 3000 and levelled against the CEFR, giving learners the relevant language they need to communicate in the world today
  •  - Clear aims and outcomes linked to the CEFR throughout the course
  •  - Learners are immersed in themes and issues from around the world through content-rich, authentic texts that are really relevant to adult learners
  •  - Focus on vocabulary systems and vocabulary-building techniques
  •  - Real world video content provides integrated listening practice – video lesson in every unit plus vox pops throughout the course
  •  - Speaking practice throughout each lesson to help learners become more confident at using new language in the real world.


——/2024更新/【多课吧DOC8.com-2650】Oxford Navigate 英国牛津出版高中以上成人英语课程 全6级学生用书 教师用书 练习册 全彩PDF MP3音频 MP4视频 百度云网盘下载/

├──Oxford Navigate A1 Beginner

| ├──Navigate Beginner A1 Audio.rar 94.86M
| ├──Navigate Beginner A1 Teacher's Notes.pdf 55.09M
| ├──Navigate Beginner A1 Video.rar 424.25M
| ├──Navigate Beginner A1 WB Audio.rar 65.61M
| ├──Oxford Navigate A1 Beginner Coursebook.pdf 54.96M
| └──Oxford Navigate A1 Beginner Workbook with Key.pdf 28.40M

├──Oxford Navigate A2 Elementary

| ├──Oxford Navigate A2 Elementary CB
| ├──Oxford Navigate A2 Elementary WB
| ├──Oxford Navigate A2 Elementary CB Audio.rar 288.32M
| ├──Oxford Navigate A2 Elementary CB Video.rar 342.78M
| ├──Oxford Navigate A2 Elementary Video.rar 115.35M
| └──Oxford Navigate A2 Elementary WB Audio.rar 56.52M

├──Oxford Navigate B1 Pre-Intermediate

| ├──Navigate_Pre_Intermediate_CB.pdf 91.51M
| ├──Navigate_Pre_Intermediate_CB_Audio.rar 176.91M
| ├──Navigate_Pre_Intermediate_Video.rar 564.70M
| ├──Navigate_Pre_Intermediate_WB.pdf 44.15M
| └──Navigate_Pre_Intermediate_WB_Audio.rar 42.51M

├──Oxford Navigate B1+ Intermediate

| ├──Oxford Navigate B1+ Intermediate CB.pdf 93.53M
| ├──Oxford Navigate B1+ Intermediate CBT.pdf 93.55M
| ├──Oxford Navigate B1+ Intermediate TB.pdf 47.40M
| ├──Oxford Navigate B1+ Intermediate WB.pdf 48.27M
| └──Oxford Navigate B1+ Intermediate.rar 869.72M

├──Oxford Navigate B2 Upper Intermediate

| ├──Navigate_Upper_Intermediate_CB
| ├──Navigate_Upper_Intermediate_TN
| ├──Navigate_Upper_Intermediate_WB
| ├──Navigate_Upper_Intermediate_CB_Audio.rar 193.18M
| ├──Navigate_Upper_Intermediate_Video.rar 684.05M
| └──Navigate_Upper_Intermediate_WB_Audio.rar 53.48M

└──Oxford Navigate C1 Advanced

| ├──Navigate_Advanced_C1_SB.pdf 41.54M
| ├──navigate_advanced_C1_tn.pdf 68.94M
| ├──navigate_advanced_C1_wb.PDF 42.42M
| └──Oxford Navigate C1 Advanced.rar 1.23G
下载价格34.9 多课币

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